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The life and adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the celebrated California bandit. Ridge, John Rollin, (1827–1867).
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The life and adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the celebrated California bandit

page: (Cover) [View Page (Cover) ]THE LIVES OF AND THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAYMEN. SAN FRANCISCO: 1874. page: 0 (TitlePage) [View Page 0 (TitlePage) ] I2:E LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF JOAQUIN MURIETA THE CELEBRATED CALIFORNIA BANDIT. THRD EDITION. REVISED AND ENLARGED BY THE AUTHOR, rHE LATH JOHN R. RIDGE. SAN FRANCISCO: FRED'K MAcCRELLISH & CO., PUBLISHERS. page: 0[View Page 0] Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by F. MACCRELLSH & Co., in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, for the District of California. PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. The undersigned, having purchased the copyright of the "Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta," deem it proper to preface this publication of this latest edition by some brief mention of the lamented author, JOHN R. RIDGE, who was a Chero- kee Indian. His Indian name was Chee-squa-tah-lo-nee, which, being interpreted into English, is "Yellow Bird," and this name, which the reader will perceive is not a fictitious signature, was that adopted by Mr. Ridge in the title page of most of his works. The father of Yellow Bird was a, Chief, his mother,a white woman, a na- tive of Connecticut, in which State she married the young Chief, he being at the time at the institution of Cornwall, where he had just finished his English educa- tion. When Yellow Bird was ten years of age his father was assassinated, at the instigation of a rival Chief, and his mother fled with her children from the Indian territory. Yellow Bird was sent to school in Massachusetts. At the age of seven- teen-he returned to the Cherokee Nation, which had been ever since his father's death the scene of fierce contentions between rival factions. In these contests, which were bloody, the young man mingled, with varied fortune, until the age of twenty-three, when, his patrimony being wasted in the struggle and the scale turn- ing against him, the power of his father's enemies being too firmly secured to be shaken without a strong military force with which to operate against them, and he being himself hunted from pillar to post by the stronger party, he turned his steps once more to California. Doubtless he cherished still some plan for obtaining what he considered his just rights in. the Cherokee Nation, but what they are none now ,can tell. His sudden death, while he was yet in the full vigor of manhood, took him away from many unfinished and long-cherished plans. In California his career was a literary and political one, and many of his poems will- always -remain as an enduring portion of American literature. Before his death he had prepared a revised edition of his story of JoAquin Murieta, to which he had added much new and heretofore unpublished material. The manuscript has been purchased by the undersigned, and with the following preface, written by the author for this edition, the narrative is laid before the public. FRED'K MACCRELLISH & Co. AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO THE PRESENT EDITION. The continued and steady demand for the "Life and Adventures of Joaquin Mu- rieta' induces the author to issue a third edition, revised and enlarged, according to the scope of additional facts, the knowledge of which has been acquired since the publication of preceding editions. This would seem to be the more necessary, as a matter of justice both to the author and the public, inasmuch as a spurious edition has been foisted apon. unsuspecting publishers and by them circulated, to the in-' fringement of the author's copyright and the damage of his literary credit-the spurious work, with its crude interpolations, fictitious additions and imperfectly dis- guised distortions of the author's phraseology, being by many persons confounded with the original performance. page: 0[View Page 0] J OAUIN M URIETA. CHAPTER I. HIS BOYHOOD, EARLY EDUCATION AND PERSONAL APPEARANCE-HIS AC- QUAINTANCE WITH AMERICANS IN MEXICO--IS WINNING OF TIE BEAU- TIFUL ROSITA-IIS ARRIVAL IN CALI- FORNIA-IIIS HONEST OCCUPATION AS A MNER-HS DOMCIL INTRUDED UPON 3BY LAWLESS MEN-THEIR OUT- RAGES UPON HM AND IS MtSTRESS -H REMOVAL TO A NEW LOCALITY- NEW INTRUSIONS AND OPPRESSIONS. Sitting down, as I now do, to give to tho public such cvents of the life of Joa- quin Muricta as have come into my pos- session, I am moved by no desire to ad- ministcr to any depraved taste for the dairk and horrible inhuman action, but rather by a wish to contribute my mite to those lLatcrials out of which the early history of California shall bo composed. Aside from the interest naturally excited by the career of a man so remarkable in tho annals of crime--for in deeds of dar- ing and blood lie las never been exceed- ed by any of t ho renowned robbers of the Old or New World who have preceded hilim-bis character is we:l worth the crutiny of the intelligent reader as being :a product of the social and moral c'ndi- tion of the country in which he lived, while his individual record bccomes a part of the most valuable, because it is a part of the earliest history of the' State. Wo must hero premiso that there cx- isted another Joaquin, contomporancous- ly with the subject of this narrative, who bore the several titles. of O'Comorenia, Valcnzuela, Botellier and Carillo. His true surname was Valenzuela, and he was a distinguished subordinate of Joa- quin Murieta. He used, however, by many persons to be mistaken for his chief; and certain individuals who knew him simply as "Joaquin, " and who saw him after the announcement of Murieta's death, insisted with great pertinacity that the terrible bandit was still alive. Joaquin Murieta was a Mexican of good blood, borne in the province of So- nora, of respectable parents, and edu- cated to a degree sufficient for the com- mon purposes of life in the schools of his native country. While growing up, he was remarkable for a very mild and peaceable disposition, and gave no sign of that indomitable and daring spirit which afterwards characterizedl him. Those who knew him in his school-boy days speak affectionately of his generous and noble nature at that period of his life, and can scarcely credit the fact, that the renowned and bloody bandit of Cali- fornia was one pnd the same being. The first considerable interruption in the general smooth current of his exist- enco, occurred in the latter portion of his seventeenth year. Near the rancho of his father resided a "packer," one Feliz, who, as ugly as sin itself, had a daughter named Rosita. Her mother was dead, and she, although but sixteen, was bur- dened with the responsibility of a house- page: 6-7[View Page 6-7] keeper in their simple home, for her father and a younger brother, whose name will hereafter occasionally oc- cur in the progress of this narration. Rosita, though in humble circumstances, was of Castilian descent, and showed her superior origin in the native royalty of her look and general dignity of her bear- ing. Yet' she was of that' voluptuous order to which so many of the dark-eyed daughters of Spain belong, and the rich blood of her race mounted to cheeks, lips and eyes. Her father doted upon and was proud of her, and it was his greatest happiness, on returning from occasional packing expeditions through the moun- tains of Sonora (he was simply employed by a more wealthy individuaD to receive the gentle ministries of his gay and smiling daughter. Joaquin having'nothc ing to do but ride his father's horses, and give a general superintendence to the herding of stock upon the rancho, was frequently a transient caller at the cabin of Feliz, more particularly when the old man was absent, making excuses for a drink of water- or some such matter, and prolonging his stay for the purpose of an agreeable chit-chat with the by no means backward damsel. She had read of bright and handsome lovers, in the stray romances of the day, and well in- terpreted, no doubt, the mutual emotions of loving hearts. Indeed Nature herself is a sufficient instructor, without the aid otfbooks, where tropic fire is in the veins, and lowing health runs hand in hand with the imagination. It was no wonder, then, that the youthful Joaquin and the. precocious and blooming Rosita, in the absence, 6n each side, of all other like objects of attraction, should begin to feel the preserce of each other as a necessity. They loved warmly and passionately. The packer being absent more than half the time, there was every opportunity for the youthful pair to meet, and their intercourse was, with the exception of the occasional intrusion of her brother Reyes, a mere boy, absolutely without restraint. Rosita was one of those beings who yield all for love, and, ere, she took time to consider of her duties to society, to herself, or to her father, she found herself in the situation of a mere mistress to Joaquin. Old Feliz broke in at last, upon their felicity, by a chance discovery. Coming home one day from a protracted tour in the mountains, he found no one in the cabin but his son Reyes, who told him that Rosita and Joaquin had gone out together on the path leading up the little stream that ran past the dwelling. Following up the path indicated, the old man came upon the pair, in a position, as Byron has it in the most diabolical of his worls, ' loving, natural and Greek.'? His rage knew no bounds, but Joaquin did not tarry for its effects. On the con- trary, he fled precipitately from the scene. t Whether he showed a proper regard for the fair Rosita in so doing, it is hot our province to discuss. All we have to do is to state what occurred, and leave moral discrepancies to be har- monized as they best may. At any rate, the loving girl never blamed him for his conduct, for she took the earliest op- portunity of a moonlight night, to seek him at his father's rancho, and throw herself into his arms. About this time, Joaquin had received a letter from a half brother of his, who had been a short time in California, ad- vising him by all means to hasten, to that region of romantic adventure and golden reward. He was not long in pre- paring for the trip. Mounted upon. a -valuable horse, with his mistress by his side upon another, and with a couple of packed mules before him, laden with provisions and necessaries, he started for the fields of gold. His journey was- at. tended with no serious difficulties, and the trip was made with expedition. The first that we hear of him in the Golden State is that in the spring of 1850, he is engaged in the honest occupation of a miner in the Stanislaus placers, then reckoned among the richest portions of the mines. He was then eighteen years of age, a little over the medium height, slenderly but gracefully built, and active as a young tiger. -His complexion was neither very dark nor very light, but clear and brilliant,.and his countenance is pronounced to have been at that time, exceedingly handsome and attractive. His large black eyes kindling with the en- thusiasm of his earnest nature, his firm and well-formed mouth, his well-shaped head, from which the long, glossy black hair hung down over his shoulders, his silvery voice, full of generous utterance, and the frank and cordial manner Which distinguished him, made him beloved by all with whom he came in contact. He had the confidence and respect of the whole community around him, and was fast amassing a fortune'in his rich mining claim. He had built him a comfortable mining residence, in which he had domi- ciled his heart's treasure-the beautiful girl whom we have described. The country then wag full of careless and desperate men, who bore the name of Americans, but failed to support the honor and the dignity of that title. A feel- ing was prevalent among this class, of contempt for any and all Mexicans, whom they looked upon as, conquered subjects of the United States, having no rights which could stand before a haughtier and superior race. They made no exceptions. If the proud blood of the- Castilian mounted to the cheek of a partial descendant of the Mexipues, showingthat he had inherited the 'old chivalrous spirit of his Spanish ancestry, they looked upon it as a saucy presump- tion in one so inferior to them. The pre- judice of color, the antipathy of races, which are always stronger and bitterer with the ignorant and unlettered, they could not overcome, or if they could, would not, because it afforded them a convenient excuse for their unmanly cruelty and oppression. * . One pleasant evening, as Joaquin was sitting in his doorway, after a hard day's work, gazing forth upon the sparkling waters of the Stanislaus River, and lis- tening to the musical voice of Rosita, who was singing a dreamy ditty of her native land, a band of the lawless men above alluded to approached the house- and accosted'its owner in a very insult- ing and supercilious manner, asking him by what means he, a d-d Mexican, pre- sumed to be working a mining claim on American ground. Joaquin, who spoke very good English, having often met with Americans in Sonora, replied that, under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, he had a right to become a citizen of the- United States, and that as such he con- sidered himself. "Well, sir," said one of the party, "we allow no Mexicans to work in this region, and you have got to leave this claim." As might have been expected, the young Mexican indignantly remonstra- ted against such an outrage. He had learned to believe that to be an American was to be the soul of honor and magnan- imity, and he could hardly realize that such a piece of meanness and injustice could be perpetrated by any portion of a race whom he had been led so highly to respect. His remonstrances only pro- duced additional insult and insolence, and finally a huge fellow stepped forward and struck him violently in the face. Joa- quin, with an ejaculation of rage, sprang toward his bowie-knife, which lay on the bed near by where he had carelessly thrown it on his arrival from work, when his affrighted mistress, fearing that his rashness, in the presence of such an over- powering force might be fatal to him, frantically seized and held him. At this moment his assailant again advanced, and, rudely throwing the young woman aside, dealt him a succession of blows which soon felled him, bruised and bleed- ing, to the floor. Rosita, at this cruel outrage, suddenly seemed transformed page: 8-9[View Page 8-9] into a beingof a different nature, andher- -self seizing the knife, she made a venge- ful thrust at the American. There was fury in her eye and vengeance in her spring, but what could a tender female accomplish, against such ruffians? She was seized by her tender wrists, easily disarmed, and thrown fainting and help- less upon the bed. Meantime Joaquin had been bound hand and foot, by others *of the party,and, lying in that condition he saw the cherished companion of his -bosom deliberately violated by these very superior specimens of the much vaunted Anglo-Saxon race I Leaving him in his agony, they gave him to understand that, if he was found in that cabin, or upon his claim after the expiration of the next ten days, they would take his life. The soul of the young man was from that moment dark- ened, and, as he himself related after- wards, he swore, with clenched hands, as his mistress unbound him, that he would live for revenge. She, weeping, implored ]lim to live for her, as he knew she only lived for him, and try to forget in some other and happier scene the bit- ter misery of the present. He was pre- vailed' upon by her kindness and her tears, and soon after the young couple took their departure for a more northern portion of the mines. The next we hear of them, they are located on a nice little farm on the banks of a beautiful stream that watered a fer- tile valley far out in the seclusion of the mountains of Calaveras. Here the some- what saddened adventurer deemed that he might hope for peace and again be happy. But it was not so destined. One day, as he was engaged wit-l axe and mattock in clearing his ground, sev- eral Americans rode up to the fencing of his little retreat, and notified him that they allowed no infernal Mexican intrud- ers, like him, to own land in that sec- tion. Joaquin's blood boiled in his veins, but he answered mildly that the valley was unoccupied save by himself, that lie acknowledged allegiance to the Ameri- can Government, that the treaty of peace between the United States and Mexico gave him his choice of citizenship either in California or in Mexico as he liked, that he had been already driven from the mines without any crime or offence on his part, and all he now asked was a very small patch of ground and the shel- ter of a humble home for himself and "wife." He was peremptorily told to leave, and, we blush to say it, com- pelled to abandon the spot he had se- lected and the fruits of his labor. It is honorable to him toBay that his spirit was still unbroken, nor had the iron so far entered his soul as to sear up the innate sensitiveness to honor and right which reigned in his bosom. Twice ruined in his honest pursuit of fortune, he resolved still to labor on with unflinch- ing brow and with that true moral bravery which throws its redeeming light forward upon all his subsequently dark and criminal career. Iow deep must have been the anguish of that young heart, and how strongly rooted the native honesty of his soul, none can know or imagine but they that have been tried in like manner. He bundled up his little moveable property, and again started forth to strike once more, like a' brave and honest man, for fortune and for happi- ness. He arrived at Murphy's Diggings, in Calaveras County, in the month of April, 1850, and went again to mining, this tiime without interruption; but meeting with nothing like his former success, he soon abandoned that busi- ness, and devoted his time to dealing "monte," a game which is common in Mexico, and had been almost universally adopted by gamblers in Mexico. It is considered by the cMdxican in no manner a disreputable employment,' and many well-reared young men from the Atlan- tic States have resorted to it, in time past, as a " profession" in this land of 'luck and chances. It was once in much 'better odor than it is now, although it is at present a game which may be 'played on very fair and honest principles, provided anything can be strictly honest or fair which allows the taking of money without a valuable consideration in re- turn. It was therefore looked upon as no departure from rectitude on the part of Joaquin, when hoe commenced the 'dealing of "monte." Having a very pleasing exterior and being, despite of all 'his sorrows, very gay and lively in his disposition, lie attracted many persons to his table, and won their money with such skill and grace, or lost his own with such- perfect good humor, that he 'was considered by all the very beau ideal -of a gambler and the prince of clever fel- lows. Ilis sky seemed clear and his prospects bright, but Fate was weaving 'her mysterious web around him, and 'fitting him by the force of circumstances to become what nature never intended le should be. I-is half brother, of whom we have spoken, resided on a small tract of land in the vicinity of Murphy's Diggings. Joaquin had paid him a visit, and re- turned to the Diggings on a horse bor- rowed from his brother. The animal, which his brotler had bought and paid his money for, ploved to have been originally stolen, and being recognized *by a number of individuals in town, as well as by the owner, a stout rough- -graiped man, named J-s, an excitement was raised on thessubject. Joaquin sud- 1enly found himself surrounded by a furious mob, many of'them strangers to him, who were by no means sparing of their threats and insalts "S my covey," said J-s, laying his lhand on Joaquin's shoulder, "you are the chap that's been a stealing horses and mules around here, for the last six months, are you?" "You charge 'me unjustly," replied Joaquin. "I borrowed this horse of my half brother. who bought it from an American, which he can easily prove, as well as show a bill of sale besides." "This is all gammon," said J-s " and you are nothing but a dirty thief." "Hang him " "Hang him!" cried out several voices from the crowd, and the young Mexican was at once seized and bound. Some one, more moderate than the rest, suggested that it would be bet- ter, before proceeding to extremities, to see what the half brother had to say for himself. "Yes, nab him too 1" exclaimed vari- ous persons in the mob, and they at once started for the half brother's house, tak- ing their prisoner along with them. "All I want you to do, gentlemen," said Joaquin, "is to give my brother a chance to prove his and my innocence, Let him have time to summon his wit-. nesses." This remark was only answered with jeers and contempt.- Arriving at the place sought for, the brother of Joaquin being readily found, he was seized, with scarcely a word of explanation, hurried to a tree and swung by the neck, amid the hootings of the' mob, until he was dead. Joaquin shed tears of agony at the sight, and begged that they would proceed at once to deal out the same fate to him. But\the original intention, with regard to him, was changed by some sudden revulsion of feeling in the crowd, and a far more humiliating punishment inflicted. The unhappy young man was bound to the same tree upon which the lifeless form of his brother was swinging, and publicly disgraced with the 'lash. An eye-witness of this scene declared to the author that lhe never' saw such an ex- pression in all his life as at this moment passed over the face of Joaquin. He cast a look of unutterable scorn and scowl- ing hato upon his torturers, and meas- ured tlem from head to foot, as though he would imprint their likenesses upon his memory forever. In grim silence he re- ceived their blows, disdaining to utter a ^ ' page: 10-11[View Page 10-11] groan. The deed being over and his hands unbound, he resumed the garb which had been stripped from his shoul- ders, and was left alone with his dead brother. Who can tell the piercing grief of his now desolate heart, and the tempest of mingled wrath and woe which swept over him as he lowered the dead form of his brother, and, with the few friends who came to his assistance, proceeded to pay him the last sad rites of rude and humble sepulture? Standing over the grave of his last and dearest relative, he swore an oath of the most awful solem- nity, that his soul should never know peace until his hands were dyed deep in the blood of his enemies! Fearfully did he keep that oath, as the following pages will show. CHAPTER 1I. A CHANGE IN JOAQUIN'S CHARACTER- MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCES-M-UR- DERS UPON THE HGHWAY-AN OR-. 'GANIZED BANDITTI-RANCHES LOSE THEIR STOCK-THE KILLING OF THE DEPUTY SHERIFF OF SANTA CLARA C,OUNTY - ENCOUNTER WITH THE BANDITS BY THE SHERIFF OF YUBA COUNTY. A change came over the character of Joaquin, suddenly and irrevocably. Wan- ton cruelty and the tyranny of prejudice had reached their climax. The soul of the injured, man grew dark, and the bar- riers of honor, rocked into atoms by the strong passions which shook his heart ik e an earthquake, crumbled around him. he was no more the genial, generous, open-hearted Murieta, as of yore. He walked apart in moody silence, avoided all intercourse with Americans and was seen to ride off into the mountains in company with such of his countrymen as he had never before condescended to- be associated with. It was not long before an Americarn was found dead in the vicinity of Mur- phy's Diggings, having been almost liter- ally cut to pieces with a knife. Although horribly mangled, he was recognized as one of the mob engaged in the whip-- ping of Joaquin and the hanging of his brother. A doctor, passing in the neighborhood of this murder, was met shortly after- ward, by two men on horseback, who fired their revolvers at him, but, owing to his speed on foot, and the unevenness of the'ground, he succeeded in escaping with no further injury than having a-bul- let shot through his hat, within an inch of the top of his head! A panic- spread among the' rash 'individuals. who had composed that mob, and they were afraid to stir out on their ordinary business. Whenever any one of them strayed out of sight of his camp, or ventured to travel on the high- way, he was shot down suddenly and mysteriously. Report after report came, into the villages that Americans had been found dead on the highways, having been either shot or stabbed, and it was invaria- bly discovered for many weeks, that the murdered men belonged to the mob who had outraged Joaquin. It was fearful and it was strange, to see how swiftly and mysteriously those men disappeared. J-s, the owner of the horse which had been the occasion of the mob, was among the missing, but whether he slid off for distant parts, in fear of his life, or fell a victim to the wrath of the avenger, I have never learned. Certain it is that Murieta's revenge was very nearly com- plete. Said an eye witness of these events, (an acquaintance of mine, named Burns,) in reply to an inquiry- which I addressed him: "I am inclined to think Joaquin wiped out the most of those prominently en- gaged in whipping him." Thus far, 'who can blame him? But the iron had entered too deeply into his soul for liim to stop here. he had con- + tracted a hatred for the whole American race, and was determined to shed their blood, whenever and wherever an oppor- tunity occurred. It was no time now for him to retrace his steps. He had committed deeds which made him amen- able to the law, and his only safety lay in a persistence in the unlawful course which he had begun. It was necessary that le should have horses, and that he should have money. These he could not obtain except by robbery and murder, and thus he became an outlaw and a ban- dit on the verge of his nineteenth year. The year 1850 rolled away, marked with the eventful history of the young man's wrongs and trials,'his'bitter re- venge on those who had perpetrated the crowning act of his deep injury and dis- grace; and, as it closed, it shut him away forever from his peace of mind and purity of heart. 'He walked forth into the fu- ture a dark, determined criminal, and all his proud nobility of soul, save in fit. ful gleams, existed only in memory. In 1851 it became generally known that an organized banditti were ranging the country; but it was not yet ascer- tained who was the leader. Travelers, laden with the produce of the mines, were met upon the roads by well dressed. men -who politely requested them to "stand and deliver;" persons riding alone in the many wild and lonesome re- gions, Nhich form a large portion of this country, were skilfully noosed with the lasso. (which the Mexicans throw with great accuracy, being able thus to cap- ture wild cattle, elk, and sometimes even grizzly bears, upon the plains,) dragged from their saddles and murdered in the adjacent thickets. Horses of the finest mettle were stolen from the ranches, and, being tracked up, were found in the possession of a determined band of men, ready to retain them at all hazards, and fully able to stand their ground. The scenes of niurder and robbery S'hifted with the rapidity of lightning. At one time the northern counties would be suffering slaughters and depredations, at another the southern, and, before one would have imagined it possible, the east and the west and every point of the com- pass would be in trouble. There had been before this, neither in 1849 nor in 1850, any such thing as an organized banditti, and it had been a matter of sur- prise to every one, since the country was so well adapted to a business of this kind -the houses scattered at - such distances along the roads, the plains so level and open in which to ride with speed, and the mountains so rugged with their ten thousand fastnesses, in which to lide! Grass was abundant in the far-offvalleys which lay hidden in the rocky gorges, cool, delicious streams made music at the feet of the towering peals, or came leap- ing down, in gladness from their sides- game abounded on every hand, and nine unclouded months of the year made a climate so salubrious that nothing could be sweeter than a day's rest under the tall pines, or a night's repose under the open canopy of heaven. Joaquin knew his advantages. His superior, intelli- gence and education gave him the re- spect of his comrades, and appealing to the prejudice against the "Yankees," which the disastrous results of the Mex- ican war had notI tended to lessen in their minds, he soon assembled around him a powerful band of his countrymen, who daily increased, as he ran his career of almost magical success. Among the number was Manuel Garcia, more fre- quently known as "Three fingered Jack," from the fact. of his having had one of his fingers shot off in a skirmish with an American party during the Mexican war. He was :a man of unflinching bravery, but cruel and sanguinary. His form was large and rugged, and his countenance so fierce that few liked-to look upon it. He was different from his more youthful leader, in possessing nothing of his gener-. ous, frank and cordial disposition, and in being utterly destitute of one merci- ful trait of humanity. His delight was page: 12-13[View Page 12-13] in murder for its own diabolical sake, and he gloated over the agonies of his unoffending victims. He would sacrifice policy, the safety and interests of the band for the mere gratification of this murderous propensity, and it required all Joaquin's firmness and determination to hold him in check. The- history of this monster was well known before he joined Joaquin. He was known to be the same man, who, in 1846, surrounded with his party two Americans, young men by the names of Cowie and Fowler, as they were traveling on the road between So- noma and Bodega, stripped them entire- ly naked, and, binding them each to a tree, slowly tortured them to death. He began by throwing knives at their bodies, as if he were practicing at a target; he then cut out their tongues, punched out their eyes with his knife, gashed their 'bodies in numerous places, and, finally 'flaying them alive, left them to die. A thousand cruelties like these had he been guilty of, and long before Joaquin knew him he was a hardened, experienced and ,detestable monster. When it was neces- sary for the young chief to commit some peculiarly horrible and cold-blooded mur- der, some deed of hellish ghastliness at which his soul revolted, he deputed this man to do it; and well was it executed, with certainty and to the letter. Another m,mber was the boy, Reyes Feliz, whom I have before mentioned, as the brother of Rosita, and who was left by his fugitive sister a year or so before in the province of Sonora. The old father, the packer, was dead, and Reyes, hav- ing no ill-feeling whatever against Joa- quin and his sister, had hastened with the remnant of his father's' property, to join them, and had arrived in California a few weeks after the affair of the mob at / Murphy's Diggings. H was' now a mere youth of sixteen years, but le had read the wild romantic lines of the chiv- alrous robbers of Spain and Mexico, un- til his enthusiastic spirit had become im- brued with the same sentiments which actuated them, and he could conceive of nothing grander than to throw himself back upon the, strictly natural rights of man and hurl defiance at society and its laws. There is many a villain nowadays, for. the mere romance of the thing. Reyes Feliz was a devoted follower of his chief; like him, ,brave, impulsive, and generous. A third member was Claudio, a man about thirty-five years of age, of a lean, but vigorous' constitution, a dark com- plexion and possessing a somewhat sav- age but lively and expressive counten- ance. He was indisputably brave, but exceedingly cautious and cunninga springing upon his prey at an unexpected moment and executing his purposes with the greatest possible secrecy as well as precision. He was a deep calculator, a wise schemer, and could wear' the ap- pearance of an honest man with the same grace and ease that he would cx- hbit in throwing around his command. ing figure the magnificent cloalq in which he prided. In disposition he was revengeful, tenacious in his memory of at wrong, sly and secret in his windings ns a serpent, and, with less nobility than' the rattlesnake, he gave no warning before he struck. ,Yet, as I have said before, he was brave, when occasion called for courage, and although cvcr ready to take an advantago, ho nuver flinched in the presence of danger. Tiis extreme caution, united with, a s;roljg will and courage to do, mad.- him aln ex- ceedingly formidable man. A fourth member was Joaquin Va'en- zuela, named in a preceding )age. Ilis chief threw upon him nmuch resp')nsi- bility in the government of the )band, anll entrusted him with impor:antn expedi- tions requiring in their cxecction a ,ri a.t amount of skill and expericlce. V;ilcui- zuela was a much older mnan than his leader, and had actod fjr fihLLy 3y car in Mexico as a bandit under the traoun3 guerilla chief, Padre Jurata. Another distinguishe/member was Pedro Gonzales, less biave than many others, but a skillful spy and expert horse thief, and, as such, an invaluable adjunct to a company of mounted men who required a continual supply of fresh horses, as well as a thorough knowledge of the state of affairs around them. There were many others belonging to this organization, whom it is not nec- essary to describe. It is sufficient to say they composed as formidable a force of outlaws as ever gladdened the eye of an acknowledged leader. Their, number at this early period is not accurately known, but a fair estimate would not place it at a lower figure than fifty, with the advan- tage of a continual and steady increase, including a few renegade Anmericans, of desperate characters and fortunes. Besides Joaquin Murieta, there were others of the banditti who were accom- panied by their mistresses. The names of these devoted but fair and frail ones will be of frequent occurrence in the suc- ceeding pages. Such was the unsettled condition of things, so distant and isolated were the different mining regions, so lonely and uninhabited the sections through which the roads and trails were cut, and so numerous the friends and acquaintances of the bandits themselves, that these lawless men carried on their operations with almost absolute impunity. It was a rule with them to injure no man who ever extended them a favor, and whilst they plundered every one else, and spread devastation in every other quarter, they invariably left those ranches and houses unharmed, whose owners and inmates had afforded them shelter or assistance. Many persons who were otherwise hon- estly inclined, bought the safety of their lives and property by remaining scrupu- lously silent in regard to Joaquin, and neutral in every attempt to do him an injury. Further than this, there were many large rancheros who were secretly connected with the banditti, and stood ready to harbor them in times of danger,. and to furnish them with the best animals that fed on their extensive pastures. The- names of several of these wealthy and highly respectable individuals are well known, and will transpire in the course of this history. At the head of this most powerful combination of men, Joaquin ravaged the State in various quarters during the year 1851, without at that time being- generally known as the leader; his sub- ordinates, Claudio, Valenzuela and Pedro Gonzalez, being alternately mistaken for- the chief. Except to a few persons, even his name was unknown; and many were- personally acquainted with him, and fre- quently saw him in the different towns and villages, without having the re- motest idea that he stood connected with the bloody events which were then fill- ing the country with terror and dismay. He resided for weeks at a time in differ- ent 'localities, ostensibly engaged in gambling, or employed as a vaquero, a packer, or in some other apparently hon- est avocation, spending much of his time in the society of that sweetest of all com- panions, the woman that he loved. While living in a secluded part ofthe town of San Jose, sometime in the sum- mer of '51, he one night became violent- ly engaged in a row at a fandango, was arrested for a breach of the peace, brought up before a magistrate and fined twelve dollars. He was in charge of Mr. Clark, the Deputy Sheriff of Santa Clara coun- ty, who had made himself particularly obnoxious to the banditti, by his rigor- 'ous scrutiny into their conduct, and his determined attempts to arrest some of. their number. Joaquin had the com- plete advantage of him, inasmuch as the Deputy was totally ignorant of the true character of the man with whom he had to deal.' With the utmost frankness in his manner, Joaquin requested him to walk down to his residence in the skirts of the'town, where he would pay him the money. page: 14-15[View Page 14-15] They proceeded together, engaged in a .pleasant conversation, until they reached the edge of a thicket, when the young bandit suddenly drew a knife and Informed Clark that he had brought him there to kill him, at the same instant stabbing him to the heart before he could draw his revolver. Though many per- sons knew the author of this most cool and bloody deed, by sight, yet it was a long time before it wasl ascertained that the escaped murderer was no less a per- sonage than the leader of the daring cut- throats who, were then infesting the country. In the fall of the same year, Joaquin removed up in the more northern part of the State, and settled himself down with 'his mxistress 'at the Sonorian Camp, a cluster of tents and cloth houses, situated about three miles from the city of Marys- ville, in Yuba County. It was not long before the entire country rung with the accounts of frequent, startling and dia- bolical murders Seven men were murdered within three or four days in a region of country not more than twelve miles in extent. Shortly after the murders thus men- tioned, two men who were traveling on the road that leads up Feather River, near to the Honcut Creek, which puts into that stream, discovered just ahead of them four Mexicans, one of whom was drag- ging at his saddle-bow, by a lariat, an American whom they lad just lassoed around the neck. The travelers did not think it prudent to interfere, and so hur- ried on to a place of safety, and re-,rted what they had seen. Legal search being made upon this information, four other men were found murdered near the same place, bearing upon their throats the fatal mark of the lariat. Close upon these outrages, reports came that several individuals had been killed and robbed at Bidwell's Bar, some ten or fifteen miles up the river. Con- sternation spread like fire; fear thrilled the hearts of hundreds, and all dreaded to travel the public roads. Suspicion was directed to the "Sonorian Camp," it being occupied exclusively by Mexicans, many of whom had no osten- sible employment, and yet rode fine horses, and spent money freely.- This suspicion was confirmed by a partial con- fession obtained from a Mexican thief, who had fallen into the hands of the "Vigilance Committee" of Marysville, and had been run up with a rope several times to the limb of a tree, by order of that formidable body. He confessed to the commission of no crime himself, but pointed to the Sonor- ian Camp as the retreat of certain parties who had been carrying on the systen of robberies and murders complained of. Obtaining a description of the principal characters at the suspected camp, the Sheriff of Yuba County, R. B. Buchanan, accompanied by a man familiarly known as "Ike Bowen," proceeded on a moon- light night to examine the premises, and to consummate an arrest of one or more, by surprise. Hitching their horses a half mile distant, they advanced on foot to the dangerous' neighborhood. Comn- ing suddenly upon a small tent a few hundred yards from the main camp, not having observed it in the obscurity of the bushes, they were barked at by a ferocious dog, who appeared' likely by his fierce outcries to arouse the whole encampment. ' It wyon't do," said Buchanan, " to be bothered with such a howling as this, and we must kill that dog.. It strikes me that I can manage it. If we appear to be frightened, and beat a retreat, he will'come directly up to take hold of one or the other of us; then we inust let him have a little cold steel." Accordingly the two moved off hastily, and, true to the prediction of Buchanan, the animal rushed 'forward with frant-ic ferocity. 13owen, being a little behind, he sprang with one bolrnl upon lis back, got him down in an instant, and 'was giving him more than under the "circumstances, was at anl comfortable, when Buchanan, having the beast at a disadvantage, drew a bowie-knife, and plunging it into 'his heart laid him ,dead on the spot. This done they con- tinued their advances, but 'by the stir- ring to and fro on the outskirts of the ,camp, they soon perceived that the dog had given a little too much warning. In a somewhat isolated corner near a piece of fencing they discovered stand- ing by a fire near an open tent, a Mexi- can wrapped in his serappe who was peering out anxiously into the shadows, and who appeared to answer to a des- cription of one of the Sonorian des- perados, as given by the thief hereto- fore mentioned as having been in the hands of the Vigilance Committee. "Let us get down on our hands and knees," said Buchanan, " or we may be discovered." Crawling in this manner they reached the fence, and looking through they dis- ,covered that the Mexican was missing. "The fellow has seen us," observed Buchanan, ' and we must look sharp or ,he and his crowd will have the advan- tage." He and Bowen then commenced craw- ling through the bars of the fence, and while in the act were startled by three distinct shots, which were soon again re- peated. Extricating themselves as soon as possible from the fence, they rose to their feet, and discovered three Mexicans blazing away at them with revolvers from a point near a bush, behind which they had been hidden. Of course the Sheriff and his assistant were not long in returning the fire, and a very brisk en- gagement ensued. The Mexicans, ap- parently unhurt, retired, and Buchanan and Bowen were left to their own com- pany. The former then found that he had- been severely wounded, and after walking a few hundred yards from the -cene of conflict fell to the earth, and4 was unable to rise. The ball had struck him near the spine, and passing through his body, had come out in front near the navel. He had evidently received-it while in a stooping posture at the fence. Leaving him as he lay, Bowen hastened to his horse and hurried to town for as- sistance, which shortly arrived, and Bu- chanan was taken back to Marysville and properly cared for. He lay a long time in a very dangerous situation, but eventually recovered, much to the grati- fication of the community, who admired the devotion and courage with which he had well-nigh sacrificed his life to the, discharge of duty. He was somewhat as- tonished to learn, a considerable period afterward, that he had received his wpund in an actual personal encounter with the redoubtable. Joaquin Murieta himself. He it was who had been standing before the fire in front of the tent, and had with his quick eye discovered the two hostile forms as they approached him through the patches of moonlight, CIIAPTER III. DEPARTURE OF THE ROBBERS FOR THE COAST RANGE-MOUNT SHASTA THE GREAT LANDMARK-THE ROBBERS AMONG THE INDIANS-THE TALL MS- SOURIAN A DEAD SHOT-BLEACHNG SKELETONS AND PERFORATED SKULLS -REYES FELIZ AND THE FAITHLESS SPOUSE-OLD PETER AND HS TWO DAUGHTERS-THE LASSOING OF AN ELK BY THE ELDEST DAUGHTER- SHE FALLS INTO THE HANDS OF THE ROBBES ERER TIMELY ESCAPE. The bandits did not long remain in the vicinity of Marysville after this oc- currence, but rode off into the coast range of mountains to the west of Mount Shaa- ta, which rears its white shaft., at all sea- \ page: 16-17[View Page 16-17] sons of the year, high above every other peak, and serves at a distance of two hundred miles to direct the course of the mountain traveler. Gazing at it from the Sacramento Valley, it rises in its gar- ments of snow, like some mighty arch- angel, filling the heaven with his solemn presence. In the rugged fastnesses of the wild range lying to the west of this huge mount, a range inhabited only by human savages and savage beasts, did the out- laws hide themselves for several long months, descending into the valleys at intervals, with no further purpose than to steal horses, of which they seemed determined to keep a good supply. They induced the Indians to aid them in this laudable purpose, and so efficiently did these simple people render their assist- ance, that the rancheros of that region loaded the very air with their curses of the " naked devils," who tormented them to such an intolerable degree. On one occasion, during these depredations upon locomotive property, an exasperated party of Americans, who had been on the track of their stolen animals, came up with the Indian thieves, and man- aged to hem them in between a perpen- dicular wall of bluffs and a deep river, so that there was no escape for them but to swim the stream, which swept by in a mad and foaming torrent. They fred upon the Indians, who leaped into the water, many of them dyeing it' with their blood, and a few successfully swim- ming across. In the midst of the firing a tall Mexican, mounted upon a fine horse, dashed down the banks, firing his revolver as he went, and plunged into the stream. His horse struck, out boldly with him for the opposite shore, and he had gained the middle of the current, a distance of a, hundred yards'from his pursuers, before any effectual shot at him was-made. He was about to escape, and nothing would now avail but a dead aim and ,a steady nerve. The best marks- man in the crowd, a lank Missourian, dismounted from his horse, drew his rifle to his shoulder while the others looked anxiously on, and taking along "bead," fired. The Mexican leaned forward a moment and the next instant floated from the saddle and sunk, while his fine- charger breasted the waves and ascended the bank Nwith a snorting nostril and dripping mane. No one was willing t6 risk the dangerous passage even to pos. sess so noble an animal, and they re-- turned with their recovered property to, their homes. This tall Mexican was a member of Joaquin's band, who had led the Indians in that very unsuccessful, thieving expedition. In that desolate region, through which, at long intervals, only few straggling miners passed, on their lonesome pros- pecting tours, human skeletons were, found bleaching in the sun, some leaving no trace of the manner in which they- perished, while others plainly showed- by the perforated skull that the leaden ball had suddenly and secretly done its work. The ignorant Indians suffered for many a deed which had been perpe- trated by civilized hands. It will be. re- collected by many persons who resided: at Yreka aid on Scott's River, in tho fall and winter cf 1851, how many prospec- tors were lost in the mountains and never- again heard from; how many were found dead, supposed to have been killed by the Indians, and yet bearing upon their bodies the marks of knives and bullets quite as frequently as arrows. In' one of the descents of the banditti into the valleys, they ventured into the plains which skirted Feather River, and on the edge of which is situated the, town of Hmilton. This was a long dis- tance from the coast range, but 'the fall. months of 1851 were clear and mild, and. camping out was a mere pastime. Here- the bandits were frequently scattered, two or three riding 'together, others re-. maining at the temporary camp, others again running off horses from Neil's Ranch, and others playing cards in the: -saloons at Hamilton. Reyes Feliz was in the habit of galloping around uhac:- companied, for being a good-lo6kingfel- low, he found himself welcome at ;vari- ous Mexican camps along the river, where certain smiling senoritas happened to be located. At one of these camps he met with the wife of a packer, then absent with a pack train in the mountains. She was a voluptuous beauty, and named 'Carmelita. Reyes Feliz was not long in discovering that she fancied him, and he made rapid advances in her affec- tions-somuch so, he one day persuaded her that he was a better husband than the packer, and she agreed with very lit- tle hesitation to link her fortunes with those of the gay and gallant cavalier who had won her to his embraces. The bandits at the camp were therefore great- ly surprised to see him one evening can- tering in with a blooming fair one behind him, whom he deposited in their midst, with a nonchalent air and the brief intro- duction-"There's my wife." Residing in the vicinity of'Hamilton was a hunter, who was known by the simple name of "Peter." He was half Wyandot and half French, and had two daughters, aged respectively eighteen and sixteen. Old Peter was probably the most honest man in all that section of country. Ever since the death of his wife-half French and half Wyandot like himself-which had happened in Iowa many years before the time of his introduction to the reader, he had fol- lowed the life of a trapper and, hunter, taking his two girls along with him. He had remained 'some years in the Rocky Mountains, and thence had ranged down by gradual removes, into California. He had horses, a heavy tent, plenty of clothing, and a purse generally well filled with money. This he earned 'solely by hunting, there be- ing a good cash market for all the veni- son and bear meat which he could fur- nish. Peter prided himself upon two things, his own honesty and the virtue of his daughters: Thje were'very hanid some girls, -and/- although 'train'ed "up in the wilderness; yet'-they-"had sufficiently trod the confines of civilization to --now something. of its refining' effects. Be- sides; their father was by no means a savage, having received the rjudiments of a French education in his youth, and having mingled with the better class of the border citizens of the United States to an extent which enabled him to speak pretty good English, and to act very much like a white man. But the Indian instinct was strong, both in himself and his daughters, the elder of whom was a dead shot with the rifle and a splendid rider, after the fashion of Indian women, to wit: astraddle. She had learned also to throw the lasso, and had more than once brought into camp wild elks, lassoed around the horns and towed at her saddle bow. Strange as :this may seem, it is literally true, and there are many persons now living in California who remember the girl and her feats. The younger sister,'although skilled in the handicraft of the woods,'was not so daring, but was exceedingly useful to her father by her knack at cooking, washing and attending to the domestic affairs of the camp. The' father usually wore a buckskin suit, while the garb of the:girls consisted of a calico or woolen skirt and bodice, a silk handkerchief carelessly tied under the chin, and upon their small and well shaped feet handsomely beaded moccasins. A couple of the bandits were one morn- ing galloping over the plain, in the direc- tion of a band of loose horses, with a view of lassoing one or two of them, when a'huge elk rapidly crossed the line of their progress. The animal was mak- ing the best speed he could, and well he might, for not more than fifty yards be- hind there came thundering after him a mounted figure, with disheveled hair and eager eyes and 'urgent pressings of the pursuing steed. It-was the old hun- ter's daughter, lasso in hand, enjoying i page: 18-19[View Page 18-19] her favorite pastime of elk-chasing. It may well be conjectured that the ban- dits were somewhat astonished at this unusual sight, for they had never seen or heard of this extraordinary maiden before. Neither the elk nor the girl paid any attention to them, but dashed on, pursued and pursuing. The robbers, exhilarated by the spectacle, put spurs to their horses and followed in the chase. Onward sped the wild hunters for a mile or more, till now she gains upon the panting beast, reaches within twenty or thirty feet of him, whirls the adjusted loop around and around her head to give it impetus, and lets loose the springing coil. Forth it flies on its lengthened mission, and the noose drops down over the branching horns. The well-trained mustang stops short in his tracks, the cord tightens at the saddle-bow, and the flying elk, suddenly jerked backward, falls heavily to the ground. With a shout of applause the robbers recognize the capture and rein their chargers to the spot. Addressing the girl in Span- ish, they found she spoke English, and so conversed with her moderately well in that language. The elk being some- what refractory, they politely offered to help her home with it, and did so, driv- ing it forward while she galloped on ahead. Arriving at her father's camp, it was courtesy to ask the strangers to alight and refresh themselves. They partook of the wholesome repast spread before them by the younger sister, and I had finished their last cup of coffee, when old Peter entered. He looked at his new- found guests with a degree of suspicion, , and saluted them but coldly. He took t no apparent interest in the rehearsal of t: his daughter's adventure, and, when the M strangers arose to depart he did not ask a them to call again. One of them, how- ever, the smooth spoken and graceful, i Claudio, did call the next day, and old n Peter peremptorily ordered him away. m There was something in the old man's ds look that even as brave a scoundrel as co It Claudio did not like unnecessarily to par- m- ley with, and thinking " discretion the: "s better part of valor," he left. Old Peter, 3n it seems, knew instinctively that he was; en a rascal, and was not disposed to waste, rl any ceremonious courtesy upon him. ed After the expiration of a few days, the- s, young Diana concluded to ride over in- ;o to the woods that skirt Butter Creek, a. B. clear, pebbly-bottomed stream that em-- le pties into the Feather River, some dis- e tance above Hamilton. She took her r rifle with her-a small-bored, silver-- d mounted piece, with an elegant curly e maple stock-thinking that she would g bring in a number of the gray squirrels. i with which the grounds abounded, for r the purpose of converting them into . pot-pie. The sharp crack of her rifle was. the death-knell of many an " adjidaumo,"' e and soon, with a string of the bushy. , tailed "varmints," at her saddle-bow, she grew weary of the Sport, and reclined for a brief rest upon a plot of dry grass. underneath an oak tree, leaving her docile pony to feed at his discretion in the neighborhood. It was not long before- she fell asleep. How long'she had slum- bered she could not say, but she was sud- denly awakened by a strong pressure up- on her wrists, and opening her eyes in a fuller consciousness, she found herself in. the grasp of a powerful man. It was the late companion of Claudio, in the matter of the elk adventure and the subsequent repast at old Peter's camp. The villain had secured the girl's wrists with a piece of cord, and now held a knife at her throat, threatening to kill her in- ,stantly if she dared to scream out. Never- theless she did scream, until a gag was. thrust into her mouth by a second party whom she had not until then discovered,. and-who proved to be Claudio. The twoc were proceeding to drag the terrified girl into an adjacent thicket, rendered well. nigh impervious by a' mazy entangle- ment of wild pea vines, when a horseman. dashed up, and cocking his revolver, commanded the rascals to desist. The- girl was surprised to see that they in- stantly obeyed. She was unbound, her rifle restored to her and 'her pony led to where she was standing. After she was mounted, and on the point of departing, her strange rescuer rode closely up to her and said: "Young woman! you've heard of Joa- quin Murieta. I'm the man. When you hear people abusing me, ihereafter, perhaps'you'll think I'm not quite so big a scoundrel as they say I am, after all. Now, hurry home, before some other danger overtakes you." With a grateful heart, the maiden bade him adieu, and galloped off. When at a distance of about' a hundred yards, the group still gazing at her, she sud- denly halted, and turned around as if to come back, but stood still, facing them. While they were wondering what on earth she could be at, they soon perceived that she was deliberately leveling her rifle to draw a "bead " on some one of the party. Claudio instinctively wheeled ,from the' front of the tree, where he was standing, with a sudden effort .to slide behind it, when the rifle cracked, and the bark flew from the exact spot at which he would have been struck to the heart if he had remained a moment longer. With a sharp feminine whoop and a gay laugh of defiance, the spirited damsel put wings to her horse's feet and was soon out of sight. Old Peter, I have already said, was an honest man, but, much as he hated vil- lains, he was never, heard, so long as he remained in the country, to speak a harsh word of the robber Joaquin. If any are curious to know of the sub- sequent history of the old hunter and his two daughters, they will find it, I thifk, in the first series of the published sketches by A. Delano, Esq., entitled "Chips of. the Old Block." / CHAPTER IV. TRIP OF THE BANDITS TO SONORA--THEY TAKE UP HEADQUARTERS AT THE AR- ROYO CANTOOVA-JOAQUIN'S FELICI- TY UNDER THE EVERGREEN OAKS- HE DIVIDES HS COMPANY INTO THREE BANDS, UNDER CLAUDIO, VALENZU- ELA AND THREE-FINGERED JACK, "EAVING HMSELF ONLY A FEW AT- TENDANTS-THE WOMEN DRESSED IN MALE CLOTHES-JOAQUIN A VISITOR IN THE' TOWNS, UNRECOGNIZED-HS DARING FEAT AT MOKELUMNE HLL- RETURN TO THE RENDEZVOUS-KfT,- ING OF RUDDLE-COMC ADVENTURE AMONG THE DIGGER INDIANS. As soon as the spring opened in 1852, Joaquin and his party descended from the mountains, and by forced marches in the night, drove some two or three hundred horses which they had collected at their winter rendezvous, down through the southern portion of the State, into the province of Sonora. Returning in a few weeks, they took up their headquar- ters at the Arroyo Cantoova, a fine tract of rich. pasturage containing seven or eight thousand acres, beautifully wa- tered, and fenced in by a circular wall of mountains, through which an entrance was afforded by a narrow gate or pass, at which a very formidable force could be stayed in their progress by a small body of men. This rich and fertile basin lies halfway between the Tejon and the Pacheco Pass, to the east of the Coast Range, and to the west of the-great Tu- lare Lake, thoroughly embosomed in its rugged boundaries, and the more valu- able as a retreat, that it was distant at least one hundred and fifty miles from any human habitation. From the sur- rounding eminences an approaching ene- my could be seen for a long way. off. This region was in one respect in partic- ular, adapted to the purpose for which it was chosen, and that is, it abounded page: 20-21[View Page 20-21] in game of every kind: elk, antelope, deer, grizzly bears, quails, grouse, and every species of. smaller animals, most desirable,for food. , Here Joaquin select- ed a clump of evergreen oaks for his resi- dence, and many a pleasant day found him and his still blooming companion, roofed-by the rich foliage of the trees, and reclining upon a more luxurious carpet than ever blossomed with its imi- tative flowers, beneath the satin-slip- pered feet of-the fairest daughters of San Francisco. The brow of his sweet and faithful friend would sometimes grow sad, as she recurred to the happy and peaceful lives which they had once lived, but with a woman's true nature, she loved him in spite of all his crimes, and her soul was again lighted up as she gazed into those dark-and glorious eyes which had never quailed before mortal man, and lost their fierceness only when they looked on, her! Besides, in her tender heart she made for him many al- lowances; she saw- many strong pallia- tions of his conduct in the treatment which he had received; she knew the secret history of his soul, his sufferings, and his struggles with an evil fate, and the long agony which rent up by the roots the original honesty of. his high- born nature. More than this, he had told-her that he would soon finish his dangerous career, when, having com- pleted his revenge, and having accumu- lated an equivalent for the fortune of 1 which he had been robbed by the Ameri- 1 cans, he would retire into a peaceful por- tion of the State of Sonora, build him a pleasant home and live alone for love d and her. She believed him, for he spoke a truly of his intentions, and wonder not, b ye denizens of cities she was happy, even 't: in the wilderness. It mattered not how h the world regarded him, to her he was is all that was noble, generous and beauti- p ful. After spending a few weeks at. the w rendezvous,- Joaquin divided his party, n then consisting of about seventy men, in- tic oe, to different .bands, headed,.by Claudio, id Three-Fingered -Jack, and yaleazuela, st and. despatched them, to varios quar- t- ters, with. orders to devote .thImselves si- chiefly to stealing. horses and nles, as d he had a purpose to effect. whie- i, quired at least fifteen hundred or -two , thousand animals. He: himself, .started is, on a seperate course, accompanied. by i- Reyes Feliz, Pedro Gonzalez, and Juan. T- Three females, who were dressed in f male attire and well. armed, were also in tcompany; that is to say, Joaquin's mis- 3 tress, and those of Reyes Feliz and Pedro Gonzalez. All the party were well mounted, and rode, no one knew whither, except Joaquin himself. Arriving at Mokelumne Hill, in Calaveras County, they took up qua ters with some of their Mexican acquaintances in that place, and, passing' through the streets, or visiting the saloons, were looked upon as nothing more than peaceable Mexi- cans, -residing in the town. This was in the -onth of April.. While here, the women appeared in their proper attire, and were admired for their exceedingly, modest and quiet deportment. The men issued forth at night upon no praise- worthy missions, and, mounted upon their magnificent chargers, scoured an extent of many miles ere they returned stealthily back to their hiding place, and the arms of their languishing loves. Joaquin bore the appearance and charac- ter of an elegant and successful gambler, being amply provided with means from his night excursions. In the meantime his men were, in different directions, prosecuting with ardor the business upon which they had been sent, and there was a universal cry 'throughout the lower country, that horse thieves were very neatly impover- ishing the ranchos. Joaquin gathered a pretty good knowledge of what his fol- lowers were about 'from the newspapers, which made a very free use of his own name, in the accounts of these- transac- tions, and handled his character in no / measured terms. In the various out- breaks in which he'had been personally eigaged; he had worn different disguises, and 'ws actually disguised the most when he s dhwed his real features. 'No man who- bd met him oh the highway would -be apt to recognize- him in the cities. He frequently stood very uncon- cernedly in a crowd, and listened to long and -earnest conversations in re- lation to himself; and laughed, in his sleeve at the many conjectures which were made as to his whereabouts and intentions. After remaining as long as he desired at Mokelumne Hill; about the first of May he prepared to take his departure, which he resolved to do at the hour of midnight. His horses were saddled, the women dressed in their male clothes, and- everything ready, when Joaquin sauntered out into the streets, according to his custom, and visited the various drinking and gambling saloons, 'with which every California town and village abound. While sitting at a monte table, at which he carelessly put down a dollar or two to while away the time, his atten- tion was suddenly arrested by the dis- tinct pronunciation of his name just op- posite to where he sat. Looking up, he observed three or four Americans en- gaged in loud and earnest conversation in relation to himself, in which one of them, a tall fellow, armed with a revolver, re-' marked that he "would just like once in his life to come across Joaquin, and that he would kill him as quick as he would a snake." The daring bandit, upon hear- ing this speech, jumped upon the monte table in view of the whole house, and drawing his. six-shooter, shouted out: "I am Joaquin I If there is any shooting to do I am in!"So sudden and startling was this movement that every one quailed before him, and in the midst of the consternation and confusion which reigned, 'he gathered his cloak about him and walked out unharmed. After this bold avowtO of himself, it was necessary for him to make his stay -quite short in r that vicinity. Mountink his horse there- fore with expedition, he dashed off'with his- party at his heels, sending back a whoop of defiance, which rung out thril- lingly in the night air. The extreme chagrin of the citizens, can be imagined when they found; for the first time, that they had unwittingly tolerated in their very midst the man whom, above all others, thev would have wished to secure Returning to his rendezvous at Arroyo Cantoova, he found that his marauding bands had gathered some two or three hundred head of horses, and were patient- ly waiting his further orders. He de- tached a portion of them to'take the animals into Sonora for safe keeping, and made remittances of money at the same time to a secret partner of his in that State. Towards the last of May, becoming again restless, and tired of an inactive life; he started forth upon the highroads, attended as before, when on his visit to Mokelumne-Hill, simply by Reyes Feliz, Pedro Gonzalez, Juan and the three bright-eyed girls, who, mounted on very- elegant chargers, appeared as charming a trio of handsome cavaliers as ever de- lighted the visions of romantic damsels. Meeting with no one for a week or two but impoverished Frenchmen, and dilapi- dated Germans, in search of "diggins," and' having sent very nearly all -his money to Sonora, Joaquin's purse was getting rather low, and he resolved to attack the first man or men he might meet, who appeared to be supplied. He was this time on the road to San Luis Gonzagos, to which place a young Amer- ican, named Albert Ruddle, was at the time driving a wagon loaded with gro- ceries. Overtaking this young man' on an open plain, Joaquin, leaving his party behind, rode up to him where he sat upon one of his wheel horses, and polite- ly bidding him " good morning," request- ed of him the loan of what small change page: 22-23[View Page 22-23] he might have about him, remarking at the same moment: "It' is true I am a robber, but, as sure as I live, I merely' wish to borrow this money, and I will as certainly pay it back to you as my name is Joaquin. It is not often that I am without funds, but such is my situation at present." Ruddle, without replying, made a sud- den motion to draw his pistol, upon which Joaquin exclaimed: "Come, don't be foolish-I have no wish to kill you, and let us have no fight." Ruddle made another effort to get his pistol, which, from excitement, or perhaps from its hanging in the holster, he could not instantly draw, when the bandit, with a muttered oath, slashed him across the neck with his bowie knife and dash- ed him from the saddle. Searching his pockets, he found about three hundred dollars. His party coming up, he rode on, leaving the murdered map where he lay, and his wagon and teaii standing by the road. Joaquin's conscience smote him for this deed, and he regretted the necessity of killing so honest and hard working a man as Ruddle seemed to be.* It happened that just at this period, Capt. Harry Love, whosb own history is one of equal romance with that of Joa- quin, but marked only-with events which redound to his honor, ,was at the head of a small party, gotten up on his own re- : sponsibility, in search of this outrageous g bandit. Love had served as an express & rider in the Mexican war, and had borne ] despatches from one military post to an- t other, over the most dangerous tracts of e Mexico. He had traveled alone for hun- r dreds of miles over mountains and des- o erts, while beset with a no less danger g than the dreaded "guerillas," who hung o upon the skirts of the American army, r laid in wait at mountain passes and th watering places, and made it their busi- h 'This circumstance was related to the writer by d a man named Brown, who was intimate with Joa. quin, and to whom the robber talked freely. of at ness to murder every unfortunate strag- gler that fell into their hands. Riding re fleet horses, and expert in the use of the his lasso, it required a well mounted horse- it man to escape them on the open plains, It and many a hard race with them has the it Captain had to save his neck and the valuable papersin his charge. He had 3- been, moreover, from his early youth, a h hardy pioneer, experienced in all the dangers and hardships of a border life. o Having these antecedents in his favor, o and possessing the utmost coolness in danger, he was a man well fitted to con- s tend with a person like Joaquin, than s whom the lightning was'not quicker and i surer in the execution of a deadly errand. , Love was on the direct trail of Joaquin, 3 when Ruddle was-murdered. With the - utmost speed consistent with the caution E necessary to a surprise of the bandit, he pursued him by his murders and robber- ies, which left a bloody trail behind him, to the rancho of San Luis Gonzagos, which is now well known to have been a place which regularly harbored the banditti. Arriving at that place at night, he ascertained by certain spies whom he had employed, that the party of whom he was in search, were staying in a canvas house on the edge of the rancho. Proceeding cautiously to this house with his men, the, Captain had just reached the door, when the alarm was given by a woman in a neighboring tent, and in an instant Joaquin, Gonzalez, Reyes Feliz and Juan had cut their way through the back part of the canvas and escaped into the darkness. On entering, no one was to be seen but women, three of whom, then dressed in their proper garments, were the bandits' mistresses, of which fact, however, Love was igno- rant. Leaving the women to shift for themselves, the fugitives went to their horses, which were hitched in an adja- cent thicket, mounted them, and rode directly over to Oris Timbers, a distance of eight miles, where they immediately stole twenty head of horses, and drove 'them offinto the neighboring mountains. 'They remained concealed all the next 'day, but at night came back (a movement wholly unanticipated by Love) to the 'cloth house where they had left their 'women, wlo quickly doffed their female attire, and rode off With their companions in the hills, from which they had just -come. Driving the stolen horses before them, the parties started in high glee :across the Tulare Plains, for Los Ange- -les. Love followed them no further, 'having business which recalled him. 'The owner of the Oris Timbers Rancho, 'however, attended by a few Americans, Tell upon their trail, indicated by the "Captain, and pursued them without much difficulty into the country of the Tejon Indians. Not coming up with 'them, and perhaps not very anxious to 'do so, the owner of the horses proceeded -with his attendants to the seat of gov- ernment of the Tejon Root Digger Na- ition, in order to see the old chief, Sapa- tarra, and if possible to make an arrange- ,ment with him by which to recover his -property. They soon reached the capi- rtal, which consisted of twenty or thirty very picturesque-looking bark huts, scat- tered along the side of a hill, in front of the largest of which they found old Sa- -patarra, seated upon his haunches in all the grandeur of " naked majesty," enjoy- ing a very luxurious repast of roasted acorns and t1ried angle-worms. His swar- thy subjects were scattered in various di- rections around him, engaged for the ,most part in the very arduous task of *doing nothing. The little smoky-look- ang children were sporting, like a black species of water fowl, in the creek which :ran a short distance below, while the women were pounding with stone 'pestles in stone mortars, industriously ,preparing their acorn bread. The deli- -cacies of the chiefs table were soon :spread before his guests, which, though ,tempting, they respectfully declined, and enatered immediately upon theirbusiness. Sapatarra was informed that a party of Mexican horse thieves had sought shel- ter in his boundaries; that they were only a few in number, and they had in their possession twenty splendid horses, one half of which should belong to the chief if he recovered the whole number. This arrangement was speedily effected, and the high contracting parties separa- ted with great satisfaction, and mutual assurances of their distinguished regard. Sapatarra held a council of state, which resulted in sending spies over his dominions to discover traces of the ma- rauding band. Information was returned in a day or two, that seven Mexicanos, superbly' dressed, and covered with splendid jewelry, and having a large number of fine horses, were camped on a little stream about fifteen miles from the capital. The cupidity of the old chief and his right-hand men was raised to the highest pitch, and they resolved to manage the matter in hand with great skill and caution; which last, by the way, is a quality th-At particularly distinguishes the California Indians, amounting to so extreme a degree that it might safely be called cowardice. Joa- quin and party, having ascertained that they were no longer pursued by the Oris Timber Ranchero, and feeling perfectly secure amongst so harmless a people as the Tejons, disencumbered themselves of their weapons and resolved to spend a few days in careless repose and genuine rural enjoyment. Juan was one evening lying in the grass watching the horses as they fed around him, while Gonzalez, Feliz and Murieta were each of them separately seated under a live-oak tree, enjoying a private tete a tete with their beloved and loving partners. The even- ing shades were softly stealing around them, and all nature seemed to lull their unquiet spirits to security and repose. Just at this moment a few dark figures might have been seen, but unfortunately were. not, creeping cat-like in the direc- tion of the unsuspecting Juan, and the page: 24-25[View Page 24-25] equally unconscious Murieta, Goonzalez and the others. It was well managed By-a sudden and concerted movement the whole party were -'ized, overpowered, and securely bound before they were aware of what was going, on. The Indians were in ecstasies at this almost unhoped for success, for had the least re- sistance been made, a single pistol cocked, or a knife drawn, they would have left the ground on the wings of the wind- so largely developed is the'bump of cau- tion on the head of a California Indian! But cunning is equally developed, and serves their purposes quite as well some- times as downright courage. As soon as this feat was accomplished, the woods became alive with forms, faces and voices. A triumphal march was made with the captives to the capital. They were stripped entirely naked, and their rich clothing covered the weather-beaten backs and scaly legs of the Tejons; but great was the astonishment of the natives, when they discovered the sex of the three youthful cavaliers, who were kindly permitted, in pity for their mo- desty, to wear some of the old cast-off shifts that lay around in the dirt among the huts. The women were robbed of their jewelry to the amount of three thousand dollars, and the men of seven thousand dollars in gold dust, besides their riding animals and stolen horses. They were left also without a solitary i weapon. Never were men so humilia- E ted. The poor, miserable, cowardly Te- 1 jons had achieved a greater triumph over , them than all the Americans put together. X Joaquin looked grim for a while, but v finally burst into a loud laugh at his h ridiculous position, and he ever after- st wards endured his captivity with a quiet n smile. The "most potent, grave and reverend e seignor," Sapatarra, immediately des- p patched one half of the stolen horses gi to the Otis Timbers. while he retained the other, according to agreement. ju He kept his " prisoners of war" in cus- on ,ez tody,for-a week or two, debating in his; d. mind, weth er to makqe targets of them the forhis young men to practice archery- ed, upon, or to hang, burn or drown them. ere He finally sent word to "the great he Capitan," the County Judge of Los An- ost geles, that he had a party of Mexicans. re- in custody, and wanted his advice as d, what to do with them. The Judge, sup- eft posing that the capture was the result of a little feud between some "greasers" u- and the Tejons, advised him to release i! them. Accordingly one fine morning, d the prisoners under the supervision of e- Sapatarra, surrounded by his guard, who, n were armed with' the revolvers and s knives which they had taken from the d bandits, were led forth from the village e with such solemnity that they imagined y that they were going to none other than. r a place of execution. Arrived at a group 1 of live-oaks, they were bound, naked, the. women included, each to a tree. Sapa- tarra, dressed for the occasion with a f broad-brimmed hat and a bob-tailed red flannel shirt, which gave his ancient and venerable legs a most unique appearance,. made a long' speech,. which was a mix-- ture of Digger and Spanish, on the merits of the transaction that was'about to occur, enlarging upon the enormity- of the crime which had beencommitted, (although it looked very much like self- condemnation in him to denounce steal-- ing, inasmlch as the old fellow had him- self stolen many a horse and eaten him. besides!) and went off into extreme. glorification over the magnanimity which would allow such great rascals to escape- with their lives. lIe thenigave ordersto. have them whipped,. and seven large, stout fellows stepped forth, shed their- newly acquired shirts for a freer play of limb, and, with a bunch of willow rods,. each to his place, gave the unfortunate. party a very decent and thorough flog-- ging. Sapatarra then .declared the ends of justice satisfied, and dismissed the pris- Qnersfrom. custody. Poor. fellows I they went forth into the, wilderness as naked as. on the day they, were born, and stricken with a blanker poverty than the veriest beg- gar upon the streets of London or of New York. The biters were bit, the robbers were robbed, and loud and deep were the curses which Feliz, Juan and Gonzalez pronounced upon Sapatarra and the whole Tejon nation. But Joaquin rub- bed his snarting back and laughed pro- digiously, declaring upon his honor as a man that not a hair of old Sapatarra's head should be harmed at any time in the future. CHAPTER V. MOVEMENTS OF THE NAKED PARTY- REYES FELIZ MEETS WITH A GRIZZLY BEAR - SELF-SACRIFICING FEMALE DEVOTION-SUDDEN RELIEF FROM DISTRESS-THE ROBBER CHEF ARMED AGAIN - CONVENIENT HARBORING PLACES AT THE RANCHES OF WEALTHY - MEXICANS-DEATH OF PEDRO GONZA- LEZ--JOAQUIN'S COLD ASSASSINATION OF THE DEPUTY SHERIFF dF SANTA BARBARA COUNTY-MURDER OF GEN. BEAN BY THREE-FINGERED JACK AND JOAQUIN-MEETING jBJ WiEN JOA- QUIN AND JOE LAZE-DEATH OF THE ILATTER. The night succeeding their dismissal by old Sapatarra, they slept in the woods, naked as they were, without a stitch of covering; but fortunately it was near the summer, and the air possessed a merely pleasant coolness. The next day, in passing through an arroya, Reyes Feliz who was behind, was attacked by a grizzly bear, and after being horribly mangled in the jaws of the ferocious beast, only escaped instant destruction by feigning death. The bear having turned him over two or three times with his nose, slowly paced off into the thicket. The cries of Feliz for help meantime brought back his companions, who could, however, do him no good, not even so much as to staunch his wounds, having, as the reader is aware, not a stitch to their backs nor a rag in possession. The bleeding youth with stoical endurance, begged his companions to leave him to his fate, as he believed that he must cer- tainly die, and their attendance could be of no benefit to him. Seeing the neces- sity of moving on to some place where they could obtain .food and clothing, they removed him 'to a shady place among some rocks near to a stream of water and left him to die-all but his sor- rowing mistress, who resolved to remain: with him whatever might'befall. They turned to look as they departed, and the last they saw was the faithful girl, with the lover's head upon her lap, pouring her tears upon him like a healing balm from her heart. Give me not a sneer thou rigid righteousl for the love of woman is beautiful at all times, whether she smiles under gilded canopies, in her satin garments, or weeps over a world- hated criminal, alone and naked in a. desert. After a day or two's travel, Joaquin' and party arrived, nearly worn out, in the vicinity of the San Francisco Rancho. at the Tejon Pass, where they met with Mountain Jim, an American desperado. and co-operator with Joaquin's band,. who had been out upon his "own hook,"' robbing, and stealing for a few weeks then past. He was. astounded at the spectacle which they presented, and begged Joaquin to allow him the privi- lege of laughing one good hearty laugh, before he listened to any explanation of the mystery. The privilege was readily- granted, and the jolly bandit went. through the performance .with great zest and unction, making the woods echo and re-echo with his most refreshing peals of merriment. The women hid themselves. in the brush, and were like mother Eve, page: 28-29[View Page 28-29] of the hotels making no concealment of his purpose to take him, 'dead or alive. Tle next night after this -discovey,;'a great excitement'was raised in the street, and a crowd rushed up to see an appar- ently very hard fist fight between two Ii- dians in front of the hotel at which Wil- son was stopping. He, in common with others, stepped out to witness it, and was looking on with much interest, when a dashing young fellow rode up by his side on a fine horse, and stooping over his saddle bow, hissed \in his ear, "I am Joaquin." The astounded hearer started at the sentence, and had scarcely looked around before a pistol ball pene- trated his skull, and he fell dead to the earth. With his accusto ed whoop, the daring murderer pa-cspurs to his ani- mal and gallo poff. The fight between the Indiawas a sham affair got up by Three-Fingered Jack to effect the very purpose which was consummated. As the immediate consequence of this act, Los Angeles became too tot a place for the robbers to stay in; for the whole community was aroused and thirsting for vengeance. Accordingly Joaquin held a hasty conference with his follow- ers, which resulted in sending Valen- zuela and band, accompanied by Moun- tain Jim, into San Diego County, with directions to steal horses and convey them to Arroyo Cantoova, while Three- -Fingered Jack with his band should accompany his chief wherever he might choose to go. Choosing to return once more to San Gabriel, they started in that direction, and met with no incident or individual on the road until they came to a dark hollow, walled on each side with precipitous rocks, through which a noisy stream was leaping and glancing in the moonlight; at this place two helpless Chinaman were encamped by the foot of a sycamore tree, and it being near eleven o'clock at night, were sleep- ing off their fatigue and the effects of their luxurious pipes-of opium. Their pick and prospecting pans showed them to be miners, who were most probably supplied with a due amount of cash, as Chinamen generally are. Joaquin was for idingdn, but Three-Fingered' Jack could' not resist the temptation of at least giving their pockets an examin- ation. He therefore dismounted and walked up to the unconscious Celestials, who were snoring very loudly in their blankets; and shook them. They awoke, and seeing a horrible looking devil standing over, and glaring upon them, raised a hideous shriek, and rising, fell upon their knees before him, with the most lugubrious supplications, in a by no means euphonious tongue. Jack told them to "dry up," but they con- tinued pleading for mercy, when he knocked one of them down with his re- volver, and cocking it presented it at the head of the other, who closed his eyes in an agony of despair. In a voice of thunder he told the terrified Chinaman to " shell out," or he would blow a hole through him in a minute. S Readily con- vinced of the truth of this remark, the poor fellow nervously jerked'out his purse and handed i'. to the robber, and searching the pocket of his companion, who lay stunned by hls side, took out his also and presented it with a shudder. The amount was small-not more than twenty or thirty dollars-which so en- raged the sanguinary monster that he drew his knife and cut both of their throats, before Joaquin could possibly interfere to prevent it. The young chief, who always regretted unnecessary cruelty, but knew full well that he could not dispense with so brave a man as Garcia, said nothing to' him, but only groaned and rode on. The party reached San Gabriel without' further incident, and there related this last adventure. General Bean, a man of influence and wealth, had, during Joaquin's absence, been giving serious trouble to' Claudio and band, who had been compelled to, lie out in the woods to avoid him. Joa- quin himself thought it prudent to keep out of his way, and-he lay concealed with Claudio for the space of six weeks, having with hi 'Three-Fingered 'Jack and band. Portionsiof the banditti had regularly watched every opportunity to kill Geni. Bean, but, up to this time, had signally failed in every 'attempt. One evening, however, a spy having seen him start from his store at San Gabriel on 'horseback in the' direction'of his home, a few miles off, Three-Fingered Jack and Joaquin started by themselves to head around him and waylay him on the road. They had scarcely taken their posi- tions behind some rocks before Bean rode ,up. Joaquin sprung'out in front of him and seizing the bridle, which had a Span- ish bit, jerked his horse back upon his haunches, and just at that moment Three- Fingered Jack dragged him from the sad- dle and threw him upon the ground. At the moment that Jack laid hold of him he was in the act of firing at Joaquin, but being pulled back so suddenly, his pistol flew up many feet above the prop- er level and was discharged into the empty air. Bean being a powerful man, rose to his feet with Three-Fingered Jack upon him, and, drawing his knife, en- deavored to use it, but his equally pow- erful antagonist seized his wrist with his left hand, and drawing in his turn a glit- tering bowie knife, sheathed it three times in his breast, then withdrawing the bloody blade he rudely shoved him back, and the brave but unfortunate man fell dead at his feet. The ignoble wretch, not satisfied with the successful termi- nation of the combat, displayed his brut- al disposition by kicking the dead'body in the face, and discharging two loads from his revolver into the lifeless head. Thus perished General Bean, a gener- ous, noble hearted and brave man. Had he been less brave, he might have exer- cised more caution and preserved his life; but he was a man who never knew fear.- After this outrage, which though dark enough, was yet only an act of self-pre- servatio on 'the part of Joaquin he col- lected his whole party i the neighbor- hood of the Mission, and started again n his ever restless course. He bent his way northwaid into Calaveras County, robbing a few pedding Jews, two or three Frenchmen and a ChinsTnan, as he weit along, and giving an American ex' press agent a fearful race for his life on an open plain, for, five or ;ix miles, in which he distinctly heard no less than twenty bullets whiz by his head, and arrived in the vicinity of the town of Jackson in the latter part of the month of August. Riding along one evening in advance of his men, as was frequently his cus- tom, he met an old acquaintance who "had been an esteemed friend in his more honest and happy days, a young man whose name was Joe Lake. Joaquin was delighted to see him, and rode up to him and embraced him, as they both sat on their horses, with that generous warmth of feeling whichmade an other- wise unmeaning custom of the Mexicans beautiful. "Joe," said he, as he brushed a tear from his eyes, "I am not the man that I was; I am a deep-dyed scoundrel, but so help me God! I was driven to it by op- pression and wrong. I hate my enemies; who are almost all the Americans, but I love you for the sake of old times. I don't ask you, Joe, to love or respect me, for an honest man like you cannot, but 1 I do ask you not to betray me. I am un- known in this vicinity, and no one will suspect my presence, if you do not tell that you have seen me. ' My former good friend, I would rather do anything in the world than kill you, but if you be- tray me'I will certainly do it." Lake assured him that there was no danger, and the two parted, for the wide gulf of dishonor yawned between them, and they could never again be united. Lake rode over to the little town of Hornitas, and feeling it to be his duty to warn the citizens that so dangerous a page: 30-31[View Page 30-31] man was in their midst, told a few Amer- icans quite privately that he had seen the bloody cut-throat Murieta. A Mexi- can was standing by wrapped in his serape, who bent his head on his bosom and smiled. About sundown of the next day, a solitary horseman, whose head was covered with a profusion of red hair, rode up very'leisurely to the front of a trading post, at which Lake and some other gentlemen were stand- ing, politely raised his hat, and addressed an inquiry to Lake, which caused him to step forward from the crowd the better to converse. "Is your name Lake?" said the red. haired stranger. "The same," was the reply. "Well sir, I am Joaquin! you have lied to me." Lake being unarmed, exclaimed, "Gen- tlemen, protect me," and sprang back towards the crowd. Several persons drew their revolvers, but not before the quick hand of Joaquin had presented his and pulled the trigger. The aim was fatal', and Lake fell in the agonies of death. The murderer wheeled his horse in an instant, and by a sudden bound, passed the aim of the revolvers which were discharged at him. In another in- stant he was seen on the summit of a- hill, surrounded by no less than fifty well-mounted men, with whom he slowly rode off. Such was the magical luck which pursued this man, following him like an invisible guardian fiend, in every hour of his peril, and enabling him to successfully perform deeds which would turn any other man's blood cold. So perfect was the organization which he had established that that apparently harmless Mexican who was standing near while Lake -betrayed Joaquin, and who lived unsuspected in that very town, was none other than a paid member of his band, who acted as a spy. CHAPTER VI. JOAQUIN SEEKS A RESPITE FROM ANNOY- ANCES-HE TRAVELS INTO lJRlI'JUJrO. UNEXPLORED REGIONS-FINDS THE. MYSTERIOUS LAKE OF MONO-STRANGE. SIGHTS AND WONDERS-A MARVELOUS. MOUNTAIN, SINCE SEEN BY OTHERS-- DESCRIPTION OF ITS SINGULAR AS- PECT AND PHENOMENA-DISCOVERY OF SCULirtU'IJl ANTIQUITIES AND ANCIENT BURIAL PLACES--SINGULAR DOMCILE FOR A TOAD- -A WEIRD REALM. Such daring feats as the one last recorded, and such equally daring and bloody ones as those which immediately preceded it, caused the organization of so many formidable companies of armed men, in the different counties through which the robber chief had more recent- ly passed, sworn to capture him, that he became somewhat tired of the exercise of so much vigilance as the circumstan- ces required of him, and concluded to spend the remaining portion of the dry season in some spot in the mountains which should be absolutely free from in- trusion. Accordingly, not caring whith- er he went, so that he reached a secluded place, he struck out, with his whole band, in an easterly direction, taking along with the company, at the request of certain members whom he wished to please, a number of free and easy senori- tas from the town of Jackson. Beside these were his ovn beautiful partner, and the wife of the late Gonzalez, who 'had already consoled her widowhood with an ugly, brutish member of the band named Guerra: Carmelita remained at San Gabriel with Reyes Feliz, who was still languid and feeble by his wounds from the grizzly bear. The party, after two days' riding found themselves at the summit of the Sierra. Nevada, whence they descended towards- the great Utah Basin. Passing down a succession of slopes, wooded with pine- and juniper, they suddenly entered into an evidently new and unexplored region, alternating in sandy plains covered with sage bushes and rocky, intervening hills, dotted with stinted cedar, and enlivened with small valleys, which were watered by bright and sparkling streams. Fol- lowing one of these they discovered that it emptied-as they could trace it for a long distance by its willowy margin, and gradual descent- into a vast lake. As they approached this sheet of water they felt an increasing warmth in the atmos- phere, and pretty soon a hot wind from the direction of the lake. Suddenly, as if to belie the heat, there came down upon them what appeared a terrific snow storm, but they soon discovered that there was no moisture in the flakes, and that they did not melt either upon them- selves or their horses, but left both with a ghastlywhiteness which it was diffi- cult to shake off. When they told of this event afterward they did not even then know what to make of it, but the writer has since learned that a similar phenom- enon has occurred at Washoe and other points on the rim of the Utah Basin, and- is simply a shower of alkali dust caught up by the whirlwinds in the adjacent deserts, and descending, when their force is spent. 'Astonished beyond meas- ure at this circumstance, so much so that even Three-Fingered Jack crossed him- self, and prayed to the Virgin Mary, while the hitherto gay feminiies offered at the shrine of the same Virgin vows of eternal chastity. They rode on, and the sham snow storm being past they reined up on the margin of the expanse of water to which they had been for so many miles tending. Here, although prepared for almost anything that might happen, by what they had recently passed through, they were struck with new wonders. And well they might be, for they were on the shore of an inland sea, as mysterious as might have been. --" the dim lake of Aubet, Ip the ghoul-haunted woodland of Wier.' They stood by what is now known asi Lake Mono, the name which was give&n it by the Indians who inhabit that. region. This lake, now included in the newly organized county of Mono, marked at. that time the probable junction of the, somewhat vaguely defined boundary, lines of Calaveras, Mariposa and Fresno6 counties. It is twenty-seven miles long, and sixteen broad, curving somewhat in the shape of a crescent with a large island in the middle, five miles in length). and whitened on the edges with peculiar; incrustations. A white vapor, like in- cense from an altar, continually rises. from this island, caused by the presence' of the hot springs which it contains;. and the subterranean heat is such that although'a night's lodging on the island, is tolerable, it is not altogether comfor- table. Nevertheless there are also springs of fresh water in the island, and some salt. Near by is a smaller island, lying. dim and dingy by the side of the- other. Although the waters of the lake arem clear, they have a Lethe-like and drowsy appearance, and within their slumbering: depths no living thing is found, with the single exception of an insect, which is pe- culiar to the lake, and which has been dis- covered nowhere else in the world. This nondescript is shaped somewhat like a snail, has something like rudimental wings, is about three-quarters of an inch long, and of a brownish color. They skim in swarms over the surface, or crawl upon the bottom, and in mild weather myriads are heaped upon the shore, and stretched out at times in liv- ing masses, as many as three feet deep. They constitute food for the miserable Root Diggers who haunt those parts, and also glut the innumerable gulls that roost on the island and occasional rocks which break the mirror of the water. The birds named form the only life above the surface, unless we except. a few desolate and lonesome looking page: 32-33[View Page 32-33] dcrfies, whose, melancholy .silence well harmonizes with the scene.: But, in the winter season, uncounted multitudes of -ducks and geese flock thither and make iavoc upon their only spoil, the amphib- ious insect. The slow, but steady flow -of the waters is from the circumference to the centre, which is of unfathomable depth, indicating a subterranean gulf uinderneath. A perceptible difference in the temperature of the water in different parts would seem to signify that there might be hot jets shooting up from the bottom in the more shallow places. Although numerous streams of fresh water continually disembogue in the lake, its contents are so strongly impreg- bated with alkaline matter as to be unfit for use. This curious lake is about eight 'thousand feet above the level of the sea. Seeing a curling smoke on a piece of table land belted with pines and cedars. about a mile distant, Joaquin and party galloped in that direction. Arriving at the spot they discovered an Indian vil- lage composed of a few scattered brush houses, from which a set of scraggy fig- ures, big and little, male and female, were scampering in great consternation. Joaquin told Juan to catch one of them and bring him back. -Juan dismounted and started to execute the job. After a hard race he succeeded, and returned with a terrified native, a weather beaten veteran, whom he jerked along some- what unceremoniously by the,top of his head, and wheeled into the circle of the admiring- spectators, for the purpose of having him give an account of himself. It was difficult to persuade the poor fel- low that he was not to suffer instant death. But his mind being relieved, he proceeded to make himself as intelligible as the nature of the case would admit of. Hearing him call the lake, to which they pointed, "Mono," which is a word in the Spanish signifying monkey, Joaquin addressed him in Spanish, but found that he knew nothing of the language. The fact is ' "Mono "is ,an' Indian term, its similarity to a Spanish word being merely accidental, as in the case of the Chinese "Sam Lee;" or "Ahi Come;" which are comically suggestive to the speaker of English. The proper defini- tion of the Indian "Mono "'is not settled; some saying that it signifies Stranger, and others Dead-Sea. Releasing the poor Digger, they left him to explain matters and things to the balance of his tribe as he best could, and proceeded to a little .valley, where there was some bunch grass, and encamped for the night. Having packed with them a supply of provisions which were not yet exhausted, and. having feminine hands to prepare their meal, the time passed off pleasantly enough, and jest and song went round. The curiosity of the bandits being sat- isfied after a few day's exploration of this region, and thinking they might see as new and as strange sights further on, they broke up camp and journeyed along the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada, southward. They found many beautiful resting places,' where they tar- ried for a day or two, according as the fancy seized them. Still in search of in- cident and novelty, they kept their course southward-the character of the country varying between that of undulating plains, covered with sage brush, and rug- ged hills and mountain spurs,- together with abyssmal vales, through which pre- cipitous streams thundered-until they arrived at the eastern verge of Tulare county.- Here they again came into a region of striking desolation, and were destined to meet with new and un- dreamed of marvels. It was a rough tract of broken mountains, seeming to be separate and apart from the Sierra Nevada Range, whose sublime peaks rose on the right, crowned With snow, and its entire face was blackened and, crisped from the effects of volcanic action. It was a region treeless and waterless with 'the exception of boiling springs, 'which bubbled up in the most unexpect- -ed places. - Birds there were none, save a species of lonely snake killers, which half run and half fly over desert spots, and make war upon every reptile and serpent they meet. Having traveled with great difficulty, owing to the treacher- ous character of the encrusted ground, for about ,twenty miles, they reached a ,scene which had probably never before been witnessed by civilized or semi-civil- ized eyes. But there it was, and the re- port of the robbers with regard to it has since been abundantly confirmed. It was simply a huge mountain, as, com- pared with the surrounding objects, ris- ing say some fifteen hundred feet in height and terribly excoriated, if we may so use the term, by the demon of fire. Like a vulgar monster, sick at its stomach, it continually, vomited forth from numbers of mouths large volumes of mud and steam; a regular mud vol- cano; and, in its belchings, it sent forth different colors of mud-scarlet, yellow and indigo, which, thick and glutinous, rolled down its sides and hardened. Near its base there was an opening which they had not at first observed, it being on the opposite side, which revealed a tremendous boiling pool, forty feet long by twenty feet wide, and reaching down into cavernous depths from which low rumblings came up like muttered thun- der. The ground was hot for a mile around this mud monster, and all the small peaks adjacent were heated. This region, so apochryphal then, has since been thoroughly explored, and the cele- brated "Silver Mountain" of the Coso mines lies to the north of the spot de- scribed, about twenty-five miles. On the edge of the big cauldron above named the party saw tracks of naked feet, and the bones of rabbits, " and such small deer," which had been apparently cooked on the heated rocksthat formthe rim of the cavern. There was, doubt- less, a tribe of people somewhere in the vicinity whb adopted this unique mode 3 of converting the sublime and terrible into the useful. Following the tracks over the crispy ground, and circling the bed of an extensive lagoon, now dry, they reached a footpath and descended suddenly, and with a transition truly wonderful, into an exceedingly beautiful valley; and here was an Indian village. The -inhabitants were entirely naked, men, women and children, of pigmy size, very dirty, and altogether a very inferior specimen of the sufficiently' inferior Root Digger race of California. This tribe 'live on lizards, crickets, roots and worms, fish and occasional rabbits which they snare.- Giving these poor creatures a few presents, the bandits passed on in the path which led through the village, and reaching the pine-clad spurs of' the ,eastern slope, were gratified with the sight of what is now known as Owen's Lake, a body of water filling a huge basin scooped out for it in the elevated land. It is forty miles long and from five to ten miles wide. The waters are- clear and brackish, and abound in fish. On one of the streams putting into this lake'the robbers fixed their camp. They were supplied with fish by the Indians, -and hunters of the party brought from the hills, not unfrequently, hams of deer and antelope. Here the robbers rested and luxuriated, converting the Indians into servants, laughing at their oddities, and riding or strolling around at their pleasure. In one of his excursions out into the weird realm, upon whose con- fines he was quartered, Joaquin noticed on a wall of cliffs sculptured figures, of life size, of men and animals. They ap- peared to be ancient, and rude as they were, were certainly above any art in the possession of the miserable race then living in those parts. He also found, in an obscure crevice, a rough earthern pot, in which a horned frog had taken up his abode. For how many centuries he had lived there, a venerable hermit, it would be hard to tell. Similar earthen pots have since been found in the neighorhood, and page: 34-35[View Page 34-35] ancient burial places are visible, with circular mounds of stones heaped upon them, about ten feet in diameter, and mouldy with time. CHAPTER VII. THE IBANDITTI LEAVE THEIR RESTING PLACE-INDIAN GUIDE-ARRIVE AT TULARE RIVER-VALENZUELA DES- PATCHED ON A SPECIAL MSSION- REYES FELIZ HUNG-ANGUISH OF ROSITA-FATE OF CARMELITA--ES- PERATE CONFLICT BETWEN THE ROB- ,BERS AND A PURSUING PARTY-JOSE RAMUNE CARREJO'S RANCHO A HAR- BORING PLACE FOR JOAQUIN-CAP- TURE AND EXECUTION OF MOUNTAIN JIM-MESSENGER SENT TO VALEN- ZUELA-ROBBERY NEAR DEAD MAN'S CREEK-TERROR OF A CHNAMAN- THE ROBBERS GO INTO SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY-GENEROSITY OF MURIETA. In this locality, described in the last chapter, the banditti remained until the end of the month of September, when they obtained an Indian guide to lead them through the mountain passes of that quarter, over to the western slope of the Sierra Nevada. The guide took them through a broken mass of volcanic ground to a deep gorge, now known as Copper Caiion. The passage is only wide enough, in many places,'for a man to ride through, and the rocks tower up on each side to a height of three hundred feet. Thence he led them through some rugged mountain spurs into the Mescal Valley. Thence to another patch of crisped and blackened soil into a second lovely valley, whose name I have for- gotten, but which is five miles long and well watered; thence over a gradual rise, into Kern Pass; thence down the western slope of the Sierra Nevada; K, thence along the low, wooded foot-hills. that skirt the Tulare River. Here they were within sixty miles of the little town of Visalia, and here, they being- then well acquainted with the country,. 'the guide left them. From this point Joaquin despatched Valenzuela to the Arroyo Cantoova, there to make encampment and collect herds of horses. He himself with Claudio, Three-Fingered Jack and the rest of the band, struck over into San Luis Obispoc county, with fifty followers he rested at the Mission of San Luis Obispo, where he recounted the adventures related in the preceding chapter. A portion of his. band in a short time went over and stopped at Santa Margarita, about fifteen or twenty miles distant. There were persons connected with both of these extensive ranchos who knew more about Joaquin's concerns than they cared to acknowledge. While at San Luis Obispo, Joaquin one day took up the Los Angeles Star, and was reading the news, when his sight seemed suddenly blasted, and he let the paper fall from his hands. His affrighted mistress sprang to his side, and clasping his hands, begged him to tell what was the matter. He shook his head for a moment, and the tears gushed from his eyes-aye, robber: as he was-as he exclaimed, with quiver- ing lips: "Rosita, you will never see your broth- er again. Reyes Feliz is dead. He was hung two days ago by the .people of Los Angeles." Pierced with anguish, the fair girl sunk upon his bosom, and from her dark eyes, overshadowedby the rich,luxuriant hair, which fell around her like a 'mid- night cloud, the storm of her grief poured itself forth in fast and burning drops, which fell like molten lead upon her lover's heart. Why should I describe it? It is well that woman should, like a weeping angel, sanctify our -dark and suffering world with her tears. Let \ them flow. The blood which stains the fair face of our mother Earth may not be washed out with an ocean of tears. It was indeed true that Reyes Feliz, in his seventeenth year, had met with what is almost always the outlaw's fate -an ignominious death upon the gal- lows. Having recoveredfrom hiswounds, he left San Gabriel and went down to Los Angeles, attended by his faithful Carmelita, where he had been only a few days before he was recognized by an American as one of a party who had once robbed him in the vicinity of Mokelumne Hill. Standing without the least suspi- cion of danger, in a "fandango house" at Los Angeles, he was suddenly arrest- ed and covered, with irons; he was charged with being a party to the assas- sination of General Bean, and although no evidence appeared to implicate him in this transaction, yet enough was elici- ted to show that he was undoubtedly a thief and a murderer. He was according- ly taken to the gallows, where he kissed the crucifix and made oath that he was innocent of the murder of General Bean, but guilty in many other instances. Though doomed to die at so early an age; young, healthy and full of the fine spirits which give a charm to early man- hood; beloved as men are seldom loved; a wild untameable boy; he quailed not in the presence of death, but faced it with a calm brow and tranquil smile. There came over him no shudder or paleness as the rope was adjusted around his neck, and he himself leaped from the platform just as it was about to fall from under him. Alas, for the unfortunate Carmel- ita! She wandered alone in the woods, weeping and tearing her hair, and many a startled ear caught the wail of her voice at midnight in the forest. She fled at -the approach of a human footstep, but at last they found her cold and ghastly form stretched on a barren rock, in the ,still beauty of death. The Mexicans buried her by the side of her well belov- ed Feliz, and the winds shall whisper as / ! mournfully over their graves, as if the purest and best of mortal dust reposed below. All-lovingNature is no respecter of persons, and takes to her bosom all her children, when they have ceased their wanderings, and eases their heart- aches in her embracing arms. We may go down to our graves with the scorn of an indignant world upon us, which hurls us from its presences-but the eternal God allows no fragment of our souls, nd atom of our dust, to be lost from our universe. Poised on our own immortality, we may defy the human race and all that exists beneath the throne of God I A few days after the distressing news which they had heard, Joaquin and his sweet Rosita were sitting in front of an old building at the Mission, enjoying, as well as they could, the cool of the even- ing-for the month of November was still pleasant in the southern counties- when a Mexican rode up on a gallop, and hastily dismounted. He advanced to- ward Joaquin, who rose at his approach and, seeing that he was a stranger, gave him the secret sign by which any mem- ber of the organization might recognize another, though they had never met. It was satisfactorily returned, and the stranger immediately inquired for Joa- quin, and expressed a wish to see- him. He was of course informed that he was addressing that individual himself, whereupon he proceeded to unfold the object of his mission. "I am," said he, "most worthy Senor, deputed by a person. whom you wot of, residing near the rancho of Gen. Pio Pico, to say to you that there is danger where you now are. -A party of Ameri- 'cans, well armed and mounted, have passed the rancho Los Cbyotes in this direction, and it is no doubt their inten- tion to surprise you at- your present re- treat. I myself passed them this mokn- ing, without being 'perceived, encamped about fifteen miles from this place, and I seriously believe that you had better look out." , page: 36-37[View Page 36-37] "Very well," replied the chief, with- out changing countenance, "this is as good as I want; hold yourself in readi- ness to serve me as a guide to their encampment, for I intend to surprise them." Summoning Three-Fingered Jack and Claudio, he informed them of the facts which he had heard, and of his inten- tions, directing them to prepare the band immediately for action. In an hour afterwards the different members came galloping up from various' parts of the rancho, booted, spurred and equipped in brilliant style, to the number of forty-five men. They were 'fine looking' fellows, and scarcely any of them over thirty-five years of age. Under the guide of the Los Coyotes messenger, who was fur- ni'shed with a fresh horse, they started just as night set in upon their danger- ous expedition. After a ride of two hours and a half they arrived at their destination. The fires were stillburning, but' the camp was abandoned. It was too dark to follow a trail, and they stopped for the night. At daybreak they arose, 'mounted their horses and pursued a very fresh trail which led through the woods, as if carefully to avoid the main roads. By the number of tracks it was evident that they were in pursuit of a strong force. The trail led precisely in the course of San Luis Obispo, and it was apparent that the Americans had started for that place about the same time that Joaquin had left it; but he having traveled the main road, thus missed them on the way. Arriving at ten o'clock within two miles of the Mission, he halted and sent a spy forward to examine and report, who re- turned in a short time with the informa- tion that the party, consisting of fifty men, had left the Mission at daylight on that morning, with the evident purpose of taking the beaten road straight back to their encampment of the day before, the tracks of the banditti being still fresh on the ground. It was plain there- fore, that finding unmistakable indica- tions that the bandits had stayed at their encampment, and had followed their trail toward the Mission, they would hurry on to overtake them, and would be able to make the entire circuit before sundown of that day. The young chief clapped his hands together in perfect glee. "We have them boys! we have got them dead!" He wheeled his horse directly around, and led his company about three miles back on the trail which they had just come, and halted at the junction of two deep gulches, rugged and shaggy with overhanging rocks. Directing his men to hide their horses at a distance of three or four hundred yards from the trail, he ordered them next to conceal themselves in the nooks and crevices of the surround- ing bluffs. ,They lay there as still as death for about two hours, when the clatter of horses' feet was heard distinct- ly in the distance. Nearer and nearer they dame, and in a few minutes a fine looking young man, with blue eyes and light hair, rode up within twenty yards of Joaquin, followed by abbut, fifty other Americans, armed with rifles and revol- vers. "I don't like the looks of this place at all," said the young man, and hardly had the words escaped his lips, before the rocks blazed around him, and the sharp reports of twenty or thirty pistols -rang in his ears. His hat was shot from his head, and his horse fell under him. A dozen of his followers bit the dust. "Dismount, boys, aid scale the rocks! Give them no advantage Face them in their very teeth! It is our only chance." They sprang to the rocks at the word, each man to the quarter which he chose, and hand to hand bearded their hidden foes in their dens. It could scarcely be called a battle between two distinct forces; it was rather a number of separ- ate single combats, in 'which nothing could avail a man but his own right arm and dauntless heart. Joaquin sprang from his hiding place to have a freer sweep of his arm,' when he met at the very threshold the young Anglo Saxon. A flash of recognition passed between them, and Joaquin turned as if to leap upon a rock at his right, but at' the mo- ment that his antagonist jumped in that direction to intercept the movement, he wheeled to the left, and throwing out his foot with a sudden and vigorous stroke, knocked the young man's heels from under him, and he fell with violence upon his face. ,Before he could' rise, the ,wily bandit leaped upon him like a pan- ther, and sheathed his knife in his heart. It was too sad, but as I have said before, an invisible guardian fiend pursued ev- erywhere this extraordinary man. Hav- ing no time to repeat the blow, especi- ally as it seemed unnecessary, he drew forth the dripping blade, and rushed to another scene of the conflict. He was met at almost every step, and fought his way like a tiger, gashed and bleeding, but still strong and unfainting. Dead men lay upon every side, both Ameri- cans and Mexicans, and in front of Three- Fingered Jack were stretched five men, with their'skulls broken by the butt end of his revolver, which he had used as a club after emptying its contents, and at the moment that Joaquin's eye met him, he was stooping, with glaring eyes and a hideous smile, over a prostrate Ameri- can, in whose long hair he had wound his left hand, and across whose throat he was drawing the coarse-grained steel of his huge home-madebowie knife. With a shout of delight he severed the neck joint and threw the gaping head over the rocks. He was crazy with the sight of blood, and searched eagerly for an- other victim. He scarcely knew his lead- er, and the latter had called to him three times before he recovered-his senses. "Ah, Murieta," said he, smacking his lips, "this has been a great day. Damn 'em! how my knife lapped up their blood." The fight now having lasted half an hour, and there being Iio prospect that either party would conquer, so equally were they matched, it gradually sub- sided, and each side gradually drew off from the other, with a tacit understand- ing that they were mutually satisfied to cry quits. Joaquin looked around and saw that he had lost twenty men, among whom was the invaluable Claudio, and ascertained the loss of his enemies to be very near the same, perhaps a little over. Mounting their horses, the bandits rode off in silence toward San Luis Obispo, while the surviving Americans found as many of their horses as had not. left them during the conflict, and retired to their homes in Santa Barbara County, having made arrangements on the way for the burial of their d4eased comrades. During the following night a company. from the Mission went over to the bloody scene with picks and shovels, and buried the dead bodies of the bandits near the spot where they fell. On the next morn- ing Joaquin sunmoned the Los Coyotes messenger, and said to him: "Go back and tell my friend, who sent you, that the danger is passed, and hand him this purse. For yourself, take this one," handing him another well- filled bag. Attention having being attracted to the San Luis Obispo rancho, the bandit thought it prudent to go elsewhere. Accordingly word was sent over to their friends who were rusticating at Santa Margarita, to join them, and they forth- with started to a well known harboring place not more than a' thousand miles from 'Jose Ramune Carrejo's rancho. Here they remained until such as were wounded recovered their usual health and strength-and here, again, Joaquin heard news similar to that which shocked him at San Luiis Obispo, namely, that Mountain Jim had been hung at San Diego. This misfortune happened to the jolly robber from his own carelessness. He and .Valenzuela had stopped at a page: 38-39[View Page 38-39] drinking shop on the San Diego River, 'some, fifteen or twenty miles from the bay of that name, and had taken a glass of execrable brandy, when a party of four or five Americans rode up and alighted, who looked so very suspiciously at Valenzuela and partner, that the former took his friend out, and told him that it was his opinion they both had better leave as quick - as possible. Mountain Jim was under the influence of liquor, and laughing at what he those to term the silly fears of Valenzuela, he went back into the house swearing and swagger- ing. Pretty soon after, a' dozen more Americans approached on horseback, see- ing whom, Valenzuela mounted into his saddle and called to Jim to come along. But Jim only laughed, and took another glass of liquor. "Curse the fool!" muttered 'the ban- dit, " he will be the death of both of us. For my part, I will keep my own dis- tance from those scurvy looking fellows, at any rate." The new party no' sooner arrived than they rushed up to the door of the drink- ing house and drew their revolvers-a scuffle ensued inside, and Valenzuela, well aware of what was going on, and that it was useless to contend against such great odds, merely fired one shot into the crowd at the door, which took effect in the abdomen of one of the party, and wheel- ing his horse broke off like a thunder- bolt. Several bf the Americans pursued him, but his fine, swift animal distanced them so far, that they might as well have attempted to catch thered-winged spirit of a storm. Poor Mountain Jim! He was never destined to tread the moun- tains again. He was taken to the town of San Diego, and hung with as little ceremony as if he hadbeen adog. Well fitted was he to grace a gallows, for his merits certainly entitled him to a distin- guished elevation. From his present stopping place Joa- quin sent a messenger, about the first of December, to the Arroyo Cantoova, to *.) see Valenzuela, if he was there, and if he was absent to await his return, in order to inform him that it was made his duty to continue the business in which he was engaged, through the entire winter, or until such time as Joaquin should arrive at the rendezvous. The messenger re- turned after a few days and stated that, he had:lound Valenzuela and band at the Arroyo, with tents pitched, and a herd of fine horses amounting to between five and six hundred, feeding on the pasture, and that the bold leader had, signified a willing obedience to his chiefs mandate. "He is a glorious fellow," exclaimed Joaquin. "iHe didn't practice under that hardened old priest, Jurata, without learning something." Spies were now ranging the country every day, picking up valuable informa- tion; and among other things, it was ascertained that an, opinion prevailed that Joaquin'had gone to the State of Sonora. Thinking it a favorable time, he issued forth with his whole force, uni- ting, Three-Fingered Jack's party with Claudio's, which last was now under the leadership of a member of the band named Reis-and started -up into,Mari- posa county for the purpose of plunder. On the road that leads from Dead Mai's Creek to the Merced River, he met four Frenchmen, six Germans and three Americans, walking'and driving 'mules before them, packed with provisions, blankets and mining utensils. Having so large a party with him, numbering about thirty men, he had no difficulty in stopping the travelers as long as he wished to detain them. His men stood around with pistols cocked, while Joa- quin dismounted, and walking up to a terrified Frenchman, who was armed with a revolver which he was afraid to use; took him by the top of his head, and jerked him around once or twice, slapped him across the face with his open hand, and told him to ' shell out." The French- man hauled out a well-filled purse and. was handing it over, when others of his companions made a show to draw their pistols and defend their gold dust. The, ,robbers were too quick for them, and ,more than half of the unfortunate miners were shot down in their tracks. Joaquin ibrandished his glittering blade in the faces of the survivors, and threatened to -to cut every one of their windpipes if they didn't hand out "what little loose -change "they had about them, in half 'a minute!' His polite request was com- plied with, and the little loose .change amounted to about $15,000. He then bestowed a kick or two- on some of the number as a parting tribute 'of regard, arid told them to "roll on." Three-Fin- gered Jack insisted on killing the whole company, but the chief overruled him. Riding. forward after this transaction, they had not gone more than two miles when they met a Chinainan with a long tall, carrying 'a large bundle suspended. at each end of a stick laid across his shoulders, walking leisurely along with 'his head bent to the ground. Looking up and seeing so large a number of armed men -before him, his eyes rolled in sud- -den fear, and he ducked his half shaved head in unmistakable homage and re- -spect to-the revolvers and bowie knives which met his vision.- No one harmed him, and he shuffled on vastly gratified and relieved. He had passed only a few ,minutes when" he, was 'heard howling ,and screaming in the' most harrowing manner; and looking back they discov- -ered the horrified Celestial, with his tail flying in the wind, running toward them at the top of his speed; with arms saw- ing the air, and pundle less, while the ground clattered under his wooden shoes; and just behind him, with blazing eyes, and his huge home-made. knife 'in his right hand, appeared Three-Fingered Jack, who had stopped at a spring and was tying his horse tp a bush at the mo- ment that the Chinaman came up. It was too good an opportunity to be lost, and he darted like a wild hyena at the astounded Oriental, who applied himself to his heels with the utmost vigor that he could command. Joaquin bowed him- self upon the saddle in a convulsion'of laughter at-the ridiculous appearance of the Chinaman, but speedily confronted Jack and told him to stop. Woh Le fell upon his knees in deepest adoration of his preserver. Joaquin bade him go on his way, and laughingly reprimanded Jack for wanting to kill so pitiful a look- ing creature. "Well," said Jack, "I can't help it; but, somehow or other, I love to smell the blood of a,Chinaman Besides, it's such easy work to kill them. It's a kind of luxury to cut their throats." Proceeding across the woods and moun- tains, the banditti in a few days struck the main road leading from the town of Mariposa to Stockton, in San Joaquin county. Robbing once in a while as they went along, they arrived late one night at a ferry on the Tuolumne River, Tuolumne county, and finding the boat locked'to the shore so that they could not exercise the privilege of crossing themselves which was their usual cus- tom, they rode up to the ferryman's house, and very nearly beat the door down before they could arouse him. He came out at last with a terrified look, and asked what tiey, wanted. "We want to cross the river," replied Joaquin; " and before doing so we wish to obtain from you the loan of what spare cash you may have about you. You have the best evidence of the urgency of our request," cocking his pistol and presenting it close to the fellow's head. "Never mind the evidence, Senor; I believe you without it. I will certainly loan you all I have got." So saying, he lighted a candle and got out a purse from under his pillow, con- taining a hundred dollars. "Come, said Jack," bursting a 'cap at his head, " you have got more; and -was cocking his pistol for another trial, when Joaquin very fiercely told him to know page: 40-41[View Page 40-41] his place. Turning to the trembling ferryman he said: "Is this all you have got?" "Precisely all, Seiior; but you are wel- come to it." "I won't. take it," said the young chief, with a flush of pride; "you are a poor man and never injured me. Put us over the river and I will pay you for your trouble." I m'ention this incident merely to show that Murieta in his worst days had yet a remnant of that noble spirit which had been his original nature, and to correct those who have said that he was lost to every generous sentiment. CHAPTER VIII. ARRIVAL AT STOCKTON-JOAQUIN RIDES BOLDLY THROUGH THE CITY-DARING ATTACK ON A SCHOONER IN THE SLOUGH--DEPARTURE FOR ARROYO CANTOOVA-HAPPY REUNION OF THE BANDITS-JOAQUIN REVEALS HS FU- TURE PLANS--GUERRA'S WIFE 'BE- COMES RESTIVE-AMERICAN HUNTERS FALL INTO A TRAP-HOW' THEY GOT OUT OF IT. The party arrived in the neighborhood of Stockton after two days' travel, and camped on the plain, under an oak grove, about three miles from that city. They were seen at their encampment, but not suspected. Indeed it was then, as it is now, so common a thing to see compa- nies of men engaged in the various occu- pations of packers, cattle drovers, horse traders, hunters and the like, stationed by the banks of some cool stream, or rest- ing under the shade of trees at a distance from any house, or with their tents pitched in some lonely place for weeks at a time. that it was scarcely just to suspect a party to be criminal, merely from circumstances like these. The knowledge of everybody that it was the- habit among all classes to go armed and to camp out, in every sort of a place, materially aided the banditti in their- movements, for it gave them the oppor- tunity to remain perfectly safe until they chose to avow their real char- acters by some open outrage and vil- lainy. One fine Sunday morning, while the bells were ringing for church in the- goodly city of Stockton, and well-dressed gentlemen were standing at the corners of thq streets, marking with critical eyes the glancing feet and the flaunting dres- ses of the ladies who swept by them in the halo of beauty and perfumery, a fine looking man whom they had never seen before-having long, black hair hanging- over his shoulders, and a piercing black eye-rode through the streets, carelessly- looking at the different, objects which' happened to attract his attention. So' finely was he dressed, and so superbly was his horse comparisoned, that with- out seeming to know it, he was the ob-- served of all observers "What a splendid looking fellow!" observed the ladies. ' He must be a young Mexican gran- dee, at least, on a journey of pleasure," said one. "I think," said another, "it must be Gen. Vallejo's son." "I don't believe lie has any," said a' third; and they became so much interes- ted in their conjectures about the young man that it is doubtful whether they paid much attention to the very prosy minister who was then acting as the "bright' and shining light" amidst the- surrounding darkness. The youthful cavalier, after attracting uncommon attention, by riding over the city, finally stopped at the side of a house, upon which were posted several notices-one reading as follows-: "FOR SAIL. "the surscribur ophfers for sail a yaul- bote hicht at the h'ed of the Slew terms cash or kabbige turnips and sich like will bea tayken." To which fine specimen of polite literature was appended the name of a worthy citizen, who was then fishing for his living, but has since been fishing for various distinguished offices in that county. Another one was a "notis" that some person either wanted to hire some one else, or be hired himself, as a cook-it was impossible to tell which. A third was an auctioneer's notice. "Honor before the 25 da of Dec I will offur to the hiest bider a brown mule ate yeer old, a gilding 16 hans hi, and a span of jacks consistin of long years and a good voyce." I have a notion to publish the name signed to this rare advertisement, espec- ially as the auctioneer seems to have been something of a wag as well as ig- noramus. But, perhaps, it will be bet- ter not. A fourth was headed, in good English, and a fair running hand. "Five Thousand Dollars Reward for Joa- quin-dead or alive." And stated that the citizens of San Joa- quin county offered that amount for the apprehension or the killing of that noted robber. Seeing this, the young Mexican dis- mounted, and taking out his pencil, wrote something underneath, and leisure- ly rode out of town. No less than a dozen persons, stimulated by curiosity, went to the paper to see what was written, when they read the following in pencil: *"I will give $10,000. Joaquin." Numerous were the exclamations of astonishment at this discovery, and nothing else was talked of for a week, among the ladies at least, who got hold of the fact almost before it was dis- covered, and insisted each to the other that they had remarked that the young man had a peculiarly wild and terrible *See newspapers of that period. ! , look, and they had suspected very strongly though they had never men- tioned it to any one, that it was none other than the noted personage whom it proved to be. Joaquin appeared on this occasion i;nlis real features. . He frequently went after- wards, however, into that city completely disguised, and learned many things im- portant for him to hear. Ascertaining one evening that a schooner would go down the slough in a few hours, bound for San Francisco, on board of which were two miners from San Andreas, in Calaveras county, with heavy 'bags of gold dust, who designed to take their departure for the States, he took three. of his men who were lounging around town, with him, and jumping into a skiff shot down the slough, and tying up his. boat in a bend of the water, hid in the tules and patiently waited for the schoon-, el to come along. The mosquitoes bit him unmercifully, and he was almost tempted to abandon the enterprise on their account; but the prospect of so good a haul was, on reflection, not to be resisted. He cursed himself for not bringing some matches with which he might have kindled a fire, and sought the protection of its smoke; 'but perse- verance is always rewarded, if the object desired lies in the bounds of possibility, and waiting like a martyr for three mor- tal hours, in those tules, which are a per- fect "mosquito kingdom," where huge gallinippers reign as the aristocracy, he at last saw the white sheeted schooner stealing along in the crooks and turns of just the crookedest stream in the' whole. world, so narrow and so completely hid in its windings by the tall flags which overspread the plains for many miles to the right and left that the white sail looked like a ghost gliding along over the waving grass. As the vessel came opposite, Joaquin and companions shoved. their boat out into the stream, and tying it to the schooner's side, leaped on board of her, and commenced firing without page: 42-43[View Page 42-43] :saying a word. They shot down the two young men who managed the vessel before they had time, to use their double- barreled shot-guns, which they always ,carried for the purpose of shooting water- fowl in the slough and up the San Joa- quin River, and rushing aft attacked the two miners, who had risen at the the re- port of the pistols, and were standing with their revolvers drawn and cocked, ready for action. They and the robbers fired simultaneously. Two of Joaquin's men fell dead on the deck, and the miners fell at the same time. Their -wallets were soon stripped from them by Joaquin and his surviving companion, ;and finding some matches, they set fire to the vessel, and left her to burn down.' They rowed their skiff to the head of the slough in Stockton, and wended their way back to their encampment. Ere day- light there was no trace of murder on the slough, but a dark hulk which was hardly visible on the water's edge. By this operation Joaquin realized twenty thousand dollars. Having now between forty and fifty thousand dollars in gold dust, he ordered his bands to pack up, and started for the rendezvous of Ar- royo Cantoova, passing by Jose Ramune Carrejo's rancho, and taking the lovely Rosita along with him, who had been staying there during his trip to Stock- ton. He reached the Arroyo about the mid- dle of the day, and it was a beautiful sight that, met his eye as he gazed over the extensive valley, and saw a thousand fine horses feeding on the rich grass, or galloping, with flowing mnanes and ex- panded nostrils, in graceful circles over the plain. "Valenzuela has done his work well," said the elated chief, "ten times better than I had expected he would. " eeing one of his herdsmen looking at him a short distance off as if endeavor- ing to recognize him, he rode- up to him and asked him in reference to Valen- suela. "He has been gone," said the vaquero, "about a week-we expect him every day." The newly arrived party then rode up to the tents under the trees, and dis- mounted. The busy cooks hurried up the-fires, and the fresh venison and bear meat was soon smoking on'the irons, and emitting a most delicious savor, such as tempts the' appetite of a hardy moun- taineer. Broiled quails and grouse, sweet and oily, the latter of which had been brought from'the tall spruce trees at a height of three hundred feet, by the long maple-stocked and silver-mounted rifles which stood at the corner of one of the tents, were hanging in front of the blaze, suspended by their necks to' branching sticks driven into the ground. The hot coffee steamed up from- the large pot with a most stimulating effect; every- thing was spread forth in superabun- dance, scattered over a large white cloth that covered a few yards square of green grass, and 'at a signal from the cooks, who were also the waiters, forty fierce and hungry brigands sat down, and with the utmost expedition consistent with respect for their leader, made havoc among the victuals. Just at this mo- ment a mounted company dashed up at full speed, giving the well known whoop by which they could 'be recognized as friends, and dismounted. It was Valen- zuela and a portion of his band, the re- mainder of whom soon after came in, driving two hundred and fifty fine Ameri- can horses before them. The circle was enlarged, the cooks went to work afresh, and soon the whole banditti were seated at the ample banquet. Generous wines stood sparkling, in their midst, with which scarcely any refused to refresh themselves. Conversation flowed freely, and each one had a tale to tell of hair- breadth escapes and daring deeds. On the following morning Joaquin col- lected his bands around him, numbering from a late accession of " fighting mem- bers," as he called them, one hundred men, and 'explained to them fully his views and purposes. He informed them that he could com- mand, if he 'desired, in all two thousand men who were ready to organize in So- nora, Lower California, and in this State, that he had money in abundance deposited in a safe place, meaning with his secret partner in Sonora; that he intended-to arm and equip and make a clean sweep of the southern counties; that he intended to kill the Americans by wholesale, burn their ranchos and run off their property, at one single swoop, so rapidly that they would not have time to collect an opposing force before he would have finished the work and found safety in the mountains of Sonora; that when he had done this he would wind up his career, divide his substance with the band now attending him, and spend the rest of his days in peace; that he was now preparing for this grand climax, and that this was the reason that he had been so steadily col- lecting horses. These avowals leaked out through persons not sufficiently reticent on the ranches in the habit of harboring Joa- quin, and came to the ears of Captain Harry Love, whom we have before men- tioned, and others, causing them to use renewed exertions to capture or slay the daring robber. The banditti shouted in loud applause of their gallant leader. Their eyes kin- dled with enthusiasm at the magnificent prospect which he presented to them, and they could scarcely contain them- selves in view of the astounding revela- tions which he had made. They had entertained no adequate idea of the splendid genius which belonged to their chief, although they had loved and ad- mired him throughout his dangerous career - They were fired with new ener- gy, and more than ever willing and anx- ious to obey him at all hazards, and under the most disadvantageous circum- stances. On this same day he dispatched a re- mittance of $50,000 to his secret partner in Sonora, under a strong force com- manded by Valenzuela, and directed Three-Fingered Jack, with fifty men, to drive off to the same State a thousand head of the horses which had been col- lected. Joaquin was accordingly left at the rendezvous, with twenty-five men, who had nothing to do but kill game, and attend to their horses, and clean their arms. The widow of Gonzalez, and present wife of the brute Guerra, who looked more like a grizzly bear than a human being, wished to go off with Three-Fin- gered Jack, but Guerra begged his bro- ther bandit, of whom he was afraid, so hard to leave her with him that Jack forced her to stay. Guerra was by no means so kind to her as Gonzalez had been, and one night while he was asleep she was about to, cut his throat, when Joaquin, who was lying in the same tent. fiercely told her to behave herself, and assured her with an emphasis that he would hold her responsible if Guerra was ever found dead about camp. She threw her knife spitefully toward Joa- quin and laid'down again by her adora- ble spouse, who snored in blissful ignor- ance of his wife's affectionate purpose. Lounging in his tent one misty day- for the rainy season had set in-Joaquin was aroused from the luxurious lap of his mistress by one of his sentinels, who galloped up and informed- him that he had just discovered a fresh trail through the grass, about a mile and a half below on the Cantoova Creek, and from appear- ances he should judge there were eight or ten men. It was important to keep a sharp lookout, and to allow no Ameri- cans to leave that valley with the'knowl- edge that it was occupied by any body of men whatever, as such a circumstance would materially interfere with the gi- gantic plans projected. Accordingly, it was not long before Joaquin was mount- ed upon one of his swiftest horses and page: 44-45[View Page 44-45] accompanied by fifteen picked men. They proceeded to the trail indicated by the sentinel and rode rapidly for two hours, which brought them in sight of ten Americans, who halted in curious sur- prise and waited for them to come up. "Who are you?" said Joaquin, "and what is your business in these parts?' They replied that they were hunters in search of bears and deer. "' We are hunters, also," rejoined the bandit, " and are camped just across the plain here. Come over with us, and let us have a chat. Besides, we have some first rate liquor at our camp." Suspecting nothing wrong, the hun- ters accompanied them, and having dis- mounted. at the tents and turned out their horses to graze, found themselves suddenly in a very doubtful position. They were surrounded by a company more than double their own, who made demonstrations not at all grateful to their sight, and in a few moments they realized the bitter fact that they were driven'to the extremity of a hopeless struggle for their lives. They remon- strated with Joaquin against so shame- less an act as the cold-blooded murder of men who had never injured him. "You have found me here," he replied, "and I have no guarantee that you will not betray me. If I do not tell you who I am, you will think it no harm to say you have seen a man of my description; and if I do tell you, then you will be certain to mention it at the first opportunity." At this moment a young man, original- ly from the wilds of Arkansas, not more than eighteen years of age, advanced in front of his trembling comrades, and standing face to face with the. robber chief, addressed him in a firm voice to the following effect: "I suspect strongly who you are, sir. I am satisfied that you are Joaquin Muri- eta. I am also satisfied that you are a brave man, who would not unnecessarily commit murder. You would not wish to take our lives unless your own safety I demanded it. I do not blame you, foH lowing the business you do, for desiring to put an effectual seal of silence on our tongues. But listen to me just a mo- ment. You see that I am no coward. I do not look at you with the aspect of a man, who would tell a falsehood to save his life. I promise you faithfully for my- self, and in behalf of my companions, that if you spare our lives, which are completely in your power, not a word shall be breathed of your whereabouts. I will myself kill the first man who says a word in regard to it. Under different circumstances I should take a different course, but now, I am conscious that to spare our lives, it will be an act of mag- nanimity on your part, and I stake my honor, not as an American citizen, but as a man, who is simply tound by jus- tice to himself, under circumstances in which no other considerations can pre- vail, that you shall not be betrayed. If you say you will spare us, we thank you. If you say no, we can only fight till we die, and you must lose some of your lives in the conflict." Joaquin drew his hand across his brow,. and looked thoughtful, and undecided. A beautiful female approached him from the tent near by, and touched him on the shoulder. "Spare them, Joaquin," she tremu- lously whispered, and looking at him with pleading eyes, retired softly to her seat again. Raising his fine head with a lofty look, he bent his large clear eyes upon the young American as if he would read him like an outspread page, He answered his glance with a look so royally sincere that Joaquin exclaimed with sudden energy: "I will spare you. Your countrymen have injured me; they have made me what I am, but I scorn to take the ad- vantage of so brave a man. I will risk a look and voice -like yours, if it should lead to perdition. Saddle their horses for them," he said to his followers, " and let them depart in peace." The party were very soon mounted again, and showering blessings on Joa- (quin, who had become suddenly trans- formed into an angel in their estimation, they took their leave. I have never learned that the young man, or any of his party, broke their singular compact, and indeed it seems to me that it would have been very questionable morality in them to have done so, for certainly, how- ever much they owed to society, it would have been a suicidal act to' refuse to ,enter into such an agreement, and as nothing but a firm conviction that they intended to keep their word, could have induced Joaquin to run so great a risk, they were bound to preserve their faith inviolate. If they had a right to pur- chase their lives at the price of silence, they had an equal right, and not only that, but were morally bound to stand up to their bargain. It would be well if men were never forced into such a plosition, but society has no right, after it has happened, to wring from'them a secret which belongs to thlem, and not to the world. In such matters God is the only judge. CHAPTER IX. ARRIVALS FROM SONORA--THE MYS- TERIOUS DEATH OF GUERRA-OPER- ATIONS IN CALAVERAS COUNTY- HAIR-BREADTH ESCAPE OF JOAQUIN. The month of December was drawing to a close, and the busy brain of the ac- complished chief had mapped out the full plan of his operations for a new year just at hand. It was the year which would close his short and tragical *career with a crowning glory,-a deed of daring and of power, which would re- deem with its refulgent light the dark- ness of his previous history, and show him to after times not as a mere outlaw, committing petty depredations and rob- beries, but as a hero who has revenged his country's wrongs,' and washed, out her disgrace in the blood of her enemies. It was time for Three-Fingered Jack and Valenzuela to return from Sonora, ,and he waited patiently for their arrival, in order to replenish his purse largely during the first months of the new year, so that he might execute his magnificent purpose without embarrassment or ob- struction. In a few days Garcia and Val- enzuela returned, accompanied by an old guerrilla comrade of the latter, named Luis Vulvia. The two had lost five men from their bands, killed in several skirmishes, on their way back, with the citizens of Los Angeles county. Further than this they had received no injury, and were in fine health and spirits, although their horses were somewhat jaded. Each leader handed to Joaquin a well-filled purse of gold coin. Having rested two days, the major portion of the banditti mounted fresh horses, and leaving the remainder, numbering twenty-five men, at the rendezvous, under the command of Guerra, with whom they also left the females, not thinking it prudent, in view of the bloody scenes which would be enacted, to take them along, they set out for Calaveras county. They had not been gone more than three days before a quarrel arose between Guerra and his affectionate wife, which ended in his giving her a wholesome thrashing. She submitted tothe infliction with great apparent humility, but the next morning at breakfast time, when Guerra was called and did not come, several of his companions went in- to his tent to arouse him and found him stone dead. There was no sign of vio- lence on his body, and it remained a complete mystery how he died. He had been a hard drinker, and finally his death was attributed to an over-indul- gence the night before. But the fact of the case was, that the unconscious sleeper had received at midnight just one drop page: 46-47[View Page 46-47] of molten lead into his ear, tipped from a ladle by a small and skillful hand. Byron has said in one of his misanthropic verses: Woman's tears produced at will, Deceive in life, unman in death," and the truth of this bitter asseveration was partially illustrated when the incon- solable widow wept so long and well over the husband, whom she like a second, nay the thousandth Jezebel, had made a corpse. It is barely possible, however, that her tears were those of re- morse. She accepted for her third hus- band a young fellow in the band at the rendezvous, named Isidora Conejo, who loved her much more tenderly than did the brutal Guerra, whom she so skillfully put out of the way. This young man was a few years her junior, but she looked as youthful as himself. Twice widowed," her sorrows had not dimmed the lustre of her eyes, or taken the gloss from her rich dark hair, or the rose from her cheeks. Her step was as buoyant as ever, the play of her limbs as graceful, the heave of her impulsive bosom as entran- cing and her voice as full of music, as if she had never lost Gonzalez or mur- dered Guerra. There are some women who seem never to grow old. As' each successive spring renews the plumage of the birds, so with them the passing years add fresh beauty to their forms, and decay long lingers ere he. has the' heart to touch their transcendent loveli- ness with his cold and withering fingers. The fascinating Margarita was one of these. Joaquin with his party, fully bent on the most extensive mischief, reentered Calaveras county about the middle of December. This county was then, as it is now, one of the richest in the State of California. Its mountains were veined with gold-the beds of its clear and far- rushing streams concealed the yellow grains in abundance-and the large quartz leads, like the golden tree of the Hesperides, spread their fruitful branches abroad through the hills. Its fertile valleys bloomed with voluptuous flow- ers, over which you might walk as on a. carpet woven of rainbows-or waved with the green and yellow harvests,. whose reedy music charmed the ear. The busy wheels of the sawmills, with their,glittering teeth, rived the mighty pines which stood like green and spiral towers, one above another, from base to summit of the majestic peaks. Long tunnels, dimly lighted, with swinging lamps or flickering candles, searched far into the bowels of the earth for her hid- den secrets. Those which were aban- doned served as dens for the cougar and wolf, or, more frequently as the dens of thieves. Over this attractive field of his enter- prises, Joaquin scattered his party in different directions. He entrusted Reis with the command of twenty men; Luis. Vulvia with that of twenty-five, retain-, ing about fifteen for his own use, among whom was the terrible Three-Fingered Jack, and the no less valuable Valenzu- ela, and employed the remainder as spies and bearers of news from one point of action to another. Reis went up to the headwaters of the Stanislaus River, be- tween whose forks the rich valleys, cov- ered with horses, afforded a fine theatre for his operations. On all the moun- tain-fed branches and springs of these forks, the picks and shovels of thousands of miners were busy, and the industri- ous Chinese had pitched their little cloth villages in a hundred spots, and each day hurried to and fro like innumerable ants, picking up the small but precious grains. Luis Vulvia-as daring a man as Claudio, and as cunning-proceeded to the headwaters of the Mokelumne River; and detached portions of these two bands, at intervals ranged the intermediate space. Joaquin himself had no particu- lar sphere, but chose his ground accord- ing to circumstances. Keeping Three- Fingered Jack with him most of the time, he yet once in a while gave him the charge of a small party, with liberty to do as he pleased-a favor which the bloody monster made good use of, so much so that scarcely a man whom he ever met, rich or poor, escaped with his life. The horse which this hideous fel- low rode might have rivalled "Buceph- alus "'in breadth of chest, high spirit and strength of limb, united with swiftness. No one but a powerful man could have rode him; but Three-Fingered Jack, with a fine Mexican saddle, (the best saddle in the world) fastened securely with a broad girth made of horse hair, as strong as a band of iron, and curbing him with a huge Spanish bit, with which he might have rent his jaw, managed the royal animal with ease. To see this man, with his large and rugged frame, in which the strength of a dozen com- mon men slumbered, his face and fore- head scarred with bullets and grooved with the wrinkles of grim thoughts, and his intensely lighted eyes glaring malici- ously, like caverned demons, under his shaggy brows; to see such a man mount- ed upon a raven-black horse, whose nos- trils drew the air like a gust of wind into his broad chest, whose wrathful hoof pawed the ground as if the spirit of his rider inspired him, and whose wild orbs rolled from side to side in untameablo fire; would aptly remind one of old Satan himself, mounted upon a hell-born beast, after he had been "let loose for a thous- and years." Among the many thrilling instances of the-daring and recklessness of spirit which belonged to Joaquin, there is one which I do not feel at liberty to omit, especially as it comes naturally and properly in this connection. Shortly after he parted from Reis and Luis Vulvia, he went up into the extreme north of the county. There, at the head of a branch of the South Fork of the Mokelumne River, in a wild and deso- late region near the boundary line of Calaveras and El Dorado counties, were located a company of miners, consisting of twenty-five men. They were a long distance from any neighbors, having gone there well armed on a prospecting tour, which resulted in their finding dig- gings so rich that they were persuaded to pitch their tents and remain. One morning while they were eating their 'breakfast on a flat rock-a natural table which stood in front of their tents- armed as usual with their revolvers, a young fellow with very dark hair and eyes, rode up and saluted them. He spoke very good English, and they could scarcely make out whether he was a Mexican or an American. They requested him to get down and eat with them, but he politely declined. He sat with one leg crossed over his horse's neck very much at his ease, conversing freely on various subjects, until Jim Boyce, one of the partners, who had been to the spring after water, appeared in sight. At the first glance of him the young horseman flung his reclining leg back over the saddle, and spurred his horse Boyce roared out: "Boys, that fellow is Joaquin I D-n it, shoot him "At the same instant he himself fired, but without effect. Joaquin dashed down to the creek be- low with headlong speed, and crossed with the intention, no doubt, to escape over the hills, which ran parallel with the stream, but his way was blocked up by perpendicular rocks, and his only practicable path was a narrow digger- trail, which led along the side of a huge mountain, directly over a ledge of rocks a hundred yards in length, which hung- beetling over the rushing stream ,be- neath, in a direct line with the hill upon which the miners had pitched their- tents, and not more than forty yards dis- tant. It was a fearful gauntlet for any man to run. Not only was there dan- ger of falling a hundred feet from the rocks, but he must run in a parallel line with his enemies, and- in pistol range for a hundred yards. In fair view of him stood the whole company with their- Y page: 48-49[View Page 48-49] revblvers drawn. He dashed along that fearful trail as if he had been mounted on a spirit-steed, shouting as he passed: "I am Joaquin I kill me if you can!" Shot after shot came clanging around his head, and bullet after bullet flattened on the wall of slate at his right. In the midst of the first firing his hat was knocked from his head, and left his long black hair streaming behind him. He had no time to use his own pistol, but knowing that his only chance lay in the swiftness of his sure-footed animal, he drew his keenly polished bowie knife in proud defance of the danger, and waved it in scorn as he rode on. It was per- fectly sublime to see such superhuman daring and recklessness. At each report, which came fast and thick, he kissed the flashing blade and waved it at his foes. He passed the ordeal, as awful and har- rowing to a man's nerves as can be con- ceived, untouched by a ball and otherwise unharmed. In a few moments a loud whoop rang out in the woods a quarter of a mile distant, and the bold rider was safe I CHAPTER X. JIM BOYCE AND COMPANIONS IMAKE READY AND FOLLOW ON THE TRACK OF JOAQUIN-BRILLIANT STRATAGEM OF THE ROBBER CHEF-HS INGEN- IOUS MANAGEMENT IN RELEASING "UIS VULVIA-HE PASSES HMSELF OFF AS S. HARRINGTON, OF SAN JOSE -THE QUIEN SABE RANCHO, MUNOS, AND JOAQUIN GUERRA'S RANCHO HARBORING PLACES FOR JOAQUIN MURIETA-THE ROBBERS IN AN ABAN- DONED TUNNEL-LOVE SCENE ON THE iOUTH FORK OF STANISLAUS RIVER. AND HOW IT WAS BROKEN IN UPON- GIRL ABDUCTED BY THE ROBBERS- HER SUBSEQUENT FATE. Joaquin, knowing well the determined character of Jim Boyce, and deeming it more than probable that he had heard of the different large rewards offered for his capture, or death,amounting to fifteen or twenty thousand dollars, he made up his mind speedily, that an attack would be ,made upon him by the whole party of miners,if he remained at his encampment, which was some five miles distant from their own. Concluding they could not col- lect their horses together and prepare their arms and ammunition in a proper manner for an attack or pursuit, before, night, he conceived a plan, the most bril- liant and ingenious that ever- entered an outlaw's brain, by which to defeat their purposes and carry out his own original in- tention of robbing them. Knowing that a trail could very well be made in the night but that it could only be followed in the daytime, he ordered his men, number- ing fifteen, to saddle up and make ready for a ride. They obeyed with alacrity, and without question, and in a few min- utes were on their horses and ready to move forward. The chief led the way in silence, proceeding over the pine ridges in an easterly direction. He rode on vigorously until night, over very rough ground, having traversed a dis- tance of twenty miles; but wishing to place a still greater distance between him and the Encampment which he had left, he did not come to final halt until a late hour. Building a-huge fire, and hitching their animals near by, the wea- ried bandits hastily threw their blankets down and stretched their limbs upon them for repose: Sentinels alternately sat up until daylight, so that at the first touch of dawn the whole band arose and again started, having lost only four hours in sleep. They journeyed on in the' same course, as briskly as possible until noon, when, having reached a nice little valley, covered with grass and wild clo- ver, and watered by a beautiful spring which bubbled up from the roots of a clump of evergreen oaks, distant about twenty miles from their last encamp- ment, they stopped for two hours to let their horses graze, and to refresh their own rather empty stomachs with the *sardines and crackers which they generally carried with them. Here they left strong indications that they had spent the night, but established the con- trary fact by riding on for the remainder ,of the day, whose close found them at another distanceof twenty miles. Build- ing fires as before, and eating a hasty sup- per they again mounted, and having made a circle of five miles in their course, suddenly turned to the westward, and encamped about three o'clock in the morning at a spot distant-another com- mon day's journey from the last starting point. Thus traveling and resting, after the lapse of a few days they found them- Aselves in the original trail upon which they started. Jim Boyce and company had struck the path of the robbers on the next morning after their departure, and had encamped each night at the fires which they had left, expecting, as was natural, that' they would come to a final stopping place when they had proceeded as far as they liked. Joaquin smiled with exquis- ite satisfaction when he perceived that Boyce was certainly ahead of him, and from every indication unsuspecting in the remotest degree, that his arch enemy was at that moment in his rear. At night, after a long day's ride over rugged mountains and deep gulches, Jim Boyce and his company, numbering twen- ty-five men, including himself, were seated around one of Joaquin's late fires, which they had re-kindled, quietly en- joying their pipes and laughing over the stereotyped jokes which had descended, like Shakspeare, from one generation to another, and are too good ever to be worn out. The heavens were cloudy, and a boundary of solid darkness lay around the lighted ring in which they sat. In the ragged clouds a few stars dimly struggled, and the lonesome scream of the cougar, like the wail of a lost spirit benighted in the infinity of darkness, gave a wild terror to the sur- rounding woods. Suddenly and startlingly, the simul- taneous reports of fifteen pistol" rent the air, the dark outer wall of the fire circle blazed as if a cloud had unbosomed its lightning, and the astonished survivors of the company bounded up to see fif- teen of their number stretched upon the earth, and to meet with the deadly repe- tition of the fifteen revolvers. Panic stricken and bewildered, the survivors of the second discharge, numbering three men, among whom was Jim Boyce, fled headlong into the darkness, and taking no time to choose their ground,. hurried madly and distractedly away from the horrible scene. Joaquin stepped quietly into the circle to see if Jim Boyce was killed, but Three-Fingered Jack leaped in like a demon, with his huge knife in his mutilated hand, which had lost none of its strength, but did its three-fingered work far better than many other whole hands could do it, and soon quenched the last spark of beating life in the pale forms around him. Every one must know that death from a bullet flings a sudden and extreme paleness over the countenance, and thus the light from the fire falling upon the ghastly faces around, displayed a sight so hideous and harrowing, that Joaquin exclaimed with a shudder: "Let's leave here. We will camp to- night somewhere else." Searching the bundles upon which the company had been seated, he found in different buckskin purses a sum amount- ing to not less than thirty thousand dol- lars. He also added fifteen excellent horses and ten powerful mules to his live stock. page: 50-51[View Page 50-51] Jim Boyce and his surviving compan- ions wandered to the distant settlements, which, after many hardships, they reached in safety, and it is pleasant to add, that in a short time they raised an- other company with whom they went back to their rich diggings, and spite of their immense loss by Joaquin's rob- bery, made for themselves ample for- tunes, with which they returned to the Atlantic States. Should Jim Boyce chance to read this humble narrative of mine, I beg him to receive my warmest congratulations. On one of the head branches of the Mokelumne River, on the last day of December, a large crowd was gathered in and around a cloth building, in a little mining town, which looked like a half vefiture towards civilization in the midst of that wild and savage region. A tall, dark-skinned man sat in the middle of the room, with a huge log chain around one of his legs. His brow was tall and massive, and his large gray eyes looked forth with that calm, cold light which unmistakably expresses a deep, calcula- ting intellect, divested of all feeling' and independent of all motives which arise from mere impulse or passion-an intel- lect which is sole in itself, looking at the result merely in all its actions, not considering the question of right or wrong, and working out a scheme of un- mitigated villainy, as it would a math- ematical problem. To the right of this man sat a huge old fellow, with blue eyes, sandy hair, and a severe look, whose scattered law books and papers on the table'near by, proclaimed him the Justice of the Peace iati-st t-an office, by the way, as important at that time in Cali- fornia, and possessing a jurisdiction as extensive -as many of the County Courts in other and older States of the Union. The' prisioncr was none other than Luis Vulvia, who had been arrested on a charge of murder and robbery in that town on the day before, under the fol- lowing circumstances: A German, living by himself in an isc- lated tent, was heard to scream " mur- derl" three times; hearing which horri- ble cry, five or six men some two hun- dred yards off, ran upto the place, and at as glance comprehended the whole scene.. The German lay with his throat cut from ear to ear, and his pockets turned inside- out. Looking hastily around on the- outside, they discovered, two men, apparently Mexicans, who dodged on/ the further side of a deserted cabin and disappeared behind some rocks. Going to the rocks and finding no fur- ther trace of the fugitives, they went back and alarmed the whole town with a statement of the circumstances. Every eye. was vigilant in every quarter, and just as Luis Vulvia, who had observed the fast increasing excitement, and guessed pretty nearly the character of its cause, was mounting his horse ii front of a liquor saloon, he was suddenly knocked down with a bludgeon, disarmed and securely bound. The people en masse securely guarded him during the night which was just at hand, intending to hang him without a trial on the mor-- row, but were dissuaded by Justice Brown, the tall, severe looking man spo. ken of, who being a man of influence, and a good speaker withal, convinced them that it was better to proceed with him legally, as there was but little doubt of his being found guilty as one of the murderers, in which case he would deliver him over to theirjust vengeance. Thus the case stood, up to the moment in which the subject is introduced. The witnesses, who ran at the cry of murder to the tent, and saw the two Mexicans dodging around the house, could swear no further than that one of them was of about the same size and shape as the prisoner. The barkeeper of the liquor saloon testified in addition to this, that the prisoner rode up to his door and dismounted just before his ar- rest. It was well known also, that a, dozen or more robberies had lately been committed in that neighborhood, and that various persons had met upon the roads a gang of suspicious looking Mexi- cans armed to the teeth. This constitu- ted all the testimony against Vulvia, whose person was unknown to the com- munity, but whose name was familiar to all by reputation. Had he been recog- nized as that noted character, no further inquiry would have been made, but he would have been hurried to the first convenient tree and hung instanter. He stood on a dangerous brink. Being asked by the Justice if he had any proof to offer in his own behalf, he replied that he depended upon some of his acquaint- ances coming in during the day, who would establish his character as an honest man to -the satisfaction of the Court. He affirmed his innocence in a calm tone, and an unflinching manner, although, could his heart have been read, he relied upon the possibility of a rescue by his comrades,' which was indeed a feeble hope, looking at the immense crowd who stood scowling upon him from every side. A silence of half an hour rested in the Court, while the Justice was en- gaged in drawing up a transcript of the case as far as it had proceeded, when a young man superbly dressed, and adorned with a splendid gold watch and chain, entered the room with gentlemanly dig- nity, and politely addressed the Justice to the following effect "My name, your Honor, is Samuel Harrington. I am a merchant and packer in the town of San Jose, and I am just now on my return from the more northern mines, to which I have been packing flour and other provisions. I am encamped within five miles of this place, and having heard from a citizen of your town this morning, that a dark- skinned man, with grey eyes, was in cus- tody on a charge of murder, and that al- though there was no positive .proof against him, yet there was so strong a prejudice against Mexicans, that there was great danger of his being hung by the infuriated populace, it just struck me that the prisoner might be one of my hired men, a Mexican whom I sent into town last night, and who, much to my astonishment, did not return. It is in- deed the case. Your prisoner is none other than my packer, and consequently cannot be connected with any robbing or thieving band around here. He has been with me four years, and no man ever sustained a better character. I shall wish, your Honor, to testify in his behalf, but before I take my oath I would like to prove my identity as Mr. Harrington of San Jose. Please exam- ine these letters." He here presented to the Justice, who was already favorably impressed, five or six letters, addressed in different hands, to "Mr. Samuel Harrington, San Josd," and bearing the marks of various Post Offices inthe State. The Justice showed these letters to several of the crowd, whose countenances immediately relaxed towards the prisoner. "Mr. Harrington," said Squire Brown, "your evidence will be taken without a moment's scruple." Harrington accordingly testified to i the facts which he had already related, and the prisoner was discharged. Many apologies were made to Mr. Harrington for detaining his hired man so long, and after many compliments he and Vulvia departed. As soon as they were clearly out of town, they both indulged in a hearty laugh. "How came it," said Vulvia to Joa- quin, "that you arrived in such good time? I had no expectation but to be hung." "I happened to reach your camp out here in the mountains last night, having met some of our spies who guided me to it. I had not been there more than two hours before two of your men came in, and reported that they had killed a man in that little cloth town and inquired for you. Your being absent immediately created apprehension, and having wait- page: 52-53[View Page 52-53] ed for you anxiously till morning, we were at once convinced that you had been captured. Having most fortunate- ly in my possession a package of letters addressed to Samuel Harrington, San Jose, which I had the good sense to keep, thank God! to preserve at the time I got them into my hands, it imme- diately'flashed on me that in case I found you arrested, I could pass myself off for a respectable merchant, and so save your life. It worked to a charm, as you see. I make it a practice to preserve documents of this kind, and I find that they come in pretty good play." "But how did you come by them?" inquired Vulvia. "Oh, easy enough. I killed a fellow on' my way down here the other day, and found them in his pockets; and d-d little besides, too." "You remind me," said Vulvia, " very much of Padre Jurata, God rest his soul! He saved many of his followers by being present at their trials, or introducing witnesses to prove an alibi, or presenting forged pardons on the day of execution, signed in the exact hands of the Provin- cial Governors. His knowledge was ex- tensive, and during his monkish life the confessional had given him so many important and vital secrets connected with great personages, that he could fre- quently command the services of the wealthiest men and the best born dames of Mexico. Besides this, he sometimes officiated as one of the Fathers in the re- mote towns and villages." Thus conversing, they rode on to Vul- via's camp, some ten miles in the moun- tains, and, were met by a welcome shout from their subordinates. While at this camp, resting his horses, a messenger arrived from Reis on the Stanislaus, with the news that he had killed one hundred and fifty Chinamen, and had sent to the Arroyo Cantoova two hundred horses since he had last seen his chief. "Tell him," said Joaquin, "it is all right, and to go ahead; I will send him word before long. Tell him hereafter to send his horses for safe keeping to Quien Sabe Rancho, Rancho Munos, or Joaquin Guerra's Rancho, either of the three." Reis had managed most cunningly. Hid in an old abandoned tunnel, out of which he had whipped a gang of wolves, he nor any of his party had been seen by daylight at all. All his thefts and robberies had been done in the night. The miserable Chinamen were mostly the sufferers, and they lay along the highways like so many sheep with their throats cut by the wolves. It was a pol- itic stroke in Reis to kill Chinamen in preference to Americans, for no one cared for so alien a class, and they were left to care for themselves. One moonlight night at the hott of twelve, when silence had fallen upon the world of mountains, woods and valleys, and all quiet spirits were asleep, Reis issued from his tunnel, three hundred feet under ground, with three men, and getting out their horses from the corral of a friendly rancho near by-who was kind enough to take care of them, no doubt from disinterested motives-they started on a pleasure trip up a rather lonesome road, which led along a branch of the South Fork of the Stanislaus River. Coming in sight of a neat looking frame house, Reis, bent upon an adventure, dismounted, as did also his followers, and hitching their horses on the roadside walked stealthily up to the house. At 'the first there appeared to be a dead silence about the premises, but going around on the east side, Reis discovered a light burning at a window, and draw- ing nearer heard the murmuring of voices. Not caring particularly what he did, curiosity led him to look in; which object he readily effected, being a tall man. The sight that met his view was something no less ravishing than a love scene. Upon a settee on the further side of the room, half-reclining, sat a blush- ing girl of seventeen years, her golden ringlets showered down upon her neck and shoulders, 'and her bosom heaving as if it would burst its gauzy covering and strike' the gazer blind with its un- speakable loveliness. At her feet, upon the carpeted floor, knelt a handsome young man, not more than twenty years of age, holding her small white hand in his, which ever and anon he hurried to his lips, and seemed to devour it with kisses. She could not restrain his wild transports, for he caught her with a lover's fierceness around her beautiful neck, and breathed his soul upon her lips. He sprang to her side and pressed her to his bosom as if he would blend his very body with her own. She looked bewildered, the beautiful creature! one moment gently striving to wrest herself from his arms, at another leaning her head upon his bosom with a sigh of un- utterable love. It was a sight which might well disturb the equanimity of any man, and it is not to be wonderedat that Reis looked on like one bewitched. Fate at last had some mercy on the ban- dit for after he had swallowed his up- rising heart a hundred times with look- ing on the enchanted beauty of the pas- sionate girl in her lover's arms, the latter tore-himself away and started forth from the house. One of the bandits fol- lowed him as a matter of course, while Reis hastily concerted with the others how to act-for he was determined to abduct the girl at all hazards. The young man was walking very leisurely along in a bend of the road, when he heard a sharp click just behind him. With sudden surprise he looked around, and there, face to face with him stood a man, or devil, or whatever else it might be, with a cocked pistol pointed within six inches of his head. "Down on your knees, or I will blow your brains out." . The young man knelt now from a different motive to that which made- him kneel a short time before. "Shell out you dastardly scoundrel 1"' said the accomplished highwayman. "There, take it," and threw his purse a few feet from him on the ground. The robber stooped to pick it up, and while he was bent the young man drew a small dagger from his bootleg. and plunged it into his back. It struck him directly in the spine, anad the huge- bodied villain sunk without a groan. - 6 The young man, vaguely suipecting that there might be danger lurking'near his Rosalie, went back to,the house., TQ his horror, his ears were saluted ,withia loud and piercing scream. Like a mad- man he rushed to the house, and ihad just entered the door of Rosalie's room, and taken one glance, which showed him the terrified girl struggling in the hands of a savage-looking monster, when' he was kiocked senseless- to the floor. The gray-haired old mother, a lonely widow, whose only pleasure was her daughter, clung to the robber's arm, and in the trembling accents of extreme old age, beseeched him-ivhile the tears flooded the wrinkled channels of her face-to spare her child, her only child. "Cease your gabbling," said one of Reis' men, who knocked the old lady speechless at his feet. "Who told you to do that?" said Reis, and instantly shot the officious scoun- drel through the heart. "Now my pretty duck you can come along with me," he said turning to his captive. But at the sight of the ruffian's blow, which felled her mother, Rosalie's blue eyes had closed in a swoon, and paleness as of death had overspread her features. "It makes no difference," said Reis to his surviving companion, " she will soon get over it anyhow; let us go along." "I don't know that I care about going just now," the cut-throat replied, looking ' page: 54-55[View Page 54-55] as black as a thunder cloud, " after what you have done to poor Francisco there," laying his hand onhis pistol at the same time. " You don't, eh?" said Reis, "then you are as trifling a scoundrel as he is." The two fired at once; the subordinate fell dead, and Reis was grazed on his right cheek with a piece .of hot lead, which made him blush, if his own vil- lainy did not. "Blast the two miserable scoundrels," said he "it actually seems as if some men had no humanity at all." Tying the rounded wrists of his $vely drooping captive with his handkrchief, he proceeded to the spot where the horses were hitched, cut them loose, all but his own, and mounted into his sad- dle with his precious booty before him. The loosened horses dashed back to the corral from which they had been taken, and Reis rode on by himself, till within a quarter of a mile of his tunnel, when he got down with his now weeping bur- den, turned his horse loose, which fol- lowed after the others, and proceeded on foot at his leisure. Rosalie begged him to release her, with so much sorrowful sweetness in her voice, with so beautiful an agony expressive in her whole -enchanting form, that the rocky-hearted Reis almost re- pented of what he had done. "It won't do," he thought, "to let her go now, for I will lave nothing to show for my night's work, and how should I account to the band for the missing members?" "You sha'nt be hurt," said he, turning mildly towards the trembling maiden, "I am going to keep you only a few days, until I can get a ransom for you, which some of your friends will no doubt pay, when you send them word by one of our number." They soon reached the entrance of the tunnel, into which he dragged the shud- dering girl, and led her, half dead with terror, into the extreme end, where sat his fierce-looking companions in a well lighted apartment. The bandits, much interested, gathered around their captain, who informed them -" that he had attacked a certain house on the road -and succeeded in entering, but found no money, which disappointed him so much,that he took this beautiful girl in the place of it;" and further sta- ted, "that in the struggle at the house, two of his men were killed before his face, and one was missing, he being pro- bably killed, as well as the others. As for this handsome girl," he concluded, "we may as well keep her for a ransom, or one of us may marry her, just as we, see fit." Poor, poor Rosalie I. may Heaven pro- tect you, for man cannot. Rosalie on the second night after her capture, resolved to help herself. Rising from a warm couch of blankets already dressed, and unperceived by-the bandits, who lay slumbering around, she started into the throat of the tunnel in order to find her way out. Pressing her hand to her heart to still its loud beat-' ings, she stepped noiselessly along, until she had left the sleeping apartment, when looking forward, she saw that every light in front of her had been ex- tinguished. Pausing with indefinable dread- at the thought of walking that fearful passage alone, she heard a loud yawn from one of the sleepers, as if he were waking, and with a sudden move- ment, which was scarce voluntary, she shot like an arrow into the blackness which lay before her. On and on, and on she moved with trembling footsteps, feeling her way on the sides of the tun- nel, and placing her feet each time with the indescribable terrible feeling that she might be stepping off into some deep abyss below. It seemed ages to her, be- fore she could reach the entrance.' Oh, that she might but catch one friendly glimpse of lightl It'appears-a faint, flickering gleam in the distance. With hurrying feet she approaches,--larger *and larger it grows, until she sees the lamp, like a full-blown rose of light swinging from the arch; joy! her escape is certain. She stands now in the fall 'blaze, she sees no one, and with a more confident heart pursues her way. She was now near the entrance. She saw the moonlight flooding the world without, rand rushed .eagerly forward. A huge figure started suddenly before her, and -the beautiful girl fainted. It was a bad time to swoon, but how could so delicate an organization, fit only to be played upon by the subtlest flashes of thought, sporting in rainbow-fancies, sustain so rude a shock? She fell gasping for breath, and the sentinel, for it was he, carried her to the apartment which 'she had left, and tenderly laid her upon her 'couch, without disturbing any one in the room, and hurried back to his post. So tenderly delicate was this innocent creature, so divine the appealing spirit ,of her eyes as he looked into her face, that Reis could not find it in his heart to treat her with anything but the profoundest re- spect. He had seized her in a moment of passion, stung with her voluptuous beauty, and would'at that moment have fought for her, as for a conquest of so much of Heaven itself. Such is the mad- 'dening effect of beauty upon the hearts of men I But on sober reflection he ban- ished the vain idea, which he had been foolish enough to vaguely entertain, that she could ever love a man like him, rude and uncouth as he was, and seriously contemplated restoring her to her aged and widowed mother, and one whom he knew that she loved. Confused and tor- mented with doubt, she was a continual -trouble on his hands. He was not scoun- drel enough to force her into a vile posi- tion, and he was afraid to leave her for a moment in the hands of his less scru- pulous comrades. 'Already had they be- gan to murmur at him forhis weakness, and he had been forced to threaten some ,of their lives, if they did not keep their- distance from the girl. There was dan- ger of a mutiny, and so critical was his situation, that notwithstanding he dread- ed Joaquin's opinion of his conduct in this specific matter, yet he longed to see him. Reis was sitting one night, moping in his-tunnel like a grim wolf, and scowl-, ing discontentedly around him, for he had done nothing for a week, when the sentinel 'came in attended by two per- sons, whom he left 'standing before Reis, and returned to his post. 'The melan- choly bandit raised his head, and beheld his now dreaded chief before him. Joa- quin glanced hastily around the room and beholding the captive-girl reclining mournfully upon her couch, he started, and with a sudden fierceness, which made every man in his presence quail, turned to Reis, and said with a look that rived his soul: "How is this? Did I ever instruct you to engage in a business of this kind? Explain yourself, or by G-d, it will not be well for you." Reis begged, him to listen patiently, and related every circumstance connected with the girl's captpre, his killing his two comrades at the time, and everything which followed subsequently. Joaquin was in a tempest of anger. "So you have done nothing but mope for the past week,-essential service you- have rendered to our organization. Reis," he continued, convulsively clutching his pistol handle, " if it was any other man but you, I would kill him on the spot. I would shoot him like a dog. But d-n you," he exclaimed with sudden vehe- mence, while his eyes blazed as none but his could, "have you done her any in- jury? Have you taken 'any advantage of that girl, sir?" "No, no. You know that I would scorn to do that," replied Reis. "I believe you, and it- is well that it is so Reis," he continued in a calmer tone, "I- am surprised at you. I have never done a thing of this kind. I have higher purposes in view than to toiture page: 56-57[View Page 56-57] innocent females. I would have no woman's person without her own'consent. I have read of robbers who deliberately ravished tender and delicate females, and afterwards cut their throats, but I des- pise them. I am no such. robber, and I never will be. Reis, I ought to kill you, but since you have had some honor'and manhood about you in this rascally mat- ter, I will let you off this time. Get you in readiness, and we will, you and I alone, return this girl to her mother, if the poor old woman be alive, and forth- with set this matter right. I wouldn't at such a time as this, be bothered by a frivolous matter of this kind, for all the women in the world, spread out in a perfect sea of bosoms and lips!" Rosalie, who had been listening with intense interest to every word, at this moment sprang towards the young chief, whose appearance was far from forbid- ding, even to the most refined female, and in a fit of uncontrollable gratitude and rapture, at the prospect of her deliv- erance, threw her arms around his neck before she thought. Recovering her- self instantly, she thanked him in a dig- nified manner for his noble conduct, and told him that she respected him from the bottom of her heart, robber as he was. Joaquin looked at her proudly, as he laid his hand upon his breast, and said: "Yes, Senorita, I am a man. I was once as noble a man as ever breathed, and if I am not so now, it is because men would not allow me to be as I wished. You shall return to your mother and to your lover, if I die in bringing it about." On this same night at eleven o'clock stood the frame house on the road that leads up on a branch of the South Fork of the Stanislaus River, the same as it was on that happy, sorrowful night, when Rosahe was embraced by her lover, and torn from his presence. In one of the rooms sat her old disconsolate mother, whose withering life was alone sustained by the hope of seeing her daughter again, and near her the young man Edward - . He was comforting the old lady with assurances, which did not quiet his own heart, for he had rid- den day and night over one-half of the' county, making inquiries in every quar- ter, but not a trace could he find of the missing girl or her abductor. His face- was pale and thin with anxiety, and his. voice had something hollow in it, as. though the vampire of despair was suck- ing his heart's blood. He began to be- lieve that his adored Rosahe was lost to him forever, and was doomed to a fate he could not contemplate without a shudder- ing chill. After soothing the feeble brain of the old woman with what he knew to be the merest illusions, he had subsided into silence, and was eating his heart in bitter regret, when a sudden. tap was heard on the door and in a. moment leaped into the room the very object of his thoughts. The meeting was such as might be expected. But I will not fill this sheet with an attempt at a description of it. Edward's rapture, astonishment, bewilderment of joy Hthe old decrepid mother's scarce audible. syllables, and her far more expressive- tears. Rapidly was her story recounted by Rosalie, and with such enthusiasm did she 'dwell on the heroic conduct of Joaquin, that her lover almost became jealous of the young robber. She made him swear that he would never injure that man, whatever he might do to. others. "I won't touch Joaquin," he replied,. "if he lets me alone, but as for that other bloody beast. I will kill him the first time I lay my eyes on him." Joaquin at this moment walked in, and stood before the young man. Reis. very prudently remained on the outside,. after hearing the observation which had. just been made respecting him. "I have done you a favor, sir," said Joaquin, "and now I want you to keep. this matter a profound secret. Never breathe my name out of this house. I will be in this county for some time, but you and yours shall not be troubled. But if you betray me, I will scatter to the winds all that you have, and all that you love." "It is hard," said the young man, " to be under obligations to a man like you, but I will'be silent." "And who are you, pray, that talk as if it were stooping to be under obliga- tions to a man like me?" and the fiery spirit of Joaquin leaped into his eyes. He touched the hilt of his bowie-knife, when a supplicating look from Rosalie checked him. Edward-drew his revolver half out, but Rosalie touched his arm; and with a reproachful look, said to him- "Fie, fie, Edward, you forget yourself. You wouldn't harm the man who has re- stored me to your arms? Why, Ed- ward, would you make me despise you? I care not if he were a robber a thousand times, he is a noble man; shake hands with him," and taking his hand with her left, and the robber's with her right, she joined them together with a gentle force. Sternly the young men looked at each other for a second, and then, with a half- friendly, half-defiant smile, they parted. Joaquin and Reis rode off, the one somewhat reconciled to his subordinate, since the issue had been good, and the other delighted beyond all bounds at the happy turn which things had taken. "I would have given her up long ago," exclaimed Reis, "but my men would have killed me for it, I am certain. It was fortunate that you came -when you did, or the poor girl would have been far worse off than she is now, the beauti- ful creature that she is!" said he, with enthusiasm. Rosalie and Edward ---, were shortly after married. They kept their secret while Joaquin lived, and for my part, I do not blame them. CHAPTER XI. TERRIBLE SCENES IN CALAVERAS COUN- TY-MORE HARBORING PLACES FOR THE ROBBERS NAMED-DESPERATE. CONFLICT OF DEPUTY SHERIFF ELLAS- WITH JOAQUIN AND EIGHT OF HS. MEN. The new year opened-the ever mem- orable year of 1853-and by the middle- of January the bold and accomplished bandit was ready to enter upon a series of the bloodiest scenes that ever were- enacted in the same space of time, in any age or country. Calaveras county, as I have said before, the richest, or among the richest, at least, in the Gold- en State, he chose as the theatre of his operations, and never was a region so scourged and desolated. Detached par- ties numbering four, five or a dozenmen were scattered over the face of the whole- country, and so diverse were their opera- tions, so numerous and swift that I shall not attempt to give a minute account of all of them, but shall confine myself par- ticularly to the individual movements of Joaquin, and strictly to those facts which are absolutely known, and traceable to- their original source. It may be dis- tinctly set down, however, in the outset,. that though many villainous deeds which transpired in the short period which I am about to make a sketch of, were mys- terious and unaccountable; many mur- ders committed in parts remote from. each other, robberies here, thefts there,. and destruction, lightning-footed, tread. ing everywhere, invisible in its approach, and revealed only in the death trail which it left behind, yet all this mighty and seemingly chaotic scene had its. birth in the dramatic brain of Joaquin-- an author who acted out his own trage- dies! Divergent as were the innumer- able lines of action, yet they were alli concentrated, morally, upon one point, and directed to one purpose, that which existed in the breast of Joaquin. page: 58-59[View Page 58-59] There was not a town of any import- ance in that whole region in which he had not a spy, one or more, located; not ,one in which he had hot his agents and secret friends. He lacked not for har- boring places in which to conceal his wounded men and stolen animals. Nu- merous ranchos, owned by " wealthy and respectable men," as the world goes, have been mentioned to me as places which afforded him refuge and assis- tance whenever needed. Among the number which were named with particu- lar emphasis, were the Los Alamos Ran- ,cho, on the Rio Napoma, the Ortego 3Rancho'and the Concho Rancho. Some of the suspected ranchos, it is but justice 'to say, have since changed hands. Around San Andreas, Caliveritas and Yackee Camp, numerous thefts and rob- beries had been committed in the space of a few weeks. Property was missed, but no one knew whither-it was gone. Men were murdered, and' the bloody hand remained unseen. Yet everyone 'knew that thieves and murderers walked unknown in the midst of the commu- nity. The strange dread hung over every face, and gave vigilance to every eye. The fearful shrunk back from a 'danger which they could feel, but not see. The bold stood forward with their lives in their hands, to search into, find and face the perils which existed around -them, the more terrible that they were disguised and concealed. Among the boldest, most firm and en- ergetic, whom the crisis brought forth, was Captain Charles H. Ellas, of San An- dreas, who in his capacity as Deputy Sheriff of Calaveras county, took the lead in ferreting out the perpetrators of these foul deeds. He was a young man of fine appearance, slenderly formed, but making up for the want of superior strength in great activity and astonishing powers of endurance. His eyes were keen, quick and flashing, touched with a fierceness which at times seemed to scorch where it fell. A chivalrous son of the South; he had grown up under a discipline which taught him that honor was a thing to be maintained at the sacrifice of blood,'or oflife itself; that fear was a feeling too base to harbor in a manly breast, aid that he was a coward who would not' give the question of his rights to the arbitration of steel or of the dead- ly ball. Already did his bosom bear the marks of severe and dangerous hand-to- 'hand conflicts, a trial of muscle, nerve and skill, in a game whose stake is hu- man life, and whose hazard is eternity. At a juncture so important as the period of which I speak, a man like Elias was most naturally looked to as a lead- er, and entrusted with a large amount of discretionary power, so necessary to be used in perilous times, when the slow forms of law, with their snail-like pro- cesses, are altogether useless and inef- ficient. The first opportunity which presented itself for anything' like determinate action, occurred about the middle of Jan- uary. Some horses were stolen at the town of San Andreas, and a description of the Mexicans who took them had been given to Captain Ellas, who in the course of a day's ride on the various roads, accidentally discovered the party on the road leading from Yackee Camp to Chaparral Hill. They had added two to their number, who were not per- ceived, however, by the Captain at the first glance. Seeing two mounted men on a small hill to the left of the road, he hailed them, and requested them to come down as he had something to say. One of them replied: "If you want to see us more than we do you, come-to'us." Whereupon Ellas advanced, but the intermediate space being marshy, much rain having lately fallen, his horse mired so bad that he dismounted. Proceeding on foot, he heard a rustling in the brush to the right, which sounded very much, like an ambush, ready to burst forth, but he kept on his way. When withir eighty yards of the two to whom he had spoken, he saw that they had drawn their revolvers. This hostile movement, and the rustling in the brush to the right, convinced him that he was acting a very imprudent part, and that he was even then in very imminent danger. With much presence of mind he looked behind him, and gave a sighal-whistle, as if he had a company in waiting, which stratagem succeeded so well that the two in open sight rode slowly over the hill, and those who had been concealed pre- cipitately left the thicket Going to where his horse was feeding, he mount- 'ed and rode over to Yackee Camp, a lit- tle mining town a few miles distant, in order to get men to go out with him in further pursuit. He found no one at all prepared to accompany him, but a Mexi can merchant in the place, named Atana- cio Moreno, a man who was worth money, and stood well in the community. Un- suspected by Ellas, this man secretly be. longed to the band of Joaquin Murieta, or, I should rather say, to the tremen- dous organization which that bold chief- tain had established throughout the country. The Captain had unlimited confidence in this individual, for he had previously assisted him in the capture of a horse thief, and besides giving him much valuable information, had fur- nished men and horses in various expedi- tions started by the honest portion of the community. He was treacherous, and though assist- ing to capture individuals sometimes who belonged to his own fraternity, they were always those whom he hated personally. A dangerous companion in a lonely ride I' Moreno, pretending to 'have watched through his spies the movements of the depredators, led the way over the mountains, valleys, and gulches until sunset, but no trace of the objects sought was found, and the pursuit was here relinquished. It became known before a great while, for a certainty, that this man was a scoundrel, and leaving the country in a few weeks after his connection with Joa- quin was discovered, he joinedSenati, a petty robber of some note in the south. He had not been with that leader long, before he secretly assassinated him, cut off his head, and delivered it to the civil authorities of the town of Los Angeles for' a reward of five hundred dollars, which had been offered for it. This act of treachery did not avail him much, for he was afterwards arrested on a grave charge, and thrown into prison, and afterwards hung. CHAPTER XII. ATTACK, OF JOAQUIN UPON AMERICANS IN YACKEE CAMP-JOAQUIN EMPTIES HS SIX-SHOOTER, AND THROWS HS SWORD IN THE FIGHT-CAPTURE OF JOAQUIN'S FRIEND, THE GAMBLER T BILL, AND HS SUMMARY EXECUTION -HARBORING PLACES AND DENS OF THE ROBBERS MOBBED AND BURNED. It was soon ascertained, that an organ- ized band of robbers was in the com- munity of San Andreas and vicinity. Yackee Camp was discovered to be their rendezvous, situated about two miles and a half from San Andreas. Upon this discovery, Captain Ellas employed a number of spies to gather all the infor- mation that they could in relation to the thieves and robbers, whose. leader was not then known. While these spies were out, Captain Ellas one day rode into Yac- kee Camp, and was seated on his horse near a little drinking house, observing matters and things 'in that very suspi- cious vicinity, when, he perceived: a young, black-eyed, fine looking fellow, standing with his cloak wrapped around him, very intently fixing his gaze upon himself, the Captain. As soon as their page: 60-61[View Page 60-61] eyes met, the young fellow drew the rim of his hat over his face, and flinging his cloak a little back from his shoulder, dropped his arm down carelessly toward the butt of his pistol. In a moment more he turned and walked off. Captain Ellas will no doubt recollect the circumstan- ce, and must not be surprised to learn that this was none other than Joaquin, himself, who thus took his daguerreo- type upon memory, and found it after- wards of much avail in aiding him to escape danger, and to keep out of the way when he saw the original at the head of an armed party, or otherwise to direct his movements to the best advan- tage. The Captain did not at this time even know Joaquin was in the county, although the renowned robber's name was familiar to his ears, by the-report of his depredations in other counties for a long time back. The spies, after the lapse of several days, returned with the information that they had discovered several lurking places of the robbers, among which was Chaparral Hill, a description of which it may be as well to give, inasmuch as it was the scene of quite an interesting event. It lies to the southwest of San Andreas about four miles, and is nothing more than an elevated pass between two steep ridges, which are crowned with precipitous rocks, whose interstices would effectually conceal a man from observa- tion. Thickets of chaparral cover vari- ous spots on the tops of the ridges, with open spaces between, and in many places the liveoak trees with low branches, and crooked knotty trunks, form, a kind of natural fortification, almost as perfect as if they had been arranged expressly for the purpose. The pass itself is but a lowering of a long curving wall (a natu- ral walD which connects the two ridges together, and between these ridges a long hollow leads up, and terminates at the pass. By the foot of the hollow run a clear little stream, margined with green grass, called Willow Creek, because it is 'tfringed so beautifully with the lithe and graceful trees of that name. Behind the curving wall described, a steep descent goes down to the valley below, and is covered with immense grease-wood thickets, taller than a man's head, through which a party pursued could make a safe retreat, and through which it would be dangerous to follow them. A few tall pines stand isolated here and there, on the different eminences, which shoot up in rugged majesty from the general outline. One ridgeterminates at the connecting wall, but the other stretches on a mile or two beyond it, marked by a bridle trail, which suddenly plunges into a succession of deep ravines and gulches, lined with greasewood and low timber-lonely and sombre looking places From this pass, or any place adjacent, a view of the country is com- manded many miles in extent. A few days after the return of the spies, a gentleman by the name of Hall, who kept a rancho on the road leading from Mokelumne Hill to San Andreas, called on Ellas'and informed him that three Mexicans had passed his house that morning, who looked suspicious, they having but two horses, and one of the men in consequence mounted behind another. One of these men had been detained by him at his house, having stopped but a few 'moments while the others rode on, but remained no longer than he saw fit after all, for upon the first movements towards preventing his free agency, he drew a revolver and walked out. Hall and a man named Davis followed the party about a mile, and saw where they had left the main road, and gone up Murray's Creek. Ellas mounted his horse, accompanied by his friend, a young lawyer of fine parts, by the name. of Wm. J. Gatewood, who had practiced at squirrels and tur- keys in the woods as much as he had practiced at the bar, and was as skillful in drawing a "bead" as in drawing a brief-and attended also by Hall, Davis and another man whose name is not re- membered-Hall being provided with a pistol, Davis with a rifle, and the other man with a yager. The party numbered five, hastily gotten up, and but poorly prepared for a combat; but supposing he was only on the track of three Mexicans, the Captain proceeded on their trail. Immediately after starting he met a gentleman. named Peter Woodbeck, whom, having-a little business with, he requested to ride back a short distance with the company. Arriving at Murray's 'Creek he struck a fresh trail of two horses, as expected, about a mile from -San Andreas, leading behind -a ridge of mountains that skirted that little town -showing that the riders had kept them- -selves concealed from view of the main road, until immediately opposite San Andreas, at which point they had evi- dently ridden to the top of the ridge, and who no doubt saw their pursuers start out, and at the same time counted their number. The trail from this point led over the mountains towards Yackee Camp, which gave Ellas to suppose they were a part of the band said to be lurk- ing about Chaparral Hill. He immedi- ately sent Peter Woodbeck to San Andreas with a request to Alcalde Talia- ferro to send two parties of men, each numbering five, and have them stationed on the different trails leading from the -Chaparral Hill. The Alcalde being ill, was unable to attend personally to the request, but used every exertion in his power by his agents, to raise the two parties needed, unfortunately without success. Under the impression that the men would be stationed as desired, the Captain rode on. The trail wound along in a very circuitous manner over the roughest possible places, so that it was in the afternoon before he reached the foot of the hollow before spoken of, at Willow Creek, only four miles from San Andreas. Ascending the hollow, the pursuing party immediately saw on the curve of the pass of Chaparral Hill, several Mexicans mounted upon fine horses, and rode up towards them until within rifle shot, when they halted.. Two or three of the Mexicans rode down behind some bushes and rocks on the slant, and commenced firing at them with Colt's heavy pistols, but without effect. Ellas and party immediately shifted their position to a place within fair pistol shot, during which movement Davis levelled his rifle at a fellow par- tially hid in the rocks, and evidently hit him. The man with the yager in vain tried to fire it-it would not " go off,' and the weapon remained useless through the whole fight, as well as the bearer of it, who had nothing else with which to do battle. Though sadly needed he stood neutral, ap far as any service he could do was concerned, but served admirably well as a target for the bandits to practice at, nevertheless. To aggravate the state of things, Davis, after discharging his rifle, could find no more bullets in his pouch, and was thus also rendered unable to do anything. Only three men therefore were left to do the fighting! The Mexicans noticing this dilemma, dashed along on the curve of the hill, nine in number, splendidly mounted and well armed-some were observed to have two revolvers each. While passing they fired about twenty shots, but were riding so rapidly that they could not shoot with much precision. As it was, Gatewood's mule was se- verely wounded in the neck, and bled profusely. A ball passed across Ellas' breast, burning a hole in the side of his vest, and another went through his hair. After this swoop of theirs they retired to their first position. A portion of them then dismounting, crept down behind the bushes, so as to get near enough to Ellas' party to make a dead shot, and commenced firing, but not with the de- sired certainty, for Ellas and Gatewood had dismounted, and were somewhat protected by their animals. The Cap- taif finding an opportunity for the first page: 62-63[View Page 62-63] time to fire with any chance of hitting, shot at a large Mexican who stood on the edge of a bush, who suddenly retired to the top of the hill. Upon the report of his pistol, his mare, a fine, well trained animal, went down the hollow about four hundred yards towards Willow Creek, when one of the mounted Mexi- cans dashed around as if to secure her. She ran back towards Ellas, and the Mexican followed to within seventy yards, imnediately below him. Ellas fired, and the fellow sunk on the neck of his horse, apparently badly wounded. Four or five of the Mexicans noticing this, galloped along the ridge towards 'the side of the hill to which the wounded Mexican had retired, and effectually cov- ered' his position, so that it was impossi- ble to approach him without receiving their fire. He was then wrapping his red scarf around his breast, as if endeav- oring to stop the blood. Ellas' horse soon dashed to the left of the Mexicans, and came up to him, when he mounted and led his party around towards the right hand ridge, in order to gain the summit, if possible, which object he hoped to effect while the opposing force was somewhat separated. In passing under a steep rocky place, Gatewood ex- claimed, "There is a Mexican above us!" and had scarcely finished the sentence before the fellow commenced firing with his revolver. He fired three distinct shots at a distance of not more than forty yards. Ellas suddenly wheeling his horse, discovered him almost perpendic- ularly over his head not more than thirty yards distant, mounted' upon a white horse; and taking a steady aim with his six-shooter, pulled the trigger. The Mexican fell back upon his. saddle, wounded in the breast, but soon recover- ing himself put spurs to his horse and darted out of sight. Up to this time the Captain had con- cluded to risk this very disadvantageous battle, in the hope that the two parties sent by Peter Woodbeck would arrive on the two trails in the rear of the rob- bers; but finding that they were not likely to come, and knowing that he was exposing himself and his comrades to be shot down in detail from behind the rocks and bushes, he decided to retire to the' foot of the hollow, where his opponents could not assail him without exposure to, themselves. They did not follow him, and after a short consultation with his- comrades, he started back for San An- dreas, which he reached without difficul- ty, and immediately proceeded to organ- ize a party. While doing this, word came from Yackee Camp that six men, evidently of the same band, had come down into that place from the direction of Chaparral Hill, and without a mo- ment's parley, had commenced killing the few Americans with whom they hap- pened to meet. Joaquin (for it was with him that Ellas had been fighting with- out knowing it) rode among the houses during the shooting, and remarked: "This is not my fight; this is Bill's fight," alluding to an affray between one of his friends, named Bill, who was a Mexican gambler in the place, and some Americans, which had occurred a short time before. When this remark was made Three- Fingered Jack discharged his pistol at an American who was standing near, and killed him on the spot. Another American whom Joaquin recognized, started to run; he was on foot, but ran with as much speed over the rough ground, which had been dug up and ditched in various places by the miners, as did the robber-chief, who pursued him on horseback. Leaping and plunging through the holes and ditches, Joaquin shot at him six times without effect, and having thus emptied his six-shooter, finally threw at him his two edged sword, which barely missed the poor fellow's neck just as he escaped in a ledge of rocks It was a trying scene for any one to pass through, and of a character such as he would not soon forget. Joa- quin reloaded his revolver, recovered his sword, and rode back into' town, swearing that he would get even on that day's work if it took him twenty years, for he had lost three of his best men on Chaparral Hill. "G-d d-n that little Sheriff of San Andreas," s aid he, "I knew him all the time!" Soon after, having cleared out the Americans in Yackee Camp, he galloped off with his men, numbering six, over the hills towards the mountains, leaving one wounded horse, which had been shot at the late skirmish at the pass. Upon receiving this information, Ellas started for Yackee Camp with his party, consisting of six mounted men, followed by some thirty citizens of San Andreas, on foot. Arriviig at the tragical scene, they immediately seized the Mexican gambler Bill, who had been foolish enough to remain after Joaquin's remark about him, and having subjected him to a California trial, they sentenced him to be hung "forthwith," as a meniber of Joaquin's band. He begged them earn- estly to spare his life, but finding it was in vain, his brow darkened, and with an air of proud defiance he told them to do their work. "By going to my trunk," said he, "you will find a knife, from whose blade no handkerchief has yet wiped the d-d American blood." This speech did not serve to mollify the state of feeling toward him, and he was jerked up into a tree, and strangled with very little ceremony. It was now a .late hour in the night, but there remained a finishing stroke to be put upon the proceedings before retir- ing to rest. The harboring places and dens of the robbers were found out, and the enraged citizens went to work tear- ing down and burning up the houses of this character. The conflagration lit up . the vault of heaven, and its sound roared among the mountains for miles around. Around the smduldering ruins, guards and pickets were stationed till morning,. and the wearied citizens slept. CHAPTER XIII. THREE COMPAIES OF AMERICANS OR-- GANIZED - PURSUIT OF ROBBERS-- DESPERATE CONFLICT AT THE PH(E- NIX QUARTZ MLL-ONE OF THE ROB- BERS WOUNDED AT CHAPARRAL HLL FOUND AND TAKEN PRISONER-1HS. HARBORER SHOT AND KILLED-A MEXICAN HUNG FOR CONFESSION- HE CONFESSES-A SPY CAPTURED-HE, FALLS INTO THE HANDS OF CHERO- KEES-MURDERS AND HANGING-DIG- GER INDIAN AND "PAPER TALK "- BAD JUDGMENT OF TWO AMERICANS AND A GERMAN-CHNAMEN SUFFER -THREE-FNIGERED JACK HAS TWO TREMENDOUS RACES ON HORSEBACK- MORE HANGING - SLAUGHTER OF CHNAMEN-COMBAT BETWEEN PRES- COTT AND JOAQUIN At daylight three companies were or- ganized, two mounted and one on foot, whose object was to break up the whole confederacy of robbers and their harbor- ers, and never to rest until the neighbor- hood should be free from them. A man named Henry Scroble took charge of one mounted company, and Ellas of the other. The former proceeded over the mountains, and Ellas over the lower hills in a different direction. It was some- time before the companies could be faitly started, and meanwhile Joaquin, accom- panied by the five men who were left to him after the fight at Chaparral -Hill, and who had seen the burning of his. friends' houses at Yackee Camp, had. I page: 64-65[View Page 64-65] come down full of vengeance, as far as the Phoenix Quartz Mill, a few miles from Yackee Camp, and there had met two Americans whom he had immedi- ately attacked. One of them was Peter Woodbeck, who was known by the rob- bers, having been marked by them when on the day before Ellas had sent him back' ,with word to Alcalde Taliaferro. He was just mounting his horse at the -quartz mill, when Joaquin rode up. "4 You are my meat," said Joaquin, and -drew his revolver. Woodbeck replied, "- We will see," and drew his. Three- Fingered Jack rode towards Woodbeck's companion, who, being on foot, fired one shot from a derringer pistol and dashed into the mill. Three-Fingered Jack, after emptying two loads at him as he fled, which perforated the building near the door, dismounted and rushed, with bowie knife in hand after him. There a des- perate hand to hand conflict ensued, the American defending himself with a short bar of iron. But Three-Fingered Jack triumphed, and his bowie knife drank the poor fellow's heart's blood. He came dragging him out by the hair of the head, and the fight between Woodbeck and Joaquin was still going on, the re- lative positions of the two not allowing any chance for Joaquin's friends to as- sist him. Woodbeck being wounded, and having emptied his revolver at his antagonist without effect, now put spurs to his horse to fly the field, and was nearly out of pistol range when Three-Fingered Jack fired at the horse and struck him so centre a shot that he fell dead in his tracks. The bloody monster then rushed up and "finished" the unfortunate rider upon the spot. The bodies of these men were yet warm when Ellas and his company rode up, and stood horrified at the- bloody spectacle. The trail of the murderers from the Quartz Mill was plain, leading over the San Domingo Creek range of mountains, following which Ellas and company met with the foot company, which had been detailed to go through the rougher part of the mountainous section near the Cherokee Flat. They gave him some in- teresting information, which was, that they had found clothing which had evi- dently been thrown from a wounded man, and upon the discovery had proceeded immediately to a camp not far off, where they found two Mexicans, one of them badly wounded. The sound one rose to his feet, and started at full speed, but was shot, so that he died in a short time afterwards in an adjacent thicket to which he ran before he fell. This indi- vidual was not a "fighting member," but rather a sly and secret friend, who had volunteered to take care of one of Joaquin's wounded men, who had been hit in the skirmish at Chaparral Hill the day before. They also saw in a neigh- boring thicket of chaparral three other mounted men of the robber band, whom they did not find an opportunity to at- tack. The wounded man was still lying at the camp, unable to get out of the way without help. It was dark when Ellas-received this information, but de- termined to lose no opportunity of meet- ing with the scoundrels, he stationed men around the chaparral. thickets to watch during the night, sent others to arrest thie wounded robber at the camp, and to convey him to Cherokee Flat, and hurried off two others to two different ferries on the Stanislaus River, with orders to the ferrymen to allow no one to cross. The wounded man being a trouble upon their hands, and no doubt being entertained as to his character, the Cherokee half-breeds, and others at the Cherokee House, concluded to hang him, a very necessary ceremony, which was soon performec " Ellas lay watching the camp from which the wounded robber had been taken, all night, in the hope that some of his companions might come; but none arrived. Early in the morning he gath- ered his party and started on a bush trail over the Bear Mountain, scaling its highest point. In several places along this trail he found spots where men had manifestly stopped, and thrown up clot- ted blood from their stomachs. Track- ing on he reached a Chinese Camp, which the Chinamen informed them had just been robbed by three Mexicans, who took their last dime, and barely allowed them to escape with their lives. Hurry- ing forward from here, he found that they had crossed the river at Forman's Rancho, despite all efforts to prevent them. Upon the other side they struck the main road which led along. its banks, and their distinct trail was lost among the number of tracks common to a pub- lic highway. On the next day, still in- defatigably searching through the woods. he again found their trail which con- ducted him within a mile of San Andreas, and was again lost in the main road. All trace of them was then lost for three or four days, at the expiration of which, as the Captain was riding along with three followers, a friendly Mexican named Jesus Ahoa came up to him, and informed him that he had noticed some Mexicans leading horses over a mountain near Greaserville on the Calaveras River, who looked exceedingly suspicious. Following Jesus Ahoa as a guide, Ellas and his three comrades rode to the moun- tain indicated, and very readily fell upon the trail. Proceeding a few miles' they found three horses which had been lari- ated on the way in a sequestered spot, between two steep ridges. Further on they found two or three Americans, who had seen Joaquin and two others pass them not a great while before, riding at full speed down the river, Joaquin being mounted on a thor- oughbred mare. Ellas, with his usual energy diligently pursued their trail until the dusk of the evening, when he arrived, at an isolated drinking house, whose in- mates refused to givel any information whatever concerning the pursued party. The trail was yet visible, and led down to the bank of the Calaveras River, which he crossed, finding the trail with- out much difficulty. It ran up-the river a short distance, and re-crossed it. The Captain did the same, and found it again upon the first bank. It led out a short distance towards Angel's Camp, a little mining town a few miles off, but doubled upon itself again, and again crossed the river. It was now dark, and impossible. to find the lost trail, even if it had been practicable to follow it when found. The pursuit -was accordingly given up for that night. The-next morning the Cap- tain rode up to an isolated house in a wild section of the mountains, where lived a rough looking Mexican, solitary and alone, and discovered at his door the tracks of several horses, which he knew were the same horses that had made the trail of the day before, from the peculiarity in one of the hoofs, .which was very distinctly impressed at every step. The ill-looking fellow denied all knowledge of any mounted men having been to his house. A lariat was speedily attached to his neck, and he was sent up into a tree to see if he could not obtain the desired information. Having been sent up twice, he ascertained the important fact that Joaquin had passed his house the night before with two other men, and had told him that he was going to Campo Seco, on his way to the city of Marysville in the northern country- that the neighborhood was getting too warm for him, and he wanted a little fresh air; that he intended to return, for he would never rest satisfied until he had the heart's blood of Ellas and the Mexican who had put the Captain on his trail, etc. The next. day after this the Captain ascertained that Joaquin had crossed the Stanislaus River at Lancha Plana with -his party, forcing the ferryman to act contrary to orders, and put him over. He had scarcely landed on the other side when he was attacked by Ameri- cans, for it must be borne in mind that page: 66-67[View Page 66-67] the whole country was aroused, who be- ing Superior in number, poured hot lead into his midst with such bewildering rapidity that he was compelled to fly with the utmost precipitation, leaving in his hurry several very fine loose horses. It was supposed that he soon afterward swam the river at another place, and was still in the neighborhood. Accompanied by a gentleman from An- gel's Camp, Ellas went to the fastnesses of the Bear Mountain range, in the hope to discover fresh trails; found one which led towards a camp called Los Muertos; the tracks indicating that there were five mounted men. Being in no condi- tion to follow them, he rode over to Cher- okee Flat, and requested a number of Cherokees, located there, to go out and way-lay the different trails between Bear Mountain and San Domingo Range, to which they readily assented. In the meantime a meeting of the citizens was held at Carson's Creek, to take measures in the pressing exigency, which was up- on that district, in common1 with others. A Mexican was noticed ii the meeting attentively noticing its proceedings, who as soon as it was broken up, was seen to go to a bakery, purchase a quantity of bread, and start off on foot toward Bear Mountain. He was followed and seized on the side of the mountain, and at the same time his captors discovered three Mexicans riding on the ridge a few hun- dred yards above them. One of these was Joaquin, and the others were Reis and Valenzuela. The captive Mexican was hurried away to Cherokee Flat, where he was questioned closely in re- gard to his conduct. He played the part of an idiot, and would have suc- ceeded in convincing the attendant crowd that he was really a poor imbecile, had he not been very well known by some of "the boys." To bring him to his senses, hemp was suggested as a very efficacious thing in such cases, and he was accordingly elevated into the top of a tree to take a view of the surrounding country. The remedy operated upon his? ailment like a clarm, and he confessed without hesitation that he knew Joa- quin, Reis, Valenzuela and numerous others of the banditti; and that Joaquinr was at this time not far off, to whom he was taking provisions when ,he was ap- prehended. A doubt arising in the minds of some persons, not noted for de- cision of character, as to whether it was right to put the fellow to death, Ellas left him in charge of the two Cherokee half-breeds, with the request that they would give a good account of him, where- upon the crowd dispersed. At about twelve o'clock in the night, the Chero- kees went to Ellas' house in San An- dreas, and informed him that they were ready to give " a good account " of the Mexican. Nothing more was said on the subject, and the next day he was: found hanging on a tree by the side of the road. 'Several weeks had now transpired sincethe fight on Chaparral Hill, and, notwithstanding the most diligent pur- suit had been made after the robbers, yet. during the whole time they had been busily engaged . in murder, theft- and plunder. They left a broad and bloody trail wherever they went, and commit- ted their outrages at times in the very sight of their pursuers. Frequently were the harrowing cries of "mmurder " heard just ahead, and hurrying to the spot, citizens were found weltering in their blood, while the audacious bandits were seen riding off with no great evi- dence of fear at being overtaken. The banditti were divided the greater part of the time, into small companies of four or five, and Joaquin was seldom seen with more than three followers. Three-Fin- gered Jack was his constant attendant. Vulvia was in the field; Reis was active,. and Valenzuela was far from idle. On the 5th of February a Mexican was arrested by the citizen's at Angel's Camp. As soon as it was done, a young Sonor- ian gambler ran to a horse hitched at a rack, and was preparing to mount, no doubt to carry information to Joaquin of what had transpired, when a pistol was cocked in his face, and he was stopped. In a few moments it was ascertained that the man arrested was one of Joa- quin's band and he soon made his exit into eternity, from the branch of an oak tree, which yet stands at Angel's Camp as one of its memorials. Three or four Germans sleeping in a tent on a rather lonesome ravine, near to Angel's Creek, a few nights before the event last mentioned, were surprised to' find themselves suddenly tied hand and foot, in their beds, and still more horri- fied -when a scowling band of ruffians stood over them with drawn sabres, which they drew oaross their throats so carelessly that it started the blood. The Germans eagerly delivered up what money they had, which amounted to the pitiful sum of two hundred dollars; at which Three-Fingered Jack, for he was there with his leader, jumped up with an oath that made the poor fellows quiver where they lay, and declared that he would dig their hearts out of theml for not havingaany more, suiting his action to the word by brandishing his knife over their heads, and waving it to and fro within an inch of their windpipes. Joa- quin, however, interfered and prevented him from executing his threat, remark- ing that it was better to let them live, as he might wish to collect taxes off them for "Foreign Miners' License," at some other time. One Alexander Bidenger and his friend G. J. Mansfield, residing at a little place called Capulope, having learned from two friendly Mexicans that Joaquin had slept there on the night of the second of February, with other important informa- tion, concluded to send word to Justice Beatty the presiding magistrate at Campo Seco, not a great way off, and 'having written a letter despatched it by "Digger Express." To those unacquainted with California customs, it may be necessary to explain that it is common in the mountains and mining districts to employ Digger In- dians as bearers of letters, or runners upon errands, from one point to another, they being very expeditious on foot, and willing to travel a considerable distance for a small piece of bread, fresh meat or a ragged shirt. I have known them to swim rivers, when the waters were high and dangerous, in order to carry a letter to its destination. They are exceedingly faithful in this business, having a super- stitious dread of that mysterious power which makes a paper talk without a mouth. The naked expressman having been hunted up, he was charged by Bidenger to proceed to Campo Seco without delay, and to allow no one on the way to read the paper. The Digger, as is usual with these native expresses, got him a small stick about two feet long, and split- ing the end to the depth of an inch or two, stuck the letter into it, and, hold- ing it out in front of him, started off in a fast trot. One of Joaquin's party dis- covered him on the road, about three miles from Campo Seco, and wished to speak to him, but the Indian, remember- ing his charge, broke off at full speed, bearing 'the letter triumphantly before him. The robber fired two shots at the terrified native, which only accelerated his flight. Arriving at Campo Seco, he entered Beatty's office, and handed him the following unique epistle: FEBRVARY the 31853. I hereby gave notice that there is a thief and robber In this Capulope by the name ofwakeen he slep here last night and he Is xpected to sleap heare tonight thar is not men enough here that will Assist in taking him he has horses tide back hear in the hills and six more men. i think it my duty to make it known. Alexander Bidenger and1 'G. J. Mansfield. Rio Carrillo. ,Bernardo Carasoo. page: 68-69[View Page 68-69] The Justice having deciphered the hieroglyphical characters of this letter, as satisfactorily as he could, sent a mes- senger to the keepers of the ferry at Winter's Bar, to let no one cross during the night, believing that, from its prox- imity, that point would be selected by the robber for the passage of the river, in case he was closely pursued, and hur- ried off the' Constable with a posse to rescue the six unfortunate men whom Joaquin had "tide" out in the hills. Arriving at Capulope in great heat, the Constable ascertained that there wore no six men tied out at all, but that the -let- ter had designed to inform the Justice that Joaquin's party numbered six men. "It's a pity," said Bidenger, "that a man of the Squire's larnin' can't read no better than that." Nothing was seen of Joaquin in the neighborhood, though diligent search was made for him by the Constable from the time he left Campo Seco until dark, but at midnight he rode up to the ferry at Winter's Bar, and requested to be set over. The keepers informed him that they had orders from the civil authori- ties to let no one pass, not even the Gov- ernor of the State, whereupon the impa- tient outlaw made such unequivocal, hos- tile demonstrations, that the ferrymen were glad to set aside the civil author- ities, and for the time being, to obey martial law. A' few days after this, riding along with Three Fingered Jack, and another member named Pedro, Joaquin met two Americans and a German coming on foot from the direction of Murphy's Diggings, and bound for Australia, as their final destination. They were laden with gold dust, which they intended to convert into bills of exchange at San Francisco, and committed the great imprudence to run at the approach of the bandits, who, having been hotly pursued a few hours before by a party of citizens, might have passed on without harming them. See- ing them take flight, Joaquin said: "Those fellows have money we must kill them." The poor, terrified fugitives each took a separate course, and it was not long before they miserably perished under the murderous pistols and knives of the bandits. Dragging them by the heels, the robbers, who had secured their heavy purses, threw them into a hole which had been sunk by some prospectors, and covered them partially with leaves and bushes. Riding on a little farther, upon a nar- row pack-trail, which wound along on the bank of a foaming stream that was almost hid in the deep gorge through which it ran, they suddenly came upon a Chinese camp, containing six China- men. Though each had a double-bar- relled shot-gun, they made no effort to defend themselves, but begged for their lives. Joaquin was disposed to spare them, but not wishing to leave his por- trait impressed upon too many memories, which might prove some day quite too tenacious for his good, he concluded to kill Jack, by a nod from Joaquin, stepped as well as rob them. Three-Fingered up to each one, and led him out by his long tail of hair, repeating the ceremony until they all stood in a row before him. He then tied their tails securely together, searched their pockets, while Pedro ran- sacked their tents, and, drawing his highly-prized home-made knife, com- menced, amid the howling and shrieks of the unfortunate Asiatics, splitting their skulls and severing their neck veins. He was in his element, his eyes blazed, he shouted like a madman, and leaped from one to the other, hewing and cut- ting, as if it afforded him the most ex- quisite satisfaction to revel in human agony. "Come," said Joaquin, "that's enough, mount up, and let's be off." -Reaching the' main road again in a few hours they met the mail-rider be- tween Jackson and Volcano, who, on per- ceiving them laid whip to his very. fleet animal 'and narrowly escaped. Three- Fingered Jack on his fine black horse, could not in the whole race get nearer to him than fifty yards, and finally halted at that distance, and discharged three loads of his revolver at his slight figure, as he leaned forward with apparent anx- iety to go faster than his horse was car- rying him. "By God," said Garcia, as he rode bank to Joaquin, "I would like to have caught that fellow, if nothing more than to get his horse. He flung dirt into my face faster than I ever saw it fly from a horse's heels before." While laughing over the very exhilar- ating race which they had just had, a man named Horsely came in- sight, and was within one hundred yards of the brigands before he perceived them. Three-Fingered Jack's appearance was enough for him without any further ex- amination, and wheeling his animal, a splendid bay mare, he proceeded to place as much ground as possible between himself and the dreaded party, which they on the other hand, undertook to dimin- ish. Neck and heel they had it, for five miles, up the hills and down, Joaquin and Pedro a short distance behind, and the "Knight of the Three-Fingers" close on to the fugitive, who spared neither whip nor spur, at one time grasping at his bridle-rein, at another falling behid his horse's tail, and at another shooting at him with an unsuccessful aim. Strag- gling travelers on the road, Jew ped- dlers, almond-eyed Chinamen, and de- plorably ragged looking Frenchman, all, and everybody who happened to be on the road, gave way to the frantic rider and his head-long pursuers, gazing at them with unmitigated astonishment, and thanking their stars that they hap- pened to bu poor obscure foot-men. Horsely rode on, and on, and on, with unbated ardor on his own part, and no X perceptible failure of vigor on the part of his horse, until within sight of a thickly populated mining district, when, t 7 giving him a farewell shot which rang ,in unpleasant proximity to his ear, Three- ) Fingered Jack roared out to him: I "You deserve to escape, old fellow, e success to you " and galloped back to his comrades, who had halted a few min- utes before. "There's another fine horse," said he to his leader, " that we've missed getting." Numerous murders having been com- mitted, and many parties having failed. to capture the leading desperadoes, an excitement prevailed, almost too intense to be borne, in the whole county of Calaveras. About the 19th of February, a large meeting was held at the town of Jack- son, at which it was resolved that every- bbody should turn out in search of the villain Joaquin. A committee of six men were secretly sent at midnight to Mokel- umne Hill to secure a concert of action there, upon whose arrival, the citizens immediately assembled, and before morn- ing two companies were organized, horse and foot, and placed under the command of Charles A. Clark, Esq., then Under- Sheriff of the county. Thus was the whole country alive with armed parties whose separate movements it would be impossible, without much unncessary labor, to trace. Arrests were continually being made; popular tribunals estab- lished in the woods, /Judge Lynch in- stalled upon the bench; ciiminals ar- raigned, trie9 and executed upon the limb of a tree; pursuits, flights, skir- mishes and a topsy-turvy, hurly-burly mass of events, that set narration at de- fiance. It reniains only to give a few -touches here and there, that an idea may be gathered. of the exciting picture which the state of things then presented. The Jackson Company went down on the west side of the Mokelumne River, while Clark directed his, companies to scour the woods and mountains in the direction of Campo Seco. From Campo Seco he went to Winter's Bar, crossed the river, and rode up to Stone & Baker's page: 70-71[View Page 70-71] Rancho, where he met the Jackson Com- pany. Learning that Joaquin had lately been seen at Camp Opera, the united parties surrounded that place about day- light, and huddled all the inhabitants, who were mostly Mexicans, together in a large tent, depriving them of their arms, and upon questioning them, ascer- tained that a Mexican horseman had come into town the day before and in- quired of some women, who were wash- ing at the branch near by, if they had seen Joaquin, and that he paid one of them fifty cents for washing a handker- chief deeply stained with blood. Upon closer questioning, it appeared that the Mexican spoken of was himself present in the tent, and he was accordingly led forth for the especial consideration of his case. Finding that the trial to which they subjected him was no farce, and that they were actually going to hang him, he confessed that he was one of the brigands, and submitted with great com- posure to be choked to death. This was the end of the hitherto very lucky "Juan," for he seems never to have had a surname. While their comrade was undergoing the penalty of death, Valenzuela and a few others, ignorant of the circumstance, were robbing a Dutchman only a few miles off, from whom they took six hun- dred dollars in beautiful specimens, for which the poor fellow had honestly labored six months in the mines. He was fortunate, however, in meeting with Valenzuela instead of Three-Fingered Jack, for he escaped with his life after a long debate between the robbers as to the propriety of letting hinm live, in which, the Dutchman afterwards ac- knowledged, he was more interested than in M y question he had ever heard discussed. Captain Ellas about this time heard of a suspicious fellow lurking around the little town or Camp of Los Muertos, and mounting his horse rode over to the tent in which he was harbored, and, with a pistol cocked in the villain's face, arrest- ed him and took him to San Andreas. The people of that place appointed a Committee to investigate the case, and report their judgment as to what should be done in the premises. The Commit- tee ascertained that he was wounded, a pistol ball having pierced him in such a manner as to make four different holes,. from a twisted posture no doubt which he had assumed, and being able to elicit no satisfactory account as ;to how he had received the wound, they reported to the crowd that it was their opinion that it would not be amiss to hang him and risk it any how, whether,he was guilty or not. Finding that he had to go, he con- fessed that he was the man whom Ellas had shot on Chaparral Hill, while he was endeavoring to catch his mare, and that he was' with Joaquin when the two Americans, Peter Woodbeck and another were killed at the Phoenix Quartz Mill. The time-honored custom of choking a man to death was soon put into practice, and the robber stood on nothing kicking at empty space. Bah I it is a sight that I never like to see, although I have been civilized for a good many years. On the 22d day of the month, one of the pursuing parties mentioned before, came upon five Mexicans, who were halt- ed a few moments at a place called Forman's Camp, and immediately fired upon them, wounding one of them in the hand. Outnumbered, the robbers, among whom was the chief himself, rode off at full speed. The Americans followed, and had not proceeded far when pistol shots were heard in rapid succession at a, Chinese Camp at the foot of a hill upon which they were riding. Hasten- ing down to the spot, they found three Chinamen dead, and five others writhing in their last agonies. The murderers were not more than ten minutes ahead. A dying Chinaman gasped out that they -had been robbed of three thousand dol- lars. Exasperated beyond measure at such audacity, the party rode furiously ,on in pursuit, but their horses had not -the mettle to compete with those of the brigands, and they were forced to give it up for that day.' On the 23d they re- sumed the pursuit, passing no' less than -a dozen Chinese camps which had been recently plundered, and towards evening *caught sight of the rascals on the sum- mit of a hill, engaged at the moment in knocking down some ChinaLnen, and robbing them. With a whoop of defi- :ance, the daring chief led off his men be- fore their faces, with such speed that they could not hope on their own scrub 'horses to overtake him. The Chinese, beginning to believe that they were singled out for destruc- tion, were seized with a general panic, and by the fifth of March might have been seen flocking from the mining districts in hundreds and thousands to the towns -and cities. Mention the name of Joaquin 'to one of these Chinamen now, and his knees will quake like Belshazzar's. Having ravaged the country for sev- -eral long, and, to the people, distressing weeks, and having lost some of the brav- est and most useful members of his band, and having aroused his enemies so that they met him on every trail, and sur- prised him at almost every encampment; having, besides this, collected by his plunders a large amount of money, Joa- quin concluded to abandon Calaveras, and try his hand awhile on the citizens -of Mariposa. Of course that county suf- fered, but it will not be necessary to re- count anything like the entire series of his fearful deeds, in that devoted region, as it would only be a repetition of the bloody and harrowing scenes which have already sufficiently marked these pages. His guardian fiend seemed never to de- sert him, and he came forth from every -emergency in triumph. The following incident is but one among many, which -shows the extraordinary success that at- tended him 'and iwould almost lead us to adopt the old Cherokee superstition, that ithere were some men who bear charmed lives, and whom nothing can kill but a silver bullet. About the first of April. in the little town of Hornitas or Little Ovens, an American named Prescott, a very bold' and resolute man, was one night in- formed by a friendly Mexican, who was a miner in that district, that Joaquin and four or five of his men were at that moment sleeping in a house kept by a Mexican woman, on the edge of the town. "If'I point him out to you," said he, be sure and kill him, for if you don't, my life is not worth three cents. Prescott raised some fifteen men with secresy and despatch, and guided by the Mexican, gained the house without rais- ing an alarm. Stationing his men around the house in every necessary di- rection, he and a few others cautiously entered. Candles were still burning, and everything was visible in the room. "There they are," whispered the trem- bling Mexican, pointing to several heaps, rolled up in blankets, and slipping out as soon as he had spoken. One of the party, holding a candle over Joaquin's face, in his anxiety to see if there might not possibly be a mis- take, startled the formidable chief from his slumber, who, with a rapid return of consciousness, which belongs to men ac- customed to danger, rose like lightning to his feet, cocking his pistol, as it were, in the very act -of waking, and fired. The astonished candle holder staggered back, severely wounded in the side. CHAPTER XIV. COMBAT JUTWETiEN PRESCOTT AND JOA- QUIN-ROBBER TRANSACTIONS Iy YUBA COUNTY. Prescott, at the moment Joaquin fired at the candle holder, discharged both barrels of his shot-gun into the robber's breast, and was amazed to see him stand page: 72-73[View Page 72-73] firm after a momentary stagger, and re- turn the fire. Prescott very nearly fell to the floor, a ball having passed clean through his chest. The other bandits in the mean time having sprung up, blew out the lights, and firing their revolvers, shifted their positions, so that the Ameri- cans discharged their pistols into the space merely where their enemies had stood. Joaquin shot twice after the lights were extinguished, hitting a man each time, and with his* pistol clubbed troderesolutely for the door. Here he met an Am -rican, over whose head he shattered his pistol, very nearly killing him on the spot. It happened that at the same time that the bandits made their egress, a few Americans were also com- ing out, and before the two parties could be fairly separated, so as to render it safe to fire, the bold robbers had made their escape. It is significant to add, that in a few days after this occurrence, the Mexican informer was found hanging to a tree, near the highway, his dead body bearing the marks of a recent terrible scourging. Joaquin was badly wounded by the dis- charge of Prescott's double-barieled shot- gun, and Three-Fingered Jack, who was now continually with him, was engaged- as he laughingly remarked to an acquain- tance afterwards-for three weeks, off and on, in picking out buck-shot from his breast. "How it come not' to kill him," said he, "the devil only knows, I'm certain it would have done the job for me." But subsequent events will show that Jack himself was equally hard to kill. Prescott lay for a long time in a doubtful state, and Joaquin sent spies daily from his own sick-bed in the woods, to see if there was any prospect of his dying. Much to his disappointment Prescott re- covered, and surely, after all he had' suf- fered he is entitled to live a long time. Valenzuela was at this time in the coun- ty of Yuba, in obedience to the order of his leader, who told him to do his best , \ in the space of two weeks, and then to' meet him at the Arroyo Cantoova ren- dezvous. A description of one or two scenes, ,which happened oi Bear River, about twenty miles'from the city of Marysville,. will serve to give an idea of what he was about. This stream heads in the Sierra Nevada foot-hills, and crossing a broad plain empties into Feather River,- near the town of Nicolaus. It waters, a fine agricultural and grazing region, and, houses, in the 'spring of 1853, as now, were scattered at intervals of four, five and six miles along its banks. In one of these houses lived an old widow woman, with her son and daughter. These three, seated in their door on a pleasant even- ing, were surprised, as they lived off the- public road, to see four huge fellows ride. up, splendidly dressed, and armed to the teeth. One of them had four revolvers and a bowie knife.. Dismounting, they requested supper. It was soon got in readiness by the brisk young lady-and she was as fresh and rosy a creature as ever one had the happiness to see-and the travelers partook of it most freely; the fellow with the four revolvers, who, not- withstanding his fierce look, was quite gentlemanly in his manners, conversing with her agreeably,' as she politely waited upon them. The old woman looked rather suspiciously at the well-dressed eaters, from under her spectacles, but said nothing. As soon as they had fin- ished, Valenzuela, for it was that worthy and none other, stepped up to where the young man was sitting, and cocking a pistol between his eyes, asked him if he had any objection to having the house robbed; if so, to name it. The old: woman here screamed out: "Oh Lord! I knowed it; I seed the cloven foot a stickin' out all the time,"' and continued to cry out with such vehe- mence that they were forced to put a gag, in her mouth. The young lady saved them the trouble of using that precau. tion in her. ease, by fainting. The young man not relishing a cocked pistol in his face, with a man carelessly fingering the trigger, very readily gave his consent to have the house searched. Every drawer was ransacked, and every trunk burst open, and having obtained a few, hundred dollars, the robbers left. At a late 'hur in the night another house was burst open, and the terrified inmates were dragged out of their beds, and securely bound- hand and foot, be- sides being gagged, before they awoke sufficiently to know whether it was a dream or a reality. There was only one man at the house, the rest were women and children. All the money and jewel- ry was taken that could be found, and among other things, a gold watch, the chain of which Valenzuela very cooly put over his neck. "Go to that old woman and take the gag out of her mouth," said he to one of his men, "she looks as if she were choking herself to death in the effort to say something." As soon as the gag was removed, she begged Valenzuela with many tears, to give her back the watch, asit was a pres- ent from a dear friend, and contained a precious lock of hair. "Certainly," said the robber, " if that's the case, I don't want it," and handed it to her. Strange as it may seem at the first glance, the aged widow felt a sentiment of gratitude towards the robber, who, steeped in villany as he was, had soul enough to answer an appeal of this kind. The unfortunate family were found the next morning by their neighbors, still lying upon the floor, bound hand and foot. Such terror possessed that neighbor- hood for sometime afterwards that a traveler, no matter how peaceable his in- tentions, could no more get a chance to stay all night on that part of Bear River, than he could fly. A young fellow from the mountains, on his 'way down the valley, happening to be belated in that vicinity, called one night at every house in every direction, and was refused ad- mittance, or hospitality, with an obsti- nacy which astonished him. The doors. were barred on his approach, as if he had been a bearer of pestilence, and to his. loud halloos and earnest solicitations for protection from the night air, he receiv- ed the response that they had " no accom- modation for travelers;" and he began to, believe that, indeed, they did have but little accommodation, sure enough. It was drizzling rain, the hour was late, it was dark, and there were many deep and miry sloughs, which it was danger- ous to pass unless in broad daylight. Directed at each refusal of " accommoda- tion," to go to another house "jist acrost the slough," or "jist beyant that pint," the poor fellow wandered around nearly all night, narrowly escaping being drowned a dozen times, and finally, tow- ards morning, leaving his horse' tied on the bank of a slough and crossing to the other side in a canoe, he succeeded, after fighting a pitched battle with a gang of fierce dogs, in reaching an old shanty in a barley field, whose occupant, a bache- lor, consented, to his great surprise, to let him stay. It seems the young fellow was dark-skinned, and unfortunately not avery amiable loooking fellow at best, and he ,was accordingly taken for Joa- quin or some one of his band, traveling. around as a spy. CHAPTER XV. ADVANCING TO A CLOSE-STATE LEGISLA-- TURE TAKING ACTION TO PROTECT TH COUNTRY -MOUNTED RANGERS O1- GANIZED-HARRY LOVE IN COMMAND -ON TRACK OF THE BANDITS-RANG; ERS DIVIDE INTO TWO COMPANIES- We come now near to the closing of the bandit's life; and, for the reason that unauthorized and fictitious accounts of- the manner of his death, have been set, page: 74-75[View Page 74-75] afloat, I have taken very extraordinary pains in collecting and sifting the facts connected with that event, and the reader may rely upon the account given in these chapters as absolutely correct in every particular. So burdensome were the tributes levied upon the citizens, that it became a fit subject for Legislative action. The offi- cers of the law in .the different counties were either shot down in cold blood or openly defied by the bandits. The con- stant arming of private companies for the protection of the lives and property of citizens was become too extensive a drain upon the pockets of private indi- viduals. In many agricultural districts both. mining and agricultural pursuits were in a measure suspended. Travel became absolutely dangerous in the most open highways, and communication had well nigh ceased between important points. Women and children in lonely places, suffering from constant fear, were often removed to more thickly populated localities, with great trouble and at heavy expense. American owners of ranches were impoverished in a night by having every hoofof their stock driven into the mountains, and afterward into Sonora. The condition of things, in short, became intolerable, and a petition, numerously signed, was presented to the Legislature praying that body to author- ize Captain Harry Love to organize a company of Mounted Rangers, in order to capture, or drive out of the country, or exterminate the highwaymen. A bill to this effect was passed, signed by the Governor on the 17th of May, 1853, and a company organized by Harry Love on the 28tlh of the same month. The pay was set down at one hundred and fifty dollars per month per man, and the legal existence of the company limited to three months, while the number of men was not to exceed twenty, the object being to surprise and take, or kill, Joaquin, in some one of the numerous expeditions 'n which he was in the habit of engag- ing, accompanied, for convenience sake, and purposes of greater secrecy, by small bodies of men. Notwithstanding the slender amount of wages allowed, each member was re- quired to furnish his own horse, provis- ions and equipments, at his individual expense. Without hesitation, nay, with alacrity, for it was in consonance with his daring spirit, Love immediately took the com- mand of twenty choice men, selected for their well-known courage, and led them forth to meet as formidable a man as ever figured in the arena of crime. The following is a list of their names: P. E. Connor, C. F. Bloodworth, (. W. Evans, Wm. Byrnes, John Nuttal, Wm. S. Henderson, C. V. McGowan, Robert Masters, W. H. Harvey, George A. Nut- tal, Col. McLane, Lafayette Black, D. S. Hollister, P. T. Herbert, John S. White, Willis Prescott, James M. Norton, Coho Young, E. B. Van Dorn and S. K. Pig- gott. Several of the names in the foregoing list will be recognized as those of men already prominent in, the counties in which they lived, and afterwards occu- pying positions'of more or less distinc- tion in the State. One of them repre- sented California for two years in the Lower House in the United States Con- gress, and became involved in a serious difficulty at Washington, in which he drew a derringer and killed an Irish waiter at one of the hotels, who had Tor some reason or other attacked him. The affray was variously represented by the partisan prints of the day, some justify- ing the act of the California member, and others denouncing it as a cold- blooded murder. At any rate, Mr. Her- bert was tried and acquitted. This brave but small party of Mounted Rangers were looked upon by the anx- ious eyes of the community, from whose midst they started, as almost certainly destined to destruction. But they forgot that a leader was now in the field, and armed with the authority of the State, whose experience was a part of the storm- iest histories of the frontier settlements, the civil commotions of Texas, and the stirring events of the Mexican War; whose soul was as rugged and severe as the discipline through which it had passed; whose brain was as strong ahd clear in the midst of dangers, as that of the daring robber against whom he was sent' and who possessed a glance as quick, and a hand as sudden in the execu. tion of a deadly purpose. 'With untiring energy, and most steal- thy movements, Captain Love set him- self to work to obtain a full knowledge of the haunts of the bandit chief, the latest traces of his steps, and all that was necessary to enable him to fall upon him at the best possible time and place. While on this lookout for him, Joaquin was busy in making his preparations for the grand finale of his career in Cali- fornia. After robbing extensively on the Little Mariposa, and the Merced River, he proceeded to the rancho of Joaquin Guerra, near to San' Jose, killing a Frenchman on his way, who kept the Tivola Gardens, and there stopped for a few weeks, lying concealed. The Major Domo of this rancho, Francisco Sicarro, was secretly connected with his band, and this accounts for his staying there. In the meantime he had despatched Luis Vulvia to the Arroyo Cantoova, with orders to remove the women to a place of safety in the province of Sonora; to send Valenzuela, as soon as he, should arrive at the rendezvous, to the same State with remittances of money, and with instructions to arm and equip his followers and adherents there, who stood in waiting, and to proceed himself to the different harboring ranchos in California, and collect at the Arroya Cantoova all the horses which had been left upon them from time to time. It was his own intention to go to the rendezvous in a short time and wait for the arrival of his forces. The extreme caution with which this wily leader was bringing his plans to a focus, is aptly exhibited in the fol- lowing comparative little incident. Feeling one evening somewhat in- clined for a dram, and unwilling to show his own person, he sent from Guerra's rancho an Indian, to bring him a bottle of liquor from San Jose. After the Dig- ger had started, he became a little un- easy lest the fellow should betray him, and mounting his horse, overtook him on the road to Coyote Creek, and killed him. On the first day of July, seventy of his followers had arrived at the Arroyo Can- toova, with fifteen hundred horses, and in another part of the valley, Joaquin himself, with Reis, Three- Fingered Jack, and a few other men were waiting for the final arrival of all his forces from So- nora and other quarters. His corres- pondence was large with many wealthy and influential Mexicans residing in the State of California, and he had received assurances of their earnest co-operation in the movement which he contemplated. A shell was about to burst, which was little dreamed of by the mass of the peo- ple who merely looked upon Joaquin as the petty leader of a band of cut throats I CHAPTER XVI. CAPTAIN LOVE WITH ONLY EIGHT MEN COMES UPON THE ENCAMPMENT OF JOAQUIN - REMARKABLE COOLNESS OF THE BANDIT-DESPERATE LEAP ON HORSEBACK-DEATH OF JOAQUIN -DEATH OF THREE-FINGERED JACK -SUBSEQUENT MOVEMENT OF RAN- GERS-CONCLUSION On the fifth of July, Captain Love, who had been secretly tracing the ban- dit in his movements, left with his com- pany the town of San Jose and camped near San Juan for four or five days, scouring the mountains in that vicinity. 1 page: 76-77[View Page 76-77] From San Juan he started in the night, on the coast route, in the direction of Los Angeles, and tarried a night or two on the Salinas Plains. Thence he went across the San Bonita Valley, camping just before daylight, without being dis- covered by any one, in a small valley in the coast range, near to Quien Sabe Ran- cho. Leaving this place, after a short survey of the neighborhood, he proceed- ed to the Eagle's Pass, and there came upon a party of Mexicans, who were going, or said so at least, in the Tulares to capture the wild mustangs, which fed there in great numbers. From this point the Rangers divided, a portion going to the Chico Panoche Pass, and the others taking a course through the mountains. They found trails which led .both divi- sions to the same point, that is, to the Bayou Seetas, or Little Prairie. Before reaching this point Love stopped a few Mexicans, who were evidently carrying forward the news of his advance into that wild and suspicious region. Sepa- rating again, the company again met at the Grand Panoche Pass, from which they went on in a body to the Arroyo Cantoova. Here they found the seventy or eighty men, of Joaquin's band, spoken of above, with the fifteen hundred stolen horses. These men, it would be fair to nfer, could have annihilated the small party of twenty men opposed to them, had they seen fit, and it was a wise act in Captain Love to deceive them as he did, by informing them that he was exe- cuting a commission on the part of the State to obtain a list of all the names of those who were engaged in mustang hunting, in order that a tax might be collected from them for the privilege, in accordance with a late act of the Legis- lature. 'With this explanation, and going through the farce of taking dox/n a list of their names, which were no doubt fictitious, every one of them, he started on in 'the direction of San Juan, but turned about seven or eight miles off, at the head of the Arroyo, in order to watch their movements. It was now the 24th of the month, on the morning of which day he went back to their'encampment, and found it wholly deserted, not a man or horse left. Fully convinced from this sudden abandonment of the place, that, they were nothing less than a portion of Joaquin's band, he resolved to follow their trail. On the 25th, which was Sunday, at three o'clock in the morning, he reached the Tulare Plains, where he found they had parted their company- some going south towards the Tejon Pass, and others north towards the San Joaquin River. Detailing a portion of the Rangers to proceed to Mariposa county with some stolen horses which had been recovered on the way, the Cap- tain, with the remainder of his party, numbering only eight men, dauntlessly pursued the southern trail, which led in the more proper direction for finding Joaquin. Just at daylight he saw a smoke rising from the plains on his left, and wishing to allow no circumstance, however trivial, to pass unnoticed, at a time so much requiring his utmost vigi- lance, he turned from the trail and rode out towards it. He saw nothing more than some loose horses, until within six hundred yards of the spot from which the smoke proceeded, when rising a mound, he discovered seven men scat- tered around a small fire, one of whom was a few steps off, washing a fine look- ing bay horse with water which he held in a pan. Their sentinel, who had just been cooking, at this moment caught sight of the approaching party, and gave the alarm to his comrades, who all rushed forth in the. direction of their hor- ses, except the man who already held his by the lariat at camp, Dashing up in hot haste, the Rangers succeeded in stopping every man before he got to his animal. The Captain, riding up to the individual who stood holding the horse, questioned him as to' the course upon which he and the others were traveling. He answered that they were going to Los Angeles. Giving the nod to two of his young men, Henderson and White, they stood watching this individual, while the Captain rode toward others of the suspicious looking party, who, I have omitted to say, were all Mexicans, su- perbly dressed, each wearing over their finery a'costly broadcloth cloak. Ad- dressing one of these others in relation to their destination, he rbplied in direct contradiction to what the other had just said, who, flushing up with an angered look, exclaimed: "No! we're going to Los Angeles;" and turning to Love, said: "Sir, if you have any questions to ask, address your- self to me. I am the leader of this com- pany." Love answered, "that he would ad- dress himself to whom he pleased, with- out consulting him." The leader, as he called himself, then advanced a few steps towards the sad- dles and blankets, which lay around the fire, when Love told' him to stop. He walked on without heeding the command, when the Captain drew his sixshooter, and told him if he did not stop in an in- stant he would blow his brains out. With a proud toss of his head, and grat- ing his teeth together in rage, he stepped back and laid his hand again upon his horse's mane, which had stood quietly during the moment he was away. This individual was Joaquip Murieta, though Love was ignorant of the fact. He was armed only with a bowie-knife, and was advancing towards his saddle to get his pistols at the time Love covered him with his revolver. A short distance off stood- Three-Fingered Jack, fully armed and anxiously watching every movement of his chief. Separated by the Rangers, surprised, and unable to act in concert; on foot, and unable to get to their horses, were scattered here and there others of the party. The danger to Joaquin was great and imminent, yet no sign of fear played upon his countenance. He held his head firmly, and looked around him with a cool and unflinching glanrce, as if he calmly studied the desperate chances of the time. He patted, from time to time, his horse upon the neck, and the fiery steed raised his graceful head pricked up his sharply pointed ears, and stood with flashing eyes, as if - ready to spring at a moment's warning. Lieut. Byrnes, who had known the young rob- 'ber when he was an honest man, a few years before, soon rode into camp, hav- ing fallen behind by order of the captain, and immediately on his approach, Joa- quin, who knew him at the first sight, called out to his followers to make their escape, every man for himself. Three- Fingered Jack bounded off like a mighty stag of the forest. He was shot at by several of the Rangers, and attention being momentarily called away from Joaquin, he mounted his fine bay horse, already eager to run, and rode off, with- out saddle or briddle, at the speed of the wind. A dozen balls from the Colt's repeaters whizzed by him without effect. Rushing along a rough and rocky ravine, with that recklessness that belongs to a bold rider and a powerful, high-spirited animal, he leaped from a precipice ten or twelve feet high, and was' thrown' vio- lently from his horse, which turned a half somersault as he touched the ground and fell on his back with his heels with- in a few inches of his master's head. Horse and rider recovering themselves in a moment, Joaquin again,mounted with the quickness of lightning, and was again on the wing. One of his pur- suers, named Henderson,fearlessly leaped after him, while others who were not so close behind, galloped around to head him at a certain favorable point. Hen- derson and horse went through the same tumbling motions as' in the example which had preceded him. He was not mounted so soon but that Joaquin was page: 78-79[View Page 78-79] some distance ahead before he was fairly E ready to renew the chase. The bold E chieftain was fast escaping danger on his swift and beautiful steed, and a few more vigorous bounds would carry him beyond the reach of gun-shot, when one of the pursuing party, finding that they could not hit the rider, levelled his rifle at the horse, and sent a ball obliquely into his side. The noble animal sunk a moment, but rose again, still vigorous, though bleeding, and was bearing his master as if he knew his life depended upon him, clearly out of all reach of a bullet or any fear of a capture, when alas! ,for the too exulting hopes of the youthful chieftain, the poor beast, with a sudden gush of blood from his mouth and nostrils, fell dead .beneath him. A fortunate shot, whoever aimed that rifle! Joaquin, now far ahead of his pursuers, ran on, on foot. They outran him upon their horses, and coming again within pistol-shot dis- charged several balls into his body. When the third ball struck him, he turned around facing them, and said: "Don't shoot any more-the work is done!" He stood still a few moments, turning pale as his life-blood ebbed away, and sinking slowly to the ground upon his right arm, surrendered to death. While their beloved leader was proudly submitting to the inexorable Fate which fell upon him, if we may call it Fate, when it was born from his own extreme carelessness in separating himself from the main body pf his men, and in a habitual feeling of too much security at his rendezvous, his followers were strug- gling for their lives against fearful odds in all directions over the plains. Three-Fingered Jack, pursued by Love himself and one or two otlTers, ran five miles before he fell, pierced with nine balls. He leaped over the ground like a wild beast of the chase, and frequently gained a considerable distance on his pursuers, whose horses would sometimes stumble in the gopher holes, and soft soil of the plain, and throw their riders headlong in the dirt. When overtaken, he would wheel with glaring eyes and with a whoop of defiance, discharge his six-shooter. Though a good shot, :out of five trials he missed every time. Cir- cumstances were against him, but he was determined never to be taken alive, and to no proposal to surrender would he listen a moment, but ran on as long as his strength wculd sustain him, and fought till he fell, dying with his hand on his pistol, which he had emptied of every load but one. He was at last shot through the head by Captain Love, who had wodinded him twice before in the long chase. Three-Fingered Jack, anom- alous as it may seem to be, while he was the very incarnation of cruelty, was at the same time as brave a man as this world ever has produced, and so died, as those who killed him will testify. Shortly after the chase of Joaquin and Three-Fingered Jack commenced, three of the band not before discovered, gal- loped out into the plain from a point a little below Joaquin's camp fire where they had probably made a small separate encampment the night before, and dis- mounted in full view of several of the Rangers, who approached them on three sides. They stood still until within reach of pistol shot, when they suddenly sprang into their saddles, and firing their revolvers at the approaching Ran- gers, rode off. The Rangers returned the fire with effect, wounding two of the men and one of the horses. Their ani- mals being remarkably swift, they dis- tanced their pursuers, and reached the foot of the mountains without further injury. But just at this point one of the wounded men grew so faint that he fell 3 back in the flight, and a comrade falling a back also, to assist him, thus gave the 7 Rangers an opportunity to come within s gunshot. As he galloped off with his s wounded companion to rejoin his broth- ers ahead, a skillful marksman levelled a rifle at his retreating figure and sent a ball into his back that made him reel upon his horse, and thus added one more to the wounded list, which now com- prised the whole party. They succeeded in escaping, but one of them fell from his horse during the following night and died in a solitary place among the mountains, The pursuit being ended on all parts of the field, the Rangers returned to the point from which they had started. As yet, all were ignorant of the true charac- ter of the party which they had attacko]. Byrnes did not happen to be looking at Joaquin when he first rode into camp, and /consequently had not recognized him at all, not being with thl" individu- als who succeeded in killing him. When they all got together it was ascertained that four Mexicans had been killed and two others taken prisoners. Going up to tih dead bod'es, one was immediately recognized by Byrnes as that of Joaquin Murieta, and another, by some one else, as that of Three-Fingered Jack. It was important to prove to the satis- faction of the public that the famous and bloody bandit was actually killed, else the fact would be eternally doubted, and many unworthy suspicions would attach to Captain Love. Pe accordingly acted as he would not otherwise have done; and I must shock the nerves of the fastidious, much against my will, by stating that he caused the head of the t renowned Murieta to be dut off, and to be be hurried away with the utmost ex- pedition to the nearest place, one hun- dred and fifty miles, at which any alco- hol could be obtained in which to pre- t serve it. Three-Fingered Jack's head v was also cut off, but being shot through soon became offensive, and was thrown b away. His hand, however, was preserved i] - that terrible three-fingered hand, which d had dyed itself in many a quivering t heart, had torn with its talons the throats fi d of many an agonized victim, and had t shadowed itself forth upon the horrified 1 imaginations of thousands who only 3 knew that it existed. The head, which - for a long time retained a very natural I appearance, was thoroughly identified in, a every quarter where its owner was t known. The hand was also exhibited in- ) a glass case, not to prove its identity,. though even that was done, but to give s the public the actual sight of an object which had flung a strange, haunting dread over the mind, as if it had been a conscious voluntary agent of evil. Many superstitious persons, ignorant of the phenomenon which death presents in the growth of the hair and nails, were seized with a kind of terror to observe that the moustache of the fearful robber- had grown longer since his head had been cut off, and that the nails of Three- Fingered Jack's hand had lengthened almost an inch. The bloody encounter being over, Love gathered up the spoils, which consisted of seven fine animals, which were after- wards restored to their owners, six elegant Mexican saddles and bridles, six Colt's revolvers, a brace of holster pis- tols, and five or six pairs of spurs. Three splendid horses were killed under their riders in the chase. Five or six fine broadcloth cloaks were found at the camp. Money, tlere was none. One of the prisoners, however, declared that Three-Fingered Jack, during the chase, threw away a very large purse of gold,. which was encumbering him in his. flight; and it is probable that others did the same. Upon the return of the Rangers from this expedition one of the prisoners, after vainly endeavoring to persuade his com- panion to follow his example, suddenly broke loose from his captors, and plung- ing into a deep slough near by, bravely drowned himself. The other was taken to Mariposa county jail, and there con- fined until the company were ready to. \ page: 80-81[View Page 80-81] disband, when he was transferred to Martinez. While there he made a con- fession, implicating a large number of his countrymen in the villainies which had been perpetrated, and was prepared to make still more important disclosures -perhaps with the view of making the value of his information weigh against his execution-when he was forestalled in a mysterious manner. The jail was broken open one night at the dead hours, and the prisoner taken out by an armed mob and hung. The Americans knew nothing of the hanging, so that the most rational conjecture is that he was put out of the way by Mexicans, to prevent the damning revelations which he cer-. tainly would have made. Among the numerous affidavits iden- tifying the robber's head, the reader may take the following as specimens of the remainder. The Reverend Father Dom- inie Blaine, who knew Joaquin well, and who had often confessed wounded mem- bers of his band, testified as follows: STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of San Joaquin, ss On this, the 11th day of August, 1853, personally came before me, A. C. BAINE, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county, the Reverend Father Dominie Blaine, who makes oath, in due form of law, that he was acquainted with the no- torious robber, Joaquin; that he has just examined the captive's head, now in the possession of Captain Connor, of Harry Love's Rangers, and that he verily be- lieves the said head to be that of the in- dividual Joaquin Murieta, so known by him two years ago, as before stated. D. BLAINE. Sworn to and subscribed before me the day and year aforesaid. I A. C. BAINE, J. P. Ignacio Lisarrago, of Sonora, well known in the lower part of the State as follows: , STATE OF CALIFORNIA, City and County of San Francisco. J ss. Ignacio Lisarrago, of Sonora, being duly sworn, says: That he has seen the alleged head of Joaquin, now in the possession of Messrs. Nutall and Black, two of Captain Love's Rangers, on exhibition at the saloon of John King, Sansome Street. That deponent was well acquainted with Joaquin Murieta. and that the head so exhibited is and was the veritable head of Joaquin Murieta, the celebrated bandit. IGNACIO LISARRAGO. Sworn to before me, this 17th day of Au- gust, 1853. CHARLES D. CARTER, Notary Public. Affidavits like these, together with certificates from sworn officers of the law, and the voluntary verbal testimony of hundreds of visitors at the different exhibitions were more than sufficient to satisfy the legal authorities of the death of the noted chieftain. Accordingly the Governor 'of the State, John .Bigler, caused to be paid to Captain Love the sum of one thousand dollars, which in his official capacity he had offered for the capture of the bandit, dead or alive. And subsequently, on the 15th day ot May, 1854, the Legislature of California, considering that his truly valuable ser- vices in ridding the country of so great a terror were not sufficiently rewarded, passed an act granting him an additional sum of five thousand dollars. The story is told. Briefly, and. with- out the aid of ornament, the life and character of Joaquin Murieta have been sketched. His career was short, for he died in his twenty-second year; but in the few years which were allowed him he. displayed qualities of mind and heart which marked him an an extraordinary man, and leaving his name impressed' upon the early history of this State, he also leaves behind him the important lesson that there is nothing so danger- ous in its consequences as injustice to in- dividuals-whether it arise from preju- dice of color or any other source; that a wrong done to one man-is a wrong to society and to the world. It is only necessary to add, that after the death of its chief, the mighty or- ganization which he had established was broken up. . It exists now only in scattered fragments over California and Mexico. Its subordinate chiefs-among whom is the yet living Valenzuela- lacking the brilliancy and unconquer- able will of their leader, will never be able to revive it in its full force; and al- though all the elements are still in active existence, they will make themselves felt in nothing more, it is probable, than petty outhreaks here and there, and depredations of such a character as can easily be checked by'the vigilance of the laws. Of Rosita, the beautiful and well-be- loved of Joaquin, the writer knows no further than that she remains in the Province of Sonora, silently and sadly working out the slow task of a life for- ever blighted to, her, under the roof of the parents of her dead lover. Alas! how happy might she not have been had man never learned to wrong his fellow- man! page: 82-83[View Page 82-83] - CAREER OF, TIBURCIO VASQUEZ THE BANDIT OF SOLEDAD, SALINAS AND TRES PINOS. WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF HS CAPTURE BY SHERIFF ROWLAND OF LOS ANGELES. COMPILED FROM THE NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS.' SAN FRANCISCO: FRED'KIMACCRELLISH & Co., PUBLISHERS. I874. page: 84-85[View Page 84-85] TIBURCIO VASQUEZ. As the second greatest bandit of Cal- ifornia Tiburcio Vasquez will stand on the pages of the history of our State. It should be remembered that when Joaquin Murietta roamed, robbed and murdered, there was but little law in our State, and the means of arresting and bringing law breakers to Justice were scant and inadequate. On the other hand, the decades that have elapsed be- tween his time and the years 1873 and 1874, in which Vasquez committed his greatest depredations, has witnessed the complete organization of the counties of our State under the proper authority of law, police, judges and jury. Hence it is that the exploits and escapes of Vas- quez excel those of Murietta, in being, performed at far greater hazards, and against greater odds. One thing, however, was greatly in his favor, as was also the case with Murietta: in all those counties where he operated, he 'had the moral support and physical aid of his country- men, and especially his countrywomen, the native Californians. There seems to be an ever present hostility of these la- ter remnants of the early mixed Indian and, Mexican stock that roamed the hills, cafons, and all the valleys of California; who owned the mighty bands of wealth- :producing cattle, and whose hospitality was ever generous' to the stranger knock-' ing at the gates of their haciendas. The bitterness and hate engendered by the Mexican War, is as strong as when General Scott entered the walls of the City of Mexico, and Commodore Stock- ton's ,flag of conquest was raised in the bay of Monterey. The influx that fol- lowed the announcement of the discov- ery of gold, bringing with it new energy, industry and progress, but also vice, crime and outlawry, spreading in every direction, the evil being felt a thousand times more exquisitely than the good among the quiet loving and indolent Na- tive Californians, served to intensify the original feeling of dislike and distaste to everything American, and caused them to view with sympathy and to lend prac- tical aid to any man of their own lan- guage, who made as his prey the hated interlopers. With ideas of right and' wrong mixed and sadly confused, wheth' er he, to whom they granted comfort and assistance, was a bandit or a patriot, was of small consequence. Of course in the higher degrees of the Native Cali- fornian social order, this feeling was not shared, but in the grand majority of these people who were of the poorer and less thinking class the feeling was of the strongest in favor of such men as Muri- etta and Vasquez. For this particular reason alone, and not taking into consid- eration any other, it may be understood how for so long a period in the heart of civilization, Vasquez was enabled to set the laws of God and men at defiance. page: 86-87[View Page 86-87] TrBItcio VASQUE was born August 11, 1839, in Monterey, perhaps the most thoroughly Mexican town in appearance, the,ways of its in- habitants, its changes, vicissitudes and its religious tone, in California, and is now, at the date of his capture, after a noteworthy career of murder and pillage, 35 years of age. His parents are both dead, several of his brothers and sisters are still living, one brother residing near Monterey, and another in the vicinity of Hernandez Valley in San Benito County, and one brother lives in Los Angeles Co. Of his two sisters, both are married; one lives at San Juan Baptista, Monterey County, and the other at the New Idria Quicksilver mines. Vasquez, when young, is said to have been unusually bright, intelligent and smart for his years. He went to school and received a fair English education, which he con- tinued to cultivate and improve in later years. As a man he possessed more than an average command of the Eng- lish language, while his handwriting was beautiful. His parents were people in ordinary circumstances, owning a small tract of land and always had enough for their wants. The appearance of Vasquez, as he laid in the Jail at Los Angeles on May fifteenth, the day after his capture, was that of a man with nothing of the red-handed and fe- rocious brigand demeanor that his repu- tation has given him. He is a man of about medium stature, with a well knit, wiry figure. He does not weigh over "O or 150 pounds. His complexion is much lighter than the ordinary Mexican His features are clear cut, with an intelli- gent expression. His eyes are rather large and of a light gray or blue color. His forehead is high and his head well shaped. In manner he is frank and earn- est, with no disposition to make him- self a hero. His general demeanor is that of a quiet inoffensive man; and but for his calm, steady eye, which stamps him as a man of firmness and great de- termination, no one would take him for the terrible Tiburcio Vasquez. To show how diversely two men, different persons, will describe a third, we give the follow- ing description of Vasquez, furnished to. a San Francisco journal from official sources: A low forehead, and a head of coarse black hair are little indications of intel- ligence, and from beneath a coarse, over- hanging brow gleam two deep-set, treacherous, cunning eyes, of which even a Madagascar cat would be ashamed. The whole contour of his face suggests 'Indian blood; his cheek bones are high, his mouth large and coarse, his beard and mustache (and the latter extends far on either side of the upper lip), are of straight, black hair, and so far from re- lieving, only serve to render more re- pulsive his ugly countenance. He stands 5 feet 5- inches high, and is of good fig- ure, proportionately, but with large hands-an unusual feature in those of Spanish blood. Like all of his class, he is fond of finery and ostentatious display ;. vain to an extreme, and a thorough bully. Perhaps the best description of the ban- dit would be one which would strike the golden mean between the two above given. Up to his fourteenth year, al- though considered very reckless and un- principled, he had never committed an act which could bring him within the pale' of justice. But at this-period of his ex- istence an episode occurred which show- ed the natural bent of his inclination. HS FIRST EXPLOIT. This was in the year 1854. One night Tiburcio attended a fandango. In those times scenes of bloodshed at' these gath- erings were of frequent occurrence. A - difficulty occurred between Vasquez and another Californian about one of the pretty senoritas in the rooms. The con- stable of the town, attracted by the noise entered the room, and at once endeavor- ed to quell the disturbance, when Vas- quez turned upon him with a knife and ,stabbed him to the heart.. He fled and kept concealed for a long time, but ow- ing to the efforts of his friends, was at length allowed to roam about as of yore, without fear of official molestation. The case was misrepresented to the Courts, as' the witnesses were all country- men of the murderer, and the matter was merely winked at and looked upon as but an evidence of the precociousness of the average young Californian of the times. Shortly after this, Vasquez asso- ciated himself with a band of desperate characters who were then the terror of Monterey County. Stealing horses was their specialty. The Vigilantes at length thinned out the gang, but young Tiburcio, who even then looked out for number one, managed to escape. He then transfered his field of operations to the country north and east of Monterey County, and for two years gave the large stock owners a deal of trouble. In 1857 he took a trip to Los Angeles County, and for stealing horses, was arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to five v years in the State Prison. He arrived i at San Quentin on August 26, 1857, Vasquez escaped from prison in a break a made by the prisoners on the 25th. of t June, 1859, and for a few weeks kept quiet at his mountain retreat, near old Diablo. - Chafing under the restraint of his self-imposed seclusion, he burst the t( shackles and started out on a tour of in- I spection through Amador. He was un- to fortunate enough to be arrested for un- D lawfully appropriating a horse, and af- ti ter a speedy trial was again taken to V San Quentin, arriving there on the 17th H of August, 1857. Both terms expired in on the 13th of August, 1863, and on re that day the prison doors opened and Hi Tiburcio Vasquez walked forth a free ft' man. He had not been out two months at before he robbed,a fish peddler on 'the wa SanJoaquin. He managed to escape, elo or- although the officers were at one time as- close upon him. In 1864 he vibrated be- id tween the New Almaden, the Guada- id lupe and the Enriquita quicksilver w- mines. In the latter part of this year a at murder was committed at Enriquita. - AN ITALIAN BUTCHER le Was found in his shop one morning y- with a bullet hole in his head and sever- er al knife cuts in his throat and breast. n About $ 400, known to have been in his is shop, was missing. A Coroner's inquest Se was held, and Vasquez, who was the )- only Californian who could talk Eng- te lish with any degree of fluency, was of sworn as interpreter. He interpreted so s well that a verdict was returned that the t "deceased came to his death from a pis- g tol-bullet fired by some person or per- r sons unknown." A few days afterwards.. SheriffAdams, who at present holds the ) same office, received information which led him to believe that the murder was committed by Fausting Lorenzano and Tiburcio Vasquez. He had not then ev- idence enough to warrant him in mak- ing the arrests; but even if he had, he would have experienced some difficulty in the matter; for precisely at this time, Fausting and Tiburcio mysteriously dis- appeared, and never showed themselves to the officers again. ANOTHER STYE OF VILLANY. The bandit then changed his quarters to Sonoma and Contra Costa Counties. In 1865, after making one or two preda- tory excursions near the base of Mount Diablo, he fell in with a young and beau- tiful Senorita, the daughter of a ranchero. Vasquez was then rather good looking. His ways were easy, graceful, and dash- ing, and he had long years before been regarded a lady-killer of the ultra type. His weakness always was woman. The father of this girl disfavored Vasquez's attentions, so one night when everything was quiet about the ranch, Vasquez eloped with his inamorita. He took the page: 88-89[View Page 88-89] road for Livermore, but in the morning t$ was overtaken near the mission San in Jose by the irate father. Shots were ex- c changed, and Vasquez was wounded in q arm. The girl was struck just ti above the right temple by one of the t shots intended for her lover,which caus- e ed her to fall senseless to the ground. n She recovered in the arms of her father, M the wound being but, trifling-while t Vasquez sought safety in flight. s The next we hear of Vasquez is in 1867. In Sonoma County he headed a small band of horse thieves, and for a time carried on things with a high hand, 'but in an attempt to run off a drove of cattle, he was caught, tried, and senten- ced to four years in the State Prison. He arrived there January 18th, and was discharged June 4th, 1870, by Act of the Legislature. AGAIN ON THE ROAD. From this date the red-handed career of the bandit properly begins. Shortly after his release he joined a band headed by Tomaso Rodundo, better known as Procopio, or Red-handed Dick. 'Some of the boldest outrages and robberies on record were perpetrated by this gang in the counties of Santa Clara, Monterey, Fresno and Alameda. The murder of the Frenchman at Pleasanton is accred- ited to this gang. Stages were robbed, ranches were plundered, horses were run off - all in alarming succession. ,Sheriffs Morse of Alameda, Adams and Harris of Santa Clara, had made several excursions after the bandits, but with- out success until the spring of 1871, when Morse, in a pursuit after Procopio, Vas- quez and Juan Soto-a terrible trio- came upon the latter in a cabin near the Panoche Grande. Soto made a gal- lant resistance, but Morse finally got a bead on him with his Henry rifle and the outlaw fell dead, shot through the brain. Vasquez and Procopio escaped. Thinking the country too hot for them, they went to Mexico, but returned almost immediately by steamer to San Francis- co. Here Procopio remained, but Vas- quez taking a broader view of the situa- tion, resolved to make for the moun- tains at once, which resolve he put into execution. Procopio was shortly after- ward captured in a restaurant by Sheriff Morse, and is now serving out a sen- tence in the State Prison. Vasquez now selected the Cantua Canon, near the New Idria mines, as his rendezvous and hid- ing place. The place is wild and almost inaccessible, and the entrance is so nar- row that any one within has the advan- tage. -One man well armedcould easily keep at bay a dozen persons. But our subject did not long remain idle. A NEW BAND Was organized, with himself as leader, Narcisso Rodriguez and Francisco Bar- zillas being members. Albout the first move Tiburcio made was to abduct the daughter of Pedro Garcia, of San Juan. Tiring of the girl soon after, he turned her over to the tender mercies of Fran- cisco Barzillas. A STAGE ROBBERY. The Visalia stage was stopped by the , brigands near Soap Lake and all of the f passengers were robbed, after which - they were tied and laid on their backs , in a field, and the stage driven out of e the road and around the corner of a hill . out of sight of passing teams. They i then robbed three or four teamsters on 1 the road to Hollister, but passed by Was- i- son, of Monterey County, who was then a a candidate for election, without molest- s- ing him. He affirms that he had not - lost three men. The same day, on the r, San Juan mountains, Vasquez, who had 1- separated from his companions, stopped a and robbed Thomas Mclahon, at pres- id ent a leading merchant of Hollister, of ie $750. When the news of these daring d. outrages reached the officers, measures m, were atonce taken to hunt the bandits -down. Vasquez, as usual, could not be ,captured, but came very near getting in limbo. He was stopped by the Constable of Santa Cruz County, who had tracked and waited for him. Vasquez, on leav- ing his place of concealment, was sud- denly confronted with a pistol and a Henry rifle. He made a motion to draw his own pistol, but before he could, do so he was sruck in the side with a bul- let. He fired in return without moving -a muscle, and the officer dropped to the ground, dangerously though not mortal- ly wounded. VASQUEZ RODE SIXTY MLES That day, and reached his headquarters, near the New Idria mines, nearly dead from loss of blood, but about the "gamest" man ever seen. Within a few days of this occurence, Brazillas was shot and killed by the officers in Santa Cruz Coun- ty; and Rodriguez was captured, and af- -terward tried and convicted of the rob- beries, and sentenced to a term of ten years in the State Prison. He died there about a year ago from drinking pure alcohol to excess. Vasquez kept himself very QUIET FOR SEVERAL MONTHS. He lived in the Cantua Caion and at the New Idria mines. The officers were informed on many occasions that Vasquez could be found at or near the New Idria mines, and several attempts were made to' capture him, but without avail. The Mexicans, who constitute almost the entire population of the mine and the mountains adjacent, were, with but few exceptions, partial to Vasquez. On one occasion, to illustrate, an officer of the law and two companions went to the mine to capture the bandit. They knew he was-there, and on their arrival the superintendent was sought and ques- tioned, but he knew nothing of Vas- quez's exact whereabouts. After sever- al hours of unsuccessful search the party started to return. They ascended a hill on one side of which was a creek. As they rode along, a man in a small cabin on the opposite side of the creek, on the flat, looked out of a window. IT WAS VASQUEZ, The man they wanted, but they at least knew it not. After traveling until night-fall, a halt was made near the Panoche Valley. In the morning their horses were gone-stolen. It is need- less to remark that the thief was Tibur- cio Vasquez. In the Spring of 1872, Vasquez made his headquarters for some time with Jose Castro, on the San Benito, midway be- tween Hollister and the Picuho mines. In a short time a new band of foragers was organized, and one day the inhabi- tants of Hollister were startled with the report that the San Benito stage, and several people on the road had been stopped and robbed by Vasquez and his gang. The citizens were aroused; a party was organized, the country was scoured, and Jose Castro was captured and lynched. Vasquez escaped as usual. About one month from this time Vas- quez, who had several female acquaint- ancesin Hollister, paid a visit to the town in the night time, and early in the morning quietly departed. He repeated these visits several times, until, growing emboldened by a sense of security, he actually remained until the latter part of the afternoon. The Constable of the place got wind of the proximity of the redoubtable brigand and organizing a posse of four men, he started for the house, the front part of which was a sa- loon.!Vasquez, who was on the lookout, saw them coming, and, mounting his horse, which was already saddled and standing in front of the, house, he rode leisurely away and was not followed. In January, 1873, Vasquez organized a new gang of desperadoes for another campaign. ,The programme was laid out in the Cantua Cafon. page: 90-91[View Page 90-91] THE ROBERY AT FIREBAUGH'S FERRY First occured. The band then consisted of August De Bert, Andon Leiva, Rom- ulo Gonzalez and Jose Garcia. De Bert, after the robbery, left for Mexico, and has not since been heard from. At this juncture Cleoraro Chavez and Teodoro Moreno joined Vasquez, and the former h'as since acted as the bandit's Lieuten- ant and right-hand man. The robbery -of the Twenty-one Mile House, between San Jose and Gilroy, was the next move. The hotel was entered in the day time, and four men were, robbed, and after- wards bound and thrown on the floor. Sheriff Adams started out ,in company with Under Sheriff Sellman to look up the matter, but after scouring the coun- try from the Pacheco Pass to the New Idria fthey were obliged to return empty handed. Vasquez, Chavez, Leiva and Moreno were at this time arranging for the expedition to Snyder's store, and they saw Adams pass their hiding places several times. - Every movement of the officers was known to the bandits, and they were prepared to elude capture. They knew when Adams and Sellman started for Hollister, when they arrived on the San Benito, fwhere they stopped, and when they returned to San Jose. Leiva (at present confined in the Coun- ty Jail, and to whom we are indebted for manyinteresting facts) says that the Mexicans living in the hills thereabouts were, nearly all, either confederates or so afraid of the bandit chief as to prevent them from giving any information that would lead to his capture. But the crowning conception of Vas- quez remains to be described. He as- pired to a higher position than that of an ordinary highwayman, and evidently aimed to perpetrate a profitable outrage that Should place him in independent fi- nancial position and perpetuate his infa- mous memory. Accordingly he gathered about him the bravest of his band, and prepared to attack and despoil the pay- train on the Southern Pacific Railroad. The banditti selected a spot between San. Jose and Gilroy, known as "the Divide"' for offensive operations. The plan includ- ed the cutting and removal of a section of the rail. This was the first exercise on the programme. The characteristic lazi- ness of the Californians delayed their preparations, and, as the train was ten minutes ahead of time, the affair was an utter failure. As the train approached, the members of the chosen band were busily engaged in damaging the track. It came thundering down and passed them as they sprang back, and whisked out of their reach ere any harm could be accomplished. The officials on the train noticed the bandits, and divined the true reason of their presence. On the evening of the same. day the tragedy at Tres Pinos occurred. THE TRES PINOS TRAGEDY, On the 26th'of August, about 7 o'clock in the evening, two Mexicans rode up to Snyder's store from the direction of Pa- noche Valley and the New Idria mine. Dismounting from their horses, they en-- tered the store and. engaged in conversa- tion with John Utzerath, Snyder's clerk. In a few minutes five more rode up and dismounted. Three of the gang-one of them being'the noted Tiburcio Vasquez, remained on the outside, while the four others entered the store, leveled their pistols at the inmates, and compelled them to lie down, after which all were securely tied. Two little sons of L. C. Smith, coming in at this juncture, were ordered to lie down. One of them was tied. The robbers went through the store, appropriating all the cash, and consider. able clothing, provisions and tobacco. The parties on the floor, five or six in all, were searched, and their money; watches and rings taken. While this was going on in the store, L Vasquez was inaugurating a carnival of blood on the outside. A Portuguese- sheep-herder, known as Martin, who had put up his flock and quartered at, David- son's Hotel, immediately adjoining Sny- der's store, not knowing the character of the new-comers, attempted to enter the store, but was ordered to stop on the threshold by Vasquez. The Portuguese, who could not speak English, paid no attention to the order, and' reached the steps, when Vasquez fired a pistol ball, which took effect in the herder's mouth, causing him to fall. Attempting to rise, he was shot again through the left side of the neck, and death instantly put an end to his sufferings. Haley, a teamster who was on the road, was ordered to lie down, and, on attempting to argue the question, was knocked down by a powerful blow from Vasquez' revolver, and remained in a state of insensibility for some time. George Redford, a teamster, at the time of the -initiation of the shooting, was occupied in attending to his team, which stood in front of the store. Vas- quez, the leader of the gang, who did all the shooting, and guarded the ap- proach to the store, approached Redford and ordered him to lie down. The un- fortunate man, who was troubled with deafness, did not hear the order, but, ap- parently realizing his danger, started for the stable on a run. Just as he reached 1 the building, a shot from Vasquez' pistol j passed through his heart, killing him t instantly. When the shooting commenced L. I Scherrer, a blacksmith, was in front of Snyder's store in the road. He I started to run 'and Vasquez fired at him, c but the shot whistled harmlessly by and a Scherrer gained entrance to the hotel. - Davidson, his wife and, brother-in-law t were inside, and urged them to shut the i door, .which was then open, as their lives a were in deadly peril. Just as Mrs. Da- l vidson was about to do as he requested, f one of the gang stationed at the door of f the store yelled out: "Close the door and g i keep it closed, and you sha'n't be harm- - ed." Mrs Davidson had got the' door partly closed, when Vasquez rushed up f and fired through the door, the bullet e passing through Davidson's heart and ) causing instant death, His wife, who stood directly back of him, received his falling body in her arms, and together they fell to the floor. Scherrer then started for the second story, and from, a window anxiously ob- served the further movements of the out- laws, who were now devoting them- selves entirely to robbing. Snyder was one of the men bound in the store, and was ordered, under the penalty of death, to produce all the available cash and notes on the premises. He gave the robbers $500 in coin and a number of drafts, after which he was again' bound and placed on the floor. Having secured all of the provisions, clothing and tobacco that they wanted, the robbers started' for the stables and took therefrom'seven horses, after which they decamped in the direction of the New Idria mines. THE KINGSTON ROBBERY. One night in December, Vasquez, with eight native Californians, two Amer- icans and a negro, tied their horses on the bank of the river opposite Kings- ton, Fresno county, crossed a bridge on foot, and took posession of a hotel and two stores on the main street. Thirty- five men were bound by the gang and relieved of their money aud valuables. The safes'and drawers were also rob- bed of their contents. In this raid they obtained $2,000 in coin, besides watches 'and other jewelry. The citizens of 'the village, on hearing of the robbery, armed themselves and opened fire- on the band- its from the opposite side of the street, and the fire was returned. Vasquez himself was armed on that occasion with four navy revolvers, and though hotly followed up, the gang managed to make good their escape and fled in different page: 92-93[View Page 92-93] directions. The citizens followed in r close pursuit, and two days .afterwards a one of the bandits was captured, and is 1 now in the State Prison. Others of the E band have been captured by Sheriffs in southern counties. 'But until the late brilliant achievement of Sheriff Row- land's party, the chief defied pursuit. After the Tres Pinos robbery, Sheriffs Adams and Watson organized a party and started in pursuit. After crossing the hills into Tulare County, Watson gave up the chase, and returned to Salinas City. Adams, however; press- ed on. Near Bakersfield, he arrested Romulo Gonzalez, but was obliged to let him go, as there was no jail nearer than Visalia, and by taking the back track his chances for catching Vasquez would be slim. He spent several weeks in the saddle, and at last in Rock Creek Cafon, San Bernarding County, came upon the robbers and A FIGHT ENSUED. Sheriff Rowland, of Los Angeles, was with the party, and if a charge, suggest- ed and urged by Adams, had been made, Vasquez would have been captured. As it was, a parley was had, and when Adams charged alone to the patch of un- derbrush where the robbers were conceal- ed, he found that they had abandoned the horses stolen from Tres Pinos and, escaped. That night, Leiva's wife was abducted from Jim Heffner's, near Eliza- beth Lake, by Vasquez, and the next day Leiva surrendered himself to the officers. 'He stated that he had the day before the abduction caught the bandit and his wife in flagrante delictu, and he desired to be revenged on the bandit. Adams returned, after a week's further 'search; but soon after, hearing that Vas- quezhad returned to his old haunts in San Benito County, organized another party and spent two we eks in a further search. Soon after this came the rob- bery of Jones' store, on the San Joaquin, followed by the bold attack on Kingston. Then came the depredations in Tulare and Kern Counties, and latterly the rob- bery at Coyote Holes Station, and the still more recent depredations near Los Angeles. Chavez is'still at large. Heis regarded as fully the equal of his chief in every essential of wickedness and cun- ning, and far more bloodthirsty. He is a powerfully built man, and is but twen- ty-four years old. - After Andon Leiva had delivered him- self to the officers he gave information conceri' g the whereabouts of Vasquez's gang, that resulted a week after, in the arrest of Teodoro Moreno, near Hon. E. C. Tully's ranch, forty-five miles south- east of Hollister. Marshal Orsen Lyon, of Hollister, was the arresting officer. Moreno was tried at Salinas City, found guilty of murder in the second degree, and sentenced to a life term in San Quen- tin. CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE Was exercised by the Sheriffs of five or six counties with a view to the capture of Vasquez, but without avail. - Several expeditions went to the New Idria mines and other points,to hunt him, but always found that he had been notified of their coming and' had fled. It seems certain that he kept informed of the movements of the officers by native Californians wherever he went, and it is even believ- I ed that some of the white settlers in the southern section of the State aided him - in his avoidance of pursuit. He was t able to find a refuge at all times, and to summon around him, whenever needed T for his desperate purposes, a band of t/ blind and faithful followers, willing to do e his bidding, whatever it might be. ' Whenever any one in the slightest de- rgree ventured to disregard his commands "- he shot the offender down in cold blood. n ONE OF THE' GANG LYNCHED. 3r Some of the settlers in Tulare. and b- Fresno counties, some months since, or- i, ganized a Vigliance Committee and in- i. stituted an effort to rid that region of the outlaws, but did nothing further than driving away a number of worthless Mexicans. There was some complaint that peaceful and law-abiding Mexicans were driven from their homes, and it was so difficult to determine who were the bandits and their'allies, and who were unconnected with them, that the movement did not accomplish much. One morfiing, however, a Mexican was found hanging to the limb of a tree, and the Vasquez band numbered one, less. Some Mexicans, who came into Fresno and demanded legal protection, brought in and delivered up a fellow whom they stated to have been one of the gang which sacked Kingston; but what has been done with this prisoner has not yet been stated. THE "AST STRAW "-A BETRAYING CHECK. Only a few weeks before his capture, Vasquez and four of his followers appear- ed at the residence of a wealthy Italian sheep-owner named Alexander Repetto, at. the old Mission San Gabriel, some six miles from Los Angeles. They pretend- ed to be sheep shearers looking for em- ployment, but after conversing a few minutes, covered Repetto and his nephew, a mere boy, with six-shooters, and de- manded what money there was in the house. They tied the old man to a tree in front of the house. The boy gave them $80, all the money he could find. Vasquez then gave Repetto his choice- to be killed, or pay a* ransom of $800. Repettowas untied, and drew an order on the bank in Los Angeles for the amount, which was given to the boy to have cashed, with strict injunctions not to give the alarm to any one. The boy hurried to the bank, where his agitation awakened suspicion. The Sheriff was sent for, and the state of the case was elicited by him. The Sheriff sent one party t around toward the rear of the robbers, al- I lowed the boy to return to the ranch with d the money, and followed him with a par- p 'r ty, hoping to surprise and capture Vas- s quez by a joint attack from front and rear. t The robbers found a spy glass, in the s house, and kept a sharp lookout for pur- t suit. The boy hurried home aud threw e the money on the table. Just then the ) lookout gave the alarm, SheriffRowland's e party being within a mile and a half, rap- idly approaching the house. The rob- bers grabbed the money, threw them- selves on their horses, and hurried away. At the Arroyo Seco they encountered four men in a wagon, and stopped and 'robbed them of their money and watches, and ihen fled toward the Elizabeth Lake country. PURSUIT AND CAPTURE. After these outrages a reward of $8000 was offered for the capture of the dar ing bandit, and then all the expert Sher- iffs organized to rid the State of an ,out- law whose name inspired terror wherev- er it was uttered. Sheriff Rowland of Los Angeles, worked in conjunction with Sheriff Henry N. Morse, of Alameda, and their plans finally resulted in success. About 8 o'clock on the night of the "th of May, D. K. Smith arrived in Los Angeles with news which justified Sher- iff Rowland in sending out -a party to calture Vasquez. The information was of a character to tally with reliable ad- vices about the whereabouts of the gang received on the previous day. At ten o'clock the following-named party were mounted for the Expedition: Undey Sheriff Albert S. Johnston, Major H. M. Mitchell, Emil Harris, Frank Hartley, Sam. Bryant, D. K. Smith, W. E. Rodg- ers, and G. A. Beers. They proceeded to the vicinity of Greek George's, on the Brea rancho, and cached themselves in a place where they had a good view of the country and could not be seen themselves. The next morning, movements were no. ticed on the road, and the party in am- bush kept the house of Greek George un- der view all the while. About noon a party of Mexicans came along on horse- page: 94-95[View Page 94-95] back,-and it was observed that among the horses was a white one, which Mitch- -ell recognized as the animal ridden by ,Vasquez in his previous encounter with the noted chief. One of the Mexican party started off, and Major Mitchell and two others went in his pursuit. They overhauled him and brought him back. His name was Reales, and he protested his innocence. In the meantime, the Sheriff's party saw a wood wagon com- ing along the road, and they made a de- tour and captured it.' It was not long before the plan of capture was decided upon. Six of the party remained. The extra man with the wagon made-seven. Mr. Hartly, who speaks Spanish fluently, was instructed to inform the driver that he was to turn his horses' heads, allow all six of the-partand his extra man to lie down in the wagon bed and then drive back to Greek George's -and as close to the house as possible; that if he gave a sign or made an alarm his life would pay the forfeit. -In due time the house was reached. In a moment the part$ was out of the wagon and on their feet with shotguns and rifles cocked, and ready for what might' offer. Mr. Hartley and Mr. Beers went to the west side of the house, the other four to the southern, passing around the eastern end. The foremost of the party had hardly reached the door opening into the din- ing room when'a woman opened it part- ly. Seeing the armed party of four ap- proaching she gave an exclamation of "fright and attempted to close it. The party burst in, Mr. Harris leading the way, and saw the retreating form of Vas- quez ,leaving the table and plunging through the door leadinginto the kitch- en. Harris was close upon his heels, and Vasquez with the agility of a mountain cat had jumped through the narrow window or rather opening which admit- ted the light, when Harris fired at the vanishing form with his Henry rifle, ex- claiming "There he goes through the window." The party left the house as precipitately as they entered it. Vas- quez stood for a second of time irreso- lute. Whether to seek cover in the monte or rush for his horse seemed the. all important question. He seemed to' decide for the horse-doubtless he would have given ten kingdoms if he had had them, to be astride him-and started, when Mr. Hartley fired; turning, he sought, another direction, when, one after another, shot after shot, showed him the utter hopelessness of escape. He had already been wounded. He had fallen but recovered himself; blood was spouting' from his shoulder and streaming from his wounds. He threw up his hands, approached the party and said with a cold, passionless smile /wreathing his thin lips, "Boys you have ( done well; I have been a d-d fool; but it is all my own fault." He was -taken to the courtyard on the southern side of the house, and laid upon an' extemporized pallet. Not 'a murmur, scarcely a con- tortion of the visage, bespoke either pain, remorse, or any other' emotion of the mind or soul. About this time, another young fellow. was captured, whose name is believed to be Labrado, and who joined the Vasquez gang some time since. He was taken without resistance. Vasquez, wounded as he was, was placed on a mattress and carried to the city. In room adjoining the one wherein Vasquez was captured was a large number of arms, consisting of Henry and Spencer rifles, globe sight rifles, double-barreled 'shotguns and six- shoote. These were all brought to the city. EXCITEMENT IN LOS ANGELES. As soon as it was known that the great robber chief was captured, the utmost excitement'prevailed in town, and when, a few minutes before five o'clock, the cavalcade was seen to makle its appear- ,! -ance coming up Spring street from the -south, a great multitude rushed to the vicinity of the jail. The prisoners who 'were not disabled were hurried inside the prison, but Vasquez, who was stretch- ed out on the mattress and suffering from his wound, was lifted by four men and carried past the crowd. As he passed, he tried to shut out his face from public view, by pulling his hat over it. It was momentarily pulled aside by one of the officers, when Charles E. Miles, who was compelled to fork over to him a few days ago his magnificent repeater, cried out, "That's him! that's Vasquez! that's the fellow!" At this the immense throng felt reliev- ed, for there still existed a doubt as to the identity of the robber chief. SHERIFF ROWLAND'S PLAN. Sheriff Rowland's plan was to watch and wait, and so careful and discreet was he- that his, most intimate friends supposed he was giving the Vasquez matter very little attention. This was a mistake; Rowland had a little bird who told him every movement of the bandit and his gang, and on several nights he has ridden out and reconnoitered the Vasquez camp, but on each occasion the little birdtold him not to attempt the capture. This happened so often that he began to suspect the bird might be playing him. This, however, was not true, as the sequel proved that the bird told the truth in every instance. The reports that Vasquez was in the habit of visiting the house of a woman in this city after nightfall, had no foundation in fact; but if it had been true, Rowland would have captured him, for he knew of the story and the house, and watched the in- terior of the woman's room night after , night. Vasquez had two men constantly watching the Morse party while in this d portion of the State, and no one was t more thoroughly posted on the move- a e ments of Morse and Cunningham, than e the bandit. It was Rowland who baffled o Vasquez. He was so cool and apparent- e ly indifferent as to whether the robbers L-' were captured or not, that the bandit at g times really thought he had nothing to i fear from him. He was mistaken. 1, Like Prospero's Ariel, Rowland's little 1 bird was obedient to his slightest com- mand, and flew here, there, and every- e where, collecting information and deliv- , ering it to its master. It told him that for the past two weeks Vasquez and his , gang had made their headquarters at the !house of Greek George, on the Brea Rancho, ten miles from the city; that Vasquez spent most of his days in the liouse, but slept at night some distance away, in the open air, with his horse always saddled and his Spencer rifle by his side. It gave him an exact diagram of the house, told him in what room Vasquez slept, in what room his arms were, and the number and quality of those arms. It told him how Vasquez' horse was always kept saddled and ready for traveling, in the tall weeds near to a window, through which Vasquez would jump in case of surprise. It told him on Wednesday night, that on Thurs. day Vasquez would be at the house play- ing cards, but that he must not leave the city, as he was constantly under the eyes-of one of Vasquez's spies. Here Rowland's detective shrewdness did him good service; he quietly directed his par- ty, detailed his instructions, and contin- ued to walk about the streets in his usual apparently unconcerned manner. In a little time the Vasquez spy dis- appeared. His friends supposed he had got drunk and gone to some of the many houses he knew of to sleep off his whiskey. They knew he was not in jail, for they sought him in that struc- ture. Subsequent events proved that he did not get drunk, neither did he leave town. Rowland had shanghaied him and kept him under close guard where page: 96-97[View Page 96-97] his friends could not find him, until the A party returned with their game from Greek George's house. As Vasquez and his three associates t were taken into the jail, the spy, the I man who had been sent in to watch Row- land, was also marched into the same a edifice; then it was discovered that Row- land had been watching the spy more g closely than the spy had watched him- 1 Vasquez saw that he was trapped, and E how it was done. He says he was be- I trayed, and assures Sheriff Rowland that 1 but for the treason of some friends, he would not have been captured. HOW THE BANDIT CAME TO BE SUR- PRISED. The following report of an interview between Vasquez and a reporter explains how it was that the Sheriff's party sur- prised him. Reporter-How was it that you were so unprepared for a fight yesterday? Vasquez-I had just taken off. my re- volvers and set my rifle down to go into- the kitchen and Ret some dinner, when the first alarm came. I had no time for arming myself. I saw the wagon com- ing up the road, but didn't pay any at- tention to it. At no time before since the Repetto affair have I been unprepar- ed to fight. I have robbed for twenty years, but I have never killed anybody, and I think they might have given me a show. I tied up twenty men at Coyote Holes, and though a man shot and wound- ed me there, I did not take his life, though I might have done it easily, for I had him completely at my mercy. I regret being taken in this way, for I al- ways expected to sell my life dearly. Now, I suppose, I will behung up like a dog." At this point Vasquez intimated that he was tired, and the interview termin- ated. ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS OF THE CAP- TURE. I find on conferring with different mem- bers of our party to-day, that after I was- posted at the northeast corner of the house, Harris, Hartley, Johnston and Bry- ant passed around the east corner of the house. Harris, looking across the an-. gle, saw a man sitting at the table in the little kitchen. Harris, Hartley and John- ston reached the door first, and the wo- man, discovering their approach, sprang toward the door with outstretched hands and attempted to close it. Harris pried it open with the muzzle of his gun in time to see Vasquez go flying through the narrow opening in the south end of' the wing, and instantly fired. The four men sprang around the end of the build- ing and caught sight of the astonished. outlaw at nearly the same moment that he sprang toward, his horse, only to find himself confronted by me. At the same instant Rogers sprang upon him from the west. The firing was simultaneous. He threw up his hands, exclaiming. -"Don't shoot; you needn't shoot; you've- got me." He was perfectly collected, and was never on his knees for an instant nor knocked down. Harris said, "come along, then," and started at once with- the party around the building. On the -way he repeated,' "You boys have got me; my name is Alejandro Martinez."' ,Johnston said, "I have had your photo- graph for years, and know you to be Ti-- a burcio Vasquez." STAUNCHNG THE BANDIT'S WOUNDS. r After examining his wounds, at John- I ston's direction, the womah came to the' -wounded man's succor. Johnston pro- cured a rope and tied Lebrdo to a post a andthen4entered the house, took the' dagger from the floor and with it ripped. a sheet from .the bed and hastily prepared some bandages and helped 'the wo- man to bind up the bandit's wound.- While the house was- being searched-. Johnston went to Valdez and procured a spring wagon of a man named Perr, who gave the wagon and mules only on com- pulsion. During the painful journey back to Los Angeles, Johnston drove the mules and talked freely with the captive. The latter made a number of statements but they differ in no respect from those detailed in the above interview. Row- land has been constantly plotting for the capture for the past year, and it has been one of the most remarkable games of strategy between these two men on rec- ord. It has ended in the' discomfiture of the bandit, but the details cannot be given to the public until the capture or death of Vasquez' immediate accom- plices. HOW GREEK GEORGE WAS BAMBOOZLED. Rowland's management of Greelt George on the day of the capture is of decided interest. 'When he entered town, Rowland knew that a movement was on foot, and ordered Sanchez to .shadow him. About noon Sanchez reported that he thought George was on the point X of leaving. Rowland engaged him in 0 conversation, taking him to the billiard saloon of Rayfield & Vanderlip, under ' the Clarendon Hotel, and whiled away a the time by astonishing the wretch with a minute description of the location of v everything in and about the house, even ( to the number and character of Vasquez' I equipments, the time they were brought there, etc. When I entered the saloon t of the Clarendon Hotel, after our caval- e cade had arrived at the jail, Rowland n and Greek George were just coming up h out of the billiard room. Stepping up to c the Sheriff, we shook hands, and I re- h marked. "I suppose you congratulateus." R "What on?" was the reply. on "On our success." I "How so?" "S "We captured Vasquez about half- a K, a past 1 o'clock, and havejust brought him ho in badly wounded." n- It is needless to say that the Sheriff's e3 countenance assumed a decidedly pleased ie expression, and that Greek George's 'e. heart 'went down in his boots. Row- s8, land hastened off to the jail, incarcerated Se George, and interviewed Tiburcio. '- ie IN PRISON. The bandit's wounds proved not to be very serious, and he was at once brought into Los Angeles and confined in the e county jail. The city was full of excite. ment when the news of his capture was received, and a large crowd gathered to get a look at him when he was brought in. During the week that he remained' in the prison he was visited by very many persons, all of whom he received i cheerfully, seeming to look upon him- f self as in some sort a hero. In conversa- tion, which he never avoided, he admit- ted having committed many robberies, but declared that he had never killed any one, throwing the blame for the murders ; committed by his gang on the shoulders of his companions. A few days after his incarceration he issued an appeal as "an unfortunate man, sick and in priso," asking for pecuniary aid in conducting his defence in the Courts. He was visited by nearly all the Mexican people of Los, Angeles, men and women, and many of them exhibited sympathy for him. Sheriff Rowland took all precau. tions to prevent the possibility of his, escape or rescue. After about a fort- night of confinement, when his wounds had healed and he had recovered suffi- cient strength to travel, the bandit, heavily ironed, and guarded by Sheriff Rowland and three assistants, was 'put' on board the local train,'taken to Wil- mington and on board the Steamer Senator, bound thence for San Francisco and way ports. page: 98-99[View Page 98-99] "YNCH LAW FEARED. It was intended to debark at Monterey and transfer the prisoner to the care of Sheriff Smith of Monterey County. When the steamer reached Monterey, however, Sheriff Rowland became satis- fied that his prisoner would not be safe if taken ashore. That the bandit should not fall a victim to mob law while under his charge, the sheriff changed his plan, remained on board the steamer, and brought his prisoner to San Francisco, where he was lodged in a secure cell in the city prison. He arrived early in the morning, and before noon a large and curious crowd had collected at the prison desirous of getting a look at the noto- rious outlaw. .Their wish was gratified, and for four or five hours a stream of visitors passed into the prison and were allowed to gaze on the bandit as he lay upon a pallet in the cell; He conversed freely with a number of visitors, repeat- ing his previous declarations that he was innocent of murder, and claiming that, if a, fair trial were given him, he could not be condemned to any punishment more severe than imprisonment. TAKEN TO MONTEREY. Sheriff Smith, of Monterey, arrived the same day, and to him Sheriff Row- land turned over his prisoner. Next day, after ironing the bandit very heavily, Sheriff Smith started with him, by the route of the Southern Pacific Railroad, for Monterey. It was feared that there might be an attempt to lynch the prison- er at some point on the way; and a guard sufficiently strong to resist any such attack accompanied the Sheriff. No effort of the kind was made, however, and the party reached in safety Salinas City, the county seat of Monterey, where the prisoner was lodged in the county jail. There, ironed securely and closely watched and guarded, he has since re- mained. In his trial, which will soon take place, he will be defended by P. B. Tully, Esq., of Hollister, and Charles Ben Darwin, Esq., of San Francisco. The prosecution will be conducted by, John Lord Love, Attorney-general of the State, assisted by the District Attorney of Monterey County. Vasquez' counsel hope to save him from the gallows, owing to the difficulty of fastening upon him the direct responsibility for the mur- ders committed during his raids. HS FAT E. His fate will probably be determined before this account is in the hands of the reader-the trial is set for the 20th of July-but whether the great bandit be executed or only imprisoned, the peo- ple of Southern California will feel that they owe a debt of gratitude to the ener- getic sheriffs who tracked him to his lair, and rid the highways of a desperado who did not confine himself to taking the property of his victims, but wantonly sacrificed life when there was not even the excuse that his own person was in danger. The sheriffs undertook the work of capturing the outlaw when the amount of the reward would not half compensate them for the outlays they were obliged to make-they devoted weeks of time, suffered many privations, ran great risks of losing their lives, and succeeded in making prisoner a bandit whose crimes parallel those of Joaquin Murieta. The murders at Tres Pinos cry for vengeance, and it is to be hoped that the law cannot be so tortured as to protect the ruffian who is manifestly guilty of crimes which should long ago have consigned him to the gallows. His end- ing should be such as to deter other aspirants for reputation as highwaymen, and in this respect it is better that Vas- quez should have been taken prisoner r than to have been killed in the en- - counter. There is little romance in i dropping from a scaffold with a rope around the neck. THE END.

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