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The mysteries and miseries of San Francisco. Anonymous.
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The mysteries and miseries of San Francisco

page: (TitlePage) [View Page (TitlePage) ]i' SAN FRANCISCO. BY A OAL'ORNIAN. iNOWNe UP ALL. m TAWOt'suseIAOras AND WOTA mUatas, ( o 3 Or us A sow L0a) THAT MiAVI Wrana IN SAN FRANCICO SIOUITS SUTTLllENT. -JA NEW-YORK: QARRETT & 00., PUBLJBIISER8, No. 18 ANN-STasar. i fi t ,t n. y 4 i ' 4 a . ; I k ;{ °. dr; m - .. - - - - -lowim"Illwo THE MYSTERIES AND MISERIES OF .z E .# r} t f 1 ( _t 4j Y ;£' A , s 'a, 4 S Y , t t a u . . I ' } a § S . , , z ' +,k ,. M . page: 0[View Page 0] I 33 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by GABR ET-T & CO., Inthe Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of N& rk. f - . ______ _ ; t,, - i d C; ! ti 4 t .( a ' i" ' i ., .., ._ S" CHAPTER I. The Alarm-The Flaines-The Ladder. SAN FuANoIsco, on the marge of the sea, with towering hills behind her, lay basking in the sun like a serpent by the side of a rock. The dwellings of the more fortunate classes loomed pleasantly on the side of the large round hills in the distance, and might with the aid of a little fancy, have been metamorphosed into the castellated domains of . the feudal barons whose reign succeeded that of absolute barbar- ism in Europe. Those quiet dwellings amid the solitude of nature, present a vivid contrast to the stirring scenes of the town below, and accordingly all who possess taste and the means of gratify- ing it, rear a building among the hills to which they can retire, after the fat- igues of the day, and solace themselves with the comforts of domestic retiracy, and the grand simplicity of nature. In giving a coup d'wiel at the scene, from the city itself, one is struck by the pointed roof rising above a range of hills which lie to the south west of the noble harbor, and which crowns a dark pile that, on a nearer approach, seems to lean against the side of a mountain upon whose peak linger the last beams of the setting sun. This extensive edifice is the dwelling or homestead of the wealthy ' 4 t f r ' i t b e r OF NFRANCISCO. I - , . page: 8-9[View Page 8-9] 8 MYSTERIES .A and far-famed Senor de Castro, an old, resident of the country, and one of the proudest of the ancient lords of the soil. Ilis horses are the best, his table the most sumptuous, and his servants the most numerous of any ranchero in the regions round about California. It was early on one afternoon in June, 18-, that several young men, mostly Americans, were conversing around a table in one of the principle Caffes in ne young city of San Francisco; a stout robust man nearly forty years of age, and dressed partly in the English style and partly in that of the country, with leggings and heavy blunt spurs,. and a red sash about his middle, was discuss- ing the merit of the auguadent sold in Santiago, -a city of Chille, and having become very eloquent on this important topic, he' set down his glass upon the table so violently as to shatter it to atoms. 'Give me : your good old-fashioned horn tumbler,' cried he, with an oath, 'and leave these baby-toys to the women and children !' You like to take your liquor in a horn ' said a young American clerk to a provision dealer, 'now I prefer a glass, if it were only for the cleanliness of the thing, Yes, by the mass! Give me a glan, To toast a lass. In horns should never be. Remembered when We married men Quaffdenty or cheek thee.' 'You married menP exclaimed the stouter disputant, laughing. £A marriage extempore,' muttered a saturnine young American, with an enormous bead' of black hair. 'When are you going to send that little girl back to her mother?' FRA N tiDA OC ND MISERIES 'Silence, Pothook !' cried the other, 'you know that you would have given all the old shoes in your locker to have got one smile from her, yourself'- 'Yes, envious Pothook," cried anoth- er youth, whose accent betrayed the Cockney, 'if Cardwell has a notion to settle down in the calm of domestic life, and '- ' Settle ! Ten thousand blunderbus- ses!' laughed the stout man, 'When did you ever know Cardwell to settle any- thing but his grog bills-them's the set- tlements he is most accustomed to.' 'But I mean," added the Cockney; ' that he is not running around after every pretty face like-like some people, always excepting the present honorable company, as a matter of course.' ' Oh ! of course!' said Pothook feel- ingly. 'Yet," remarked a tall, pale young man, who seemed to have recovered from some dangerous illness-' Yet, let me tell you that Cardwell is not so innocent after all, as he seems to be. I saw him, the other day, stand for half an hour, looking up at a certain house in Clay. street with all the eyes in his head, and meaning no offence to the gentleman,, I don't by any manner of means dispute his taste.' Oh ! the young villain' cried the stout man, roaring with laughter. In the midst of his jollity and noisy voeiferations, a young fellow from ' the States' who had been silent until then, demurely asked-' Do any of you know what is good for rats?' This made the stout man laugh still louder-' You had better enquire what is bad for rats,' said he at length ; ' for to judge by their sleek hides and plump bellies, I should think they had already had enough that was good and wholesom -perdition catch the born devils! Las night, about an hour before morning '- the speaker stopped, as the sound of a bel rang violently, and the cry of ' fire' a once arose in the streets. 'Never mind, go'yon I' said the Cock ney. 'Never mind the bell,' said Cardwell 'We can't be disturbed in our pleasures by these domestic affairs.' 'Why, by the noise,' said the stout man, 'it would appear that there was a polite invitation given to all citizens that their presence might be required in the adjoining streets, and as the wind is com- ing up fresh 'There is no time to be lost, my good fellows !' cried a tall, elegantly formed youth, rushing into the apartment from an adjoining room. Half the city is in flames!' So saying, the youth hastened away, followed by the revellers. The whole town was in an uproar. As they gained the street, they were met by the strong sea breeze that filled the air with dust, and betokened no good to those whose property was at that mo- ment encircled by the flames. The- Sansome Truck Company, with their hooks and ladders, were rushing by, their scarlet coats powdered with dust, and making the iwelkin ring with their shouts. The elegant youth of whom we have spoken was one of the first that reached the fire. Already was the house of Senor del Castro completely enveloped by sheets of flame, and from the windows of some of the adjoining buildings the streams of fire -darted forth, and moved swiftly off toward the South on the wings of the gale. Several persons, among whom were e Cardwell, and the stout man of the cafe, t busied themselves in tearing up the - planks in the immediate vicinity of the l conflagration, for the streets being laid t down with plank, instead of stones, aid greatly in the spread of the flames. The - firemen, had brought streams of water to bear on the principal building, when suddenly there appeared at an upper window, a fair and youthful female form, evidently belonging to one of the higher t classes of the country, whose dark hair fell in rich masses about her shoulders, and partly concealed a face in which the snow and the rose contended for mae- tery. For an instant every one paused in astonishment, nor was her overmastering beauty unheeded in that moment of fearful excitement; for the cry that a woman was in the house now rose shrilly on the air, and was echoed in every street in the city. The ladders were hurried to the spot by men frantic in their hasto to save so fair a specimen of mortality from 'a dreadful death, while the object of all this interest, the lovely cause of the wild confusion that pervaded the masses below, simply placed one little white hand to her eyes as if to shut out the sight of the surrounding horrors, and steadied herself with the other by placing it on the sill of the window. In the moment that the ladder was placed against the side of the house, a shrill cry was heard in the rear of the firemen, and a stately form was seen forc- ing itself through the throng with giant strides, and thrusting aside e erybody and everything which opposed its pro- gress. One glance was suaficient to con- vince the spectators that the father of the imperrilled girl was rushing to her rescue. His hat was gone, and his dark page: 10-11[View Page 10-11] 10 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES but silvered leeks floated on the breeze, way up the ladder. All eyes were now the sweat stood in beads upon his broad fixed on the adventurer. For a moment forehead, and his face, though bearded all seemed silent except the hysteric and mustachoied according to the custom wailings of the anguished father, and of the country, was pale with anxiety the awful roaring of the flames, as the and horror. wind swept through every aperture of 'Oh, for the love of God !' cried he, the building, and- aded ten-fold to the *my daughter ! my daughter!' fury of the conflagration. As he reached the front of the build- Before Monteagle had reached the ing, the flames gushing from the lower lower sill of the window, he was discov windows drove back the brave men who ered to be on fire ; but at almost the had charge of the :ladder. The Senor same instant, a stream of water from del Castro clasped his hands, and utter- the pipe of an engine drenched him to ing a cry of despair, would have rushed the skin. Then both the youth and the into the house, the lower part of which girl were entirely hidden from view by was completely filled with flames. The the rolling forth of a dense volume of stout man of the cafe threw himself smoke streaked with flame. One cry- upon the distracted father, and by the one general cry of despair burst from timely aid of Cardwell and the Cockney, the throng below, and the Senor, not succeeded in dragging him out of the- -doubting that both his daughter and her reach of danger. But the fire com deliverer had perished, gave a deep groan panics had not been idle while these and sunk senseless to the earth. But events were transpiring. They had loud rose the voice of Charley upon the brought the ladder to the building 'ataiathewflcss--Tyaraiv another place. They had placedit firm- air at the awful crihsis- They are aive ly against the-side of. the:house, when a -yet) Don't be frightened, man, I feel the man, addressing an oflicor of the Fire weight of both of them on my shoulders, Department,-exclaimed ina tone of des- now-now-the ladder shakes! they are pair, ' Oh, my God ! Charley, the ladder coming down !' is too short It don't reach anywhere Several men with large ponchos were near the window.!' crowded around the bottom of the lad- der to smother the flames, in case the .Quicker than thought, Charley placed ldshudbonfr, wa himself in front of the window at which young lady should be on fire, by wrap- the girl stood, and bade them place the pIng her tightly in these ample garments, feet of the ladder on his-shoulders. In and they looked up on hearing the cheer- an ifatant, this was done, one foot of the ful exclamations of Charley. The feet ldder resting on each of his shoulders, and legs of a man were discerned below Thelegaut youth of the cafe then the smoke that had enveloped the upper sprang forward- part of the ladder, then the bottom of a That's right, Monteagle,' cried Char- lady's robe, and finally the face of Mont- ley; 'climb right up by me and then on eagle begrimed and blistered looked. the leader; brig down the youngay down upon the trembling expeetants. or never live to tell of yourfailure.' The head of the girl reclined on the * Dut liefore these words had been fair- shoulder of the gallant youth, her black' ly uttered, the daring youth was half hair flowing down his back, while her OFA N FRA N TCr arms hung listless by his uides-she wa in a state of insensibility.. As soon as Monteagle and his lovely burthen were within reach of the multi tude a dozen hands grasped them, an while the friends of the youth bore himn off on their shoulders to administer suci healing remedies as his case required, fo a part of his hair-his heavy brownie locks-was burnt off, and a blister on his forehead showed too plainly that a moment longer would have consigned both the young lady and her deliverer to the realm from which no returning spirit has come back to describe the final parting of the soul from its material en- velope. The girl herself was carried to the arms of her father, who, just awaking from his swoon, cried in a gasping voice 'Inez ! Inez ! where is my Inez ?' and plucking a sharp-pointed dagger from his breast, he was about to end his agony by thrusting it to the hilt in his heart. Quicker than lightning, the man who was called Charley grasped the wrist of the desperate man, and holding it like a vice in his -stalwart grasp, pointed with the other hand to the girl, and said in his rough masculine voice : I 'None of that ! If I'd thought you would take it so-hard that we had saved' your daughter's life, but we would have -no, not that exactly, for she's worth saving on her 6wn account!' While Charley was delivering this speech, the cinders were raining down on his head, and be shook them off as a lion would have shaken great flies from his forehead, but others were not so in- sensible to a shower of fire-brands, and the Senor was dragged farther from the scene of ruin. When the senor perceived that his s Inez was really by his side, ho gave vent to the most extravagant exclamation of y joy. Rushing to the Chief Engineer, - whom he supposed to be the savior of d his child, he clasped the sturdy fireman a in his arms, called him every name that- h is flattering to the pride of man, emptied r his pockets of all his gold, and tried to force into his hands a precious ring that he wore on his finger, and which was said to contain a diamond of great value. Charley said that his duty called him elsewhere, and we next saw him plung- ing into the thickest of the throng to bring up his forces to the principal point of attack, and to expedite the tearing up of the planks on the street, for they had become thoroughly ignited in some places, and the flames were marching through the slight wooden buildings of the town with the imperious step of a conqueror. No sooner had the young lady recov- vered consciousness, than she raised her- self to her feet, avid looked anxiously on every. side as if in search of some object which she could not find. ' Here eomes your father,' said Card- well, who had been the most officious in bearing off the girl to a place ofs and applying cold water and other roe- toratives to her face and temples. Ines took the band of her father, but still her eyes wandered through the throng as if seeking another, and while she was led away by the old Senor, she walked listlessly and thoughtfully, as if something pressed heavily upon her mind. By this time every gambling-house, every drinking shop, every pulperee, and every theiving den had poured out its crowds upon the streets of San Francis co, and a vast proportion of the inhab- page: 12-13[View Page 12-13] 12 j i r f , { t i } t i i , tl g Of st ti e4 Im t4 e t t v o t f OF SAN FRANCISCO. nts of the city were thronging around street, the Cockney mentioned at the e scene of conflagration. Here was a commencement of this narrative saw a ang of thieves pretending to be very fellow hugging to his bosom a little iron vicious in removing the goods from a safe, and stealthily escaping under cover ore-house that had just kindled, while of the smoke, along the street towards he eager glancing of their eyes, and the the harbor. aif-shy, half-brazen way they shout. , He raised the cry of 'Stop thief! d to each other, by way of encourage- Picaroon! Coquin/!' and in as many sent to preserve and to hasten the work, other languages as he could bring to his efficiently denoted that they had come aid, he gave the alarm to such individu- o purloin whenever an opportunity offer- als as were within the reach of his voice. d, and that their zeal was merely in- The merchants themselves who were near ended to blind the eyes of others, and the spot, joined in the chase, and inless all suspicion in regard to their ulterior than two minutes more than a hundred purposes; and it would seem that no persons were at the heels, of the man ack of opportunity was here, for such with the safe. - He headed directly for was the excitement, such was the confa- the water, and had nearly reached it, ion, the tumbling of men upon others, when a couple of Chinamen in blue nan- he running hither and thither, the cries keens threw themselves across his path. f alarm and distress, the shriek of the The desperate wretch dashed the iron wind, and the roaring of the flames as safe into the face ,of one of them, still hey went leaping, darting, and whirling retaining hold of it, however, and he fell- from house to house, from corner to cor- covered with blood, and then, with one ier, and from street to street, that the hand, the thief grasped the long cue of cautious thief whose heart was marbled the other and jerked him to the ground, against human sufferings, and thought He then darted forward again, leaving only of turning the disasters of others the two disastered Fee-fo-fums sitting to his own advantage, might carry on his upright in the middle of the street, and nefarious trade with almost as much im- uttering the most doleful lamentations. unit as that of the burrowing mole, Amain the crowd came sweeping down to who treasures his stolen grain under the the water's edge, tumbling the two China- earth while the plain above is rent by men over and over, who cried out most the tempest's fury. piteously -while rolling-in the dust under Yet, even in the general whirl of rea- the feet of the pursuers. The thief per- son and reflection attendant upon these ceiving no way of escape on the land, rapid conflagrations, there sometimes sprang into a skiff and pushed off from cbances to be an eye unengaged for a the shore. For a moment, his foes stood moment which may light upon the plun- panting on the shore like baffled tigers, deer in the very nick,of time, and when eyeing the man as with two small oars least expected by himself., Such was he ploughed through the waves and re- the case now, just a °the flames had ceded farther andfarther from the strand. reached Montgomery street, and were At length a loud hail was heard from a reaching forth their long red tongues to- point farther down, some three hundred wards the pile of stores on Jackson yards from the spot where the pursuers 18 were clustered, and on turning their eyes in that direction, the crowd beheld a slender but well-formed youth tugging at a heavy boat, which lay partly on the shore and partly in the water, and vain- ly endeavoring to get it afloat. With a yell that rang on the air like the onset cry of a troop of wild Indians, the whole body of pursuers ran towards the boat. ' Hah! Monteagle, is that you 'P cried our Cockney, who arrived first at the spot-' It was I who gave the alarm! How much is there in the safe'?' ' That is best known to my employers,' return- ed Monteagle evasively, 'enough, .you may be sure, to warrant the most vigor- ous endeavors in getting it into our hands. Those who take the thief will be well rewarded.' ' Come then ! heave 0! heave, ahoi !' cried three or four lusty fellows who had now come up, and applied their shoulders to the boat in goqd earnest. It. began to move, and as it finally slid roaring in- to the waves, Monteagle, and a dozen others leaped on board. A few strokes of their long oars cleared them from the beach and gave free play to their motions as they sunk the blades of their oars deep into the brine, and threw themselves far back at every stroke ; a movement which to the practised eye of the mari- ner at once announced that whatever experience they might previously have had in this line, was not in the service of the nation, but had been acquired in the pursuit of that marvellous fish which swallowed Jonah. seetoproceed from the bottom of The-winds were unusually violent the abdomen, while his heavy goggle eyes that afternoon, and the water was very seemed to be thinking of something al rough. This circumstance was much in together foreign from the subject, and favor of the large boat, and although the continual working of his enorinoug the robber was a powerful man, and ex- mouth led Monteagle to say to himself MYSTERIES ANIP MISRIES ertod his utmost, yet his pursuers oa- tinually gained upon him. He was ob- liged to stop a few moments to bail out his skiff, using one of his boots for that purpose; and this fact at once convinced Monteagle and his men that he labored under great disadvantages in a sharp, combing sea such as was then driving into the harbor. before the screaming gale. The thief himself seemed to give up all hope of escape and relaxed his efforts, no doubt husbanding his strength for exertions of a different character. ' Now, my brave fellows,' cried Mont- eagle, 'lay back and give it to her ! do your prettiest and you can make the old barge hum, and we'll soon come up with that picaroon yonder; and understand that I am authorized to promise a high reward.' 'Oh, never mind the reward,' inter- rupted a stout Irishman, magnanimous- ly. 'It's for the pure honor of the thing that we are working, sure, and to sup- port the laws.' Yes, to support the aws!' cried a short, stout, red-faced fellow, of such equivocal appearance, that one might have taken him for a beardless youth or a man of sixty years, for a native or a foreigner, a cunning knave or a natural fool. H carried an enormous head on his broad round shoulders, upon which were only a few scattering hemp-like hairs, but his cheeks were fat and smooth, and his eyeu always seemed ready to roll out of their sockets. ' Yes, to support the laws P said the strange being, in a smothered tone that I(i 1, i . t j 1 tif+ i ' i }+ $L } i tE ¢a ay i i '' ri , page: 14-15[View Page 14-15] Ii III ftt OF SAN FRANCISCO. is ;, i i " k i; ; ,, , i! jig ({ 11 ; MYSTERIES AND MISERIES that the fellow was 'chewing the cud of it down lustily on the heads and backs of sweet and bitter fancy.' his adversaries in the barge. But now they were within two oars' The diversion which had been made in length of the villain in the skiff,-when favor of the robber, plainly announced the later ceased rowing, and starting up- that the Irishman and the big head were on his feet, brandished one of his oars in accomplices of the former, and had en- the air as if it had been the mace of an tered the barge and joined the pursuit ancient knight, and -rieked out in a in order to render him efficient aid in tone of fury, that he 'would dash in the time of need. skull of any man that laid a flipper on The fight became general. Big Head im !and the Irishman fully engaged the at- A Monteagle stood up in the head of tention of Monteagle and two men of the.boat, this threat might be considered the barge's crew, while therobber, deter- a matter more directly appertaining to mined not to be taken alive, fought with himself than to any other person pres - a desperation igot to be imagined by any ent. Yet, every one uttered a shout of who have never seen a man resolved up- defiance, and half a dozen strokes brought on death or escape. the bare up to the skiff. The head of 'Blast me ' cried the Cockney, 'but the large boat struck the skiff a-mid- these Sydney ducks are hatched out in ships auare off and on, and for the wrong nest,' as he received a kick in an instant it seemed as if the latter the face froa Big Head while the latter would have turned bottom up. The was struggling under a thwart and using balanced his boat well, at both hands and feet to defend himself Thief, however;blndhsboat welle at the same instant that he struck ater- against the loyal portion of the barge's h le blow m w th h oa r uc t e e d o crew . This m elee had lasted om e etim e, tible blow with his oar at the hefall during which the pistol of Monteagle intoar, by jumping dexterously aside had passed into the hands of the big oa, aty smemg oetrewly asid ishman, who falling a second- time and, atote same . moment, hrew from the effects of a chance blow deal pistol fromby his accomplice in the skiff, posted die was surprsed by a powerful blow the weapon at Monteagle as he fell, and pA the sidetof his head which came from pulled the trigger. The charge took bhind Turning his hbeadhe saw the effect on the youth; everything grew g Irishman who had so gallantly dis- suddenly dark around him, and he fell clained, all intei-ested motive with both senseless into the. bottom of the boat. Asta double and ready to repeat the blow The battleshowever, was still waged with which had nearly deprived him of recol' 'elentle iury on both sides. The rob- legti~n e This, however, lasted but .an b eedby thehope of fial victory, sat i for all was confusion now. The now spirang iorn his skiff into-the barge, Tishman was choked down by uan- and stamping on the head of Monteagle fish eooptr; the man with the big head as he lay insenaible under the thwarts, age wide mouth canme to the aid of the he used his oar, now broken intoi d on- eeian, while the robber in the skiff veent shape and size, about the heads d4sbed his oar into the-faces and brought of his enemies. To say that blood flow- ed, would be nothing new, as there- was scarcely a man in the boat who had not received a wound already ; but now heads and arms were broken ; sometimes Big Head and the Irishman were both down at a time, and then victory.seemed certain to the loyal party; then the for- mer would be up again and fighting des- perately. But three men against eight or nine could not hold out forever, and the big Irishman, at length, reeled and sank, overcome by fatigue and loss of blood. Big Head was then silenced by a rap on the skull with a tiller, and after a most desperate resistance, the robber- himself was bound hand and foot. The crew then sat down to take breath, and next proceeded to wash the blood from their faces. On their way to the shore they were met by another boat that had put off to their assistance, and in her was recognized Mr. Vandewater, one of the firm that had been robbed. 'Where's Monteagle?' was the first enq'.uiry of this gentlemen as the two boats met. The boat's crew started and looked about them, discovered the youth lying senseless . in' the bottom of the boat. Smarting under their own wounds, and hot with the late contest, they had en- tirely forgotten the lad who led the charge. ' Oh 1' said the Cockney, bind-. ing a handkerchief about his scarred head, 'I had like to have forgotten him, sir. It was he that first got hold of the barge-I was the one that saw the thief take the safe-I gave the first alarm,I sir-' Mr. Vandewater by this time held the head of young Monteagle on his knee,I and was examining ito his condition, but, looking pp a moment, he replied to the Cockney, 'And the safe, where is it!'1 'There, now,' ejaculated the robber as 11, Z i i Ff 3333' } y !{ S i ' i ti t 44 t d' j: 1 i 4 ii { t r l Ii he wiped. the bloody foam from his moush against his shoulder, 'what a fool I was that I did'nt east the d.---. thing into the drink, God! they'll get it. Mr. Vandewater assisted in removing Monteagle to the other boat, and telling the men in the barge to call in the morn- ing at his house, he told the rowers in his own yawl to pull for the skiff. The little bark was soon reached, and the safe was found in its bottom. Mr. Van- dewater took possession of his property, and returned speedily to the shore with Monteagle, whose situation, if he were indeed alive, required immediate atten- tion. When the barge reached the landing, there was no lack of welcomers on the beach, for the latter part of the battle in the boat had been observed by many spectators. The robber, who had es- caped injury better than could have been expected, was handed out of the barge amid the shouts of the populace and taken possession of by the police.; but, strange as it may seem, the Irish- man and Big Head were suffered to go among their friends ; perhaps it was judged by their appearance that they had suffered punishment enough already. The devastations of the fire had been wide and fearful. In an incredible short time, a large portion of the cit had been laid in ruins.-Houses and streets had suffered alike, the planking of the thoroughfares rendering them equally combustible with the buildings. On the day succeeding these events, a pale youth, with a bandage about his temples, lay in a darkened room some two miles from the town of San Francis- co, seeming to be as&enp ; and yet the almost marble whiteness of th" features might have led a casual spectator to 15 page: 16-17[View Page 16-17] 16 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES suppose that the coroner was required in his case, rather than the surgeon. The bed upon which he lay, as well as the chaste elegance of the furniture, about the apartment, betokened that the master of the- mansion had eminently been successful in the general sruggle for wealth, and also that he possessed a liberal taste which enabled him to em- ploy his means for the embellishment as well, as for the support -of life. The windows of the chamber looked out upon an extensive garden, nicely arranged and kept, and romantically varied with rocks and underwood of natural growth. The house'itself was an elegant edifice stand- ing on a hill-side, and commanding a fine view of the surrounding country. -.CHAPTER II. The Breaking Heart--A Scene of Ten- derness and Despair. The pale slumberer lay perfectly still, and a close observer could scarcely have perceived that he breathed. Thus had he lain a few moments, when a side door - slowly opened,~and a fair feminine coun- tenance, a perfect blonde, surmounted with a profusion of flaxen ringlets, was thrust gently into the apartment. Then the door opened wider, and the symmetri cal form of a young girl of seventeen years stood in the apperture. She lis. tened a moment, and then advanced on tiny foot into the chamber ; then th other-; and finally she stood within the apartment, but with the door left opex behind her. There stood the beautifu sylph trembling and pale, and sometimes looking back, as if hesitating whether t proceed or return. At length she step lightly forward and fixed her eyes upoi the countenance of the slumberer. She instantly clasped her hands across her bosom, raised her.large blue eyes to hea- ven, and an expression of deep agony rested on those sunny features, like a heavy thunder cloud passing over a beauteous landscape in midsummer. Her timidity seemed to have fled with the first glance that she had bestowed upon the invalid. Turning her back to- wards him, she even murmured aloud, 'And all this he has suffered for the preservation of my uncle's property. Oh! why could he not have delegated Cuat duty to others more fitted for such rude work? Already had he performed a deed sufficient to gild his name with perpetual glory--in saving an accom- plished--an-an-in saving human life ; for it matters not who she was. To save a life is enough, and at the risk of his own.' She turned and looked once more at the sleeping youth ; again she pressed her hands against her heart, and, this time, she sighed deeply. A footstep was I heard in the passage way, approaching the door that opened into the hall, and gliding through the one at which she had entered, the young girl had retired, just as two other individuals entered the sick chamber. One of those who now ap- proached the couch of the invalid was a tall, slender, middle-aged man, elegant- -a ly attired, and yet with a sort of grace- e ful negligence which drew the attention e of the observer rather to the manners e and bearing of the gentleman himself, n than to the garb in which he was ar- l rayed. s The other gentleman wore a plain suit o of black, was of middling height, with t light hair and eyes, and probably thirty n years of age. i'ai OF SAN FRANCISCO. 17 Yes, doctor,' said the latter gentle- 'You must not let him be disturbed men, as they entered the room. 'It is sir, and I will leave something to be ad- as t ou.' minstered to him as soon as he wakes.' 'But, sir,' returned the other, ' recol- 'I don't think you heard my last ob- end the aquaintanship-female timidity servation, sir. a e gentleness of the sex's nature. 'Oh, yes-1 heard, sir. You remark. To see one whom she had so long known ed that she was the daughter of your dangerously wounded, brought suddenly esteemed brother: but, pray, sir, if the into the house, with a mind unprepared; young people love one another"-- remember all the attendant circumstan- 'You don't understand me, sir,' was ces, Mr. Vandewater, and you will not the quick, coup de parole of the mer- be astonshed that the poor girl exhibit- chant. 'I did not say that the young ed symptoms of agitation.' people loved each other.' 'Oh, yes, yes, my dear sir. Other. 'Ah! flow I understand,' said the wise she would not be woman,' replied surgeon, looliing really concerned. cI the merchant. 'Agitation, sympathy, see-you wish to preserve your niece's pity, all these were to be expected. But, happiness, not to prevent it!' sir, she would have been frank in the 'Exactly, sir. There is not a man in expression of her sympathy if all had the world to whom I would sooner marry been well, Instead of that, she strove my niece, than to him who lies before to hide her concern. She became as you. Of unquestioned integrity, can- pale as chalk-as white as milk, sir ; and did, honorable, devoted movd of wthot utern labdfe -ote omy interests, moved off without uttering a syllable, of elegant manners, without being ffem- or making the least inquiry, and if my iate, humane as he is bravo, well edu- wife had not followed her and supported cated, and of respectable parentage. I her to her chamber, she would have fell find no fault in Lorenzo Monteagle. lifeless to the floor.' none at all, sir. But my niece shall be 'His pulse is better,' said the doctor, forced upon no man, sir. The king's whose thoughts now ran in the line of his son is not good enough for her, when it profession, and who had taken the youth comes to that.' by the wrist. He will escape a fever- 'But will he not, in tinie, admire Miss it was thatI dreaded.' Julia, sir. It appears to me, that if I ' And then her aunt has remarked her were a bachelor '-- deportment while in the presence of the ' You should'nt have her if you were, young man.- sir '-interrupted Vandewater with a 'A fine constitution, sir. You must burst of laughter that made the oun- not throw him away-don't give him up ded man start in his sleep, ' would I yet. I think he will be restored to you, have a son-in-law or a nephew-in-law, after all.' think you, that carries about with him 'She is. the daughter of a beloved such awful weapons-those horrible brother, whose death, some ten years ago, saws, gimlets, I know not what you call occasioned me the most poignant dis- them, I should never feel sure of my tress. and I shall tale care of her as legs and arms one moment, while he if sh" was my own child.' was in the house-ha! ha ! ha!' page: 18-19[View Page 18-19] 18 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES ' However that may be,' said the hills and through the valleys towards other, 'if I were a young swain like the town of San Francisco. your paragon here, I should deem my. Several days had passed since the self but too happy to try to win a smile occurence of tbe events mentioned from that fair niece of yours, and if you above, when on a fair morning, a pale are really willing that the match should youth sat in a recess at the bottom of take place '-re I. the merchant's garden. A staff stood by ' It will never be,' returned the mer- his side, an evidence that he was not yet chant, gravely interrupting the surgeon able to walk without support, and his -' Monteagle is very fastidious, even in white attenuated hands were pressed to- his friendship. He is a singular young gether in his lap, while his large blue man. It must be a..particular woman eyes, which looked nearly black when that strikes his fancy, possessed of deci- contrasted with his white brow, were fix- ded qualities; none of your pretty faces ed upon some object in the distance. and piano songs will steal away his His gaze rested on the dwelling place of heart. Of that I am too well assured. Senor del Castro; but what were his More than one young lady has tried her reflections, we cannot pretend to divine ; utmost skill '- nor was he long permitted to indulge But has the man no heart ? them without interruption. 'So decidedly one that it must have a From behind a cluster of bushes near, decided choice,' cried the merchant, 'be- sailed out a figure in a white dress, which fore it can consent to own itself the floating gently towards the invalid, pla- property of another. He likes the so- ced one hand upon his arm, and caused ciety of ladies ; but he does not prefer him to turn suddenly towards her. one to another. I am persuaded that he 'Mr. Monteagle, I'm glad to see you has never seen the woman he'can love. abroad once -more. OhI it looks so much He has known Julia more than two more natural to see you up and stirring, years, and has never treated her differ- that it really reminds me of old times.' ently from other women. , But it mat- With a smile slightly sarcastic, the ters not. So you think the young man youth replied-' I am but too happy to is fairly out of danger?' be the cause of reviving pleasant remin- 'It might be going too far to say so, iscences in the mind of Miss Vandewa- sir-but I think he will recover. I ter. would not be afraid to stake a hundred A deep blush passed over the cheek ounces on the event.' and brow of the fair girl as she replied : 'Glad to hear that. I don't doubt 'You are very severe, sir. I will say your skill, Doctor, so let us walk below then, in downright English, since I must, and finish that old Madeira before it gets that I am rejoiced to see you improved any sourer.' in health, with a fair chance of recovery. After another brief examination of Now, Mr. Critic; are you satisfied? his patient, the surgeon followed Mr. ' Oh ! no doubt I ought to be, since Vandewater down stairs ; and in half an Miss Vandewater has used the commonly hour afterwards might have been seen approved phrase which custom has made :nounting his horse and winding over the necessary for all like' occasions.' OF SAN FRANCISCO. 'Nay, then I will send Inez del Castro 'She said, *thanks, thanks, generous to you: no doubt she will do the honors American-my father will bless your of the occasion better--.-at least her name at the altar ill GodleIssu mode will be more original than mine.' all she said, ar of his God' It was Miss Vandewater uttered the latter smoke stifled he nexh moment the part of the sentence in a quick, hurried sible on m boshme e manner, and in spite of herself, delivered 'And, oh onc the word 'original' in a tone of consid- Vandewat Monteagle l' cried Mi enable bitterness. The tears rose to her looking upwards, iwe heard that ou eyes, and she blushed deeper than ever. were nearly perishing in the flames ' It was plain that she would have given As she-uttered these words, the t much to recall her words and manner; gushed from hereyes wd thro he ars but it was too late. The youth looked self on er eyes, and throwing her- down and sighed. . p arcna he feet of the T invalid, she covered her face with her The young lady heard that sigh, and hands and wept aloud at the recollection it seemed to restore her to all her digni- of that bitter mo t ty. She lifted her head and shook back 'Ungrateful wretch that I the flaxen curls from her snowy brow. unworthyotIam, how ' yrw oty of this mrethan -tr i, 'I know that you are not acquainted terest which she tkes in mystefrl m- with Inez, though she-fainted in your said Monte-gle to himself, and placing arms! It was very romantic.' one of his hands upon the head of the Monteagle had great self-possession ; unhappy girl, he said-Oh!h it was not but he was obliged to turn his face part- so bad as that a stream of waters ly aside to conceal an expression of sur- removed all inconveremo waerysoon prise and sorrow at the broad raillery in. trifling burn was all that a fvery to which the young lady suffered herself The girl looked up, seized the ba.d to be betrayed by feelings too that had been betooobpalpbleathahadhben extended to her, kissed it to be mistaken. The many instances in vehemently, and fled, blushing, to the which she had evinced jealousy of any house of her uncle. att nation showed by Monteagle to other 'If the sacrifice of my life could ma ladies, had long since let him into the her happyk' ejaculated Monteold makh seet-if secret it could be called. ing the tears from his eyes which h 'Miss Vandewater,' said he, at length could no longer restrain 'I have seen the daughter of Senor del Castro but twice in my life, and have spoken to. her, but on one occasion When I stood at the top of the ladder enveloped in flame, I asked her to trust herself in my arms, and without betray- - ~- - ing any affected delicacy, yet with great feminne dignity she placed her fopt on the ladder and declined upon my shoul- der.' - I 'And did she say nothing?' 0 page: 20-21[View Page 20-21] 20 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES CHAPTER III. The Dance House-The Bella Union- The Last Stake ! THE night was dark in San Francisco -that city far away on the confines of the Pacific. And far other scenes and other deeds are witnessed there than it ever entered into the imagination of the dwellers on the Atlantic sea-board to conceive of. Description is at fault; words cannot paint the mingled web, and fancy has no colors sufficiently vivid to depict the peculiar state of society in the newly-risen metropolis of California. Naturalists describe the state of the world long before man became a dweller upon the earth, and the fossils which they cure tell of strange animals that once existed here unlike anything which the world now presents. In Pacific street-named after the ocean that rolls her floods to the very doors of the Californian traders-there are several houses in which congregate the lower class of ruffians and pleasure- seekers, where the tamborene and fiddle are seldom allowed to rest, where the merry dance is kept up the live-long night by men of all nations, all complex- ions, and all professions. Here may be seen the Lasear, the Mulatto, the Chi- han, the Brazillian negro, the Nantucket whaleman, the escaped convict from Bo- tany Bay, the red-faced Englishman, the native of, the soil, the Mexican ; and every other class and nation is here re- presented. Men of standing, wealthy people here flock promiscuously with the lowest classes of all countries. It was in one of these dance halls, where the usual throng was engaged in beating the floor with their feet to the tune of the most simple instruments of music. Now a tall smooth fellow of jet blackness asked a light-haired Yankee to touch glasses with him, while a little infirm man in a blue nankeen jacket, who had once been the mate of a ship, could find nothing better than to explain to a Chinese sailor, in one corner, the way in which a Turk's head-knot was made upon a rope. But for the most part, boisterous mirth prevailed, some danced as if they had been bitten by a tarantula, while others roared out snatches from such songs as ears polite are not often saluted with. Whatever was done was thoroughly done, done with a vengeance, without restraint and without fear of disturbing the neighbors.- I On the night which we have mention- ed, the noise and confusion was unusual- ly great, the throng was more numerous than common from the fact that one watch was on shore from a whaleship in the harbor, and they had all blundered into this hall to drink and be merry. 'Keep it up!' cried one long-legged, broad-shouldered fellow, throwing up one of his feet to the very wall and then dancing with a violence that threatened to bring down the roof about his ears. ' He's a boatsteerer,' said one of the ship boys'-' he's great at striking a whale,' and he gazed with admiration on this specimen of Nantucket enterprise. 'Keep it up !' shouted the boatsteerer making his long legs fly about the room as if he was under the influence of a galvanic battery. 'Keep it up!' screamed he again, as he caught a short Englishman by the arm and tried to inspire' him with a por. tion of his own enthusiasm. 01 SAN ERANCISCO. 21 ''Yes, yes.' said the Englishma., biting will look a great while before they-, off the end of a tobacco plug, and walk. 'Alh ! hush jist now! don't name it, ing off to thhe other side of the room to for yees don-t know what ears is open, get out of the wind of those formidable if you was only to spake of the sand legs. hils-' 'Keep it up!' bawled the boatsteerer ' Hush, noo, Patrick ! would ye be to a cou e of Irishmen who happened to after revaling it all, and we sworn on the enter at the moment; and so it appear- howly 'vangellers too ?' ed that the sunm and substance of all 'But as for the Monteagle there, that was in this man's cranium could be Jamie, there must soomething be done, xpressed in those simple words 'Keep for Montgomery swears he'll have his it up,' a phrase that he continued to utter life, for the taking the safe from him, the periodically throughout the entire even bloody robber ! ing. 'Faith, boy, make yourself perfectly But neither the Englishman nor the easy, then, for there's another way to two Irishmen obeyed the summons on kill a cat besides the putting of a slug this occasion. Theyhad'kept it up' too into her countenance, sure,' and Jamie often and too long to be peculiarly enthu- win e sagaciously. eousg know then iastic at the sound of a fiddle. 'het er is going to under- two latter especially seemed to have take for him.' other matter in hand, and seating their-.' Och, thin, don't you belave the bit of serves upon one corner of a bench near t-one of these gintlemen will never the dves upon he cn enhnearsshoot another. Wolf won't ate wolf' te door, they thus exchanged thoughts 'ie ertaby tsnttl in a sotto voice which,in the uproar that Niver fear that, boy. It's not the - ocewhch i t. pra.thtshooting I'm com'nga-buMrBo prevailed, was completely inaudible to g' gat;but Mr. l3lod- ybuthget is one of ourself, the same as you any but themselves,.n Io 'Have you aver seed him since then ?' and, 'ly it is in a more dacenter way bsteqb anddid'nt he promise to get him into was the question propounded by the wosser trouble up at the 3ella Union'-- shorter of the two. ' Arrah, but when will he cotch him 'Faith! and only once, and then I there, think yu, and Mantgomery all draped a trigger on him from behind the the time perishing, the poor boy, for bush, Patrick, but a lump of a gal com'd want of his revinge! And the loss of the out and stood in the way, or I'd kilt him safe too that weighs heavy upon his at wunst; but there was no use of get- sperrits like a leaden sinker all the time ting up a yell from the gal that wud have --Och, the bloody robber!' brought all the payple in the house about ' Och ! the murtherer,' cried the oth- my ears. er. 'and did'nt I see the pistol in his 'An' I blieve you are right, Jamie, hand when he stood up in the barge, and for them Vigilance Committees is kaping in a minnit Montgomery would have a bright lookout, now, for the like o'that; been come to his nat'ril end by foul and I seed one of 'em up in the Boome- means, but I jit chucked him under the rang jist when I was booming down-, ear a bit and he lighted down in the bot- 'Ay, faith, Patrick, and it's on account tom of the boat like a breaker full of of Montgomery that they're shying water.' around this way, I'm thinking; but they 'Bad nok o the likes of him, Janie, page: 22-23[View Page 22-23] 22 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES the unspakable murtheriog scoundrel ! It's the like of him that spoils the coun- thry intirely, and a poor man like you and me is scragged for trying to get a dacent living in our own way.' 'Och, botheration ! don't spake to me Patrick, for I'm as mad as my skin can hould now, when I think that I didn't put the could lead into his bowels, but it was all on account of the slip of a gal that would have given the ala-r-m if I had shot him, jist.' 'You shot him once, Jamie, and if'- 'Ab, boy, if I had took a fair aim in the boat, but my head was lower than my heels, as I was tumbling over like a duck wid one wing, and the ball jist touched him in the ribs, like-but no matter, Patrick. Montgomery will come to his revinge through Master Blodget wh d pretends to be a gentleman like hisself, though he's one of us sacret like, f th h'or the benefit of the society, jist, Here the two, amiable interlocutors were interrupted by a squabble that had :grown up between the long boat steerer and.some Chilian new comers whom he had desired to ' keep it up,' and not sat- isfied with applying ' morql suasion' to the ease, he had taken the liberty to drag one or two of them into the middle of the floor by their long ear locks. Not hearing to dance on compulsion, they struck long-legs with their fists, and he gave them battle. He kept them at a distance a few moments with his long arms, but they made up for this by draw- ing their cochillars. Brandishing their knives they rushed upon him with great fury. Theother whalemen interfered in behalf of their shipmate, while all the scholars present took sides with their countrymen The battle threatened to be serious, and blood had already begun to. flow, when the door opened and a stout, broad-shouldered man entered the apartment. ' Charley, is that you? shouted the master of the house. ' Yes, what is the muss?' cried the new-corner, whom the reader will recog- nize as the hero of the fire who took the ladder on his shoulders-' Hullo r here r knives out! daggers drawn ! Down, you rascals!' Charley then seized two of the most forward of the combatants in his Her- culean grasp, and hurled them against the wall, while the rest, recognizing the famous engineer, fell back, breathing heavily and eyeing their adversaries with murderous spite. Patrick and Jamie, who had thus far taken no part in the affray, felt them- selves aggrieved by the presence of an official whom they had no particular reasons for admiring, and whose presence had more than once been a check upon their professional labors. They first be- gan to grumble together in a low voice, and finding that they could do this with impunity, they felt emboldened to pro- ceed still farther. ' The boys has got to be very civil in these times,' said Patrick. 'Oh ! it was nothing but a little spree like, they was having-no harm at all, at all, in a free country, just for a lark like,' returned Jamie carelessly. ' But the laws is very strict for all that,' said Patrick, nodding graciously. 'Oh, murder, yes,' returned Jamie, 'its English laws they are like more than like what it used to be, before their'--- 'You mane the Vigilance Committee, Jamie ; oh! bad luck to 'em, they is no lawful powers any how. There's niver been any good in the place since they began to meddle with the payple.' OF SAN FRANCISCO. 23 Several of the company drew near the clapped Ms hands familiarly on the two Irishmen and seemed to be interes- shoulder of Charley, saying--' How ted in their discourse, while Charley, in about that prisoner of yours ? all safe, conversation with the keeper of the den, eh ?' eyed them at a distance. 'Montgomery, do you mean ?' asked In the mean time, the two orators, be- Charley in his deep base voice. lieving they were at the head of a con- 'Alh! that was his name I believe. siderable party, got on their feet, and He' triced up, I take it--scragged, began to swagger about the hall and as the Botany boys call it. Ha ! ha ! ha 1' swing their fists in close proximity to 'You must have heard that he has es- such persons present as they supposed to caped, Mr. Blodgeti' be unfavorable to their views. Jamie ' Escaped!I Alh !' cried Blodget, with was particularly violent until he hapen- a start of real or pretended surprise-- ed to graze the shoulder of Charley 'the devil ! Got loose, eh ? No man is who, shooting out a fist that would have safe while such fellows are abroad,' and startled an ox, struck the big Irishman he placed his hand on the guard of his under the ear and felled him to the gold watch---'but how did it happen, floor. Charley ? Come, boy, how did he get What would have been the result of away, the villian ?' this demonstration, if the door' had not 'If you haven't heard ' returned Char- opened at the moment, we cannot say, ley, looking circumspectly at his inter- but all- eyes were turned upon the indi- rogator,' I'll enlighten you on that sub- vidual who now made his appearance. ject.' This was a man of youthful appearance, ' Do, do, I'm all impatience.' some thirty-five years of age, rather tall 'So I per-ceive, announced the Engi- and well made, with red whiskers and neer. ' You must know that Montgom- moustaches and a very good set of teeth. e y, the thief, nas placed in the room of He was a little pock-marked though not the Vigilance Committee, and Peter was enough to injure his chance with the la- set over him as a guard : that is, the door dies, and his manner was both brisk and was locked and Peter was on the out- .side.' ostentatious. He was dressed in thesd extreme of fashion, with a profusion of Yes, yes, I understand; and so he . . jumped out the window.' rings on his fingers, and his. entrance fil- 'No, not that exactly, for the windows led the dingy apartment with the scent were barred and fastened ; but he made of musk.-Taking out a blue silk hand- a hole through the plastering above, and kerchief with which he made as if he getting on a table and some other lum- would have wiped his face, and which he her he climbed up into the room above then flourished about the room a me- and so he got clear.' meant, he thrust out a leg as if to exhibit ' Oh ! the villian !' roared Blodget. at a boot of patent leather, and planting the same time rubbing his hands very his heel jauntily on the. floor, he put the unlike a man who was indignant at the question- escape of a felon. 'Well, boys, has Monteagle called here Charley observed the strange inconsis- for me. to-night?' teney of Blodget's conduct, and when, a Without waiting for an answer he moment afnrwards, Minteagle thrust his page: 24-25[View Page 24-25] 24 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES head into the open window and hailed cried Blodget with a great show of vir- Blodget by name, the Engineer cast a tuousindignation--' that is-except you rapid glance first at the latter and then know-where for mere amusement one at the former while a cloud came over takes a cue with a friend. By the bye, his brow as if he was sorry to see the are you good at shoving a ball, Mont- youth in such company, eagle' 'Billiards you are 'speaking of. With an almost imperceptible wink Oh, I like that game well enough, for to the two Irishmen, Jamie and Patrick, exercise. I cannot call myself a profi- the gay young man rushed out the door cient, though I can once in a while put and confronted 'his friend Monteagle.'- something in a pocket.' 'Upon my word you look vastly improv- 'But you don't believe in putting ed,' said lBlodget as he drew Monteagle something into your own pocket-ha, ha. towards Kearney street, and pressed his Nor in taking something out of your arm cordially. 'I was afraid it was all neighbor's. Well it is robbery. It day w'th you, one while, and I can as- makes me so mad sometimes to see how sure you that Mr. Vandewater was deep- these things are done: but here we are ly concerned about you That man at the Bella ; let's just in and overlook holds you in high esteem, Monteagle; you the game. may depend upon that. He fairly lost They entered a very large apartment flesh when you were considered dubious.' where- all the conveniences and imple- 'I believe, sir, that my employers ments for gambling were found arrayed place entire confidence in me,' returned according to the most approved style. Monteagle, 'and that is all that I expect Nothing was wanted to render this es- of them. But, pray, where are you tablishinent equal to its 'illustrious pre- bound to-night l~ After my long confine- decsos nteodwrdadi h ment I should like to see a little leas -ecessors' in the old world and in te ' p.e.s. Atlantic cities. ure. I feel a great inclination to wander .Here were refreshments offered to all on the sea shore, or go on a little boating co er refes.Wnsoeredfreely exgrio. comers free of cost. Wines were freely excursion.' 'Done, sir. I will go with you on poured out and segars presented, so that Sunday, or whenever you please ; but, 'good old-fashioned hospitality'- was for the present, suppose we just drop in never displayed in these degenerate days here at the Belle Union and see some of so bountifullysas Monteagle saw it exhi- these enterprising gents lose a few slugs, bited at the famous Bella Union. and the wry faces that they make.' A large table devoted to the game of 'I've heard sad stories of that place,' Rouge et Noir invited the attention of returned the youth, but suffering himself our two friends. A Californian of swart to be led in the direction of the gambling countenance and sinister aspect, here house. 'I have heard that mote money deals Monte for the benefit of the green- has been lost there than ever changed horns who throng around the golden hands in the hells of Baden, at the sal- piles in momentary expectation of seeing oons of the Palais Royal, or at Crock- them flit into their own pockets, but ford's. I have a strong dislike to every though riches have wings, they do not species of gambling.' fly in that direction. In lieu of that the 'So have I. Thunder and Mars: I few acres which the 'Squatteroez' have think It no better than highway robbery,' left them, go rapidly out of their possess OF SAN FRANCISCO. 25 sion. Then the Faro players were hoarse oaths of some loser not yet grown thr ing roun k he table, certain of a sufficiently hardened to stifle his emo- change of luck next time, and verifying ,tions as he thinks of his poor wife and the poet's declaration that 'man never little children whom he has robbed of is, but always to be blest.' Each saga- their support by his last venture. cious adventurer fancies himself a per- Monteagle looked with a shudder at feet La Place or Newton in calculation, the scene presented to his eyes, as he and believes that he has, at last, master- entered this spacious apartment devoted ed the complex elaboration of chances, to the goddess of Ruin, and glittering and shall eventually ' bust the bank.' with gilded baits to serve the purposes Unmitigated ass! Even though your of those who, in the worst sense of the power of calculation surpassed that of terms might be called 'fishers of men.' Zerah Colburn, you would be sure to An impression far from agreeable was lose, even admitting that the game was made upon the mind of the youth when fairly played. . he noticed that Blodget who had been But watch with the eyes of an Argus, recommended to his attention by the and think with the profundity of a juniorember of the firm in whose ser- Fourier, and that placid, smooth-tongued vice he was-not only evinced no e arbiter of Fortune, will look you in the tion at the fearful scenes enacted bfo eyes and cheat you out of every farthing him, but that he also replied to the famil- you have got. . iar addresses of the practical gamblers On all the tables except the last which like one who had long been on terms of we have described, piles of yellow oro. intimacy with them. But the impression like veritable offerings upon these altars gradually wore off under the influence of Mammon, make the heart of avarice of the music, to the soothing effects of ache, ay, and infect those who are not which Monteagle was peculiarly susep- very greedy of lucre with a touch of the tible and a glass of excellent wine tend- yellow fever. Gold in dollars, gold in ered him by an attendant contributed to five dollar pieces, gold in ten dollar coins, fortify his spirits and prepare him for at gold in twenty dollar pieces, gold in slugs, least, enduring the strange events that gold in lumps, gold in bars, gold in dust were taking place around him. -gold in every and any shape meets One very genteel middle-aged man, the dazzeled eyes of visitors, look where apparently a Mexican, passed by them you will; and' those bland gentlemen with a smile upon his countenance, on who ery ' Make de game, gentlemens- his way to the door. Pride was evident- No moe, the game is made,' and who so ly struggling with despair, for he had liberally furnish the sparkling wine gra- just lost his all, and that smile sat upon tis, stand ready to hand over to you any his cadaverous features like a sunbeam or all of those glittering piles as soon as upon a charnel house. Nevertheless, he you win them! walked erect, and maintained a certain During all this time, bursts of deli, air of dignity, till he passed the portal, cious music float through the apartment, as some men have done while going to the harmonies of Bellhii and Mendel- ' the scaffold. sobn contrasting strange ly with the Tfhat sight would have been sufficient page: 26-27[View Page 26-27] 26 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES of itself to have inspired Monteagle with ing lost part of his gold, he seemed des- a horror of gambling; but he was des- perately bent upon winning it back or tined to see other sights than this. The loosing the whole. He bent over the working of the countenances which fell cards with bloodshot eyes, he scarcely under his eye, the sudden flush of hope, breathed, except when some one spoke to the blood receding from the features and him, and then with a short hysteric leaving them white as death-all these laugh and words half uttered, he replied things the youth saw, and inly cursed as if not doubting of ultimate success, the wretches whose band smiles and while his manner and tone gave the lie tempting wines were leading on the hard- to his pretended confidence. But his working laborer to deposite the last grain last venture had been made, and with )f gold dust in their greedy coffers. .eyes fixed and glassy, he watched the There were some poor gold-diggers, process which ended by rendering him who longed for even a more sudden' penniless and a beggar. He fell back, shower of wealth than the mines affor- gasped for breath, and in the next mo- ded them; men from .the States who, ment, he lay upon the floor a corpse ! while loosing their gettings at faro as Monteagle flew to the spot, but he fast as they won them from the soil, were stood there alone, as nobody seemed to writing home to their wives, that gold think the event worthy of their atten- was hard to get on account of the tion. Finally, however, the body was drought-more rain was required. Alas ! removed. But who shall describe the if it had rained gold slugs, they would patient watching and waiting of that only have gathered the treasure to dis - poor wife the anxious inquiries of the sipate it all in games of chance.-But little children when their father's prom- even of these all were not equally reek- ised coming was delayed week after week, less. One unfortunate creature had, by and month after month-or the anguish long and arduous labor secured about of the bereaved family when at length five thousand dollars worth of gold dust. they learned the truth, and instead of He had written to his family in the moving to a snug little farm, in the en- State of Vermont, in high spirits, as- joyment of a comfortable independence, curing them that he should be at home they were carted off to the Alms lou-e in a short time ; should buy some land friendless and despised ? and stock it, and that their days of pov- Blodgett was evidently troubled by erty were over. But coming to San thse practical illustrations of the evils Francisco in order to embark for home of gambling, which occurred at a very, he had been beguiled into the belief that unfortunate time for his purposes. He, he could double his money at the Bella however, contrived to make Monteagle Union. He was playing when Montea- swallow several glasses of liquor which gle entered, and although ignorant of his was not without, its effects, and served in history, the youth's attention was, at a great measure to deaden his sensibli- once, drawn to him by the emotion of ties. The music, too, floated through his manner, and the intense anxiety the apartment, like a syren beckoning which he betrayed as heap after heap of I with her white and jewelled hand the his treasure departed from him. Hav- I thoughtless to their doom. OF SAN FRANCISCO. 27 It was.midnight-Monteagle, reclined on a settee, which overlooked the table of rouge et noir, and feeling the sooth- ing effect of music and wine, said to Blodgett- ' After all, Blodgett, there is a certain amount of evil in this world, and I do not know that one can make it less. It is like filling up part of a lake-the wa- ters only retire to another part.' 'Yes,' interrupted the other carelessly -as he adjusted his cravat---'and the ministers have been preaching for eigh- teen centuries, and what have they ac- complished? They have only changed the character of sins, occasionally, while the same amount remains. ' True,' said Monteagle, who was in a condition'to be pleased with a congenial mind-' the Puritans, for instance, were too pure to eat mince pies or kiss a child on Sunday ; so they made up for that by murdering Quakers and witches' 'And what are speculators of all kinds but gamblers ?' continued the tempter ; 'forestalling markets, laying up grain, and- other necessaries of life to increase the price and wring the last cent from the hard hands of the laboring poor." There was so much truth in all this that Monteagle began to entertain a higher opinion than ever of his compan- ion, without reflecting that the man who spoke thus would not scruple to do these very things himself, and much worse. ' It is as you say,' returned Monteagle quite warmly-' your views coincide with mine exactly. It is singular, but I had supposed you to be a man of less reflec- tion and philosophy. I now perceive that you are a man of thought'-.-a 'Oh ! I have my views as well as oth- ers, that's all You must know that I was intended for a minister, and went to Andover. But come, just for amusement let's try our luck a little here. You can stop when you please, you know.' The, proposition was rather sudden ; Blodget saw the flush that shot into Monteagle's cheek, and quickly added- ' To be a man of the world it is abso- lately necessary to know a little about playing, even if you don't. practice. All the natives play, and let me tell you that a spirited Margaritta regards a young man as a milk-sop who never lost or won a slug.' Something struck the mind of Mont- eagle at that moment, and he remained for a couple of minutes in a brown study, and seemed wholly unconscious of the presence of Blodget. The latter turned his face aside and smiled. It was a self-satisfied smile. At length said Monteagle, looking up, ' How long have you known Mr. Brown, the partner of Vandewater ?' ' Oh, these dozen years. Ile and I have met here often.' ' What ! does Mr. Brown play ?' 'He! Rh'ss your souP-suddenly checking hius lf--lie plays the same as you and I might, just a little for sport.- That's all: he's not a heavy player; or, I might say it is more for amusement than anything else t hat he occasionally- very seldom, though-lays down a slug.' There are two classes of people who are quick at detecting villainy, the ac- complished rogue and the honest, simple- hearted man. The sight of the latter is the more clear of the two as far 'as it goes, while the former n ensures more correctly the extent of the int ided (de- ception. But Monteagle was. at this moment, disposed to interpret every thing in the most favorable mnnmer, and fancied that he saw in Blodget's hesita- page: 28-29[View Page 28-29] 28 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES tion a generous endeavor to conceal the picadilloes of Mr. Brown, his employer. He felt .convinced that Blodget knew more than he was willing to tell, and there rushed upon his recollection sev- eral little circumstances of a somewhat equivocal character connected with the conduct of Mr. Vandewater's partner. Just then, a stout, rude, and hairy man, nearly as broad as he was long, with large goggle eyes, and a low, retreating forehead, came swaggering up to Blod- get, followed by a large and very savage- looking dog. 'Good night-good night-my old boy,' cried he in a rough and loud tone. Ha ! ha ! glad to see you.' Blodget stared at the fellow as if he had some trouble in recognizing him 'No savez. eh ! No savez I' cried the man. ' Oh, well, any other time will do. I understand-a pigeon there-don't -3 " want to be known, ha ! ha ! I'm just from Sacramento, old boy. Plenty of dust'- At this moment, the dog, who had been smelling about Monteagle, braced himself opposite the youth and gave a horrible growl, during which he showed his fangs. The youth, believing that the animal was about to spring upon him, drew a small revolver, and prepared to defend himself. ' Eh-youngster!' bellowed the brutal owner of the dog. 'Love me, love my dog, you know. Don't hurt that dog, sir. Certainly not, unless he attempts to hurt me,' returned Monteagle. Afraid of a dog, eh ? Ha, ha 1' 'No, not afraid of a dog,' returned Monteagle, highly incensed,'for you may observe that I don't act as if I was afraid of you, do I?' 'Seize hmi; Boatswain!' shouted the scoundrel, and the dog; nothing loth sprang at the young man, and before he could place himself on his guard, had fastened his teeth in his vest. At the same instant, Monteagle, sparing the brute, aimed his pistol at the owner and snapped the trigger. The ball justgraz- ed one of the fat cheeks of the rascal,. who, thereupon, threw himself upon the youth and begun to pummel him with his fists. It must be remembered that Monteagle had not yet recovered from his wound. Nevertheless, he defended himself bravely. But Blodget, as soon as he saw the conduct of the wretch, gave him a blow on the side of his head that felled him like an ox. At the same time, the dog left Monteagle and seized Blodget. Monteagle threw his pistol at the dog, and hit him in the side without Going him much damage ; but Blodget turned quickly and drove a short, sharp dagger to the hilt in the animal's breast. That finished the business for the dog. But his savage owner was about stabbing Blodget in the back with a long, two- edged knife when Monteagle gave him a sudden push, which sent him reeling to the distance of several paces. 3lodget and his enemy then encountered each other face to face, and as both were arm- ed with deadly instruments, the issue would h ve been bloody had not several of the crowd, which had by this time clustered around the combatants, plucked them asunder. The stout man swore and threatened vengeance, and as he struggled hard to get away from .those who held him, he was finally thrust out of doors with some violence. He was heard, for some time, prowling outside and threatening all manner of vengeance against Monteagle and Blodget, especial- ly the latter whom he charged with all OF SAN FRANCISCO. 29 manner of crimes, and who, he said, hand on his shoulder, said, ' You are my would long since have been hanged if prisoner, sir.' half his offences were known to the pub- Monteagle started; but Blodget very lie. -coolly turned his face towards the man All this passed for the ravings of baf- and let the segar-smoke stream from his fled rage; and although it seemed to ex- mouth directly into the eyes of the offi- cite anger of Blodget, nobody else seem- cer. ed to deem it worthy of the least notice. 'You will go with me,' cried the ofii- The gallant manner in which Blodget cer angrily. had espoused his cause, completely won ' Will I? In-deed. Something of a the confidence of Monteagle, and when prophet- too- ' he said to the youth, ' Come, now that At this the officer began to tug at the rascal of a Sintown has been turned out, coat-collar of his prisoner. we will just amuse ourselves here, if you 'Now, Oates, aint you ashamed of have no objection.' yourself?' asked Blodget, loosening the 'Sintown, is his name? it seems to me hand of the other from his collar. that I have heard that name. Was he ' Why should I be ashamed ' asked not once arrested for robbing a Mexican?' Oates, looking about him, as if to sum- 'Something of that sort, I believe,' re- mon aid. turned Blodget, glancing stealthily at 'Simply, to impose upon my good na- the youth, 'but there was no proof of ture in this way. Don't you know that his guilt.' with one blow of my fist I could send 'Proof-there is proof enough in the you reeling, to say nothing of my friend scoundrel's eye and, indeed, in all the here.' rest of his features, to hang a dozen 'Your friend. What? You threaten men. me with a rescue, young man?' to Mont- Blodget smiled pensively and drew eagle. Monteagle to the table. After playing 'I have said nothing,' epdlied the a little while, Monteagle lost a couple of youth. slugs, when Blodget took his arm and 'But I don't like your looks, sir, said said, 'Come, my good fellow, the luck the officer, trying to put himself in a goes against you to-night. You must towering passion. wait till Madame Fortune, who, accord- 'Bah!' cried Monteagle, 'Come along, Blodget, before you frighten this poor ing to Bonaparte, always favors the gentleman to death. You see that tie is young, is in a better mood' ready to drop with fear now.' Monteagle had already become fascin- 'Very well. This is pretty conduct- ated by the game, but he did not care topretty to a p er,' prety tlk to a ,police oficer, was the evince greater devotion to the gambling reply of Gates,'but I'll report you to table than his companion ; therefore he your betters. I know you both and I'll announced, his readiness- to depart. report you.'. They had scarcely goie a dozen paces ' Take something along with you first, from the door, when a man stepped or you'll have nothing to tell,' cried lightly up to Blodget, and clapping his Blodget, seizing the official by the back of the neck. as he was about to make a S i page: 30-31[View Page 30-31] OF SAN FRANCISCO. 81 hasty retreat. and giving him three or ple threw up their windows to see what four vigorous kicks. was the matter. Finally, nobody could 'Murder ! help!' cried the police offi- get at the secret ; the noise died away, cer. 'Oh, don't murder me, and i'll tell and San Francisco lay silent and dark on you all about it. It was Sintown who the shores of its glorious Bay. made the complaint. He said that you was- Before he could finish the sentence, CHAPTER IV. which, for reasons of his own, Blodget did not care to hear at that moment, he was The Footsteps of the Tempter. thrust into the middle of the street, and having picked himself up, the valorous HEF stood in the Plaza, Lorenzo Mont- officer ran around the first corner as if a eagle, head rk to the house of Van- legion of imps were at his heels. dewater & brown . Down into the 'Now,' said Blodget to Monteagle, as sparkling waters of the Western main, they resumed their walk, ' if the fellow the king of day was slowly sinking, like had showed any pluck, I would have the glorious Constantine submitting to given him enough to keep him drnnk for Christian baptism at the moment he was a week, in order to have the appearance bidding the world adieu. Monteagle t of buying myself off. As it is, he feels so surveyed the throng that was passing much disappointment at having received hither and thither on the different streets 'more kicks than coppers' that he will go bordering the neglected public square on home to his masters with a horrible which he stood. They were all person- story of an attempt at assassination, of able, able-bodied men, who walked and being attacked by forty thieves at once, spoke as if there was no enterprise of and the whole town will be at our heels which they were not capable, no adven- in less than ten minutes. Therefore, ture too daring for their powers. The here we part. Do you drop in at your absence of children and the scarcity of friend's in Montgomery-street, which is women gives a singular aspect to the but a few steps from this spot, while I city of San Francisco, and this was real- will shift for myself as I best may.' ized by Monteagle, as he now 'stood gaz- The wisdom of this proposal was evi- ing upon the~ hardy representatives of dent to Monteagle, who walked straight every country on the globe, as they to a house where he had sometimes moved before him on the great public lodged when in town, and gaining an en- square of the city. trance after some little trouble, he felt As the evening shades began to gath- himself safe from pursuit. er around the black rigging of the ves- Meanwhile Blodget, directing his steps sels in the bay, and gloom upon the dis' towards the sand hills, was very soon out tant waters, the youth looked about him of sight. as if seeking for some individual whom Shortly after the town was in an up- he expected to meet on that spot. A roar. The quick tramp of feet was man passed near him, nearer in the heard in the streets, cries and shouts re- opinion of Monteagle than there was sounded through the air, and many peo- any occasion for. He grazed the youth's elbow as he went by, and appeared to do it on purpose. Monteagle turned to look at the man, and the latter turning also, clapped his hands on his hips, and with a swagger- ing air, looked the former saucily in the face. Monteagle thought he had seen the fellow before ; he was dressed much as an ordinary laborer, large in size, with big coarse features that glowed with the effect of frequent potations. Monteagle was about to . turn away from the man in disgust, when he said- 'I think yees will know me when yees sees me again.' ' Why so?' 'Bekase yees trying to look off the countenance of me, I believe.' ' I shall look where I please, and as long as I please,' returned Monteagle. ' That's unfortunit agin,' said the Irishman, 'for yees will see nothing but a jintleman, and that's what yees not used to seeing inside of the looking- glass.' ' What is the object of these insults, you scoundrel?' cried Monteagle, still in the belief that he had fallen in with the fellow before, but where he could not re- collect. 'Oh-no object at all, at all. But if I is a scoundrel, there's more than one on the Plaza jist, and he's not beyond the raitch of my fist, nythur.' This was rather too much for Mont- eagle's patience, and accordingly be rush- ed upon the intruder and saluted him with a violent blow in the face. The Irishman staggered backwards a few feet and then recovering himself approached the youth in a boiling rage. As they one attempted to interfere. Monteagle was a pupil of Frank Wheeler's and the science he had acquired from the teach- ings of that accomplished gymnast en- abled him to bother his bulky antagonist a good deal. This rendered the latter exceedingly angry, and a cry was raised by the by-standers, as they saw a Span- ish knife in the hand of the Irishman, which he had dexterously drawn from some part of his dress, and with which he rushed upon the youth with the evi- dent design of finishing him and the bat- tle together. At that moment, and just as the youth had 'caught a glimpse of the steel flashing before his eyes, a pow- erful hand was laid upon the shoulder of the Irishman, and he was drawn violent- ly backwards. Some of the crowd began to murmur, but the Irishman looked in- to the countenance of the intruder, and both he and Monteagle pronounced the word 'Blodget!' 'How now, sir. What are you doing with that knife ?' cried Blodget in a pe- remptory tone. You see it's the thafe himself, the bloody robber !' said the Irishman, pas- sionately, though evidently cowering un- der the gaze of Blodget. ' Who told you he was a thief? Be- gone, sir!' cried Blodget, 'Mr. Monteagle, I find you in bad company. Is that an acquaintance of yours?' continued Blod- get, with a gay laugh, as lie turned to our youth, and pointed at the retreating form of the Irishman. 'Not of mine, exactly, said the youth placing considerable emphasis on the word. 'Oh-yes-a-hem. I have known the met and exchanged blows, the people rascal some two or three months. We came crowding to the spot, apparently had his services in cleaning out a cellar bent only upon seeing the fight, as no and on several other occasions. Devil I 80 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES page: 32-33[View Page 32-33] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES take the fellow-did he hurt you much?' 'Better ask if I hurt him,' returned the youth, 'for I think he would have carried away a piece of maleable metal with him, but for your opportune deliv- erance.' 'If he had not been too quick for you --he's dexterous in the use of the knife.' 'Is he, indeed ?' 'You wonder how I found out that fact. I have heard of his encounters with the natives. His name is James, commonly called Jamie, and there are many stories extant as to his prowess.' 'Strange he should have taken so much pains to insult me,' said Mont- eagle. 'He seemed to have something against you,' answered Blodget. 'Cannot you remember of ever seeing him before?' Blodget watched the countenance of Monteagle narrowly, as the youth replied, 'I have some faint recollection of the fellow's face. His nose, that seems to have been knocked out of its proper shape, struck me like an old acquaint- ance, but where, and under what circum- stances I have seen it before, I am un- able to determine. But let him go. You and me are met now. for another pur- pose.' 'Let us walk along towards Dupont street,' said the other, musing. 'Well, on then. But what engages your thoughts at this moment?' 'As for that, Monteagle, what would you give to know ? 'It's not very important, I'll be sworn. Some love affair doubtless.'. 'You are a wizard,' replied Blodget.- 'It is a love affair, but one that inter- ests you much more than me.' 'Interest me?' said the youth, much surprised. 'It is a great secret, sir,' and Blodget squeezed the arm of his companion. 'If it is a secret you are bound to keep it close. Is it not so?' - 'Not exactly. But come into this shantee with me, and I will explain mat- ters to your full satisfaction.' . Monteagle followed his friend into the wine shop, nothing loth ; for though he assumed an indifferent air, he could not feel altogether uninterested in an affair of this kind. Besides, like all young men on such occasions, his curiosity was powerfully excited. Blodget sat down in one corner and beckoned to the host to set on a bottle of champagne. He then pressed Mont- eagle to drink who, at first, refused, but being in haste to hear the news, he final- ly tossed off a glass in order to hurry on the recital which Blodget had in store for him., ' It is a strange story,' said Blodget, smacking his lips-' good wine' 'But this queer business-the love story-some Mexican squaw, I suppose, has ---' ' No - no. You are a lucky dog, Monteagle.' 'Very likely.' Here Blodget poured out another glass' and nodded to his companion-' Take another, and then to business.' Monteagle drank to save time, and said ; 'go on with this wonderful story.' 'Well,' said the other, ' I think your chance is good. The firm hold you in high estimation --' ' Fudge ! no more of that --' ' But I must tell the story in my own way. I say that you are a lucky dog, OF SAN FRANCISCO. 83 Monteagle. Come, one more glass and My God ! who told you that she loves then to business.' me ?' Monteagle drank, and motioned impa- 'Her own eyes ought to have told you gently to Blodget. that long ago.' 'My friend, if you work your cards ' Her own eyes!' right, there is a fortune in reserve for ' Yes, ha ! ha ! ha l' roared Blodget, you.' 'why, man alive, did you never hear of A thought'struck Monteagle, and for a the tell-tale eyes which reveal what pas- moment he was agitated. He drank to ses in the heart ?' hide his emotion. ' But who told you ?' 'Good wine, is it not, Monteagle ?' 'It is a secret, you know ; you will not ' Yes, indeed, but we are coming to the betray me.' end of the bottle before we get to the be- ' Honor bright, of course.' ginning of the story.' 'I'll trust you. Brown told me.' 'Oh, but I've told you the most im- ' What Mr. Brown, our partner?' pertant part--that is the fortune. Now 'Yes, indeed.' with regard to the young lady, she is a 'But how could Mr. Brown know any- perfect angel.' thing of this affair, eh! You astonish 'Of course-all angels till after mar- me.' riage.' -No, but you've seen her.' ' Have I, indeed ?' 'The old man .+is rich-counts his money by tens of thousands. You have seen him, too. Landlord, another bot- tle.' 'Ive seen him, too!' and the youth swallowed another glass, for his heart throbbed violently. 'The girl is beauty personified--ac- complished-lovely as a seraph-eyes of the-the ' 'The blackest jet, of course.' 'Well, I'm not so certain of that.- But they are-' 'Oh, deuce take the description, now to the point.' 'Well, Monteagle, she loves you, loves you to distraction.' Monteagle started to his feet. 'Sit down, friend of mine, and let us finish this bottle.' 'Certainly. But who told you this?- 'Not at all; easy enough. Vandewa- ter told the doctor, and the doctor told Brown ; so now I have betrayed all the three. You see it is authentic. Tho girl has confessed her love to Vandewa- ter himself. 'To Vandewater?' 'Yes, why not?' 'She must be in earnest, then. She loves me beyond a doubt.' 'She has loved you many months, now Monteagle is a chance- ' 'She loved me many months! But-' 'Fact, sir, fact ? She confessed it to Vandewater, whotried to persuade her to conquer her passion.' The youth started to his feet. ' I'm much obliged to him. le try to-he interfere in a case of this kind.- But that exceeds his authority.' Tut ! tut ! work your cards right and the girl is yours, and then Vandewater's fortune, you know- ' ' What have I to do with Vandewa, to page: 34-35[View Page 34-35] MYSTERIES AND, MISERIES term's fortune ?' cried the youth surpris- cumstance at least. Monteagle followed ed. him out mechanically, and suffered him- 'What has she to do with his fortune? self to be led wherever Blodget might what is hers is yours, you know, if you choose to convey him. come together.' CHAPTER V. Monteagle looked mystified. Our Hero Treads Forbidden Ground- 'You know,' continued J3lodget, ' that The Mansion in Dupont Street. Julia is -'THEY walked but a short distance be- 'Julia ?' fore they reach a splendid house in Du- 'Yes, Mr. Vandewater's neice----' pont street. Monteagle had heard the 'What have you been talking about?' character of this building, but had paid cried Monteagle. but little attention to it. He was now 'She loves you! Fact ! Don't stare in a condition to enter almost any house at me so increduously. See, my boy- where amusement was to be obtained, clapping him on. the shoulder--' the for in addition to the champagne which game's in your own hands if you only he had taken, he had experienced no play your cards right.' small disappointment upon learning the Monteagle sank back in his chair look- whole extent of Blodget's wonderful se- ing listlessly upon his half-emptied glass, cret. As they entered this elegant man- while Blodget went on for a considera- sion it began to grow dark. The inte- ble time descanting on the merits of Ju- rior was far more imposing than the out- lia Vandewater, and the brilliant pros- side. They passed through a wide hall pects that would open opon Monteagle lighted by an elegant chandelier, which if he married her. hung in golden chains from the ceiling. 'No matter,' said'our youth, careless- Other furniture betokened abundance ly. 'That doctor must be a regular of wealth. gossip, and deserves to be called out for Blodget opened a door that led to a publishing family secrets with which he large apartment, carpeted in the most has been entrusted.' fashionable style-fashionable in a land Blodget gazed at Monteagle in amaze- where ostentatious wealth may be deem- ment. He wondered that. the young ed excusable. Rich sideboards, tables, man who had been'so anxious to hear chandeliers and ornaments of the most the disclosures which he had to make, elegant form and costly materials here should seem so little affected at a fact greeted Monteagle on every side. which would have occasioned no small On a sumptuous sofa of the richest triumph to himself. But the reader is Genoese velvet, sat two young ladies, already informed that this marvellous whose costly dresses were admirably fit- secret was no news to Monteagle ; who, ted to their forms, and so arranged as to so far from triumphing in the conquest betray their charms to the most casual which he had made of Julia's heart, was observer, One of them, to whom Blod- deeply grieved that he could n t return get addressed himself on entering, was her affection. But Monteagle lJad taken not tall in stature but of exquisite sym- more wiue than usual, and Blodget seem- metry. Her complexion, though that of ed to be perfectly satisfied with that cir- a brunette, was so transparent, and the 34 OF SAN FRANCISCO. 35 rose on her cheeks was so brilliant, that The sound of voices and occasional one would scarcely have noticed that she laughter in a neighboring apartment was darker than her companion. A pair gave evidence that there were more of of lustrous large black eyes beamed from the fair consolers in the house, and that beneath a profusion of raven tresses, and other men, beside Blodget and Montea- the clearly defined, arched eye-brows ap- gle, were regaling their eyes with femi- peared to have been drawn by the pen- nine loveliness. cil of a skilful painter. The upper moie- A few moments conversation sufficed ty of two well rounded globes was dis- to show that the dark eyed girl was a played by the low dress, while the little native of South America, while the other foot and beautiful ancle were not covered had been born and brought up in the by the long drapery in vogue with the land of Johnny Bull, though her accent daughters of a more northern clime.- betrayed that her earlier days had been Whether her mouth was made for speak- spent in the ' North Countrie.' She ing or kissing, might have been a ques- was one of Burns' beauties, and how so tion with naturalists and men of vertu; fair a flower, who, even now seemed to but most men would have decided prac- have retained some portion of her mod- tically in favor of the latter view. It esty, should ever have found her way to was, indeed, a mouth that spoke elo- a house of this description on the dis- quently while silent, like one of those sea tant shores of California, was a problem shells which one sometimes finds in the which Montengle found difficult to solve. Orient, ruddy and of voluptuous form. Throwing himself on a sofa and put- 'Mr. Blodget is come again. Very ting his arm around her slender waist, welcome Mr. Blodget,' said the fair crea- Moeteagle said-'Were rot you and I ture. ' I wait much for see you, and acquainted in the old country ?' never see you no more.' Although this was merely common But while addressing Blodget, she place nonsense, the girl slightly blushed fixed her speaking eyes on Monteagle before she replied-' Nae doubt, sir, they and surveyed his features and fine form be all frae Scotland that speaks to me, with evident admiration. sir. The other girl was taller and fairer, ' You did not know that I was desceu- with a majestic neck, blue eyes, and ded from the noble house of' brown hair, the ringlets bursting from ' Douglas?' her head dress and showering over her ' No, but of-of'-- well-turned shoulders. She smiled and 'Oh ! the Bruce it must be' showed pearls, she walked and exhibited ' No-stop-the--house of Monteith.' grace and voluptuous proportions. She 'Monteith!' cried she, removing her- spoke and music fell from her lips. self farther from, and affecting horror at Monteagle, aided by the champagne the name. that he had drank, made himself agree- 'Yes, that noble ancestry I claim, and able very soon-sooner 'than propriety you shall be my bonny bride, and we will would have required had not his fair return together to Scotia's shores,"and friends been accustomed to impromptu live near the highland cot in which you friends and acquaintances, were born and reared.' page: 36-37[View Page 36-37] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES 'With a Monteith! with a Monteith, made to believe that she had moved in a think you?' and she stared curiously at circle differing, in many respects, from the youth.-'take off your shoes, sir, that with which he now found her. He did I ever think I should eve' set 'my became more. and more interested in twa een upon one of that family? Tak Maria, as she was called. With all her off your boot and let us see if ye have liveliness there was a certain delicacy not a cloven foot, at least?' about her which enchanted him;- and as Blodget had sent for wine, which was she moved about to different parts of the procured at twenty dollars the bottle- room, her rounded form and voluptuous an excellent article, however ; and now limbs could not escape his watchful re- conversation, raillery, repartee, and corn- gards. His imagination exalted by pliments flowed freely. The two girls rich wines and fascinated by the beauty were entirely unlike those whom we find and the manners of Maria, Monteagle was in houses of resort in the Atlantic cities. in a condition to overlook the demand of They had evidently received a good edu- prudence, and the whisperings of con- cation, more especially the dark-eyed science. Blodget certainly exhibited no one, and their conversation was conduct- regret at observing this. ed in a style more usually heard in a The saloon was full of visitors, and fashionable drawing-room than in an es- young ladies, and some of the latter tablishment sacred toThe Paphian 'God- knew the young clerk well by reputation. dess. They became much interested in the flir- This way the evening was spent, and station that was going forward between the hour had become late. Other girls Maria and Monteagle, and although they arious degrees of beauty were in the were too well bred to betray their interest, ap tent. Music of a high order-ad- they saw and heeded all that passed be- de to the charm of the occasion. The tween them. Some were much surprised, men at this house were generally of the and others thought it very natural, while higher classes, or those who assumed to some few, no doubt, rejoiced in the op- be so ; and the utmost harmony pre- portunity for scandal, which would enable valued. The wines sparkled-wit flew them to 'entertain company,' by the from mouth to mouth-and, few things hour or the subject of youthful proclivi- were said or done which might not have ties, and the danger of placing too much passed in the saloons of Mr. Vandewater confidence in these 'promising young himself. men.' Blodget had the air of a blase, and This was a moment of danger for after having talked a little, in a tone of Monteagle, and yet hundreds of other listless indifference, with the Spanish youths-were in the nightly and even dai. girl, he turned to another. At the close ly habit of visiting gambling-houses and of the evening, Monteagle found himself places of debauchery, upon whose con- in conversation with the lively and in- duct no remark was made. The reason telligent Spanish maid, who told him of this may have occurred to the reader. that she came from Santiago, a city of Monteagle was highly esteemed by his Chile, and where, from some words that employers, and an opinion had got about accidentally dropped from her, he was 36 that he was something better than com- mon. All men are said to respect vir- tue, and consequently the aberration of Monteagle was very comforting to such as had previously regarded him with a sentiment approaching to envy. We may as well say, also, in this place, that the love of Julia Vandewater had been won as. much by the unusual sobriety and decorum of Monteagle's conduct as by his personal and intellectual endow- ments. She regarded bim as a very un- common young man ; and it may be perceived by the importance which Blod- get attached to his 'secret,' that Julia was regarded as a great prize, and one not to be aspired to by every young fel- low in San Francisco. Julia Vande- water could have commanded the admi- ration of any bachelor in California, whatever might have been his talents and acquirements, with the one exception of .Lorenzo Monteagle, who, while he re- garded her with the affection of a brother, had-lived under the same roof with the young lady long enough to know that he could never feel toward her as he ought' to feel towards the woman whom he! made his partner for life. But this con- clusion had not been formed upon any improprieties in the conduct or conversa- tion of the young lady. Had Monteagle a brother who was enamored of Julia, he would have rejoiced to have seen a union take place between them : but there was the important point-it was necessary to be enamored first, for without that he believed that respect and friendship could not insure a happy marriage. On her part Julia loved sincerely, and for nothing more than for the virtuous and circumspect deportment of Monteagle. I have said that our youth had been fascinated with Maria. He was, in high OF SAN FRANCISCO. I spirits; he was pleased with the idea of having gained so pretty and genteel a F mistress, for she had in the tenderest manner, consented to be exclusively his as long as he might feel disposed tokeep her, Patting him on his bump of benev- olence with her taper finger, she had said, ' Pretty American lad, I love you much. I love your face. I love your figure, and your voice. I shall be much please with you to-day and to-morrow all the same. Oh, you is one pretty. Come up to my room and y'u shall see how I love you, mine friend.' Monteagle obeyed this tender request. From such lips and enforced with a voice ringing like a silver-bell, it was impossi- ble for him to disobey the command. Blodget saw and heard it all; and when the enamored couple shut the door be- hind them, he placed his jewelled finger on one side of his nose, and winked to the Scottish-girl who appeared to fully un- derstand it. For the last half~iour that Monteagle had remained in the saloon, he had over- heard a lively conversation between three pretty French girls, carried on in their vernacular, which had for its object a lady apparently from Lima, as she was dressed in their peculiar attire. Her dress was dark, fitted to the form in a peculiar manner, so as to show the swell of the hips, without being wide and flow. ing like the dress of, our ladies. Her form was entirely hidden, except that a small aperture permitted her to look abroad with one eye. This dress is singular,' and yet it is worn by all fashionable la- dies in certain parts of South America. This lady had spoken little since her entrance, while she seemed to be an at- tentive observer of all that passed. The French girls were wondering who she page: 38-39[View Page 38-39] OF SAN FRANGISCO. 39 was. Their observations were piquant f and full of wit;,and as Monteagle was mx a perfect master of the French language, he was not a little entertained by their b funny remarks. To him, however, the d presence of the strange lady was a mat s ter of very little interest. As her- face B was invisible, she might be a perfect o fright for all that he knew to the contra- ry, and in the few half-understood words that fell from her lips, he discovered no e more than the most common-place obser- a vations He did, however, observe that I the mistress of the establishment-a 1 very beautiful and accomplished woman herself-treated the incognito with marks of the highest respect. Scarcely had Monteagle placed his l foot on the stairs to-follow Maria to an upper apartment, when the unknown ap- peared in the hall, and having thrust at billet into the hand of the girl, turnedI and left the house immediately. Maria laughed slightly. 'What is this?' said she, in her broken English. 'One letter to read ! Oh ! very good ; I. shall read you a letter, mine friend.: So much the better. I shall see.' Pausing a moment, Maria opened the note, and read it by the light of the chandelier. The paper dropped from her-hand, and she stood a moment as if transfixed with astonishment. 'She 1 Oh I She ! the~ holy and de- voted ones!' cried Maria, at last, clasping her hands. 'She, here--she come to this place--and all for me-for me-' 'Come, come,' cried the impatient youth. ' Come, my beautiful one, and let us enjoy -' 'Enjoy nothing. Not to-night; some other time. . I can do nothing to-night. a-o she has remembered me. She has not forgotten those days of innocence. Ab, ie-they are goneanow!' These words were spoken in Spanish ; ut Monteagle found no difficulty in un- erstandirg them, and they partially re- tored him to a sense of his present plight. But who was this 'holy and devoted ne ' Some nung no doubt, who had tepped between him and his enjoyments. Monteagle, whose passions were much xcited, stood looking at the fine form and swelling graces of the Spanish girl; her tapering limbs, her little feet, her arge dark eyes, and lovely mouth. ' Surely,' said he, ' you will not be so unkind --' ' Hush !' cried Maria, clapping her hand on his mouth. ' I am nothing.this evening. Her hand has written this, and I cannot see you to-night,' and here the girl sat down upon the stairs, and fell into a deep reverie. 'What shall I do 1' thought Montea- gle, 'If I speak to another girl, every eye will be upon me ; all sorts of surmises. No, no, I have it. I will consult Blod- get., He then slipped a slug into the hand of Maria. who seemed to be almost un- conscious of the act, and stepping to the door of the saloon, he' opened it, and called to his companion. Blodget was lazily conversing with the mistress of the house upon some topic of general interest, and though surround- ed on all sides by the most fascinating beauties of almost every civilized country -who threw out their lures, to entrap him, he appeared as unconscious as a pair of tongs in a china shop. When he heard Monteagle pronounce his name, he looked up surprised: he fairly started, and seizing his hat, quickly came out to him. They passed into the street to- gether. 'What have you done with Maria ?' said Blodget. 'She has received a note from some- body, and has retired alone to ponder upon its contents,' answered the youth. ' Oh! I know-I think, at least, that the lady who followed you out-the lady in the mask-ha ! ha ! ha ! I think that she must have brought the note. But did she not make you acquainted with its contents ?' 'No. But whatever its contents were, they made a deep impression upon her.' ' Ah,' exclaimed Bllodget, stopping as if to think. 'I have heard something of this. I think I understand something of it. You must know that Maria re- ceived her education at a convent in Santiago, about a hundred miles from Valparaiso, an old-fashioned city where religion flourishes. This is a religieuse who came to the house enveloped in the costume of that city; and I think I have learned that Maria was the bosom friend of a young lady of flee promise, and very devout habits, before she took to the road.' ' The road'?' 'Yes that broad road that we read of.' 'Thiese are singular girls,' said Mont- eagle. *'Instead of more hacknied mer- cenaries they seem to be women of sen- timent and feeling.' ' Well, I can show you a few such'-- A heavy sigh breathed by some person near them caused Monteagle to turn around. The lady incognito was near them, and the sigh must have come from her ; but whether it had any relation to their conversation or not they were unable to determine. She did not look towards them, as she passed. Perhaps that the sigh had some connection with the un- fortunate Maria. Still as her dark form receded from view, Monteagle could not but remember that it was immediately after Blodget's proposition to show him other females, when this sigh was breath- ed. CHAPTER VI. The Ruined Wife--The Banker's Marriage. Tux walked forward amid the dark- ness till they came to a house in Sacra- mento street, where instead of the sound of merry voices which they had expected, their ears were saluted by the most vio- lent oaths and denunciations. ' How is this ?' said Monteagle, 'is it a ring fight to which you are conveying me ?' ' You may well ask that,' replied Blod- get, stopping to listen ; these are un- usual sounds to- proceed from this house. Here seems to be more of Mars than Venus.' As they came to the door it was vio- lently thrown open, and several females ran screaming into the street. 'Go in there!' cried one of the girls, recognizing Blodget; 'for God's sake go in, or there will be murder done.' Blodget and Monteagle hastened to the apartment from which the noise pro- ceeded, and there they beheld a table overturned and China ware scattered about the floor, while a stout, middle- aged man, with every appearance of a gentleman, lay on the floor, and another, equally re-s ceniable in appearance, was MYSTERIES AND MISERIES page: 40-41[View Page 40-41] 40 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES kneeling on his breast, with a revolver in I his hand, and aimed at the throat of the ii prostrate man. . ' What ! gentlemen !' exclaimed Mont- eagle, 'forbear!' apd he was proceeding p to the relief of the fallen man when Blodget caught him by the arm, andt whispered,' Let them alone. It is all right. I know them both!' 'You know them?' cried Monteagle, l struggling to throw off his friend's firm grasp, ' but is that any reason that they should murder each other?' 'That fellow seduced his wife !' criedY Blodget.1 ' Promise, villain ! promise!' roared the man with a pistol. 'Promise, or I I finish you on the spot.' ' Help, I say,' cried the undermost man, frothing with rage and pale with terror-'Release me from this madman.'1 ' Madman!' cried he with the pistol. Is it mad that I am when I claim that you shall marry the woman whom you have stolen away from home and happi- ness.. Gentlemen, you see here a villain -a banker of this city-who bloated with pride, and presuming on his wealth, seduced my wife and brought her to this city. I procured a divorce in such a manner that my ruined wife can marry again. I followed her and her paramour to this city, and here I find him rioting in a house of ill fame, while the woman that he has blasted-my late wife- pines in eolitude at home, where she is scarcely allowed the necessaries of life. Now, you villain, see if these gentlemen, will aid you.' 'No,' said Monteagle. ' We cannot interfere here ; but pray don't shoot the villain in cold blood." ' His life is safe, if he promises to marry the woman,' cried the- wronged husband ; ' Otherwise he dies ! Prom- se !' and he thrust the muzzle of the pistol against the seducer's forehead. ' Murder-help !' cried the man, strug- gling desperately to regain his feet. ' Promise, rascal, promise to marry the woman, and I release you.' Perhaps with the hope of making his escape if he consented, the banker at length said, 'Let me up, and I will mar- ry the ' - ' Call no names for she is your wife. cried the other, suffering the banker to regain his feet, but no sooner was he up than he made a rush for the door- the outraged husband levelled a pistol at his head, and in order to save his life, Monteagle and B lodget seized the sedu- cer, and in spite of his struggles, held him fast. The divorced husband then begged our two friends to lead the banker forward. Being concerned for his life, and thinking their presence ne- cessary to his safety, Monteagle and Blodget led the man down the street, the husband leading the way, pistol in hand. In an obscure street, they enter- ed a, low-roofed building, where they found the unfaithful wife-attended by a clergyman. The banker started, as this vision met his gaze, and he would fain have retreat- ed; but he was held by his two conduc- tors as in a vice. 'Here,' said the injured husband to the seducer-'here is the woman whom you are to marry. I have procured a divorce from her, and left her free. You took her from me-from a good home- you have had her as long as it suited your convenience, but have now almost entirely cast her off in a strange land.- You shall marry her.' The clergyman and all the others present said that it was no more than justice. Finding there was no other way, the banker yielded and married the woman whom he had seduced. After witnessing the ceremony, and receiving the hearty thanks of the late husband, Blodget and Monteagle with- drew. 'What do you think of this scene ?' said Blodget to Monteagle, as soon as they were alone together in the street. 'I think it is a hard case in every view of it,' returned the youth. ' The man has lost his wife-the seducer has mar- ried one whom he cannot love, and the new wife will doubtless have a hard, time of it with the fellow.' 'The husband was bent on revenge,' said Blodget, and in rivetting the two criminals together, I think he has pun- ished both. It is not likely the wife will ever live to inherit the banker's wealth He will either de l a ;oi: 1 her with unkindness.' ' But shall we not go back to the house?' inquired Monteaglo. Blodget perceived that the young clerk's feelings had been too highly wrought up by the contemplation of fe- male beauty to admit of his returning peaceably home without first becoming better acquainted with one of the inmates of the house which they had last visited. He was not averse to returning to the temple of pleasure, and accordingly he replied in the affirmative. But on returning to the house, they found the light out, and the parties re- tired for the night, for the dawn of day was not far off. It was enough for Blodget that he had inducted Monteagle into the downward path. He did not doubt that, hereafter the young man wou!d take rapid strides towards the point whither he was so de- sirous of directing his steps. Monteagle separated from his com- panion and returned home, wipre he wag soon in the land of drearps. le awoke late in the morningand felt a little confused after his night's career ; for while lie was not really intoxicated, he had been a little merry, and even that was a rare thing for Lorenzo Monteagle. His employers were not Puritans, and consequently they observed nothing pe- culiar in his manner or appearance. Mr. Brown, however, was very sociable with Monteagle on that day, and the latter imagined that he knew the cause. He supposed that the young man was in a fair way to marry Julia, and accordingly the former rose in his estimation. Brown was one of those worthies who worship the rising sun. le as well as Blodget thought that Monteagle was 'a lucky dog.' Indeed, he would have been glad to be in his place. Monteagle saw into all this, but did not act as if he perceived it. In his hours of calm reflection, after dinner, Monteagle thought upon the eventsof the proceeding night, how he had twice been prevented from associat- ing with one of the seductive young girls at the houses of pleasure to which Blod- get had conveyed him. In the first in- stance, a nun or something of the kind, had come to snatch Maria from his arms, -at the second house, the affray occur- red between the banker and the injured husband. But he had also had a singu- lar dream during the night, which he had scarcely had time to think of during business. It now came up vividly to his recollection. The details were as follows: He seemed to be sitting with Julia Van- dewater, in her father's garden, in pleas- OF SAN FRANCISCO. 41 page: 42-43[View Page 42-43] 42 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES ant conversation, when suddenly the the atmosphere was filled with the most heavens became overcast and the thun- delightful odors, and he finally sank into der rolled-heavily over his head. Julia a sweet slumber. upon the rounded started up and bestowing upon him a bosom of the beautiful maid. contemptuous frown, exclaimed, 'I love Such was his dream, and he now pon- you no longer. I will tell my uncle of dered upon it deeply, for it seemed to be you and get you discharged from his ser- fraught with meaning, as if it was some- vice.' She then abruptly left him, while thing more than the effects of his night's he was much revolted and displeased by adventures. the revengeful and unladylike look that But the more he reflected, the more she cast back at him as she retired. Still he became puzzled,for there seemed to be the lightning flashed and the thunder no rational interpretation to a dream so rolled, till, immediately after a tremens fraught with contradictions, and split up dous crash, he observed that the man- into separate portions, which seemed to sion of Mr. Vandewater was on fire. It have no agreement with each other. 'It had been struck by lightning. For a 'is one of those jumbled visions caused time all was confusion in his mind, till he by excitement and champagne,' said he seemed to be again ascending the ladder -late hours caused it; but I must give to rescue a young lady from the flames. up late hours and be more steady'-he Again he heard the shouts of the intrepid paused, for he knew in the secret of his firemen below him, and the roaring of heart that he should hail the appearance the flames as he approached the window of Blodget with pleasure, and that he where, as he supposed, Julia Vandewa- had more than once looked at the sun ter was standing. But no sooner bad he declining in the West. Once, at least, reached her than she proved to be the he must solace himself with beauty. nun who had given the note to Maria at The hour had nearly arrived for leav.. the house of, assignation. He seized ing - off all business, and shutting up her around the waist, and then the sti- store, when Mr. Brown, who had been fling smoke seemed to smother him. His absent a couple of hours, thrust a note mind was again confused till he found into Monteagle's hand. He opened it himself in a wilderness, fainting with and read-- heat, and seeking for a refuge from the 'Friend M,-Unexpected business will burning sun. - No shade was near, and prevent me from waiting on you this he was about to lie down and surrender evening, as was agreed upon. To-mor- himself up to death, when Inez Castro, row night I shall be free to attend you. riding on an elephant, came that way, Ever yours, BLODOET.' attended by a large number of very i The deuce !' cried the youth,' then I black slaves. On seeing him, Inez im- will go alone.' He paused, and smiled mediately descended to the ground, and as he remembered the good resolution he, commanding a huge basin to be brought, had been on the point of forming when ho bathed his temples with a cooling and had no doubt of Blodget's coming. The refreshing liquid, which restored all his feeling of disappointment which he expe- powers and filled him with unspeakable rienced convinced him that it would be no pleasure. Soft music floated around him easy matter to put his good resolution in practice. He slowly crawled over the hill toward the- house of Mr. Vandewater. When he sat down to supper with the family, he observed that Julia was in much better spirits than usual. Instead of regarding him with that heavy, mournful look that had been habitual to her for some months past, he caught'her in glancing covertly towards him several times, with spark- ling eyes and something like a glow of excitement on her cheeks. 'Mr. Brown called this afternoon, I un- derstand,' remarked Vandewater in the course of conversation. 'Yes, sir,' returned his lady ; 'he made himself very agreeable to your hopeful young lady here.' 'Now aunt, you are provoking,' said Julia, with an ill-concealed smile of plea- sure. I was thinking if he was a jug what a fine handle his huge Roman nose would make.' Vandewater roared as usual on such occasions. Monteagle smiled. A thought, however, had instantly struck him. He knew that Brown was a great talker, and like many great talkers, often said those things to his listeners which he thought would interest them rather than those things which were founded in fact. He imagined that in the glances which Ju- lia had given him, at the supper table, there was a look of triumph as well as pleasure. Could it be that Brown, know- ing Julia's secret, had made up a story about himself-had told her that Mont- eagle was truly in I we with her, but on- ly played shy for fear of the uncle ? Was it not quite possible that Brown had misunderstood the doctor ; and that he believed Vandewater was opposed to the match, and had advised his neice to conquer her passion on that account, in- stead of doing it because her passion was hopeless ? Nothing seemed more likely to Mont- eagle than this, especially as Blodget had so understood the matter, and Blod- get had received his information from t-Brown. Besides, might not Brown have seen Blodget that day, and as the youth had become suddenly silent when the ' great secret' was told him, had not r Blodget interpreted this silence as des- pair of success and consequently melan- choly, and so reported it to Brown?7 All that evening, Julia was extremely lively, and sometimes her aunt regarded her with surprise if not disapprobation, so piquant were her sallies and so point- ed was her ridicule. Monteagle was more than.usually grave; not only from his want of sleep on the preceding night, but because he thought he had detected the source of Julia's gaiety, and the mis- take under which she labored. At length, when Monteaglo rose to retire, Julia contrived to place herself near the"'door, and as he went out, half asleep, and feeling very dull, she softly whispered the one word ' Hope !' k Monteagle started as if struck by an arrow at this confirmation of his fears. The poor girl had mistaken his gravity and dullness for that despair which Brown had taught her to believe he was laboring under, and had ventured to tell him that he might hope I As Monteagle hurried off to his cham- ber, he knew not whether to laugh or cry. There was something very comic in this mistake. The blundering Brown, with his bi nose, getting hold of his story at the rong end, and hurrying off to banter Julia about her conquest was OF SAN FRANCISCO. 43 page: 44-45[View Page 44-45] 44 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES ridiculous enough: but then the unfor- At the breakfast table, the liveliness tunate girl who had suffered herself to of Julia, and her merry laugh, drew the he so readily deluded into the belief that attention of Mr. Vandewater, who looked her love was returned, and undertaking first at his neice and then at Monteagle, to cheer his supposed melancholy by a as if he supposed an explanation had kind word, called forth his sinceredsym- taken place between the young people, pathy. r- and that all was as Julia desired it to be. In the morning early, Monteagle met On reaching the store, Monteagle was Julia in the garden. Surprised to see a crowd of people about ' You are an early riser, sir,' said she, the door. Officers wefe there asking 'as well as myself. I think the morning questions and noting down the replies.- is the best part of the day.' Mr. Brown was flying about among the ' I am of your mind,' returned Mont- spectators, making himself so very busy eagle,' and so are many others, who rise that the youth almost suspected he had early to get their morning bitters.' lost his wits. 'So I have been told,' said Julia, with ' Oh, Monteagle, is that you? Where's a gay laugh. 'Am I to understand that Mr. Vandewater?' Mr. Monteagle'- 'I left him coaversing with Julia in 'Oh, no. I am not one of them,' re- the breakfast parlor. plied the youth. ' Instead of bitters, I 'Ah, yes-yes-fine girl that!' cried fall in with sweets, it seems.' Mr. Brown, tapping the youth jocosely 'Yes, the flowers are fragrant,' said on the shoulder. But do you know Julia, looking about her, and evading what's happened?' the compliment with the pleased and ' Heavens! No!' rather triumphant air of one who, now, 'Robbed !' felt secure of the affections of him who 'The store been robbed, do you say ?' offered it. 'Yes,' replied Brown, 'it was robbed Monteagle observed all this and con early this morning.' demned himself for having inadvertently 'At what time ?' helped along the deception; yet it'seemp. 'Why, at about four -at what time. ed too cruel to dash her new-fledged, do you ask? Well, to judge of the exact hopes to the ground, as he might have time in which the store was broken open, done by a single word. Candor would you must, I think, inquire of those who have dictated an immediate explanation, were here. Ha! ha ! ha !' -but the youth gave heed to the more 'They cannot have taken much,' said tender pleadings of mercy, and even Monteagle, 'or you could not be so- said to himself-' Time may cure her that is, you could not speak so lightly partiality for me; and another lover may on the occasion.' supplant me in her affections; so I will ' That safe's gone P let her rest in happy ignorance. -I have 'What 'the little safe that we rescued no prospect of marrying at present, and the other day , ' why should I dispel a vision which, al- ' The same which was taken from the though baseless, pleases the poor, delud- skiff by Vandewater himself,' ed girl? .'Why, Mr. Brown, that's a serious OF SAN FRANCISCO. 45 loss. There was money in that safe'- 'Or the thieves would not have carried it off, to be sure, ha ! ha ! ha!' 'But how did he get in?' ' That's the puzzle,' said Charley, com- ing up and joining in the conversation. 'Nothing is broken. The rascals must have had false keys,' 'Rather true keys, than false ones,' replied iMonteagle, while Brown give a sudden start and slightly colored. ' Ha ! ha ! Yes, true ones, or they would not have answered the purpose,' said the lattter. ' Yet it is strange,' continued Mont- eagle, for the doors were otherwise secur- ed, as you know, Mr. Brown, by certain seeret fastenings which must have been broken before any one could have got in from the outside, unless he was well -acquainted with the premises.' ' Oh, the Sydney ducks make them selves well acquainted with all these mat- ters,' cried Charley. 'All we have to do now is to trace out the villains'- ' And begin by searching the police,' said Brown. ' Half the thefts and rob- beries are committed by them.' Mr. Vandewater arrived soon after, and was also surprised to find his store robbed without the rupture of a single fastening. He advised an immediate search of the premises, as the robbers might have left something behind them that would have led to their detection. Some persons who had gone into the loft to search, soon came running down with the intelligence that a man was up stairs, fast asleep. All ran up at once, and there Monteagle discovered, between two bales, the bulky form of the Irishman, Jamie. He was snoring melodiously, and seemed to have no idea that the sun was already up. Mr. Vandewater uttered an exclama- tion of joy and surprise, for he thought discovery of the whole affair was now cer- tain. Monteagle shook the sleeping man with his foot. Jamie slowly opened his eyes, and on perceiving there were per- sons present, said hastily--' Ilow---what -is is time, Mr. Brown ? Is it time I' As Mr. Brown was not present, the by-standers were puzzled by these sin- gular words. ' What do you want with Mr. Brown?' said Vandewater sternly. The Irishman rubbed his eyes, and perceiving in whose presence lie stood, answered,' Why, Jim Brown, to be sure, the eating-hojme man, he was to call mo up in time to go down the Bay.' ' Indeed ! and so you slept here, did you ?' said Mr. i andewater sternly. -{But how did you get in?' 'How did I get in. is it? Och, and was n't I working for Jim all day, and took a little of the mountain dew, and comed in here in the afternoon-and where is it, sure, that I am ? Can you tell me at all, at all ?' ' Who is this Jim Brown?' said Van- dewater turning to Charley. ' Can you lead me to him ?' asked Vandewater, quickly. ' Och, faith, and it's I can do that, same,' put in Jamie. ' I'll take you to him, right off, jist, if you'll show the way out of this-what do yees call it ? A church is it ?' The Irishman affected such blind stu- pidity that Vandewater was inclined to believe that his being in the store on the night of the robbery was altogether aeidental-that he had blundered in while drunk and got asleep. Neverthe- page: 46-47[View Page 46-47] f 46 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES less, he said to Monteagle, 'Keep that fellow in custody till 1 return.' As Mr. Vandewater went out with Charley, he descried' Mr. Brown, his partner, t xamining the fastenings, and he observed that the face of the latter was very pale. 'Poor fellow,' thought Vandewater to himself, he takes this matter hard.' On arriving at the shop of Jim Brown, that worthy was found at home, although he had just returned from some expedi- tion, and was covered with dust. Charley introduced Mr. Vandewater. Jim hung down his head a moment as if brushing the dirt from his leggings. ' I want to ask you, Mr. Brown, if you have contemplated an excursion lately?' 'Sir ?'said Jim with a stare. 'He don't savez-give me leave, sir,' put in Charley. ' Jim, we want to:know if you have had any business out of town, lately?7 Jim looked first at one and then the other. He was a little short rhan, with squint eyes, and locked as if he had not shaved in a month. ' I goes sometimes to see my folks that I trade with. I was at a rancho yesterday. ' How late did you stay, Jim?' ' I am but just got home.' ' What time did you start to go away? '1 didn't look at the clock,' replied Jim, in a surly manner. ' Come as near as you can, Jim, and give us a true answer as you value the safety of your bacon,' said Charley stern- ly Jim looked up rather fiercely, but he saw that Charley was in earnest, and re- plied,,' Well,'I don't know what time it was It may be'twas eleven o'clock and may be it was only ten.' ' And you have just returned V' ' I told you so once before.' 'So you did. When have you teen Irish Jamie, last V Jim lookod keenly at his interrogators before he replied,' Well, I can't rightly tell. Not in a fortnight, I should say p'raps, three weeks.'_ 'It's all a cock and a bull story, that of Jamie,' said Charley. ' You see there's no truth in it. Ho must be arrested.'- Jim Brown turned away his face and his manner was suspicious upon hearing these words. As Vandewater and Charley walked back to the store, the latter said. 'We must see the keeper of the rancho and find out from him if Jim Brown has been there.' ' Why do you suspect this Brown of having been engaged in the robbery?' 'It is strange,' said Charley, 'that the Irishman, before he had time to think, should have addressed Brown as one that had agreed to call him at a certain hour. We must make sure that Brown was at the rancho ; and if he was, a Philadelphia lawyer would be puzzled to account for Jamie's exclamation when starting out of a sound sleep,,and ex- pecting to fiad Brown at his side.' ' True;'said Vandewater. ' Leave it to me,' continued Charley. 'I will find out what ranch Jim Brown visited yesterday. I will call there, and learn when he arrived, and when he left, if the fellow was there at all.' On returning to the store, they found Jamie standing outside the door, and surrounded by Monteagle, Mr. Brown and several of the, neighboring dealers. 'So, sirrah,' said Vandewater, ' that Brown you spoke of, says that he hasn't seen you for a fortnight, and he has just returned from visiting a friend out of the; town.' 'Och, the lying villain,' exclaimed Jamie, in a tone of virtuous indignation. 'Och, the lying, thaving, murthering scoundrel, and wasn't it his own silf that tould me to go into the store and take a nap till mornin', and ' He was interrupted-by the appearance of Jim Brown himself, who rushed into the crowd, and confronting Jamie, cried 'How's this ? What have you been tel- ling about me ' 'About you, is it?' cried Jamie, with all the assurance imaginable, 'and is it. you. you thafe o' the w-o-r-r-r-1-d, that's come to lie me down, and try to hang' his friend widout judge or jury, and widout binifit of clargy, too. Och, you thunderin' wilyun! didn't you tell me to go in here, and slape a bit, just till the morning, when you was to call me up, sure ?' 'Sir,' said Jim Brown, addressing Van- dewater, ' When you called at my shop, I didn't understand your object, and as your questions seemed very odd, I wasn't well' pleased with them; but I've been told since that this man pretends I had an engagement with him. It is a lie. I've no intercourse with the man when I can help it.' ' Hear the lying thafe,' cried Jamie, in a towering passion, and before he could be prevented, he had slipped a long knife out of his sleeve, with which he rushed upon Jim Brown and stabbed him to the heart. Brown fell dead at the feet of Mont- eagle. The murder was committed so quick and unexpectedly that it was some minutes before the people collected there were apprized of what had happened ! No sooner had the sad tale been told than the inhabitants came running in from all directions ; a large mob was collected, a rope procured, and it was with great difficulty that Charley and his aids could prevent the populace from hanging up Jamie on the spot. Mr. Brown also tried bard to rescue Jamie from the fangs of the incensed and vindictive crowd. 'Let the law take its proper course 1' vociferated he, while Jamie kept crying, 'Och now, be aisy, you spalpeens--for there's more nor me you'll have to hang, when yees once begins that game, and some that's your betters, too, and as good as'- 'Let the law take its course 1' roared Mr. Brown, so loudly as to drown the voice of the Irishman. ''ake him away, Charley, as soon as possible. See what a crowd is collecting around her. I'm afraid of a riot. Jamie was finally carried down the street, in the centre of a tumultuous mob, some pushing one way, and some an- other, with fierce hootings, yells, and hisses, that were fairly deafening. A singular impression was left upon the mind of Monteagle by these proceed- ings, and he commenced the business of the day with a determination to watch closely every thing which was transpiring near him, and to propose to MN. Vande- water that, in future, some person should sleep in the store every night. Jamie, who had at length, completed the circle of crime by the conmnitting of murder, was lodged in prison, and Mont- eagle felt somewhat relieved on account of it, as he believed that the man was for some reason, his deadly enemy. lie had not yet recognized this man as the one who shot him down in the barge. On that evening, Blodget called upon OF S 4.N FRANCISCO. 47 page: 48-49[View Page 48-49] 48 MYSTERIES A Monteagle, and appeared to be more af- fable than ever, talked with him about the robbery and made very minute en- quiries about Jamie, whom he thought innocent of any intent to rob. 'It is not possible that a man bent on. robbery should lie down and get to sleep in the store, or that he should be left by his accomplices,' said Blodget;' and with regard to his stupid lie about Brown, the man whom he killed, it was probably told because he did not know anything else to say.' 'But,' replied Monteagle, 'in that case why did he address somebody as Brown when 'first starting from his sleep, and before he had time for premeditation ?' ' There is something in that,' said Blodget, fixing his eyes very keenly upon those of Monteagle. 'It would seem as if he expected to be called at a certain hour by this Brown.' 'And why should he have been work- ed up to such a pitch of madness as to murder this Brown, if he did not feel that he was playing him false-' 'No-,no-Monteagle. You are reas- oning for civilized people now. You don't know these wild, unscrupulous fel- lows, who like Jamie had prowled about in the wilderness where-no moral or re- ligious instruction can reach them. I tell you that a man left wild, a prey to passions, is more to be feared than the tiger or the catamount.' 'You seem to think very hard of this Irishman,' said Monteagle. 'Is he not a murderer ?' The youth. was silent. Many things rushed upon his rememberance, and all through there -as running a thread of mystery which induced him to say to himself, ' How little do you -know of what is going on in the world.' ND MISERIES CHAPTER VII. The Ruined Nun--The Mysterious Note. THAT evening Monteagle accompanied Blodget to one of those gay houses in Dupont street, already mentioned. Wit, wine, and beauty sparkled on every side, and- again was the imagina- tion of Monteagle bewildered by the transcendent loveliness of Italian, Eng- lish, North American and South Ameri- can beauties, who, although' accounted' frail daughters of Eve, were a much more intellectual, sentimental, and edu- cated class than is to be found in the halls of pleasure in any of the older cities. While Blodget and Monteagle were thus spending the evening in converse with the nymphs of the town, the latter several times observed Blodget to pause a moment, and sit with lips apart and absent eye, as if listening for some sound in the street. He was under the impression that Blodget looked forthe arrival of some 'other person. At length a confused murmur was heard as of a crowd at a distance. The sound approached nearer, and atilength, in full cry, burst upon the air, such exclamations as ' Stop him I stop thief! Broke away ! There he .goes Knock him down,' and this was followed by the discharge of fire-arms, and then came the trampling of many feet, and a confused roar as of a mighty concourse in motion. Every one in the house flew to the windows and doors; but nothing was to be seen except a crowd of people hur- rying along with loud outcries. 1 OF SAN N 'What is the matter?' inquired Mont- eagle of a person whom he knew, and who just then paused opposite the win- dow. 'Oh, nothing much, sir,' was the care- less reply. ' A fellow confined for mur- der has broken loose ; but that we shall always have while such a police exists.' ' There 's next to no lair in San Fran- cisco,' observed Blodget, ' but do you think, my good man, that the .Irishman, -that the prisoner-will get clear?' 'I don't know,' said the other, moving- on, while Monteagle quickly said, 'So, you think it's Jamie?' 'Who else can it be t' said Blodget, 'he is the man who has been arrested for murder/ ' Of course,' returned the youth, and yet he thought it strange that Bledget had hesitated when he first mentioned the Irishman, and he connected it with the fact that Blodget had seemed to be listening all the evening as if in anticipa- tion of some such occurrence. These reflections were, however, soon swallowed up by the gay conversation that succeeded, and the pleasures of wine, music, and an interchange of senti- ments with beings who, if virtuous, would have graced any drawing-room in the country. Still Monteagle was occasion- ally drawn to the contemplation of his friend who seemed quite restless and listened to every noise in the street. Monteagle had attached himself to an Italian girl, who might be nineteen years of age. Round and plump-with black amorous eyes and good teeth,she seemed to be all alive, and wholly made up of kindness and affection. Her history was somewhat romauntic. as Monteagle learned it from another of the inmates of. the house. She ws called FRANCISCO. 49 Loretto, but whether a real or a feigned name was not known. She had taken the vows of a nun from the purest and most sincere motives, but after being two years in the convent, she found it impossible to fulfil her vows. She was naturally formed for love, and could no longer endure to exist without yielding' to the demands of an ardent nature, in- flamed by a continual contemplation of imaginary love scenes, which always presented themselves to her mind when she would ponder upon more sacred mat- ters. She made her escape from the convent and returned to her father's house ; but found no rest under the paternal roof- Her parents upbraided her, and were pro- cbeding to have her returned to the con- vent, when she pretended to go to her chamber for repose. She escaped by the window, and as she fled through the gar- den she met a handsome young English- man to whom she at once told her story. He took her under his protection, with- out the least hesitation, and they lived tegether, in a retired part of the country several weeks. This young man was of a warm temperament, and here comes the strangest part of the story. He was so smitten by her charms that they upset his reason, and he went raving mad. Though she was actually at his disposal, he im- agined that she was some great princess whose love he had sought in vain, and under this strange belief, he, one day threw himself from a cliff into a bed of rocks on the sea-shore and was killed.- She took possession of his mangled body and his effects, found out his friends and delivered them into their hands. She mourned long and bitterly for the loss of her lover ; but her passionate na- ture again prevailed, and she accepted page: 50-51[View Page 50-51] 50 - MYSTERIES AN the offers of a native Count, who was soon-killed in a quarrel. Believing that a fatality attended her in her own land, and learning that spies h had been placed upon her actions by her si relatives, she came to Brazil, and from thence, soon San Francis- ii Co. Such was Loretto, the Italian maid, whose fervid passions were kindled by s the manly graces of Monteagle. She appeared to be all life and soul, f and she made a lively impression upon P our youth.1 As the evening waned, and while he t sat conversing with Loretto, Monteaglea heard three distinct, though very lows )aps, on the outer door. At the same time, he saw Blodget raise his head and listen. Then he conducted himself as if nothing had happened, and conversed carelessly with the woman to whom he had attached himself. But in a very few moments, he arose and whispering in the ear of Monteagle, said-' I must quit you for a little while. I have forgotten some- thing : but I will return before long.' Blodge~t then departed and soon after- wards, Mouteagle withdrew with Loret- to. He saw no more of Blodget on that night. In the morning, he learned that Jamie, the murderer, had made good his escape in a somewhat mysterious manner. He had disappeared behind the sand-hills although surrounded by several hundred' men. The earth must have opened and swallowed him up,' said Mr. Brown, the junior partner. I think that he was not the robber of our store,' said Mr Vandewater, thought- - fully, "for he would scarcely have remain- ed here all night, if he had shared in the booty.' vD MISERIES 'What could have been his errand, aid Brown. ' The fellow might have blundered in ere, in a fit of intoxication and gone to sleep ' said Monteagle. 'But why did he kill that tripeman 1' inquired Mr Yandewater. 'Oh, the fellow wouldkill anybody,' aid Monteagle. Mr. Brown looked very mysterious, and inally seeming to muster up courage, he pulled a note from his pocket, and said to, Monteagle--'Perhaps you- can tell why his note addressed to you was picked up on the very spot where the murderer was. leaping.' ' How I' cried Vandewater. ' What's n the note?' ' I have not taken the liberty to break the seal,' returned Brown. 'Its contents will be known to Mr. Monteagle whenev- er he chooses to do so.' Brown handed the note to Monteagle, It was written on fine, gilt-edged paper, and directed to " Mr. Lorenzo Monteagle, Montgomery street." The astonished youth broke the seal, and opened the note. On the top -was marked " Strictly Private." It read thus ' Dear Sir: You may think it strange that you and I were seperated so sudden- ly on that evening in Dupont street; but a particular friend of mine was the cause, as you saw. If you are at liberty this evening call without fail to see me, but not at that house. You know the cliff near which lies the English barque St. George. I will be under that cliff, on the . sea-shore at 8 o'clock precisely. This is very private. Let no one she it. It is sent by a man who will hand it to you, privately if he has an opportunity. Come if you can. MARiA-,' 'Ah -it is too late!' said Monteagl aloud, and putting the note into hi pocket. 'It would seem that we are not to bl edified by the contents of your note,' sai Mr. Brown, looking at Vandewater. ' What shall I do,' said the youth t himself. ' This is something important without doubt.' ' Private. is it not?' inquired Vande- water. ' Sir!' said Monteagle, rather surpris ed at the question. 'You must know that this is a peculiar occasion,' said Mr. Brown, rightly inter preting Monteagle's surprise. 'At an- ro the time, it would be highly imprope to express any curiosity with regard to the purport of that note. ' This note is nothing,' said the youth. 'It is strictly confidential and has no relation to the robbery whatever., Vandewater looked at Mr. Brown, and the latter raised his eye-brows and slow-s ly shook his head. The grimace was not observed by Monteagle, whose thoug ats were with the young lady beneath the cliff. ' You will observe, Mr. Monteagle,' said Brown, in a very gentle and yet distinct tone, 'that a heavy robbery has been committee. An atrocious male- factor is found asleep in the store that has been robbed ; a letter, evidently dropped by him tears your address up- on its back. If he is taken and brought to trial, of course that letter will be need- ed.' ' So far I can satisfy your curiosity,' said Monteagle. ' It appears that Jamie was employed as messenger to bring me this letter. It is probable that he came here drunk and fell asleep . 'That seems to account fully for the O -AJN UAbUJ. 51 e man's presence. It is as I thought, that s he is guiltless of the robbery,' said Van- dewater. e Brown compressed his lips, partly d nodded, partly shook his head, raised his eye-brows, and turned away, like a man o who is only half convinced, and who has made some discovery that he hesitates to unfold. At supper that evening, Julia Vande- water was aA gracious as usual; but when he arose to go abroad, she said to him as he passed the door, 'You keep very late hours, Sir Lorenzo; I must take you in charge, myself.' Although this was said in a tone of raillery, yet there was the slightest pos- sible air of reproof in it, enough to make Monteagle feel that the deluded girl con- sidered herself entitled to express an opinion upon his conduct. As he travelled over the hills towards the town, the youth said to himself-- Would it be more cruel to break this bubble at once, or suffer it to collapse of itself in due time ? Surely a flame that is never fed won't burn long, and I have given Julia not the least reason to suppose that I regarded her with par- tiality.' He had arrived at a thick clump of bushes, at a considerable distance from any house though a small rancho was in plain sight, when he heard something-stir among the leaves and branches. He drew out his revolver. ' Will you shoot me7' inquired a sil- ver voice, and in another moment, Maria stood before him. 'A h ! Good night. I wanted to see you,' said Monteagle. ' I received your note-' 'When.' 'Not till to day,'replied the youth,'a- OF A N ' A ITFTCi page: 52-53[View Page 52-53] 52 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES though it must have been written two or three days ago.- ' He's longer than that,' replied Maria I waited for you nearly all night.' ' At the place you designated-under the cliff?' 'Yes.,' ' Then your business must be import- ant. , I am sorry that I did not get the note in time.' Maria remained silent some moments. At length, she began-' My errand is no great things. I wanted to see you.' The youth laid his hand on her shoul- der kindly. ' No'-said she-" You don't under stand. 'All you, gentlemens, think girl love you always. Nothing to do but love man, when man laugh at her,' and she shook her-locks independently. 'But I am glad to see you at any rate,' said Monteagle. 'Oh, yes, you are very glad to see m -some--but you are more glad to see ' Whom?' 'You know best.' Monteagle thought of Loretto, whos witching graces and rich personal charm had, indeed, wrought powerfully upo his imagination. 'Come tell me where she lives,' rai he. You have just come from there,' r turned Maria. 'No, upon my honor, I have not bee there since last night.' Maria started, and her eyes shot brilliantly as she gazed into his face. 'Not been home to-day ?' cried she. 'Ah, yes, I have just eome from ti house of Mr. Vandewater.' ' And who lives there?' inquired sh fixing her eyes keenly on the fuce of t youth. ' Mr. and Mrs. Vandewater, their niece and the servants,' replied he. ' The niece! the nice !' cried Maria. 'What of her ?' 'A very fine young lady, I believe.' ' Very fine!? Yes, very fine-you find her so? Very fine.' ' Maria,' said he, in a decisive tone, 'it' you have been told that I love Julia Van. dewater, or-th4 I have ever given her the least reason to suspect so, you have been told a downright falsehood.' You not love Julia? No? Nota little bit?' and she sized his hand anal gazed into his face earnestly. 'No, Maria, I do not love her.' Maria was silent, and looked much t puzzled. She trotted her foot; she looked at Monteagle, and then she fixed her gaze upon the ground for several y minutes. Suddenly lifting her head, she said e to Monteagle in a brisk tone, 'You tell 0' me one very big lie' 'No, upon my honor.' After a moment's silence, she said, e 'Where you have been last night?' s 'I can't tell you that, Maria.' n ' Ah! Ifind you out. You love one pretty lady: you see her last night, and d you say I not tell you where I go las night.'- e. 'No, Maria, I have answered one of your questions; but cannot answer the other.' Maria looked down, and breathed a e deep sigh. Monteagle's pride was a little touched. He said, ' I-do not know that I shall ever he i mary, Maria. But if I happened to fall in with a congenial spirit-a virtu- le, ous, chaste, respectable . girl, I don't he know what might happen. Maria threw back her head, shook her raven tresses fiercely, and her nostrils dilated as she answered-'What thing is men ! they think of nobody but him- self. Woman got soul for somebody be- sides herself,' and she struck her breast forcibly, so much so that Monteagle heard a dagger rattle in its scabbard. ' Oh, yes, Maria, I have feeling for others,' returned Monteagle. ' I have feeling for you, and although I may not wish to marry you' The girl whirled completely round on one foot, and interrupted Monteagle by a shout of laughter that might have roused the inmates of the distant ranch. He looked at her surprised. Scarcely deigning him a glance, she began again, and laughed till her breath failed her. ' Man is so fool!' said she at length. ' Here,' she continued, taking a string of costly pearls from some place where they had been concealed about her person, and laying them on his hand. 'You think that poor Maria give you these ? You think I buy?' Monteagle examined the precious gift by the twilight, and perceived that it was. indeed, too magnificent to have come from the poor nymph, and that it must be a gift from some unknown in- dividual. He perceived the drift of Maria's ques- tionings. He believed that this was the gift of some wealthy lady who was kind- ly disposed towards him; and that Maria had been commissioned to sound him on the subject of his reported attachment to Julia. Here was an adventure, indeed, and his imagination was at once set on fire. - Tell me, Maria, the name of the la- dy ?' 'What lady?' ' The lady who sent me these pearls' 'A Lady-ha ! ha! ha! It was not a lady. It was one big gentleman.' Monteagle's vanity fell ninety degrees, at hearing these words. 'Who was the gentleman 1' inquired he, impatiently 'Who is your lady that you saw last night ?' questioned the wilful girl. 'Oh, nobody-nothing at all. No- body that I shall ever fall in love with I promise you that.' 'Not fall in love? Where you go to. night ?' Monteagle smiled at this close ques- tion, for he felt a little caught He was bound to Loretto when he met Maria. The girl turned and began to leave him. 'Stop, Maria, tell me more about these pearls. Who is the gentleman who sent them to me ?' Who is the lady you see last night and go to see to-night too?' demanded she retreating. Monteagle pursued, when she quicken- ed her pace and finally fled with the fleet. ness of a fawn. Not caring to be seen chasing a woman by several travellers, whom he had observed coming that way, Monteagle slackened his pace. Maria was soon out of sight, and Monteagle was besieged by a thousand ideas at once. 'She tells me that this valuable gift came from a man--a wealthy nabob-and yet she enquires as closely into the state of my heart as if she was the agent of one of her own sex who had an interest in knowing whether I was in love with Julia Vandewater or not. At any rate, she has gone off in the belief that I have a lady. in view-That I am in love with her, with whom I spent last night and to whom I am now going i-Perhaps--yes, perhaps, after all. this is a present from a lady, and that Maria was charged not OF SAN FRANCISCO. 5 3 page: 54-55[View Page 54-55] 54 ~ MYSTERIES AND MISERIES to tell that fact unless she should discov- The man who had heretofore held him er that my heart was disengaged, and in his iron gripe, in spite of his determin- that believing it to be otherwise, she feig- ed struggles, suddenly tripped up his red that these pearls cane from a rich heels, and he fell heavily upon-the hard old fellow who had nothing to do with beach. his wealth but to send it about the coun- The sudden shook for a few seconds try by the hands of ladies of pleasure deprived him of his senses, and when ree- begging young men to accept of it ! No, ollection returned he found himself still no, that won't do. This gift has come lying on the wet shore, from which the from a lady.' tide had but just receded. His arms were He thought of the veiled female, sup- tightly lashed behind his back, and his posed to be a nun, who brought Maria eyes closely bandaged. the note. Might not she be the giver?' For a few moments no sound was 'But no, her errand was to the girl, heard but the low murmuring of the small not me.' waves as they rolled upon the beach, and A moment's reflection taught him, that his own heavy breathing, for he had vio- it would be improper to go with his val- lently resisted the ruffians in their attempt able prize to the house whither he was to bind him ; but the assault had been too bound, as Loretto might suppose, in case sudden and unexpected for his efforts to she discovered it that it was intended as be of any avail a gift to her, and would experience a dis- He now attempted to unbind his arms pointment when informed that such was but all his attempts were perfectly futile. not its destiny. 'I hope you're having a good time of He turned on his steps to return to the it, casting off them stoppers. Nothing'l house, and a moment afterwards heard open them lashingsbut a sharp knife, and quick footsteps behind him. He turned, if you get one at all it will be through at the same time placing his hand on his your blasted ribs, ifI had my way abou revolver ; but the two men who now ap- it.' proached him seemed to be peacably in- 'Who are you, sir; and what meant dined. this rascally violence t' ' A fine night, sir,' said one of the stran- 'Take it coolly, my young game-cook gers. and bless your stars you havn't a brac 'It is indeed,' repliedrMonteagle. of bullets through your bloody heart 'Have you seen anything of a large said another voice, which le recognised a brown goat, hereabouts, sir,' continued that of the person who had questione' the man who had first spoken. him about the goat. 'I have not,' was the reply, and Mont- Monteagle revolved in his mind all th eagle, bidding them' good evening,' turn- occurrences which had transpired in th ed to take his way to the city, At this last few days, in order to account for thi moment his arms were firmly pinioned to strange outrage. At first be thought rob his sides by one of the men, while the oth- bery might be their object ; but this ide er quickly and adroitly drew his revolv- was put to flight when he remembere er from his pocket, and passed a strong that while he lay senseless no attempt ord several times tightly round his arms. OF SAN FRANCISCO. a 11 'f t8 8 [8 ,- a ,o had been made to deprive him of the lit- tle gold he had about him. Another person now joined the party, and he heard the three in low and appa- rently earnest consultation. Soon they ceased talking, and approached him...- Two of them raised him to his feet, and one- of them said in a rough, brutal tone, 'Now, stir your stumps, and walk where we lead you.' But how if I refuse to walk?' said Monteagle. ' Then we'll take you by the neck and drag you over the beach, if the sharp stones scrape the flesh from your cursed bones.' Release me ; or my cries shall bring assistance,' said Monteagle, resolutely. 'Speak one loud word, and the con- tents of this crash through your scull,' said the last comer, in a firm calm voice, and our hero felt the cold muzzle of a re- volver pressed against his temple, and at the same instant the sharp click announ- ced it was at full cock. Monteagle had as brave a heart as ever beat in mortal bosom ; but here was a dilemma that. would have made even Jack Hays pause for reflection. But little time was given Monteagle for thought. 'D-n,' cried one of his captors, impa- patiently, let's be moving. We've got a long road, and a heavy night's work be- fore us yet.' 'By-, your right, old boss,' said one of them, 'there's been fooling enough already.' So saying, he seized Monteagle by the. collar with no gentle grasp. The latter seeing that resistance would only lead to his being dragged along by main force, if not to his instant death, 55 told them to unbind him, and he would walk peaceably along with them. ' That's right, youngster, you'll save us the price of a couple of bullets, and the trouble of reloading,' said the fellow with the revolver. After proceeding alongside the beach for some hundred yards, they clambered up the almost perpendicular face of the cuff, by the assistance of the dwarf trees and jutting rocks. Monteagle being aid- ed by two of the men, who each held one his arms. Before gaining the summit of the cliff, one of the party gave a low, peculiar whistle, somewhat like the cry of a cur- lew. It was immediately responded to and they set out in the direction from whence proceeded what was evidently the pre-concerted signal. 'All right, Jimmy,' said one of Mont- eagle's captors. 'The divil a bit of noise I hear, I heard only the barking of them cursed lane wolfs that the uncivilized graysers call key-oats. And the d-d half starved things made me feel a bit afeard, for they sounded like a dog howling, and you know when a dog howls its sure some one that hears him is soon going under the sod.' Shut up your Murphy -trap, Jim, or just open it, and take a swallow of this: I got it at the Sazerac as I passed, think- ing you might need a little Dutch cour- age, and that brandy would put pluck into even John Chinaman's chicken heart. 'Come, come, let's mount and be off.' This order was given by a voice which Monteagle recognised as that of the man who placed the pistol at his head, and who appeared to be the leader of the gang. Monteagle was placed upon a horse, /, page: 56-57[View Page 56-57] 56 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES and with a mounted man on each side, of ing his rider through the hollows and him, one of whom held the lariot of his over the hills that lay between them and steed. The word was given to proceed, the Mission, near which was the randhe and they all started at a brisk trot. inhabited by the father of Donna Inez. 'What way?' said Jimmy. Sanchez, for such was the name of the 'Right straight for the but!' was horseman, never drew rein until he stop- the response. ped abruptly at the gate of his mistress'. Monteagle and his assailants had just domicil. Here he alighted, entered the disappeared in a deep hollow, when a house, and sought an interview with the man suddenly emerged from the thick beautiful daughter of Signor Castro. shrubbery that enclosed the spot from which the party had departed. He was a short, powerfully built man. Even in the moonlight one could see that there CHAPTER VIII. were more white than black hairs in the abundant locks that fell upon his various- The Lone Hut-The Torture!/ ly colored blanket; but- his eye-brows were coal-black, and bent over eyes as RETURN we now to Monteagle. rhe bright and keen as the point of a dagger. ruthless gang of fellows who had made ' Holy Barbara P ejaculated he --in him prisoner rode on in almost total Spanish, while his hands almost mechan- silence over the vast treeless, shrubless, ically made the sign of the Cross. 'what sand bank which lies between the bluff in the name of San Diabolo are they go- headlands and the little laguna, where ing to do with that youth. But I must the pig-eyed votaries of Confucius per- be off, or it will be too late to save him. form the scrubbing, dipping and pound-' No wonder our dear mistress Donna Inez ing of linen, dignified with the, misnomer loves him. I owe him a good turn, too, of mashing. As if anything immersed for he certainly saved my life when them in that chocolate-hued fluid could emerge two 'Pike' hombres were going to give purer than it entered. Skirting the me 'hell,' as they called it, because I was shore of the laguna, the party soon sober on the Fourth of July.' Thus solil- reached a tolerably good road. This oquising,the Californian, for such he was, they followed for about half a mile. One withdrew once more into the thicket, and of the party riding some distance in ad- in a second returned, followed by a noble vance in order to give notice of the ap- looking steed, black as midnight. preach of any unwelcome intruder. No 'You shall have a good run now, my person appeared, however, to interfere handsome Cid,' said the old Californian, with their plans, and they soon struck as he patted the mane upon the fore- off into the sand hills, where their per. head of the noble animal, as gently as a sons were hidden from view by the scrub father would the curls that clustered on oaks and wild lilac bushes-that covered the brow of a favorite daughter. these lorely spots, since dotted with Without touching foot to stirrups, he with neat little cottages and smiling vaulted lightly into the saddle, shook the gardens. Heaven grant that they may reins, and the next instant Cid was bear- ever be the abode of prosperity and hap- OF SAN FRANCISCO. 57 piness, as they have always been of open- hearted hospitality. Half an hour's more riding brought them to the place of their destination. It was a rude hut or cabin, such as ' squat- ters' put up when taking possession- peaceably if they can, forcibly if they must. This hut was erected at the bot- 'torn of a deep dell, surrounded on all sides by hills so abrupt that they were forced to leave the horses tied above, while they made the descent on foot. Both externally and internally this looked like the ordinary abode of a new settler But no sooner had the gang entered with their prisoner, than a light was procured, and one of the party, moving a mattress, lifted a trap door that gave entrance to a subterraneous apartment of some extent. It was pro- bably a natural cavern, the entrance to which had been accidentally discovered by these desperadoes. Its isolated sit- uation suggested its usefulness to them as a secret place of rendezvous, and a re- ceptacle for plunder. One of them had ac-lordingly squatted on the place and put up the hut. Monteagle was handed down into this apartment, his eyes fill blindfolded- but te close, damp air informed his senses that he was in an underground apartment of some kind. The more he reflected the more he became mystified in his endeavors to ascertain the mo- tives that had prompted these ruffians to take him prisoner in this most unac- countable manner. He had-recognized the voice of the man called ' Jimmy' as that of the villian found asleep in Van- dewater's store, and who had been ar- rested for murder, and afterwards escap- ed from justice. But this discovery did not explain why he had been thus kid- napped. His suspense was, however, soon ended, as shall presently be shown. The cavern was of large dimensions, yet was more than half filled with silks, broadeloths, laces, and velvets of the costliest descriptions piled promiscuous- ly together. Upon these heaps lay gob- lets, salvers and ladles of gold and silver ware, some showing signs of use, but most appearing bright and untarnished as when they glittered on the jeweller's shelves. These things were evidently the result of successful, robberies and explained why the neighboring city had been swept by so many conflagrations. In one corner of the cavern a small, thin, sharp-visaged man bent over a large crucible, the flickering flames be- neath which shed a red glow upon his swarthy, anxious countenance. At the first glance this individual might have been mistaken for one of those alcher.- iets who, in the dark ages, sought to transmute the baser metals into gold, or discover an elixir that would give to mortal man eternal vigor and immor- tal youth. He of the crucible was en- gaged in no such visionary employment. Beside him stood dies and other mech- anical contrivances for the manufacture of coin, while a large box full of glitter- ing 'octagons' showed that he was busy augmenting the currency,' by fabricat- ing spurious 'slugs.' Monteagle now once more demanded the cause of his detention. ' Your employer, Vandewater, lately sold a vessel on account of a New York merchant, for thirty thousand dollars, which sum he received in gold. That money was placed in your safe-' 'Then you are the robbers!' ' Silence, and listen ! When we open- ed the safe, it only held a few thousands page: 58-59[View Page 58-59] 58 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES belonging to the firm. You know where the vice a turn. Still the brave youth the thirty thousand is placed. Inform .emained silent, although the pain was us, and you shall be liberated, and if we fearful, and he-could feel the hot blood obtain the money, you shall have five gushing from under his nail. thousand dollars for your share.' 'Knock out the stubborn divil's brains,' I'll die first,' indignantly cried Mont- cried Jimmy, waxing impatient at the eagle. delay. 'No-you'll confess first, and may be . 'Keep cool, Jimmy,' said Bledget.' It . u ,' is money we want, not brains.' die soon after,' said a voice which Mont- Another turn of the vice-but Mont- eagle to his surprise and joy recognized as that of Blodget. eagle, save by a low, voluntary groan, ' What,'Blodgetmyfriend, here gave no token of the agony be suffered. Then tyis is all a joke. B ut it has been 'Curse the fellow, it's as hard to ex- The tisis lla ok. B. itractee gold from him as to crush it out carried much to far,' said Monteagle, his tatglfrmhmstocuhiot cheek flushing as he thought of the vio- of quartz rocks. He 's so devilish stub-- lence hehad been subjected to. born, I see he will die, hs he says, be 'If it's a joke, youngster, you'll think fore he'll tell where tqe gold is placed. its a d-d poor one before we get through Now, boys, what 's to be done?' contin. with .it. But enough of this fooling ! ued Blodget, looking around inquiringly Tell where the money 's to be found, or into the villainous faces of his compan- by h-Il we'll make you!' ions. 'Never--so help 'me heaven!' said They were all silent, for some seconds. Monteagle, determinedly. At length the man that we have describ- ' Just hand me that little vice,' said ed as being employed over the furnace, ,Blodget, in a cool, business-like, tone.- broke silence, saying, 'Let me manage ' Is it this?* said Jimmy, bringing aver him, and I'll promise to make him tell, a small, portable iron vice, from among not only where we may fnd this gold, the tools by the furnace. but reveal far weightier secrets, if such ' That's right,' said Blodget. ' Now, he knows.' lads, hold him fast.' Monteagle was sud- 'Go a-head ! Signor Maretao,' said denly prostrated upon the damp floor, Blodget, 'but remember that we have no and firmly held there by the ruffiansp al- racks and wheels, or any of those other though he put forth lion-like strength ingenious contrivances so common in in his struggles to shake off his enemies. your precious country.' 'Now, then, we'll try his nerves,' said 'My country is what tyrants and Blodget, and immediately proceeded to priests have made it ;' returned the Ita- adjust the vice on one of Monteagle's lian- ' Even the accursed act I am now thumbs. 'Will you tell where the money about to practice I learned in the dun- can be found ?' said Blodget. geons of the holy inquisition. There my Monteagle made no reply. ,heart was turned to marble, and every Blodget gave the vice a couple of turns drop of pity congealed forever.' but Monteagle gave no signs of feeling' ' Let the blessid church alone, or you except an involuntary shudder and a and me '11 have a row, old black-beard,' heavy sigh. said Jimmy, quite fiercely. Again his heartless tormentor gave 'That' Saserac' brandy has awakened Jimmy's religious feelings. But, come, come-there's been too much of this fooling. Maretzo, if you can make this stubborn devil talk, do so at once !' Maretzo made some arrangements %bout his furnace, and joined the party gathered around Monteagle-who still lay, bound and blind-folded, upon the dungeon floor. The Italian then took up a piece of linen from one of the piles of dry goods, and placed it smoothly and tightly over Monteagle's lips and nostrils. He then took a glass of water, and poured a few drops upon the linen. The poor youth could draw breath with difficulty through the dry linen, but when its threads be- came swollen by absorbing the water his respiration was almost entirely pre- vented. His breast heaved by involun- tary muscular expansion-great drops of sweat started from every pore, while the veins of his neck and forehead grew swoln and purple- It required the unit- ed force of all the scoundrels that sur- rounded him to retain his writhing body on the earth. Poor Monteagle's convulsive and spas- modic efforts, however, soon subsided, and it appeared as if his tormentors had gone too far, and that death had stepped in and snatched their helpless victim from further cruelties. Maretzo removed the cloth, and after a few heavy and painful attempts at breathing, Monteagle's low groans and sighs told how dreadful had been his suf- ferings.- 'Now, G-d d--n your stubborn soul will you tell us where to find the money,' said Blodget. Heavy, deep-drawn sighs, were the poor youth's sole reply. 'Give him another dose,' said one of the heartless ruffians, ' he likes the med- icine so well.' At this instant the trap door was lifted, and one of the gang, who had been stationed on the neighboring bill as a look-out, cried: 'I see a party of horsemen making right for the hut, at full gallop. Wo must have been followed. Let's be off, at once, or we 're sure to be taken !' ' Sure an' let's have a brush wid 'em,' said Jimmy. 'Never fight till you're obliged to,' said Blodget. ' Lay hold of this fellow,' said Maret- zo, 'and carry him to a horse, then let's all start down towards the Heads. I know of a cave there, that has never had any dwellers except seals. There we can keep this youth, and wring the secret from him, or, failing that, put him where he '11 tell no tales.' No more words were wasted ; this striking the whole party a3 the best plan they could pursue under the circumstan- ces. Accordingly, a couple of men seiz- ed hold of Monteagle, and bore him up the stairs, through the hut, and then to the summit of the acclivity where the horses were tethered. The rest of the party followed, bearing with then all the most valuable and portable articles they could get hold of in their haste. By the time the whole gang were is the saddle and ready for a start, the ap- proaching party of riders had got to within a quarter of a mile of the hut. They were coming from the direction of the Mission. OF SAN FRANCISCO. 59 page: 60-61[View Page 60-61] 60 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES CHAPTER IX. lady desired to meet him instantly, at her father's residence. The Maid-the Robber-the Race. Sanchez did the bidding of his young Tun reader will remember that we mistress with due diligence. He found left Sanchez at the house of Signor Cas- Joaquin busy at a game of billiards; tro, whither he had ridden with speed, but no sooner did he receJo the message upon hearing the directions given to con- than throwing down his cue he rushed to vey Monteagle to the solitary hut, with the door, and leaped into the saddle of a the whereabouts of which he was well splendid looking horse, which was quiet, acquainted. ly standing untied at the door. Bidding Leaping from his horse, Sanchez mere- Sanchez to follow, Joaquin struck the ly cast the reins upon his neck, and the spurs deep into the flanks of his fiery well trained animal stood almost motion- steed, and proceeded at a gallop towards less awaiting the return of his rider. the dwelling of Signor Castro. Upon entering the house the first en- When Joaquin arrived in front of the quire of Sanchez was for his young mis- mansionfhe found the young and lovely tress, Donna Inez. She had gone to the lady standing in the portico. She was Mission Church, to attend the vesper attired in garb of a Mexican services, and had not yet returned. cavalier. But neither the large topped Again Sanchez was in the saddle, and boots, nor the ample poncho could dis- In a few moments reached the square guise the matchless symmetry of that fronting the rude antique edifice in perfect form : rich in every grace that which many generations of Californians renders woman resistless. Her rounded have been christened,wedded and buried. bosom heaved wildly beneath the folds of Here he again dismounted, entered the her poncho as Joaquin lifted his hat be- church, and catching the eye of his mis- andfore her, at the same moment reining in- tress, motioned her to follow him, an his foaming steed with such a sudden and sooer haditheywp from neach. te powerful effort, that the spirited animal was forced down almost on his haunches. sacred roof, than Sanchez related to her 'Buenos nochtes, Donna Inez,' said the all that he had witnessed on the beach, robbei-, for such he was, respectfully. when Monteagle was seized. 'Thank you-thank you, Joaquiin, for The youthful maiden's lovely cheek You are indeed grate- now paled till it was white as alabaster, your' promptness. the crmsoedtill its flush rivalled the fu, said DonUna Inez. then crimsonedtilisfuhrvlete ' My dear lady,'' replied Joaquin, ' give ruddiest rose, as she listened to the rude My ear y, an oun, 'give butgrahicdescription given by San-I me I beg of you, an opportunity to prove but graphic voec t s gien by Sant my gratitudein some more difficult shape chez of the violent seizure of the gallant tan in riding a short distance on a fine youth who had bravely rushed into the n r fames and saved her from a dreadful evening.' death. 'I will Joaquin, I desire this night, Da Inez directed Sanchez to to have your aid in an enterprise full of Donna Ie ietdSnhst go todifcty;nyoaboueagr.sid a small hotel, on a road that leads into difficulty; nay, of absolute danger.' said the Mission Plaza, and inquire for one Jo- ins aquin. If he saw him, he was to say the ' Danger!' cied the robber, and his *i 1 r bright black eyes dilated and sparkled like those of a war-horse when the clan- gor of trumpets smites his ear. ' Let the enterprise be full of danger and 1 will execute it for the danger's sake-much more willingly hotsever, if I also serve you, my dear, my noble young lady. Oh, never can be effaced froii my heart your kindness to my poor, darling Carmencit- to, after those fiends had ' the rob- ber paused, his swarthy visage became of ashy hue, and his strong frame trembled with some violent emotion. ' Enough of this -I live but for two purposes- gratitude to you, and revenge on them hell-born villains-then welcome death in any shape ; for what have I more to do in this world, when my poor Carmen- cito lies in her cold grave ?' Inez, who knew how cruelly this man had been treated, waited ere she again addressed him. When ho became some- what calmer, she said: ' Joaquin, some villains have seized the brave young man who saved my life, and carried him to the lone hut over' among the sand.-hills. I am determined to rescue him, and need your aid, and that of some of your friends.' ' Most willingly,' replied Joaquin, and placing a small silver bugle to his lips he blew two notes, so sharp and loud that their echoes could be heard reverberating from the distant hills. But awakening the echoes were not the only effect. In a few moments, coming from different di- rections, nearly a dozen horsemen could be seen drawing towards the spot where the sounds proceeded. Meanwhile, Sanchez, in obedience to the directions of his mistress had saddled her favorite horse, and led him to the front of the house - when Inez, d (eiinn assistance, vaulted lightly into the richly, OF SAN FRANCISCO. 61 mounted saddle en cavalier, and as the fiery animal bounded and curvetted, her full but exquisitely moulded limbs yield- ed gracefully to each movement of the animal she bestrode, while she tried to cheek his impatience by patting his coal lack neck with her little hand, whiter r an the pearls that zoned her taper fin- gers, and speaking to him in those soft endearing expressions of which the Span- ish is so full. No sooner ad the horsemen, summon- d by tie bugle of Joaquin, all assem- bled, than they started at a brisk pace, led by Sanchez, through the bridle-path that led in the direction of the hut. It was the approach of this party which nduced the gang who had captured l onteagle, to leave the hut in such baste. Monteagle was so exceeding weak when he reached the spot where the horses of the thieves were tied, that, even had he wished to do so, he could not have retain- ed his seat, in the the saddle a moment. So, after placing him astride a horse, they lashed him in his scat with one of those ever-present and ever-useful lariats. No sooner was this done than away they started in the direction of the Pre- sidio Road, the pursuing foe, being less then a third of a mile behind them. 'Who the deuce can they be,' said Blodget, who rode on one side of Mont- eagle, to Jimmy, who rode on the other side. ' It's more nor I can concaive,' replied Jimmy. They can't be police, nor even the vigilance committee, or why conic from the Mission instead of the city ?' said Blodget. They surely can't be a pleasure party,' n pled Jimmy For the hunstman of page: 62-63[View Page 62-63] 62 MYSTERIES AND'MISERIES Howth, that followed a hare to h-i, wouldn't gallop over those sand hills for fun.' ' And most certainly not at such an hour,' said Blodget, ''Tis very, very strange. They still follow us,' he con- tinued, as he turned in the saddle, and looked back at the approaching party. By this time they had gained the road that-running almost parrallel with the shore of the Bay-passed the Presidio, and went on toward the rugged promon- tory which forms one side of the famous Golden Gate. For a few moments.they proceeded on in silence; occasionally glancing back to see if the party that so alarmed them, continued the pursuit. What they bad thus far feared was soon turned to cer- tainty, for they saw the whole party, num- bering nearly a dozen, emerge from the shrubbery, turn into the road, and follow after them at a good round pace. ' As long as we keep this distance from them, don't force your horses, and we may yet contrive to escape them. Their nags must be pretty well blown, as they had a long ride before they reached the hut; and ours started fresh, after a good long rest,' said Blodget to his companions. Leaving the gang of thieves to pursue their way, let us return to Inez and the party accompanying.her. ' They have all left the hut,' said San- chez, as they drew near it, ' and I think that is the young American, between the two that ride in advance of the party.' 'Oh, for heaven's sake, let us spur on, and save him. Who knows what bloody purpose is in their cruel hearts I!' cried Inez.- 'We must spare our horses over this uneven ground, if we hope to catch the villians,' replied Joaquin. ' Be it as you say,' rejoined the maiden, reluctantly checking her eager steed who seemed impatient to leap forward. While these conversations were pro- ceeding, both parties had reached a fine piece of level ground that stretched away before them in the direction of the Presidio. ' Now,' cried Joaquin, 'urge your hor- ses to the utmost !' and suiting the action to the words, his long spurs were buried into the side of his charger, who bounde forward like lightning. Keeping leap for.leap with his fleet steed was the gallant animal that bore- Inez on his back, while the rest of the party were but a few-rods in the rear. The vigilant Blodget soon observed that the pursuers had increased their speed, and were fast lessening the distance be- tween them. "' Let your horses do their d--est ! cried the profane fellow, as he struck the rowels deep into the already bleeding sides of his courser His followers quickly obeyed his com- mands, and the pursuers and the pursued were soon scouring over the plain, at the very utmost speed of their respective hor- ses. OF SAN FRANCISCO. 63 CHAPTER X. ful arm saved the life of my dear preser- ver, still I cannot conceive why you can The Chase Continued, take such pleasure in looking upon such an awful sight as the face of that wretch- INEZ and Joaquin had now arrived al- ed man,' and Inez turned her face aside most within pistol-shot of the gang, which sickened to the very heart. had concentrated around Monteagle. 'My gracious young donna,' replied 'They'll catch us sure, if we don't cast the robber, ' too seldom have I prayed this fellow adrift,' said one of the party. to the holy saints, and to the still holier 'He'll never live to see one of us hung, ones. But of late I have thrown myself at any rate,' said Jimmy, drawing a re- before every crucifix I saw and with tears volver, and raising it towards Montea- begged that the ravishers of Carmencit- gle's head, to should fall by this hand, and this hand 'Liar!' shouted Joaquin, as he rais- only. And the holy saints have heard ed himself in his stirrups, and cast his my prayers.' As he spoke, he drew a lasso, which had been for some seconds long sharp blade from its sheath, and whirling round his head, plunged it to the hilt in the still warm Before Jimmy had time to touch the breast of his prostrate foe. 'And now, fair trigger the unerring noose was fast around lady,' he exclaimed, 'once again I am at his neck. Joaquin's horse halted sudden- your service.' ly, bringing Jimmy to the earth with ' Let us ride like the wind, Joaquin,' such violence, as to break his neck. said Inez impatiently. ' Don't mind, Jimmy, but spur for Joaquin was in his saddle, and his your lives,' cried Blodget, as he urged horse at full speed in an instant. on his own steed, and that to which But the few moments that had elapsed Monteagle was lashed. Maretzo instant- had sufficed for Blodget and his troop to ly taking the place just before occupied be almost out of sight. by Jimmy. ' They will surely escape us,' cried the The lassoing of Jimmy necessarily maiden. caused some delay to the pursuing party, ' No donna,' said Sanchez respectfully. which the pursued made good use of to ' They have turned down to the beach, increase the distance between them. and before they ride a quarter of a mile Joaquin sprang from his horse to dis- they will reach a rock that runs out into engage his lasso from the neck of the the sea, round which they cannot pass fallen man, and in turning the body for but at low tide, and even then with that purpose, brought the face of the vil- great risk.' lain into the full light of the moon. While Sanchez was speaking, Blood- 'Holy Virgin. Thanks, thanks. A get and his comrades had reached the golden candlestick shall grace your point alluded to. shrine,' and his eye sparkled, and a gleam 'By G-d,' cried Blodget, ' here we of joy shot over his swarthy visage. are, brought up, all standing,' as he 'Gracious Heavens !' exclaimed Inez. reined his horse, and gazed angrily up- 'Why Joaquin, though the holy saints on the white breakers that da-shed against know how thankful I am that your skil- the base of the high and jgged rek, I page: 64-65[View Page 64-65] 64 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES ' This that you fear will ruin us, will sudden and powerful jerk turned his prove our safety,' said Maretzo. 'I head in the direction of the shore they know this spot well. Though close at had just left, where he quickly regained the foot of the cliff the water is deep, a sure footing. little way farther out, it is comparatively 'Donna Inez,' said the robber, 'to pass shoal, and the blue water will hardly here is impossible. Either those fellows reach our horses girths, though the foam know some secret ford around this rock, and spray of the breakers may dash over or else the tide has risen unusually fast our heads. Follow me closely, deviate since they passed. At all events we not a single inch right or left, and my cannot follow them. The tide is rising life for it, I'll bring you safely through.' and it will be many hours before it will So speaking, Maretzo, taking the horse be possible to pass here. Before that of Monteagle by the bridle, rode fear- time they will be beyond our reach.' lessly into the seething and foaming 'Cannot we ascend these cliffs, and cauldron that roared around the project- thus cut them off.' said Inez. ing rocks. 'No, donna,' replied Sanchez, 'we He was followed by Blodget and the must go back for a long distance before rest of the party, and though the stout- we meet with a place which even a rab- est of them quailed when the tumbling bit could get up.' waves reached their knees, and the cold Reluctantly Inez admitted the force of spray dashed blindingly in their eyes, these remarks, and slowly turned her yet they continued on, seeing that the horse's head in the direction of the city. steeds of Maretzo and Monteagie kept 'They have some motive, beside mur- their footing in the yeasty waves, der, in going to all this trduble, else had When Inez and her friends reached they killed him when they st met him.' the point around which Monteagle had ' What motive could they have ?' ask-. disappeared with his~ capturers, their ed Inez. first impulse was to follow, but Joaquin ' Perhaps, to keep him concealed, un- commanded his party to halt, till he first til they could obtain a heavy ransom for attempted the dangerous passage. Inez, his release.' however, refusing to let him risk the at- ' But from whom could they expect tempt alone, spurred her steed and dash- such a ransom ; for the youth is neither ed boldly into the roaring and foaming rich himself nor has he rich relatives, at waters with him. least not in this country.' They naturally kept as close to the 'May not some of the desperadoes face of the cliff as possible, supposing with which the city abounds, have heard they would there find the shoalest water, of the gallant manner in which the youth but before, they had proceeded many rescued you from the flames, and trust paces the horse rode by Inez began to to, obtain from the generosity of your plunge and rear franticly, frightened by father'a round sum for the ransom of the noise and dash of the waves. The the savior of his daughter. maiden lost all control of the terrified Inez admitted the plausibility of this animal, when Joaquin, seeing her peril supposition, and inwardly resolving that seized the rein of her sted, and by a all her own and her father's wealth 65 OF SAN FRANCISCO. should be expended, if necessary, to re- I Robinson Crusoe gammon. It's bad lease Monteagle, she silently rode to- f fooling with a hungry man.' wards ho me 'I'll explain to you. During the last When Maretzo, leading the horse of great fire, I happened to be nearthe Monteagle, and his comrades, had safely end of Long Wharf. A lighter full of passed around the cliff, they found them- goods had just been made fast. All th selves on a clear, crescent-shaped beach hands rushed up the wharf probably te of some extent, the opposite end of which assist in putting out the fire. The was bounded by a rocky headland, simi- hadn't stopped even to lower the sail of lar somewhat to the one they had just their boat. The temptation was too rounded, but still farther overhanging strong. I leaped on board, set the sail, the flood that dashed into foam against and was flying before a stiff breeze right the huge fragments strewed at its base. for this cove, where I beached her. Her 'We are now safe from pursuit,' said cargo, instead of rich goods, as I had Maretzo. ' Even I, would not venture hoped,proved to be provisions of different to retrace our steps, now that the tide kinds, packed in tins. These I carried has risen so much.' to the cave. That night it blew bard, ' Well,-old fellow, we had a d-d tight and the lighter went to pieces. But, squeeze of it, that's a fact. I thought here we are at our journey's end.' So at one time we were all going to a place saying; Maretzo, again taking the lead where you wouldn't have to spend much went boldly in among the breakers.- for fuel for your furnace, eh, Maretzo ?' Blodget followed, leading the horse of the The Italian merely made some stale young man, and the remainder of the par joke about the improbability of Blod- ty brought up the rear. For a few no- get's ever dying by water while there ments, they proceeded on ; now turning was any rope in the world- to the right hand, now to the left, to ' How far yet to this cavern ?' inquir- avoid some vast rock that blocked their e dget way, or to escape falling into some hole in ' It's under yonder head?' was the re- the bottom. The water meanwhile was ply of the Italian, as the party moved at times so deep that the horses barely forward- kept their footing, and their riders found ' But, deuce take it,' said Blodget, 'we great difficulty in making them proceed shall perish of cold and hunger before amid the dashing breakers and the hor- morning. I've got a touch of the 'chills' rid din. already.' Maretzo, at length, turned sharply to 'As to the cold, the beach is strewn the left, and the next moment the whole with drift wood, and we can soon have party were in utter darkness, in a vast a fire,' said Maretzo- cave, through which they could hear the 'But is the beach strewn with provi- wind soughing and the roar oft e sea re- sions' asked Blodget.- verberating. ' I have provisions for a month in the ' Stand fast, where you are, till I get a cave,' said Maretzo. light,' said Maretzo, and dismounting, ho ' Come, come, old boss,-none of that groped about until his hand rested upon page: 66-67[View Page 66-67] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES a box of candles, part of the cargo of the lighter. Half a dozen of them were soon burning, and by their glimmer the party fastened their jaded horses. Monteagle was released from his Ma. zeppa-like bonds, and placed on the floor of the cave, more dead than alive from the cruel way in which he had been tortured and afterwards lashed to the horse. A roaring fire was soon kindled, and by its lurid flames the party could see the vast size-of the cavern. Maretzo pointed out where the provisions were stowed, and each man bountifully helped himself, and then they all assembled around the bla- zing fire. One of the gang less unfeeling than the others, gave Monteagle a biscuit, and a drink out of his flask, which tended to re- lieve him somewhat. ' What think you, Maretzo,' said Blod- get, drawing the Italian aside, after they had recovered from their fatigue, 'is there any more use wasting our time with this chap I' 'I fear not' replied Maretzo. ' He is now so v4eak that he would probably faint under any fresh torture, and insen- sibility would baffle us.' 'Then we must be off. Brown was to try to find out, by some other means, where the money was placed, and if he has succeeded, we must be on hand be- fore daylight to get hold of it. For the absence of Moiteagle may excite sus- picion, and our sport be spoiled.' 'What shall we do with our prisoner Knock him on the head, and give the crabs a feast?' 'No. Brown has someold scores ti settle with him. You had better sta' here to-night with him, and in the morn ing I'll ride out lrere and report prc gress. 6b ' Be it as you say. I shall not be sor- ry to have a few hours rest,' said Mar- etzo. ' But how are we to get out of this trap V 'You can easily get out of here on the side opposite to that by which we enter- ed. . By following the beach awhile you will strike a road that leads over the hills to the City. By that road return in the morning. I'll be on the look out for you!' ' Pick up, boys,' cried Blodget, and in short time they had departed, piloted by, Maretzo, leaving Monteagle alone in the cavern. While taking him from the horse *he bandage had been partially removed iroun his eyes, and he had been a witness of all that went on. No sooner had they all quitted the place than he at once determined to make a desperate attempt to escape be- fore their return, as he felt that that was his only chance. Approaching the fire, he seized a piece of wood with his teeth and applied the blazing end to the cords that bound his arms. For some seconds it resisted the action of the fire, but at length it blazed, and was soon su weakened that with the energy of despair the youth snapped it, and had his hands again at liberty. He next looked around for some weapon, and luckily found a hatchet which Mar- etzo had used to open the cases. Thus armed, he stationed himself at the en- e trance of the cavern with the determina. tion to fell the ruffians to the earth as o they attempted -to enter, and then en- y deavor to make his escape. In a few mo- - ments Maretzo appeared and received a blow that sent him reeling and senseless to the ground. OF SAN FRANCISCO. 67 Monteagle waited a few moments, but no s id the cockney, as he opened the slide one else appearing he stepped out of the of a dark lantern, while Montgomery cavern, and fortuontely took the direc- drew the boat along to a place where an tion in which the gang had just proceed- opening in the planking admitted Blood- ed. At times the waves reached his get's dropping into the boat. arm-pits but by moving forward cautious- ' Hold her steady,' said Blodget, as be ty he at length reached the beach safely leaped square into the centre of the boat 'Who else is vith ye ' said Jobson, the Londoner. 'Step down here, Belcher,' said Blood- CHAPTER I The Robbery. IT was about two o'clock ef the morn- ing following the night in which so many events were crowded. The moon had gone down, and great masses of black clouds completely hid the stars. The wind blew violently from seawards, and the waves daled foniously against the massive piers which the enterprise of the San li , anciscans have carried far into the bosem of their glorious Bay 'Well, if this aint a hell of a night, I'm d-d,' said a powerfully built man, who might nave been recognised as Montgom- ery had it not been so dark that a negro could not have been discerned front an albino. ' By Vere in 'ell is Blodget a keepin' hisself,' said his companion, whose un- merciful treatment of the v's and w's an- nounced him to be a genuine Cockney, and such be was ; but previous to visit- ing California, he had paid Botany Bay a flying visit, his wrists graced with these bracelets, so much more useful than or- namental. These two men were in a large yawl, under a wharf near Davis street, 'Boat a-hoy !' cried Blodget, on the wharf. ' All right!' responded Montgomery4 froth beneath it. 'Vere've you been this jolly long vile,' bet. As he spoke a man leaped lightly into the boat. To the casual observer there was nothing in the appearance of this in- dividmal to attract particular attention, but one accustomed to gunge men's fig- ures by the eye, could not have failed to be struck by the broad shoulders, the full rounded chest, the muscular limbs, and the easy grace of every movement. Pity that a form so full of manliness should hold so black a heart. 'Pull straight for the big wooden store, at the foot of Sanramento street. Old Vandewater, thinking he was d- d sharp, had the kegs of specie, packed in barrels of mackeral by Monteagle and put in the old store, thinking some of us might hear of the sale of the steamer, and break into his store. - Brown, to day, accidently overheard the carman speak of moving some mackerel, and as it tal- lycd with the day the money was moved, guessed the rest. We can easily get into the store.' continued Bloodget. ' Give way !' said the man we have called Belcher, and at the same moment he dipped the blades of a pair of oars in. to the wat-r and the yawl flew forward. Few words were spoken, although there was small chance of their being overheard, so loudly howled the gale. When they reached the wharf upon which stood the store, they proceeded i page: 68-69[View Page 68-69] OF SAN FRANCISCO. 69 68 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES between the piles until all chance of s their light being observed was destroyed. h An auger was now produced, a hole bored in the planking, then a sharp well greased n key-hole saw was introduced and in less a than a quarter of an hour a hole suffi- o eiently large to admit a man, was made. v Belcher Kay easily raised himself by b his muscular arms into the store ; he b then assisted Bloodget up. The others c remained in the boat. t A very few moments sufficed for t Bloodget and his companion to saw the hoops of the mackerel barrels, and thus t get posession of the boxes of gold. They were quickly lowered into the I boat, and the thieves got safely off with their booty. 'Vell if old Wandevater don't svear in the morning, 1 hopes I may neversee old Hingland again.' cried the patriotic Britton as he saw the Golden ballast stowed in the bottom of the boat. ' Pull for Mission creek,' said Blood- get,' they'll give Sydney Valley an aw- ful searching to morrow.' The robbers made good their escape, with the thirty thousand dollars in spe- cie, that had been so ingeniously hidden as Mr. Vandewater supposed. Great was the surprise of the worthy merchant, when summoned, early in the morning, by the storekeeper and inform- ed that. the store had been entered.- 'But,' said his informant, ' they gained nothing by all their trouble, and out of spite destroyed the few barrels of macke- rel that were brought to the store the other day.' 'Then they have got all the money.- Where's'Monteagle ? cried Mr. Vande- water i ' I tried to find him at his lodgings,' aid the man, 'but he had not been at ome all night, I was told.' At this moment Brown; Mr. V's part. er, entered, and expressed great surprise t the fact of the money being in the store f which he had not been informed. 'Tis ery remarkable that Monteagle should be out all night, the very time of the rob- bery. Was Monteagle aware of it being oncealed in the barrels, and placed in he store ?' continued Brown interroga- ively, to Vandewater. 'He is the only person to whom I en- trusted the matter. As it was funds with which the firm had nothing to do. I did not deem it necessary to trouble you about the affair. Indeed, it was Monteagle that suggested the iode and place of concealing the money,' said Mr. Vandewater. 'Why this is the most remarkable set of coincidences I ever heard of. A let.. ter addressed to him, evidently brought by that fellow who afterwards stabbed a man-he proposes a way and place of hiding the money-the money is sto. len, and on the very night of its being ta- ken, he, Monteagle, is absent a!l night. Yet, he may clear himself,' said Brown. ' It is too clear,' said Mr. Vandewater sorrowfully.- ' I would have trusted that youth with my life, and feel at this mo- ment far less regret for the loss of the money than losing all faith in the integ- rity of my fellow-men.' ' We have both, I fear, been greatly deceived in Monteagle. Within the last few days I have heard that he gambled heavily, and was in the constant habit of visiting houses of ill-fame,' remarked Brown. ' Well, what steps had we best take in regard to this unfortunate affair,' said the merchant. 'There are suspicious circumstances sufficient to warrant the arrest of Mont- eagle,' replied Brown. ' No-no---I cannot think of that.- He has been misled by others, and though I never wish to employ, or even see him again, I would not wish him to be arrested. So justly indignant are the citizens at the numerous robberies and fires that have lately taken place, that his convic- tion would be closely followed by his ex- ecution. The respectability of his posi- tion would be no bar to this, for the Vigilance Committee have determined to make an example of the first man that is fairly proven guilty.? 'Be it as you will, sir,' said Brown, inwardly congratulating himself that in this manner all inquiry would be stopped with respect to the robbery. ' Let nothing more be said about this unfortunate affair, Mr. Brown. Let the store-keeper's version ,pass as the true one--that thieves finding no booty in the store, departed after destroying some of the goods which were of too little value for them to remove.' Leaving Mr. Vandewater to make ar- rangements for replacing the stolen mo- ney, let us return to Monteagle, who, the reader will recollect, we left safe on the beaeh after his escape from the cavern of the robbers. . It was with the greatest difficulty, that he continued to drag his wearied limbs along over the hills and through the val- leys that lay between him and the city, and it was late in the morning before he appeared at the counting house of his employer, who was conversing with his partner at the moment. ' And this you think is Monteagle's cap,' said Vandewater. I know it to be his, and saw it on his head last evening, as he passed up Pa- cific street,' responded Brown. 'Ah, yes-yes. Too true-too true I Here are his initials, under the lining, in his own writing. This destroys my last hope of his innocence. And you say it was found close by the hole by which the robbers effected an entrance to the store.' ' Yes; it was handed umse by the store- keeper. It was evidently dropped in the hurry and forgotten when too late. But here is the young gentleman himself,' said Brown, not a little surprised and alarm- ed at the appearance of Monteagle, whom he had supposed safely secured in tht cavern. 'Mr. Monteagle,' said Vandewater, in a stern voice, slightly tremulous, howev- er, with regret, - Your services are no are no longer needed in this establish- ment, nor do I ever wish you to tread upon the threshhold of my house again. Great God ! what an escape poor Julia has bad. It was to this man I wished to entrust the keeping of your happiness !' Before Monteagle could recover from his surprise, Brown broke in; 'But perhaps, after all, Mr. Monteagle will ex- plain from whom he received the note the other day, and what was the nature of the appointment it made. Monteagle blushed, hesitated, stamu-? mered but' knew not how to reply.-- This, then,' thought he, ' is the cause ot my dismissal. Mr. Vandewater has learned of my associating with wantons, andjustly dismisses me from his confi- dence. Meanwhile, Mr. Vandewater who had been closely watching him, and with sor. row saw what he supposed were couvino. ing evidences of Monteagle's complicity in the robbery. Not giving the youth time to recover from his confusion, he page: 70-71[View Page 70-71] 70 ' MYSTERIES AND MISERIES waved him out of his office with a cool, riding over. He was gifted by nature haughty gesture, which roused Montea- with a muscular form, and was reputed to gte's pride, as he thought that he was be the most daring rider, and the most not worse than thousands of other young skilful herdsman in the country. Car- men. And this feeling of hurt pride was mencitto was the daughter of a wealthy greatly increased as he reflected upon the Californian, and had been engaged to manner' in which. he had suffered, the Joaquin from childhood. previous evening, all but death sooner 'You say truly, dearest,' replied the than divulge the secret of this man who horseman. 'Ours is a goodly land, and now treated him so ungenerously. Turn- it needed not that its rivers should roll ing upon his heel he slowly withdrew over sands of gold to make us love it.' from the office, and wended his way to They were just passing a clump of his lodging, dense shrubbery as he spoke, and hardly had the last word left his lips ere his spirited steed reared, and had he not been a matchless rider, he must have CHAPTER XI. been hurled headlong from the saddle. As it was, before he fully recovered his seat, a lariat was thrown over his head, ow Joaquin became a Robber. and 1hs- arms firmly secured to his side. While two men, armed with revolvers, Ie was one of the loveliest mornings of hlihis horse firmly by the reins-their the loveliest of seasons in California- weapons pointed at his breast. early summer--when two equestrians -'Make .a single attempt to escape, might have been seen cantering over a and we'll riddle your carcase with bul- level plain not far from San Jose. lets,' shouted one of his assailants. ' Surely, Joaquin, this is the -s eetest 'Shoot the d--d greaser, at once't,' country upon earth,. and we the happiest cried a low-browed, villainous looking people in it,' said one of the riders, a fellow. young girl of some seventeen summers. ' Curse the yellar skinned devil, I be- As she spoke the glance of her dark lus- leive he's glued to the saddle,' said the trous eyes rested lovingly upon the face first speaker as he tried in vain to pull of the noble-looking man that rode beside Joaquin from his seat, the latter mean- her; and whose passionategaze of admi- while urging his horse forward but in vain, ration told how ardently he loved, nay, so firmly was he held by the man who had worshipped his beautiful companion.- seized his horse by the head. - And worthy, right worthy was she of all The assault had been so unexpected the love of his passionate nature ; for sel- that for a brief instant the .young Cal- tom has a more bewitching form graced fornian had forgotten Carmencitto, but the earth with its presence, than, that of now a wild piercing shriek recalled her Carmencitto; who had but a few days be- to his mind, and turning round he be- fbre become the wife of the youth. held her dragged from her horse to the Joaquin was the proprietor of a small earth. His arms were bound, but his ranch, a portion of which they were now feet were at liberty, and he dashed his OF SAN FRANCISCO. 71 heavy boots into the face of the men who held his steed. But the same moment a brace of bullets whizzed through the air, and after a few convulsive clutches the young man fell heavily to the earth. Leaving him, where he had fallen, the men rushed to the assistance of the fel- low who had dragged the lady from her steed. 'For God's sake, gentlemen, don't kill Joaquin. He has never injured you.' ' Don't fret, honey, tisn't Joe Quin we're after. Tis your own elegant self,' said one of the ruffians. ' So, you d-d stuck-up thing, you wouldn't dance with me at your outland- ish fandango, the other night. Now, my lady, you shall dance to other music;' and as he spoke he seized her brutally, and inflicted several fierce kisses upon her reluctant lips. Fired by her charms and her retance, the villain was pro- ceeding to fufither outrage, when, all her woman's nature flashing from her indig- nant eyes, she drew a small thin-bladed stiletto, and sent it's bright blade straight to the heart of the ravisher. For a mo- ment, and but for a moment, the villains were appalled at this prompt and terri- ble retribution. But even the thought of their guilty comrade hurried out of the world in the very act of perpetrating the most henious offence, could not make them pause in their infernal intentions, for seizing the hapless woman, now be- come insensible, they bore her into -a clump of bushes from which they had sprung upon Joaquin and his bride. Hours after, when Joaquin returned to consciousness, he found himself bound iand and foot, with strips of green hide. His horse and that of Carmencitto both gone. Joaquin's first impulse was to call I aloud upon the name of his young wife. But all was silent. ' Holy Virgin !' he exclaimed, as recollection began fully to return to him. 'Where art thou, Car- mencitto V' he shouted. A low, faint moaning was heard in the neighboring shrubbery. Again,-,md again, the wrwtch- ed youth called loudly on Carmenoitto. But the only replies he received were the faint moanings, which his foreboding heart, rather than his ear, told him came from the lips of Carmencitto. His sus- pense became insupportable. He would -he must-learn all. Even though that all confirmed a horrid suspicion that chilled the blood to very his heart. With the fierceness of a starving cay- ote he gnawed the green hide that con- fined his arms, and they once released he soon entirely disengaged himself. He sprang to, his feet, and rushed in the direction from whence the sounds of dis- tress proceeded. Better had he been smitten with eternal blindness than over have gazed upon that sad, sad spectacle. Carmencitto lay almost sensless upon the grass. Her modest garments torn to shreds, exposed her fair young bosom, slowly heaving, as if with the latest sobs of expiring life. Her cheeks were color- less. Her lips white as chalk, except where they were dabbled with the erim- on blood, that was slowly oozing at every respiration of her heaving breast! In one of her little pale hands she clutched a small gold crucifix, which the villains had overlooked in their lust or haste. As Joaquin burst through the thick- et and stood before her,, the closed lids of her black eyes slowly opened, and sha cast one look full of love and sorrow up- on her heart-broken husband. Tearing his black locks he flung him- self on his knees by her side, and tende,- ly raising her, he pressed her to his heart page: 72-73[View Page 72-73] 72 MYSTERIES AsTD MISERIES and while he wiped the blood from her lips, his tears fell thick and fast upon her upturned face. 'Speak to me, oh ! speak to me, Carm- encitto. My life ! My love ! Speak Oh, God, what have I done to deserve this ? Speak, dearest Carmeneitto,' and he pressed the form of his young wife again and again close to his heart. But no reply came from those dear lips. ' Near at hand ran a babbling rivulet, to this Joaquin rushed, and scooping out some water in the hollow of his joined hands, laved with it the face of Carmen- oitto. But all in vain. ' Life had forev- er left that darlingform, dearer to him than all the gold that strews the placers of his native land. When Joaquin became certain that she was indeed dead, his grief at'first found vent in the most pathetic lamentations; but suddenly pausing, he dashed the tear- drops from his eyes, and drawing a dag- ger from its- sheath, he swore upon its cross-hilt eternal vengeance on the ravish- ers and murderers of his Carmencitto. Then decently arranging her disorder- ed garments, he lifted her sacred form in his arms, and bore it to his home- henceforth forever desolate. From the hour in which he saw the rude tomb raised over the ashes of his inurdered wife, Joaquin left forever-the home that promised to be such a happy one, and went forth an altered man. The crucifix of poor Carmencitto on his heart-revenge rankling in it. From that time'strange rumors began to circulate through California of daring robberies and frequent murders, and al- though no proofs of the guilty party could be obtained; yet when men spoke of them, their pale lips almost involuntarily mut- tered ' Joaquin/' When Inez returned to her father's residence at the Mission, her first resolve was to acquaint her parent with the cir- cumstances, but she found that he had been hastily summoned to a place at some distance, in consequence of a dispute be- tween one of his tenants and a squatter. Joaquin, whose advice she asked, re- commended that she should wait the com- ing of morning, when if Monteagle was not liberated, the authorities should be informed of the matter, and by their in- terference his liberation would no doubt easily be effected. But Joaquin had his .own private reasons for not visiting the. city. In the morning Inez accordingly rode to the city, and almost the first person she passed was Monteagle, who was just then repairing to the store of Mr. Van- dewater. Of course there was no occa- sion for Inez to interfere farther in the matter. Her first impulse was to ride up to him and congratulate him on his escape, but maidenly pride checked her, and she proceeded on, leaving Monteagle in entire ignorance of the 'deep interest she felt in his fortunes, and of the efforts she had made to rescue him the previous evening. Monteagle, meanwhile; sought his home to take a few hours rest, for both mind and body were terribly racked by the sufferings he had undergone. The day after the robbery of Mr. Van- dekhter's store, a group of some half-doz- en men were assembled around a fine fire kindled on the.ground, in the midst of a dense thicket, at the foot of the moun- tains, on the Contra Costa side of the of the Bay of San Francisco. 'He's a' daring young devil, and with, pluck, quickness, and a little science, I'm d-d if I don't think he could whip any- thing of his weight in the world.' 1, 73 This remark was made by BelcherKay to apportion out the thirty thousand to Blodget, as Maretzo, who was one of dollars equitably between them, not for- the party, finished narration of Montea- getting a share for some who were absent gle's assault upon him, and his conse- but who belonged to the gang, and were quent escape. entitled by their rules to a share of the 'Curse his pluck, and your science plunder obtained in the course of their Belcher, If ever I draw trigger on eith- marauding expeditions. er of you all your science wouldn't save For some days after Monteagle's dis- you from a quick trip to 'kingdom come.' missal he was too unwell to leave the .But, the deuce take it, I dare not show house, but when he was sufficiently recov- my face in the city; for Monteagle will ered to walk the street, he was surprised surely denounce me to that devilish Vig- to find that all his former friends and lance Committee, and then my fun's up,' associates either passed him with a slight said Blodget. nod of recognition, or gave him the cut 'Well, old fellow)' said Kay, '1'll see direct. He was entirely at a loss to ac- that you're well suplied with everything count for their conduct. Being out of a needful, till this thing blows over. You situation was not such an unusual thin stay out here and make yourself comfort- in San Francisco, as to make a man's able. If we could only get this Montea- friends shun him. Nor could it be the gle out of the way, all would go right. fear that he might be transformed from For from what Maretzo learned in the a lender to a borrower, for no where are city, none of us are suspected except you, men more ready to assist a friend or and you only because you kept Montea- even a stranger than in this country. gle's company. Well, if that aint a good Monteagle was not aware that from cer- 'un. I'm blowed,' continued Belcher Kay, tain vague hints which Brown contrived laughing heartily at the idea of Montea- to set afloat respecting the robbery that gle's leading Blodget astray. Monteagle's name was in some manner ' I am this Monteagle's debtor for that mixed up in the affair. The very indefi blow he gave me,' said Maretzo, and his niteness of the rumor being the reason of dark eyes flashed with vindictive hate, its never reaching Moutea e ere I'll get him out of the way.' So t cat hn o g ar. tlfa hewhowas most deeply inter- ' Have a care, Maretzo, that knife of ested in it, was almost the onlone in the yours will bring us all into trouble sdme whole city who had not hea ofni the of those days,' said Blodget. cusation. Of course his sudden dismiss- ' This time it will not be the knife, but al from Mr. Vandewater's eploymiave something even surer still,' and as he an appearance of truth to the story, spoke, he exhibited a small bottle. ' A which was more strongly confired y, drop from this vial, and his tongue will Vandewater's declining to assign ay never harm us again.' cause for Monteagle's dimissal wany 'Well,' said Kay. ' We'll think over questioned on the subject. this matter. But just now let's split the Monteagle, whose generous disposition swag.' but little fitted him for hoarding money, And forthwith the thieves proceeded was now by his sudden and un 'eeted wasnowby issuden nd nepece OF SAN FRANCISCO. page: 74-75[View Page 74-75] 74 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES loss of employment thrown entirely des- pers were rapidly disappearing in sup- titute on the world. plying the clamorous demands of the ea- At first he resolved to depart immedi- ger throng anxious to hear from' the old ately for the mines. Reflection howev- folks at home.' r made he n s purpose. As Monteagle moved among them like a he was hun n expectation of a letter perfect stranger. He felt as though a ofhedas from his home in the Atlantic brand was upon him; but the reason was of credit fo i oei.. .t retmsey vr y, States, which would place him in posses- to him a perfect mystery. Every eye, sion of ample funds, with which it had however open.and direct its glance r been his intention to buy a share of Mr. others, became cold and averted when it ,andewater's .business met his. Tnerwae a bn r a d frmore p- He was about turning to leave the store, There was another and far e pon his sad feeling legibly expressed on his erful :motive, however that prevailedpnfneeauswnheetahnd upon refran fro le fine features, when he felt a hand upon the young man to refra from leave his shoulder and turning quickly he on San Francisco. In the hurry of businesses houded r and nng of the ropri=e as in the allurements of pleasure one form fronted Mr G-, on e prp was ever present with him. Need we say Ale. Here's it was that of the lovely maiden whom '.Ah, good night, MNonteage.Hr' ie wahat bonefinhia the l ly de - your Herald,and the rest of your papers.' he had borne. his arms from the de- 'Thank you, Mr. G -, but,' and vourigg flames. . m Monteagle lowered his tone, while his -Although he' avoided meetingInt cheek was flashed, Il come in again- Castro, and her father, it was not thatin fact--I'm penniless. he did not ardently wish to meet with 'Never mind that,' replied the book- her; but his delicacy shrank from seem seller. 'Here take the papere' and as ing to take advantage of the fact that he he spoke, he slipped a twenty dollar had conferred so great an obligation on them, and he,feared that gratitude would ' Thank you-thank you,' tried the induce Inez to betray a preference for grateful youth. 'I expect a remittance him which he would fain owe to love from home to-morrow, and then I will re- alone. pay you.' One evening soon after Monteagle's But had Monteagle seen the expression . discharge from employment, and after all .of the bookseller's manly face, he would attempts to procure a situation had pro- have known that he was repaid already.- ved futile, he wandered about the streets His own noble heart approved the gene- in that sad, dejected mood which comes rous, and with him by no means unusual over one, when friendless and moneyless act. - in a great city. On the morning succeeding, Monteagle Following a large crowd, he found had early taken his place in the Post-Of- himself in an extensive bookstore adjoin- floe line, (as extensive as that of Banquo's ingthe Post Office. This was the gene- issue which flitted before the eyes of the ral rendezvous of merchants, and others, Scottish regicide,) awaiting the delivery while awaiting the tardy operations of of their letters. Uncle Sam's officials. Huge stacks of This line is one of the most singular daily, weekly, and' California edition'pa- sights in the world, composed not only of s1~, 1 representatives from every section of our own country, but from almost every na- tion on the face of the globe. Monteagle was disappointed. There was no letter for him. Only those who have been thousands and thousands of miles away from home, can understand the full effect of this crushing disappointment. Instantly the mindonjures up many.dismal reasons as tlle cause of the non-arval of the expec- ted letters. What can be the matter.- Have our friends forgotten us, has sick- ness wasted the hand that used to seize. the pen with such 'avidity to tell us all the warm feelings the writers-enter- tkined for us. Or has death forever still- ed the beatings of those hearts we dearly 0vedit Months we know must elapse ere these questions can have a response, and in the meanwhile we must experience all the bitterness of hope deferred. Monteagle left the Office almost envy- ing the lucky ones who were tearing the envelopes from the missives they had re- ceived and (vith eager eyes scanning the' lines. But could Monteagle have nar- rowly watched the different readers, he would have seen that in the majority of instances the letters brought news that had better never reached the recipients. Here a splendid looking fellow, the very embodiment of manly beauty, read a let- ter that informed him that the girl, in hopes of wedding whom he had left home to win a fortune in California, had been married to a man with no other recom- mendation than a hundred thousand dol- lars. There might be seen a stalwart man, his rough cheek blanched and the tears gushing from his eyes, as he read that his only daughter-the cherished idol of his affections; had gone to the nar- OF SAN FRANCISCO, 75 row house, appointed for 411 the liv- ing. But we need not pursue the theme, any one who has noticed attentive- ly the 'line' we speak of has seen matter for much and melancholy medita- tion, even if he has been fortunate enough to experience none of those bitter disap- pointments himself. Belcher Kay and his fellow-rogues soon expended the money they obtained by the robbery of Vamdewater's store in riotous living. So a new crime was de- termined on. But it was necessary that he should be quick in his plans, for his means were daily becoming more limited, and he was well aware that success depended in a great measure upon promptitude. But what was he to do when his pecuniary resources were entirely exhausted.' This was a troublesome thought, and one which he was unable for some time to answer satisfactorily in his own mind. Money he must have by some means or another, or he would not have it in his power to carry on his nefarious pro- jects with any chance of success, and the bare idea of being reduced to poverty, af- tir the life of indolence, luxury, and ex- travagance he had led, made the villain shrink with dread. No-no-such a fate must not be his, and he determined to avoid it, even if the means he should have to adopt in doing so, he should have been compelled to adopt the most desperate and dangerous schemes. From any crime, however revolting, it might be, it has been very clearly shewn to the reader that Kay would not shrink; and, after deliberating for a short time within himself what was next to be done, he at last cane to the determination of going for a few nights on the highway, and thus trying his fortune. Tf in adop- page: 76-77[View Page 76-77] 76 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES ting this guilty resolution, the villain should have to perpetrate murder, he' would not have foreborne to do it, soon- er than he would have been disappointed of his object. Accordingly, on the following night, af. ter he had come to this resolution, Kay, well armed, secretly quitted the hotel where he was lodging, and took-his way to a lonely road, that led- to the Mis, sion, which was, notwithstanding, much frequented: Here he secreted himself, and eagerly watched the approach of some traveller who might possess the means about him of satisfying his wants. Belcher had taken good care to strengthen his determination by drinking deeply, before he started on his guilty purpose, and he now felt fully prepared for whatever might happen. Money he had made up his mind he would have at all hazards, an therefore it was not a tri- fle that was at all likely to moye him from his purpose. The place which Kay had chosen to conceal himself, was just at the entrance, of a dark and dismal lane, which branch- ed off .the road, and was a very conveni- ent place for the perpetration of a deed like that he contemplated. ,Here then he seated himself upon the ground, where le could have a distinct view of the road for some distance, and every person that approached. It was a very fine night ; the moon shone brightly in the heavenly arch, and countless myriads of stars added their twinkling lustre to her radiant beams. Kay sat there for some time in a state of apathy, his thoughts wandered to no particular objects, but still his mind in- tent upon the desperate crime he had re-- solved to perpetrate if the opportunity should be afforded him At last, however, becoming impatient, and feeling rather cold, for the night air was keen, he arose, and walked for some distance-along the road, taking care to keep close to the bushes, that separated it from the adjoining fields, and where he was less likely to be observed. In the course of a conversation which Belcl er had overheard between the land- lord df the hotel and his wife af-. ter they had retired to bed, (for they slept in the next chamber to him, and the rooms only being parted by a very slight partition. of canvas, he could hear every.word they uttered,) he had learnt that a drover, who invariably called at their house, and who usually had a large sum of money about him, was expected there that day, and he was also enabled to ascertain that this was the road he al- ways came; but he could not think of making an attempt to commt a robbery in the open daylight, and when his detec- tion would be almost certain to follow, and thus his nefarious wishes would be foiled. But then, as he understood that the drover usually slept at the hotel, the villain thought there might still be a chance left of his being enabled to "rob' him in the night. This, however, would be attended with considerable danger, for suspicion would, in all probability, light upon him, and should he abandon the place, it would, undoubtedly, be a direct confirmation of his guilt, and would put great in. convenience in having to quit the neigh- bourhood, Reflecting therefore, in this manner, Kay was constrained to give up all thoughts of plundering the drover, al- though it was with much reluctance that he did so, for he had no doubt but that he should from him have been sure to have got a very rich booty. The day which succeeded the night on which Kay had overheard the conver- sation we have spoken of, was passed by him in a state of great agitation and un- certainty, and at one time he would de- termine upon some daring scheme, which the next moment would make him aband- on all idea of. The drover, however, did not come to the house that day, but Kay gathered from the conversation of his host, that he would sure to be there that night, so that he might be in time for the market on the following morning. Kay caught at this information, and his hopes once more revived ; le resolved to lay wait for him, and make a desperate attempt to rob him as he had at first design-d. Kay was no coward, as that which has been already related, will fully prove, and he was, therefore, prepared for any resistance which his marked victim might make, and he had made up his mind not to be defeated easily. But from what- he could learn, the drover was an old man, and one who was not very likely to offer much resistance, especially when he saw that the individual who attacked him was well armed, and a determined man, and, therefore, Kay calculated that his success was almost certain. -. He had taken the precaution to pro- vide himself with a mask and poncho, so that he might be fully enabled to dis- guise himself, and these were the more indispensable for the villain's safety, as he intended to return to the hotel after the perpetration of the robbery. Impatient and gloomy, Kay continued to traverse the road for some time, but still he saw no signs of the traveller or of any other person, and he began to des- pair. The place was sufficiently quiet and lonely to inspire no very pleasant re- flections in the mind of Kay, and so rap- idly did they crowd upon his brain, that he had not strength to endure them, and he almost made up his mind to abandon his villainous project, and return to the hotel to seek that society which might alone banish such fearful thoughts. At length the solemn booming of the Mission bell vibrated on the air, toll- ing the hour of ten, and Kay, whose pa- tience was now quite tired out, and whose disappointment could only be equalled by chagrin, resolved to wait no longer but to return to the hotel. He had just turned round for that pur. pose, when the low trampling of horses' hoof, ata distance, arrested his purpose and r kindled his hopes. Th.) sounds proceeded from behind him, and looking eagerly along the road as far as his eyes could penetrate, at first be could not perceive anything, but at length he beheld a horse trotting slowly along the road, in the direction of the place where he was standing, and bearing on his back a person who he was unable at present, to observe, distinctly. 'It must be him!' muttered Kay to himself, and hope once more elated and nerved him. His mind was fully made up; he would have all the money thegra- zier had about him, even. if to obtain it he had to embrue his haud sin his blood. Quickly the miscreant glided cautious- ly along the darkest and most overshad- owed part of.-theroad, and le once more reached the entrance to the lane which the traveller must pass; and which appeared to him to be the most convenient spot for the perpetration of the deed. 'But-but'-muttered Kay, 'I will not harm him-no-no-I will not harm him, if I can avoid it! I do not want OF SAN FRANCISCO. 77 page: 78-79[View Page 78-79] 78 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES his blood, but his money, it will be his own fault should he lose his life.' Nearer and nearer the rider approach- ed, and at length he had got to within a very short distance of the place where Kay was concealed, and by the bright light of the moon, he was enabled to have a distinct view of his person. He was a thickset man, about sixty, and carried with him a short whip with a very heavy handle.' He was whistling merrily along the road, apparently, quite happy and unsuspicious of any danger, and what Kay could perceive of his fea- tures, he looked like a man who was not likely to be easily intimidated. Again be muttered to himself,-. 'I hope he will resign hip money eas- ily; I hope he will not make any resist- ance; I would not have his blood upon my conscience, but his money I will have.' The man had now got to within a very short distance of the lane, and Kay had no doubt from the description which had been given of him, that this was the grazier. He clenched his fist~nervously, and in- voluntarily placed his other hand on* one of-the pistols which he carried with him. . 'I will let him pass me,' thought Kay, 'I will let him pass me before I pounce out upon him, and then I shall take him more by surprise, and he will be less likely to offer any resistance.'. The traveller had now left off whist- ling, and had broke into a negro melody, which he sang in self-satisfied tones, but which were anything but harmonious., -'Your money or your life !' cried Kay in a disguised voice, rushing up to the traveller, from his place of conceal. ment,-and laying hold of the horse's bri- dle. The old man, was of course, rather startled, but he collected himself in a moment, and with the utmost coolness, said:- 'I tells thee what it is, young nan, your'e on a bad errand, and I advise you let go the bridle, and go about your bu- siness, before harm come to you.' - There, there, no nonsense,' replied Kay, in an impatient tone; 'I am a des- perate man and must have money.' 'D-n you, you are a daring rascal,' cried the traveller, 'let go of the bridle; or it may not be long ere I make you re- pent thy job. Leave go of the bridle, I again-tell you! You won't, then, d-u me, if I don't soon make you, and that's all about it' With these words the traveller flour- ished his heavy whip, and aimed a blow at the head of Kay with the butt-end of it, which if he had not stepped quickly aside and avoided would, in all probabil- ity have deprived him immediatety of far- ther power.- 'Old idiot.! cried the enraged ruffian, ' you will urge me to that which I would rather avoid; will you deliver up your money, I say, once more T' 'No,' promptly replied the old man; 'I'll see you d-d first, and all such scoundrels.'* 'Then, by h-11 you will have to pay for your obstinacy with your life!' cried Kay, hastily groping about beneath his poncho to get ott one of the pistols. The old man immediately guessed at what he was about, and sprang from his horse's back with the agility of a youth, and the moment that Kay got out his pistol, and before he could cock it, he-clo- sed with him, and being a strong, power- ful man, the struggle threatened to be a determined one. Kay, however, was wound up to a pitch of desperation, for it was a moment of life or death, and he was taken somewhat by surprise, as, from the age of the trav- eller, he had not expected such an antag- onist- Kay was a very muscular man, and had youth on his side, and he, of course, mustered up all his strength for this oc- casion, and endeavoured to get his hands at liberty; but the old man had pinned them with such an iron grip, that all his efforts were ineffectual, and maledictions the most terrible escaped his lips, as the danger of his situation became every in- stant greater; for, as his strength de- creased, so did that of the traveller ap- pear to increase, and he expected noth- ing less that he must be overpowered. The struggle lasted several minutes, the traveller having pinched the hands of Kay so tightly, that he was compelled to drop the pistol to the ground, and which the former was afraid to secure, for fearthat, in resigning his hold of the robber, he should lose the advantage he had gained. length the foot of Kay caught in something on the ground, and he fell, dragging the old man with him. Fortunately, the traveller did not fall upon him, or his weight would have quickly decided the combat, and Kay would have been defeated, but he fell by his side, and consequently was obliged to leave go his hold ; and Kay, seeing the moment of advantage, and probably the only opportunity of, saving his life, jumped to hi3 feet with the speed of lightning, and snatching the pistol from his bosom, he sprang upon the old man, knelt upon his chest,--he pressed the fin- gers of his other hand tightly in his throat until the old man was nearly strangled, he presented the pistol at his head as he exclaimed- ' You deserve to lose your life for your infernal obstinacy, and it is at this moment in my power ; but I do not wish to harm you if I can help it. Now, then, your money.' The old rran who was quite overpow- ered by the pressure on his chest, and the violence with which Kay pressed his knuckles into his throat, he tried to speak, but could only make a sign 1o his Boat-pocket, which Kay understanding, released the old man from the hold which he had taken of his throat; and, putting his hand into his pocket, to which he had directed his attention, he drew forth a a canvass bag apparently well loaded, and depositing it carefully in his bosom, he secured both the pistols, and, rising from the ground, he said to the still prostrate traveller- 'Beware!l you see that I have all the power of your life or death in my hands; if you move a step to pursue me, until I am out of sight, that instant you die!1' The old man did not make any reply, for he had not yet recovered from the ef- fects of the combat, and was unable to utter a word; and Kay, having satisfied himself that he had secured all the mo- ney in his possession, hastily retreated from the spot, and springing into the fields, threw away the poncho, and made the best of his way towards the hotel, which he reached in an almost inconceiv- able short space of time. and, without betraying any emotion, entered the bar, as was his usual custom, and taking his seat called for a mug of ale. He had not been there long, when he heard a loud shouting and hallooing out- side the house, and he immediately ree- ognized the tones. ' Why,' said the landlord, laying down OF SAN FRANCISCO. 79 page: 80-81[View Page 80-81] 80 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES. hip pipe, 'that certainly is the voice of a friend; what the deuce can be the matter with him?' Kay felt a little alarmed; but he con- cealed his agitation, and continued with apparent unconcern, to smoke his pipe, and to be completely absorbed in the en- joyment of that and his ale: He would have been glad to have retired to his chamber, so that he might have escaped all observation, but he was fearful that he might, by so doing, probably excite suspicion, and he therefore kept his seat and pretended to take no notice of what was passing. The landlord having hastened to the door of the house to meet his guest, and to enquire what was the matter with him was quickly heard returning accompani- ed by the old man, who was grumbling, and swearing all the way. On entering the bar, the drover gazed round upon the different persons there assembled, but appeared to take little notice of Kay, whose assumed color, no doubt, removed every idea of his being the robber from his mind. ' He was a most'desperate scoundrel, whoever he is,' said the drover, 'and I- feel the effects of his d-d knuckles on my throat, now. I wish I could only meet with the fellow, and I warrant me he'd not escape from my clutches again, very easily.' ' This is a bad job, aterrible bad job,' aid the landlord. 'Aye, it is indeed a bad job,' said the Irover, -'two -thousand dollars is no small sum to lose as times go.' CHAPTER XII. The Ride-the Midnight Fright-the Corpse-The Secret Burial. KAY took no part in the conversation which followed, the staple of which con- sisted of dennunciations of the scoundrels who infested the city of San Francisco aud its vicinity, perpetrating with im- punity the most, daring robberies and even more atrocious offences. Kay was slightly known to several of' the 'crowd' who had been drawn to the bar by rumors respecting the robbery, and as Kay sauntered out of the room - one of these persons whispered a few U OF SAN FRANCISCO. words to the drover, who turned and closely scrutinized the robber's per- son.. Kay bore his fixed gaze apparent- ly unmoved. But he inwardly determ- ined that the drover should never bear witness against him! A few evenings after this robbery, Inez had taken a long ride, and on her return was overtaken by a sudden and violent storm. She immediately put her horse to the run. Inez was too much accustomed to heavy rains and violent storms of wind to be much alarmed, as. she knew her fleet steed would soon bear her home in safety. Bat scarcely had our heroine proceeded a couple of hundred varas when her horse fell heav- ily. Fortunately, however, Inez was but little injured. Her horse she soon discovered was unable to rise. Of course no alternative was left her but to pro- ceed homewards on foot. Notwithstanding, however, she sought all that was in her power to strengthen this idea, many, doubts, fears, misgiv- ings, and apprehensions would steal into her bosom,-and every blast of wind which howled around her seemed to come fraught with the moanings of despair. She had travelled about three miles from the place at which she had lost her horse, and was upon a dreary waste, where there was nothing to protect her from the fury of the blast and the fast falling rain which drifted around her. It was a most awful spot, and in spite of her re- sistance to fear, she felt the most inde- scribable sensation of horror creeping through her veins. 'Holy Mary !' she exclaimed, 'my weary and benumbed limbs will not sup- port me much further, and yet, if I pause, nothing but death stares me in the face. How awful is the darkness around, and 81 here am I placed alone, and fated to en- dure all this toil and wretchedness. Could I but hear the sound even of a human voice, methinks it would be tran- sport to my soul. This silence is appal- ling. Whenever I have had occasion to cross this wild spot, I always felt the most irresistable terror; it is, indeed, a fit place for the perpetration of the bloody crimes which report says have been committed here, and I do not won- der that people should shun it after night- fall in dread, my God! do not desert me in this dreadful moment. Oh! I remem- ber there is an old house not far from this spot; could I but reach that, it would afford me shelter until my recruited strength will enable me to proceed. The storm increases; what will become of me? The rain falls faster than ever; I must proceed. Protect me, heaven!' Trembling in every limb, and her knees smiting each other, Inez forced her way as well she was able, in the di- rection of the old house, which she at length perceived at no great distance from her, and so completely exhausted was she, that had she had to have pro- ceeded many yards further she must have sunk to the earth. It was an old build- ing, broken irr many parts. - An old story gave the place a kind of fearful interest; and there was one pe- riod when Inez would not have ventured within its precints, but now she thought nothing about it; she thought only of her weary and exhausted state. She reached the wretched place, and found no obstruction to her entrance, the door having long since been torn off its hinges, and she, therefore, staggered into the place, and threw herself, exhausted and breathless, upon a heap of rubbish in one corner, to rest herself for a few minutes, I page: 82-83[View Page 82-83] 82 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES ere she could see what was best to be done for her accomodation for theidght. The house was divided into two compart- ments, and one of these was in much better condition than the other. There, then, Inez determined to remain till day- break; and gathering together some pieces of old boarding which had fallen from different parts of the building, and a heap of straw, which she found in one corner, she retired into it, contrived to make herself up some kind of a rude pal- let, piled all the old rubbish she could find against the door which opened into this division of the house, and then im- ploring the protection of Heaven, she wrapped herself closely in her cloak, and llid down. Completely wearied out, it was not long ere she was -about to si k off to sleep, when she was suddenly armed and astonished by hearing a noise outside the building, and soon after, a light glim- mered between the crevices, and the hor- .ror and amazement of Inez may be easi- ly conjectured when she caught a glimpse of the shadow of two men, bearing some- ring which seemed to be very heavy between them. They moved stealthily and cautiously round by the -side of the building towards the entrance, and Inez had not the least doubt but that they were coming there; in a nother second her conjectures were confirmed, and she heard them deposit their burthen in the adjoining shed to that in which she was. How shall we attempt to portray the terror of Inez at this circumstance 2 She didnot venture to breathe scarcely, and screwed herself into the smallest possible compass in the corner, for fear that the men should discover her there but, from a small hole in the boards, sh could perceive what was'passing. 'My God!' she thought, ' what can be the purpose of these men? Certainly no good,'at such an hour.' Inez placed her eye to the hole in the boarding, and perceived that they were two powerful men, dressed in ponchos, and as the rays of the light fell upon their countenances, she shuddered at their aspects. They had placed the sack upon the floor, and began digging up the earth with a couple of spades which they had brought with them. A deadly chill fell upon the heart of Inez when she beheld this, and she could scarcely repress a scream, as a dreadful idea shot through her brain.,- . 'Horror! horror!' she reflected, 'the wretches have surely been committing murder, and have come hither to bury their unfortunate victim.'- 'There, we shall soon be able to make a snug lodging for him,' said one of the villains, taking up a spade and prepa-. ring to begin to dig, 'and no one will ever know what has become of him. How nicely we gammoned the old fool to take up his lodging with us.' 'You're right,' said the other, 'it was very well done, and I must give you the credit of doing the best part towards it. If the friends of the old drover look for his return home, how woefully deceived they will be.' 'Ha! ha! ha!' laughed the first vil- lain, 'indeed they will. Well, we have got a very tidy booty for this job,' 'Yes, it will pay us for the trouble we have been at,' was the answer; 'but I'll warrant that we shall circulate the blunt a little more freely than the old fellow would have done. We must not e be in the city many days.' . ' As soon as the job's over we will I, OF SAN FRANCISCO. quit the spot,' returned his companion, ' and it will be many a long day ere we shall revisit this neighborhood again. We couldn't have fixed a much better place than this to deposit the old fel- low's remains in ; but, I say, there is a door yonder, which seems to lead to an- other part of the house; suppose we ex- amine that, and see whether it will serve better to conceal the bodyof the mur- dered man in than this.' - 'Great God!' thought Inez, 'I am lost; they will discover and murder me. By what horrible fatality were my foot- steps guided to this place?' 'Psha! what's the use of talking in that manner, Kay?' said the other ruf- fian, to whom this proposition was ad- dressed; 'we have no time to spare; be- sides, we have half dug the grave here, and I dare say the old chap will lie-as contented here as he would a foot or two off. Come, come, let's, finish the business and begone, for I am almost ti- red of it, and if we remain here much longer, there's no knowing but that we might be discovered.' 'Oh, very well,' said Kay, as the oth- er man had called him, 'it matters very litlle, so let's go to work, and get done as quick as possible' 'I think we have given him depth enough,' remarked the other wretch, 'and he'll not pop up again in a hurry by himself. Come, out with him, and let's finish the job at once.' This, as may be imagined, was a mo- ment of unutterable horror to our he- roine, who had watched the proceedings, and listened to the conversation of the assassins with the most breathless atten- tion; and a shuddering seized upon her freme which she found it impossible to resist.-It would, however, be useless to 83 attempt to describe the relief she felt when she heard the observations of the first ruffian, by which he was persuaded from entering the place in which she was concealed; but every moment that they prolonged their stay increased*her ter- ror and anxiety, for fear that her infant should awake, and, crying loud, betray her. After having untied the mouth of the sack, they drew it nearer to the edge of the grave they had been digging, and turned out the body of a stout but aged man, whose long grey locks were mat- ted together with large clots of blood that had issued from several deep wounds in the skull. Horror enchained all the faculties of Inez, and with distended eyelids, she fix- ed her straining eyeballs upon the dread- ful specacle. Her blood seemed turned to ice, and her heart seemed almost to cease its pul- sation. Should the wretches find out that she was there concealed, and had been watching them, and overheard the the acknowledgement of their dreadful crime, the'death of herself would be cer- tain to follow. These reflections passed rapidly in the mind of Inez, as she watched, in a state of the most breathless suspense, the ac- tions of the murderers, as they, in the most callous manner, tossed the body of their wretched victim into the grave they had dug for its reception, and commen- ced filling it up, occupying the interval during the disgusting scene, with the most ribald conversation, which smote the heart of our heroine with horror, as she listened to it, ' There,' exclaimed Kay, as he placed the last spade-full of earth on the grave of their murdered victim, 'that job's fin- page: 84-85[View Page 84-85] $,4 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES ished, and a long and sound rest to the ings of our heroine, as the ruffian, Kay, old drover. The business has been per- approaches e , do, adtid. formed throughout in a tradesman-like Such was the violenceof her agitation, manner, and no suspicion can ever attach that cold drops of perspiration stood itself to us.' upon her forehead, and it was only by a 'Suspicino'reiterated the other with a complete miracle that she could prevent laugh, oh no, we might almost as well herself from screaming. imagine that somebody has been watch- Kay tried hard to push the door open, ing us all this time in this lonely place, and swore when he found theobstruction; as to suppose that even the shadow-of and at that moment, when Inez had an idea of we being the mdrderers of the nearly given herself up for lost, some old man could attach itself to us.' noiseon the outside of the building, ar- ' Ait' exclaimed Kay, 'your obser- rested the attention of both the villains, vation have started an idea in my head, and Kay immediately quitted the door, and, had you attended to my suggestion much to the relief of our heroine. in the first instance, we should have been t list?' muttered Blodget, in a can- secured from any danger of the sort.' tious tone, 'did you not hear a noise 'What mean you?' outside, Belcher?' 'What mean I:-why; that door, 'I fancied I did,' was the reply. which, as I before observed, no doubt, 'Extinguish the light,', commanded communicates with some other part of the other, 'and I will reconoitre.' the house, and it is not at all unlikely Kay immediately did as his compan- that some weary traveller may have ta- ion directed hin, and Blodget cautious- ken up his lodging there, or sought shel- ly opened the dopr and looked out. As ter from the storm, and been listening he did so, Inez could hear that the to our discourse all this time. Should storm had increased in violence, and im- such be the case, we shall not go far mediately afterwards she heard the without falling into the hands of the Vig- voice of Blodget, observing,- ilance Committee, depend upon it. I'll ' Oh, the coast is quite clear, as far examine the place.' as I can see, and, therefore, it could on- 'Bah! why, you are growing worse ly have been fancy; but, notwithstand- than a child, Kay,' said the miscreant's ing, Kay, I do not see the policy of re- companion, 'I never heard such improb- maining here. - We had much better, able ideas to strike a fellow in all my on the contrary, make our escape as life. Do you think any person could be speedily as possible, while we have the within here all this time without betray- opportunity; for, should we be discover- ing some signs of terror?' ed .here, and the fresh earth upon the You may laugh at me as much as new made grave, we should be bowled you like, Blodget,' returned Kay, 'but out to a, dead certainty. It's madness I am generally pretty correct in what I to suppose that anybody but ourselves fancy, and I don't think I shall be far have been here during the time we have out in-this'instance. Here goes for to been performing the funeral obsequies see' for the old man. Come, come, no more We must fail here to portray the feel- of this foolery, but travel's the word.-i OF SAN FRANCISCO. 85 And 'travel' was not only the word, place where she had witnessed such hor- bat the action of the wretches, much to rors, and with difficulty made her the relief of our heroine, who had al- in what se judged to be the direction of most given her mind to despair; and her father's house. This she would ne- after a short time had elapsed since they ver have had strength to reach, had she had quitted the place, and Inez, by at- not fortunately mtwhapryofer tentive listening, had assured herself father's herdsmen, who had been sent that they were not near the spot, first, out in quest of her. She was soon af- with eyes brimful of tears, having re- er joined by her father, and beinghpdeed turned her thanks to Providence for her ed on a horse, arrived safely at home, deliverance from that death which she suffering greatly, however, in both body at one time imagined inevitable, she re- and mind from the anguish she had x- moved the rubbish which she had piled perienced, and the terrible scenes that against the door, and left the place in had been enacted before her young eyes. which she had been concealed. Leaving the maiden safely in the abode What an inexpressible feeling of ter- of her parent, we will now return to ror smote her breast, when she passed Monteagle. Day after day, he had cal- the grave of the murdered man!--Her led at the Post Office, but the same limbs trembled so violently that it is sur- brief response ever met his inquiries,- prising how she was enabled to support 'None, sir.' Disappointment was wor- herself, and she mentally offered up an king a sad change in his appearances, involuntary prayer for the repose of his and his broken fortunes were growing soul, and that his barbarous assassins hourly more desperate. might be brought to punishment for As he was one day leaving the Post their inhuman violation of the laws. It Office, and strolling down Clay street, was a second or two before she ventur- he overheard a person addressing ano- ed to quit the place, but having listened ther, thus: 'Jake, you needn't go to at the door, which the ruffians had clos- the Post Office, up here, any more for ed after them, and hearing no other letters. A couple of cartloads have just sounds than those caused by the fury been found down under Long Wharf; of the storm, she ventured to open it which it seems, the Postmaster uses as and look forth. The scene was awful a place of general delivery.' enough, as a pitchy darkness obscured Monteagle stayed to hear no more, all around, save when, at intervals, the but hastened to the place indicated.-- flashes of lightning succeeded the deaf- A great crowd was assembled, every being thunder-peals. The rain also de- member of which was justly indignant at scended rapidly, and all around present- this infamous betrayal of trust in the ed a scene of the most appalling horror. Post Office officials, and while some But, awful as it was, to Inez it present- talked of carrying their complaints to ed not half the terrors of the old out- Washington; others suggested the rath- house, which now contained the mangl- er less mild but somewhat more effect- ed remains of the poor old man, whom ive action of tying the Postmaster up in the monsters had buried, one of his mail bags, and dumping him Inez, trembling in every limb, left the page: 86-87[View Page 86-87] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES where be had deposited their letters- complete counterpart of her t e husband, in th Bay.and never were two beings better form in the Bay. tt te a hi ny Monteagle sprang down beneath the ed to meet together. I was their only wharf, the tide having fallen, and left daughter, myself and a brother being the sand bare. Here he found a large the only offspring they ever had. Eve- number of letters, and newspapers: the ry indulgence that child could wish, or directions of many being wholly or in parent could think of, was bestowed on part obliterated. But among all that me;-my every thought seemed to be number, he could fndnone addressed to studied by them, and there was not a him. - While he was turning over the single happiness which they had it in letters, he saw one addressed to a young their power to grant, which they seemed lady, whom he recollected as having to think too great for me.' been pointed out to him by Blodget 'Our home was the happiest in the when visiting thehouse in Dupont street. neighborhood, and it was the envy and, She was called the 'English Girl,' and admiration of all who knew it.fAeen, Monteagle. remembered having been when I think upon it, and how different particularly struck by the lovely though my situation is now, I cannot help giving pensive expression of her fair face. He vent to my feelings ; indeed, it is to in- took the letter and immediately proceed- dulge them that I have sat down to record ed to the house where she resided. As the events of my life, although, in all soon as the usual greetings were over, probability, no other eyes but mine may the young lady opened the letter, but ever behold it. home, sweet home; had scarcely glanced at its contents be- there cannot be a theme upon which the fore she fell heavily to the floor. Mont- mind of sensibility pauses with more pe- eagle summoned assistance, and after culiar delight than this. It is the era- some time she was sufficiently restored die of our infancy and our agen' to converse with our hero; who deeply ' The seaman, amidst storm and teo- sympathised with her evident distress. pest, in fair weather and foul, thinks of The poor girl, in answer to Monteagle's his native village; the soldier th fights inquiries, gave him the following ac- for kings; the merchant that dives for count of her previous history: gain, are, alte whil thewanderer, My father was a farmer, in comforta- thoughts o1 home; wlee t fndit biecirumsancswhich he gained by who has followed pleasure, but found i ble circumstances, wihh andb h a that has bartered the humble his own industry and exemplary conduct. a shade-th has mierd thnks.ble I will not attempt to describe him, for I content for splendid misery, th at of should fail to do justice to his merits, el- home with a self-accusing regret, that oquent, doubtless, as my affection for renders even a return to its enjoyments him would make me. Let it suffice that full of bitterness and remorse. Sensibly he was a han of superior education,hav- do I feel the force of these observations, ing formerly moved in a different state and, therefore, have prsse of indul of life,from which he had been driven by simple narrative for the purpose a long series of misfortunes,.and his nu- going in them.'rt of m merous virtues even by far exceeded his I will pass over the early pat of aedomplishments y mother was life, which was p instunnter- rupted happiness, and come at once to that unfortunate circumstance Which was the cause of my indiscretion, and occasioned me all that anguish I so se- verely felt afterwards. 'An accident brought Captain Dari- an and his friend, the Earl Mansville, to our house, from which the latter was unable to be removed for several weeks. Alas ! it was a fatal day for me; the earl was young, handsome, insinuating, and the very first moment I beheld him, my heart felt a sensation it never before had experienced, and too soon I was com- pelled to acknowledge to myself that I had become deeply enamoured of him. Fatal attachment! had I not been un- pardonably thoughtless, I should at once have seen the folly, the danger, the hope- lessness of indulging, or encouraging a passion for one so far above me, and who would, probably, not feel for me a mutual sentiment, and have stifled it in its infancy. But it was not to be: I was to be taught reason by dear-bought experience. At length, the earl being restored to canvalescence, quitted our house, but I felt convinced it was with reluctance, and I noticed the looks he fixed on me, with a sentiment of mingled delight and astonishment. The glances he bestowed on me, were those of admi- ration-of love! How my heart bound- ed at this idea, I need not tell; but, alas! it should have been its greatest cause of anguish, and my pleasure was greatly in- creased when I learned that Mansville having expressed his delight at the neigh- borhood, had taken up his abode in it for a short time ; but Captain Darian had male his departure some days previ- ous to another part of the country. I frequently saw the earl, and he seemed anxious to say something to me, but had not an opportunity, as I was mostly in the presence of my parents ; but I need- ed no interpretation of his thoughts; my own sentiments fully elucidated them, and the warmth of the glances he be- stowed upon me. If it required anything to strengthen the affection with which Mansville had inspired me, it was the amiable character he soon acquired in the neighborhood,,his chief pleasure ap- pearing to be the performing of acts of benevolence and philanthropy, and the blessings of the poor were amply lavish- ed upon him. Rash, thoughtless, girl that I was. I should have made my pa- rents acquainted with the real state of my feelings, and sought their advice up- on the subject. but, for the first timo in my life, I was anxious to conceal my thoughts from them, and continued to encourage and strengthen those passions which reason ought to have convinced me could never have been requited by the object who had inspired me with them. It was about a month after the EJarl Mansville had quitted our house, that I arose rather earlier one morning than was my usual custom, induced by the fine- ness of the weather. I descended from my chamber, and entered the garden, which was beautifully and tastefully ar- ranged, and in which, as well as my father and brother, I took much pleas- ure. My attention, however, was par- ticularly devoted to a rose tree, which I had frequently heard the earl express his' admiration of it while he was re- maining at our house. Could I but get him by any means to receive one how happy should I have been. This day I had resolved to make my father and mother a little present of some of these roses, which I knew they would receive i OF SAN FRANCISCO. 87 ;r t I S " ft t d= ? pe ' t i 5 page: 88-89[View Page 88-89] 88 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES with more delight than the most costly 'My child, answered my affectionate gift, coming as they did from me. parent, these locks have withered in the 'How sweetly my roses have opened,' hot sun. I have passed many years in I soliloquized; 'they seem to know that toiling for others, andhave never shrunk they are destined to be gifts of affection, from its beams; and now, when it is -I and to smile with the delight I shall feel partly for my darling girl I. toil, the in bestowing them on those I love so balm and comfort of my life, I cannot dearly. So this for my father, and this feel fatigue, and every drop that rolls for my mother.' y down ma weather-beaten forehead in I plucked two of the most beautiful, such a cause, makes my old heart te and had scarcely done so, when my fath- lighter.' er entered from the house, and greeted aI threw myself once more into his me wth hs usal afecton.arms, and he embraced me fervently, me h fath e' sI xclaimedIhave after which he hastened away. As soon '.Ah, father,' I excamd ave e hadgoe I was joined by my such a nice gift for you and my dear asoher gone, as joie by my mother.' mother, who, hearing myoe i the 'Indeed, my child,' returned my fath- garden, had come to summon me to te er, smiling fondly on me. morning repast 'Yes,' replied I, placing one of those So, my dear,' he remarked, 'old Mrs. roses which I had plucked in his hand, Weston is likely to be better off than 'there,-is there a painting in any man- ever;instead of being ruined by th sion in the country half so beautiful? burning of her cottage, the Earl of What a name a painter would get who Mansvilleais .going to rebuild it at his could only give a perfect copy of these own expense, and has made her a hand- roses, and, you see, I give you the origi- some presenting the arl' nals for nothingg' At the mention of the l m 'Dear girl, dear girl!' ejaculated my blushed, and a sensation filled my father, his eyes glittering with fondness. bosom which no other name cold have ' And yet I do not give them to you excited.ote Iobrvdin for 'nothing, my-dear father,' I added ; 'Indeed, mysmother,' I obs had stated; 'bless his ' for-you give me iil exchange those sweet reply to wt she hole illaes rings smiles of affection, wiich are to me of kind heart! Thea whenvillagerins more value than anything else in the with his charities; and, whenever I see world.' him,nmyc heart beats so.' 'Darling child,' cried my lather,' 'Ah, child,'P said my mother, It is a raising his hand above his head, and in- very bad sign whena young girl's heart voking a blessing upon me; 'the look of beats at the sight ha happeng affection will always reward innocence.' young man. Whtet out of his way, ' After having thus spoken he was ought at once to ge ou fuhse wan' about to depart, when I ran towards I felt uncommonly confused, and him, saying: know I must have blushed deeply. 'What! leave us so soon, my dear 'Nay, my dear mother,' I at length father? Prithee stay till the air grows answered,'dto me a warniueg is super- cooler.' u fluous; your daughter's 'affections live iY 1 89 in her home. Is it possible she will find Crimson blushes, I am certain, elsewhere, what home will yedher?' m- e eks u e ncetamantled elswhee hathoe wllyield he? y cheeks; but yet I was unable to As I afterwards learne, the earl and withdraw my hand from his hold, one of his attendants had watched the he pressed vehemently to hs i ,wch departure of my father, and at this mo- then continued:--. y ment the former descended' from the 'Lovely Clara, pardon this abrupt- bridge, and approached towards us. I ness; often have I longed for this opt- started at his presence, and was much portunity, but in vain; never before have confused, especially as we hadjust before I had it in my power to declare hwvte been talking about him; but, putting on first glance of that enchanting fae e one of his most affable smiles, he said:- 'Oh, my lord,' I faltered out, in 'Pray don't rise. Don't let me dis- tremulous accents, 'I must not listen to concert you. Is Mr. Heywood within?' this-leave me, I beseech you.' 'ie is but this moment gone into the 'Leave you, angelic creature!' replied fields yonder, my lord,' answered my the earl, emphatically, and still retaining mothnee his hold of my hand; 'leave you! oh, SIndeed,' said the earl, with apparent there is madness in the bare thought! disappointment, 'that is unfortunate, I I cannot, I will not quit your presence till have just now urgent occasion to speak you have uttered some word of consola- with hin.' tion-.blessed me with some ray of hope!' Urgent occasion,' repeated my moth_. 'I scarcely knew how to answer ;-I er, aside to me; 'what can it be? My could not behold the object of niy love, lord, then I'll hasten after him ; pray kneeling at my feet, and soliciting my have the goodness to wait one moment.' sanction to his vows unmoved; the cold ' Nay,' said Mansville, 'I am ashamed dictates of prudence would have told me to give you the trouble; but, being of instantly to give him a decisive answer, importance-' and to force myself from his presence, .I'll make the best speed, and bring but my heart pleaded against its rigid him to you immediately,' returned my rules. The earl noticed my emotion, mother, hastening away, and leaving me and doubtless saw his triumph, for he and the earl alone. continued in more fervent and embolden- Scarcely had my mother disappeared, ed terms. when the earl, fixing upon me a look in 'But surely the gentle Clara cannot which admiration and delight were blen- be so cruel as to bid one who is her de- ded, took my hand, and, in a voice of voted slave, despair? No---no-she will rapture, exclaimed:-- impart to him a hope-' ' Clara, beauteous Clara! behold be- 'Hope, my lord,' 1 interrupted, rec- fore you one who loves you to distrac- electing myself, and the remembrance of tion.' my mother's words, and my own assu- Although my own feelings and ob- race, rushing upon my mind; '.I am a servations had prepared me for this poor girl, the daughter of an humble scene, I was so flurried and confused, farmer, and have no right to listen to a that I could scarcely contain myself. man like you. Even were I no longer My bosom heaved-my heart palpitated, the mistress of my heart, I trust I am I OF SAN FRANCISCO. page: 90-91[View Page 90-91] 90 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES not yet so lost to principle my lord, as affections. Blissful assurance! Ere an to avow it where it might not be confes- other morn, my lara, my loved, my ed with honor' adored Clara, will be my bride1l-But e eal arose from his knee, relin- time passes, we must away from this squished my hand, and walked away a spot instantly.' few paces in much apparent agitation ; And the earl attempted to place his then suddenly returning, he said in tones arm around my waist, but surprised at of mingled regret and reproach:- his words and demeanour, I recoiled from 'Do you deem me capable of decep- him, and looking upon him with aston- tion? Clara, it is to make you my wife, ishment, I demanded:--. give you rank and title, that I came. ''My lord, what mean you?-Leave One word of your's can give splendor to this placeI-Why, wherefore?' the home you love, and make the heart ''Nay, my dearest Clara,' returned that lives but in your kindness, happy!' Mansville, 'be not surprised, or alarmed; As he spoke thus, his mnnuer became my proposa s are honorable; reasons of more energetic, and I felt"my heart grad- rank require that we retire to my villa; ally yielding!-I trembled, and longed, our marriage must be secret and immedi- yet dreaded the return of my parents; ale or it may be prevented. Once mine, while the earl seeing the hesitation of I will lead you back in triumph.' m manner, urged his suit with redoub- 'What,' I exclaimed, 'leave my led determination parents in doubt, in misery?' Clara' he exclaimed, 'there is not 'Banish these childish scruples,' said moment to be lost -Can you doubt the earl, 'your parents will applaud you the sincerity of my protestations? Think when they know the truth. Come to a yutht .I could be the base villain to lover who adores you! Come to the al- deceive one in whom my very soul, my tar which will pour forth blessings on existence i n wrapped up. Say but the those who love so dearly! Come, Clara, blissful word; tell me that you will be- come!,' comemy bride, the empress of my heart As the earl .thus impatiently urged andfortune ;-give me this sweet assu- hls suit, he attempted to lead me to- rance and-' wards the bridge;-I felt my resolution 'c, am lord,' I interrupted, in a getting weaker-I trembled-and could state of confusion, and agitation, I will offer but a faint resistance. notaattempt to describe, 'spare me, I 'Urge me no more, my lord,' I cried, lore youL-I-I ----' and unable to endeavouring to disengage myself from finish the sentence, I turned away my him;-'let me go-I dare not listen to head, and burst into tears. The earl you-farewell!' again seized my hand rapturously, and 'Still inflexible,' ejaculated the earl, encouragedby the emotion I evinced, his turning away from me, with a look of countenance became lighted up with an the most inexpressible anguish anddes- expression of delight, as he exclaimed- pair, 'then is my doom sealed. I can- 'Oh, blessed moment! those tears not, will not live without you, and thus convince me that I am not hated by her I-' who hath taken possession of my whole, While thus speaking, he snatched a pistol from his bosom, and presented it towards his head! With a wild shriek of terror, I rushed into his arms, and ar- rested his fatal purpose. Some spell, some horrid spell came over me. I re- member the last cloud of smoke curling over our ancient trees.-I-I've no fur- ther recollection. When my senses were restored, and reason was permitted again to resume its sway,-I found myself an mate of the earl's villa, and far away from that home I had rendered wretch- ed. Oh, God, how dreadful, how agon- izing were the thonghts that first crossed my brain I I upbraided myself for a wretch unfit to live-as one who had disgraced herself and destroyed the peace of the most affectionate of parents for ever, and which ever way I turned, a curse seemed to pursue me. Mansville tried all his eloquence could effect to console me; renewed his most tender asseverations, and repeated his promise to make me his bride. Strange infatuations !-I believed him;-I be-1 came tranquil-and if the thoughts of my parents and the name I had aban- doned ever returned to my memory, they, were quickly banished by the soothings, j and fond protestations of the earl. Day after day passed away, and still he promised, but failed- to keep his word. My humble dress was now exchanged for fasionable finery and Mansville visited me every day, repeating each time with grea-ter energy the vows of -love with s which he had at first seduced from myu home. Every luxury-every enjoyment that could be wished was at my com-'d mand; but could they yield me real hap- t piness? Oh, no. The splendour I was r now placed in, was purchased with ago- I ny; and my own feelings constantly re- v proached me for that offence of which I a 91 had been guilty. Some fated spell must have been upon me, or I must have soon been convinced that St. Clair was not sincere in his promises, or he would net day after day evade the fulfilment of them. But it was my fate dearly to purchase experience of my own weak- ness and of the earl's treachery. Sever- al weeks elapsed in this manner, and still did the earl neglect to fulfil the promises he had made me, while, at the same time, the ardor of his passion seemed to increase, and the excuses lhe made for delaying our nuptials, were so plausible, that I was deceived by them. Alas! the woman whose heart has been sincerely attached to any particular ob- ject, is made an easy dupe! Let me pass hastily over the time, until the an- niversary of the day of my birth, at once the height of my misery, and the means of restoring me to reason and to peace. On that occasion, Mansville had made the most extensive preperatioiis, for cele- brating it in the most spirited manner. Numerous guests were invited to the vil- la, and the peasants in the neighborhood were also permitted to share in the re- joicings. Among other things, for my especial entertainment, the earl had en- gaged a troop of itinerant players, who were in the neighborhood, to perform a play in the grounds of the villa, which deserves particular mention, as it was the means of restoring me to reason, and saving me from that gulf of destruction, upon the brink of which I stood. Seldom had I felt so melancholy as I did on that occasion; home and all its ranquil pleasures, came vividly to my ecollection, and my heart was heavy. There was a song which was a great fa- vourite in the village where I was born, nd which described the pleasures of OF SAN FRANCISCO. page: 92-93[View Page 92-93] 92 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES home in simple yet forcible language, ease is made more wretched by the and as it now came fresh upon my recol- splendor which laughs in awful mockery, lection, I could not help repeating the around its dreariness.' words. When I had concluded, I per- 'The presence of Celia embarrassed ceived that Celia, my waiting-maid, had- me; I wished to indulge in melancholly entered the room, and had. apparently thought alone, but she seemed determin- been listening with much attention and ed not to take my hints for her to leave admiration to me. me, and at last I only got rid of her by Bless me, Miss,' said the loquacious requesting that she would fetch me a girl, 'what a pretty song that was, and how prettily you sang it. Where might you have learnt it, Miss, if I might make so bold?' 'Where I learnt other lessons I ought never have forgotten,' replied I, with a deep sigh; 'it is the song of my native village-the hymn of the lowly heart which dwells upon every lip there, and. book that I had been reading the day previously. When she had left the room, with much agitation, I unlocked my cabinet, and took out the plain vil- lage dress, I had worn when I quitted my home. The sight of this tortured my brain, and while deep sobs of an- guish almost choked my voice, I thus soliquized:- like a spell-word, brings back to its name 'And shall I remain here, dazzled affection which e'er has been betrayed and betrayed by the splendor with which to wander from it. It is the first music I am surrounded? Shall I still rack my heard by infancy in its cradle; and the parents hearts, and-I-will escape!I villagers blending it with their earliest Escape! no, no-I can brave the shocks and tenderest recollections, never cease of fate, but not a father's eye: to ex- to feel its magic power, till they cease pose myself to his wrath-no, no! my to live.' heart's not strong enough for that.' 'How natural that is,' returned Celia; ' I was interrupted by the return of 'just like my nurse used to nurse me to Celia with the book, who, on seeing the sleep with a song, which I have never village dress in the chaise, expressed the heard since without nodding.' utmost astonishment. 'Has the earl been inquiring -for me, 'Lor' bless me, Miss!' ejaculated the Celia?' I asked. - girl, 'what's this dress doing here ?- 'He has been here this morning, and Whoever could have put such trumpery has only just gone,' replied the maid; in the way?' 'but only see what lovely things he , As she spoke, she snatched it up, has left you, Miss!' and was going to throw it aside when I 'And Celia displayed a costly dress, sprang forward emphatically, and hasti- and several articles of jewellery, of ly took it from her. which I expressed my admiration. But 'Give it back!' I cried, 'that humble suddenly, gloomy thoughts again came dress was mine;-I cast it off-the over me, and while tears trembled in my splendor - that has replaced it, is the eyes, I ejaculated:- source of the most bitter misery!-Oh, ' But can these baubles make me hap- my for saken parents;-Cone hither, py? AhI never! The heart that's ill at Celia;-I have no one here of my own OF SAN FRANCISCO. 93 sex to talk to-no one to listen to my sorrows. I ' 'Pray speak freely to me, Miss,' ob- served Celia; 'though humble, you'll not find me insincere.' ' Celia,' I remarked, 'if you knew what a home, what parents I had left, you'd pity me.' 'I do pity you, Miss,' replied Celia, 'indeed I do. Better days will come;, you'll beas happy as when you left them.' I sighed, and shook my head with a look of despair, and then detailed to Celia the particulars of my flight from home, and the promises which the earl had made, but had hitherto failed to keep his word. ' Be of good cheer, Miss, I pray,' said Celia, 'he will keep it, depend up- on it.' Celia spoke this with such a tone of confidence, that it forcibly struck me, and eagerly I exclaimed:- 'Will he, Celia?-Now, don't trifle with me-tell me the worst at once!- Better is present death, than hope de- ferred; still lingering on, still doomed to be deceived.' 'My dearest young Mistress,' return- ed Celia, 'there is plenty of time before you think of dying; and, as a proof that the earl don't mean to deceive you, look here.' And with these words, Celia present- ed me with a miniature of the earl, ele- gantly set round with diamonds, at the same time, adding:- ' On a chamber-maid's penetration, this nothing more or less than an earn- est of the original.' I took the miniature with transport, I with admiration. Nothing could be more true than the delineation, 'Ah!' I observed, 'precious to the fond one, is the semblance of the object held most dear. 'Tis the enchanter's wand, which gathers around it in a ma- gic circle, sweet recollections and feel- ings which make memory a paradise!- No, no!-treachery could never dwell in such a face !-I'll trust him still. He cannot mean me false.' 'Shall I put this away, Miss?' asked Celia, pointing to the village dress; 'I am sure the earl would be hurt to see it here.' 'Yes, take it away,' Celia, I replied, 'I would not, for the world, do any- thing to make him uneasy.' Celia immediately obeyed, and she had not been gone many minutes, when St. Clair entered the room, and advanced joyfully to meet me. ' Ah, sir,' I ejaculated, 'why over- whelm me with gifts like these?-My humble habits shrink from such magni- ficence! This (pointing to the minia- ture,) is the only one I prize, the herald of a gift to follow, which shall restore me to my friends, my self-esteem;-my poor heart-broken parents.' The earl turned away his head, doubt- less to conceal the embarrasment which my words occasioned him, and then, in a tone which showed that he wished to change the subject, said:- 'This is your birth-day, Clara.' That word tore my wounds open! Oh! what a joyous day was it when I was at home! The farm seemed to be one smile of joy;-the sacred halo of a parent's blessing descended on me with the morning sun; and even my birds, and my eyes became rivetted upon it I my flowers, my young companions,-- I page: 94-95[View Page 94-95] 94 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES all seemed to have a livelier look, and lift their heads rejoicing. These thoughts were too painful for my feelings; and I burst into tears. 'Nay, Clara,' observed the earl, 'cheer thee, love!-banish that woe; discard that dread; rely upon my pro- mise.' 'Heaven's smile repay that word,' I exclaimed fervently; 'the weight which pressed me to the earth is removed, and all around me breathes extacy.' 'It delights me to hear thee say so, my dearest Clara,' replied the earl, 'go, sweetest, and put on your richest dress to celebrate this joyous day.' 'That day,' I added, with enthusiasm, 'that day which gives me back to hon- or. It shall be done, my lord.' The earl kissed me affectionately, and left the room; and once more a cheering hope brought consolation to my heart, and assured me of future happiness and joy. Alas! how soon was I to be awakened to the greatest agony! To more misery than I had ever before ex- perienced. ,1 The festivites of the day passed off most brilliantly until the play commenc- ed. The gardens in which it took place were brilliantly illuminated, and the temporary theatre was formed among the trees in the back. Just as the per- formances were about to commence, a servant entered and delivered to the earl a letter, upon perusing the contents of which, he excused himself to me and the numerous guests, it being necessary that he should be absent for a short time; but he begged that his absence might not interrupt their pleasure, as the village actors- would amuse them with their humble efforts; and ere they had ended, he would return, When the earl aad gone, I beckoned Celia over to me, and the play immedi- ately commenced-; but what were my feelings of intense agony as it proceed- ed, when I perceived that the plot, and every incident of the piece, so corres- ponded with my own circumstances, that it seemed as if they had actually chosen me to sketch the heroine from. A. no- bleman wooed a peasant girl; he vowed the most unbounded affection for her;- promised her marriage, if she would but elope with him;-she was persua- ded;-she sunk senselesss in his arms, and was conveyed away. During the time the piece was being played, my anguish was insupportable, and I was so worked upon by the power of each scene, that I could scarcely persuade myself but that it was reality. 'Fatal resemblance,' I ejaculated, at the passage where the seducer bears his victim away; 'has there before been such another deluded being?' 'Be calm, dear mistress, be calm, said Celia, 'it is only a play.' But my thoughts were too intently fixed upon the scene which followed, to pay any particular attention to her words The parents of the betrayed one, as re- presented in the piece, upon hearing the screams of their daughter, rushed on to the stage, the father demanding of his wife the meaning of the alarm, and the cause of the cries he had heard. The mother looking round, and finding that her daughter was not there, exclaim- ed: - 'My child! my child!-A mere pre- tence-our darling -lost - escaped! Ah! there! there! behold the seducer bearing her away!' 'Ah! . cried the father, frantically, ' what fled? given up to shame?-Oh, art beyond belief! IWave all your fond professions come to this? Oh, well-laid plan !-Lost! lost!-Oh, viper !-hypo- crite !--I tear you from my bosom!- I sweep you from the home you have disgraced! A father's curse -' With a wild shriek, as the actor gave utterance to these words, I rushed upon the stage, and falling at his feet, I vo- cifera-ted, in tones that made the place re-echo again:- 'Hold! hold!--curse her not! She is not lost! She is innocent!' At this moment the earl entered, and the whole of the spectators seemed petrified to the spot with astonishment. ' Ahi' cried Mansville, 'what do I see?-What is the meaning of this?' Celia raised me from the posture I had assumed, and by the commands of the earl, whose confusion and chagrin was evident, she led me to my own chamber, while the guests quickly dis- persed, and the entertainments abruptly ceased. After I had been taken to my own apartment for a few minutes, by the kind attention of Celia, I recovered my- self, and addressing myself to her, said:--_ 'Thanks! thanks! a thousand thanks!- I grieve to have troubled you thus-'tis over now; 'tis nothing.' ' The earl, Miss! the earl!' exclaim- ed Celia, and the next moment Mans- ville stood before me. There was an expression of sternness upon his brow which I had never seen before, and he seemed greatly agitated. I was alarm- ed, and advancing towards him, said:- 'Oh, my lord, how shall I apologize for----" 'No more of that,'he interrupted; ''tis past.' 'My lord,' ejaculated I, surprised. 'Leave us, Celia;' commanded the earl, and when the former had retired from the room, he turned to me, and the in- dignation of his looks seemed to in- crease. ' Oh, Mansville,' I observed, 'how have I deserved this indifference? Is it my fault that my feelings overcame me? Is it my fault that the scene revived my sense of duty? Oh, my lord, it is those fatal feelings that have made me what I am.' ' I am weary of this parade of sensibi- lity,' replied the earl, impatiently; 'you have called up against me the laugh of my tenantry and domestics-let that content you.' 'What does the change portend? This freezing look-this language of re- proach?' I inquired. 'For your own sake and mine press me no further, Clara,' replied the earl; 'I would not have had the scene which has just past occur for millions. If you have placed yourself in unpleasant cir- cumstances, common policy should at least teach you to shun the sneers of the world; but it is over and nothing can now be said which will not increase, instead of diminishing our mutual n- easiness.' A burning pang shot through my brain as Mansville gave utterance to these words, and emphatically and hys- terically I exclaimed-- 'Am I deceived?' 'I cannot tell what childish hopes you may have indulged,' returned the earl, with the most freezing coldness, 'and I am only sorry that you should have been weak enough to deceive your- self.' ' Oh, no, my agitation has shaken my OF SAN FRANCISCO. 95 page: 96-97[View Page 96-97] 96 , MYSTERIES AND MISERIES senses,' cried I deliriously,-and clasping my pride is now'my disgust; 'tis past! my temples; 'he could not-no, no, I know myself deceived, but, thank Mansville! in the name of all that you Heaven, I am not lost! To you, my lord, have professed, and I have believed, in the bitter hour is not yet arrived; but, the name of those vows that are regis- 'tis an hour that never fails to guilt. tered on high, however man may slight At some unexpected moment, the bland- them; and in that holiest name of all, ishment of pleasure will lose, their force the name of Him, whose bolt hangs o'er -the power of enjoyment will be palsi- the hypocrite, dispel these doubts and ed in your soul; it will awake only to this suspense; restore me at once to my remorse. In that hour of retribution parents, or at once name the hour for think of these' words of warning,-- that ceremony to pass, when, before the think of the hearts you've broken-- world, you acknowledge me as your think, my lord, and tremble.' wife!' Without waiting to give utterance to 'Clara,' replied the - earl, ' since you another syllable, I rushed from the room, will force me to be explicit, is it not but the voice of the earl, tempted me to strange that a mind so intelligent should stop at the door and listen. He was fancy for a moment that it was possible apparently pacing the apartment in the for one in my rank to marry a girl iii most violent state of agitation, and thus your's?' soliloquizing:- 'The oath!-the oath!' I cried, al- 'The fatal truth curdles my blood like most choking with emotion. poison! I feel the hell in my bosom. 'My heart is ever your's,' returned Oh, what a heart I've lost? Why, splen- he, 'but, of my hand, I have no pow- did slavery of rank, must virtue be thy er to .dispose. Nay, you pass not victim; why must affection be sacrificed hence.' to thee? The peasant mates him where 'Are there, no pangs, that, like the his heart directs, and to his lowly bride dagger, kill the heart they pierce,' ejac- brings happiness; his lord must fret, ulated I; 'I cast me at your feet in chained to some high-born fool; or eith- agony! 'Tis Clara kneels and supplica- er pine in vain for humble loveliness, of tes!. not for herself, but for the racked make its innocence a martyr to his choice. souls, and thee gray hairs of age! For I was not born to be a betrayer. Wed! your honor and eternal peace, restore I cannot cease to love!' me to my parents.' The words recalled my scattered reason, The earl seemed suffering the most and I was almost tempted to return to acute mental agony, and for a moment the apartment; but a feeling of pride re- averted his head.- strained me, and bursting with anguish, 'Clara,' he said, in faltering accents, I hurried away to my chamber, where I 'believe my heart unchanged-my un- was soon afterwards joined by Celia, ceasing love-- who was sent by the earl to watch me. 'Monster!' I interrupted in delirious I was at first insensible to her presence, tones; 'darest thou still- profane that and sat like a statue, with my eyes fixed sacred word? No, my lord, the mask is upon the earth, and buried in deep and torn away,-the attachment which was agonizing meditation. The poor girl OF SAN FRANCISCO. 97 spoke to me, but, overcome with my and having apparently satisfied herself emotions, I burst into tears, and threw that I still clept, she returned to the myself on the couch, and Celia, proba- drawing. bly thinking that I should fall into a slum- 'Oh, dear,' she exclaimed with excess- ber, left. My mind being so dreadfully ive weariness, 'oh, dear, my eyelids are fatigued by the sufferings I had so re- so very heavy, they stick together when- cently undergone, I did gradually fall ever I wink, and I can scarcely force to sleep, from which I was aroused by them open again.. My poor drawing hearing some person moving in the ad- will never get finished at this rate. joining,apartment. The door was part- However, I must try once more what it ly open, and I perceived it was Celia. will do to keep me from sleeping at my Anxious to ascertain for what purpose post.' Celia was there, I still pretended to She again endeavored to keep heiselt slumber, and shortly afterwards, she awake, but her efforts were all useless, stole softly to the door which opened she nodded, and nodded, until at length upon my chamber, and peeped in. 'Yes, she sleeps,' she said. 'Poor, lady, my heart bleeds for her. Why, this strange, unlooked-for adventure has created a fine confusion among all of us; for see-if one wouldn't think, by the state this room is in, that it had turned the heads of the whole family. Scarce- ly a piece of furniture in its place, and I my mistress's toilet, too. Here's confu- sion. But hold, Celia, that's your af- fair, so no complaining. I declare I'm almost worn out with this bustle. Heig- ho.! I'm ordered by the earl to watch my mistress here; but I'm sure I don't know what I shall do to keep awake. suppose I finish the new drawing the Lady Clara honored my humble talents by so much admiring-that's just the thing.' Celia placed the drawing-stand before her, and sitting down, applied herself to her task; but it was evident, by her frequent nodding, that her words would soon be verified, and I was most anx- for it to happen so, as I had formed a resolution to make my escape from the villa that night by some means or other. She once more approached the couch, she fell back in her seat, fast asleep. I now hastily arose, and attired my- self in the village dress I had gazed at with such feeings of pain and regret in the morning. I approached Celia on tip-toe, and being certain she was really asleep, I soliloquized- ' Yes, she sleeps! Now is the only moment! I thought I could not brave a father's eyes; but there is courage in despair, which makes the weak frame wonder at itself. I hava written this letter to the earl, and here are all his gifts-his diamonds,his detested wealth. Now, methinks, my heart feels lighter. Yes, like the prodigal, I will turn my steps where a child may always look with confidence. I have been impru- dent, but am not guilty. Ieaven re- ceives the offering of the sincerely peni- tent, and can a parent's blessing be de- nied when Heaven forgives?' The apartment upon which my cham- ber opened, and in which Celia was, was a magnificent one. On one side was a large French window, through which the distant country could be seen far beyond. Outside was a balcony overhanging the road. I undrew the curtains softly, and page: 98-99[View Page 98-99] 98 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES opened the window. It was a fine moon- light night, and the distant landscape could be seen as distinctly as at broad day. I took a scarf from the shoulders of Celia, which she wore, fastened one end of it to the balcony railing, then re- turned, made an appeal to Heaven for protection, and blew out the candles. With more firmness than might have been expected, i then began my perilous descent, and gradually letting myself down by the scarf, alighted in safety below. Fear of being re-taken lent speed to my feet, and I flew with the greatest rapidity across the country to which, however,I was complete stranger. I scarcely abated my speed in the least for the distance of five miles or more, when I was obliged to pause, in order to rest myself. I looked fearfully around me to see whether or not I was pursued, and then reflected upon what course I should pursue. I feared to travel at' that hour, and, indeed, it would have been most dangerous, to a young girl especially ; I therefore resolved to pro- ceed for some distance further, and then to seek shelter at some cottage till the morning. I then resumed my lonely journey in a state of fear and agitation, it is unnecessary for me to describe. After walking for above an hour longer, I arrived at a small and obscure hamlet, and by the light which I perceived in several of the cottage windows, I was satisfied that some of the inmates had not retired to rest. Here, again I paused, for uncertain of the reception I might meet with, I almost feared to knock. At length, I approached the first one, and having first listened at the door, and hearing only the voice of an old woman, appar- ently in prayer, I became more confident, and having waited till she had ceased, I knocked, and shortly afterwards, the voice of the old woman demanded who was there, and what they.wanted. I in- formed her, and begged that she would admit me. It was some time before she complied, and seemed to be consulting within herself the propriety or safety of doing so, but having put several more questions to me, as to whether I was alone, &c., she at last ventured to open the door, and eyed me narrowly from head to foot. She was a very clean, motherly-looking woman, whose appear- ance called the tears to my eyes, she was so much like the parent to whom I was returning. 'Good gracious, child,' he said, 'what causes you to be out at this time of the night and from whence do you come?' ' I am a stranger in this part of the world, my good dame,' I replied; 'I have recently made my escape from vil- liany, and crave a shelter in your cottage till the morning. I have sufficient to reward you for your trouble.' ',As for reward,' returned the old wo- man, 'I require none; and if your story is true, you are heartily welcome to the humble bed I have to offer you.' I thanked the poor woman most sin- cerely for her kindness, and entered the clean little parlor, where the remains of her humble repast she had been partak- ing of, was still upon the table, and of which she requested me to eat, but I de- clined. Judging from her manners and appearance that she was one in whom I could confide, I gave her a brief account of my situation, and upon what purpose I was bent. She listened to me with evident commiseration, and'applauding the resolution I had formed, after some conversation, she conducted me to the I 1 OF SAN FRANCISCO. ' room in which she was able to accoma- date me, and after bidding me goodnight left me to myself. Fatigued with the events of the day, it was not long ere I fell asleep, and I did not awake until the old woman aroused me late in the morn- ing. Haviug been prevailed upon by her to partake of her humble meal, and offered her some remuneration for her kindness which she persisted in declining, I took leave of her, and made my way to the coach office, to which she had directed me. I met with no interruption on the road, and succeeded in obtaining a place in one of the coaches just starting for my native village. I alighted from the coach a short distance from my place of destination, having made up my mind to walk the rest of the way. I cannot adequately portray the na- ture of my feelings as I approached the home where I had never known anything but happiness until my meeting with Mansville; alternate hopes and fears racked my bosom. It was a beautiful morning; the sun shone forth in full me- ridion splendor, and all nature seemed to wear a smile of gladness. When I came within sight of the village, my heart felt ready to burst, and suddenly the sound of pipes and tabors vibrated on my ears. Presently afterwards,o bridal procession approached toward: the spot where I was, and stopped be fore the doors of one of my female com panions, Ellen Greenley, and Georg( Ashburne, who had long been her ac knowledged lover. George Ashburne having thanked hi friends for their kindness, the father o Ellen joined them. 'Good morning to you, my dear child said Mr. Greenley, kissing his daughte affectionately, and smiling upon his son- in-law elect, kindly ; 'may this prove a blessed day to you both. Go, lads and lasses, and gather the flowers to cele- brate the ceremony.' The villagers departed, and Mr. Green- ley continued- I'll try if I can't prevail upon Mr. Heywood, the unfortunate father of Cla- ra, to come to your wedding; poor fel- low! he may be compared to the ruined wing of the crazy old mansion-house he was converted into a farm, that looks down in gloomy silence upon the bright and smiling landscape which everywhere surrounds it. Ali! that sad girl! the flowers they go to gather are less frail than she has proved. My children be virtuous if you would be happy.' Thus saying, the old man re-entered the cottage, but his words had been so many daggers to my heart. 'Clara's father,' observed Ellen, when her father had left them, 'ah! if our poor Clara herself were only here now, how her heart would rejoice in our hap- piness.' ' Don't name her, Ellen,' said George, 'don't name her ; a virtuous girl's lips ought not to-be sullied by the mention of her name.' ' Ah! George,' replied Ellen, 'pity a becomes the virtuous, and the more she s has fallen, the more she deserves to be - pitied.' - 'Psha!' cried George, 'can't you talk e about something else?' 'A sad day jt was when shc went away,' continued Ellen, 'everybody was s downcast, as if some great affliction had f befallen the village.' 'More fools they,' was George's ab- ,' rupt retort; ' if you or I had gone, in- r deed, it might have afflicted them; now, page: 100-101[View Page 100-101] 100 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES Ellen, you shall not talk any more about her. Come, come, let us be going.' Suddenly accumulating all my forti- tude, I emerged from the place where I had concealed myself, and called upon Ellen by name. Both her and her lover started, and the former exclaimed in a tone of astonishment and alarm:- 'Bless us! what's that?' 'As I live,' said her lover, 'it is Cla- ra Heywood, or her ghost!' 'Do not be alarmed, Ellen,' I said, ' but one word with you.' 'No, it's she herself, as I'm alive,' ejaculated Ellen: 'but oh, how changed she is.' 'One word, dear Ellen,' I repeated. 'I am not satisfied upon this subject,' said the timid George, 'so, as you seem resolved to stay here, I shall be off.' 'Ellen,' I repeated, as soon as George had departed 'Have you forgotten me?' 'No, Clara, no,' answered the affec- tionate girl, 'nor never shall forget you. I was even talking about you, as you called. Ah! Clara, you're sadly alter- ed; and so is everything since you went away. Such a day as it was, when you left us !-There wasn't a dry eye, nor a cheerful word spoke in the village. Your poor father-' 'YWell--well!' I hurriedly interrupted. I igee it grieves you,' said Ellen; 'I didn't-mean to make you sad-you look as if you had suffered enough. This is my wedding-day, Clara.' 'Ellen sighed, and for a moment averted her head. 'Yes, Ellen,' I resumed, 'I wish to see my mother, and to see her privately. She would not, perhaps, admit me to her presence, if she was not forewarned. You can oblige me greatly, if you will induce her to come to me, by saying that a stranger desires to speak with her, im- mediately.' 'That I will, with all my heart,' said Ellen. ' and may it turn to good. Oh, may all the realization of her hopes at- tend the returning wanderer. But where shall I find you?' I'll follow you,' I answered, '' go round to the front door ; I'll take the opposite side, and meet you at the gate. And Heaven will help the heart, deter- mined to retrace the paths of rectitude and honor,' I cried, as with a heart beating with hope and dread, I made my way towards the house of my belov- ed parents. Oh, never shall I forget the feelings with which I entered at the gate. 'Here is my home I-my blessed, bles- sed home!' I reflected; 'a frowning form appears to guard the threshhold, shriek- ing in my ear-' Hence! thou shalt not enter!' But can I linger here?-Iseem to tread the earth like a criminal. I must, and I will approach! Now, now now!' °.- Having at last made a violent effort to conquer my emotions, I rushed down the steps into the yard, and then exclaim- ed triumphantly- 'Once more I am surrounded by all that is dear to me!-Father! mother! -your unhappy child, sorrowing, im ploring, returns to you!-And hark! I hear, the song of my childhood floating on the air. How accutely doth its ac- cents strike upon my heart in such a scene as this, around whose every tree and flower some recollection of infancy's entwined.' My heart rose in my mouth, as I ven- tured, seeing the coast clear, to approach the house, and even-to peep into the parlor-window. I trembled; and an in- m OF SAN P1 i I describable pang shot through my frame, as I noticed everything that well-known room contained, and which had not un- dergone any alteration since I last be,- held it,. But how shall I describe my feelings, when immediately afterwards, the door of the inner apartment was thrown open, and the next moment my mother appeared with the breakfast things. With what eager fondness did I gaze upon her revered countenance, and yearn again to be enfolded in her embrace ; and most severely did I re- proach myself when I noticed the heavy marks of care that were upon her brow. The casement was partially open, so that I could hear all that passed, and my mother, having placed the breakfast things on the table, sighed heavily and observed- 'There, there 1-There's the breakfast ready for my poor husband, and now I wish he would return. He has been out since daylight with his gun ; the only thing that seems to attract his attention. At home, all day he does nothing but sigh, or,-if he thinks he is not observ- ed,-weep. Oh, Clara! unthinking girl you have too much to atone for. How long he stays.' My heart was ready to burst as these words reached my ears, and-it was with the greatest difficulty I could avoid be- traying myself. My mother now came to the door an looked anxiously out, but a little thatched summer-house close at hand .concealed me from observation. Again she entered the house, and I over- heard her, in tones of the deepest anxie- ty, exclaim'-- 'No, I cannot catch even a glimpse of him, yet my mind is'never easy in his ab- sence; his despondency sometimes makes me fear that-ah! surely yonder I see IA1CISCO. 101 him moving mournfully among the trees. Yes, 'tis he-he is just at the bridge;- he comes!' 'Never shall I forget the sensation with which I strained my eyes in the di- rection which the observation of my mo- ther instructed re in, and I thought I should have sunk to the earth with min- gled feelings of the most intense anguish and awe, when my eyes once more be- held my father. But oh, how altered was he ! Care had deeply imprinted its furrows on his cheeks, and his form was bent and attenuated. He walked with a feeble step, and at least twenty winters seemed to have passed over his head since I had last beheld lim. ' My God!' I mentally ejaculated, 'and are these the terrible consequences of my imprudence? Oh, my poor moth- er, truly did you say that I had much to atone for!-How can I ever make suffi- cient reparation for the misery I have occasioned.' My father at length reached the house, and my mother ran affectionately to meet him. ' You were wrong to have wandered so far,' she said, ' you seem quite ex- hausted.' 'No,' replied my father, ''tis only ex ercise that can divert the mind from gloom; When the mind's disturbed, the body does not feel fatigued. I'm late I hope you haven't waited breakfast for me.' 'I would not certainly breakfast with- out you/ returned my moher; 'but you are too much heated to-sit in this par- lor; the breeze is too keen for you; we will go into the inner apartment. Go, and I will take the breakfast things for you.' page: 102-103[View Page 102-103] 102 MYSTERIES Al 'Well, well, as you please,' said my father, ' where is Edwin?' ' He has gone to make one of the wedding party of Ellen and George,' an- swered my mother. A wedding!' said my father, with a sigh, ' ah.' . My mother had by this time hastily gathered up the breakfast things, and left- the parlor. 'Poor, bereaved mother,' sighed my father, looking after her with the most poignant sorrow, 'she struggles with her grief, and endeavors to impart a joy which neither can. feel; which we nei- ther can know again.-No! no! peace of mind fled with my guilty daughter- never to return! Why did I repair the ravages time had made in this old man- sion? Why strive to give an air of com- fort to my habitation?-Because I deem- red it would be the abode of bliss. She- my child, hath made it the abode of deo spain-But, no matter, a few years of neglect, desolation will spread around, and hearth, roof, and tree will be ruined, like my happiness, and broken as my heart !--My'daughter !--my Clara! Oh! misery l misery . She is gone ! she is lost forever!' As he thus spoke he rushed from the room, and my agony was so great that I could not help groaning aloud. . 'Oh! God!' I exclaimed; ' what will become of me?--I shall go- mad!- Would that I had not ventured hither; I shall never be enabled to withstand 4-he scene!-INever can I find resolution enough to meet his reproaches. Alas! 'he is too - strongly- prejudiced against me, ever to be "persuaded 'that I am guiltless!---But where is'Elleni' I had scarcely given utterance to the ND MISERIES words, when the latter approached, and before I had time to speak to her, enter- ed the house observing me, however, and motioning me to remain where I was, and to wait patiently. I cannot do justice to the anxiety of my feelings during the time I was waiting there. A thousand doubts, hopes and fears, flash ed across my brain, and every moment seemed to be an hour. At length, I heard Ellen in joyful accents exclaim, as she came from the house, 'Joy, Clara, joy!' I sprang forward with rapture to meet her. 'I have succeeded, my dear Clara, said the generQus-hearted girl, exulting- ly; ' she'll come to you. Wait in the summer-house, and she'll be with you presently.' ' Thanks! thanks!' cried I, 'a thous- and thanks, my dearest Ellen.' ' She's coming,' observed Ellen, eag- erly; 'go, quick. I pray for your suc- cess from the bottom of my soul.' Scarcely had I time to enter the sum- mer-house, when my mother approached. Now was the moment of my trial at hand; a deadly sickness came over me, and it was with difficulty I could save myself from fainting. The next mo- ment my mother entered the summer- house, and she no sooner beheld me, than she uttered a loud scream of as- tonishment, and becagie, as it were, paralyzed to the spot. ' ' Mother! mother!' I cried, in frantic tones, 'if I may still call you by that dear name;--oh, pardon your imprudent, but not guilty daughter!' I could say no more, but sank at her feet. ' A pause of several moments en- sued! my mother being too much over- OF SAN Fl powered by her emotions to speak; but' at length, in a voice choked with agony, she exclaimed:-- 'Wretched girl! dare you again to approach that home, those parents whose hearts you have rendered deso- late? Guilty, miserable girl-' ' Oh, no, no,' I interrupted hastily, 'imprudent, cruel, I have been, dear mother, but your child returns to you as pure as when she left you. I appeal to heaven to attest my innocence. Oh, my mother, pardon the- poor prodigal, who erred alone through youth and in- experience, and who is now ready to make all the atonement in her power.' ' Can this be true? Have you indeed not endeavored to deceive me?' ejaculat- ed my mother, eagerly,, and her eyes beaming, fixed with a penetrating glance upon my countenance, as though she would read all that was passing in my soul. 'But no, it is impossible. How can you be innocent, uncontaminated? did you not abandon your home, your parents, and throw yourself into the arms of a villain, who-' ' Oh, mother, believe it not,' I return- ed, with the tears at the same time streaming down my cheeks. 'I acknow- ledge that by the most base and subtle means, and in a moment of thoughtless- ness and imprudence, Mansville got me into his power, and bore me far away from my home. But I thought that he meant to act honorably towards me. He told me he would make me his bride. I was too ready to believe him, and day after day he made some plausible ex- cuse to postpone the fulfilment of his promise. Think not, however, that I suffered nothing. That you were ever absent from my thoughts, or that the fondly cherished recollections of my ANCISCO. 103 home, that home I had quitted, ceased to torture my mind. Bitter, indeed, were the pangs I endured. Ofttimes would I have fled the place. and return ed hither, but I dreaded to meet the re preaches of my parents. When, how- ever, Mansville threw aside the mask, I overcame that dread, and your unhap- py daughter has come back to solicit your forgiveness, with her virtue as un- sullied as when she left you.' During the time I was speaking, the agony evinced by my mother needs no description, and when I had ceased, in a paroxysm of delirous transport, she snatched me from the earth and enfold- ed me in her arms, exclaiming- ' My child-my long lost Clara! Yes, I do indeed believe you, and pardon you, Oh, this is a happiness that I never ex- pected!' ' Mother, dear mother!' I cried, in a tone of gratitude and delight which I cannot adequately describe, 'to be suf- fered once more to speak to you in this place-to hear those blest words-to know myself pardoned. My heart is so full. Thus, thus only can I thank you.' Again I threw my arms around her neck, and pressing vehemently to her bosom, she wept tears of joy. ' Unfortunate girl,' at length she said, gently withdrawing herself herself from my enthusiastic caresses, 'I believe you innocent; but a mother's heart is more indulgent than the world. And, ah! there is yet one to be appeased. Hark! I hear footsteps. It is your father. Softly-stand out of sight! He comes,. but must not know you yet.' Hastily throwing a veil over me, my mother urged me into the summer-house, and the next moment my father and the father of Ele1n came from the house. page: 104-105[View Page 104-105] 104 MYSTEI t1ES AN They were in conversation, and by the. words which I overheard, it seemed that the latter had been endeavoring to per- suade my father to join the wedding party. 'But at any rate,' said he, 'for half an hour you might.' 'No,' returned my father, mournfully, 'I should only mar the festal hour. I am the scathed tree of the heath that cannot drop. The bolt that struck off 'my branches has left my old trunk erect in wretched loneliness.' Tis a shame, neighbor,' observed his companion, 'it - is a shame, I say, for a strong mind like yours to give it- self up to sorrow in this way. You might as well put a pistol to 'your head at once, for you will be sure to kill yourself by it, sooner or later, and self- murder in one form is quite as criminal as in another.' 'When you have seen the being for whom you've lived,' retorted my father, ' the object of every solicitude-the child you've reared with unceasing watchfulness, wrenched from you by.a villian's grasp, then come to me and talk of patience, and I'll listen.' 'Well, well, I'll not weary, you any longer,' observed Mr. Greenly; ' from my soul I'm grieved to see you thus abandoned to fruitless sorrow. Fare- well, my friend, and may days be at hand when we shall see you smile once more.' Thus saying, and grasping the hand of uimy father most cordially, the father of Tllen 'etired through the gate. 'Smile,' soliloquized the former, ashi friend left him; 'smile! Oh, happy father!-happy to see his daughter saf -in her native innocence-safe from th bane of wealth. I once hoped tha 1D MISERIES such a fate would beam on me; but fate was jealous. Lost, lost, wretched girl !' While mine unhappy father was thus speaking, my mother entered the sum- mer-house, and leading me forth, she placed her finger on her lips to enjoin me to silence. We stood aside, and watched him, unobserved. 'As I gaze there,' he continued, 'me- thinks I see her in her days of innocence, when first her little steps began: laugh- ing, she ran, with arms extended towards me; then I trembled lest her young feet should fail, and she should fall. But she passed through those, fearful times unharmed. She escaped those thousand dangers. Now. she falls-falls, to the earth, never to rise! She's gone-she's lost! My Clara! Oh, my child!' My heart was ready to burst, and I was almost choked with endeavouring to repress the heavy sobs that heaved my bosom. My father threw himself in- to a chair, and my mother advanced to- wards him, and touched him on the shoul- der. 'A tear,' she observed, in gentle ac- cents. 'Did I not hear our Clara's name too? Did not your lips utter the name of our child?' 'No, no,' he replied, hastily rising; 'let us, if possible, not think or speak of her again.' 'Well, well, dearest husband,' return- ed my mother, 'I will not urge it now; but here is a poor creature, the daugh- ter of-' 'Away---away!' hastily and vehement- ly interrupted my unhappy parent. '.I s have no daughter now.' 'No,' replied my mother; 'but this re- e pentant child, the daughter of a neigh- a bor, is on her way to ask forgiveness of t her offended father. She faints with OF SAN FRANCISCO. 105 shame and grief, and dares not meet him. Do speak a word or two of com- fort to her, and teach her in what words she should address him to gain his bless- ing, and to sooth his anguish.' 'None,' replied my father, hastily, and his eyes beaming wild, 'none. Let her not dare to look upon him. Let not her presence insult the home her infamy has disgraced. Perhaps, too, she had a mother, rich in every virtue. Let her shun that mother, for contamination is in her touch. Virtue can hold no in- tercourse with vice, though vice, with double baseness, kneels affecting rever- ence for virtue.' I found it impossible to help groaning aloud, as I listened to my father's obser- vations, and I threw myself into my mo- ther's arms. He turned his eyes stead- ly upon me for a minute or so, and then resumed-- 'Yet hold! I will not judge too harsh- ly;,for there are shades of guilt, and her's, perhaps, may not be of so deep a dye as to preclude forgiveness. Perhaps her father was not affectionate- Per- haps (poor child!) he was morose and frigid. Perhaps neglectful, cold, unin- dulgent.' 'Oh, no!' I sobbed, and sank on my knees before him with clasped and up- raised hands,-' he was most kind, affec- tionate, and good.' 'What,' eagerly demanded my poor parent, 'did he love you better than all the world?-did he rear you in domestic tenderness, and train you in the paths of virtue?-did he clasp you to his dot- ing heart, and in his foolish pride pro- claim his child the paragon of earth?- and did you then blast all of his fond hopes, and clinging to another, leave him in his storm of grief?' 1 I Again I groaned with the almost in- supportable power of my anguish, and still remained on my knees before him. 'Dearest husband,' said my mother, 'do not aggavate the dear child's mis- ery. She is repentant--she is the shorn lamb, temper the storm to her affliction, but do not add another wound to a heart already too much lacerated.' ' Well, well,' returned my father, ' be it so. I will forget my own, and try to sooth her sorrows. Young woman, rise.' He raised me from the earth, and taking my hand tenderly, continued:- ' What your miseries are, I well can guess; but what'your father's sufferings are I too well know. You fear to meet his eye; you dread to hear his curse. A father's curse is heavy; shall I paint this agonizing suffering to you, child! I can do so; for I have felt it. I have it now. I once.had a daughter.' ' Ob, sir, do not name her!' I cried, with a feeling of agony, too powerful for utterance. ' Oh, how I doted on that daughter,f he continued, and his countenance be- trayed the terrible mental agony he was enduring. 'How I adored her, words cannot tell; thoughts cannot measure! Yet she sacrificed me to a villain,-her ingratitude has bleached this head,-ber wickedness has broken this heart, and now my detestation is upon her! Oh, do not you resemble her,-remain not a moment longer from your father.-fly to him ere his heart give way, as mine does now-ere e curses you as I now curse-' 'Oh, no more!' I interrupted, darting forward in excessive agitation; 'in mer- cy, oh, no more.' page: 106-107[View Page 106-107] 106 MYSTERIES AN ' Ha!' groaned my father, as he recog- nised me and retreated from me, 'away! away! away!' In a wild delirium of agony, I follow- ed him on my knees, exclaiming, in fran- tic accents,- 'Your vengeance cannot make you deaf to the agony of a despairing child; behold me on my kiees; I bring the sac rifice of a broken spirit. I do not ask your love till you know I am worthy of being loved. I do not ask your confi- dence -till you feel I can be trusted; but do not deny me the shelter of your pa- ternal roof.' ' My father spurned me violently from him, and ashe did so, he cried, in hoarse tones,- 'H ence! hence!-I know you not! My sight rejects you-spurns you! If you have wasted all the spoils of guilt, there-there's gold! Your idol, gold! for which you bartered all your hopes of bliss!' He dashed a purse furiously to the earth as he spoke, and hastened towards my mother, fixing upon me looks of scorn and hatred. Oh, Heaven! how each glance penetrated to my soul! How every word burnt to my heart! It was wonderful that reason could retain her empire in that trying scene. 'Father! father!' I implored, with re- doubled vehemence, 'hear me, I beseech you.' 'Husband, dearest husband!' suppli- cated my mother, 'hear her, she is inno- cent' 'Innocent!' he reiterated, 'she inno- cent! No, no, impossible!-she left us; left her happy parents-her happy home -to follow a villain!' 'Father, dearest father!' I cried, 'tem- per mercy, I pray you, with your sever- [D MISERIES O. ity. I am not the poor, guilty, degrad- ed being that you suppose me to be. Your child is still virtuous-still unpol- luted; her only crime has been in loving one too fondly, who sought to betray" her! In the name of Heaven, I assert my innocence, and if I speak not the truth, may its most awful vengeance de- scend upon my head! But you cannot, you will not, longer doubt me. I see you will not! Oh, bless you for this, father, father!' I could say no more; but sobbing con- vulsively, I threw myself into his arms! He wept;-yes, I could feel his chest heave with the power of mental anguish, and the big round tear of sorrow 'fell from his eye upon my cheek; he pressed me with all the fervour he had ever been wont to do to his heart, and ere he pro- nqnnced it, I knew that I was forgiven. 'My child! my Clara!' he at last cri- ed, ' is it possible that I again hold you innocent to my bosom? But no, the the bliss is too great to be real! And yet it is her! yes, it is my child; it is her lips that have asserted her innocence and appealed to Heaven to attest it, and I can no longer doubt! Oh, happiness supreme ! My long - lost, reclaimed child ! Receive a parent's thanks.' He could say no more for a minute or two, but again did he clasp me with ec- stacy to his bosom, and weep tears of gratitude upon my cheek. Then he would, withdrawing himself from me, with an expression I find it impossible to describe, gaze in my countenance, and clasping his hands together, raised them towards Heaven, in humble thanksgiving for its goodness in restoring me, uncon- taminated to his arms; while my poor mother's emotion was equal to his own, and she gazed on the scene with a sensa- tion of the deepest gratitude and joy. I I 'But where is the villain who has been guilty of this outrage?' he at length demanded; 'let me hasten to him, and demand satisfaction for the wrongs he has done us; the many days and nights of bitter misery he hascaused your un- fortunate parents! Tell me to what in- sult, what anguish did he expose you? I am mad to hear the guilty tale!' 'Pray defer it, my dear husband, till your feelings are more composed;' said my mother. ' No, no, no,' hastily ejaculated my father, and with the greatest impatience depicted in his countenance. 'I will hear it now! I will no longer hesitate!' In as few words as possible, I com- plied with my father's request, and re- lated all the particulars of the earl's conduct to me during the time I was in his power." During the recital, the vio- lent agitation of my father was plainly visible, and when I had. concluded, he walked backwards and forwards for a short time, with disordered steps, and muttering incoherent sentences to him- self. At length he turned to me, and clasp- ing me vehemently to his bosom, ex. claimed:- 'My child!,--my own one!-my still innocent Clara!-Can I longer doubt you?' Oh, no! you are restored to my arms; guiltless as when in a moment of imprudence you was snatched away from your paternal roof! Oh! God! I thank you for this! The trial has been a hea- vy onel But my child has withstood the temptation, the artifices of the liber- tine, and the tempter, and I am again happy! Bless you, bless you, my Cla- ral-Oh, I was too severe to imagine for a moment that you could be the guilty being I supposed you to have become!- Bless you againI!-Here in this fond embrace!--This kiss of fervent affection, let me at once seal your pardon for the indiscretion of which you were guilty. We will never again part, till death shall interpose between us.' Thus saying he snatched me fervently to his heart, and imprinted warm kisses upon my cheeks, my lips, my temples! How shall I describe the feelings that rushed through my veins at that mo- ment? Language is by far too weak to do justice to them. They must be left to the warm imagination of the suscept- ible reader!--I was unable to return any answer; emotion choked my utter- ance, and stifled the words of ecstacy that would otherwise have flowed from my lips. Again I felt the ardent em- brace of that father whose forgiveness I had despaired of ever being able to obtain; once more I felt the glow of his kiss upon my lips, and heard him pronounce his forgiveness for the many, many hours of bitter agony, of doubt, of fear, I had caused him.-Surely an age of anguish would have been trifling to purchase such a few moments of bliss, of exquisite transport, as those I then experienced. Again and again he en- folded me to his heart, and wept: like a child did the poor old man weep tears of inexpressible joy and gratitude upon my bosom. My mother, too; what pen could sufficiently depicture her emotions upon that occasion.-She joined my father in the embraces he bestowed up- on me, and then we all three knelt, and with hearts of sincerity, poured forth our gratitude to that Omnipotent being who had thrown the Almighty shield of His protection around me in hours of such eminent peril, and restored me in- bocent to the home wherein I had pass- OF SAN FRANCISCO. 107 page: 108-109[View Page 108-109] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES ed so many days of virtue and happiness, and which the wily seducer had endea- vored po artfully to make me disgrace for ever! . 'But I will seek out the villain,' cried my father, in vehement- tones, after the first ebullitions of our joy and. gratitude were over;-' yes I will go to him and upbraid him for his base and brutal con- duct, and demand of :him all the satis- faction he can afford f-The feelings ofs affectionate parents are not to be rack- ed and insulted with impunityI!---No, by Heaven, he shall find, that in epite of his rank, he shall n.ot escape the just indignation of those humble individuals whom he would have disgraced and ren. dered. eternally wretched. To-morrow I will repair to the titled rake, and de- mand-.-' ' Oh, my dearest parent,' I interrupt- ed, 'pray do not think of such a thing; rather leave him to his own conscience, which, depend ipon it, will sooner or later, be a severe monitor to him, and amply punish him for his guilt. The journey is too.long, at your time of life, and besides, the result of. such an act, without affording any satisfaction, might be such as I dread even to think upon.' ' Clara!' observed my father, 'think you I can tamely brook the injuries I have received from the Earl Mansville ? Oh, my child, did you but know, could you but form the least conjecture of the intense agony your disappearance, and the fears, the suspicions, that naturally resulted from it, caused both me and have undergone; in the midst of the lux- ury and magnificence that were display- ed to ensnare me, it would rise in such vivid colors to my imagination, that many a time it surprises me how I can have retained my senses. Then would suspicion of the truth of Mansville rush tumultuously upon my brain, and only that I had dreaded to meet your reproa- ches, long ere this I should have made my escape from him, and return to your fostering arms. Not able to form any conjectures of your suffering?-Oh, my father, the imagination constantly haun- ted me;-sleeping or waking, it was ev- er present to my mental vision; but the deceptive art of Mansville, of which he is so consummate a master, never failed to use all the powers of his eloquence to soothe me, and by specious promises, day and dlay to quiet my apprehension -I will own my weakness;-sach was the powerful ascendancy he had obtain- ed over my heart, that I was too ready to listen to him; too willing to believe that he spoke the truth-Oh, my belov- ed parents, do me not the injustice to suppose that I could for a moment learn to become insensible of the imprudence I had committed, or of the consequent anguish that I knew it would involve you in.' 'And do you not love Mansville now, my child]' demanded my father, looking earnestly in my face. 'Love him,' I repeated, and a blush of indignation mantled my cheek as he spoke;-' Oh, how degraded, how fallen your poor mother, you could not thus I should be, could I now feel anything advise.' but the utmost disgust and abhorrence 'Alas! my 'dear father,' I returned, for one who has acted with such dupli- 'you do me an injury to suppose that I city to me,aud who would have destroy- have not keenly, severely, felt the mise- ed the happiness of my parents for ever! ry yourself and my- dear mother muust No, my dear father, the youthful pas- 1 108 sions that are more powerfully excited I could scarcely believe that I had un- in, favor of any particular object, are dergone what I had;-that I had ever more likely to become changed to those even for a moment quitted my parental of hatred and scorn, when it is discov- roof. Everything seemed as it was on ered that the being who has. created the eventful morning when I had been them, has acted the part of a heartless borne away, and the whole seemed like traitor,-the vile deceiver,-It is thus some vision to warn me .from the impru- with me, Mansville is torn from me for- dent step I had actually been guilty of. ever; the place which his image occupi- The change effected in my father and ed once, is now replaced by the deepest mother in so short a time was most as- scorn and detestation.' tonishing. The heavy care, the anguish 'Darling child!' cried my father, clas- of my father seemed dissipated, and was ping me again in his arms. 'There is succeeded by joy and gratitude; looks sincerity in every word you utter. Oh, of love and intense feeling which he con- how could I ever suspect that you'd stantly beamed upon me; while my moth- yield to the temptations of the guilty, er could scarcely control her happiness and abandon the paths of virtue, in within bounds of reason. which you were brought up? This- It might be imagined that my heart this indeed is a joyful day; such a one as was too full-but it was not so=--on the I never expected to experience again.- contrary, I partook of the repast with a Come, come, child, into the house; let relish I never before enjoyed since I had the blissful news be conveyed to all our quitted my paternal home. I was again neighbors, that this day restores a at home! in the home of my childhood daughter, imprudent once, but guiltless, restored to the love of my parents; and to her doating parents' arms.' never was the contrast of the comforts ' And let the past be forgotten in the of a virtuous home, with the empty lux- happiness of the present,' said my moth- uries of wealth and magnificence, pre- er, tears of ecstacy starting to her sented more powerful to my mind. eyes:-' oh. Clara, you have returned Never shall I forget the felicity I en- at a time when joy predominates in the joyed on that day. In the course of an bosoms of those dear friends, with whom hour or two my brother returned to the we have been so long associated. Lit- farm. He embraced me affectionately, tle did Ellen expect such a happy occur- but his indignation against ,Mansville rence on the day of her nuptials' . was equal to that of my father. Encircling my waist with their arms, It appeared that both my father and my parents led me affectionately to the brother, had been indefatigable in en- house, and in a short time I was seated deavoring to trace the earl, but without at the breakfast table, and about to eat success. of the repast beneath the roof in which I The day passed away, and at night, had been reared, and from which I had for the first time in some months, I reti- been so near being discarded for ever.- red to my chamber with the blessings of How shall I describe my feelings on that my parents. What ecstatic feelings occasion, or those, it was evident, were thrilled through my veins, when I enter- passing in the minds of my parents.- ed the little room where for so many OF SAN FRANCISCO. 109 page: 110-111[View Page 110-111] 110 MYSTERIES Al years I had slept, and gazed upon eve- ry well known object, which had under- gone no perceptible change since I had before reposed in it. It seemed indeed, to have been unoccupied since the time I had been from home; and every. article I looked upon, appeared not to have been disturbed. There was the same lit- tle clean bed, with its furniture arrang- ed with such admirable care and precis- ion-the humble toilet-and everything the same as when I had last used it. There was the prayer book, the one which had been presented to me by my father many years before, and in which was inscribed his name, with the leaf turned down at the particular prayer I remember to have used the night be- fore my elopement. With a heart over- flowing 'with gratitude, I knelt down, and fervently breathed that prayer, and to it added one of thanks to Heaven, for the manner in which I had been saved from the sorrow and disgrace with which I had been threatened, and invoked its blessings on the heads of my parents and my brother. Then, with a lighter heart than I had experienced for many a day, I retired to my couch, and soon fell off into a calm slumber. No painful vision haunted my imagination that night; my dreams were those of bliss. Of the joys of home, and the affection of adoring pa- rents; and in the morning I awoke to a renewal of that happiness and content, which had ever been mine before I be- came acquainted with the Earl of Mans- Ville. But what were my sentiments now as regarded Mansville ? Need I try to portray them? I am certain that I need not! They were fully embodied in the observations I had made use of to my father. The mask which the deceiv- ND MISERIES I er had thrown off, having shown me his character in its real light, I thought of him only with disgust and abhorrence, and had he even then offered to make all the reparation in his power, by be- stowing upon me his hand, I felt confi- dent that I should have rejected it with scorn.- Great as had been my trial, and painful as had been the circumstances by which it had been attended, I felt I had no cause to regret it now, but, on the contrary, to feel, in a manner thank- ful that it did occur, as it had taught me a a lesson I shall never forget, and had afforded me that experience in the deceptive practices resorted to by the the -wealthy and unprincipled of man- kind, which would prevent me for the fu- ture from approaching the precipice of destruction, down which I was so near being plunged. I arose the following morning at the early hour to which I had been accustom- ed, and found my father, mother, and brother, already assembled in the little parlor, and the morning's repast spread upon the table. I could perceive, as soon as I entered, that they had been discussing something particular, and it was not long ere I was made acquainted with it. I found that my father and my brother had come to the determination of going to the Earl Mansville, in spite of my entreaties, and the observations I had the previous day made use of, to in- duce them to abandon their design, and such Was their eagerness to see Mans- ville, and demand an explanation of him, that they had resolved not to delay any longer than the following day. ' I fully appreciate your motives, my dear child,' said my father, 'but, after mature deliberation, I cannot consent to comply with your wishes. Were we to suffer the matter to rest where it is it would be yielding a cowardly submis- sion to guilt, which my heart revolts from; and, moreover, would give the foul tongue of slander an opportunity of propogating surmises derogatory to your, reputation. No, nothing will satisfy me, but a plain acknowledgment of his guilt, and your innocence from his own lips, and a sufficient apology 'to satisfy the world at large. Were I to seek repa- ration in a court of law, his wealth and high rank would be a sure protection for him.' 'It would,' coincided my brother, ' and I see no other means of obtaining any satisfaction than the course we are about to pursue.' In this opinion, my mother coincided, and, much as I dreaded the consequen- ces that might attend it, I was at a loss for arguments to combat their resolu- tions. This day passed away in the same manner as the previous one, and the fol- lowing morning, after a most affection- ate farewell, my father and brother took their departure by the coach, for the mansion of the Earl Mansville. After my father and brother had left, my mind underwent several gloomy pres- ages, and though I perfectly agreed with the propriety of the arguments my fath- er had made use of, I could not but sin- cerely regret that they had not aban- doned their design. My mother endeavored to sooth me by all the arguments in her power; and said that, doubtless Mansville, for his own credit's sake, would be ready to make all the reparation that was in his power. 'Alas!1' thought I, ' what recompense can he make me for the injury he has in- flicted on my peace of mind? Noth- 111 ing can make amends for the pain of discovering that the only object upon which we have placed all our young heart's warmest affections is base,treach- erous, and unworthy of that passion; and I now as thoroughly despised Mans- ville as I had before loved him, for that he had thrown a blight upon my mind from which I could never thoroughly recover. We expected the return of my father and brother in about three or four days from the time they had left home, as they would have nothing to detain them after they had obtained the interview they sought with the Earl Mansville, as they were fully aware that if they pro- tracted their presence, it would excite our utmost alarm. The fourth and fifth day, however, elapsed, and still they re- mained absent. Our apprehensions be- gan to be excited in the utmost degree, and all the fearful forebodings that had before haunted my mind, returned with redoubled force. In spite of all her efforts to appear to the contrary, the fears of my mother, were, if possible, more excited than my own, and conjecture was exhausted in vain, to endeavor to account for the pro- crastination of their return. Another day elapsed in this manner, and yet we heard nothing of them, and then, indeed, our terrors was aroused to an almost insupportable pitch, and we no longer sought to disguise from each other the real state of our feelings upon the agonizing subject. I expressed to my mother all those forebodings I had before indulged in, and she could not but admit the too great probability of them. Now did she join with me in deeply regreting that my father and brother had not yielded to my advice, OF SAN FRANCISCO. page: 112-113[View Page 112-113] r 112, MYSTERIES AND MISERIES oIr that she should have made one to urge .the propriety of the course they had taken. What step to pursue we were at a loss to conceive. 'I cannot wait in this horrible state of suspense any longer,' my mother ejac- ulated, when the seventh day dawned, and we heard no tidings of them; 'I'll instantly take G--m, and learn at once the cause of this mysterious delay, and whether or not anything has hap- pened to them. This dreadful state of doubt and suspicion is worse than the most terrible certainty.' She had scarcely-given utterance to these words when a knock was heard at the outer door, and a letter was present- ed to my mother, which she knew imme- diately to be in the hand-writing of her husband. Trembling violently with ap- prehension, she broke the seal, but had not read more than two lines when, with a piercing scream, she fell senseless to the floor. I-flew to her, raised her in my arms, and then, taking up the fatal letter, began to read the contents. The commencement of it was enough to smite my heart with horror; and it is marvellous how, under such trying cir- cutnstances, I retained possession for an instant of my faculties. My unfortu- -nate father and brother were in goal, accused of murder-of the murder of my deceiver, the Earl Mansville!i My frantic cries soon brought the servants of my father to the room, who immediately conveyed my mother to her chamber, while I was reduced to such a state by the shock which my feelings had sustained, that it-was found neces- sary to call in medical advice to me, as well as the former. I remained in a state of almost utter unconsiousness for several days, during which period I con- tinually raved of the murdered Mans- ville, and the awful charge which: I' would fain have believed my unhappy parent and brother were innocent of ; but which, under peculiar circumstan- ces, seemed, alas! but too probable. My mother had been restored to com- parative composure much earlier than might have been anticipated from the violence of the shock her feelings had received; and when I regained my sen- ses, I found that she had started, the day following the one on which she had received the fatal letter, for G--m, to seek an interview with her wretched husband and son, and to obtain an ex- planation of the horrible circumstances. The person who attended me had the utmost difficulty in persuading me not to follow her; and it was only by the determined tone in which the medical man spoke, stating that the consequen- ces of such a journey, in my then state of mind, might be productive of the most fatal results, that I was prevented from putting my wishes into effect. Too soon, alas! the horrible particu- lars reached my ears, which I will pro- ceed to relate as they were afterwards detailed by my father. It appeared that after my father and brother had left home, they immediately: repaired to the coach-office, ,where they had booked their places the evening be- fore, and took their departure for G- m, whither they arrived the even- ing without anything occurring worthy' of being particularly noticed. As. it was rather late, they resolved not to vis. it the earl till the morning, and accord- ingly took up their lodgings at an inn in the place. Not feeling disposed to -go to rest for the present, they thought they would take a bit of a walk in the OF SAN FRANCISCO. 113 neighboring fields previous to supper, rection which the two persons had tak- and- accordingly they walked forth, and en; and having arrived at a dark and instinctively directed their footsteps to- lonely spot, to which they were attract- wards the mansion of Mansville. They ed by groans of agony, they beheld, by had proceeded across several fields, and the faint light of the moon, whose rays had entered upon a dark and gloomy now penetrated through the thick foli- lane, which, they had been informed, age above their heads the form of a led to his house, when suddenly they man elegantly attired, stretched upon beheld, by the dim light of the moon, the earth and weltering in his blood, the shadows of two men before them, while by his side lay the pistol with one of whom was a short -way in ad- which the fatal and cruel deed had been vance of the other. They did not take committed, and which the assassin had particular notice of this at first, as there left behind him. was nothing at all extraordinary in the My father raised the unfortunate man circumstance; yet, when they perceived in his arms, and the moonlight stream- that one of them still kept in the rear ing full upon his countenance, my bro- of the other, and that he was evidently ther suddenly exclaimed, in a voice of fearful of being seen, they determined to mingled astonishment and exultation- watch his actions more narrowly. They, 'Ah! by Heaven, retribution has therefore, kept as close to the hedfie as overtaken the guilty! It is the villain, possible, so that they might not be ob- the betrayer, Mansville!' served, and yet cautiously kept advanc- The fatal words had scarcely escaped ing towards the two- men, and taking my brother's lips when a party of men, particular notice of their actions. The who had also been attracted by the re- one in advance made a motion as though port of the pistol, rushed to the spot; reflection was almost too dreadful for hu- and having overheard what he'said, and he would turn round, when the other seeing the wounded nobleman stretched immediately stepped aside so that he upon the earth, and my father and bro- could not be seen; and it then became ther standing over him-the latter with very clear that he was after no good the weapon of death in his hand, be- purpose, or why appear so anxious for lieved them to be the perpetrators of concealment? My poor father and bro- the bloody deed; and accusing them ac- ther, therefore, redoubled their speed, cordingly, and seizing then, in spite of entertaining strong suspicions that the their remonstrances and solemn protes- fellow was a highwayman, and that they tations of their innocence, they bore might be the means of preventing, pro- them away to the nearest prison, while bably, robbery and murder. the wounded Mansville was conveyed to They had not proceeded far when a his mansion. turning in the lane hid them from obser- My God! how my very soul trembles vation, and directly afterwards the re- when I recall to my memory this dread- port of a pistol vibrated on their ears. ful event, and my blood freezes in my Fearful, from all they had 'observed, veins with the most indescribable sensa- that murder had been committed, they tion of horror. Alas! who shall say now ran with all their speed in the di- I that my sufferings have not indeed been page: 114-115[View Page 114-115] 114 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES mevere!-It is really wonderful how I have found strength of mind to endure them all; how one so young, and, until lately, a complete stranger to misery, should be able to bear up tinder such an almost unprecedented accumulation of horrors. But my troubles were far from being yet complete. The unfortunate Mansville was mor- tally wounded, and breathed his last be- fore morning, never having rallied from the first, and having been unable to speak after he was first discovered. And here must I pause to reflect upon~ the terrible fate of the Earl Mansville; as I do so, the remembrance of his faults, and his conduct towards me, are forgotten in the one strong and irresist- ible feeling of pity which inhabits my, breast. His fate was marked 'by the most - signal retribution of Heaven. The week following that of his assassi- nation, he was to be united to a young, beautiful, and wealthy heiress, to whom he had been paying his devoirs, at the same time he Was pleading the most powerful passion for me, and most so- lemnly' protesting, from time to time, that he would make me his bride. Ill- fated, but guilty Mansville! Heaven pardon you for the deception of which you were guilty, as I now do. My father and Edwin underwent se- veral examinations before the justices, and evidences of their guilt appeared so numerous, that few, if any, attempted to defend them. It was well known in what manner they were related to me, and the circum- stances under which I had been placed with the murdered Mansville, and, there- fore, what had brought my father and brother to G--m, but to seek revenge? Besides, it was proved by the landlord of the inn where they had taked lodg- ings, that they had left his house at a late hour in the evening together, and, that, previous to doing so, he had a conversation with them, in course of which they had asked several strange questions respecting the deceased Earl Mansville, which were quite sufficient to strengthen the suspicions that were already excited against them; and more particularly they had made several in- quiries as to the nearest way to the murdered nobleman's mansion, and had been directed the exact way in which they had been discovered. An inquest was held upon the deceased, the jury upon which tunhesitatingly returned a verdict of wilful murder against my father and brother; and ultimately they were committed to the assizes for trial. This was precisely the state of the af- fair, when we received the letter which was from ray father; need it, therefore, excite any astonishment that our feelings were almost maddening?-The circum- stantial evidence against them was very strong, and alas! how many innocent persons had suffered under far less sus- picious circumstances?-The idea was enough to freeze the blood with horror, and here again did I find cause most bit- terly to reproach myself for one act of indiscretion which had thus been pro- ductive.of this awful misery, and might be the occasion of bringing my father and brother to an awful and ignomin- ous fate, for a crime of which they were entirely innocent. The day after this, I received a letter from my mother, in which she described, in language I should fail to do adequate justice to, were I to try, the interview she had had with her husband and son at the gaol in which they were confined, OF SAN FRANCISCO. but sought to inspire me with hope that something would take place to establish their innocence, and bring the real per- petrators of the horrid crime to justice. I tried to think so too. Never, I re- flected will the Almighty suffer two in nocent beings to suffer for the sanguin- ary crime of the real assassin! They will be saved,,and the monster who has committed this atrocious crime brought to that punishment which his guilt mer- its.' These were but for a short time my, reflections, then would the heavy weight of circumstantial evidence, which would be adduced against them on their trial, recur to my memory, and despair would again begin to settle upon my heart. My mother mentioned in her letter that the assizes were expected to com- mence in about a fortnight, and that, until the result of this awful affair was known, she intended to reside near the gaol, so that she might be enabled to visit the unfortunate prisoners every day. She added; that, if I thought my- self capable of the task, and able to sup- port an interview, I might also repair to the spot, leaving the farm for the time we were absent to the care of Ellen and her husband. To remain where I was, alone, with no one but Ellen to offer me the least consolation'or advice, I fel t would be worse than death; and, there- fore, having made a powerful effort to conquer my emotions, I arranged the business with Ellen and her husband, and with the prayers of my friends for the happy termination of the trial, I set forward upon my melancholy jour- ney. What tongue could give utterance to the intense agony of my feelings, when the coach arrived at G--m, the place 115 which I had so lately quitted to seek the forgiveness of my parents. Alas! under what different, what horrible cir- cumstances did I now return to it. He who had'first tempted me to act wrong had met with an untimely fate, and my father and brother the inmates of a pris- on, accused of his assassination. The day after my arrival at G--m, I had an interview with my unfortunate relatives, but I must pass over that deeply agonizing scene; I cannot recall it to my memory without harrowing up my feelings. They both, however, at- tempted to appear more composed than I might have expected them to have been, and endeavoured to inspire me and my mother with the most sanguine hopes as to the result of the trial. We, how- ever, could see but very little to excite any such ideas, and although, for the sake of calming their feelings, we pre- tended to place some reliance in what they said, we were very far from actual- ly entertaining any such feelings. I will pass over the time which inter- vened previous to the trial, and come at length to the morning on which the fate of all my family, I might say, depended. The hall of justice was densely crowded, and the trial excited the most uncom- mon interest. Myself and my mother were accomodated with seats near the dock in which the accused were, and whenever, by chance, I happened to look up, I caught the eyes of the, spectators fixed alternately upon me and my mo- ther; but in the brief glance which I suf- fered myself to take, I beheld that the expression with which they contemplat- ed us was more of pity than any other feeling. I know not how it was, but I felt a degree of firmness on that awful occasion page: 116-117[View Page 116-117] 116 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES which I never thought it would be in my power to assume, and my mother was perfectly calm and resigned. As for the prisoners, their whole demeanour showed the dignified firmness of perfect innocence, and a firm reliance on the goodness of Providence for the issue. The jury having been called over and sworn, the trial commenced, and the charge having been made, my father and brother both answered in a firm voice to the usual interrogatory put to them, as to whether they were guilty or not guil- ty-- 'Not guilty!' The trial then proceeded, which is quite unnecessary for me too recapita- late. The jury retired to consider their ver- dict-and oh, God! what a moment o horrible suspense was that! All eyes were turned alternately upon me and my mother, and then the prisoners ii the dock. But the latter were as firmn as if they had only been spectators them selves, and frequently turned upon me and my poor mother glances that were meant to encourage us. ' The jury were absent about twenty minutes, which seemed as many hourE to those who-weie so deeply and pain fully interested in this important trial and at length they returned into th court. The foreman of the same, in a deel voice said-. 'GUILrY!' An appalling shriek followed the pro nunciationiof the verdict;:it proceede from ing another, who sank insensible i my arms.- It essemed at that time as. I were endowed with superhuman pow er; my faeulties were all restored to m atid I was enabled to support with' firn ness that was most extraordinary. The verdict had fallen upon my ear, in aman,. ner of speaking, with complete indiffer- ence, and, it appeared as if a voice at that moment whispered to me hope in- stead of despair. - But I feared to look at my father and his unhappy son. I was apprehensive that their bare glance of horror and despair would be sufficient to deprive me of my senses. The judge . then proceeded to pass sentence of death, but ere he had utteredhalf-a-dozen words a gentleman suddenly arose from his seat, and with his whole frame convulsed with emotion, exclaimed- ' Hold my lordI!-proceed not to sen- tence men who are entirely innocent of the charge. After the lapse of a minute or two f for the court to recover themselves from the confusion into which this event had thrown them, the judge demanded of the gentleman the meaning of his inter- ruption. 'In a few words, it is this,' said the gentleman, ' you behold before you an unhappy wretch, who ought to have been placed in the dock now occupied by those much injured, and wrongly ac- s cused men. Nay, you may well be sur- - prised, and it willjdoubtless be increas- , ed, when I tell you that .in me you be- e hold the actual murderer of the Earl Mansville, and I, therefore demand that p justice be done upon me!' Nothing could now equal the extra- ordinary sensation which prevailed, and - it was at first, no doubt, immagined by d many that the gentleman's feelings who n ha- thus .denounced himself had been if worked upon and excited by the circum- r- stances of the trial, and' that insanity , had suddenly seized-upon his brain; but a- they were soon convinced of the contra- I 'I- OF SAN FRANCISCO. ry, for the self-accused having paused awhile to suffer the excitement to sub- side, continued- 'It 'was this hand which perpetrated the hellish deed upon the unfortunate Mansyille, the pistol which was found by the side of the deceased will be seen to have my initials engraved upon it.' The pistol was here handed up to the judge, when the initials were found. 'The awful tale is soon told,' continu- ed he. 'The late Earl Mansville and myself had been companions at college. Soon after our return from the university, I formed an attachment to a young lady, and was permitted to pay my addresses to her. This courtship went on for a period of two years, when it was sudden- ly broken off. In vain I sought an ex- planation. Nothing more relative to this affair transpired until about a month ago, when, judge my resentment and sur- prise, to learn that the late Earl Mans- ville, was the admitted lover of the lady, and that their nuptials were actually fix ed to take place on a certain day. On ascertaining the truth of this, I demand, ed an explanation of such extraordinary conduct; but all that I obtained in re- turn, was the most provoking raillery ! I quitted the unfortunate nobleman vow- ing the most dreadful vengeance. On the evening that I committed the hellish crime, I quitted my own house, with the pistols now produced in my possession, fully bent to way-lay and murder my ri- val. Once he turned to look round, and then I jumped into a dry ditch, and con- cealed myself. He resumed his journey, and acting under the influence of a sud- nen impulse, I presented the fatal weap- on at him, and fired, just as he prepared to walk on. What followed has already 117 appeared in the evidence brought against those two men, most wrongfully accused As the day of trial approached, so did my agony increase. Could I be guilty of a three-fold muder? I could not; so, this day, I resolved to be present, and confess. I admit, that my resolution failed me so much, that I was unable to put this into effect, until after the trial had proceeded to the present length; but I have now acquitted my conscience of that additional and heavy sin, and I feel content to abide by the consequen- ces. I repeat that the men in the dock are entirely innocent, and that I only am the murderer of the late Earl Mansvillc. I demand that justice be done, and thus give myself up to this tribunal to be tri- ed and punished by the laws of my of- fended country.' A murmur of surprise, horror, and satisfaction ran through t he court at this remarkable confession, and for a few moments, the business was entirely sus pended. My mother had recovered, and overheard all that had passed. But sud- denly, the court was aroused by all the the judges rising, and declaring it as their unanimous opinion, that the two individuals who had been tried had been charged and convicted by the jury of the murder of the Earl Mansville, were now shown to be clearly innocent, that the court, therefore, annul the ver- dict, and ordering them to be discharg- ed out of custody, command Richard Archibald Holland, to be placed at the bar and indicted, upon his own confes- sion, for the wilful murder of the said, Horatio, Earl Mansville. 'My father and brother were immedi- ately released from the dock,-while, the real assassin was placed at the bar. But misfortune and I had still got to page: 118-119[View Page 118-119] 118 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES be longer acquainted; and too soon her heavy afflictions came upon me with overwhelming force. .The shock which my mother's feelings had undergone by the recent events had made fearful in- roads on her constitution, and it soon became too alarmingly apparent, that she was sinking under a rapid decl ine. All the medical resources were o no avail, and she at length yielded to the fearful malady. My father and all of us, were incon- solable for her loss. Only three months after my 'poor mother's death, my- brother was seized with a violent typhus fever, which my father quickly caught of him. A few short months only, consigned those two dear relatives to the grave also. Would that it had pleased the Almighty to take me also, then I should not have .had to undergo the miseries, the degra- dations I have toosmuch reason to fear it is yet my lot to suffer. Illness and incessant trouble had involved my fath- er's affairs in difficulties, from which I found it impossible to extricate them. Let me draw my melancholy recital to a conclusion. Hard necessity drove me at last to seek the protection of rela- t ives, whose jibes and cruelties drove me to the life I now lead) and the letter you brought me was from the clergy- man of our parish, who having learnt of my whereabouts, addressed me an exhortation to repentance; recalling all the incidents of the bitter past. Here Clara burst into a fresh flood of tears, and owned her intention to quit her pre- sent shameful mode of life. ' And 'now, Mr. Monteagle,' continu- ed Clara, 'to prove to you that I am really penitent; I will divulge to you a contemplated crime, which was planned in this very house, and this night it is to be carried into effect. Belcher Kay and Blodget one night killed a rich old dro- ver, and buried him in an old adobe hut. They have since learned that Inez, the daughter of old de Castro, had taken shelter in the building from a storm and witnessed all their proceedings. The Vigilance Committee are already ap- prised of the facts, but in Miss de Cas- tro's terror at the fearful scene, she for- got the names by which they addressed each other; but she is convinced that she will know their persons if ever she meets them. You know these villains will never consent to live in hourly fear of arrest and punishment. They have, therefore, determined to attack the man- sion of de Castro, at the Mission, rob it, and I fear kill his daughter to prevent her appearing as a witness against them.' CHAPTER XII. INEZ CARRIED OFF. IN a public room of a tavern in Paci- fic street, we shall find Belcher Kay. It is night, and-through the thick haze of cigar smoke which filled the room the candles glimmer like distant lights seen through a fog. The close atmosphere of the dirty room is laden with the odor of the said tobacco smoke, and with the fumes of rum and whiskey, and through the hum of noisy conversation and .over the occasional bursts of laughter may be distinguished the ' Hagel und donner' of the Dutchman, the ' sacre' of the French- man, and the imprecations which the Englishman invokes upon his visual or- gans and the crimson tide that circulates through his veins. At one table sat half a dozen sailors, bronzed by the tropical sun of Java, and smoking long pipes with enormous bowls. At another table sat a group of English, French, American and Portuguese, simi- larly engaged, while two other tables were surrounded by Lascars and Malays, who being worshippers of the one race of Brahma, the other of Boodha, choose to sit and drink apart. Mingled with the men at each table were a number of Kanaka and Chilean women, dark-eyed, seductive creatures; all well formed, lithe, and graceful, and of all ages vary- ing from twelve to eighteen years, for beneath the scorching sun of the tropics woman advances towards maturity as quickly as the rich fruits are ripened and the gorgeous flowers expanded into beau- ty. These lost and degraded creatures sat by the side or on the knees of their lovers of the hour, their long, shining black hair falling in plats or ringlets upon their dusky shoulders, and their bosoms very much exposed, and many of them smoked cigars with their male companions. Kay sat apart from the revellers, smok- ing a cigar, with his arms folded across his breast, a moody and sombre expres- sion upon his countenance, and his eyes bent upon the dirty floor. Ile was think- ing of the past-thinking, amid the riot- ous din of jests and oaths, laughter and song, of all that he had been, and of what he might have been, of time mis- spent, and golden opportunities lost, of talents misapplied and energies misdi- rected. It was a mournful retrospect for the man not wholly lost, his heart was not entirely corroded, nor all indur- ated by vice and profligacy, the powers of his mind had not become sapped by the vicious excesses in which he had in- dulged; he was capable of forming a sound judgement of human actions, both his own and those of others; and to look back excited for these reasons, feelings, sombre and mournful. The past of his life was a dreary waste to look back up- on ; he was fully conscious of the fact, he was able to discriminate between'the right and the wrong, and to perceive his errors, and he felt at that moment all the dreariness, the moral void, of the vista upon which lie turned his mental vision. True, the desert was not entirely with- out its oaises; there were green spots breaking the gloomy monotony of its arid and cheerless aspect, but these only deepened by the contrast the impression made by the general barrenness. He was roused from his reverie by the words of a song sung, or rather shouted by one his countrymen-an Englishman -a sailor belonging to a vessel then ly- ing in the harbor. There was nothing OF SAN FRANCISCO. 110 page: 120-121[View Page 120-121] 120 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES to interest him in the words themselves, but they seemed familiar to him, like a voice heard in our youth and half forgot- ten, which we hear again after a long interval of time, and they struck upon. his mind by the force of association. In his boyhood he had heard that song, which had been a favorite chant with a schoolfellow, and the words now called up a thousand recollections of the time when he had first heard them, just as the remembered sound of the church-bells of' our native place will recall such memo- ries when we hear them after long ab- sence from the scenes of our early ex- istence. To the mind of the robber, pre- disposed to reflection, the words of the song recalled the school-room and the play-ground, with many a reminiscence of merry companions and boyish games ; and from these his heart wandered to the home of his childhood, to the little garden into which he had transplanted primroses and cowslips from the woods to the rippling brook upon which he had launched his tiny ships. to the darkly shaded seat under the old elm tree on which he had rested when weary, to the innocent and smiling faces of his fair-' haired sisters- It was not for the first time that Bel- cher Kay, thought of these things-it was not the first time that they had drawn a sigh from his breast ; but, now at that distance of space from the scenes which he visited in thought, the tide of memory rolled over his brain with re- doubled volume and force. A melan- choly pleasure might have been experi- enced in travelling over in thought the scenes of his youth, but for the reflection that between the past and the present rose darkly and frowningly one of those barriers of crime and folly, which such men build up with far more persever- ance thau they would exert to acquire a fame that would endure as long as truth and virtue command respect and admir- ation. Such a barrier had Belcher Kay raised with a diligence and energy which he had never displayed in aught worthy of praise, and from it he now looked back upon the Eden which he had aban- doned, with such feelings as may be im- agined. He was still sitting in the position which has been described when Blodget entered the room, and,.coming up to him, clapped his hand upon his shoulder. Kay started, but looking up, he was re- assured by the recognition of his fellow criminal, and extended his hand, which Blodget grasped with friendly fervor. ' Come 1' exclaimed Blodget. 'I have been seeking you everywhere. Let us get away from this.' 'I am ready,' responded Kay, rising.- 'What's in the wind now, mate?' Blodget made no reply, 'but led the way into the street, followed by Kay. In a few minutes they had left the city behind them, and could hear the hoarse roar of the sea as its waves, after chasing one another over the wild expanse of the Pacific ocean,broke upon the shell strewn beach, and the sighing of the night wind among the bushes. The moon was sink- ing, and the shadows prevailed over the lights, but it was prineipaly the land which lay in shade, while the ocean spread out like an illimitable sheet of silver. After crossing the hills which sur- mount the city the two men gave a loud shrill whistle which in a few moments brought three more desperadoes to as- sist them in their scheme. This was no other than an attack upon the mansion of Senor de Castro with the intention of making themselves masters of the mon- ey and plate to be found on the premises,' and for another purpose which will ap- pear in the course of the narrative. When the five robbers arrived in the vicinity of the house Bloodget proceeded towards it, for the purpose of carrying their plot into execution, while the rest of the party lay closely concealed ready to hasten to the assistance of their asso- ciate the moment such service should be required. 'Yes, there is the window; I wonder, now, if she will look out to night said Blodget to himself as he cautiously drew near the house. Blodget took a good look at the win- dow and then slowly glided away under the shadow of a wall. With great tact, Blodget as he did so glided along, kept the little window with the balcony in sight. Now, the little window of the room in which Inez resided, was not very far from the ground. That is to say, at all events, the lower portion of its balcony certainly was not above twelve feet from the green sward actually below it. The idea struck Blodget, then, that through teat window he must get, and through it again he must make his way out with his captive. How he meant to overcome the very. many difficulties that still stood in his way, it is impossible to conceive; but he had not come totally unprepared with the means of action. Coiled un in the pockets of the clothes whichL..' e sd worn all the latter part of the day, he had had a couple of ropes of silk, with a hook at the end of each of them. He expected, and not without reason, too, that they would be to him of the very greatest possible assistance. It took him some little consideration before he would venture to cross the bit of lawn that.seperated him yet from the house; and, strange to say, while he was so considering, another circumstance be- gan to operate'in his favor. A soft, but rather thick and penetra- ting rain began to fall. ' Aha" he said 'this is capitol. This will clear the ground of all loiterers. This is providential.' Letting the rain continue for some five minutes or so until he considered it had had all its effect, Blodget crossed the lawn, and stood beneath the balcony of the window. Blodget was very acute in his sense of hearing, and he now bent that faculty to the very utmost to listen if any one were moving in the rooms above. All was as still as the very grave. 'She has gone to bed,' thought Blod- get. '\Well, I don't care. I must take her away, and take her I will.' A very dim light was close to the win- dow. ' I wonder,' thought Blodget, if she will scream before I can get a gag put into her mouth? If she does, I may have dangers to encounter; but I never yet abandoned an enterprise on that ac- count, nor will I now.' Truly dangerous was a climate in which such a man as Blodget lived. He now looked carefully to the right and to the left of the place of which he was, so as to assure himself that no sen- OF SAN FRANCISCO. 121 page: 122-123[View Page 122-123] 122 MYSTERIES A tiuel was close at hand, and then he bold- lv flung up the cords to which the hooks ware attached, to the balcony. It took him three or four efforts be- fore he succeeded in getting the hooks to hold fast, and then he found that the cords easily suspended him. This was rather a ticklish part of the business to climb up to the' balcony now with the possibility, if not the probabili- ty, that some one might see him; but yet he meant either to do it or abandon the whole affair at once, so he set about it with a feeling that might be said to approach to recklessness._ He reached the top of.the parapet of the balcony, and rather rolled over it than stepped over, so that he exposed himself to observation to as small an extent as, under the circumstances, it was-at all possible so to do. There he lay crouched up in the bal- cony, pretty well shaded by its stone work and parapet from any further ob- servation from without. He breathed in rather an agitated man- ner for a few moments, for he had under- gone, to tell the truth, very great person- al exertion. Soon, however, he recovered sufficient- ly to assist him in going on in his enter- prise; and accordingly, sidling along ve- ry carefully till he got quite close to the window, he cautiously tried if it were. fast. No. It yielded to a touch. 'More good fortune,' thought"he. Slowly, for it took a good five minutes to do, thinking that any noise now occa- sioned by precipitation would be fatal to him and his project, he got the window open about a couple of feet. He put his hand into the room, and NTD MISERIES 1 felt that there was a table close to the window. By carefully moving his hand and arm horizontally from left to right and from right to left, he found there was nothing on the table but a glass of water, in which were some flowers. In order to get it out of the way, he lifted the glass into the balcony, and placed it carefully in one corner out of the way. Then it was that the audacious Blod- get, like an oily snake, slid into the room through the partially open window, and was fairly within the apartment. His next step was to remove the table from before the window, and to open the window itself very much wider-in fact, as wide as it would possibly go. Then it was that he saw' where the faint light had come from that was in the room. A little oil night-light was on a brack- et fixed to the wall of the room. That light, although very small in it- self, was yet sufficient to dissipate the 'darkness that was in the place, and by it\ Blodget with great satisfaction looked around him, and was quite convinced that he was in the suite of rooms in the occupation of Inez. There was one circumstance that to him was quite convincing on Shat head, for on the chimney-piece was a small but finely painted.miniature of Montea- gle. ' Yes,' whispered Blodget, as he drew a long breath, 'I am on the right scent now., Immediately opposite to the window there was a door that seemed to lead to the next apartment. It was a very tick- lish thing indeed to open that door. Before he could at all make up hisI mind to do so, he tried to peep through the key-hole of it, but, unfortunately, there was on the other side a piece of pendant brass that blocked it up, so he saw nothing. Delay, though, to him now was some- thing worse than danger-it might be fatal; so with a feeling almost of desper- ation, he turned the handle of the door and opened it. It led into a room that was, like the last one, dimly lighted by a night-lamp in a niche in the wall. '.She is fond of light,' thought Blod- get. There was a door in the side wall of this room, and that door was a littleway open. Through it Blodget could see the bed- curtain. The room in which she was, constitu- ted the dressing-room to the bed-room further on. Blodget, with eyes like a hyena, cast a glance round the room. A silk dress was upon a couch, and on the dressing- table were various articles of female ap- parel and jewelry He approached, on tip-toe, the door of the bedchamber, and listened most in- tently. The sound of one breathing rather heavily in sleep, came upon his ears. ' She sleeps,' mattered Blodget, ' and my task is consequently all the easier of performance. Yes, she sleeps, and soundly too.' He now took from his pocket a gag made of cork and string, and so con- structed that if once fixed in any one's mouth it would be out of the question for them to utter an articulate sound. This, with a silk handkerchief, which OF SAN F] RANCISOO. 123 lie intended to fix around the head and face of his prisoner, were the implements with which he hoped to capture Inez, and by the aid of which so to terrify her that he might get away in safety with her. ' Now for it,' he said. He took another step towards the door of the bedchamber, and then he hesitated. 'A good thought,' he muttered. 'I will put out both the lights, and then no curious eye will see me emerge from the window with my prize.' He crept back and blew out each of the little oil lamps that were in the sep crate rooms. All was darkness then ; but it was evi- dent there was another lamp in the ac- tual bedchamber itself. It was convenient for Blodget that there should be, at all events for a brief space, a light there. 'Now courage and impudence assist me,' he muttered. As he spoke he on tiptoe glided into the bedchamber in which he would have wagered his life that Inez now slept. The difficulty, though, he thought was really an truly at an end, when he, as he fancied, found himself so far successful as to be actually in the sleeping chamber of the young lady. No wonder that even he, accustomed as he was to all sorts of escapades and strange eventful proceedings, felt a little affected at his own tenierity when he set foot within the sacred precincts of that chamber. The idea of what monteagle would think and say when he heard of this evi- dence of unexampled audacity came across the mind of the unscrupulous il- lian, and for a moment he hesitated. page: 124-125[View Page 124-125] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES It struck him that, after all, such an would be out.# the question, was Blod _outrage was of so diabolical and daring get's idea. a character, that it would be difficult to Indeed, he had prepared himself with say what might be the result of it. the means, as will be recollected, of com But it was not for long that such a pletely enveloping the head of his priso- man as Blodget ever hesitated about the ner, so that if any attempted alarm was completion of an act of atrocity, or bold- tried, the sound of it would not penetrate ness or baseness. far enough to be successful in reaching 'Let him take it how he may,' thought the inmates of the house. Blodget, 'I'll carry out my designs; and if It was a very delicate and ticklish danger should come to Inez in the carry- job, though, so suddenly to envelope the ing it out, that is her own fault.' head and face of a sleeping person in a He listened intently. silken bandage as to prevent them from The regular breathing of some one in uttering a single cry until the operation a deep sleep still came upon his ears. was complete. Now the chief difficulty was to get But that was just what had to be done, away with his captive without noise, and and so he did not shrink from it. there was but one way of doing that. He only waited a few moments long- It was so to terrify Inez, that for her er, in order that his eyes might be accus- life's sake and that of her father she tomed to the very dim light that found would obey the directions he might give its way into the chamber. her.. During those few moments, too, he But, then, upon the first impulse of turned his head aside to listen if the finding some one in the room, he consid- whole attention of his faculty of hearing ered that she might utter some cry that could detect the sound of any one stir- to him, would be full of danger ; and to ring in the mansion ; but all was as still guard against that was the first step he and silent as the tomb. took. 'Now for it,' said he to himself. There came through the window of In a half-crouching posture he ap- the sleeping chamber a faint light; which proached the bed. just enabled him, after a few minutes, If what he was about to do was to be when his eyes had got accustomed to it, done at all, it was only by the very ex- to look about him, and .see the outlines cess of boldness in the attempt to do it. of one object from, another. When he reached the side of the bed, To be sure, these outlines were but he rose to his full height, and slipping dim ones, but still they served to enable adroitly his left arm right under the him to avoid encountering any piece of head of the sleeper, he in one moment furniture, and so making noise enough lifted it from the pillow, and with his to awaken his Victim from the sound right hand he placed the silken envelope sleep she was in. over the head and face, and drew it close To tie a silk handkerchief in .such a round the neck. manner around her mouth, and then an- ' Utter one sound of alarm,' he said in other over her head, so that the possibili- a low, clear voice close to the ear of the ty of uttering anything but a faint sound bewildered occupant of the bed, ' and if 12- O is your last upon earth. Be quiet and submissive, and no sort of harm is inten- ded you. On the contrary, everything possible will be done to render your situ- ation as agreeable as possible, and you'll be treated with delicacy and with every consideration.' A gasping sort of a sob was the only reply. ' Hush!' said Blodget. 'Your fate is in your own hands. I am compelled for my own sake to remove you from the mansion ; but you will be treated with all the respect and all the consideration becoming your sex and rank, unless you by your own conduct, force an opposite condition of things.' Some muffled sounds, that might be considered to mean anything, came from beneath the covering of silk. ' Am I to comprehend,' said Blodget, 'that your own good sense enables you to see the necessity of submitting to cir- cumstances that are beyond your con- trol entirely ?' A something was said ; or attempted to be said. 'Let me assure you,' added he, 'that I am well aware of the love your father has for you, and that he will spare no means to liberate you from me. It would be quite an insult to your understanding to attempt to deceive you for one mo- ment with regard to the object of thus making you a prisoner. It is simply in order to get money from him who loves you beyond all the world beside. Do you hear me ?' 'Yes.' The tone in which the yes was spoken was very consolatory' to Blodget, for it let him think that Inez saw the inutility of attempting any resistance to him. 'You are reasonable, I feel,' he said, sand I can assure you upon my word, lightly as you may think of that word, that where I am trusted I know how to behave myself with honor. The readi- ness with which you succumb to circum- stances that now surround you will have the greatest effect in inducing me to make this as agreeable to you as possi- sible. Do you comprehend me?$' ' Yes.' 'Will you, then,' he said, ' quietly come with me to a place of safety away from here?' 'I will.' 'You will?' ' Yes.' Then I have to compliment you upon your conduct in this affair, and I know that by saying that for your sake I will not contrive aught against the life of him who loves you, I shall be bestowing upon you the greatest recompense that's in my power.'. ' Yes.' 'Then we are equal. Allow me to hope that you will arise and follow me. Here are various articles of clothing about the room. You have the use of your hands, and if I hand the things to you, one by one, will you then put them on?' 'Yes.' ' I am very sorry to place you in such a position as this-very sorry indeed.' Blodget was so pleased at the compli- ance of Inez with all his plans, that he really felt a kindness for her, and he was determined, therefore, to behave to her with all the delicacy that the transaction could possibly enable him to practice. He caught up various articles of female apparel, and with his back towards the bed. 'Be as quick as you can,' he said, ' for OF SAN FRANCISCO, 125 page: 126-127[View Page 126-127] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES the fact is that I am in danger here, - though you are in none.' 'Yes, yes,' said the voice. 'Upon my-life, she must be terribly frightened to give way to me in this man- ner.' One by one he kept handing articles of clothing, and they were put on, till at last he said- 'I should think you are ready to leave the house now, along with me, are you not V 'I am so.' ' Then follow me, if you please ; but let me again assure you before I go that I am only going to make a kind of hos- tage of you, and that as soon as I have you in safety I will send to your father and let him know ; and upon his prom- ise not to molest me for the future, I will release you.' ' Yes.' 'Y6u are quite content with that ar- rangement, then, may I hope ?' said Blod- get. ' Oh, yes, quite.' 'Then come on at once, if you please.' Inez felt that resistance would be use- less, and would probably put in peril the life of her father, without availing to save her. She, therefore, quietly yielded to circumstances, knowing that her fath- or would cheerfully pay any ransom to rescue her. As soon as Inez was dressed, Blodget led her to the window, and giving a low whistle was quickly joined by his con- federates. By their aid Inez was swiftly and noiselessly conveyed from the house, carried into the adjacent shrubbery, and placed upon a horse, stolen, like those on which the robbers were -now mounted, from a neighboring~ corral. The whole party immediately dashed off at full speed, and never once halted until they arrived at a solitary rancho, some eight or nine miles distant from the home of Inez. Monteagle, meanwhile, had started at full gallop for the Mission, in order to frustrate this villainous plot, but just as he was turning' the sharp angle at the turnpike road, his horse stumbled, and Monteagle was violently thrown over the animal's head. He remained insensible in the road, just where he ' had fallen, until daylight, when he was discovered and hospitably cared for by the inmates of a neighboring cottage. CHAPTER XIII. A DESPERATE BURGLARY. LEAVING Inez in charge of some of his trustiest confreres, Blodget hastened to the city, to disarm suspicion as well as to attend to an important robbery which he had already planned. A previous arrangement with some of the principal members of the gang had assured Blodget that he should find plen- ty of aid in carrying out his views on that particular evening. . It was two o'clock as Blodget reached the door of the house that was connected with the gang, and a drizzly rain was be- ginning to fall which he saw and felt with pleasure, for he knew that it would materially aid him in his plans, as it would tend to clear the streets of stragglers, as well as to muffle any sounds that might otherwise betray the presence of himself and his companions. ' All is well,' he said. ' This is my old good luck. Who knows but I-may yet do a good stroke of business.' 126 Blodget was soon in the old house along with some half dozen of the most desperate and knowing thieves in San Francisco. A dim light burned in the place, which was only just sufficient to let them see each other's faces. The falling of the rain upon one of the windows was the only sound that the night brought forth. ' All's right,' said one of them. 'Here's Blodget. ' Yes,' said another, ' we shall now no doubt have a job to do.' ' Yes, my lads,' said Blodget, assuming an air of reckless jocularity, which he often thought proper to put on-'yes, my lads, you will have a little job to do, and it is one that you will like too.' 'Bravo !--bravol' ' You know me, and that it is not likely I should send you on a profitless expedi- tion; but there are a few little arrange- ments to make before we start.' 'Name them.' - 'I will. They relate, in the first place, to who is to have the command of these little expeditions?' 'Oh, you, of course.' 'Is that then thoroughly understood and agreed ?' 'Yes, yes.' 'Very well, then. The next point is as regards the division of the spoil.' 'Yes, that should be well understood.' ' It must be well understood or I am off to find some others to help me in the matter. I have thought over my terms, and I do not, I assure you, intend to flinch from them.' 'What are they I' 'Listen, then. Let all the plunder be fairly divided into two parts, I'will then take one part to myself and my friend, Kay, and you can divide the other among you in equal shares.' The thieves looked rather blank at this proposition, and Blodget seeing that, added - 'Well, if you don't like that you have but to say so, and our bargain is at an end ; but if I get all the information, and put up a robbery in the safe and quiet way that I can do it, I think myself en- titled to the share I speak of, and I will have it too.' 'Be it so, then,' said the spokesman of the party, 'I agree, and I'n sure I can say the same for my friends here. We all agree to it.' The others seconded the words of their spokesman, so that Blodget found he had made a pretty good bargain with the thieves, and he set to work arranging the robbery with all the tact and all the in- genuity he could bring to bear upon such an enterprise. When such an accomplished hand as Blodget took so much trouble, the re- suilt was all but certain. 'Meet me, all of you,' he said, 'in half an hour's time by the corner of Jackson- and Commercial-streets, and I will take you to the place. There will be no diffi- culty at all about it if you take care to comprehend what I wish each of you to do, and take care to do it as promptly as you possibly can.' ' Trust us for that,' said one. 'We know we can depend upon you, so you have only to say what you wish and you will soon see it accomplished.' With this understanding, then, Blod- get, left them to proceed to a junk store which he knew was always open, to a particular knock, at any hour of the night. There Blodget bought a complete set of skeleton keys, besides such other little OF SAN FRANCISCO. 127 page: 128-129[View Page 128-129] 128 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES implements used in the art or profession of housebreaking, and concerning which the people of the shop asked him no questions. Thus provided, then, he took his way to the corner fixed on, there to wait the arrival of his confederates. He had not to wait long. In the course of two or three minutes the four men that he had deputed there to wait him were upon the spot. 'You are punctual,' said Blodget. 'We ought to be.' 'How it rains,' said one. 'Yes; but that-is all the better for us, you know,' said Blodget. 'It is indeed.' ' ' I say,' said another,' there is a watch- man coming, and holding his hand be- fore his lantern so as to get a good look at us.' 'Confound him!' ' Step aside,' said Blodget, ' I will con- front him.' A watchman who happened to be wakeful had chanced to see them all meet, at the corner, and had hurried to- wards them, expecting that they were af- ter no good. ' Hilloa - hi.loa4' he said. ' Come now, what do here at this time of night!' ' What's that to you I' said Blodget. 'What's that to me?' 'Yes.' I Why, don't you see who I am?' ' Yes, that's seen in a moment; you are a troublesome fool, but I don't know why I should be bothered with you.' ' Curse me, then, if I don't lock you up. Come along, will you? Don't re- sist, now. Come along.' Blodget snatched the lantern from the hand of the watchman, and with oneL blow of it on the top of his head not only smashed the lantern but nearly stun- ned its owner, who lay sprawling on the ground, and calling out murder. 'Jump on him!1' said Blodget. 'Take his lantern' said one of the thieves, ' and his rattle.' ' Ah, his rattle,' said Blodget, as he suddenly stood upon the fallen watch- man, and nearly squeezed the life out of him. 'I have it, and now come on. It seems to me as if he could not very well move now.' This was the fact. The brutal assault that had been committed on the un- fortunate watchman had really for a time deprived him of all power of speech or movement, and Blodget and his gang 'wont on with perfect ease and compo- sure. 'This way,' said Blodget, as he crossed the road to the back of some low stores. 'This way.' *Hilloa!' said another watchman, 'did 'I hear a row?' ' Yes,' said Blodget, as he struck him such a blow in the face with the butt of a revolver he had in hand that he fell like a corpse. ' He's quieted,' said Blodget. The four thieves really looked at each other with some alarm, and one of them said- .' You have a *good kind of way of quieting people, Mr. Bloget, I rather think.' 'Yes. But don't call me Mr. Blodget ; call me Captain, if you please ; but if you use my name it may reach ears that it is not intended for.' ' That's right, Mr. --, Captain I I mean. Are we near the place, though?' 'Yes close to it.' I 'Ah, what is thatI' The sharp whistle of a watchman broke upon the stillness of the night air. 'This way-this way,' said Blodget. 'Let us hide for a moment or two. The five got under a doorway, and there they hid and let no less than four watchmen run past them in the direction of the sound of the whistle. No more of the guardians of the night seemed to be coming that way, so that Blodget came forth from the hiding place with his friends and went quietly on. All was dark, the guests had departed, and the street in which the lady resided was restored to its usual equanimity for the night. There was not the least appearance of any light in any of the windows in the front of the house; but Blodget hardly supposed that such a residence would be left entirely without light in any of the rooms, so be fully expected that some of the back windows would no doubt show symptoms of the apartments being in some degree illuminated. ' Halt ! This is the house,' he said. 'All right, captain.' 'Now attend to me all of you, and you will know what you have to do- I will manage to open the door, and then you will remain just within it on the watch.' 'Yes, captain.' ' You will take charge of the pantry, which I will point out to you, and possess yourself of all the portable plate.' 'I'll do it, captain.' 'You, then, will ransack the rooms on the first floor.' ' A's right.' ' And you will follow me.' 'I'll do it, captain. Now we -know what we have all got to do, and can do it well.' 'You can if you will ; and remember that we all assemble here in the hall again as soon as possible, and that if the one who is to keep guard at the door sees proper to give an alarm, it shall be. with a whistle such as no doubt in the night time will be distinctly heard by all of you.' 'I have a whistle in my pocket,' said the fellow, ' that I'll warrant you will all hear.' ' Then that is settled ; so now let us go to work.' Blodget himself commenced the at- tack upon the door, and he did so with amazing tact. With one of the picklocks he had in his possession he easily turned the lock of the door, and then he found that he was impeded by a couple of bolts and a chain. To most persons these would have been rather insurmountable obstructions, but to him they only required a little time and skill and perseverance to over- come them. With a fine and exquisitely tempered saw, which was so thin that he got it be- tween the door and the joist, he managed to saw them both in two in a very short space of time. The door was now only fastened by the chain. ' Is it done now ?' asked one of the thieves. 'Not yet.' 'Soon I' 'Yes. Why do you ask?' said Blod- get. ' I think-I may be mistaken though -but I think some one looked out at A E OF SAN FRANCISC 0. 129 page: 130-131[View Page 130-131] 130 - MYSTERIES A one of the windows of the house opposite rather more earnestly than they ought to have done.' ' The devil they did.' ' Yes, I think so.' 'A man or a woman ?' ' It is too dark to say.' 'Curses on them, be it whom it may!' ' Amen to that, captain.' 'But you are quite sure you saw some one, be it man or woman ?' 'Yes, I am.' 'Then go over two of you to the door, and wait there for a few moments while I work at this chain.. 'And if any one comes out ?' 'Well?' 'What shall we do?' 'Do you ask me what you shall do while you have the use of your hands? It won't do to make a noise, so I should say that the only thing open to you to do is to throttle any one who should ap- pear.' Throttle ' 'Yes, and why not ? Pray what busi- n'ess have the people opposite to inter- fere in my affairs, Ishould like to know ?' 'Well, certainly-but-but-' Do you hesitate ?' 'No-no. Don't be in a passion, cap- tain. If it must be done, why, it is no use saying anything more about it, and it just will be done.' 'I should imagine so.' The two men who had been thus or dered over the way by Blodget went up- on their errand ; and although it is true they had at first rather started at the idea of throttling somebody who might be so very interfering and imprudent As to come from the opposite house, it is yet difficult to say whether after all, this ad- mlonition of- Blodget was not very great- OF SAN FRANCISCO. 131 AND MISERIES ly increased by the off-hand manner in which he proposed to get rid of obstacles to the progress of the particular little enterprise upon ,which he was. - Curses on it?'1muttered Blodget to himself, 'it seems as if I were fated to he thwarted to-night.' He saw his two companions take up their station on the opposite door-step, and then he set to work upon the street' door chain. It was rather a peculiar process by which he Blodget got rid of the obstacle to his progizs. Having sawed the bolts and opened the locks he could just get the street- door open as far as the slack of the chain would allow it to go, but although that was not above a couple of inches in all, yet it was sufficient for his purpose, as will be very quickly seen. He took from his pocket a very pecu- liar shaped iron instrument, capable of very great extension as regarded length by other pieces fitting into it like the joints of a fishing-rod, only that the sock- ets were squared, so that they fitted quite tight and would not turn. One end of this instrument he fixed in a link of the chain, and then he lengthened it about two feel and fitted a cross piece on the end, so that he had a very good amount of leverage to work with. Blodget gave this instrument about three rapid turns, and then the iron chain broke in two or three places and hang uselessly from the -door in the paa sage of the house- 'It is done,' he said, 'Come in.' The two thieves who were still with him now crept into the hall, and at that moment Blodget heard a noise opposite. He who had seen a head project from an opposite window had not been de- ceived. A man at the house opposite had chanced to see the persons on the door-step, and being a very cunning sort of individual, instead of giving a noisy alarm at once, which would have had the effect of scaring the thieves off, he thought he would gently slip out, and run to the nearest policeman and tell what he had seen. With this view he had hurriedly dress- ed himself and slipped down stairs. He opened the door with the utmost caution, and then made a dart into the arms of the men, who were there waiting for him so quietly and patiently. This sudden capture of the man from the opposite house was the noise that Blodget had heard opposite just as he had succeeded in removing the last ob- stacle to getting an entrance to the hall of the house. The attack upon the man was so sud- den, and withal so totally unexpected by that individual, that, for the moment, he was too terrified to cry out. That moment was precious to him, for before he could recover presence of mind sufficient to have the least idea of what best to do, one of the thieves had him by the throat with such a clutch that he began to get black in the face. Blodget ran over from the other side of the way in another moment. 'Who is it?' he asked. 'Somebody going, no doubt, to give an alarm,' said the man who had hold of him. ' Now is that possible V said Blodget. 'It is, captain.' 'Dear me, what interfering people there are in the world, to be sure. Has he a cravat on ., 'Yes, captain.' ' That will do.' Blodget took the unfortunate man's cravat from his neck, and in another mo- ment wound it round again so tightly and tied it in a knot behind, that his doing more than just slightly breathe was out of the question. ' Now,' he added, 'one slight tap on the head just to make him remember us, and all is well.' The tap on the head that Blodget so facetiously called a slight remembrancer consisted in a severe blow with an iron jemmy, beneath which the victim fell to the ground as if he had been strrok dead. ' Push him into his own passage,' sait Blodget, 'and then close his door quietly. It will be quite a pity to disturb the, no doubt, highly respectable family to which he belongs.' This was done, and with so little trou- ble, too, had the whole affair been ac- complished that the man was disposed of, and Blodget was back again to the house before one would have thought it possible to do so much.' ' Now, come in all of you,' he said. 'Yes, captain.' 'You did that well, captain.' ' Hush, we will talk about that anoth- er time, when we have plenty of time to do so, for we have none now.' 'Yes, captain.' 'You know your seperate directions now. Here we are in the house, and our grand object is, of course, to do our work here and then to get out of it as quickly as we can.' 'Yes-yes, that's it.' 'A lightly' One of the thieves-it was the one whose appointed duty it was to go up stairs with Blodget- lit a loco foco page: 132-133[View Page 132-133] 132 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES match, and then as it burned up they all started, for one of the ,first things they saw was a servant apparently fast asleep, but, in reality, dead drunk in a huge chair. ' Confound the rascal,' said Blodget, who now would have supposed he was so near to us ?' 'He sleeps.' 'Are you sure of that? Is it a cat's sleep ?' 'No, captain, that is a sound sleep. 'It looks sound.' He is as drunk as blazes, captain, I "an see. Ah, he has been at the decan- ers and bottles after the guests have gone.' 'No doubt about that,' said Blodget, with a smile ; ' and I don't mind saying that it was a part of my calculation in this little affair, that the servants would ~be mostly drunk, and so in too deep a sleep to hear us, or to mind us if they did hear us.' ' Ab, captain, you know how to act about it, if any one in the world does.' 'What is to be done with this fel- low ?' saia one of them. 'Nothing: let him be.. Now furnish yourselves with lighted tapers, and let us set to work.' Each-of the thieves in the course of another moment had a little piece of lighted taper in his hand, and it had the advantage that it could be, by a little pressure of the finger and thumb, stuck on any convenient place in an instant. 'Now, quick, all of you,' added Blod- get, ' and you follow me.' He spoke to the one whose appointed duty it was to do so, and then at two steps at a time Blodget ascended a stair- caise. When they got to the first floor land ing, Blodget and the man who was with him both stopped, and sitting down on the stairs, they drew rapidly over their boots, each of them a pair of thick wor- sted- socks, so that their footsteps were really quite inaudible after that. Neither did they leave any signs of footmarks any where, which otherwise, coming out of the wet' street, they might have done; and any attempt to trace them beyond the first floor, after they had put on the socks, would have been very difficult indeed. 'This a good dodge,' whispered the thief to Blodget. ' Yes, but still be as quiet as you can. 'I will.' 'This way. This way.' The thief was of rather a loquacious order of men. -Perhaps, after all, he was a little terrified at the situation in which he found himself, but certainly he could not, or would not, obey Blodget's injunc tions to silence. Blodget would, under any other cir- cumstances, have quarrelled with him for his contumacy, but just then he did not think proper to do so, as he could not tell what emergency might arise in which he might require the best ser- vices of his companion, with good will to render them; so did he answer him, although it was as shortly as he possibly could, to be at the same time at all con- sistent with civility. They made their way up to the second floor of the house, on which the sleeping apartments were situated. On a gilt bracket, fixed about twelve feet high in the wall of the sort of *or- ridor which ran the whole length of the house, Blodget saw a night lamp burn- OF SAN FRANCISCO. ing, and by its aid he was able to distin- guish t he different doors of the sleeping portion of the house. The timan who was with him, and who was nnid Ben, saw Blodget looking about liiii. ' Don'tyou know the room ?' he said. Yes-oh, yes; all's right." 'Well, t hat's a comfort. Do you know, captain, that it ain't pleasant to be so far off in the street ?' ' Vhy so I' 'Because, if there should be a row, how are we to get off ?' 'Pslhaw! I never contemplate anything of the sort.' Oh, you don't ?' 'No ; and if you will but be a little cautious and careful in what you say, we shall do well enough. ' Trust ine for that.' 'Curse you,' thought Blodget to him- self, ' for a chattering parrot. It is the last time I will take you with me upon an expei iion of this sort.' Blodget carefully now laid hold of the handle of the bed-room door, and gave it a quick, sharp turn at once. He knew that that was the best way to prevent it from making any rattling or squeaking sound. The door remained fast. Blodget turned the handle again to its proper position, and stood quiet for a mo- ment. It was quite clear that the bed-room door was fast on the inside in some way, and if it was a night bolt, the difficulty of getting rid of such an obstruction was rather serious. That is to say, it was serious as re- garded time, for he was well prepared with, any means for getting over such an 133 'obstacle, if he had but the time given him to do it in. 'Step this way,' he whispered to the man who was with him. 'Yes-yes.' 'Blodget led him to the top of the stair ase, and then added- ' You will stay here till I come to you again-keep your eyes and your care open. There is a night-bolt to the room door, and I have the job of cutting my way to it. It will take me five minutes.' 'Yes-yes.' 'Be vigilant and quiet. 'I will, Captain.' 'And don't stir from this spot.' ' Trust me for that. I will sit down on the top stair here.' Not a sound came from whoever slept in that apartment, and Blodget congrat- ulated himself upon having got so far without his giving the smallest possible alarm. Passing his arm through the little hole in the door, now, he carefully lifted the night-bolt, and the door was, in a mo- ment, open. 'It is done,' thought he. As he now paused for a moment he took a half mask of black crape from his pocket and put it over his face, so that he was effectually disguised and then he stepped back to the stair head where ho had left his assistant, Ben. Ben was still sitting on the topmost stair, and leaning forward to catch aiy sounds that might come from the lower part of the mansion. Blodget placed his hand upon Ben's shoulder, and whispered in his ear the one word- 'Now!' Ben started, and turning his head, the '' page: 134-135[View Page 134-135] 134 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES drat thing he saw was the black mask,'s and not expecting it he gave such a start 9f surprise and terror that he was on hiss feet in a moment. No doubt he thought his infernal majesty had all of a sudden found him out, ' Murder !' he said. ' Oh, Lord ; no !' ' 'Silence, idiot !' muttered Blodget, as he placed his hand over Ben's mouth and cautioned him to quietness. The sudden consternation of Ben all evaporated before the sounds of Blodget's voice. ' You cursed fool,' said Blodget in his ear, ' what do you mean by uttering an exclamation of that sort ?' 'I-I didn't know' 'You didn't know ?' 'No, captain ; I think I was in a sort, of a brown study, you see, and so I-' 'Silence!1' 'Yes, captain.' 'Who is there!?' said a voice from the room, 'who is there ?' ' Hush,' said Blodget as he clutched the arm of Ben, and they both stood like statues. Ben shook in every limb. ' Did you speak ?' said the voice again. - 'Be still,' said Blodget. ' Don't move, on your life, Ben.' 'I won't. Oh-oh ! It's all---' 'What ?' 'Up with us.' 'No, fool, it is not if you keep yourself quiet.' 'I will. Blodget ran back to' the door in a moment, and he drew it close shut. 'I'm sure I heard a voice,' said the same person. ' Kitty--Kitty,- I say. The wench is fast asleep. Kitty, I say. ' Yes, madam,' said a sleepy voice, and a door opened from the lady's room intc another smaller one that adjoined it, and a young girl, in her night dress, appear. ed. ' Did you hear anything?' 'Yes, ma'm.' 'What?' 'You call me, ma'm.' 'Tut-tut ! I don't mean that; but did you hear anything else before I call- ed you?' 'No, ma'm.' 'Well, I thought I did.' 'You was a dreaming, ma'm, I sup- pose.' 'I suppose I was. See if the night- bolt is all right, Kitty, before you go to- bed again.' 'Yes, ma'm.' ' I feel so nervous to-night ; I don't know why.' Blodget felt there was danger now unless he could adroitly put the night- bolt in its place again. The difficulty to do so without being seen, and in a hurry, too, without making any noise, was very great, but if any man living could do that, that man was Blodget. Kitty, fortunately for him, was half asleep, and she shuffled along the floor in such an odd, devious kind of way, with her eyes scarcely open enough to see at all where she was going, that she gave Blodget every chance. It happened, too, that as she went she completely obstructed the lady's view of the door. Blodget put his hand in the little ori- fice he had cut in the panel, and repho- ed the night-bolt. He was only just in time. ' Is it all right ?' said the lady. Oh, yes, ma'm.' 'You are sure ?' ' Yes, ma'm.' 'Then it could not have been any. thing surely; I was dreaming. But it is no matter, you can go to bed again Kitty. Dear me, what are you about now ?' Kitty had, in her half sleepy state, ran against the foot of the bed and shaken it well. 'Eh? Oh, ma'm, I beg your pardon, I think I am a little drowsy, you see, ma'm.' ' A little drowsy indeed ! Plague take the girl, she is dead asleep. Go to bed directly.' 'Yes, ma'm.' Kitty did manage to steer herself now clear of the various articles of furniture in her mistress's room, and to pass through the door that led to her own, and in another moment she was again fast asleep. 'Dear me,' said the lady, ' I do feel ner- vous to night, to be sure, and I don't know why.' Ting-ting--ting! went the little bell of her repeater watch as she pressed the spring of it. ' Three o'clock,' she said. ' Well, I'd better try to go to sleep, I suppose, while I can.' She did not utter another word, and in a few moments the most deathlikesi- lence was in the room again. Blodget put his hand in the little cir- cular hole in the door, and drew up the bolt once more. ' Curses upon all this delay,' he said to himself, ' we shall have the daylight upon us soon.' This was indeed so, as another hour would without doubt bring the dawn, and then the situation of Blodget and his companions in iniquity would be rather perilous. There were many other circumstances t which rendered it desirable to be quick , about the affair. t In the first place the collision with the watch had no doubt been, by that time, 1 communicated, and no doubt the police were active. Then again, as the man in the house over the way had after all only been stunned, there was no saying when he might sufficiently recover to give an al- arm. From all these reasons Blodget felt the necessity of bringing the job to a speedy end, and with such a determination he then crept very quietly into the lady'sbed- room. In the dim light of the bed-chamber, he looked like some evil spirit as he stood casting a broad shadow on the bed and its occupant. For a moment, he considered what to do, and then he stepped up to the bedside and said :- 'Give any alarm and you die-be still and you live ! Be quiet-quite quiet, for your life's sake,' The terrified woman opened her eyes and uttered a faint cry. 'Yes, ma'm,' said Kitty from the next room. 'Curse you!' cried Blodget. He took a revolver from his pocket, and held it to her head, saying in a calm tone:- 'If you wish to save your life you will be quiet. It is your jewels, plate, and money I come for, not your life, but if you place it as an obstacle in the way, OF SAN FRANCISCO. 13 5 page: 136-137[View Page 136-137] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES - 1-36 that obstacle muake removed. You un- get took her by the arms, lifted her out derstand me. of the bed, and put her on the floor. He A robber ?' then went to the door and cried, in a low 'Yes' tone- 'A house-breaker?' ' -Ben ' 'Just so.' 'I'm coming,, said Ben, as he entered 'Yes, ma'm,' said Kitty, blustering in- the room. to the room with her eyes half shut as be- 'Keep watch over this lady, Ben.' fore. 'Did you call me?' Oh, yes. 'Yes,' said he, stepping up to her, rnd 'And if she tries to get away, or if placing his hand right over her mouth ; she gives alarm, you will be so good as and then in her ear he said- to cut her throat, Ben.' 'Kitty, if you speak one word or ut- 'Oh, yes.' ter one scream, or make the least noise, 'And don't make a bungling job of it Iwill cut your throat from ear to ear this while you are about it. If you have to mm .do it all, do it with humanity-that is Kitty stopped short, and looked as if to say, do it at once and effectually.' she had been suddenly turned to stone. - Oh; yes ; trust me for. that, captain' Jlodget placed her in a chair, and catch- The lady was now really alarmed. lng up a handkerchief, he tied it in her Ben took from his pocket a large mouth, and round the back of her head, clasped knife, the blade of which he and soon to the back of her chair, like a opened in a ferocious kind of way with bit. his teeth, and with that in his hand, he Now be quiet,' he said. kept an eye upon her. Kitty sat profoundly still; indeed, her Blodget now sprang upon the bed, faculties had received such a shock that and tearing down some of the hangings it would be some time before she'd recov- from the back part of it, he saw a small er again. square door in the wall. It was not fast- The lady sat up in bed. ened. e' You wretch! What on earth do you No doubt the secrecy of the position want? of that receptacle for valuables was much 'Plate-jewels-money.' more relied upon by the lady than any 'There is my purse on the dressing- sort of lock or fastening. table-the plate is in the pantry down The fact was, that when once it was stairs.' found out that that -was the hiding 'And in the little secret cupboard at place for the valuable property that the back of this bed, you know it is, could be put in it, the security was gone. madam.' No lock or bolt could for many mo- The lady uttered a groan. ments have added to it in any shape ror &I will trouble you to get up.' way. 'Oh, no-no !' Blodget saw at once when he pulled 'But I say, oh, yes-yes. Now if you open the door that he had received cor- please. rect information. Immediately within Without any further ceremony, Blod- the little square door were some shelves built in the thickness of the wall, and upon them a heap of property of a valu- able and portable nature. Bracelets-rings-necklaces-watch- es-spoons-gold quartz-and jewellery of all descriptions, met the gaze of the robber as he glanced upon the shelves. ' All right,' said he. The lady was a bold woman, and she had kept her eye upon Blodget, and when she heard him say ' All's right,' the thought that he had discovered all her most valuable property drove her to an act of defiance. ' Thieves l' she said, and she raised a loud scream. 'Kill her !' said Blodget. Ben had sprung to his feet, and made for the door of the room, although he had his knife in his hand. The fact is, this fellow wanted the nerve to be a murderer when any oue resisted at all. He might have been an assassin, but he 'iad not the courage to engage in a strug- gle. 'Kill her, I say !' cried Blodget. 'No, no ' said the lady, and springing to her feet, she with a rush made her way into the servant's room; and slamm- ed the door shut in Blodget's face. 'Curses on her ! you have let her es- cape.' ' I could not help it,' said Ben. ' Here, there is no time to be lost now -she will rouse the neighborhood. Take this pillow-case, which I have filled with the swag. We must be content with it. I will see to her and be with you in a moment.' 'Yes-yes, I will go-' 'No further than the head of the stairs, though.' 'No-no.' Blodget made a rush at the door of the 137 room into which she had retreated ; but it was too strong for him, and by great good fortune there had chanced to be some very effectual mode of fastening it on the inside. Blodget heard a lumber- ing noise in the room, that he could not make out. He called aloud,--' No harm is in- tended you, and I will compromise the matter with you, if you will be quiet.' Something rolled upon the floor, and then hit the door a great knock that shook it. ' Confound her,' said Blodget, 'I know what she is doing now. She is piling the furniture against the door, and that was the bedstead. I say!' Blodget heard a window thrown open, and then a vote calling out,- 'Help !-help !-thieves I-thieves !-- Murder !' Blodget turned from the door. His eyes fell upon the young girl who was tied to the chair, and in a moment he rushed up to her .and untied her head. Then shaking her to and fro, he said-. 'Listen to me. Do you hear me?' 'Ye-c-es.' 'Go to that door and call to your inis- tres that I have gone.' 'Ye-e--es.' 'At once, or I will cut your throat.' The girl tottered to the door of the inner room, and called out in a loud voice,- 'Mistress, they have gone now. They have gone now. Open the door. It is only me, Kitty.' Kitty, in her fright, had done even more than Blodget had asked ler. The dread of death had sharpened the wits of the girl, so that she had seen fully what was wanted of her, and she was willing at that moment to think that self-preser- OF SAN FRANCISCO. page: 138-139[View Page 138-139] 138 MYSTERIES Al nation was indeed the very first law of nature, even if it was taken in its most extended signification, and involved the destruction of another. 'That is right,' said Blodget, as the girl tapped upon the panel of the door of the inner room, and called to her mis- tress; 'call her again, or you die!' 'Mistress!' 'Who calls?' It's me, ma'm!' 'Kitty?'? 'Yes, ma'm !' How cane you free ?' 'Oh, they have run away, ma'm !' 'Open the front window, then, and call out for the police at once, do you hear ?' 'Yes, ma'm !' 'Tell her to open the door,' said Blodget, ' or mind your throat.' ' Open the door, ma'm !' ' No.' Implore her to do so. Say you are hurt.' 'Oh, I am hurt, ma'm! Do open the door.' ' Hurt?' said the lady, ' You don't mean that ?' Blodget heard from the voice that she must be just outside the door, or rather, we may say with more precision, just on the other side of it. Full of revengeful thoughts at the idea that she had endan- gered his safety by her obstinate, and what we would call heroic, resistance to be robbed,.he determined on her destruc- tion. Placing a revolver within a couple of inches of the panel of the door, and close to the side of the face of Kitty, although at the moment the girl was too confused to see it, he fired. OF SAN FRANCISCO. ND MISERIES The report was very stunning. Kitty fell to the floor from fright with a loud scream. . ' Hush !' said Blodget, as he held up his hands, in an attitude of listening. 'Hush !' All was still. A deep groan came from the inner room. 'Ha ! ha !' cried Blodget. ' I have hit her !' I 'It was at that 'moment that a shrill whistle sounded through the house, and Blodget at once recognized it as the alarm that he had told the man whose duty it was to stay at the outer door of the house to give in case of danger. 'It is all over,' said Blodget, 'and it will be a close touch now as regards es- cape.' He made his way to the door of the room, and was out in the corridor in a moment. ' Ben? Ben?' ' Here.I am, captain. Oh, Lord 1' 'What's the matter?' 'Nothing-only-only--.. ' Only what, idiot?' ' I thought I heard somebody in trou- ble.' ' How so ?' ' A pistol shot, captain, from your hands, I take it, is reason enough for that.' ' No, it is not. When you hear a pis- tol-shot from me again do not take it in- to your head that somebody is in trou- ble.' 'No?' ' Certainly not; but you may pretty safely conclude that somebody's troubles are over.' ' Oh, Lord !' 'Come away at once now-there is no time to lose. Take care of the bun- dle. ' Have you it ?' 'All safe.' 'Follow me then.' Blodget ran down stairs as quickly as he could, and by the time he got to the hall he found that the whole four of the thieves he had brought with him had as- sembled there, and were looking at each other by their little pieces of lighted ta- per with something like consternation. ' What is the matter?' said Blodget. 'Oh, captain, it's all up.' 'What is all up ?' 'All up with us. There is a force in the street of police. They don't seem to know which house it is, but they are on the look-out about something being amiss at one or other of the houses on this side of the way. . ' Humph! What do you mean by a force?'% 'About a dozen of them.' 'Blodget bit his lips. 'Yes, and They are close outside too.' 'No?' 'Yes they are.' 'I will satisfy myself. If it be only the ordinary watch I don't think a couple of dozen of them ought to stop us from pro- ceeding, and I will not permit them doing so either; but if they are some of these cursed Vigilance fellows, it is another af- f'air.' Blodget acted promptly. Nobody cer- tainly could accuse him of want of cour- age or decision. He knew that the only way of discovering who were without was to take a good look himself ; so, to the consternation and surprise of his comrades, he opened the street door and coolly looked out into the street. A sudden rush was made at the door by a couple of men, and Blodget soon saw ten or twelve others not far off. ' Hold hard there, hoss,' said one of them. 'Don't shut that door again, my fine fellow, if you please.' ' Ah, indeed!' said Blodget, as he closed the door ; but he was not quite quick enough, for a stick that one of the officers had with him had been pushed through the opening, and prevented the door from closing. ' Ha, ha ! it won't do,' cried the of- ficer. Blodget laid hold of the stick and called upon the others to do so. By their united force they pulled it out of the officer's hand, half dislocating his wrist as he did so, for he had tied it with a strip of dry hide to his arm. The door was closed in another min- ute, but it was only held by the lock, for Blodget had cut the bolts and had broken the chain, so that his situation with his four companions was anything but a very agreeable one. 'Oh!' said Ben, 'I do begin to think as we have all dropped in for it at last.' 'Not at all,' said Blodget. - Not at all, captain ? Why how the deuce are we to get out of this mess?' ' I don't call it a mess. There are two ways out of a house ; one at the street door, and the other at the roof. Follow me.' ' What, upstairs again?' 'Yes, to be sure. Remember you are under my orders, and you may as well remember why, too.' ' Why ?' 'Yes, why. Was it not because I knew more than you did, and could so take the command with more advantage to you as well as to myself ? Come on I 139 page: 140-141[View Page 140-141] 140 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES I will yet see you all safe out of this affair, you may depend upon it.' They accordingly proceeded up stairs, where as Blodget anticipated, they found a scuttle affording an exit to the roof- through. this they escaped, and scamper- ing over the flat roofs of the adjacent houses, got safely off with their blood- bought booty. CHAPTER XIV. WE must now retrace our steps in or- der 'to introduce a different phase of life in the Golden City. Among the many hundreds of passen- gers who landed one' drizzly day from one-of the Panama steamers, was a young and very handsome female. Her personal attractions had excited the attention and admiration of many of the male 'passengers, who would fain have improved the chance of becoming more intiate with her, had they not been kept aloof by the distant manners of a gentleman, under whose protection she appeared to be, and, perhaps, even more by the young girl's reserved ways and apparently sad expression of counte- nance. - Who this lady was will appear in the course of our tale. Her companion call- ed her Fanny--but whether she was his wife or not, was unknown to the rest of the passengers. About a fortnight after Fanny arrived in San Francisco she rose from her slum- bers, broken by unquiet visions, with pale and gloomy looks, for she had not yet decided upon the course she would adopt fn her present extremity, and her sombre countenance and spiritless manners at- tracted the notice of her landlady. ' Mr. Ed wards has gone to Sacramento, I hear,' said she, as she placed the break- fast equipage upon the table. 'Yes.' replied Fanny, coldly. 'He did not say anything to me about the rent,' observed the woman, in a doubt- ful and hesitating tone. 'He engaged the apartments, you know ; but if you pay the rent when it is due, of course it is all the same.' 'You have always received your rent from me, Mrs. Smith,' returned Fanny, somewhat haughtily, 'and as long as I occupy your apartments I shall continue to pay for them. I hope-- you do not doubt my ability to do so ?' 'Oh, no,' said her landlady. 'Only as Mr. Edwards engaged the apartments, and has now left without saying anything about the matter, I did not know how matters might be ; but I meant no of- fence, I am sure.' - Mrs. Smith whisked herself out of the room, and Fanny was again alone to con- template the dread realities of her posi- tion. Still undecided, still reluctant ,to adopt either of the alternatives which she had canvassed over, but keenly alive to the necessity of a speedy decision, she yet sought to avert the crisis, if only for, a few days; and having made a bundle of a silk dress and a handsome shawl which Edwards had given her, she left the house to obtain the means of liquid-j eating the week's rent, that would be due on the ensuing day. 'Mrs. Edwards,' said a female voice be- hind her, as she stood before the window of a pawnbroker's shop, unable to sum- mon courage toenter; and turning round she beheld a young girl, stylishly dressed, and possessed of considerable pretensions to beauty, whom she instantly recognised as a -fellow-lodger with whom she had I OF SAN FRANCISCO. once or twice exchanged civilities when they had met upon the stairs or in the passage. 'I have renounced that name forever, Miss Jessop,' said she ' and would forget all the associations belonging to it.' 'Ah, heard that Mr. Edwards had gone to Sacramento,' observed Miss Jes- sop. 'You knew it, then, before I did,' re- turned Fanny, with a slight bitterness of accent. 'Indeed !' rejoined Miss Tessop. 'But do not think of going to the pawnbro- ker's, for I am sure that is where you are going.-' 'Who told you that I was going to the pawnbroker's,' inquired Fanny, colouring, and speaking in a tone of mingled vexa- tion and surprise. 'Nay, do not be angry !' said Miss Jes- sop, whose manner was kind and concil- iating. ' I was sure of it, as soon as I saw you, and you cannot deny it; but do not look vexed because I have penetra- ted your intentions. I see that you want a friend, and it was because I felt convinced that you were going into the shop that I accosted you.' 'I do indeed want a friend, Miss Jes- sop,' returned Fanny, sighing, 'I never felt the want of one so much as at this moment.' ' Then come home, if you have no where else to go to, and we will have a little chat together,' said Miss Jessop, in a very friendly tone. ' I am older than you in years, and still older in experience, for all that you now see dimly louring upon the horizan, I have long ago passed through.' Fanny was in that frame of mind which prompts the seeker after guidance or consolation to be communicative and to 141 give confidence wherever friendship is proffered, and she walked home with Miss Jessop, whom she invited into her own sitting-room. 'You are very comfortable here,' said the young lady, as she glanced round the apartment. 'I hope you do not think of leaving?' 'I have thought of many things, but as yet have been able to decide upon noth- ing,' returned Fanny, with a faint smile. 'And yet you were about to do the most foolish thing imaginable, if I had not prevented you,' observed Mis Jessop. 'For whatever course you decide upon, it would be foolish to make away with your best clothes, and the money you raised by so doing would only serve to avert for a few days the decision that you would have to come to at last. For in- stance, if you decide upon returning home to your friends, where would be the use of delaying your return until you had eat up all your clothes Again if you determined upon receiving the visits of any other gentleman, would it not be foolish to delay accepting of his propo- sals until you were penniless? If you will take the advice of one who has been in the same position, you will do at once, whatever you decide upon doing, for, however desperate your position may be, procrastination will only make it worse.' Fanny felt the force of her new friend's reasoning, and after reflecting upon it for a moment, frankly disclosed her posi- tion, signifying the repugnance which she felt to returning home. ' You see that I understand your posi- tion as well as if I had been acquainted with it,' said Miss Jessop, with a smile. If you will go out with me this evening I will introduce you to a banker who is sure to be delighted with you. Ie is page: 142-143[View Page 142-143] 142 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES very liberal, and I know he admires your dark style of beauty above all othe-s.' Fanny's curiosity and vanity were both excited by this flattering description, and as reflection had confirmed her in her determination not to return home, little persuasion was needed to induce her to assent to her new friend's proposi- tion. Night found Fanny and Miss Jessop seated in a temple dedicated equally to Venus and to Bacchus. The former was surprised by the scene which met her gaze, and the appearance of the females who promenaded the saloon, or were seated by the side or on the knees of gay gentlemen, enlightened her both as to the character of the place and that of her companions, if indeed there had been in her mind any doub$ as to the latter, previous to her introduction to thatflow- ery scene of vice. 'There !-that is the person of whom I spoke to you,' said Miss Jessop, in a whisper, as the banker entered the sa- loon, and as the roue caught the eye of Fanny's companion, and saw by her side. a beautiful young female whom he had never seen before, he advanced towards the table at which they were seated, and sat down opposite to them. 'You look blooming to-night,' Miss Jessop, said he, eyeing Fanny as he spoke. 'Champaigne, waiter. Who is your handsome young frieud?' Fanny blushed at the compliment, and her companion answered, with a smile, 'A young friend of mine whom I have promised to introduce to you, Mr. Ed- wards.' Fanny and the banker were soon upon the most friendly terms. He invited the ladies to take wine with him. Fanny's reserve vanished by degrees under its in- fluence, and the compliments of the banker appealed to her vanity. She was soon- induced to accompany him to a house in the neighberhood. Fanny had committed herself to the tide of destiny, suffering it to bear her wither it would, and she entered into the house, of the character of which her inexperience al- lowed her to form no conception. But when they were conducted by an attend- aut into a bed-chamber, she was recalled all at once to the nature of her position, and she blushed deeply; her companion, however, found means to remove her scruples, and she left the house, in com- pany with Miss Jessop, richer indeed in purse, but bankrupt in honor. It was near midnight,--some weeks after Fanny's fatal resolution-the gay votaries of pleasure were leaving the Jenny Lind Theatre, some few in equip- ages, but a greater number on foot ; be- yond the immediate neighborhood of the theatre, however, the bustle was little in- creased, for the bar-rooms, the Arcade, the El Dorado, the Lafayette, and the Bella Union, received the human tide almost as fast as its waves ebbed from the -portico of the theatre. One female form alone lingered under the portico ! She was a lovely dark-eyed girl, rath- er below the middle height of woman, and wore a silk dress, faded and stained, a mantle of the same material, creased and much worn, and a velvet bonnet modish in form, but worn and faded, and adorned with a black feather in the last stage of decay. Her complexion was dark, and dissipation and late hours had not yet banished the last tinge of rose from her cheeks ; her bright eyes were shaded by long jetty lashes,.and her, black hair was glossy as the pinion of the raven ; her lips seemed formed of coral by the art of the turner, and her form was symmetrical and attractive in the highest degree. A little while be- fore those dark eyes had beamed with simulated passion, and those vermeil lips had been wreathed with the most win- ning and wanton smiles ; but as the last hack drove away from the front of the theatre, the expression of the girl's coun- enance, which seemed to have been stamped there as with a searing iron, by the vivid consciousness of shame and degradation. The change was like the removal of the garland and veil from the skull of the skeleton guest at the ban- quet of the old Egyptians. A light rain was beginning to fall, the pavement was becoming wet and clammy, and the girl looked down with a sigh and a shudder at her thin shoes. Then she stepped upon the pavement, shivered for a moment on the edge and crossed the slippery street, to where the large lamp over the door of a large cafe threw its yellow glare upon the wet sidewalk. A tall, well-shaped man came out of the tavern at the moment she ap- proached the door, and between him and the young girl there passed glances of re- cognition. ' Blodget!' she exclaimed, in a low gas- ping tone. 'Ahl why it is little Fanny?' said he, in a tone between a recognition and sur- prise. 'Yes,' returned the young girl, with a look at once appealing and reproachful, 'It is Fanny-your victim.' ' Humph,' said Blodget, averting his countenance from the girl's earnest gaze, and biting his lip. 'Have you been look- ing fr me?1' he enquired, after a mo- ment's pause, and still without looking upon the girl's wan countenance, as if he felt that her looks would reproach him, even though she uttered not a word. 'No,' returned Fanny. 'I knew not that you were in this city. I am glad, Mr. Blodget, to perceive that you have still so much virtue left, that you cannot look upon the face of the girl you have wronged and deceived, that you shrink from the contemplation of your work o evil.' . ' Don't let us quarrel,' said Blodget, in a low voice, and with an evident uneasi- nsss of manner. 'Come in, and we will go up stairs, and have a bottle of wine.' ' Never, with you, Blodget l' exclaim- ed Fanny, energetically. 'Your baseness has reduced me to a depth of degradation to which I would not at one time have believed possible for me to fall, but never will I sit down in a public room with the author of my rain. 'Well, where do you live ?' said Blod- get in a' tone of vexation. 'I cannot stand talking to you in the street-be- sides, it rains.' 'Ah, you are ashamed of me?' return- ed Fanny in a tone of bitterness, though her voice trembled and her lips quivered as she spoke. 'Why were you not rath- er ashamed to become the destroyer of my happiness, my innocence, perhaps, my soul?' * 'Pooh, nonsense, Fan,' returned Blod- get, the glow of conscious guilt mantling upon his cheeks, in spite of his assumed nonchalance. 'You are in a melancholy mood to-night, and ifyou mean to stand here talking like that, I shall rush off. It is getting late, and you had better go hone.' 'Home!' ejaculated Fanny, with a bit- ter intonation, and hot tears gathered in OF SAN FRANCISCO. 143 page: 144-145[View Page 144-145] 144 .MYSTEIlIES AND MISERIES OF SAN FRANCISCO. 145 her dark eyes, and trembled on her black and silken lashes. ' Bill l' said Blodget, to a pale, shabby, dissipated-looking young man, who came out of the bar-room at that moment- 'bring a back !' In a few- minutes the vehicle rolled up to the spot, and the driver jumped from his seat to open the door. Fanny allow- ed her seducer to hand her into the back but her thoughts were wandering, and she felt a slight degree of surprise when Blodget got in, and seated himself by her side. ' Where to, sir,' said the driver, as he closed the door. Blodget looked at Fanny, who men- tioned the name of the street in which she lived, and in a few minutes the hack was dashing over the miry road. Fanny leaned back in silence, and when her companion passed his arm around her waist, she shrank from his touch, and he instantly removed it. 'What is the use of your being angry with me, Fanny ?' said he, in a deprecat- ing tone. ,' What has passed can never be recalled, aid had better be forgotten. Let us '- 'Forgotten ?'exclaimed Fanny, raising her dark eyes sadly and reproachfully to his countenance, as he saw by the light of a lamp which the cpach passed at the moment. ' Do you think that I can ever forget what I have been or what I am now? That I can forget there was a time when I was innocent and happy, and cease to contrast that time with the wretched present ?' 'Why are you not happy now?' in-- quired the roue. Can you ask me why I am not hap- py now, Blodget?' returned Fanny, in a tdne of deep and touching emphasis. ' Ah, do not affect what you do not feelI Do not make me think you so thoroughly heartless as such a question would imply. You know that I am not and cannot be happy.' Blodget was silent, and in a few'mo- ments the hack stopped opposite the house that had for some weeks been the abode of the lost and degraded Fanny. Blodget sprang out, assisted Fanny to alight, and having discharged the hack, followed the young girl up the court and into the house in which she lodged. She ascended the stairs, permitting Blodget to follow her, and when they had entered a small bedroom of the most wretched appearance. She closed the door,.set the light which she had received on entering the house, upon a pine table, and sinking upon a chair by the side of the bed, buried her countenance in the clothes. 'How long have you been in such a place as this?' inquired Blodget, as he threw a quick glance round the wretched chamber. 'I permitted you to come here, that you might form a faint idea of the depth to which you have plunged me,' said Fan- ny, raising her head from the bed. ' Reproaches are useless,' returned the man, gloomily: ' I am sorry for what has passed, Fanny, and now let us be friends again.' On what terms?' inquired Fanny. 'Oh, never mind the terms !' returned Blodget, sitting on the side of the bed, and taking the young girl's hand. 'Kiss me, Fan., and we will have a bottle of wine up here-no, not here,' he added, again casting his eyes around the miser- able chamber. 'Come away- with me to a house of accommodation.' 'And to-morrow ' said Fanny, doubt- fully and inquiringly. 'To-morrow we shall be as good friends same bed with you, unless as your wife,' as ever we wete.' exclaimed Fanny, with solemn earnest- 'Blodget,' said Fanny, in a deep and ness. ' I would rather lay down in some even solemn tone, while she raised her secluded spot, and die of hunger; or seek dark eyes to his countenance, with an ex- a refuge from the shame and misery that pression of profound earnestness,' I would are killing me, in the waters of the bay. rather die than continue to lead the life ' Good night, then,' returned the sedu- which I have lived since you so unkindly cer. ' I am off! I will do the generous, deserted me. Indeed, I know not why I though.' have not long since sought death in pre- The libertine's tone and manner were ference to such a life of shame, and mis- hurried and uneasy. He took a slug from ery and conscious degradation. Tell me his purse and laid it on the table, but whether you mean to atone for all that Fanny rose immediately, her dark eyes you have made me suffer by making me flashing and her cheeks glowing, and tak- your wife?' ing up the coin, threw it at his feet. 'You cannot expect it,' returned Blod- 'Not from you, sir !' she exclaimed get, dropping her hands, and taking a vehemently. 'I will neither sell myself hasty turn across the room. You have to you, nor have it thought that I have seen enough of life by this time, I should done so. You sought me, and you gained think, to see the foolishness of such an me, and I do not blush for what has pass- expectation.' ed ; but my fond and trusting heart be- ' My experience of life has been bitter traded me, and not such a paltry bribe enough, God knows,' said Fanny, heaving as that. Would you have me despise a deep sigh, while tears again gathered myself more than I do already 4' in her dark eyes. ' Why did you ever 'Fanny,'said Blodgetin a tone which seek my love? Was it honorable to do evinced considerable agitation, for the so, and to win my heart, and then, when words, look, and tone of the poor girl had I had given you the tenderest proof of at length penetrated to his heart. 'Let love that woman can bestow, to cast me us be friends, as we were before I left from you as you might a flower that you New-York. Forgive me for what you had plucked for its beauty and fragrance, have suffered, and kiss me.' and when it had ceased to charm, you 'No ! no !' returned Fanny,'extending cast upon the footway to be trodden upon her hand to ward him as he approached and to mingle with the mire? That is whatyou avedone--that has been my her. ' I forgive you, and now leave me; what you have de ybut remember that there is One besides fate' e helped now, whose forgiveness you have to seek, and 'Well, it cannot be hleno, Fn hs pardon is of more conse~c e observed Blodget, some twitchings of re- whoseparnmence morse giving a slight degree of impa ' than mine. tience to his tone. ' Will you come 'You will not kiss me, then-not even away from heretand have a bottle of as a sign of your forgiveness?' said the wine with me? Nay, if you like it bet- libertine, who thought that if the young ter, for once I will stop here.' girl suffered him to hold her in his em- 'Never again, Blodget, will I press the brace lie should be able to win her to a page: 146-147[View Page 146-147] 146 - MYSTERIES AND MISERIES more agreeable termination to their in- of that crushed violet of the pavement, terview than appeared likely otherwise. revolted at the thought. ' No,' replied Fanny, firmly. 'You have Yet must she have money; she was ceased to love me, and I should loathe penniless, and for her there was no alter- myself were I to suffer any approach to native between a life of infamy and de- a renewal of our former intimacy. Blod- gradation, and the unblessed grave of the get lingered a moment longer, glanced suicide. Moreover she could not bear toward the slug which still lay on the to be alone with her heart-crushing brain- floor, where the indignant girl had thrown searing, maddening thoughts: she felt it, and then quitted the room. that she must fly from them, or, madness When the door had closed upon her or suicide would be the result. The seducer, Fanny threw herself upon the thought of surrendering herself to the bed, and hiding her countenance in the embraces of a stranger was less repugnant clothes, burst into a flocd of bitter and to her mind, in the mood which had scalding tears. Oh, how agonizing were come upon her, than that of selling to the reminiscence, how bitter the reflec- her seducer for money the favors which tions, evoked by the accidental meeting he had once enjoyed through her love; if with the man to whom she owed all the she must sin, she resolved that it should unhappinesssheeverknew. The thought not be with him, to those arms she had of her home, of the poor, but honest par- originally gone pure and chaste. ents whom she could never look in the Leaving the money upon the floor, she face again, of the companions of her went down stairs, darted past a stout red- childhood, in the village of her birth, faced old woman in a faded silk dress, and from these subjects of reflection her whom she m thoughts wandered to the beginnings of - passage, in order to avoid an explanation, and rushed her ill-starred acquaintance with Blodget, through the miry court into the street. and hpie se dssolving of the dream A misty rain was still falling, and there blissful, but, alas, so transient. were few persons in the streets, but she Her tears ceased to flow, without hav- knew there were yet plenty of loungers ing brought her any relief and seating and revellers in the taverns about Com- herself by the bedside, she grew by de- mercial Street, and thitherward, she re- grees more calm, but it was an unnatur- traced her steps. She had nearly reach- al calmness, not the tranquility which ed the crossing of Montgomery Street, speaks of peace within, but a mere lull when she saw a young man come out of in the tempest of human passions. She the corner bar-room and walk down glanced at the glittering coin upon the towards the wharf, with a reeling gait, floor, but she felt that to pick it up and as if under the influence of liquor. appropriate it to her own use, would be Thinking that he might be easily induced' to accept a money compensation for her to accompany her home, she followed wrongs, and though husbands in the up- him, but before she could overtake him per classes of society are accustomed to he entered another bar-room. accept such compensation from the se- Fanny lingered for a moment on the ducers of their wives, yet the purer soul clammy pavement, but the deserted sp- pearance of the steets speedily decided her, and she turned into the house and entered. The young man was sitting at one of= the tables over which he was leaning, with his head leaning on his arms, and his countenance concealed: but no one else was in the room. A glass stood on the table. The man did not move when she entered, though she knew he could not be asleep, having only entered the house a moment before. 'What a dissagreeable night,' Fanny ventured to observe, in the hope of at- tracting the young man's attention. At the sound of her voice he started from his seat as if he had received a shock from a galvanic battery, and gaz- ed with mingled wildness and earnestness at her. Fanny started also, and stagger- ing backwards, sank upon a bench, and covered her face with her hands, for she had recognised Robert Jervis, her affi- anced lover, in the days of her virtuous happiness. Jervis was pale, and the un- expected meeting with one whom he had once loved so ardently hadkgiven to his countenance an expression of wildness and extreme agitation. ' Has Fanny sunk so low as this? and s6 soon, too,' said he, in a low voice, ren- dered hoarse by the agitation of his feel- ings. 'Has she who ran away from her home become in so short a time a .midnight- frequenter of barrooms, and the common associate of the vicious portion of a class, the reputable members of which she once looked down upon with disdain P dSpare me, Robert,' said Fanny, in a faint and broken voice, and without re moving her hands from her countenance 'You know not what I have suffered- what I am suffering now.' 'I can easily believe that,' returned Robert, surveying her with a look of mournful interest. 'You have made me suffer, too-more deeply than I can find words to express; but I will not reproach you While you have a heart to feel, if vice does not harden it to the core, you will find reproaches there which I cannot spare you. 'I do,' exclaimed Fanny, sobs choking her voice, and the pearly tears trickling down her hands. 'You cannot reproach me more severely than my own heart does at this moment. If you knew all that I have endured and am enduring you would pity me.' 'Pity you!' said Robert, who had be come perfectly sober the moment he re- cognized the lost girl upon whom he was now gazing. 'I have never ceased to pity you since the moment of my return to reason after that-hour of madness that ruined both myself and you.n 'It was all my fault,' sobbed Fanny, weeping as if her heart would break. 'It matters little now, whether the fault was wholly yours or partly mine,' said Robert, taking a hasty turn up and down the room. 'It was more the fault of that villain Blodget : may heaven's avenging lightnings scathe and blast him! May his own happiness and peace of mind be wrecked as ours have been!' Fanny sobbed bitterly, and dared not raise her eyes to Robert's agitated coun- tenance. The young man took two or three turns up and down the bar-room, and then he became a little calmer, and pausing near the table at which he had been sitting, threw a furtive glance tow- ards the weeping Fanny. 'And you have really fallen so low as your presence here seems to imply?' said he, endeavoring to steady his voice, OF SAN FRANCISC 0. 147 page: 148-149[View Page 148-149] 148 .MYSTERIES, though it was low and tremulous, and his lips quivered as he spoke. ,Imagine the worse, and you will know all,' replied Fanny, in a broken and faltering voiee. 'I have wished a hun- dred times that I were at the bottom of the bay, but I cannot do it. I pray for death, that I may be spared further mis- ery and sin, and yet I live.' 'Heaven have mercy on us all, for we have need ofmercy !' exclaimed Robert, in a tone which betrayed the emotion that he felt, and leaning with his elbows on the-table, he buried his face in his hands. He heard Fanny sobbing, but for some moments neither of them moved or spoke. Then he heard a slight rustling, and he removed his hands from his pale and agitated countenance, and slowly raised his head. Fanny was hurriedly leaving the room; it was her mantle brushing the door as she passed out, which he had heard. He sighed heavily, and then he dropped his head upon his hands again, and sat silent and motionless, until roused by the entrance of the bar-keeper who, thinking ttiat he was asleep, shook him, and bawled that he was going to close the house. Then he arose, quitted the house, ,and walked slowly, and with an expression of misery and despair upon his pale countenance. The rain had row degenerated into a thick fog, through which the lamps twinkled dimly, and the pavement was covered with thin mire of the color and adhesive quality which dis- tinguishes the mud of San Francisco, ex- cept where the broken condition of the pavement of the footway permitted thej turbid water to lay in 'large puddles,I dimly, reflecting the street lamps. Re- gardless of the puddles,- Robert walked oni, ilow with his eyes fixed upon the AND MISERIES, miry pavement, and now looking fo ward with contracted brow and moving though silent lips; and when he reached a lane, he went straight on and entered a house. Thither we will not immediately follow him. On leaving the bar-room, where she had encountered Robert Jarvis, Fanny had hurried down to the wharf, where she began to walk more slowly, the ter- rible excitement which had until then impelled her onward, beginning to sub- side. But though she walked more slowly, she kept towards the bay, and- still walked slowly onwards. About the hour of one, she advanced towards steps leading down to some water. It was not the first time since she had added herself to the thousands of unfortunate women who seek the wages of sin, that she sought the bay with suicidal pur- poses, but there was something so terri- ble and so awful to her mind in the thought of death, that she had ever dared to attempt the execution of it.. 'It must be done,' she murmured, as she approached the steps. 'I can endure this dreadful life no longer.' She descended the steps hurriedly, but on the lowest that was uncovered by the water, she paused, and gazed upon the. dark bosom of the flood that rolled with a hoarse dull murmur. 'Death! What is it ' murmured the miserable girl, clasping her small white hands, and looking down upon the water that rolled darkly at her feet. Awful mystery, which I wish, yet fear, to solve! Is it but the intermediate state which mortals pass through to free the soul from the grossness which clogs it during its sojourn on earth, and fit it for a higher and happier state of existene? or is it a long sleep-sat night wihu OF SAN FRANCISCO. CHAPTER XV. We must now return for a space to Inez and her captors. The unfortunate girl had but a very confused idea of where she was being conveyed. When the party reached the ranch she was taken from her horse, and carried rather than led, into the building. She was taken down a narrow flight of steps into what appeared to her to be a subterranean apartment. And such, in fact it was, for the dwelling to which dreams, and to which no morrow comes ? Is it, as some say, the chry- salis state from which we emerge into new life, like the butterfly? Unfortu- nate analogy !-the repugnance to the soul's annihilation, this longing after immortality ? Oh there must be some- thing beyond the grave, though what I cannot say. It cannot be worse, what- ever it may be than the life I am lead- ing., She paused in her muttered solilo- quy, thinking she heard soft and cau- tious footsteps behind her, but on cast- ing a look up the steps, she saw no one ; indeed the fog prevented her from seeing more than a couple of yards. ' It is nothing,' she muttered. 'Now to end a life of which I have long been' weary! It is but a plunge-a splash- ing of the water-a circling ripple on the surface-and all will be over!' As she murmured these words, the poor girl threw herself into the dark waters, adding to the long list of man's perfidy and inhumanity-' One more unfortunate victim.' she had been taken had formerly been a portion of one of the old mission es- tablishments, which are so numerous n California. The vaults beneath it, had doubtless been excavated as a place of retreat in case of attacks from hostile Indians, or as a depository for the sa- cred vessels of the church. At length they reached the bottom of this subterranean flight of stairs, and then she was borne along a narrow pas- sage of considerable length, the footsteps of her ruffianly abductor raising dismal and prolonged echoes. Her brain be- gan to reel before the appalling idea that she was being carried into the bowels of the earth, perhaps to be immured for life in some dungeon, where the atmos- phere would be close and damp-where moisture would trickle down the green and slimy walls-perhaps, to be depriv- ed of life; or, maybe, and the thought made her shudder convulsively, subject- ed to the brutal lusts of some vfle miscreant whose crimes had made him shrink into gloomy vaults from the light of day and the arm of retributive justice. Her bearer seemed to be fatigued with her weight for he twice set her down and rested a few moment. At length the end of the journey appeared to be reached, and she was now laid down upon some blankets, and the gag removed from her mouth, and the cov- ering from her head, and when she cast a glance of terrified apprehension around the place to which she had been brought she was alone and in profound and im- penetrable darkness. Almost frantically the unfortunate maiden gave vent to her long-suppress- ed emotions in a piercing shriek, and then sank into insensibility. 149 page: 150-151[View Page 150-151] OF SAN FRANCISCO. How long Inez lay-it that state of erlessness to evade her impending doom. insensibility which came upon her when She clasped her hands, and though she found herself alone and in utter in darkness, her eyes wandered round darkness,.in the place to which she had the room, and could any one have seen beep borne, she had no means of ascer- her countenance at that moment, it taming; but at length consciousness re- would have been seen pale and impress- turned to the bewildered maiden by ed with an aspect of mingled wildness slow degrees. Back from the memory and despair. .A new thought suddenly cells of her brain came the recollection struck her, and partly stilled the tumult of her retiring to bed the evening pre- of her mind; 'she would pray--it was vious beneath her father's roof, then the mpossible, she thought, that God would midnight abduction, the long and fear- forsake her, if she -prayed to Him, for fli ride, and her falling insensible in succor and. deliverance. In obedience the dark and gloomy chamber in which to this impulse, she knelt down upon the she now was. thick carpet, and prayed long and fer- 'Where was she I Why- was she vently that He whose name was Love, brought there ' .and whose attributes were Power, Wis- She rose from the floor, and groping dom, Justice and Mercy, would deliver .with her hands to avoid coming in con- her from the doom which was impend- tact with any projecting article of fur- ing over her, whether that doom was niture, she made a few cautious steps a violent death, or dishonoring outrage, in the- direction of the door, by which which she dreaded most. This act of she had been borne into the room by devotion exercised a tranquillizing influ- her abductor, but her hands encounter- ence over her mind, and she rose from ed no tangible indication of an entrance. her- knees considerably comforted and The secret door, the darkness that strengthened. seemed palpable, all must be parts of While Inez was still pondering upon ome infernal contrivance to shroud in her condition she heard a door' open secreay; and mystery some diabolical and close. The person w outrage, from the contemplation of the d h who entered g probable nature of which she shrank in fronted he trebln gia lamp, and con- horror. Through that concealed door hr horror henshebrecgizedoe of which she could not discover, but which the villains whom she reneed she yet knew to exist, the perpetrator- would enter-those:walls would shut in burying the murdered man in the old every sound, and deaden every shriek- obe building. Althoitgh her knees thar sounaeaeneswoudveilr trembled with fright she mustered cou- that. palpable ,darkneswould veil ,the %ieand guard from the chance of rage enough to ask him, 'What means fA re recognition the criminal'! It was is outrage, sir.' dreadful for one so innocent, so defence- 'It means this,' said Blodget, for it lss to stand there alone, enveloped in was that miscreant himself who stood darkness, anticipating allthat was hor- before her. ' It means this,-that you ide and revoltig t her mind, takethe oath which I shall administer, and fearfully conscious of her utter pow.. swesring in the most solemn terms never to reveal aught that has happened since you left the mission last evening. The second is, that you become my mistress.' ' Then I reject your conditions with scorn and abhorrence' exclaimed Inez turning away. 'Reflect well, my charmer,' said the villain. 'Cease, sir!' exclaimed Inez. 'Say no more ! I reject your offers with disdain.' ' I thought to find you more reason- able,' said Blodget after a pause. ' How- ever, if you hold out a week, you will be the first who ever did. There are some slices of fowl and ham, and some bread, and a pint of wine, in the basket ; and in the evening I shall visit you again.' As he turned to leave the room, Inez bent her gaze steadily upon the door, in the hope of detecting the means by which it was opened, but it had only the appearance of a portion of the wall, revolving upon hinges, and undiscover- able on the inside when closed, from the uniform appearance which the en- tire wall then presented alike to the eye and the touch. The door again rolled noiselessly on its hinges, it closed with a click, and Inez was alone in the pitch darkness of her prison. Satisfied that there must be som means of acting upon the concealed me chanism connected with the door, sh ran her hands over the inside, and press ed every square inch with her fingers in the hope of touching something whici would set in action the secret spring This manipulation producing no result she next treaded the floor near the doo in the same manner, but still without making any discovery. It then occui red to her that the spring might be sit uated above 'her reach, and instantly mounting upon the wicker basket whic Blodget had brought her, she felt over the upper part of the door, and the wall around and above it as far as she could reach. An indescribable emotion of joy and hope thrilled through her bosom, as her fingers all at once encountered a small knob or button, about six feet from the floor, which yielded to the pressure, and acting on some concealed mechanism, caused the heavy door to revolve slowly and noiselessly upon its hinges. Step- ping from the basket, she peered into the semi-obscurity of th.lobby upon which the door opened, and discover- ing an ascending flight of stairs, she felt half inclined to venture up them ; but on reflection, she thought such a step would be imprudent, and satisfied with possessing themeans of opening the door at pleasure, she closed it to reflect, at leisure, upon the way in which she should make her discovery available for the purpose of escape. The impression that the door which she had discovered was not the one by I which she had been borne into the chamber by her abductor still lingering in her mind, she resolved to examine the opposite wall in the same manner ; e and, setting-the basket against the wall, - she stood upon it as before, and pass- e ed her hand over the wall in every di- - rection. To her great joy she was not , long in discovering a knob similar to h that which communicated with the so- . cret spring of the other door, and press- t, ing upon it, a door opened like the one r by which Blodget had entered, and the t rush of cold air which fanned her cheek, r- and the continued darkness, called to t- her mind the recollection of the subter- y raneans through which she had been h borne the preceding night. 150 'AND. MISERIES 161 page: 152-153[View Page 152-153] 152 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES . She hesitated for a moment, and then she advanced her right foot cautiously, and found that she stood at the head of a flight of steps leading downward., She descended two or three, and then she returned to her chamber and closed the door, resolving to wait until night be- fore venturing into the subterraneans, so fearful was she of having her evasion detected before her escape was complete, and of steps being taken to preclude1 the possibility of a second attempt. The cravings of her stomach now began to' demand attention, and feeling that some degree of vigor would be required to enable her to complete her escape, she Bat down, and taking the provisions from the basket, ate a portion of the bread and meat. She hesitated as she afterwards raised the wine to her lips, lest it should be drugged, but reflect- ing that such a step was little likely to be resorted to after the open violence to which she had been subjected on the preceding night, she took a small quan- tity, and then began to reflect upon the course which she should pursue. By deferring her attempt to escape until night, as she had determined, she would be exposed, she now reflected, to a repetition of the outrage of the pre- ceding night ; and would likewise be less capable of ascertaining correctly the .house in which she was a prisoner than she would be should she escape by day- light. She therefore opened the door by pressing upon the knob which com- municated with the secret spring, and cautiously ascended the dark hight of stone stairs. She reached the top in, safety, groped her way along a passage of considerable length, and at the end was involved in as pitchy a darkness as before. At length she knocked her head against a flat stone which appeared to seal up the subterranean staircase, and almost reeled under the concussion ; but recovering from the blow in a few mo- ments, she endeavored to raise the stone by pressing upward with her hands and shoulders. The stone was heavy, but at length she succeeded in raising it on end,- and when thus poised it was easily removed from the aperture, and she emerged into a large gloomy vault or cellar, which was little less dark than the stairs and passage which she had traversed, or the chamber from which she had escaped. The only light came from a rude doorway in one corner, where she could see the bottom of a flight of rough steps, towards which- she hurried ; but at the moment she put her foot upon, the lowermost step she heard rough voices. No sound from the underground chambers in which Inez was imprison- ed could by any possibility reach the outside of the building, even had there been neighbors in the vicinity, but the place was far remote from any other human habitation. She had no means of marking the flight of time, and could not even distinguish between day and night. But her persecutor had told her that he should, visit her again in the evening, and she resolved to be in readliness to fly the moment the first, warning sound of his intrusion struck upon her listening ears. At length when she heard the click of the secret spring, she ascended with precipitation the stone stairs which led, as she thought, to liberty. She had scarcely reached the top, when she heard hurried footsteps be- hind her, and, without casting a look p backwards, she fled in terror along the subterranean passage. Her rapid foot- steps were echoed by those of her pur- suer. She had nearly reached the top of the stone stairs leading to the place in which she had found a lamp, and the means of lighting it, when she stumbled over a stone, or some other impediment, and fell prostrate upon the ground, a scream bursting from her lips, and the lamp falling from her hand. By this untoward mischance, the lamp became extinguished, and before she could recover her feet, she heard the footsteps of her pursuer close at hand ; and in another moment she felt herself clasped round the waist, and all her faculties succumbing to the force of terror, she became insensible. It was Blodget who had pursued her, and he was greatly alarmed lest she should escape. As he was bearing her insensible body into the chamber, a new cause of alarm presented itself. One of his ac- complices in guilt rushed in to tell him that a party of horsemen, apparently Californians, had dismounted in a neighboring grove, and that two of their number were reconnoitering the ranch. Blodget paused for a moment to think, and then speedily determined how to act. - The party of which the man spoke was composed of Monteagle, Joaquin, and a few Californians, who, after infi- nite pains, had discovered a clue to the course pursued by the capturers of Inez, and had traced them to the ranch in which she was a prisoner.-. Joaquin and Blodget had approached the house in order to determine the best course to pursue in order to cap- ture the villains and release Inez. ' Listen,' said Blodget to his ac- complice. 'If they find me here, I may be recognised and arrested, if not for this, for other trifling affairs, which may end in neck-stretching. They can have no proof of our carrying off the girl, unless the wench is found. That is not possible, as no one can have any suspicion of the underground room.- They will search the house, and finding their search in vain, must leave the place. I will try to get off unobserved through the ravine at the back of the ranch, and catch the first horse I can find and make for the city. Let me hear from you as soon as they go, and. we will concert future measures about the girl. I will be at our old place in Jackson street' As the villain concluded speaking, he he drew and cocked his revolver, and noiselessly moved from the back of the house towards the ravine of which he had spoken. Hardly had the ruffian entered the ravine ere he was descried by Montea- gle, whose party had been placed so as almost to surround the ranch. ' Stop I or Ildire,' cried Monteagle. Blodget burst through the thicket, and Monteagle leaped his horse after him, but the fugitive turned sharply round the moment the horse's hoofs touched the turf, and discharged his revolver. The darkness and hurry in which he fired prevented him from tak- ing aim, and Monteagle remained un- scathed, but the bullet crashed through the head of the horse, and the animal reared up, and then fell upon its side and expired. Blodget fled precipitately, ana as soon as Monteagle could extricate him- OF SAN FRANCISCO. 153 page: 154-155[View Page 154-155] 154 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES. self from his dead horse, he rushed after over the smooth faces of bare brown him, calling loudly on his friends. Two rocks, polished by atmospheric influen- of them followed him, but Blodget kept ces, clinging to roots of trees which the advantage which he-had gained by appeared above the soil, and inserting shooting the horse, andsped across the their toes into crevices, or setting them meadows with the swiftness of a hunted upon projecting'points. cayote. Beyond the ravine there was Near the summit Blodget paused to a high steep hill, thinly wooded, and rest, to listen, and to look behind him; on the further side of the bill a thick (below him he heard the voices of his and extensive wood. If he could gain panting pursuers, the rustling of bush- this wood, he doubted not that he should es and brakes, and the grating sound be enabled to baffle his pursuers, and of their footsteps in the loose pebbles. he made for the hill with the speed of He wipe the sweat from his brow, and a grayhound. then he resumed his clambering pro. He threw a hurried look behind him gress, still hoping to find a refuge in as he reached the foot of the hill, and the wood on the other side. The sum then dashed up the ascent, for he heard mit of the hill was sharp andbare, the behind him the shouts of his pursuers brown rock coming- to the surface un- and thevoice of Monteagle urging the covered by the scantiest layer of soil, two men to come on faster. The hill and its bald crest passed, he had little was steep/ and, except where a scanty fear of his ultimate escape. A glen vegetable soil had been formed during or ravine, the sides of which were cloth successive winters by the decay of moss ed with breaks or ferns, led from the and leaves, its rugged side was covered summit down to the wood, and the with smooth pebbles, in which the fu- shortest way of gaining access to the gitive's feet sank and slipped as he toiled glen from the side which he was ascend upward.' Until Monteagle reached the ing, was through a gap or cleft in the hill, therefore, Blodget lost ground, but rocky crest of the hill. In the bottom when his pursuers commenced the fati- of this gap laid a large- fragment o guing ascent they were again upon an rock, nearly flat on the upper side, an equality., rounded at the edges by the abrading The pursuers and pursued'were un- influence of rain and fog; probably i able to see each other, and could only had originally been disruptured front discover their relative positions by paus- the crags which arose on either side ing to listen, and then only by such and remained in that position for ages sounds as the slipping of pebbles under It partly overhung the steep whici the feet, the rolling down of some dis- Blodget was now clambering up, an placed stone, the rustling of brambles by pausing a few moments to recrui and brakes, or the snapping of boughs. his strength, and then clinging with hi The hill became steeper as the robber fingers to the fissures in the rock, h and his pursuers approached the sum- drew himself up until he reached it mit, and they had to grasp the boughs top in safety. of dwarf oaks :to assist them in the as- He felt the stone move as he crawle cent, and sometimes to drag themselves over its smooth flat top on'ia hand OF SAN FRANCISCO. 155 tQ a - - e e ,e- d g it s. d it is e so Id de and knees, and as he paused for a mo- ment in obedience to the instinct of self-preservation, he heard some stones in which the large rock was imbedded, roll down the hill, chinking against the pebbles, and bounding onwards, until arrested in their course by the boughs or roots of dwarf oaks and wild lilachs which grew upon its side. It was clear that the impulsion which his weight had given to the stone, had displaced these small fragments, chipped from itself or the crags which it laid between when it first fell there, and he hesitated in the fear that in quitting the stone he should cause it to'topple over, and be crushed by its falling upon him. In this dilemma he determined to leap from the middle of it, in order to avoid overbalancing it, and, standing upright for a moment, he measured the leap with his eye as well as the dark- ness of the night would permit, and bounded forward like a mountain goat. He cleared the edge of the stone, and alighted in safety below it, on the other side of the hill; but again some frag- ments of rock rolled down, and he sprang aside, lest the whole ponderous mass should slip from its position and hurl him before it down the hill. But the massive rock moved iot, an'd he sped down the hill with the speed of a deer. Monteagle had made slower progress than the robber up the steepest part of the hill, and his companions did not engage in the chase with equal vigor. Hence they allowed Monteagle to keep the lead; and, on coming near the sum- mit of the hill, they diverged from the track which he was following in order to reach the glen on the other side without passing over the large stone I which has been described. Monteagle had caught a glimpse of Blodget as the dark figure of the latter was for a mo- ment dimly defined against the lighter darkness of the sky, when he stood upon the stone to leap into the glen, and shouting, ' There he is!' he strain- ed up the steep aclivity direct for the gap in the hill's bare and rocky crest. He was not aware until he reached it of the obstacle presented by the mas- sive stone; but, as Blodget had passed over it, he thought he could do the same; and, clinging to it with both hands, drew himself up, and succeeded in reaching the flat top; but scarcely had he done so when there was a rust- ling fall of stones from beneath, the massive fragment of rock slid from its place, and a shriek of terror burst from the lips of Monteagle as he found him- self falling backwards, and the stone with him. His two friends heard the cry, and for a moment stood silent and motion- less on the steep bill-side, with their hands still holding the boughs and roots which they had grasped to aid their as- cent. They heard the great stone rush with a dull hoarse sound a few yards, and then bound down the bill, crashing through the dwarf oaks and clumps of lilac, snapping the tender trunks of the mountain trees, and grating over the loose pebbles which filled the channels made by the rapid descent of water during heavy rains; but that cry of horror and affright was not repeated, and in a few moments all was still upon the dark and lonely hill. ' It is the great stone !' said one with bated breath. 'Poor fellow,' ejaculated the other, page: 156-157[View Page 156-157] 156 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES with a shudder. 'If it has fallen on him, he is crushed!' 'Let us look for him,' said the first. 'Hush! I thought I heard a groan.' They listened, but heard nothing, save the sighing of the night wind among the trees, and they went towards the spot from which Monteagle had fallen, and fol- lowed the track of the displacedstone, which was marked by broken boughs and torn herbage, down the hill. About fifty yards down they found our hero lying against a bush, which had arrested his further progress. The night was too dark for them to perceive the full extent of the injuries which he had received, but the inertness of the body when lifted from? the ground, gave but faint hope that vitality remained. A rude litter was made of boughs, and the crushed body being placed'upon it, was borne down the hill and across the meadows to a little ranch not far from the place. CHAPTER XVI. , A rude chorus that was being sung, or rather shouted by several coarse and desperate-looking men, who were seated around a table in a back room of a very low cabaret, and which was never visited only by the most depraved persons who resided in, or resorted to the neighbor- hood. They were thieves, and if any- thing could be judged from their coun- tenances, they were capable of doing the most desperate deeds. The table was covered with glasses containing gin, rum, and brandy, and of which they had all been evidently partaking very freely, and they were smoking as hard as they were able. There was a large wood fire upon the hearth; and the red glare it cast upon their features, gave them almost a super- natural appearance, and altogether the scene was as effective as one of those that are often represented in a melo- drama. Obscene jokes and songs had been freely indulged in, and it did not seem as if they were inclined to leave off for some time. It was night, and the wind blew boisterous without, but the ruffians were making such a riot, that. they heeded it not; and they were evi- dently determined to enjoy themselves to the most unlimited extent. 'Drink away, my lads,' said one Mike, raising the glass to his lips as he spoke; -'drink away; we ought to be merry, for Fortune never smiled more brightly upon us than she has done for some time past.' 'Ay, you say right, Mike,' observed a tall, dark whiskered man, whom the thieves called Joe; 'but leave us alone for doing business, and for availing them- selves of fortune's favors when they are to be obtained. Cap'n-a toast!' 'Ay, a toast; a toast;' responded the others. Mike raised a large glass, filled to the brim in his hand, and said;-- ' Well, my lads, I will give you a toast, and that shall be, Success to our dare-devil gang !' 'Bravo ! bravo !' shouted the theives. ' Here's to the dare-devil gang !' 'A capital toast,' said Mike-; 'and well responded'to. With your leave, I will propose another.' 'Ay, ay, a toast from Mike,' shouted two or three of the thievs, amongst whom he was a particular favorite; 'a toast from Mike.' 'Fill your glasses then, my boys,' said Mike; ' bumpers I bumpers!' The thieves needed no second invitation to do as Mike desired, and the glasses were very quickly replenished. 'Here's confusion to the Vigilance Committee !' was Mike's toast; and it was followed by loud shouts from every one in the room; the landlord of the house at that moment entering, and joining loudly in acclamation of it. 'Ah!' observed Joe,-they have found us rather troublesome customers to deal. wtth, and will again if they should ven- ture to attack us.' 'I don't think that there is much fear of that,' returned Mike; 'for we keep too well out of their clutches, and have met with such a career of success, that we may set them at defiance !' 'Ay, ay,' answered Mike ; 'and may we be always able to do so ; and all those daring fellows, who will run the risk to live a free life.' 'But Jenkins,' asked Mike, 'do you not think that it was a very foolish thing for us to loose so much time in affecting the accomplishment of this plot of Blod- get's ?' ' Certainly not,' returned Jenkins; 'Blodget has well rewarded us, and it will ultimately pay us much better than a trip to the mines would have done.' ' How?' demanded Mike. ' Why, Blodget must continue to do the thing that's liberal, or else his game will be up,' replied Jenkins. ' The lady is in our power, and we must continue to keep her so ; if Blodget does not come to our terms, why, Old de Castro, no doubt, will, and, therefore, we are sure of a reward one way or the other.' 'Yes, the gallows!' observed one of the thieves, who had been sitting apart from the rest, and smoking his cigar heartily, did not seem to feel any particular inter- est in what was passing. 'There's Ben at his croaking again, said Mike; 'he seems to take a delight in--' ' Speaking the truth,' added Ben, in a quiet, tone; 'it is very unpleasant to hear it sometimes.' 'Pshaw ! don't make yourself a fool, Ben,' exclaimed Jenkins; 'any one would suppose, to hear you talk, that you had become tired of a thief's life. But what think ye of my determination, my lads 4' 'It is a famous one,' answered Mike, 'and cannot fail to work us good.' 'It must add much to our coffers one way or another,' resumed Jenkins; 'and I take no small credit to myself for the thought ; besides, you know that we have the fellow, Blodget, entirely in our power, that murder, which-' 'Right, right,' interrupted Mike ; if that were known, it would not be long before Mr. Blodget would swing upon a gallows.' 'Indeed it would not,' returned Jen- kins; 'and he knows that, and dreads us. The lady is a beautiful woman, and I almost envy him his prize ; but some- thing may yet happen to place her in my possession instead of...his, and I do not know that I should be over nice about availing myself of such an oppor- tunity.' At this moment, between the pauses of the blast, they heard a loud knocking at the door, and they looked at each other suspiciously, and starting involun- OF SAN FRANCISCO. 157 t page: 158-159[View Page 158-159] 158 MYSTERIES A tarily to their feet, placed their hands upon their revolvers, and prepared 'for action in case they should be surprised. 'Who is there ?' demanded the land, lord. 'It is only I, Blodget,' was the answer, and being satisfied that it was his voice, the door was cautiously opened, and the villain entered. He greeted them all heartily, and then, by the invitation of Jenkins, having taken his seat at the ta- ble, the mirth of the gang wasg resumed, and carried on with increased spirit, Blodget joining in with as much freedom as if he had been one -of the gang. ' Well, Mr. Blodget,' asked Jenkins, 'and don't" you think I managed this business very well for you?' 'Aye, Jenkins,' answered Blodget; 'you did everything that I could wish ; but think you she will be safe where she is ?' ' Safe!' repeated Jenkins ; 'as safe as when she was buried deep in the bowels of the earth. Gordon is just the man who will take care of her.' ' That is well,' replied Blodget; 'but it is not unlikely that I shall riot have any occasion to trouble him long.'- 'Why, you would never be such a fool as to attempt to remove her from a plade of security ?' demanded Jenkins. 'Circumstances -may compel me so to do.' ' I understand you; but we must see about the best means of preventing all chance of that,' said Jenkins; 'you have been a lucky, fellow,' Blodget, to get the-lady in you power and at your mercy; it is glorious revenge.' It is, it is!' answered -Blodget; 'but not sufficient torgratify me.' 'No?' 'What would you, then?' AND. MISERIES 'I would have the life of Monteagle. 'Ah ! would you, then, again commit murder?' 'Hold !' said Blodget ; 'mention not my former crime ; I cannot think of it without horror. 'Aid yet you can contemplate anoth- er deed equally as sanguinary ?' 'Yes, the death of the detested Mont- eagle I can contemplate, coolly contem- plate ; and I shall never rest satisfied until it is accomplished.' 'And would you dare to perpetrate it yourself?' asked Jenkins. ' I dare,' answered Blodget ; ' were he to cross my path ; but were I to follow him to the Mission, or wherever he may be, I should in all probability be discov- ered, and taken prisoner, and then all my schemes would at once be frustrated. If- any one would undertake to commit the crime, I would not fail to reward them handsomely.' 'I see,' said Jenkins; 'you would have me or one of my men perpetrate the deed of blood!' I care not who it is, so that it is a man on whom I can depend.' 'And the reward?' 'A thousand dollars!' 'It shall be done.' ' Ah ! say you so ? when ?' ' Come, come, you are in too much of a hurry; and there is never anything done well where so much precipitation is used We must first ascertain where Monteagle is. ' And that we may have some difficul- ty at present in finding out,' said Blod get, ' for, doubtless, he has gonein search of Inez. My heart throbs impatiently for the accomplishment of the deed, and I shall not rest until I am sure that Mont J eagle is no more.' 'On your promise of the reward you have mentioned, the deed shall, by some means or .other, be despatched:' replied Jenkins; 'but you must wait with pa- tience, and we will not lose any time or opportunity to discover where he is, and to put our plans into execution.' 'This assurance gratifies me, and I am satisfied that you will not deceive-me!' 'You have had no reason to doubt me hitherto,' returned Jenkins; ' and, there- fore, there is no ocasion to do so now, I believe.' ' But have you any idea how to pro- ceed?' asked Blodget, ' In the first place,' returned Jenkins- 'It will be the best plan to send one of the gang to the Mission, in disguise. He may be able to learn the proceedings of Monteagle, and probably find out where he is.' ' I agree with your design,' said Blod- get, in reply; ' and should it meet with success, I shall not be ve.iy particular in' giving a few additional dollars to the sum already promised. But Inez, for whom I have run such a risk, still remains obsti- nate: and I do not think I shall be able OF SAN Fl to conquer her averson in a hurry.' There was no answer. ~lodget be- 'And of what consequence will that be came impatient. as she is in your power, she must yield 'What ! are ye all silent I' asked Jon- to your wishes, or you can gain your de- kins. sires by force.' No one offered to speak. 'Force! but I would rather that persua- 'What say you Mike?' Mon would prevail; as notwithstanding 'I like not the shedding of human my passion, I cannot bear the idea of vi- blood when it can be avoided,' he an- olence.' swered; 'if, however, Jenkins, you order 'Why, true, it would be much better me to perpetrate this crime, although it if it were avoided,' observed Jenkins,'but is against my inclination, I will obey come, drink!' you: if I am permitted to use my own 'Here's.success to all our undertak- free will, I say I will not commit the ings,' said Blodget; and he quaffed off crime. Will that answer suffice ?'- the contents of his glass.' ' It will,' said Jenkins ; ' but Joe, you 'Success to all our undertakings,' re-' will not refuse the thousand dollars?' RANCISCO. 159 sponded the theives and the toast was drank tumultously. ' You have been a fortunate fellow, Blodget, throughout your whole career, and have, no doubt, accumulated some money.' ' Why,' returned Blodget, with a self- satisfied grin;''I have not much cause to grumble. But then I have had to de- pend upon my own wit and ingenuity.' 'Well, certainly, Blodget, you are a most perfect villain.' ' I believe I may lay some slight claim to the character.' ' Not a very slight one either,' remark- ed Jenkins. ' You pay me a very high compliment. ' Ha! ha! hal' ' But who among your gang will un- dertake the murderr' Jenkins looked round upon his fellows, but in not one of their countenances, reckless and determined as they were, did he notice any signs of a desire to undertake the sanguinary deed. ' Who among ye is willing to earn this rewardV' he asked. page: 160-161[View Page 160-161] OF SAN FRANCISCO. - 161 100 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES 'I would not stain my hands with in- nocent blood for twenty times one thou- sand dollars, unless it was by your com- mand,' was the answer. 'And Ben, what say you?' 'I am a robber, ready to defend myself and my comrades from an attack; but I am not a cold-blooded deliberate mur- derer;' replied Ben. 'Damnation !' cried Blodget, fiercely ; and he .arose from his seat and hastily traversed the room. 'Be patient,' said Jenkins; ' this mat- ter will be arranged, quicker than you could possibly expect. You see, Blod- get, although they are desperate men, they are not quite such atrocious mon- sters ras they have been thought by many.' 'They are cowards if they shrink from the-' Before he could finish the sentence, the thieves were all upon their feet, and by their menacing looks, threatened ven- geance. 'Hold ?' cried Blodget, and they all immediately resumed their seats, although it was very evident that the-observations of Blodget had greatly enraged them, and there were many scowling brows, which convinced the villain that he had proceeded almost too far. 'Blodget,' continued Jenkins, after a pause ; 'you should be cautious in what you say, my men are not used to hearing such terms applied to them, nor do they merit it. If Jenkins thought he-had a coward amongst his gang, he would hang him up to the first tree he came to.' ' I was wrong ; I was wrong ;' hastily apologized Blodget; .'and I hope they will.pardon me.' 'That is enough,' observed Jenkins ; then turning again towards his men, he demanded- 'And, so you all refuse to do this deed?' 'We do;' was the answer from them all; ' we shed not human blood only in our own defence.' 'One amongst ye shall do the deed, since I have promised this man, and will not recal my word;' said Jenkins per- emptorily' There was a discontented murmuring arose from among the thieves. ' What means this murmuring ?' de- manded Jenkins, and his eyes glanced fiercely upon them ; 'is there one among ye who would dare to disobey my com- mands ?' 'I will answer for all my comrades, and say, no,' said Ben ; 'but we would avoid an unnecessary deed of blood, and. especially under the circumstances.' 'I have given my word, and it shall be kept;' said Jenkins firmly; 'you must cast lots!' The thieves still looked dissatisfied at this determination, and glanced signifi- cantly at each other, but they did not say a word. They scowled upon Blod- get, who, however, did not take much heed of them, certain as he was, that while the captain of the gang was on his side, he had nothing to fear from any act of violence they might otherwise. con- template towards him. Reluctantly they were about to cast lots, when there was the well-known sig- nal heard at the room door, which being opened, Gordon was admitted. 'Ah !' exclaimed Blodget, 'you have just come in time, Gordon; I have a pro- position to make to you.' ' Name it,' answered the ruffian. Jenkins repeated the question he had put to the others. Gordon appeared to catch at the idea, and the thieves eagerly awaited his reply, anxious to be released from the perpetration of a. crime, from which they all revolted. Gordon did not make any immediate answer, and he appeared to be meditat. ing upon the proposal. ' Do you also hesitate, Gordon?1' in- quired the captain ;--'you were not al- ways so particular. ' I do not hesitate, only for one reason ;' returned the miscreant.-- 'Name it l' said Blodget. 'Let Blodget give two thousand dol- lars, and the deed shall be accomplished,' was the villain's answer. 'It shall be yours,' ejaculated Blodget. 'Enough !' said Gordon, ' I have your word that the money shall be paid, and Jenkins, no doubt, will be answerable that you do not fly from your agreement?$' 'I will,' returned the captain. ' There is do occasion for it,' observed Blodget, 'if you do not deceive me; I will not deceive you, 'You had better not,' said Gordon, with asinister look. 'You have good security for my keep- ing my promise,' added Blodget ; 'let the deed be done, and the money shall immediately be yours.' 'But if I should .fail?$' 'If you do not wilfully fail, then one half the money shall be your reward for your trouble,' said Blodget. 'Enough,' replied Gordon, 'then the bargain is sealed ; I will undertake the hazardous deed.' 'Thanks, thanks l' said the blood- thirsty Blodget ; 'perform your task well, and you will have my eternal grat- itude' 'Pshaw l' cried the ruffian, with a sardonic grin ; ' of what use is gratitude to me? It is not a marketable commod- ity. But what about the care of Inezl' 'Blodget will reside in the house du- ring your absence, and I will leave Joe to assist him in his charge,' replied the captain. 1 ' That arrangement will do,' said Gor- don, after a pause. 'When will you start on your expedi- tion ?' inquired Blodget. ' Immediately. There is no necessity for delay,' answered Gordon. "Tis well,' observed Blodget ; 'but you will go disguised ?' 'Oh, leave me alone for that,' returned Gordon. ' I have more reasons than one not to wish to be known ; or the first news that you heard of me would, in all probability be, that I was the inmate of a prison. I will so disguise myself that it must be a penetrating eye, indeed which could recognize me.' ' To-morrow, then?' 'I quit this place, and make my way for the Mission,' rejoined Gordon. 'True; and to meet with success, I trust.' ' It shall not be my fault, if I do not.' 'You will forward us intelligence when you arrive there ; for I shall be all im- patience till I hear from you;' said Blod- get. ' I will,' replied Gordon, ' unless I see that there would be any danger in so do- ing.' 'Certainly.' ' And now that this business is settled,' observed Jenkins, 'let us proceed to en- joy ourselves-come, my lads, replenish your glasses. The thieves obeyed this order with hi- larity, and the villain Blodget being sat- i, page: 162-163[View Page 162-163] OF SAN FRANCISCO. 163 162 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES nman desgnhe had couldwith difficulty keep his ecstacy foied with the matu s etch who Within the bohnds of reason. formed,-and the atrocious wreh it, joined In the morning Gordon, after having. heartily with them in their revelry, which so disguised himself that no person could they kept up for more than an hour af- by any possibility recognise him, and hav- terwards, whenBlodget, Gordon, and Joe ing received some fresh instructions and returned to thenhouse, and the captain injunctions from Blodget; took his depar- and the rest of the thieves departed. ture on his inhuman errand, and Blodget Blod et felt a savage sensation of de- and Joe, with an old woman, were left lg t fl b s a thge s respectt of alone in the house. the full consummation of his rostdiaboli- We need not inform the reader of the cal hatred and revenge against Montea- distracting hours of misery Inez had un- l and he entertained the most san- dergone since her incarceration in the guine anticipations of the success of his house. Her sufferings were almost too plot. Gordon was a deep, designing, powerful for human endurance, and it and determined villain, and he had no was wonderful how she could retain her doubt but that the reward which he had senses. Her agonizing thoughts were promised him, would induce him to ex- divided between her own situation and rt himself to' the uttermost. that of her father, and her disordered im- 'Yes' he soliloquized, when he was agination pictured them, if possible, more alone in his chamber, after parting with dreadful than they actually were. Gordon and Joe for the night ; ' I feel 'I shall never behold him again,' she confident that Gordon will not fail, and, sighed, and scalding tears chased each that ere many weers have elapsed, my otherdown her pale cheeks; 'alas! I am hated foe will be no more. Oh, this will torn from them forever. Or, if we should be goodly revege. Inez, too, will then be again destined to meet, under what be g y e and nothing will re- circumstances may it not beI Myself, lease'her from my power ' perhaps, dishonored-heartbroken; my The wretch paced his chamber, as he poor father a raving maniac. Oh, Heav- thus spoke, and his eyes sparkled with ens ! the picture that arises upon my im- exultation. He picture to himself in agination is too horrible for contempla- iagiation, the 'unbounded bliss that tion.' wasin store for him in thegratification She wrung her hands, and traversed of his sensual and disgusting passions, her gloomy chamber with a trembling and he determined that but a short time step. should elapse, ere he would have the full ' To be beneath the same roof with a accomplishment of all his wishes. He murderer, too,' she added, ' and'that, too slept but, little, that night, for thinking a murderer of the blackest dye! Oh, pon his'villanoua stratagems, and when God I have I not good reason to be dis- be refleted tha he was beneath the same tracted ? That terrible night when I roof with the'unfortunate Inez, and had overheard the wretches conversing'upon it in his power to force her to an imme- the monstrous crime'of which they had diats 'cop.iie with, his wishes, he been guilty-when I saw them inter the disate dominnee ! wig mangled body of the poor white-haired old man, their unfortunate victim, comes fresh upon my memory as if it had only been just enacted. My heart seems chil- led to ice ; oh, surely the misfortunes that have since attended me have been a curse upon me for not having given such information of the circumstance as might have led to the apprehension of the as- sassins. The unfortunate old man's bones moulder in unhallowed ground, and his blood calls to Heaven for retribution.' She trembled violently, and almost imagined that she heard a melancholy sigh breathed close to her ear. She staggered to a chair and leant upon it for support, fearing to look around her, lest she should encounter the ghastly and blood-stained face of the murdered man. All was profoundly still in the house, and the miscreants who inhabited it seemed to be locked in the arms of sleep. Sleep ! how could wretches whose con- sciences were burthened with such a heavy weight of crime, sleep ? The light in the lamp burnt dim, and imparted a still more gloomy appearance to the chamber ; and tho wind howled dismally without, increasing the horrors of that solemn hour. Inez seated her- self by the side of her bed, and, after a pause, did once more venture to look around the room, but nothing but of an ordinary description met her observation. 'What dreadful crimes may they not have perpetrated in this house ! in this very chamber!' She once more reflect- ed, and again her terrors arose to a pitch almost insupportable. The light in her lamp, which had for some time only been faintly glimmering, now suddenly died away, and our hero- ine was left in utter darkness. How she longed for the morning, and that she had some female companion near her in that dismal place, if it was only the repulsive old woman ; some one to whom she could speak ; but silent and dreary was everything around her, it was like being confined in a tomb. She had kept the embers of the fire together as long as she could, but that had also become ex- tinguished, and the room felt cold as it was dismal and cheerless. At length she crept into the bed with her clothes on, and covered her head with the counterpane, filled with a sensa- tion of terror, she found it utterly impos- sible to conquer. She. endeavored to sleep ; but her mind was too much dis- tressed to suffer her to succeed, and she tossed to and fro in a state of agitation, which no one but those who have been placed in a similar situation, can form an adequate idea of. The interview she had had with Blodget, rushed upon her memory, and she recollected every word that he had spoken, and which had given her every reason to apprehend the worse consequences from his determina- tion. Even the sight of that inhuman man inspired her with a feeling of horror no language can do justice to, and she dreaded a meeting with him as much as she would have done the most fearful calamity which could have befallen her. '.But I will be firm,' she reflected ; ' I will muster up all my woman's fortitude, strong in the defence of her honor, to meet him, and oppose his importunities in a manner that shall deter him from proceeding to violence. Providence surely will not forsake me in this mo- ment of bitter trial, but will throw its protecting shield over me, and defeat the brutal designs of the libertine and the miscreant ! Yes, I will put my trust in Heaven, and prepare to meet my heavy page: 164-165[View Page 164-165] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES trials with a firmness and resolution'be-c coming of me'' - These thoughts somewhat composed her spirits, and after a short time spent in further rumination, she did at last sink into a disturbed slumber, in which she remained until the sun had risen in the t eastern horizon. She arose, not in the least refreshed, t and had not been up many minutes when she heard the key turning in the lock, and soon afterwards the old woman en- tered with the breakfast. She placed them on the-table, and then fixed upon our heroine a scrutinizing look, and shook her head. ' Well,' said she, in her usual disagree- able tones ;-' pale cheeks and red eyes ; no sleep again, I suppose, it puzzles me how you young women can live without, rest? when I was your age, nothing could ever .prevent y sleeping.' 'When the mind is oppressed with such unprecedented and heavy sorrows as those that disturb mine,' answered Inez ---' if it is not entirely insensible, sleep may be courted in vain.' 'Pho !' how very melancholy and dis- mal you do look, to be sure,' answered the old woman; 'any one would imag- ine that you had experienced all the troubles in the world; but stop till you become my age, and then you may have cause to complain.' 'Some persons troubles,' returned Inez; 'are brought on them by themselves ; by their own vices, and--' 'Ah!' interrupted the old woman, snap- pishly ; 'no doubt you think that a very pointed and sarcastic observation, but, as the cap don't happen to fit me, I shall not wear it. Mr. Blodget will pay you a visit presently, and perhaps you may deem it prudent to behave a little more vil to him.' Inez shuddered. 'Oh, tell me,' she said; 'is he in the house ?' 'Oh, yes, to be sure he is,' answered the old woman; ' for he has taken up his quarters here altogether now, and therefore you will have plenty of his company.' ' Living in the same house,' muttered our heroine to herself, and she trembled more violently than before; ' alas ? what will becoma of me ?' ' Oh, no doubt he will take plenty of care of you, young lady,' answered the old woman, with a bitter sneer. 'He shall find,' said Inez, mustering up sudden firmness, and speaking in a tone that astonished and abashed the old woman, 'he shall find that I have both the spirit and the virtue to resist his im- portunities, and Heaven will aid me to defeat his design.. The guilty wretch ; surely for his many crimes a terrible re- tribution must be now pending o'er his head.' ' The spirit you boast of, young lady, said the old woman. 'I hav no doubt will be very quickly turned, or Mr. Blod- get is not half so accomplished as I take him to be.' Inez darted upon her a look of disgust .and indignation, but she could not make her any reply, and after making two or three observations of a similar descrip- tion, the old woman quitted the room. We need not attempt to describe the feelings of our heroine when the old wo- man had gone: the disgusting observa- tions of the old woman, and the fearful prospects which was before her, filled her bosom with the utmost consternation, 164 and although she tried very hard to rally her spirits, and prepare to meet Blodget with fortitude, it was some considerable time before she had it in her power to succeed. To know that Blodget was an inmate of the same house with her, was sufficient of itself to excite the greatest agony in her bosom; and when she re- flected that it was not probable that he would longer be able to restrain his wild, unbridled passions, And that any resist- ance on her part, would be completely futile, she became almost distracted.- AIs! she thought, how much more pre- ferable would death have been to the state of agony in which she was thus constantly kept. It was only for the sake of Monteagle anil her fa ther, whom she could not entirely despair of behold- ing again, that she clung to life, and had she not had them to occupy her thoughts, and her heart's warmest affections, she would have met death with fortitude, nay, even pleasure. What had been the last few days of her life, but of misery ? All mankind had seemed arrayed in en- mity against her, and few indeed were the real friends she had found. Her tears flowed fast at these thoughts, and they gave relief to her overcharged bosom. At length she struggled with her emo- tions, and so far regained her composure, that she was enabled to partake of the repast which the old woman brought her, and to prepare to meet Bledget, whom she had no doubt, and indeed the old woman had said he would, visit her in a short time. She had but just risen from her knees having implored the protection of the Holy Virgin, when she heard footsteps ascending the stairs, and directly after- wards, her room door was unlocked, and OF SAN FRANCISCO. 168 the object of her fears and detestation entered. He stood in the doorway for a minute or two,,and it was hard to perceive whether he was awed and abashed by the calm dignity and fitness of her demea- nor, or lost in admiration of her superla- tive beauty-still most exquisite, al- though her once blooming cheeks were pale and wan with heavy care. Inez had mustered up uncommon for- titude, and, as Blodget entered, she fixed upon him a look which was sufficient to penetrate the most insensible breast. It was one of the most cutting reproach, while resentment, and a firm reliance up- on the strength of her own virtue, and the protection of heaven, shown predom- inant in the general expression of her resistance, and approaching her with a look of admiration which could create no other sentiment than one of hatred in her breast, he attempted to take her hand and press her lips, but she hastily with. drew it and, spurning him scornfully away from her, exclaimed- ' egone, sir, your presence is disgust- ing to me. Dare not thus to insult the victim of your guilt. 'Who's the master, now, fair Inez 1 demanded the villain, and a look of ex- ultation overspread his features ; ' who triumphs nowI' 'Oh, villain-heartless villain 1' cried Inez, her bosom swelling with agony, ' can you stand there and talk to me thus ? Are you not afraid that the ven- geance of the Almighty will immediately descend upon your head, and render you powerless to do further harm?' 'I scorn it.' Inez shuddered with horror at the words of the wretch ; who, however, page: 166-167[View Page 166-167] 166 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES presently altered his tone, and once more endeavoring to take her hand, which she successfully resisted, he assumed an in- sinuating smile, and in a voice 2f gentle persuasion, said- 'Pray pardon me, beauteous Inez, if I have been led into- the expression of words that have caused anguish to your feelings ; but the injuries I have received from Monteagle-.' "Tis false !' scornfully replied our he- roine, and her brilliant eyes appeared to fash fire; 'Monteagle never injured you, but you was ever the serpent in his bosom, waiting an opportunity to destroy his peace, and you have yourself ac- knowledged the same, and expressed your inhuman exultation at the misery which you have caused, him.' Well,' returned Blodget, with the ut- most coolness, and the boldness of his manner increasing, 'I will not deny it, because there is no necessity for my so doing,.as the power is now mine. I have already had a terrible revenge, but still it is not complete, and never will I rest until it is wholly accomplished.'- "Oh, Blodget l' ejaculated Inez, her fortitude failing her when+ she saw the villain's recklessness and determination, and reflected:that she-was entirely in his power, and left solely to his mercy, or the interposition of Providence, 'will noth- ing induce you to relent in your cruelty?' 'Nothing,' answered Blodget, ' until I have gained the full gratification of my, wishes, and the consummation of all my hopes. Then only shall I be satisfied.' '-What mean you?' 'You will behold Monteagle no more.' 'Oh, God 1' ejaculated Inez, and her heart throbbed heavily against her side, her cheeks turned ashy, pale, and - her limbs trembled violently as a dread of something terrible about to take place, through the guilty machinations of the wretch who stood before her, darted upon her brain; 'cruel as you are, surely you would not seek his life?' A grim and sardonic smile passed over the features of Blodget as she gave ut- terance to these words, but he returned no answer ; his looks spoke more than words, and had a thunderbolt at that mo- ment descended upon her head, Ines could not have felt more paralyzed and awe-struck than she did at that time. With distended eye-lids, she fixed upon him a look which was sufficient to have penetrated even the most obdurate heart, and to carry awe to the guilty soul; her features became stern and fixed ; her lips parted but she uttered no sound, and, suddenly approaching the astonished Blodget,she grasped his arm vehemently, and looked full upon him. Blodget could not help, in spite of all his hardihood, shuddering beneath her gaze, and the singlarity of her behavior, but he was not a minute before he completely reco- vered himself, and looking coolly and indifferently upon her, awaited what she had got to say without first offering any observation of his own. 'Blodget!l' at length ejaculated our heroine, in a solemn tone of voice, and with her brilliant and expressive eyes still 'fixed with the same earnestness of expression upon his countenance; '1Blod- get, in the name of that Almighty power who guides all our actions, and before whose dread tribunal you must some time or the other appear, however much at present you may despise His name-- by all your hopes of forgiveness for the many and heinous crimes you have com- mitted, I charge you tell me-solemnly tell me, what are your wicked designs?' OF SAN FRANCISCO.' 16? 'Psha 1" cried Blodget, and a fearful ing upon her knees, with clasped hands, smile again overspread his countenance. she supplicated the ruffian's forbearance; 'Nay, I command you, in the name of but she pleaded to a heart callous to ev- the most High, to set my horrible fears ery sense of feeling: he gazed upon her at rest, and tell me,' demanded Inez, and emotion with indifference, and he exulted her heart throbbed more violently than at the manner in which he had subdu- ever, and her whole soul seemed to be ed her spirit, and flattered himself that, wrapped up in the answer which Blodget in time, she would be entirely conquered, would return to her; and she appeared and made to yield subserviently to his as if she would drag the secret from his will. However, he endeavored to dis- heart with her eyes. guise his real feelings, and, assuming as 'Enough of this,) at last said Blodget, mild an expression as he could, he raised 'I came not here to talk upon a subject Inez from the posture in which she had like this, and-,---' been kneeling, and affected to smile kind- 'Heartless miscreant !' interrupted ly upon her. For the moment she was Inez, ' too well can I read in your dark deceived by his looks, and hope sudden- and portentous looks the base design ly darted upon her mind. you have in contemplation. But Heav- ' You will relent,' she ejaculated, 'that en will interpose to prevent the execution smile assures me that you will. You of your infamous intention, and to save cannot, surely, be so cruel as to seek the Monteagle from your monstrous machin. life of Monteagle. Has not the anguish ations.' you have already caused him, and the 'We shall see,' returned Blodget, with miseries he is at present undergoing, all the same consummate coolness he had be. through you, been the means of suffi- fori evinced; 'we shall see. But hear ciently appeasing your vengeance? Oh, me, Iez-' Blodget ! repent ere it is too late, and re- 'I will not listen to you, until you have store me to my friends, and again I prom- answered my question,' observed Inez ise you that you shall receive my pardon 'your very words are as poison to my and that of those who are dear to me, al- soul.' though the injury you have inflicted on 'But you must and shall hear me,' ex- them and me is almost irreparable. If claimed the other, with a determined air, there is one spark of humanity in your and once more endeavoring to take our breast, if there is the smallest portion of - heroine's hand ; 'you are securely in my that feeling remaining in your heart, to- power, and think you that I will. be wards that sex who claims protection frightened from my purpose by an ob- from every man, I shall not supplicate in stinate woman's heroics. I come to of- vain; you will accede to my request, fer you my love ; you reject it, but that and once more open to me the doors of shall not avail you, for force shall make liberty ; and suffer me to fly once more you comply with my wishes. As for to the arms of my father-my poor be. Monteagle, I tell you once again you will reaved parent 1' see him no more.' ' Beauteous Inez,' returned the wretch; The courage of Inez completely failed 'this is madness, and a silly waste of her, tears gushed to her eyes, and, sink- time. Think you, then, that after all the page: 168-169[View Page 168-169] 18 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES trouble I have taken, the risks I have .run, and the plans I have laid down to get 'you in my power, that I will now quietly resign you? Think you that I would place myself at the mercy of my enemies? No, no ! you must give up all idea of such a thing, and, henceforth, look upon me in the same light as your husband,-for you and I must not again easily separate ! You must yield to my wishes,-and that speedily ; I would have you do so of your own free will; but if, after a given time you still remain fool- -ishly obstinate, then must I, however much it may be against my wishes, use force. Resistance, you perceive, will be in vain, and therefore, I advise you to make up your mind to assent without it; then shall you receive every attention from me, and I will behave in a manner that shall leave you no cause to regret your separation from your father.' 'Fiend in human shape,' ejaculated Inez,'leave me ! My soul freezes with horror as I listen to you! But I will not entirely despair, although you have bid me to dlo so; Heaven will interpose to prevent the execution of your base threats.', 'Did Heaven interpose to prevent my getting you in my power?' inquired Blodget, with a sardonic grin. ' Once more I tell you, you shall be mine, and nothing shall save you!' 'Never, villain !' cried Inez. 'Be cautions what you say, lady, lest you exasperate me,' returned Blodget, with a threatening frown, which made our heroine tremble ; 'you forget that I could, this day-this very moment-- force you to a compliance with my wishes, and where is there one near at hand who could come to save you ?' 'By Heavens I would die first !' 'Bah !' sneered Blodget; 'btst I am tired of this useless contest of words; you know my determination, and rest as- sured that I will only await a very few days for your answer, and then, if you do not consent, you-"know the conse- quences.' 'Once more I pray your mercy,' said the distracted Inez, with clasped hands, and looks of earnest supplication ; be- ware ! oh, beware ! ere you proceed to extremities.' 'You have it in your power to move me to pity and love, fair Inez,' returned Blodget ; 'one smile from you, one word of affection from those ruby lips would act with the influence of magic upon me and make me quite a different man, Blodget would then live alone for love and you ; and there should not be a pleasure which it should not be my con- stant endeavor to procure you.' Inez turned from the villain with a look of the utmost disgust, and she groaned aloud in the intensity of her anguished feelings. Blodget advanced nearer to her, and. sought to put his arms around her waist, but the action immediately aroused her, and retreating to the further end of the room, she fixed upon him such a look as awed him into immediate forbearance. 'Still madly obstinate!' he exclaimed; ' but time must alter this proud beauty, and you must yield to the desires of Blodget, however repugnant it may be to your feelings. At present I leave you, but shortly you will behold me again, and then I trust that you will see the polity of giving me a more favorable re- ception than you have done this morn- ing. As he spoke, Blodget fixed one glance of expressive meaning, and then quitting 1 the room, he securely fastened the door after him. 'The perverse woman,' he soliloquis- ed, as he walked away ; but she must be subdued ;-she must be subdued; Blodget cannot much longer endure her resistance. Oh, did she but know the plot I have formed against the life of Monteagle-but I said quite enough to arouse her fears, although I now wish that I had not done so, as it would be sure not to promote my wishes. I wish not to have to use violence, or I could do so directly ; no, my greater triumph would be to prevail upon her to give her own free consent, and that would add to the gratification of my revenge.- Blodget, if you fail in this, it will be the first time that you have failed in any of your undertakings.' The villain walked ay, and after giving strict injunctions o Joe to keep safe watch over his charge, he bent his footsteps towards the cabaret, at which he and the thieves had been the night before carousing, and where, in a back room, he could commune with his own thoughts,withou tany fear of interruption. CHAPTER XVI. The Critical Move--Attempted Escape. WHEN Blodget had retired from the room, our heroine gave vent to the pain- ful feelings which her interview with him had excited in her bosom; and hope seemed to have faded entirely away from her mind; for if the villain remained ob- atinately resolved to put his diabolical threats into execution, what means had she of resisting himI None ! Then OF SAN FR4NCISCO. 16W again the hints he had given convinced her that he had some base design in his mind. She was aroused from these reflections by the entrance of the old woman who had come to do something in her apartment, and whose disagreeable looks assured our heroine that she took a plea- sure ifi tormenting her, and saying any- thing which she thought might excite her feelings, ald Inez, therefore, deter- mined to avoid conversing with her, as much as she possibly could. The old woman, however, appeared to be deter- mined that she should not escape so easily ; for the words she had so pointed- ly directed to her in the morning, re- mained in her memory ; and after having eyed her with an insolent glance for a second or two, she ejaculated, in her usual harsh but querulous tones: 'I hope your ladyship feels happier af- ter the interview you have had with your lover, and that the observations he has addressed to you, have met your appro- bation, Oh, he is a very nice gentleman) He! he! he!' And the disgusting old woman croak- ed forth a laugh, which could scarcely have been imagined to have been utter- ed by anything but a witch ; and appear- ed to think that she had spoken very wittily and sarcastically. But Inez did not deign to condescend her any answer, and she averted her eyes, for there was something so remarkably disagreeable in the woman's face, that she could not bear to look upon it. The old woman saw plain enough that her observations annoyed Inez, and al- though she felt rather vexed and disap- pointed that she did not answer her, she determined to follow them up. 'It seems that you have lost your page: 170-171[View Page 170-171] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES V t li y t t I 1 e i ] I ongue since your interview with Mr. plot against you. Heaven protect you flodget,' she said ; 'but that is of very and avert the evil fate destined to you ttle consequence, I can talk enough for by your implacable enemy !' ou 'andI too, and as Gordon has left 'If Blodget only plays his cards sue he house, you will, in all probability, cessfully, as he has hitherto done, I do ava a little more of my company than not think that there is much chance of ou otherwise would have done.' your seeing your poor unfortunate lover 'Gordon left the house ?' repeated our again;' said the hag with a sneer, and a heroine eagerly"; 'thank Heaven ? look which was perfectly hideous.- 'Indeed !'said the old woman; 'then, Poor Inez gazed upon the unnatural f his absence affords you'pleasure, I can old beldame with a look of horror and All you that it will not be of long dura- disgust, ion ;- -he is only gone some distance on 'Inhuman woman ;' she ejaculated, secret mission, for which he is to re- ' thus to take a pleasure in tormenting eive a handsome reward from Mr. Blod- one of your own sex, who has never of- get l' fended you, and whose misfortunes and 'Ah 1' crie4 our heroine, turning very oppressions onght to excite your pity and pale, and-a feeling of horror coming over sympathy.' her; * on a-secret mission for Blodget ? 'Pity and sympathy,' repeated the in what fresh plot of villany is he en- woman, with bitter sarcasm ; ' they are aged ?' . qualities that none but fools would retain sOh, that I do not know; and if I did, possession of; I never experienced them t is not very likely that I should inform from any person yet, and I have banished you. It is something of importance I mine from my breast many years since.' dare say, or else Gordon would not have ' I do believe you,' sighed Inez; ' but been employed ; and no doubt concerns I can sincerely pity you, for there will you.' - be a time come when you will be brought Inez felt her horror increase, and she to'a terrible sense of your iniquities, and trembled so that she could scarcely stand. awful will then be the punishment you The old hag observed her emotion with will have to undergo.' much satisfaction, and a savage grin 'Hey day !' exclaimed the. beldame ; overspread her features. ' I declare you're quite an adept at 'Something that concerns me;' she preaching a sermon, but its beauties are exclaimed, and her terrible forebodings entirely lost - upon me ; and I do not convinced her that the old woman did think that you will find Mr. Blodget any not make use of these Observations with more ready to approve of them than I out good reason. am.' 'Oh, my dear friend !' she added, as 'Leave the room,' said Inez, in a tone she - recalled to her memory the dark of resentment, ' and let me alone to my hints which Blodget had given utterance reflections; your language is brutal, and to, and covering her face with her hands, I will not listen to it.' she sobbed hysterically. ' Oh, my un- 'But I am afraid you will have to lis- fortunate rescuer ;' she continued, ' I ten to it very frequently,' returned the tremble for you; surely this is some dark old woman, 'as disagreeable as it may I7s 1 be. As for leaving the room, you will please to recollect that you are not mis- tress here, consequently I shall not attend to your orders until it pleases me.' Inez walked away, and throwing her- self into a chair, once more covered her face with her hands, determined not to pay any future attention to what the old harridan might say. The latter laughed sneeringly, and after muttering a few spiteful remarks that our heroine (lid not hear, she applied herself more assidu- ously to the task she had to perform in nay, perhaps he was no more, and she was not present to receive his last sigh or to enfold him in a dying embrace.-- The thought was almost past endurance; and it was a fortunate thing for our he- roine that a torrent of tears came to the relief of her overcharged heart. Three weeks elapsed without any ma- terial change taking place in the situa- tion or-prospects of Ines. Blodget visit- ed her every day, and she was annoyed by his disgusting importunities; and fre- quently was he so worked up by the op- position which she offered to him, that he was half tempted to proceed to vio- lence; but a secret power appeared to restrain him, and to watch over his un- fortunate victim. Blodget was in a state of considerable anxiety and suspense, for he had not yet heard anything from Gordon, and some- times he was fearful that he had been detected and was in custody ; but again he thought, if he had been so, he should see some account of it in the newspapers, and he, therefore, at last endeavored to conclude that Gordon thought it prudent not to write to him, and that he was in a fair way of being ultimately successful in his blood-thirsty designs. The thieves had made several success- ful hauls, since the departure of Gordon, and they were not less anxious than Blod- get was to know what had become of him, and whether he was safe, for Gordon was acquainted with many circumstances that might greatly endanger them, should he be tempted to divulge them. Such is the doubt and suspicions that ever ex- ist between the guilty. At length, however, after another forte night, a message arrived at the ranch of Gordon, which came from him, and it may well be imagined with what eager OF SAN FRANCISCO. 171l the room, and at the same time hummed, in discordant tones, snatches from differ- ent vulgar songs, which fell listlessly upon the ears of Inez, who was too deep- ly engaged by her own melancholy thoughts to pay any attention to them. At length having, much to the satis- faction of our heroine, _completed her domestic duties in the room, the woman fixed upon Inez a spiteful look, and then retired from the apartment. When she had gone, our heroine immediately sunk upon her knees, and, with upraised hands, she implored the mercy of the Supreme Being, and that He would protect her father and her lover from anydanger by which they might be threatened. She arose m ore composed and confident, and endeavored to hope that, after all, the wicked designs of Blodget might be foil- ed, and that something would yet trans- pire to release her from her present in- carceration, and the future persecution of the villain Blodget, for whom no punish- ment could be adequate to the different crimes he fad been guilty of. Frequently did her thoughts revert to home, and she could well imagine the grief experienced at her mysterious dis- appearance. The idea of the deplorable condition of Monteagle was maddening page: 172-173[View Page 172-173] 172 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES baste Blodget broke the seal, and glanced his eyes over the contents. They afforded him the most unbounded satisfaction. 'Ah ! by the infernal host ! this is cap- ital,' exclaimed Blodget, when he had concluded perusing the letter; 'my ven- geance will soon be complete ; and I have no doubt that Gordon will shortly be able to discover Monteagle, and to ac- complish the deed for which my soul' pants.' He immediately sought out Jenkins, who was at his usual place of resort when be-was not on his expeditions, and show- ed him the letter. from Gordon. The robber captain perused it. with satisfac- tion, and his apprehensions were now at rest. 'What think you of the suggestion which Gordon has made ?' asked Blod- get, when Jenkins had finished reading the letter. 'Why, that it is a very excellent one,' answered the captain. 'True,' coincided Blodget. 'You will avail yourself of it, then ?' 'Why,,think you not I should be fool- ish to miss such an opportunity ?' 'I do.' 'Gordon deserves an extra reward for this.' He is a shrewd fellow.' 'And one who does not stand particu- lar about trifles.' 'No, crime and he are familiar. But how would you accomplish-this design ?' I have-not as yet had time to consid- or it properly,' answered Blodget; 'can you give me any advice, captain?' 'Gordon I do not think can do it with- out assistance.' .'Probably not.' 'If I and a crew run the risk of going in a lgoat to Mission Creek, and bring the fellow away, of course you will reward us ?' 'Certainly ; but that course will be at- tended with much danger, for should the real character of your boat be known -' 'Oh, I can manage it so that there will be no danger of a discovery taking place,' replied Jenkins. 'Ah, then, be it so, and we will not fall out about the reward.' 'Agreed,' answered the captain, 'an answer must, therefore, be despatched to the place where Gordon is staying, ac- quainting him with our intentions, so that he may make the necessary prepar- ations for carrying our designs into exe- cution.' 'It shall be done immediately. But think you that success is at all likely ?' 'It is all but certain.' 'And had Monteagle better be brought to the house where Inez is confined ?' 'That you can use your own pleasure in,' replied Jenkins. Blodget reflected for a few moments. 'No,' he at last said, 'it shall not be so at present ; I think it would be as well not to let Inez know anything about it for 'L shortatime., 'Why so?' 'Why,' returned Blodget, 'in the first place, the sudden shock might be attend- ed with fatal consequences to her; and in the next, I think it would be better to break it out to her by degrees, and make the circumstance subservient to my de- signs upon her.' 'That is my opinion,' remarked Jen kins. 'but you are a fool, Blodget, to de- lay the indulgence of your desires so long, when you have it in your power to gratify them immediately.' If you wait until you prevail upon the lady to con.' sent. I think you will be likely to tarry a long while.' ' That is your opinion ?' tf 'It is.' y ' Mine is a different one.' 'You must have a very high opinion of your powers of captivation, if that is really your belief,' returned Jenkins. m ' Perhaps so,' said Blodget, ' but time tr will show ; and now that I have the pros- pect of getting. this fellow into my pow- er, I am the more disposed to wait pa- tiently and give my plans a fair trial.'m 'And wait until de Castro or his friends n discover the retreat of the lady, force her from your power, and bring you to pun- ishment,' rejoined Jenkins. s 'If Gordon is successful, there will be no fear of that.' ,. Sd ' May be so; but you remember thev old proverb-" a bird in hand is worth two in the bush."' . ' At any rate, I have made up my mind I to run the chance of it.' ' Well, of course, you are at liberty to 1 do as you think proper,' observed the cap- tain; but if you succeed in getting this youngster in our power, where do youth think of placing him ?' 'Know you of any person that can bel trusted with him?' 'I do.' - ' And does he reside far from this place?' ' Close upon the spot.' 'Is the place obscure?$' ' It is little frequented.' 'Apd who is he ?' 'One of my gang ; you may depend upon him.' ''Tis well; and you think he will ac- cept of the charge ?' 'I am certain of it ; he would do it gladly.' 'Perhaps you will see him and make he proposal ; it would come better from our lips than mine.' ' I will do so.' 'You have my thanks, captain.' "Pshaw ! I don't want them. But, nark now, he must be well paid for her trouble, and keeping the secret.' 'I have no objection to that.' 'This will be an expensive job for you.' 'Were it to cost me twenty times as nuch, I would not begrudge it to gratify my revenge.' 'You are a most implacable foe.' 'So my enemies have good reason to ay.' 'But come, there is no necessity for delay ; have the letter written and for- warded to Gordon as quickly as possible.' 'It shall be done.' ' In the meantime I will go down to Kitson, and make the proposal to him.' ' Ay, do ; and do not be afraid to promise a most liberal remuneration. ' I will do sy, depend upon it.' 'And when do you propose starting on this expedition' ' By the night after to-morrow, at the latest.' 'Your promptitude pleases me.' 'Delay is dangerous; that is always my motto.' 'And a very good one ; I will adopt it on this occasion; farewell.' ' Good night; although I shall proba- bly see you again.' 'Well do, if you can, for I shall be anxious to know whether or not this Kit- son, as you call him, will undertake this charge.' 'Oh, there is very little doubt but that he will do so.' Having arrived at the conclusion of this brief colloquy, the two worthies sep- OF SAN FRANCISCO. 178 page: 174-175[View Page 174-175] 174 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES arated, and Blodget bent his way to th ranch, to write the letter to Gordon elated at the prospect of the-success o his diabolical stratagems, and determine at any expense, or danger to prosecute them. In the epistle he gave Gordon all th information he couldrequire, and-highl) praised his indefatigability, at the sam( time encouraging him to further exer tions, bythe promise of rewarding hin accordingly. The letter was immediately forwarded to the proper quarter, and had not long done so, when Jenkins returned.. 'Well, captain, how have you suc cedeed ' asked Blodget. 'As I anticipated.' 'Then the man is w illing., 'lHe is.:' 'And think you we may depend upon his secresy 1' ' There is no fear of that'!' 'Didyou not bind him by an oath I' 'There was no necessity for that ! Kit- son's word is his bond.' 'And did you. make him acquainted with the particulars ' . ' I was compelled to, to. enable him to be. more upon his guard.' 'Ay, true ! And you mentioned the reward ,? 'It is not so much as I anticipated,' 'What'is itI' 'He demands two hundred dollars.' 'It shall be his freely, immediately the fellow is placed in.his care, one hundred more to 'that, if he well perform his task, and keeps the secret inviolable.' 'Itell you.-again, there is no fear of his not doing that.' r, Then all, sofar is well,? observed blod- get. o 'It shall be so ; and now we will have a glass or two together, to drink success )f to this undertaking.' d 'With all my heart,' replied the cap- e tain ; ' and taking his seat, bottles were immediately placed upon the table, and e they proceeded to drink with much alac- Y rity, toast after toast following each other e in rapid succession, while the deep. pota- - tions which they quaffed, took but a trifling effect upon them, so accustomed were they to habits of intemperance. 'Perhaps,' said Blodget, after a pause,- it would have been much mcre satis- factory had Gordon succeeded in des- patching him.' 'I like not the unnecessary shedding of human blood.' 'Then you have never felt-the senti- ments that I do.' 'You know not that ; but, villain as I am, and have been from a boy, I never yet shed the blood of my fellow man, un- less it was in a fight and in self defence.' 'And yet you would have insisted up on one of your fellows committing mur- der, had not Gordon undertaken to do it.' 'Because I had pledged my word to you that it should be done, and nothing would have induced me to break it.' 'Ha! ha-! ha!' laughed out Blodgeb; 'there's honor for you, in the captain of a desperate gang of robbers.' 'Ay you may mock me, if you think proper, but I have spoken the truth.' Blodget made no further observation, but walked away, and Jenkins rejoined his companions at their rendezvous. In the meantime Inez' situation was just as helpless as ever, and Bloclget dai- ly continued to annoy her with import' nities, and hourly became more bold and confident in his manners towards her, and she noticed it, and could not help thinking that something had happened to occasion this alteration in his beha- vior, and at times her mind felt some severe misgivings, which she found it im- possible to comprehend. Blodget had not, however, yet mentioned anything, and, therefore, she could not entertain any positive suspicion. So well secured was every place, that our heroine had long ago given up all idea of escaping, and rested her only hope of deliverance upon her friends dis- covering her place of confinement ; but a circumstance, a short time after this, happened, which gave her some reason to hope. Notwithstanding the utter disgust which our heroine ever evinced in the company of the old woman, she persist- ed in obtruding her society upon her at every opportunity, and, as we have be- fore stated, it was very evident that she felt a pleasure in making Inez miserable. Guilt is always envious of the virtues it never possessed, and feels a delight in evincing its hatred of its possessor in ev- ery possible way. This, however, she concealed from Blodget, well aware that he would not approve of it, and Inez con- sidered it too contemptible to take any notice of it, and if she had, she would not have troubled herself to mention it to her persecutor, who might feel, little disposed to trouble himself in the matter The woman would make any excus to be in the same room with our heroine and when she was tired of talking to her Ines seldom condescending her a reply she would sing portions of vulgar song is a manner which would have don honor to Sydney Valley in its darkest days. The mind of Ines, however, was so fully occupied with her own thoughts that she seldom paid any attention to to her, and not unfrequently was she al- most entirely unconscious of her pres- ence. It was one evening, a short time after the events which we have been recording had taken place, that the hag paid our heroine her accustomed and unwelcome visit, and, as soon as she entered the room, Inez could perceive that she had been drinking and was quite intoxicated. This circumstance rather alarmed her, for she was afraid that the old woman being thus excited, might be guilty of some excesses; but still she reflected, she had nothing to apprehend from her, as the persons who were in the ranch would be' sure to come to her aid, and thus she was in safety. But to be alone, and in the power of wretches who cared not what crime they committed, was suffi- cient of itself to fill her mind with ter- ror, and she had great difficulty in sup- porting her feelings. The old woman staggered to a seat, for she could scarcely stand, and having dropped into it, she raised her blood-shot eyes towards the countenance of our he. roine, and fixed upon her a look expres- sive of her usual malevolence. Ines averted her head, and, taking up a book, l pretended to be reading ; but the old t woman was not to be diverted that way, e and, after several ineffectual attempts to speak, she stammered out- e ' They are all gone out but one man, , and he has fallen asleep by the fire, and , so I thought I would come up stairs and , keep you company, you are fond of my s, company, I know.' e This speech was accompanied by sun- at dry hiccups, and the disgusting old wo p OF SAN FRANCISCO, 175 page: 176-177[View Page 176-177] 178 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES man rolled about in the chair apparently in the most uncomfortable manner. Inez trembled, but she endeavored to conceal her fears as much as possible, and pre- tended to be continuing to read the book she held in her hand, and did not make any reply. 'Mr. Blodget is a very foolish man,' continued the old woman-' he is a very foolish man, or he would not stand shil- ly-shallying and dilly-dallying with you, my fine lady, in the manner he has. Such squeamish minxes, indeed ; poh!' - We need not attempt to describe the feelings of our heroine, while the old woman was-thus proceeding ; she endea- vored to close her ears to the words she was giving utterance to, but in vain, and the disgust which she felt was most ung bounded. 4Why don't you answer me? ' de- manded the beldame in a surly tone ; 'I suppose you think yourself above me, don'trou,? But I can tell you you are not. You are a prisoner, but I am not, and- A very long yawn stopped the old woman's tirade, and her head dropped upon the table. She muttered two or three incoherent words, and shortly after- wards ber loud snoring convinced our heroine that the effects of the liquor she had been drinking had overpowered her, and that she had fallen off to sleep.- Inez laid down her book; a sudden thought darted across her mind, and her heart palpitated with emotion. She re- membered what the woman had said about there being but one man in the house, and that he was asleep below.- The room door was open-the old wo- man slept soundly, and she was not- likely to be awakened easily--a famous opportunity presented itself for her to attempt to make her escape. The chance was worth encountering any danger in making the effort, and she determined to avail herself of it. Hastily putting on her shawl, Inez mentally invoked the assistance of Hea- ven, and then, with noiseless footsteps, approached the chair on which the old woman was sitting, to make sure that she was not assuming drunkenness and sleep, and she was soon convinced that she was not. She now lightly stepped on to the landing, and closing the door gently up- on the unconscious old woman, locked it after her, and thus left her a secure pri- soner. She then leant her head over the bannisters, and listened attentively, but hearing no noise below, she was in lope that all was right, and ventured to begin to descend the stairs. Having passed down one flight, she once more paused and listened attentive- ly, but all remained as still as death, and her hopes became more sanguine. At length she reached the door of the parlor, which was closed, and Inez hesi- tated, and her heart beat so vehemently against her side that she could scarcely support herself. 'Courage, Courage!' she whispered to- herself, ' this is the critical moment. Let me be firm, and I may escape.' Her trembling and hesitation decreas- ed as these thoughts crossed her mind, and she laid her hand on the handle of the door. It opened with a creaking noise, which again excited her fear, lest it should arouse the man; but her alarm was, fortunately groundless. A light was burning on the table, and the fire east forth a cheerful blaze, and by their light our heroine beheld a ruffian seated in the chair, his arms folded across his chest, and fast asleep. Inez's heart bounded, and hope was strengthened tenfold. The near prospect of liberty excited in her breast a feeling of extacy which may be conceived but cannot be described. The moon shone brightly in at the window, and its silvery beams seemed to smile encouragement upon her. Another moment, she re- flected, and she might inhale the pure air, and be as free. The thought nerved her on ; and knowing that every moment was fraught with danger, she determined to act with promptitude. But the sleep- ing ruffian was so seated that she could not gain the door without passing him closely, and then she must act with the greatest caution or she might arouse him. She advanced one step, but hastily retreated again, hearing him yawn, and he seemed as if he was about to awaken She stood in trembling suspense, but it was. not for long ; the man having stretched out his arms, and yawned two or three times, sunk back on his chai again, and his loud snoring soon con vinced her that he was again asleep. She now once more commended her self to the protection of Heaven, an again advanced towards the door. Sh had passed the sleeping ruffian--th door was in her hand, and liberty wa just before her ; when there was a lou noise, like that of some heavy weigh falling, from the room above ; and Ine was so alarmed that she had not th power of moving one way or the othe but stood at the door trembling violently The noise immediately aroused th man, and, hastily starting to his feet, I rubbed his eyes, and stared eager around the room. They instantly rested on our unfortunate heroine, and, giving utterance to a dreadful oath, he rush( towards her, and seizing her fiercely t the arm, dragged her back. Inez sunk upon her knees, and in terrified accents exclaimed- ' Oh, mercy, mercy ! spare me-save me, for the love of Heaven, save me 1' ' Ah ! you would escape ?' exclaimed the ruffian ; 'speak, answer me-how did you contrive to leave the apartment in which you have been confined 1' The ruffian looked ferociously upon her while he spoke, and Inez trembled more violently than before when she gazed upon the frightful features of the man. Her lips quivered, and in vain did she endeavor to articulate a syllable. 'Speak, I tell you again !' demanded the villain ; 'how came you hither ? By what means did you contrive to leave the room?' ' The door was left unfastened,' faul- tered out Inez'; 'oh, do not harm me.' The door left unfastened?' repeated the man ; ' who left it so?' r ' The woman.' ' Ah ! the old bag-if she has done this she shall answer for it. But where - is she?' I ' In the room I have just quitted, and e asleep,' replied Inez. e ' Ah! I see how it is ; myself and her s have been indulging ourselves rather too d freely, and both are equally to blame ; t we must be more cautious for the future. z Come, my girl, you must allow me to es- e cort you to your old quarters, and de. r, pend upon it, you will not have such r. another opportunity as this. Come!' le 'Oh,' supplicated our heroine, not ie thinking in the despair of the moment, ly of the uselessness of appealing to the ed flinty heart of the wretch, 'do not con- ig sign me, I beseech you, to that dismal ed apartment again, take pity upon me, a by deeply injured woman as I am, and suffer OF SAN FRANCISCO. 17't I 'f page: 178-179[View Page 178-179] 178 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES me to escape. - Believe me, you shall be- amply rewarded for such an inestimable service.' 'Oh, no,' returned the ruffian and a malignant grin overspread- his counte- mance; 'it won't do,I'm not to de caught in that way; I can very well understand what, my reward would be, but they must catch me before they give it me. Ha! ha ! hatI Come, come, you must come with me, or I must use force--that's all about it.', Poor Inez clasped her hands in the in- tensity:of her grief, and finding that it would be useless ,to entreat any further, with a despairing heart, she slowly re- traced her footstepsto the chamber from which she had so recently escaped, fol- lowed by the wretch. On opening the door they found the old woman stretched at full length upon the floor; and it was-evident that it was from her that the noise had proceeded, which so unfortunately aroused the man, and:prevented her escape, at the very moment when the chance was before her. It was some time before the thief could arouse the old woman to sensibility, and when she did so, he commanded her sternly to follow'him. 'Hey day!' cried the hag, rubbing her eyes, and looking ,with stupified amaze- ment. at our heroine, who had sunk des- pairingly in a chair, and leaning her el- bow upon the table, and her head upon her hand, was weeping bitterly; 'what's the matter now ?'= A What's the matter l' reiterated the ahy, that 'through your infernal stupidity the bird had nearly flown.' 'Ah--what, do you mean to say that she had nearly escaped' croaked forth the old womin andshelooked more sav- age than ever at Inest: 'Yes, I mean to say that she would have escaped,' replied he, ' and a pretty. scrape we should then both have got in- to.' i ,f ' Why, where was I at the time!' 'Fast asleep, and a safe prisoner in this room, locked in.' ' Locked in !' ejaculated the beldame, 'oh, I see it all now, that confounded gin got the better of me, and you too, -I think, and, therefore, one is as much to blame as the other. We ought to thank our lucky stars that it has turned out as it has. But the artful jade, to lock me in, to-to--' ' There, that's enough,' interrupted the fellow, ' you would stand talking here all night. We will leave the~lady "to her own reflections, which, doubtless, will not be very pleasant. Blodget will be home shortly, I expect, and, should he find us together, he might suspect something wrong. Good night, my lady, and when you next try to escape, you had better use- a little more expedition with your caution. Come, we must see and ar- range this business somehow or anoth- er.' The old woman fixed upon Inez one more malicious look, and appeared to ex- ult in the agony she was undergoing at having been thwarted in her attempt, and then following the wretch, they both quitted the room, and secured the door after them. - They both congratulated themselves when they had got below, that Inez had not been successful, and were determined to be more cautious in future. Another moment, and our heroine would have been at liberty, and they trembled when they reflected upon the consegtae that would have been certain to follow her escape: They both, however, con- sidered that it would be better for them not to mention anything about Blod- get or the others, as it would only excite his suspicions that all was not right, and probably deprive them of his confidence and friendship, which, as he was very liberal, was not to be treated lightly. Thus the affair was amicably arranged between the two worthies, and- the old spitfire determined to annoy our unfortu- nate heroine more than ever, for the 'au- dacious' (as she termed it) attempt she had made to escape, and moreover, for her unparalleled presumption and atroci- ty, in having actually made her a prison- er in the very place where she had been herself confined. As for poor Inez, she was completely overwhelme' with the intensity of her anguish and disappointment, and forsome time after the man and the old woman had left her, she remained in almost a state of unconsciousness. ' Alas,' she at last ejaculated, beating her breast, 'fate has conspired against me, and I am doomed to perpetual mis- ery. Am I never to escape from the power of these wretches? Has the Om- nipotentBeing entirely forsaken me? Oh, God ! let me die rather than live to en- dure this succession of miseries and dis- appointments.' She clasped her burning temples, and arising from her chair, traversed the room in the greatest possible agony. If Blod- get should become acquainted with the circumstance, she could not help think- ing that he would be induced to adopt even more stringent measures towards her ; but then she consoled herself with the reflection that it was not likely that the man or the old woman would let him know anything about it, as they would be blamed for neglect, and Blodget OF SAN FRANCISCO. - 179 would deem it prudent to remove her to some other place of confinement. She passed two or three hours in the greatest state of agitation, and could not venture to retire to rest, but listened to the slight- est sound which proceeded from below, fearing to hear the villain Blodget return home. At length all was still in the house, and tired out with thinking, Inez com- mitted herself to the care of Providence, and undressing herself, hastened into bed, and, in spite of the state of her mind, after the painful event which we have been detailing, she was so weary, that it was not long ere she sunk to sleep CHAPTER XVII. The Seducer Resisted. Wa left our heroine in a calm slumber, into which she had sunk after the fatigue of thinking and the anguish of her mind. She continued in it until a storm arose, which awoke her, and jumping up in the bed, she scarcely knew where she was. Confused thoughts darted across her per- turbed imagination, and she had in an instant a foreboding, a presentiment, that something particular was about to occur to her. She heard no one but the old woman moving below, and recollecting that she had seen Blodget quit the house at an early hour in the morning, she thought it was probable that he had not yet returned, and she became rather more composed. Then, however, she remem- bered some dark hints which the hateful old woman had thrown out to her iin the morning, and again were her utmost ap- prehensions of some fresh misery excited, page: 180-181[View Page 180-181] .80 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES pospetime she continued in this manner, when she heard a confusion of voices from below, among which she distin- guished that of a female and Blodget's, but she could not understand a single word that they gave utterance to. Shp now endeavored to calm her feel- ings, and prepare for the meeting which 'she had no doubt would take place be- tween her and Blodget ; who she resolved to meet with all the fortitude she could possibly muster. She knelt down, and- su1pplicated the aid of the Almighty ; and implored that He would frustrate the de- signs of the wicked, and not suffer her to fall a victim to the diabolical strata- gems of the miscreant who at present held her in his power As it ever is the case, when the sincere heart breathes its prayers to Heaven, our heroine felt, almost immediately more tranquil and prepared to meet her op- pressor, and she arose from her knees_ with a determination to support herself with- an air of fortitude, which should abash rather than encourage the villain's nefarious hopes. She hAd not long come to this resol.u- tion, when she heard a footstep ascending the stairs, and shortly afterwards the door of. her apartment wasunbolted, and the door was opened, and the object of her hatred and her fears presented himself " before her. She met his looks firmly, and with an air of becoming dignity, and it was evident, although he endeavored t disguise it, that something of more importance than usual occupied his tlgoughts. He stood for a second or two in the doorway, and seemed anxious to address her, yet at a loss how to begin.,Then he semed-abashed at the calm dignity of- Inez's manner, and at the same time Jost in admiration of her extreme beauty, which, although much impaired by the ravages of care, was still most superla- tive. Notwithstanding the firmness which she assumed, Inez felt a trembling appre- hension of the interview ; and had much difficulty in conquering her feelings. At length Blodget advanced nearer to our heroine, closing the door after him, and after several. ineffectual attempts to speak, he observed, in as insinuating tone as he could assume- ' Beauteous Inez, after a temporary ab- sence from your presence, which has ap- peared an age to me, I again come to bask in the sunshine of your beauty-- again to solicit a return of that passion which I so ardently feel for you.' ' Villain !' ejaculated Inez, 'receive my answer in the utter contempt, disgust, abhorrence I feel for you; and rest as- sured that no other feeling can ever in- habit my breast towards a wretch who has proved himself destitute of every feeling of humanity.' 'this violence is useless,' returned Blodget; 'I have given you plenty of time to consider: 'this day I come hither to decide : I have waited patiently long enough.' 'Monster !' cried the distracted lady, and her eyes at the same time beamed an expression which seemed as if it would penetrate to his soul; where is my poor father, from whom you have so merciless- ly torn me t Can you recollect the unparalleled act of cruelty you have been- guilty of, and yet stand there and talk to me, the affianced bride of another, about love 1' To all these passionate expressions I pay little or no attention; for they affect me not,' returned the hardened villain, 'It is enough that I have fixed my mind Is there any epithet strong enough on you; I have labored hard, and risked that I can apply to a man like you ?' de- much, to get possession of you-you are handed Inez. 'Has not your conduct now in my power, and mine, in spite of proved you to be a miscreant, too-' all entreaties and tears, shall be!' 'Come, come,' interrupted Blodget, 'Oh, heartless miscreant.' and a slight scowl passed over his brows, 'Nay, think not that I would willingly ' I do not mind a little flattery, but when resort to violence,' observed Blodget, in it proceeds to extremes. I must acknowl- a milder tone of voice ; 'no, I would win edge that I have not a stomach to take you by my actions ; by my love ;-I it. Any epithet that you may apply to would be to you the most ardent and af- me, you must be aware cannot have any fectionate companion that woman desire ; other effect than that of exasperating I--' .me to that which I might afterwards be 'Cease !' interrupted Inez, in a com- sorry for. But how can you be so fool- manding tone of voice, which seemed to ish as to remain thus obstinately opposed enforce immediate obedience; 'I will not to the wishes of a man who would listen to your guilty language, it disgusts make it his unceasing study to render me. Your presence makes me feel as if you happy?' a fiend, instead of a human being, were ' Happy !' exclaimed Inez, 'and dare standing before me; begone ! arl leave you talk to me of happiness, when I am me again to the solitude of my unjust torn from all that renders life desirable confinement. Wretch, unnatural monster you must 'Not yet, fair Inez,' returned Blodget, think me, to be capable of listening to with a supercilious smile ; 'you and I the licentious vows of a man who has must not part until we understand each been the author of all my miseries! other.' Talk to me of happiness, and keep me ' I perfectly understand you, sir,' said confined in this awful house, surrounded Inez, ' and depend upon it, all that you only by the votaries of guilt, who would can say will but add to the utter abhor- not hesitate to dye their hands in my rence which I bear towards you.' blood.' 'But you must yield !' 'They dare not; they act alone by ' Never l' my orders,' answered Blodget. ' But ' How can you save yourself ? Are why thus delay the time in conversing you not in my power?' on matters of no immediate interest? ' True ; but I have a friend in Provi- Again, Inez, I solicit your love. Say dence who will not suffer me to fall a that you will be mine, all but that whieh victim to the nefarious designs of a dia- the idle ceremony of wedlock can make bolical villain like you.' you, and there is not a pleasure which ' Upon my word you are very liberal gold can purchase, or this world supply, with your compliments;' said Blodget, which you shall not have at your com- with a half-sneering laugh, although it mand. We will hasten far from hence, was very plain to be seen that he was and in a place where we are unknown, very much chagrined at the manner in forget that there are others than our- which our heroine addressed him. selves in existence.' 11 OF SAN FRANCISCO. 181 page: 182-183[View Page 182-183] 182 MYSTERIES A Inez shuddered with horror at the cool- ness and effrontery with which the liber- tine uttered these expressions, and she could scarcely believe that she was stand- ing in the presence of a human being. 'Oh, no,' replied Blodget, 'think not that I can be induced to leave you so soon this day, at any rate. Upon your determined answer your fate depends.' 'You have already had my answer,' returned Inez. 'Will nothing persuade you to alter it?' 1' ' Nothing, by Heaven !' 'Beware ! take not an oath !'- 'I can with safety, for nothing would induce me to swerve from it.' 'You had better bethink yourself.' 'I have thought sufficiently, and I am decided.'' ' Recollect that, if you refuse, I shall be compelled to resort to force.' ' I will die first.' 'You will not Save the means.' 'Almighty God surely,will never suffer so black a deed.' '-Bah ;--that is all idle cant. Think, too, that if you refuse, you will still be kept here a prisoner, deprived of every comfort, and yet subservient to my wishes.'' 'Oh, horror . You cannot surely be the monster P 'I would not willingly, but you wonid drive me to it.' 'Oh, repent, repent!' 'Phaw ! Will that gratify my de-- sires $' 'It will afford me a far greater gratifi- cation? 'I shall not try it.' 'Alas ! you are indeed a guilty mis- creant.' ' Thank you, again, for your compli- ment ; I have pointed out to you the horrors that will attend your refusal ; say, shall I point out to you the happi- ness that will attend you, if you comply with my request ?' 'I want not to hear them, they cannot make any alteration in my determination,' answered our heroine, covering her face with her handkerchief, and sobbing aloud with her disgusted and wounded feelings. 'Still must I think that you will change your mind ; returned Blodget with the same guilty expression of countenance in which his features were almost constant- ly clad-' remember the sweets of liberty will then be your's.' ' And of what use would liberty be to me, when it would be purchased by a life of infamyI' demanded Inez; 'could anything ever reconcile it to my con- science, to become the base paramour of a guilty being like you? The bare thought fills me with a sensation of the utmost dread, and death in its most hor- rible form would be preferable to such a course' 'But is there nothing that could pre- vail upon you ?' 'Nothing;' answered Inez, with a look of the greatest disgust and horror. 'Think again ' 'I have nothing more to say upon the detested subject.' 'If, by so doing, you could purchase the life of Monteagle--' 'Ah 1' grasped forth Inez, turning deadly pale, and clutching the arm ;of Blodgett and with distended eye-lids ;-- ' what mean you ? Speak I speak f- I know you have something of aparticu- lar nature to impart to me I Reveal it I I beseech you, and keep me not in sus- I pense I-Oh, Blodget if you have indeed any regard for my feelings, tell me, what of MonteagleI' 'Calm your feelings.!' 'You rack me!'! 'Compose yourself!' 'Talk not to me of composure ' shriek- ed Inez. 'He is in my power,' Poor Inez tried hard to speak, but she could not ; she was transfixed to the spot, and gazed upon Blodget with a look in which the greatest astonishment and horror were depicted. The an- nouncement of Blodget came like a thunderbolt upon her, and her faculties seemed to be all bound up in the sudden- ness and unexpectedness of the circum- stance. 'If you are not a monster of the black- est dye,' exclaimed Inez at length, 'you will not delight in thus harrowing my feelings! but tell me have-you spoken the truth ? Do not keep me in suspense!1 Oh, do not ! Have you indeed said that which is true?9' 'I have,' answered B!odget ;-' Mont- eagle is now in my power.' 'Are you bent to drive me mad ?' ex- claimed the frenzied Inez, as, with clasp-, ed hands, she gazed vehemently and sup- plicatingly in the countenance of herI oppressor. 'No, no ! I would restore you to hap- piness,' replied Blodket. ' Happiness l' groaned Inez; ' oh, cruel mockery to talk to me thus; and to con- tiuue to keep me in this state of agony and suspense.' 'Compose yourself,' again remonstrat- ed Blodget, in a gentler tone, than he had before spoken, and at the same time venturing to approach her closer ; 'com- . f gs Y OF SAN FRANCISCO. pose yourself. Consent to my wishes, and Monteagle shall at once be free.- Refuse he dies !' ' Never, miscreant.' cried Inez, and fell powerless to the floor. Blodget was alarmed,-so still and marble-like did the fair girl lie. No mo- tion of her white bosom gave the slight- est evidence that she breathed. The villain trembled, and for an in- stant remorse touched his heart. But no sooner did a slight convulsive shudder show that she still lived, than he turned and left the apartment. Blodget sent the old woman to Ines, who succeeded in restoring her to con- sciousness. The next morning Jenkins returned. He seemed in haste. Sending for several members of his gang he was soon engaged in earnest conversa ion. 'Gordon, say not a word to Blodget,' said Jenkins. 'Should he try to escape I' said Gor- don. ' Shoot him, as you would a mad cay- otte,' said Jenkins. ' Had we not best confine himI' 'No,-wait my return. He will prob- ably send for Kay, Maretzo, and others of his old cronies. If he tries to bribe one of you to take a message for him to them affect to be won over by his gold, carry the message for him, and then hasten to me at the Mission.' 'But where are you to be found, cap- tain ?' 'Joaquin will inform you of my where- abouts.' 'But, captain, why do you wish Kay and the rest of them to be engaged is this affair !' AND MISERIES 18 page: 184-185[View Page 184-185] 185 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES ' In order that they may be captured as Alice,had seen some seventeen springs, in the actual commission of a daring the apple-blossoms of which were not crime-as they will doubtless hasten to more beautifully tinted than her fair assist Blodget to carry off the lady.' cheeks ; nor their skies a deeper blue Jenkins then visited Blodget. than her love-lit eyes. Her form was per. To the great surprise of Blodget, Jen- fect-her step light and springy as an kins instead of greeting him with friend- antelope's. Her name was Alice Hewlett, ly warmth, rejected his proffered hand, and she was known in the neighborhood and addressing him sternly, said: ' I am as 'the Squatter's Daughter.' She had about to leave this place for a few days, heard of a lady's being being confined if during my absence you insult Miss in Gordon's house, and readily availed Inez by word or look, or ever approach herself of the request of Jenkins to be the rooms she occupies, you shall as sure- the fair captive's companion, until she ly die as my name is Jenkins!' Then could be restored to her friends. turning to a young girl, who had accom- Alice immediately went to Inez. panied him to the house, the robber-cap- 'My dear young lady, I come to stay tain addressed her thus: 'Alice, you will with yo.u.' I know do all you can to make this poor Inez gazed inquiringly upon her fair, young lady as happy as possible while I ingenuous face. am away. I do not promise you any re- 'You may safely trust me, Miss.' ward, for I know your own goodness of 'I do--I do-dear girl. Vice never heart has induced you to volunteer to be wore so fair a front.' her friend and companion.' ' Lady, I will not leave you, but at Jenkins then gave the old woman in- your request.' structions to obey Alice on every point, 'Oh, thanks, thanks. You know not and whispering a few words to Gordon what a load you've taken from my sad Jenkins left the apartment, and soon af- heart.' ter the house. Jenkins went to the old crone, and Blodget was astounded at this change gave her some directions, adding sternly in the behavior of Jenkins, and concluded ' Mind and do as I have told you!' that he had informed upon him, and thus The old womad muttered an obedi- made his own peace with the authorities. enceto his orders, and he immediately He was confirmed in this, when he went quitted the room. to step from the house, for Gordon step- He had not been gone many minutes, ped up to him, and placing a revolver at when she retired to her own little closet, his breast, threatened to shoot him if he where she always had a bottle or two of crossed the threshold. Finding an at- ' the best,' and was soon in a fair way to tempt to escape would only lead to his enjoy herself, and to become entirely un- instant death, Blodget determined during concious of all that was taking place; and Jenkins' absence to consummate his in- Blodget hailing the so long-looked for op- tentions on Inez, and then devise some portunity with pleasure, he ascended the mode of gaining Gordon to allow him to stairs on tiptoe, and having reached the escape. rooms appropriated to the use of Inez, he The girl whom Jenkins had addressed knocked. -184 1 Alice, probably thinking it was .the woman, quickly opened the-door, but started back with no little amazement,, when she beheld the villain Blodget.- He instantly stepped into the room, and Inez hearing the exclamation which Al- ice had given utterance to came from her room, but on seeing Blodget, she turned very pale, and trembled so violently that she could scarcely prevent herself from sinking on the floor. The forbidding features of Blodget re- laxed into a smile, which he meant to be one of kindness, but he could not con- ceal his exultation, and the guilty pas- sions that raged like a tempest within his bosom, and turning to Alice, he said, in an authoritative tone- 'Leave the room.' Alice hesitated, and looked at our her- oine. 'Do you hear?' demanded Blodget, in a louder tone;-' begone, I've something to say to this lady, which must not mee your ear.' 'You should have nothing to say to me, sir, which should be kept a secret from a second person. Alice, I desire you to remain where you are ; Mr. Blodge can have uo authority for obtruding hi: hateful presence upon one whom he ha already so deeply,so irreparably injured Do not depart, Alice !-I desire you?' 'These mandates are of no avail,' crie( Blodget ; ' I have long sought this inter view, and I will not now be foiled. Be gone, I say!' 'I'll remain where I am, sir, while it i the wish of the lady,' returned Alice, in firm tone. 'Ah !' exclaimed Blodget ; his eyes ex pressive of fierce anger, 'dare you?- Then you must go by force.' Immediately seizing Alice, as he spoke OF SAN FRANCISCO, by the shoulders, he pushed her violent- ly from the room, and closing the door, locked it, preventing her return. He advanced towards Inez, who, up6n the impulse of the moment, was in the act of retreating to her chamber, and fast- ening herself in, when the villain sprang quickly forward, and .seizing her vehe- mently by the arm, he drew her back. 'Unmanly ruffian!' cried Inez, 'un- hand me, or my cries shall reach the ears of those who will punish you for your boldness and cruelty! What is the meaning of this savage outrage?' 'It means, fair Inez,' replied Blodget, forcibly throwing his arm around her waist, and drawing her towards him, 'that, finding I have too long been a for- bearing fool, when I had you in my pow- er, I am determined that I will no long- er wait for the gratification of my wish- es. I have condescended to sue to you, where I might long since have enforced t your compliance; I have made you eve- ry reasonable proposal, and have submit- ted patiently to your scorn, and contemp- t tuous rejection of my suit, but I am now roused to a full sense of my folly, and am t determined at all hazards, that you shall s be minel' s 'Brutal monster!' exclaimed Inez, vio- - lently struggling ; for the expressions of Blodget, and his determined demeanor, d filled her with the utmost terror-' are - you not satisfied with probably having - murdered my unfortunate father, and in- flicted upon me a series of miseries al- s most unparallelled in the annals of inhu- a vanity, but that you would now add to your barbarity by so atrocious a crime as - you threaten ? Oh, help ! help I-Holy Virgin, I call upon thee for thy protec- tion !-Oh, save me ! save me !' As the distracted and terrified lady page: 186-187[View Page 186-187] 186 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES thus screamed, she struggled violently to extricate herself from the embraces of the ruffian Blodget, but her efforts were for some time entirely ineffectual, and with every endeavor she made, the pas- sions of Blodget increased, and his cheeks glowed and his eyes flashed with the guilty desires that raged within his breast. He sought, however, to stifle her cries, but in vain. 'Nay,' he cried, ' you scream for help in vain ; there is no one at hand to in- terpose to save you ! The triumph so long protracted, now is mine ! This hour; this very moment gives you to my arms!' 'Almighty God ! protect me ! save me ?' again shrieked our heroine, in the most frantic accents, and, with a des- perate effort she released herself from Blodget's hold, and retreated to the far- ther end of the apartment, where, on a table, was a knife. Scarcely knowing what she did, she snatched it up, and, as Blodget approached towards her, she flourished it menacingly, and exclaimed: 'Villain ! advance but an inch towards me, and this knife shall stretch me a bleeding corpse at your feet!' Blodget was completely staggered by the determined air which Inez assumed, and he was transfixed to the spot where- on he stood, not knowing what course to pursue. Our heroine still flourished the knife menacingly, and kept the villain at bay. 'You see I am resolute,' she cried ; ' and, by Heaven, sooner than I will be dishonored, I will put my threat into ex- ecution ! Death is preferable to the dreadful, the disgusting fate which you have threatened me. Nay, nothing can move me from my purpose! Quit the room, miscreant; unless you-would have my death to answer for, in addition to your other numerous crimes !' 'Inez,' ejaculated Blodget, offering to approach her ; 'hear me !' 'Not a word,' firmly replied Inez ; 'no- thing whatever can shake my resolution; begone! At that moment a loud noise was heard at the chamber door, and imme- diately afterwards the voices of several persons. Blodget turned pale and trembled. 'Ah I' he ejaculated. ' Open the door, or it will be worse for you,' now demanded the voice of Gordon. 'Never!' cried Blodget, desperately, and placing his back against it as he spoke. 'Then we must use force,' returned Gordon ; 'now, lads, your aid.' In an instant the door was burst open, and Gordon, followed by three rough- looking men, entered the room. 'Seize him, my lads; and bear him hence I' cried Gordon, and in a moment the men rushed upon Blodget, who made a desperate resistance, but was quickly overpowered, and was conveyed, strug- gling, swearing, and foaming at the mouth, from the room, and being drag. ged to one of the dark vaults under- ground, was, by the orders of Gordon, locked in, and left to his own reflections, the nature of which may be readily con- jectured, but cannot be properly described. Alice, immediately on being thrust out of the room by Blodget, had hasten. ed below, where, ascertaining that Gor- don was from home, although it was very reluctantly that the old woman fur- nished her with the information, she made the best of her way to the cabaret, where she fortunately found him, in company with the men before mentioned, and having informed him of the perilous -situation of our heroine, he left the place, and, as has been shown, arrived just at the critical juncture, to save her from destruction. Blodget had no sooner been forced away from the room, than our heroine, overpowered by her feelings, and the unu- sual excite ent she had undergone, faint- ed, and Alice Hewlet was once more left alone with her, and immediately set about the means of restoring her sensi- bility. It would be impossible to pourtray correctly the disappointment and ungo- vernable rage of Blodget, when he found himself not only foiled in his diabolical attempt, but made a prisoner in that gloomy vault. He raved; he stormed ; he cursed and swore, and breathed the most fearful maledictions against Alice, Gordon, and Jenkins. Then he made the place re-echo again with his cries to be released, but the hollow reverbera- tions of that subterranean place, were the only answers he received, and he traversed the limited space in which he was confined, in a state bordering upon madness. He now at once saw that he was caught, trepanned, defeated, and all his well laid schemes rendered abortive, and himself left entirely at the mercy of Jenkins and his associates, and when he. recollected the threats which the former had held out to him, if he should make any attempt against the peace of Inez, during his absence, he felt that he had every reason to apprehend the most ter- rible consequences through his mad im- petuosity. All the horrors of an igno- minous death rushed upon his mind, and his anguish was so great, that he com- pletely sunk under it. He crouched down in one corner of his cell, and be- came the image of despair. It appeared as though his career of guilt was fast drawing to a close, and, that fate had destined, that every attempt he should in future make should be frustrated. In this state he remained for more than two hours, without any one ap- pearing to interrupt him, when he heard some one unbolting the door of his cell, and immediately afterwards it was thrown back on its hinges, and Gordon, accom- panied by one of the men who had been his companions in the seizure, entered. He brought with him a stone pitcher, containing water and a loaf, which he placed on the ground, and then eyed Blodget with a rook of the most malig- nant exultation. Blodget sprang to his feet; fury gleam- ing in his eyes, and advancing towards Gordon, he cried, in a hoarse voice 'Dastard!-why am I thus seized and made a prisoner in this dismal place?4' 'Recollect your recent conduct,' said Gordon coolly, ' and you are answered.' ' And what authority has either he or you for detaining me?$' demanded Blod- get. ' Upon that point I dare say you will be satisfied at a future time,' returned Gordon, in the same deliberate and care- less tones. 'But you will not dare detain me?' 'That has to be proved.' 'Villain ! you will have to answer dearly for this,' said Blodget. ' Previous to which,' retorted Gordon, ironically, 'you will probably be called to a slight account for the abduction and unlawful detention of the lady, also for a certain crime since, and -' 'Confusion!' interrupted Blodget ;- am I then placed in the power of every OF SAN FRANCISCO. 187 page: 188-189[View Page 188-189] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES wretch?$ Oh, Jenkins ! Jenkins ! for this, my heaviest malediction light upon your head.' 'Trusting that you may soon feel at home in your new apartment,' said Gor- don, with a most provoking grin, ' I will now leave you to the enjoyment of it. Come on.' And thus saying, before Blodget could give utterance to another syllable, al- though his looks evinced the torturing feelings of chagrin, disappointment, and resentment he was undergoing, Gordon and his companion quitted the cell, and slammed and bolted the door after them, .leaving Blodget involved in utter dark- ness, for they had not supplied him with a lamp. Blodget threw himself on the hard ground, and-he groaned aloud with the agony of his feelings, but his present suf- ering was nothing compared with the horrors of anticipation, and he dreaded the return of Jenkins, fearing .that the terrible result would be that which he promised him. Three days and nights passed away in this manner, and Blodget was still kept a prisoner in the subterranean vault, and was daily visited by Gordon, who .came to bring him his scanty allowance of pro- visions, and to taunt him with his de- graded and altered situation. The un- happy wretch was at length completely subdued in spirit, and was incapable of answering the ruffian, and he was at last so humbled as to entreat Gordon's mercy, and to pray that he would release him from his present place of confinement to one less dismal. This request, how- ever, Gordon only treated with scorn and derision; so true it is that none feel greater pleasure than the guilty in tor- turing one another. Although Blodget had never given the ruffian the least cause for offence, but, on the contrary, according to his own admission, had lib- erally rewarded him for the nefarious ao tions in which he had employed him, he now felt the most savage delight in add- ing to his misery as much as possible ; and the more he saw him suffer, and the more humbled he was, the greater did he exult. He had no doubt he should receive great praise, and something far more substantial from Jenkins for the manner in which he. had acted, and he anticipated his return with much impa- tience. . He was not made thoroughly acquainted with Jenkins' intention as re- garded Inez, but he had not the least doubt it was to restore her to her friends, and he imagined he would ensure from them a rich reward, in which he also expected to become a sharer to no small. amount for the services he had rendered. How far his expectations -were realized, will be seen anon. When our heroine had quite recovered from the shock which she received from the behavior of the villain Blodget, she returned her most heartfelt thanks to the Almighty for her preservation, and for the fortitude with which she had been imbued to resist him. She then expres- sed her warmest acknowledgments to Alice, to whose presence of mind in hastening for the aid of Gordon, she might, in a great measure, attribute her preservation. The conduct of Gordon, who, there could not be the least doubt, acted entirely by the orders of Jenkins, left her no longer any room to doubt but that the latter was really the friend and protector he had told her was, and now that Blodget was thrust into confinement, from which they were assured he would not be released until the return of the 188 t captain, our heroine felt that she was safe. 'What ready means guilt often un- thinkingly takes to defeat its own de- signs:' observed Alice ; 'Blodget thrust- ing me out of the room, was the very cause of bringing about his own confu- sion, and frustrating his evil intentions ; for, had he placed me in another room, and confined me therein, he might easily have silenced the old woman, had she been inclined to oppose him, and thus he would have been almost certain to have obtained his object.' 'Oh, no,' returned Inez, 'my mind was made up ; never did I feel more de- termined, and he perceived it; I would have plunged the knife to my heart, soon- er than he would have triumphed in his disgusting and diabolical purpose 1' ' Oh, Miss,' said Alice, ' the idea of that makes me shudder with horror ! Heaven be praised, that preserved you from such a dreadful and untimely end. But the wretch will no doubt be amply punished for his crimes, and for all the sufferings that he has inflicted upon you. . 'And how think you that Jenkins will dispose of him?' interrogated Inez. 'Deliver him up to the Vigilance Com mnittee,' replied Alice. 'How can he do so without getting himself into trouble ?' ' Oh, there is no doubt but that he wil readily hit upon a plan,' said Alice ; 'I dare say that he has already arrange that, without knowing anything of th late circumstance. Clear up, Miss, fo depend upon it, your troubles are fas drawing to a close, and not many day will elapse ere you will be again restore to your friends.' ' Alas,' ejaculated Inez, tears gushin to her eyes, 'perhaps I have no dea friends to receive me ! Oh, how my poor heart chills at the thought.' ' Pray, Miss,' said Alice, ' do not en- courage fears which, after all, may prove unfounded. Great, no doubt, as has been the sufferings of Monteagle and your father, I firmly believe that they are still living, or Jenkins and the others would have heard of it.' ' My unhappy lover may have been able to withstand the severity of his accumulated and unparalleled calamities,' observed Inez ' but, my poor father ; oh, well am I convinced that his mind must have now become a wreck, in which case, it would be a mercy if the Almighty should be pleased to take him to Him- self. Peor grey-haired old man, fondest of parents, best of human beings, shall I ever again be enfolded to thy paternal bosom, with the conviction That thou art conscious it is thy poor persecuted daugh- ter thou dost embrace ?-Alas ! I fear never l' 'Oh, yes, Miss, you will,' ejaculated Alice, energetically, ' Heaven in its infin- ite mercy will not deny you such a bless- l ing after the many afflictions you have so undeservedly undergone. Have you not every reason to place the firmest re- liance upon its goodness, after the man- ner in which you have ever been preserv- ed in the moment of the most imminent l danger?$' I 'Yes, my good girl,' replied our hero- d ine, drying her tears, ' indeed I have, and e it is ungrateful in me thus to give way to r despair. But my mind is so continually t tormented, that I scarcely know what I s am saying.' d 'At any rate,' observed her companion, ' now that Blodget is made a prisoner g you may rest yourself secure, and Jen- ir kins, I dare say, will not be long before OF SAN FRANCISCO. 189 page: 190-191[View Page 190-191] 191 MYST& IES AND MISERIES he returns; whenyou will speedily be made acquainted with intentions, which, as I have all along predicted, depend up- on it, will be all in your favor.' The ideas of Alice were too reasonable to be rejected by Inez, and she looked forward to the return of Jenkins with the greatest anxiety. A fortnight had noga waned away, and still Jenkins and his companions did not return, and Gordon, who did not expect that they would be gone so long, was. fearful lest some accident should have be. fallen them. He still kept the wretched Blodget confined-in the same place, and ne now became the -complete victim of despair. His form had wasted away, and his countenance betrayed the deep, the intense agony which perpetually tortured his mind. How dreary were the days ard nights passed in that dark cell, where he had nothing to commune but his own dreadful thoughts, and were the horror' of his own guilty conscience constantly brought to his imagination the many crimes he had committed. Conjecture cannot form but a weak picture of the mental sufferings of that man of crime. Oh, who would be guilty, did they but think upon the horrors that must sooner or later overtake them --For the gratifi- cation of some moment of sensual pleas- ure; for .the transitory indulgence of some ambitious wish, the unhappy wretch falls into crime, to pay for it by years of mental suffering, and ignominious death, and an eternity of torment !--Oh, how fearful the price, would but erring mor- tals pause and think ! It was on a stormy midnight,.vhen nearly three weeks' had elapsed since Sen- kins had left, when a party who were in company-with Gordon in the little back room, smoking, were suddenly aroused by hearing a shrill whistle. The cigars were removed from their lips in an in- stant, and they jumped hastily to their feet. 'Jenkins's signal, by all that's fortu- nate;' exclaimed Gordon, advancing to- wards the door, 'they have come back at last, and all safe, I hope!' ' This has, indeed, been a long trip captain,' said Gordon 'and I had began to fear that you were never going to re- turn.' ' Better late than never,' answered Jenkins; 'but how is all at the house?' 'Quite safe, captain,' replied Gordon, with a peculiar grin, ' the lady is in her own apartments with her companion, Al- ice, and that arrant scoundrel Blodget, confined in one of the vaults underneath, where he has been since two or three days after your departure.' ' Ah !' exclaimed Jenkins, 'has he then dared to scorn the warning that I gave him? ,' Gordon briefly related what had taken place between Blodget and our heroine. ' Why, the damned villain !' cried Jen- kins, passionately ; 'after the strict in- junctions which I laid upon him, and knowing that he was placed entirely at my mercy. But he shall pay dearly for it; his doom is sealed.' ' I did not know whether you would approve of the lodging I had given the fellow,' answered Gordon. ' You have acted perfectly right,' said Jenkins ; ' and I commend you for what you have done. Blodget shall quickly have another berth, and his career he may reckon at an end. And is the lady quite well?' Gordon answered in the affirmative. 'I am happy to hear that,' said Jen- kins ; 'she shall not much longer remain 190 OF SAN FRANCISCO. in the position she. is now placed in.- At length he withdrew the bolts, and Poor lady, I shall for ever regret having entered the cell. The dim light which been instrumental in any way towards was emitted by the lamp which Jenkins her unhappiness; but I knew not who carried, could but faintly penetrate the she was, or the villain Blodget should gloom of the miserable place, so that not have retained possession of her. Blodget did not at first perceive who it However, his time of shame is fast ap- was that had entered, and no doubt, did proaching, and bitterly will he have to not think that it was any one else than pay for all.' Gordon ; and the robber stood contem- ' It is, then, your intention to restore plating him for a minute or two in si- the lady to liberty?9' asked Gordon. lence, but resentment was strongly por- 'Certainly,' answered Jenkins, ' and to trayed in his countenance. her friends.' 'So, villain,' he at length said,t you 'But you will run a great risk in so have dared to brave my threats, to dis- doing, will you not?9' obey my injunctions, and have again of- 'No; leave me alone for that ; I have fered to---o' arranged everything in my own mind,' He was interrupted by a loud excla- said Jenkins. mation from Blodget, who, upon recog- But how do you propose to dispose nizing his voice, sprangforward, andin of Blodget?' inquired Gordon. the most abject manner knelt at Jenkins's ' I have not exactly made up my mind, feet, and looked up in his face with the although I did threaten him with death,' most earnest supplication. answered Jenkins.- ' To-morrow night, 'Oh, Blodget,' he cried, in the most or the next, I shall convey the scoundrel impressive tones ; 'spare me ;-pity me ; far away from hence.' -pardon me !--I will own my guilt ;- 'You would not deprive him of life ?' I will acknowledge I was wrong; but let ' No,' replied Jenkins, 'not by my own the agony I have for the last fortnight hands ; besides it would be a pity to de- endured in this place satisfy you, and do prive the hangman of a job.' not, oh, do not proceed to extremities.t Gordon did not return any answer to Jenkins fixed upon him a look of the this, for when he recollected the crimes utmost contempt, as he replied : of which he had himself been guilty, he ' And have you, then, the effrontery to thought that it was not all unlikely that crave pardon, after setting all my injunc- he should himself afford employment for tions at defianceI I gave you sufficient that functionary, sooner or later. warning of what the consequences would In the morning early, the robber cap- be, did you not obey me ; you have tai was traversing his way along the scorned it, and those consequences you vaulted passages, and at length stopped must abide by.' at the door of the vault in which Blod- ' No, no ;' groaned the poor terrified get was confined. There he paused and wretch, still remaining on hisdknees, and listened, for he could not help feeling icoking the very picture of death, with that he was only justly punished for the the excess of his fears ; 'you will not part he had played towards the unfortu- surely do as you say?-You will not nate Inez and her friends, deliver me up to justice ?-Consign me page: 192-193[View Page 192-193] 102 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES - to an ignominious and violent death ! soon after he had entc Pause ere you do so !-My death will ter quitted the place avail you nothing. Suffer me therefore was confined. to live to repent, and I promise you that Gordon, without o neither Inez or her friends shall receive ation, hastened to do any further annoyance from me!' quickly returned with 'I will take especial care that they do affirmative. Jenkin not ;' returned Jenkins with a sarcastic stairs, and knocking grin. - ushered into the prese 'My life will at any time be in your He paused at the d hands,' added the poor, trembling cow- our heroine with an ard ; 'should I again break my word, respect, and he was al Jenkins, I beg of you, I supplicate to admiration of Inez's b you, in the most humble manner do not had become flushed ix doom me yet to death !' hearing the message 'Despicable scoundrel!' ejaculated Jen- her heart palpitated v kins; so dead to the sufferings of others; side with rekindled h( and yet so fearful of suffering himself. ' Miss,' at last obse Wretch ! you deserve to die the death respectful tone of v of a dog, and you will do so.' doubt suffered much Blodget groaned and covered his face from the part which with his hands. nately enacted in the 'Prepare yourself to depart from here your enemy, Blodget.' in my custody to-morrow night,' said 'Our heroine atter Jenkins, as he moved towards the door she was too much con of the cell. Jenkins continued, 'Whither, Jenkins, and for what pur- 'I am now,' howeve pose? Oh, tell me ! tell me !' intreated all the reparation in Blodget, his whole frame violently con- storing you to liberty vulsed with the power of his emotions. Inez uttered an excl Jenkins, looked at him for a moment in delight and gratitude, silence, and then replied,- at the feet of Jenki ' You will know soon ; at present I tears gushed from her shall leave you to form your own con- ' Oh, thanks ! tha jectures, and to ask your conscience what this-,' ought to be your destiny.' Jenkins interrupte( 'Stay, Jenkins, I beseech you!' cried raised her from his kr the unfortunate prisoner, in delirious ac- -'Nay, my dear lady cents; but Jenkins had immediately not your thanks; foi quitted the cell, and securing the door not been for a certain was quickly far out of hearing. cident made, I might 'Inquire whether Miss Inez will do me interest in your fate.' the favor to grant me an interview,' said 'A discovery!' repe Jenkins, addressing himself to Gordon, look of astonishment. OF SAN FRANCISCO. 193 ered the parlor, af- in which Blodget offering any observ- as he was bid, and an answer in the s then hurried up. at the door, was nce of Inez. oor, and bowed to air of the utmost together lost in the eauty. Her cheeks immediately on her from Jenkins, and iolently against her hopes. rve Jenkins, in a oice ; 'I have no in your opinion, I at first unfortu- plot against you by mpted to reply, but fused to c1o so, and r, anxious to make my power, by re- and your friends !' amation of mingled and instantly sunk ns, and while the eyes, she sobbed : nks ! kind sir, for d her, and gently ees.. ,' he said, 'I merit r, probably, had it discovery I by ac- still have taken no heated Inez, with a Ay,' answered the captain; ' that you are the daughter of one who once be- friended me.' 'Know you then my dear father ?' 'Lady,' answered Jenkins, in peculiar accents, 'I have reason to know him, to be unceasing in my gratitude towards him.' 'Oh, say, does he still live ?' 'He does !' Heaven receive my thanks !' cried our heroine, fervently, clasping her hands, and raising her eyes. 'Miss de Castro, I will at once inform you the nature of the kindness your fa- ther did me, and you will then see why from being the accomplice and abetter of Blodget, I have become his enemy and your friend. Some three years since, I crossed the plains from Missouri. By the time we had crossed the mountains our teams had given out-our provisions were exhausted-and many of our peo- ple dead. It was at this time that your father, with a party met, with, us, and not only aided us with mules and provi- sions, but remained several days attend- ing my children who were prostrated by fever. It was only during my last visit to the Mission that I met your father and learned that his name was de Castro, and that you were his child. I managed to have word conveyed to him that his daughter was safe, and would soon be re- stored to his arms. I have now hastened here to carry you back, and devise means to give Bludget up to Justice. -This cannot be done so speedily or easily as I could wish, for the villain is master of too many secrets involving perhaps the lives of members of my band, for me to proceed rashly in the matter. Mean- while be cheerful, Alice will remain with you, and in a few days you will be with your father.' Inez fervently thanked Jenkins, and throwing herself on her knees poured out her fervent thanks to that power that had shielded her from outrage worse than death. CHAPTER VIII. THE scene we are now about to de- scribe was in a room of a hotel; the time, five o'clock in the morning-the per- sons present were Belcher Kay, Maretzo, and two or three other noisy and dissi- pated revellers, whose flushedscounten- ances, blood-shot eyes, and other equally striking symptoms, showed plainly enough that they had been 'making a night of it.' Kay and the Italian appeared to be the most sober of the company, not that their potations had been less deep or fre- quent than their companions, but that constant practice had so inured them to the wine cup, that it was long ere they showed any ill-effects from it. They certainly were particularly noisy and merry, and their companions lent their aid to the conviviality, by knocking down everything the aforesaid said or did, in the most tumultuous manner. One individual, in the classic language of the drunkard, was ' quite done up,' and was stretched at full length upon the floor, under one of tables, with his hat for a pillow, and a portion of the carpet for a coverlid ; and every now and then he added to the general tumult by a loud snore of the most hoggish descrip- tion. The proprietor of the hotel had seve- page: 194-195[View Page 194-195] 194 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES ral times requested the party to break up, but as the said party threatened to break his head instead, if he interfered with them, he thought it was best to desist from his importunities, and after supply- ing them with enough wine for the nigh, he retired to his own chamber, and left them, very reluctantly, to the indulgence of their noisy revels. At the time we have thought proper to open this scene, it was, as we have be- fore stated, about five o'clock in the morning, and the landlord of the hotel had arisen, and his servants also, and the usual bustle in such places prevailed, but still the debauchees continued their riot- ous mirth, and it appeared as if they had fully made up their minds to make ano- ther day of it, at least. 'The song, Kay,. the song, the song; we will have no excuses;' shouted Ma- retzo. 'Ay, ay, the song, the song, we will have no excuses;' chorussed three or four voices, and the man under the table gave a loud snore. 'Oh, the song, ahi! well I don't mind trying one, just to keep up the convivi- ality ;' said Kay, who was seated on ra- ther a high chair, with his legsnegligent. ly deposited on one end of the table, and twiddling a fine-flavoured cigar in his finger and thumb. ' The song.-let me see--ah, what shall it be? Oh, I have it-very good I think you will admit.' And-then without any further ceremo- ny, Kay, who had an excellent voice commenced singing. The demonstrations of applause that greeted this bacehanallian display, were of, the most uproarious kind, and by the time the companions of Maretzo and Kayhad given full scope to the exuber- of their delight and approbation, they were one and all ' done up,' and one by one dropped off to sleep, leaving the two above-named gentlemen to the uninterrupted enjoyment of their owa society. 'Ha ! ha ! ha!' ,laughed Maretzo ; ' they are regularly floored, poor de- vils !' 'Completely finished and done up, coincided Kay ;-'ha! ha! ha!' 'They are not half fellows to be done up with one night's carouse, poor devils ha! ha ! ha!1' observed Maretzo. ' Poor weak creatures to be knocked down with a dozen or two of wine;, ha!I ha ! ha!' again laughed Kay. 'Not- like you and I, Kay;' added Maretzo. ' Not a bit of it.' 'No comparison.' 'A loco-foce to the moon.' 'Half a pint of beer to a pipe of wine.' 'They cannot stand anything' 'Positively nothing!' 'They're twaddlers l' ' Drivellers'!' 'Noodles!' 'Boobies ' 'Nincompoops!' 'Humbugs!' It may be as well to observe here that these compliments were bestowed upon. the party at large, who had been liberal. ly carousing Maretzo and Kay, without expecting the latter to pay a cent of the reckoning, and consequently they may- be considered fully entitled to the elegant epithets that were lavishly bestowed upon them. 'You, and. I are the fellows to do it,- Maretzo,', said Kay. 'Positively the very fellows," coincided his friend. ' We are no skulkers while there is plenty of good wine before us." added Kay. ' Never think of such a thing." ' It would ruin our reputation, if we were known to do such a thing.' 'And that would be a most melancho- ly thing.' 'Positively awful!1' ' We will never let the enemy beat us.' ' No, d-n 1' returned Spangle;-' but down with it, down with it, and at it again.' 'At it again !Hah ! hal ha!' 'We are wine proof !' 'Full proof?1' ' Above proof, by- ' 'But talking about women,' observed Kay, ' That Blodget was a devilish for- tunate fellow.' 'Cunning rogue !' replied Maretzo ; 'he managed his business famously, and has contrived admirably to elude the vigi- lance of Monteagle and the lady's friends.' 'They have not heard anything of them yet, I believe' 'Nothing!' ' Poor Monteagle ! Ha I ha!' ' Ah ! poor fool!' ' I wonder what has become of Mont- eagle ?' ' Oh, he is doubtless still making every inquiry after the lady.' 'And it is my firm belief that Inez will never live to see her father, her lov- er, or her friends again.' 'I am of the same opinion; a sensi- tive, high-minded woman like her, will never be able to survive long the misery and degradation which Blodget has heaped upon her.' 'He positively must be a smart scoun- drel.' ' I never heard of one equal to him.' ' Such a systematic way as he went to work to accomplish his villainy.' ' The ingenious and .complicated plot he devised to bring about the gratifica- tion of his wishes.' ' The artful manner in which he con- rived to make the simpleton, Jenkins, his dupe, too ; the ready tool to further his deep-la d stratagem.' ' He must have had his education in the school of art and vice, certainly.' 'Yes, and been a ready pupil, too.' 'But is it not strange that every strat- agem has failed to find the slightest clue to the place of retreat?' ' Wonderful 1' 'And then the attempt upon Mont- eagle's life.' ' Doubtless by some ruffian employed by him.' 'There cannot be a doubt of it.' ' To be sure. Revenge has incited him to it.' ' He is a dangerous fellow to offend.' ' A very devil.' ' At any rate, he does not fail to play the very devil with those who excite his enmity. ' True' 'But he must be defeated at last.' ' Certainly there is not much prospect of it at present.' ' Oh, no doubt he will be caught in some of his own snares by and bye.' 'But do you think he has ruined the girlP ' He is villain enough for anything.' ' He must be a monster, indeed, if he could perpetrate such a crime as that. I must have another glass of wine. 'Do you think that he who did not hesitate to attempt the life of the father, OF SAN FRANCISCO. 195 page: 196-197[View Page 196-197] 196 I MYSTERIES AND MISERIES and the violation of the daughter, would shrink from any thing.' 'But, then, her youth-her innocence.' 'Paha !'-he is a stranger to such feel- ings as they ought to inspire.' ' Why, to be sure, from his general conduct, we have an undoubted right to suppose that he is.' ' And yet I think that he has had some other motive for getting the girl in his power ; that he has found her neces- sary to advance hit base schemes.' There was a pause., ' But that Blodget is really a most ter- rible fellow,' said Kay. ' Every stratagem, every scheme 'of rascality, I do believe, that that rascal of rascals is up to. 'Positively every scheme,' said Maret- zo,' ' but this is a dry subject, and I must have another glass of wine.' ' I feel to want one myself, too,' ob- served Kay, filling his glass from the de- canter : ' Well, here's wishing that Blod- get may soon be here.' 'And Inez restored to her lover and friends,' exclaimed Maretzo. 'Quite safe.' 'Quite safe,' repeated Kay. 'And yet I am afraid there is not much chance of that.' 'Nor I.' 'Leave that consummate scoundrel, Blodget, alone for that.' 'Ay, ay.' 'He would not fail to enforce his wishes.' s To be sure he would not.' 'And what resistance could she make?1' 'None at all.' 'She is so completely in his power.' ' Completely.' 'Without a friend at hand to fly to her rescue.' ' Not a friend ; and besides no one knows, or can form the least conjecture whither he has taken her.' ' Not the least shadow of an idea,'said Kay. ' Any person would positively imagine that the fellow had some dealings with the devil,' added Maretzo, ' and that she was conveyed away by magic.' 'That they certainly would, observed Kay. 'I would not mind a hundred dollars to know where the fellow is.' ' Why, that would be rather awkward, I imagine, Maretzo,' returned Kay, with an expressive grin. ' Ha ! ha l laughed Maretzo, clapping his hand significantly to his pocket; 'fi- nances rather queer, you think ? Ha ! ha ! ha I I understand!' ' Funds low.' 'Ha! ha ! ha!I' 'It is not a very laughable matter though.' ' Very unpleasant.' 'To be staightened for a few hun- dreds" ' Very disagreeable.' ' And. people have no faith in the word and honor of gentlemen, now-a- days. 'Bnt we must do something to raise the wind.' 'That is very evident.' ' Quite certain.' 'Quite.' ' We must make good use of these boobies,' said Kay.' ' To be sure. Leave us alone for that,' replied Maretzo. 'Oh, yes, I am certain of that.' ' They are very easy.' 'Poor devils.' 'Fit sport for us' OF SAN FRANCISCO. 197 ' Just the sort of game we like to hunt,' returned Maretzo. ' They have got a few thousands, which they seem bent upon wasting.' ' And we might as well reap the bene- fit'as any other persons.' ' To be sure.' ' And we will too.' ' Oh, there is not the least doubt of that; ha! ha! ha!' 'By the by, we ought not to feel much obliged to Blodget for that affair --' 'No, that was a d--d bore.' 'Remarkably unpleasant.' 'A few hundreds out of our way.' ' Yes.' ' We have mingled in some strange scenes together.' 'You may say that.' ' We have been in luck together.' 'In debt together.' 'In prison together.' 'Damme ! we have shared all the smiles and frowns of fortune, and may we soon be on more friendly terms with her than ever.' 'Bravo V The two friends quaffed off glass after glass, with as much gusto as if they had only just, commenced a night's carouse; and then each crossing their legs in an indolent and careless manner, remained silent'for a short time. The sleepers were snoring in concert, and did not seem likely to awake for some time, but to mo- nopolize the coffee-room for a chamber, for that day at least. After the lapse of a short interval, Maretzo lookedup with an expression of countenance, half solemn, and half hu- morous, and, addressing himself to Kay, say : 'Kay, my boy !' -s 'Well, my dear fellow,' said Kay. 'I have-rbeen thinking, Kay.' 'And what have you been thinking !' interrogated his dissipated companion. ' Why, that we have been a pair of d-d scoundrels!' 'Ha ! ha ! ha! what a discovery I- why, I have known and felt that long ago, Maretzo,' returned Kay. 'We have taken that which did not belong to us!' added Maretzo, ' and bor- rowed that which we never repaid.' ' And never meant to repay ;' observed Kay, with a laugh. ' We have diddled our tailor ; broken the fortunes, and the hearts of innumer- able bootmakers, hatters, frizzeurs, laun- dresses, and other creditors.' 'Very true,' remarked Kay, 'and we are likely enough to break the hearts of a great many more, if they are silly enough to trust us.' ' Ah 1' ejaculated Maretzo, and he fetch- ed a very deep sigh, reflectively. ' Ah l' mimicked Kay; ' why, confound me, if you are not getting melancholy.' ' I am becoming penitent,' replied Mar- etzo, in a tone still half serious, ' I am becoming penitent, Kay,' 'Penitent!' 'Yes, downright compunctious.' 'Ha I ha! ha ' ' Don't laugh, I feel a touch of the se- rious,' remarked Maretzo, ' I think it is high time that we began to think about a reformation, Kay.' 'Well, positively.' 'Ah ! it may be well, positively,' re- peated Maretzo, ' and, positively, I wish it to be well.' ' And what is your plan of reforma- tion ?' inquired Kay. ' Why, matrimony.' 'Matrimony - ' Ay, sober wedlock,' answered Maret- page: 198-199[View Page 198-199] 198 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES so, 'it would be advisibie for us to do the steady and the amiable for some time, until we can meet with a favorable match; a handsome sum in the shape of a- wed- ding dowry, and a handsome wife, and then we may settle down into two worthy, gentlemen, very patterns of domesticated virtue.' 'Not a bad plan,' said Kay,: smiling, 'but it is almost too soon to think about that, yet.' 'Not at all.' ' That is only your opinion,' 'And I have no doubt, as we have hitherto generally agreed, that it will be your opinion also.'. 'I cannot make up my mind to be shackled jfst yet, my dear fellow,' replied Kay.r 'Nonsense, you may let the opportu- nity go by, and then you would repent it, take my word for it,' 'Probably, I might,' said Kay, ' but I hall e'en trust fortune a little while longer.' 'But fortune will not trust you-we owe her too large an account already,' observedMaretzo., 'But I am determined to jilt the jade still further, yet.' Mind you do not deceive yourself.' Leave mpe alone for that.' 'After all, if a pretty gird; with a-hand- some potion is thrown in your way, I do not fear but that I shall be able to make you a convert.' 'Well, -we'll leave that till the oppor- tunityloffexs itself.' ; Be it so.' But you are really serious?' ' Cursed serious.' Ha, ha, ha 1 we must have another glass of wine after that,' laughed Kay, 'here's fortune and' matrimony.' - Fortune and matrimony,' responded Maretzo, raising the glass to his lips; and then another pause of a few minutes took place. 'I have been thinking, Kay,' at length Maretzo broke silence, ' that, after all, the whereabouts of Blodget, and Inez may not be so difficult for Monteagle to trace out as hitherto it has proved.' At this, the door opened, and. the landlord entered, saying that a man wished to speak to Kay. 'Tell him to come in. Who the deuce can it be ?' said Kay.. 'Doubtless one of our fellows,' said Maretzo. The man now entered. ' Well,' said Kay. ' ' I'm the person you asked for.' The visitor went to the door, and turn- ed the key. He then said, in a low tone, ' Is your companion to be trusted I' 'True as steel,' said Kay.. ']3lodget is in trouble and needs your assistance. He is at Gordon's house.- Jenkins has informed on him, and he can't leave the house without almost cer- tain death. He wishes you and a per- son he called Maretzo, to be there to- night. With your aid he can get off, carrying the lady with him. He says he won't mind a couple of thousand, if you can get him out of this scrape' 'Now, my good fellow, how do we know that this isn't all gas. A trap, may be ?' said Kay. 'He told me to tell you, if you doubt- ed me, to remember the old man in the old house!' Kay started, but quickly recovering himself said, 'I All right, we'll be on hand.' The man left the house, and mounting his horse rode to the Mission. At a small house near the church he found Joaquin, by whom he was conducted to Jenkins, who was in company with Monteagle and some Californians, friends of Inez and her family. The party speedily set off across the country towards the 'house where Inez was confined. But speedy as they were, they found they had been anticipated by Kay and Maretzo, who had set off to aid Blodget the instant the man had left. On arriving at the house they knocked boldly at the door. Gordon opened it, but upon seeing who the visi- tors were he attempted-to slam it in their faces, but ere he succeeded a long Spanish knife was driven to his heart by Maretzo, and the wretch fell a bleeding corpse on the floor. Blodget was soon released. ' Bear a-hand,' cried Kay, 'We must be out of this d-d quick. If Jenkins or any of his gang arrive, we're gone chickens.' 'One moment,' cried Blodget. 'I'll have this d---d stubborn Spanish b-h if I have to carry her corpse across my saddle' as he spoke he sprang up stairs. Alice had overheard what passed for she was sitting by Inez's bed-side watch- ing her slumbers. The brave girl instantly determined to save Inez, even at peril of her own life. She extinguished the light, and throw- ing the veil of Inez over her head, and her mantle over her shoulders, she stood with beating heart, as she heard the vil- lain Blodget's steps upon the stairs. ' Inezl' cried the ruffian, as he opened the door of the chamber. 'Who calls me,' said Alice, imitating the voice of Inez. The rufilan made no reply, but seizing OF SAN FR ANCISCO. 199 her shrinking form in his arms, he bore her to the front of the ranch, where Kay and Maretzo stood ready to mount, hold- ing a spare horse that they had brought to facilitate Blodget's escape. The ruf- fian sprang to his horse's back, dragging Alice up before, and dashing the rowels into his horse's flanks, flew off at full speed, followed by Kay and Maretzo. They had not been gone many mo- ments, ere Jenkins, Monteagle, and their friends arrived. The bloody body of Gordon, which first arrested their atten- tion at the threshold, filled them with dreadful forebodings. Lights were procured, and Monteagle sought the chamber in which he was told he would find Inez. He burst in- to the room. A lady lay on the bed. 'Inez l' he shouted. The lady turned her head, and his eyes fell upon her countenance ! ' Gracious Heaven!' he almost shriek- ed ; 'is this some beauteous vision got up to torture me to madnessI Inez!- My Inez? A wild shriek answered him !-It was no delusion ! He sprang forward with delirious speed, just time enough to clasp the fainting form of his long-lost betroth- ed in his arms! How shall our weak pen essay the task to describe the scene which followed this strange, this unexpected meeting I Insensible, Inez was conveyed to an apartment in the cabaret, whither Mont- eagle followed, and could not be persuad- ed to leave her sight for an instant. Again and again he enfolded her in his arms; pressed warm kisses on her lips, her cheeks, her teinples, and laugh- ed and wept like a child, by turns!-- Then he threw himself upon his knees' page: 200-201[View Page 200-201] 200 MYSTERIES AT clasps his hands vehemently together, and poured forth an eloquent prayer to- the most-High ! Joaquin began to entertain a fear that the sudden surprise, and so powerful a shock as it must be to his feelings, would have a fatal effect upon his senses; and he did all that he -possibly could to calm his emotions. His efforts were, however, for some time unavailing, but at length he be,- eame more tranqillized, and resigning Inez to the care of the persons who had been called in to attend her, he sank in- to a chair, and covering his face with his hands, gave full vent to the emotions that overflowed his heart, in a copious flood of tears. ' Joaquin in this did not attempt to in- terrupt him, for he well knew what a re- lief it would be to him, and he turned his eyes from Monteagle to watch the progress which was being made towards the recovery of Inez. His joy was scarcely less than that of Monteagle, alhough it did not exhibit it- self in so violent a manner, and his heart teemed with gratitude to the Almighty, who had brought about their restoration to each other in so miraculous a manner. It was not long before Ines was re- stored to animation; and, looking eager- ly around her, she exclaimed :- - 'Where is he ?-Was it a dream ?- Oh, where is Monteagle ?' He is here, my love, my long lost one l-My only hope!' cried Monteagle, and again they- were enfolded to each other's hearts, while further utterance was denied them by the power of their emotions ! We must hastily draw a veil over that scene which the imagination of our read- ers can depicture far better than any ND MISERIES language of ours, however powerful, we could describe it ! Those moments were a foretaste of Heaven, succeeding the torment of pur- gatory ! Their extacy was so great, that they could scarcely believe the evidence of their senses. It was some time ere they could satisfy themselves that they spoke, they breathed, or' that they were still inhabitants of this sublunary scene ! But when, by the joint efforts of Joaquin and others, they became more tranquillized, the scene which followed was affecting in the extreme. They rest- ed for a few hours, as they were not suf- ficiently composed to resume their jour- ner to that home in which they had not together met for so lorg a period, and where they had never expected to meet again ; and their friends, after a short time, left them to themselves, to enter into that mutual explanation, they were each so anxious to obtain. With what feelings of horror, disgust, and indignation, did Monteagle listen to the recital of his love, but how did his heart overflow with gratitude, when he heard of the manner in which Inez had been enabled to resist the diabolical at- tempts and importunities of the villain Blodget ; and as he pressed her to his heart, he again pouredl forth his thanks to the Almighty for her preservation from such accumulated and fearful dangers. ' The monster ! the fiend !-for he cannot be anything human, although he bears the form ofman,' cried Monteagle, speaking of Blodget ; 'oh, how I regret that he has been suffered to escape my vengeance l' 'But he will not that of Heaven, dearest,' ejaculated Inez ; ' oh, most as- suredly that will ere long overtake him OF SAN FRANCISCO. 201 in its most terrible form, for the many, the almost- unequalled crimes of which he has been guilty l' 'True, my love,' returned Monteagle, and his eyes sparkled with rapture as he gazed upon that dear countenance he had never expected to behold again; 'and oh, if ever atrocity deserved pun- ishment, dreadful will be his doom. To concoct so infernal a plot, by which he ,tore you from my arms.' Inez smiled beautifully through her tears, and throwing her fair ys around the neck of Monteagle, the kisses she so fervently pressed upon his lips, convinced him powerfully of her affection. ' Say no more upon that painful sub- ject, my dearest,' she ejaculated ; 'let it from this joyful moment be for ever bu- ried in oblivion.' 'It shall, it shall, my sweetest,' replied Monteagle ; ' but oh, what a debt of gra- titude do I owe to your generous pre- server, Jenkins. Would that I could see him, that I might to himself express the power of my feelings. Nothing can ever sufficiently reward that man for the inestimable service he has rendered me.' 'I need not assure you,' rejoined Inez, 'that I most warmly concur in your feel- ings; and I trust that at some future period, Jenkins may be able to visit us, and receive the demonstrations of our mutual gratitude, and, moreover, be per- suaded to quit the life he is at present leading.' ' Pity it is that he should, by some cursed fatality urging him on to crime, be driven from it,' observed Monteagle ; 'but I dare say that his offences have never been so heinous as to exclude him from all hope of earthly pardon.' 'No, I cannot believe that they have,' replied Inez ; ' but he is so much' at- tached to his present wild life of freedom, and his reckless associates, that I am doubtful whether he will ever be induced to abandon them.' 'My influence and exertions to induce him to do so, shall not be wanting,' said Monteagle. 'Still I am sorry that he should have changed his first determin- ation, namely, to deliver the wretch Blodget into the hands of justice. While I know that vllain to living and still at large, my mind cannot be entirely at rest, for, however watchful and vigilant we may be, after what we have experienced from his villanous artifices, have we not reason to fear that he will devise some means of further annoying us, and grati- fying his demonical revenge?' 'Do not, I beg of you, my love,' said our heroine, ' harass your mind by ap- prehensione.' 'Heaven grant that your surmises may prove correct, Inez,' observed Mont- eagle ; ' but I candidly own that I can- not entirely divest my mind of the fears which I have described; and should any- thing happen again to you, my love, all my manly fortitude would entirely for- sake me, and I should never be able to survive the shock !' 'Pray, Monteagle,' urged Inez, 'if you would not make me miserable, endeav- or, struggle to banish such gloomy im- aginings from your bosom. and trust to the goodness of Providence which has hitherto so mercifully preserved us, when the darkest snares of villainy sought to ruin and destroy us.' 'For your sake, my own love,' replied Monteagle, once more affectionately and passionately kissing her cheek, ' I will endeavor to do so ; still you surely will not blame me for not placing too much page: 202-203[View Page 202-203] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES confidence in our security, which might prevent me from being watchful and wary to defeat any base plans that might be deivsed against our future peace?' 'Oh, no,' in that you will only act with prudence and wisdom, although, I must repeat that I sincerely trust there will not be found to be any necessity for that precaution. But my poor father--- what of him ?' 'He is well in body.' 'But how has he supported .my ab- sence ?' 'Oh, he suffered terribly.' 'Did he give himself up to grief ?' 'At first he did-he was as one struck to the earth by a sudden, violent blow. Joaquin, however, roused him from his despondency, by urging the absolute ne- cessity of pursuing the abductors. Thus urged, your father\ shook off his des- pondency, and appearing to forget his years, joined in the search for your ab- ductors with all the ardor of youth. In. deed it became almost necessary forci- bly to restrain him, lest he should be- come totally deranged.' ' Totally deranged!1 Then his mind was affected by my loss ?' 'Oh, my love,' ejaculated Monteagle, 'Would that heaven had spared me that painful task ; but pray be calm and bear the melancholy intelligence with forti- tude and resignation.- 'Speak on, speak on; I'm prepared for the wat,' ejaculated our heroine- Tell me of my poor father.' 'When I left your home the physici- ans hoped he might recover, as at inter- vals reason seemed returning, when he would call for his daughter Inez, and then relapse into unconsciousness.' 'Oh, let us hasten to my poor dear father.' They were soon in their saddles, and on road to the Mission. 202 this hour of the night, when all such I ver to procure it. CHAPTER XIX. The Seducer's Terrible End. A FEw nights after Blodget's escape found him walking the streets of San Francisco, but disguised as he thought too effectually to be recognised by any eye, however sharp. There was a. cloud upon Blodget's brow as he emerged from the court into the semi-obscurity of Montgomery street, and his mind was evidently ill at ease. He tried to hum a fashionable opera air when he had walked a little distance, but there seemed something in his throat which choked him, and the sounds died tpon his lips. Then he quickened his pace, when a young female emerged from a street which he was passing, and laid her hand upon his arm. He turned his head, and be- held Carlotta. She was thinner than when he had seen her last, and looked as if she had recently been ill; but her dark eyes were as lustrous as then, and there was the same gloss upon her raven hair. At the moment that she emerged from the shade of the court, and laid her hand upon his, there was a strange and al- most indescribable expression upon he dark countenance, but it passed away as quickly as a flight of birds-over a stream, and when Blodget's eyes met hers, they read nothing therein but pleasure at meeting him again. 'Ah, my little wild rose of the is- lands 1' said he, 'what are you doing at pretty wild birds should be in their nests. 'Well, I can't say I was looking for you,' returned Carlotta, 'but I am glad that I have met you, nevertheless. But I should ask you where you have been wandering, you naughty man ?' ' Oh, I have been to the theatre, and then walked this way with a friend,' returned Blodget. 'But where are you staying-can you take me home with you?' 'Fiei1' said Carlotta, playfully. ' I really cannot part with you, my charnmer,' said Blodget. 'If you cannot take me to your quarters, wherever they may be, you must come somewhere with me.' 'You must not think of going where my people are,' observed the Chilian girl, 'remember how near the detection of our amour was costing our lives.' 'Then come with me, my beauty, said Blodget. 'There is a house not far from here which will suit out pur- pose, and I shall not part with you until day-light.' 'Then I go with you, Blodget,' said Carlotta. 'Promise me that you will not seek to detain me more than an hour, and I will not refuse you the hap- piness you covet.' Blodget promised, and the Chiliaa girl accompanied him to an accommoda- tion-house in the neighborhood, where they were conducted to a neatly furnish- ed bed-chamber on the first floor. ' We shall have time to drink a bottle of champagne in the hour that you have promised to remain with me,' observed Blodget, and he gave the girl, who had preceded them with a light, some ail- OF SAN FRANCISCO. 203 0 page: 204-205[View Page 204-205] MYSTERIES AlND MISERIES They sat down, and Blodget threw his arm round the waist of his dark- eyed companion, and drawing her to- wards him, impressed a kiss upon her lips. She smiled upon him, but her lips did not give back the kiss, and theme.-'was a glitter in her night dark eyes at the moment which was not the radiance which springs from happiness or love. Blodget, however, failed to de-' tect anything unusual or peculiar in the expression of that glance. The- wine was brought, and placed upon a. small round table convenient to Blodget's hand, and he filled the glasses, handing one to Carlotta and taking one himself. 'The sparkling juice will bring back to your dark cheeks a glow that seems wanting there.' said he, as he sat down the glasses and immediately refilled them. ' Come, drink,' he cried. 'It will be the last time we'll drink together.' . 'Why what the deuce makes you think so ?' said Blodget. 'I don't know,' replied the 'girl, 'but I h'ave said it, and you'll see if it don't come to pass.' 'D-d nonsense,' cried Blodget, laugh- ing, and then he drew his companion on his knee, and kissed her repeatedly and eagerly. Carlotta was silent, but she reclined her dark cheek against her seducer's, and quietly and adroitly drew from her pocket a little phial containing some liquid. Concealing the phial in her hand,'she then threw her arm over Blodget's shoulder, and noiselessly draw- ing the tiny'cork, poured the contents of the phial into his glass. 'Another glass of champagne, my glow-worm,' said Blodget,'and the soft delights of -love, the thrilling joys of warm and impassioned nature are ours.' Carlotta removed her arm from his shoulder as he turned slightly to reach his wine, and while she kept her eyes upon the glasses to observe that he gave her the one that she had drank from be- fore, she returned the empty phial to hei pocket. 'I suppose nothing unpleasant came of our dalliance ?' said Blodget, in a half interrogative tone, as he handed the girl her glass. ' Why do you suppose so? Ought you not rather to suppose just the re- verse ? Was not something unpleasant naturally to be expected ?' 'Well, perhaps I might have sup- posed so,' returned Blodget, deprecat- ingly, and a little disconcerted by the girl's reply. There was a moment's pause, and both sat with their glasses in their hands, Blodget's eyes fixed upon the floor, the girl surveying the countenance of her seducer, as if she were trying to read his thoughts. 'Well, what was it?' Blodget at length inquired., ' A boy,' returned Carlotta. 'It died, and I was glad of it, for if it had lived it might have been as faithless as his father.' 'Do you want to quarrel?' 'No.' I 'For heaven's saks cease,' exclaimed Blodget, suddenly raising the wineglass to his lips, and emptying it at a draught. Carlotta drank her wine quickly as he spoke, and rose from his knee, where she had contrived to sit while upbraid- ing him with his inconstancy and du- plicity. Her dark eyes were fixed upon his countenance, which changed the mo- 204 a f v f ' t R ( ment he had swallowed the wine, his curely to the bedpost nearest the win- lips becoming white, and the expression dow; this done, she noiselessly raised of his features becoming ghastly and the sash, and looked out. The night cadaverous, was dark and foggy, but she could see 'You are a dead man and I am av- that there was a small yard below, with enged l' exclaimed the girl in a hissing 4 door in the wall, which opened into whisper ; and then she- glided towards- a court at the rear of the house. Drop- the door, and turned the key in the ping one end of the sheets from the win- lock. dow, she immediately got out upon the A faint groan which seemed to strug- sill, and grasping the sheet firmly with gle feebly and faintly upwards, was the both hands, descended in safety into the only sign of vitality which Blodget gave yard. She could hear laughter and the and then his head fell upon his breast tinkling of glasses in the back parlor, and his arms fell powerless at his side. but the shutters were closed, and noise- Quickly and silently Carlotta drew the lessly unbolting the door in the yard sheets from the bed, knotted them to- fence, she hurried swiftly ot, and in gether, and then fastened one end se- a few minutes was far away. OF SAN FRANCISCO. 205 page: 206-207[View Page 206-207] MYSTERIES AND MISERIES CARTER XX. The Return to the Mission. LET us now rejoin Inez and Monteagle whom we left on their road to the Mis- sion. What powerful sensations of unspeak- able delight rushed through the vein% of Inez, and monopolized every feeling 'of her heart, when thosescenes which she had never expected to behold again, once more burst upon her vision. The tumult of rapturous and conflicting ideas that darted to her brain, were almost overwhelming, and, although her tongue was eager to. give expression to her sen- timents, the strength of her emotions would not permit her to give utterance to a single syllable. She looked in the countenance of her lover with an expres- sion of the most unbounded affection and delight, and she fully perceived that he reciprocated her feelings. Tears filled his eyes, and taking her hand he pressed it to his lips with eloquent silence. - Not the slightest change appeared to have taken place in everything upon which the eyes of our' heroine rested, since last she had gazed upon those well known scenes. The bright beams of a silvery moon were shining serenely upon every thing around, and a melancholy silence, so consonant with her own state of mind, prevailed. But, alas, she re- flected, what a change had taken place in the home of her childhood ! That home which had once abounded in every, happiness that the human mind could wish for, was now the abode of sorrow;, that fond parent, whose every joy and hope were centered in her, was a maniace and would be insensible to the felicity of her restoration to his arms. This last thought was too afflicting for endurance, and overcome by her emotion she leant her head upon the bosom of Monteagle, and burst into an hysterical flood of tears. In~ vain did Monteagle endeavor to tranquilize her feelings, he felt how pow- erful was the cause she had for sorrow, and the anguish he endured was scarcely less than her, own. Joaquin exerted himself to the utmost to calm the feelings of them both, and he at length succeeded. Monteagle, we should have mentioned before, had taken the precaution to send forward a person to the Mission, with a letter, making them briefly acquainted with the fortunate meeting which bad' taken place between him and- our hero- ine, and of their coming, so that the sur- prise might not be too sudden for them; and they were, therefore, fully aware that they would exert themselves to the ut- most to meet 'the unexpected pleasure which awaited them ; the more espe- cially as the precarious and lamentable situation of Senor de Castro rendered the greatest care necessary. At length the elegant, but unostenta- tious, mansion, burst upon their vision, and Providence imbued the mind of Inez with a calm feeling of joy, which she had never experienced before. Every- thing seemed to dance before her eyes to welcome ~ her return to that once happy home, and the horses appeared to move' with the most tedious slowness, as they bantered along the road which led to the garden gates. They reached those gates; they were already open, and standing to receive 206 OF SAN FRANCISCO. them-were beings endeared to them by My father-my poor, dear father ; where every affectionate and grateful feeling. is he l Let not the too presumptuous pen at- 'My dear Inez,' replied the Padre; 'I tempt to describe the scene which fol- can fully appreciate the anxiety of your lowed, language is by far .too weak to feelings ; but pray endeavor to restrain convey any idea of it. Tears, sobs, and them. Your father has retired to his broken sentences of unbounded transport, 'chamber and sleeps-do not disturb him burst from the over-charged bosoms of lest-' each individual; and then Inez felt her- 'And think you,' interrupted our hero- self let along the avenue which conduct- ine, with the most violent emotion de- ed to the hall. picted in her countenance ; think you Although her eyes were dimmed by thatAI can rest calmly one moment with- tears, and her thoughts were so fully oc- out beholding that unfortunate, that doat- cupied, our heroine could yet behold sev- ing. parent from whom I have been so eral of the old domestics standing in the long and so cruelly separated? No-'no path, who, as she passed, raised their -no--I will go to him ; not an in- hands and eyes towards Heaven, and gave stant ---' utterance to their simple, but forcible, Quckly up the stairs which led to the exclamations of gratitude to the -Most well known chamber of her father, our High for the restoration of their 'dear heroine bounded, but when she arrived young lady,' to her home and friends, at the door, she paused ; a death-like Another moment and Inez found her- faintness came over her, she breathed self in the well known' parlor, endeared short, and she was unable to move a step to her by so many fond remembrances further. and associations; and sinking on her Monteagle and others entreated her to knees,. she clasped her hands fervently return to the parlor, and to defer the towards Heaven, and gave full vent to trying scene till the morning, but she the expression of her ardent and sponta- answered them by a look which ,fully neous ejaculations of thanksgiving to the convinced them of her determination, Almighty disposer of all events for her and they therefore desisted. deliverance. .- In a few moments she partially reco- No one offered to interrupt her, they vered herself, but still she had not suffi- were also too much occupied with the cient courage or resolution to enter the 'feelings of astonishment and unspeaka- chamber. ble delight that filled their bosoms. But She stood and listened, supported by at length, Inez having ended her solemn the arm of her lover, and her ears caught prayer, suddenly arose from her knees, the sound of the breathing of the patient, and looking eagerly around the room, every respiration going to her heart like she said: a stream of fire. 'But where is he ? He is not here I In a moment the breathing sounds Where is the poor old han-that he is ceased, and all was still as death. not present to snatch his unfortunate 'He sleeps, he sleeps, and probably daughter once more to his heart, and dreams of her who--' --e~ a -^r i -a- 1 ' Hark ! hark I' hastily interrupted our WV~jI U~ LI3~L~ UL UJ UJ~U LL~~ J~V5~ ----y ---J'~-- 207 r I t l . , f 3 s L. ,OL J36 i {y Lya p + aif+W Vaa47 A&& vva rs r vvvs v v. weep ins tears of joy upvu uCr uvnviu page: 208-209[View Page 208-209] 208 MYSTERIES AND MISERIES OF SAN FRANCISCO. heroine ; ' those sounds-do listen ;- what a bright and lovely vision I-Her those words--those words-,;y heart very self I-So like her !-But 'tis only will burst!' fancy-only fancy-haI ha ! ha !-How They listened with- breathless atten- beautiful ' tion, and Monteagle supported the form 'Father ! father !-dear, dear father ! of nca, in a state of agony too powerful Do you n-ot know me ? Oh,,God.! what foredescription. In low and plaintive a bitter trial is this !' frantically sobbed tones,..sufficient to draw tears frem the forth the distracted Inez, as she threw eyes of the most insensible individual, her arms around the poor old man's the unfortunate de Castro was singing, neck, and pressed warm and delirious apparently in his sleep, the words of a kisses upon his lips. song Inez had so often sung to please In a few moments Senor de Castro him, and which brought to the memory began to regain his scattered senses, many powerful and agonizing recollec- and gazed round him like one slowly tons. awaking from a fearful dream. 'God ! God ! support me!' gasped He at length fully recognized his child. forth Inez, clinging to the arm of her Then followed a scene too affecting for lover, and her whole frame convulsed pen or pencil to describe. with anguish. But one subject remained to. cloud ',Father ! father!1 dear, dear father ! I their happiness. It was the absence of can bear no more,' ,cried Inez ; and Alice Hewlett, of whose abduction, by tearing herself from the hold of Montea- Blodget, they learned from the old wo- ge she rushed into the chamber, and man at the ranch. Bitterly did Inez darted to the side of the bed. deplore the sad fate which had befallen Senor de Castro was sitting up in the the lovely ' Squatter's Daughter.' bed when Inez entered the - room, and Brown fled upon hearing of the arrest was staringvacantly around him. His of the gang. countenance had undergone little or no Monteagle was of course cleared of perceptible change; the ruddy glow of all complicity in the robbery of the health was on his cheeks, and so calm store, by this confession, and Mr. Vande- and serene was its expression, that it water gave him a share in his business seemed almost impossible that his mind as some ,recompense for his unjust dis- could be in the deplorable condition in missal. which it was. The little church at the Mission was On beholding Inez and the others en- soon after gaily decorated, and before its ter, he exhibited emotion, but when his humble altar the hands of .Inez and eyes rested upon the former, a sweet Monteagle were united. Their hearts smile irradiated his features, and laugh- had been so from the day our hero bore ing with all the joyousness of a child, he the fainting maiden in =safety. from the exlaimed :-- flames. 'Beautiful !-.-oh, how K beautiful I- THE END. 4AU625 lU -f , - - _-

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