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Road to ruin, or, The felon's doom. Thompson, George, (d. 1893).
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Road to ruin, or, The felon's doom

page: (TitlePage) [View Page (TitlePage) ]THE msLrn. ~u* a I / THE IUELON'S DOO. 1 DY GREENHORN, ~W MOI~ dV RADCLIVW, NOVAK 3AK~KSB~ ~1SB1P~flOK~ CT~T CRINVA, VUW~S R~ *?*LIg OAT DBOXSVKI, L&CK HAROLD, CRIXIZiAL, OUTI A W, ~Q * * I YRED~1L1C A. J3RAP~ ,?twusnEa * 22 ANN bwfUET~~T, u# roag. page: 0[View Page 0] 'mg 3I'AU 1 H' Tilt tEl Au~o. nnnu iI~ L~Y ,'.~ ~ %S) 0 I. K ~ LIII. I bI.U CHAPThR I. AND CRO55~BpNE6,-TH3 care to be particular about d~W~-~ :h~a~ z~p~I ipon the ~umn~it of ~ne of the ~I~g~ia~y 9a~t~an~, a Wpstern Pu~y1~~ia, a loaely ~ 4etign~ ed for ~ ~ cI~ajee 4y~yf~r~r8 as might t~arnr~@ ~h~t ~ipp of cou~.t5ryp~ t~i way F~er~ wa~ nqtl4a~g ar~Weip she e~te~io~ o~' this~ ~ ppeakin~ 'vitlaetrwt 37egai4 toslw huil4iog i~a~if~ Although built of logs, it* wap of~,c~n4 sid~rabI~ ezt~nt, and nq~ ~ void of~ cer(a~r~ ru~le p ~n~L9~s. t9 ~ 2 ~ i~ ~hq~se~~ ~ the hecessitie~ of ~ enx1ytt~o ~ tile woody" con~pe e aii~irefhieinent ha~e .a~I~ oqt ~Qf~r~l7 ~ ~e gpp~ b~S~Owifl~ Upon it ~ p~$~r '~p. its 'ho~i~a ataesr4e .wi~bt,~it~4~e4 ~ ~ ~A~Y FY ~ ia~l~{~afrw~t ~'~jj frprn ~pj~ 'V (3 !W WI~~f~Ep ~.Q994I~etftvern ~4*L W851 ~terctapon a Wa~k ~O~kM, ~ u~oproaet~tatid& of. atkidt &t~ I Thesq~ gha~tlv 6ran aii~9 *~I~&i#a itvuck the eye ti t~v~i11~'r ~ LbU When the rumbling sta~i~ch, with it~ hwiian4o~'d; &~ f r he logta*ehy:in ordei ~baI~ tlie~ia~ her sraj~ht~q~aench 1il~ii~tIii~st ~t? water ~ lake she'cor~e~if & ztiurde~ iiiu4ru~ ehidts~.iho~e paesengt~r~1 wbuld each otliet0with ~o erii~ic~l~ce, how ihe propi~i~to~ bf. tb4 ir~i ~ame ~ *~doptds ~t~e insj~hiaW h~h6'ps~ sitohapI~atk~lidea.. I As ~tl1~ ~ v~lll 9~r~ enjoy Mae loid~f th~ " SYdill~ and scribe that ede~itr~g singuIar~t~s~e ~roa~d~ hi~ i~ kaxk*4usie~ebfish~h*W~wit1U~ ~8i f *Ildathqrs J*h~ l~*et ~at4~d / j - $~ / L 11~ 0 -4 ce f4 page: 8-9[View Page 8-9] a THE ~ftOAD TO RUIN. ~,ause on their journey to "take their ease s~t their inn !" A golden sun-set was fast sinking into the softer hues of a gentle twilight, as two traveilee's, on foot, wearily ascende& ~ $~ 3 d~e m tale, and *~l ~f ~h~l~g tav~ The s~ oi' diese persons was un- pretending but respectable, and cover- ed with dt~st. They were both youn~ and handsome to ii~ extraordinary de- gree. 2 The eldest was about eighteen years of age, possessing a slender but vigorous and excee in y 4n~*netrieitl fbtaii; t~d k coant~a~iee ~remarhbl~ lbelts k*ti~em~ iiegul&ntjr ~ndjbeauty, no less than fertstsexkes. iOflA.Of stem resolution artd indo*~sta- )~Ie co'*rage. iLls eyes wee 'bi'ilIMnt as the meridian sun, and *~e fall of t~aat pec9lisr tire which betrays an~ ab- ~o~acq;9f Optprihcjplo.~, yet ugione cq~zld ~ UpQII thzs sple~idd~yotith, w~tho~*t~p;perenc~ng a lis~g:ofen~ ~hupia~tic ~dmir~tjo~j cq4w~bil~ed with it sentiment of ar4ifficn1tsA~be accoun- fqd for. H i AAH ~ii~p~ni~n wa hoyt fourteen ~ ~E gra~efu1 ~fo~ni ~ rnn~ialsrlydelicat~ ap4 fair. ~%A5 2 ol~p~QRrat)ce Was ve~~ffemiraqte, ti~ !ey not~ingef~ the Icag, rich~and wav~ing curls that clus~ wre~d~beia~ hie ~n~w~whi~e neckiii~ themselves that no one was in pursuit of them. "All right," said the elder traveller -the magnificent looking youth whom we first described-" all right; not a p4is ia~~t,~d4~ point we ~mand~ r6*~ct~ in K "True, dear Jack~ rejoined tn~ ~beautiful lad, in a voice of flute-lake melody-" we are t present in safety. ~u% eye! wtast singularr looking sign- b~41~vin~ on Ayonder post !" "Ha! 'tis a death's head and cross- bbnes, as sure as my name is Jack Harold. Tliis~~ hnise~ is ~evidently a tavern; kit what in the devil's name ever prompted the landlord to pus Isp such an infernal painted spectre before his door? He must be air original, aad ~I shall strive to rn~ke his acqnain- tafl~ At At ~'Th~n you intend hi stop l~re?" said th6 beautiful boy; inquiring~ A "Certaiely, my d~r," A Aj.~jj~j~~A the youth ~wh~ had cttlled~ hielf~Ja~ Harold ~ are ~both' wornout with fitti~ue, ~ is- freshment and repose. Up~xI the t~rst appeshce~f danger we iArillAt~lc~ t~ the A*oeds. Trust 'tO ~my vihc~,t~ eKa~efrotd thes~at~s of ouren~mie LetiS~t ~ .~ [A A At t~t The~ eiiior&d the' tavern-.-the ~or of which*as wide operi.2.a~4 pi~ssied iAto ait&~artnierit whic~i w~evideatIy occi~pkd as the bar-to6niY Who fre- quetiters 1ff our fa~hidia~Ae~ ilrinld .~dAAv.o '~i,,~dA t~~4k~ 4inn~aA n ~IME ~IOAD I\A RUI~ ted the i4eo ~f aching. bon5s, Inetead of a spa~kI;pg array ef elegant cut. glass dec~ntors re~resling ~he richand4 gleaming liqupre, a few mniserablojimnk bottles, broke twnblers, end aoracl~e4 tea-cup and seger bowl) alone gr~ce4~ the ~iarow shelf behind t~ie "b~r~".~ Upon tb.~ whole, the aspect pf~ttksr~ was rather unpromising~ and iedica~4 but little in favor of the accommeda~ tion0 to be enjoyed at the aiga of t~he Skzdl arn~ Cross-bones. Upon t~enteriflg this place, ourtwo. yoi~ng travellers saw no sign of a V ing creature ~Ipon the premises., ~ leg extremelyy fatigi~ed, they threvv themselves upon ~ benq~~ ~f4or Jack Harold had. caU~d fo~ the ab.~ent laed~ JQrd by the summary processof i4qk. ing over the bar, and demolishing t~1e exten~ive array of glass and crockery- ware that adorned thi. elegant qatab- lishment, A Eveis the racket pro4uced by the overt~irow of the bar, feile4ta rendex the landlord visible to ~ guests; :and Jack proposed "a cQuae4Apf AW8~, to whichhis interesting mpax4~n ~ By listening to th.e ~onver.~io~sof these yong travellers, we £Jal~ pert. hapa be;able to 4iscover~so~iething in * relatio~sto their past career, their pre~~, eat pQsit~Qn, and tho~r future de~ig~is,~ nut, ~s , are, a: ~wo~ (oe to Io~g. chapters-.--vithich are1 a~ p4i~u~; ~ long:jou~ney with~4t A~ile~st~nqs~We. shalt reserve what ps~se& etvre~QI Jack and this friend, ~Cqr t~1e~ ne4 chapter. ~ *, A A ~ - schoolmaeter th~t eves flogged an ur chin for knowing I ~p~,4~ri' ~n#I~ an-i who deserye~ ~o swleg)~y ~e, !ide of iuis in aI~iga,14~~ bl~s neggen~e. Lot us revj9~ $~o pt,~gfre4$p~e. Sent; ap4~n~iei Ithe future, bh~wmnrrtpnm~ ta,, ~, ~ A A A A "With all m5rAlxe~tt; proceed, I pn allatteat.or~sai4,the pWtty\hadne eomps~yikngJ~Wwords .witl1ao~,as~ ~hat~wne~mrnirelleusly tender an4 a(~A 1~0~aIn~y , ~trsnge1 A AA At ~ A ui'AuAvregards the past,' ~r~umed $~k, ~ho i~ doomed to be the .hero~ of; this narrative "asregards the ~aat I #illetrnmenee from where Unanaged ~o: ~scape from the.Eastern Penitentia ~ytowh ich &weet country residoawe ~itilatAa%~onvpaIont distance from the ~erieb~~gA~$ty ;Pi~iladelphia,~.. reside~c~ pt. which~single g~ntlen~n are f~raisl~e4 with be~rd, l~dg~ng and. clothes on the most reasonable~er~s, r~fn~trequired and itriniediate p98~e8ngI~ren~-to which s~~t'~oun1 tr~v reide~ce, I r~pea%~ I~ATpS sent~nced ?or the t~rm ot' my najzral .tAA-~f1tA',' [At .~tA A A n~4whq s~n~enc1ed n~e." "Ap& that escape wa~ ef~cie4 )~, th~ seast admirahle andii~genj~usi -a- ner," ebperved the yq~isger tmvell~r~, A~J~ flatter myself that itwasu~t:~aally~ done. Totcontinueinyreview of tI* ~iS tiqI eacape4rfrom. the priba. to. l~ichi was aenteneyd £o~ IIIb~ 11ev. it~ga yeatpreviou.l~n~ade a~I appoint. saent with you, my sweet friend; as soen~nI g~i~wdmy ii)pi~yI l~sst~ned 'N :1 CA'AA; t page: 10-11[View Page 10-11] t resdtv~at6 lh#e~tighte arid appropriate the ~oht&~i~ oi' & tedMxl strdog bozi which your venerable pat~ht 'kept~ be.1 neath 'his "bed. Whil~ dfrgaged in a4~ink Me ~ir4 the did 'tiav aweken~ -~h l~s r,~eAar1d, afte~a dospei~ate sttiig~l~~t'ah end td'th'o'conteatb3~, my"anta~onist 'on 'the bead with his own brandy bottle n~*isnti[he1ias~eiZed stay thumb in his teeth, avid bitten it completely off i"~ As he irouth spoke, he held up his right-hand, whicla had been deprive& of the thurtab;' the Wonud was carefully bauda~ed~ 4d~j ~ ~ai4 the' yoax~ertrat~' o~d to ~oti~e&l' f'rim hid coani~- ~~iI# r *iathe~ *as I~ilkd bi~ that un. ni~so~A ~Jif'~hb liti~'on from whidli I'lradj es~~d~*d tal~e The roadfor~theWA*t1 of an inquisitive landlord, Wt~ tet~.~J4~ ni~bJ~hoY8ti+ and Who is the High Sb'ktiif4'the eounty~-a circuikistanco wt~klt~h.annOIXfl0e5 w~tih much poma~ 'posi~ C1i~iily rdquestreg him to tr the d~vi1, s~te purse our way, and' 4,' toni WI~/ l~i~ Ii~A1~y the ~bvOr~ ne*,~' iiitb~p~ad~l~ bo~r With a briuat of~i~e~i a" w~r~ '~ii~b lilart 'a ~ ow aqq z~ q~~ia$e~ 1~p .nh~*~d 4o'robihi1KI-~S~ thou ~h~'h~thi~ b~it a politit~a1 riTewe~tapef gd~hiiecri~t sermon fror~a the teat -a." I~ri~ty i~1 the b~sV p~lkp" *hile ~he valuable gpld watch tur~bi~t t~be ~te bf that ctos~ denox*itMt~d 'bt~1t4s. ~rith whl~h the watch-stil~fl~ ~ei1tty in t~ae ea~t~h cities gull th~phrs' ~ic~ated fiat& fi'owl the co~Itxt~y who "~dr~ie to 'towti" full 6f enla~rg~d 'nt~. ~ki~i~ ~f'th'd pledsur~ to 'be' ~enjd~p4t,' awd ~ return to their h~rn~e' With~' ~*l~6~%~ht o*pdrie~ee~f t~to '~ahia ~tad ponoitie~ taf unqutalifie4~id&z14~Y." '~'Thedi~ajpointmeflt waa ~ettrnuly very provokin~-but1 at the sanita thua', ~t~ssl4~elS~" ~tnu~ing,"' r~ntftiked ibm b6y~, With'ahoth& laugh ~ "~ &i'ertni~ht sidtau the occbrreh&taf tfiot ~d't~r~ttlt~ 'Our horse 'and chaise *ie ~ owing to the necessitywhicli VMs' tak~it& tIle WOodg~ WeA, haVe ~siuce 4a*r~M~4' ~hictly' en foot. 'About a '~k after bur cnc~nt~ With the ~r~A4Jaton hirA 'fot the' 'tltivd 'tit-~y6d r6snemhet that wto~jiid ~tan inn,'for the p po~e't~f 'prectittag 'refreshrddiit~. 'Well~ tIre 1it~t - '~bj~ct that ~edte~ oirtVisletl~'upoa' entering bill posted upon the wall, ofl'erlh~' a reward of five hundred dollars for trw 'apprehension of Jack Harold, who, having been sWni~riced't6'ThAri5Onment in the Eastern Penitentiary fo~li~e2 had ~ontraved' 'to '~h~ct has, esca~d." 'J'ha~ announcement of this Jaige reward for cA~ttit& was' aceoa~rpe!aJOd~, you 'recollect~. by~n:ex~t~t"idnSOriPti** of~ niy ~ier~oual aj~pe~ranceiincliading ~oy tnu~tilated'right bgad~ Asc 4~nrk !' kmnst clingste me thro~igb !' will evei furnish thehoun~ of the Jaw deteiti 'ig ifj1o~siIA '~ I tes~Ivti~,sah wzth a to my id~tttitv!" ~d~j1ernt0 e~br~tbr out ~ '~ Y~u~roiaember,~! natiarkedthe boy ~A~id~he *~llaat #ffitt wua6ces~ ~-"ibatthet~ wa~aIso ~tpon~ihe bill a fuIvmydtJaoh.~ gORSide~abIe arn~~unt of reading, iii ~ ldwa~ *o. W~II k*wg'&~Ui4 snail print, which~ we had flG .opporW~ th~ ~ "Y*~ ~iut tirne~*~ too j~te~i~ua to th&i yiekl~ ~1 S}win~hl~ ti~oitdth~i f~t~ ba Jia~edid w&dfng though the Wdty~ moet:Ot~the ni~n, I fMJaddtIm~ ~ sj~If~d and ~ 4~td~ kif gmund wIthL~w bloW of rn~ ~ ~~~ld~itily the odti~tior~ i1~ Mi~. iWei~t~T f~1~i~otth~ pai~i AgI~wIvh.4 ~he w~ird~n I~f the ~is6n~ .i4~h~j tffd~thr&~n ~fl sb~it &rdby~iI~ .r~ ~t~nbM~s ~idietilouWaitgi~f it tt~ji~ 'di~e~4 itapet~v~,aity oUmdaA With the fl~OBt iht~n~e igii~ranc~~" lii. ~ t1~Ilc~w~iga1ve *ay4 aii4~ tak. "We both fortu M~ e~c~ 'd"' 1~1~ adVIh~t~te' IiOi?~ tt~S~I~j)4JftQ1j 'O~ ana whi~~ered yon ±~?of~o~ ~ tl~p the men gate irim~diltie~is~ I" ~tz. wit4 ~l1 spi; but ti~o or ~hre~s~ap4 ~ ka~w~ my '~uet frJadd~~'&~ai~ pang country fello~vs.h~di 4rea4y , ~ig. ~ ~ 4hv,, rr~e~ and stodis.i~a ~e d 2wa~~o gjnee ~is ,e~at~ ~~een ~gres~, ,I ndpdih~m~to but the~p~ihte~$ir~ ~ ~ otb~iti~siiwptthred.' mm M~twrn1~A4han4 TheIa~ye"tewArd {off~r~dt ~ ~ j. ~' ar~4vi4Utenrpv the ~v~ti4~of~b zrr~ ~ ; $hUj~)b "Yo~a4re~ja~t ~~e ~ ~ rLb~j~ff~j~oiJ are' pl~*.. ~ t9r,' said ot ~ ~ ouar~ goqc~ ~; a ~ ~. re ~'i eoni ~Je~hv ~t~i4 lw' ya&,~et Jollar bill tpus~-~and tli~ ~kn~ R?~ ~J i~iiIi dffee.lonac.awattinfri44. ~efrA~ii4 htIs~ to '~ Yes," repl5ied~h,~ yoe~gen;t~avoJ.i ~'~H~t~ifti. frfiudd iadu1ged~i~r~awietw. e~e ~to~uppo~e 4h~t ~III 4~ ~4~@ntIA~ ~uf~cj ~eatrr ~ ed in the l~jI~~ ~Besidea~ t~~wRrtn~~p; th ~ fviw~4 ~hw~x the~ ~Iea~ r~rdo4;i~e, woul~l! ~th~t pWu~t enteto woRu~sef le4A~ SJ~a e~)flcIU5Lqp1." 'SHe %ata~ezu W~batuoold~it~m#aw~s ~'My~ cha Ingfrersd~ Itilink itvery "I doubt not ~yS~tSz~ sw~Tht.a. ~r4bahle that y~u'ar~ ah *ell ae m~ ~ 's~1f, ho~rdred "with a ~oinpIimenta'~y ed,*ithvthe~~liixul~bs tr$~s @I~h~ ~tUagjoa~ ins tbe~~ ej~oicu ducume~t d a*ipn~hgl~."i~ffi4e alw"t~ ~pn. Wiuibh wo~r~ spitakingv ~nd~ *hielri~ dwu~ Ia~ Isepo twhu#e a~t etrl~r a~d ~afn 6pj~or~ ~*eha~v~e ~ asauty of ~ertIsi~v1.itin3rAwIs1~re~ 8e~ woods' hIOO~ 4thor~ ing thats e feiow~ were dot ninetlo J'~#ltieh I ia~r~ ~s4'~,~4~,'n M$ii6gk~ I I 'V ~1~ page: 12-13[View Page 12-13] THE IOisD TIO RUINS TUE ROAD' TO RUIN. sb~~dantly. *upj~1~c4' ,with' inoi~ey- ihanks ~ the saviug propeu~y of yimri4ooes.ed fstthe~, wh9ra wftrebbed ~we have for several days beca Corn. ~l*d4loist' ~tpo~i rQo4 s~4 ber~ rii, ipot d.rmg~ te.~appIy for fqod at n ?arhog~e~or taive~a;, (on dQaktleps~ thet wh~4e e~ountry is '~. flo0cled' wzth tkpe AftQ~p~5~(j hadd.bilis. 'Besides, psrs4s~ a~ perhaps erirhg till ~he ~wIe s~dt highwe.ys, in ~seart~h Qf tile ~tiyeswho~e capture'will;b~ p~odoc' ~va .f:~l~ snug Iittle:suu~ ofilve hun- ~e&4o1Mrs. Amoug the~e mountains' we b~ir~ far less to fear. than in the' Jowl county*; for we can better oh- ~nveihea~proach of danger. '1'here- f4r havowe ventured to stop at this: reui*' tavern in order to recruit tour. Ebausted one~gies." "Think you we shall be s~t~'hene?'? ~juWed the boy, anxiously. ~ "Not~entirely'; bi.ttby'the'ezercise, .o~hre4ndvigilance~ I hope ~ avoid danger. We mu~tuewabrace~tlie Last ~porti~nIty tech~n eou arwuewite and ~iter~.our.ppearai~ee, so that tl~e des- ~ription~ ~conta.ined' in the .haud4All~ iaIIf~iUn their' object~ When we .~h; the' ppulous city of :Pittsburg ~shsUibe'in compa~tive safety." 41 "Thus much'for.the~paat~;4et us itie6y ~Ianoeat the present, rny.ft'iend.' Smwe.are~ surrounded by diin~ers of groat~wagnitude; and to esea*sfrom 4ios~4eegers will require all the tsI~ suppin~conrage end ,~4dte~e'thet we ceo ~nrn~b' Onthe other 'head,; ~ ~ ~whIoh wUl.enable'us,'oh ~rea.chint rthe $ac~' of' our destinati~n~'to 'e~te~~ ~ic@~iap~p the enjoy~tieat. of 1*V~y ~lianrei~tbnt wealth can procure' for' ~a(~tMinatp posseeaor. . '~in~re~r4ta the ,fut~~'eot~ tivn~ed J..k.-"Lbeve4lrcady tol&y6is, -my friend, that ip"jo4t~e*ying' t~P~tt~~ *4i~rgI~mmainlyimpelI~d l~ a desire (~dIM~o!~qr~ ~u4~'j~uxiish ., former mis- dre~.(~inir~e, whe wott by the ~errie~ and who proved herself 'to be na film as she was beautithi. I have related to you the particulars of her isafarnon. conduct towards me at -Wa~hintton; how' she eloped with a newly~made parar~wur ':named 'Airmitage,. csrr3ving with her all our money, of .w~i~h~~we l~ad~a larg9 amo4I1t~4~prqq~t5 of a!1&o~tensive robl~ery ia l~ew York- arid leayirag me: pcnni~ess. IWeJI. when I have ~~ked ve~agea~c~upen the f~1se.~ Ke4~ a~nd her, I9pnt~Inp~'i4e puppy of a Jrwr'~r, you ~nd I,, myfti~4, will se~%le. sown in lIfe, got riph, ~pd perhaps become whaty is 1calJed,:jn'~the stereQtyped ~page o~. ~ypocr~tes, "respect4de 'mein bers of societyy" We ~,ill jbln th~ ch'irc4i, stnst a reli. ~ious'ne* and i~ih 'at ~th~ bole vi~1ioni *~ derive ~b~r 'out sanc~i- ni~nidns pi~eieixsions. 'Pprhaps I may b~cim~o i ~a ~-who'l~ii~ws? I have bften 'tho ghtthat' 'I ~o~s~d" br-ata ~id li~eh ous'ib~flridtiohs in siiffl~ient ~u~hdW. to ~ia1if~r'me to~bocoine' 'a ~huaiitUgh~--& pillar '~f the' '~hurch, The Reterend. lbkn' Harold, u~diiIdii't so~~d 'bad, eli'? l3ut 'zoul~ds! that *~,iitd'i~ever do; I 'should' be obliged to a'do$ ~ new name, ibr to retn$h' n~y p~e~eilt distingushed titl~ 'would' be 1ik~?t? result in my sudd'ex~ d~ce~ frorrdhe~uljilt tot~e prison" *" R~ligi~n 'ian 'dull tr~d~"rernna'keil ~h& boy, lau~bihg ;-" why not turn 'our attentiba tA politics "An excellent idea," replied .la~k, -who, 'n6twithetandin~ the: duigera of 'his position, ~as 'in high' s~ii~ita. "With -t~1y e~&lted'patniotlam and gr~at hbili. itiss;J lahould s6on g~t into Con~t~a*. iMy' 'advtiining feIinw-.eitlr~ns 'rriight even elevate'*~e~ lo the gubornato~'Ial chair, of the; State.' 'Whert I become -Governor, I shall 'make it a p~iai~ to 'grant a'pardon~to 'evem~y bold rubberr 'thetis convicted' by thq stupid judges 1who~slurtaber upon~ th9 ben~bes *of the courts ;.A.petty~ 'lftrceny~ 'thieves, ~ai~d'roguesrIlail appiy'io.mne let mercy in V~I Duniz~gi uly admjese tratiom~, every bill that the Legislature mayipes~,beaning down too hard 'upon sho~gallamit lads of 'the ~omass~ I shall veso;-an~J, when 'iny'term'~f office expires; I will r~b the State Treasury, as many an official 'rogue has dohe be. fortane'" '~Wez~ done, youa~ fellow..-bravely spoken !" exclaimed a deep vnic.;. and l6bkinij' up, the young 'travellera beheld a'man standing in the door-way which Jed'to~aa inner'apartmeat6 "Who the devil are you ?" dernand~ ad 'Iaek, as' he started up from' ~the bench u~on which he. had vbeen xeclin~ lag1 ~rith some alarm; 'for the appear. &uce of the intruder wastruly fPgl~tfub 4'1 am the iandlofd of the S,~zdl~4nd Crwsi~bones," r'~lied the man with a ho~pe laugh.' ~''~ I'-,' CHAPTER' 111." 1.1 ~' ' ' Va L.~6LDO~D OF Tits "~kU~L 'AWb' caos~o~ras.~" "((it were the harbareua"tusrom' 'to iteeg ~e#~ple1~or t'hefr ~ood "looks, then h541: tha 'landlord' 'of' 'din respectabW hostelry known by the attractive title 6f 'ihe~ "Skall a'nd"'Cross~b~nes~" giiod reasca to com~arulete :himself 'upon being'certahuly e~cem~jt ?roiw ev~nthe teth6te~t pciselbiiiiy of having hia'~aia~ ~Lteftoinated" by th~ ifttrcil5flta~ ~'e~frmance of' wt aerial kortzpipq ~hkh ~ie~ant 'phrase, being 'an 'onigh nal~ ~etn4~ the 'avmth~s signifies,' when r~mideked into eommou 'phrlatice, "a ~lat*~ 1nthe hiS ~" n~l~'o~'being:hun~ The landlord, who was more than si~ Ibet high, aiM ~nould~d' like a 'Het. ~y~s 'u~r&s'5~ deep is '& forehead' lp* ~nd~ projeciitg; his' rnar'z~d locksnud b~atd,' thick 'and: hard' as hoa~e~hair ~av to' his' features aii nir' breteily ~'~I'hIa ~hraao signifies '~wofe~onsIekinvt,. savage;. an~ his Iar~ ~jawt were armed with teeth like.hooks.~:Hia form was ~hug~ and'icolos~ah if Q~ might ~udgofrom hia'bull'Ene~lt~ the surprising width fhia~est~tirid'.sboui~ dens, and. ~tbe thickoe~s of his ,a~inti and 'legs, this gigalatie bei~mg mrilgbA wrestle' 'with. a besswitlrnut. baring anyin eason'~to fear' the 'resultir' 'iHir'dtess was a singuluricoinpo~ird of:finely and .shebbines& "Lu the bo~ sour of~his'ilne 'ruilled' ahirt'glittered aniagaiflcent~diamond. pin; tapoi bie head~ ~ested'a particularly dirty~i~ht-. tap; his ~nagged vest" surmomioted"a pair of su~rfine broadcloth ~n(ts4~sh4 ionably made; and a pair of worr1~ouI tlippers~. without stockings, completed hus~cdstaxne.. He ware 'no coat ; shd his 'shirtasleeves being rdlled ~p, he 'ex~~ hibited an.arm as hairy as the skin of aw~lt',~and furrowed& wmtk~'~Veins as thick:a~ a m~n's thumb. ' This m~n Was'6ne of thoa~:s&vage lookjn~ rndns±ers of' humnaiiity, *b' seeai bdat~fltted to midorn tie ory~d~cl' of .a~ pirate vs'ssel, dr th~ '~nrenior of sobber' s cave Elsewhere, ~me appeared~ tebq altogether out of his ~l~memmj.'. v~Sxrcla~waa the etmgcging~loblringg~n tienian' Who now nntioun ddmimself' theitwo Dunk tm#cxs as ~be land. loxd~qf~ thu~" ~kull And Cr~~-bones~N i~etc~i~ing that: hi~ ~udd~n etad ~ ei~pe~t~d catrrnmce had s~twewhat 8ii~~ ctirmceried~hi.sgaests,'ihe 'lat~d~or4,.afte. hadJiatrtindueed AiinmselG'e~srtmed~e h rribJesniilehet.w~s inteiul~d t~ It si ni1ibetltet~ w4lco~ne, and ,4deil-t'-" '~Thm'six~bh frightened, ghnleh~ep~' o tn~atdef jr9u.. *My ~pjearan,~e~iis ce tainly onti ip tnyt&vOe, Aut ~yon~ii Ii m~w~ell etiough~iewe'Woftnt ter~ a~qvaintedd~ LSrlb. Wel l..~owh iii paris, and an~ ~einiieet~e~h~ ~d ~et~y icinv~r' 44Qw.h4y V~y~Ltiesmds. A ti'enemi~sAbey ~,ve' talon). taut~ for th4weplvvs.~ lM~l4ps yarn om~y ha ~ !b~a~d'nf k~5,fO~ royj utat~4aj it iTh~WlIet45etc!OSI~Q.~Ry Mtfl&~~ ii 8~'~ndt.~ - - a 9 I' I&I 9~ I I' A! 'I page: 14-15[View Page 14-15] ThIE ROADUT4 RUIN. dwapite~f aM~ '&s cMirage, oeIf.pos~ s~ionnm.ugn~snof im~ Mo~t~'ds~em~e. char~ct.r~' Jack H~oIae~tnI~tled by the aiv~o~aIice~ dable, 1~ca~sse Jim~Ba?~ndtwS.s know~ at: that .p~rIod~ all' over the tUni'te4 St~teo, aa~ihb moot ~toperidous~i1hin of the days4~a'couttterfeiter~a ~rebbe; ~ud~a murdir~r. Innume able thwl :atreeious~.criwles' which "k*~h~ comuk1iited~ ~ret~'h~d his d~epc4muiirg w&bled hiuxii~1ude deteetien-~oivtt ladi~tovbid,~onvietionsalthou~hwot ~eehgb~est doubt could £xi.t in kTeg~rd ~ his guilt ~f!ffie crime~ ~nputed~t~ hum. ~H~ving, as it was su~pobed~ neq~ed ~l.rge~ferttrne b?:his~ txumerout4epr0 nations updn'iihe '~M~isaippiriv'-~iwi ~irhieh region !h~ wao known ~s'th~ L'Pira.~Bl~andt~ fiviallyrt0bk~~up his permanent abode~in the log b~il4' in~ vhichw~ have described, upoiPihe sul*mi# of the highest of the~A1iegtm.~ ey'u~auntaihs~ His objeci'tek~eping a teveon~ Was, that be might~vai& him. self o(the j~eeuli&r~~ili~ies thus aff~r4~ ded tovobiandm~urder susek iinbuspeot~ rag tmVeltetras'migbt se~k'remperary ec6rnrn6da~ior~ beneutW 'Kkia iooL Aniuirat~d 'by w 4irit oft kl.srbr~ wade *hi.h d~spiuea public epiniosi sad 4he detent proptieties of 1if~ ~he had ~adop~ed, a~ the isa~nis~ of his house, th~ghlterl~r ewiblerse' that wore painted up~n his sigiF'b~rd' ~J~fo~ ~ueae~repulsiv'e figures We~. r1Ot'0017 in st*ietatdordance with his ~rb.rous ~ste~ bilttliey were a~o iliuott&ti4~ of his past ~ir~ticai1 ~careet~ ~ iwhIch~he Obok a Sort *~f' 1l~ndish pride. Many' 4rt~ethrs bad toriousl3t disappeared atarozig tls~ intnet. pasSes ~ th~ AiJ~ghartie.~ ~inee the establish' anennoT ~I~t ~ Mad s1shou~h ~ ev~ry~css~she 'mows u'arefzd and bbotat Sea~h~ was's made'; in sod abs~asgnI~s~ef ike1 hndlotd~ rail aw~Enofsospi. eisa.-'.uo clue had ever be~o ~lirahd I~a regard to the fate of the missing mm.. Th~otfw~rs of Justice) having cquyzlu~ && their unavailing search~LwpuId inhake 4tbeir. heads,' Iabk . ~rofoi~adly wise, but say nbthin~;; whi e J3mnd~ who ab~ays4iccompiinzekthem in~ their explorations, sneered at their want 'of sdeees~ and ~es~iIed them with itWults, to~whicK~they ~dared not offer' any~xe* hdn~mhnt; for the ruffian landlo±d~d f~rieious; character rand" prodigious strength, insj~ired: them with feasa&ud dread, ~'And yew despite the blood4hirsty dis~ositiou and. many enorn1itiei~Lot~ this man, ho wasacoward athaW~ He 'pl~rpetrlrted crime,:not~ openly oni lnb*~adday4ightibutstetilthily~trd5eh erously, inthedarkness ai~a~l sectes~v5I night. Relying upon his idu~ehsepby4 sical powers. he w~ss bold and insolent to those of inferior~ strength; yet he possessed not a particle of moral bra. ve~ry. An panipftrpe ~oi~rage couki have subdued him in a contest which 4id not inyQlVe the exercise of brq~e strength. He re~e~nbled one o~ 'tIi6a~ ferocious animals which are cowed down hythe steady gase &faniatr*pid Wall, i.ounar~er~bow 5~r!iJ$a4he~-~7 b~'axnong crea~utes of their 0W4 ~pa' clew. "' 'I ~ This -villain, so far frotn 'conibj~ing ignorance~: with his brutality, was a man: of good edalcationb a~ his~ Ian. gusge will evince. Learning 4o~~Q$ always import refinement of pontinas~it zindpropriety 'of conduct to ~ possos~ aor;many of the greatest rascals ~ha~% eve~'becartie candidates for tl~e co~artc, sies of'~the bangznan~ were reell nnturirlt&l~n$s and acquired a~ew~' plishments. might lxsvc rendered Sham w'ilhiantly 'e4iinent in the wurld~of lit' erature~ of seienceaad of 4ej~airtue ~uf such ~neta ~roaia ,tbe ~'li~ bf int~gdt~ i~ far more ciilpakle~ thRa thedehinqbencies of ahignQMj'~h* qi1nj~e~d his lack o~ I~n~awledge a3rs~ ex~uie for his ofihnct~s~ If tltts tepbrted that Brsiodi ha~ b~zi~d 1&r~e si~uasof v~ i~I ike' ,~ ednity of"his, h'abit~ilbia., 'hoW' tnr thi~ t~brt' was we krab* ~6*; b~I~ l~ ces~thhi' that'~ft~t his t~e&$hi, ai~'4~] vew~ters' u~ent'~o 4i 'hio~i~deu tdou~l~r' all t~boift hi~ kOi~, ~I~t1 4r~ re~Wah~ded' for 'their' Was by dit~#~~ .Ji~'olhng at alE' TM~ ~6~'& &boftt& ~fuI as the seek~*i'jff~ the'~hid tteasiirei of the reta~eJ O4rdil Kidd. '2 CHAh~TER IV. AS' 'SXOaAWOE 01 COM1LZM~1I'*~ SE '?WS~M IWO OW~TLEMZ5I -~ 131 W~P 4ND THE. RU91FA~J..Q~, Altbeugh the anru~oYwOabiWt' ii Brandt~s terrible' iian~e ?6&"~ 'oftiew's dlar~znposed and startled Jack, Harold he s~oa:. re~overed his accisstttuiec equoniniity. and sutvey&tthie celabr~ md 'n'i)lain' with miuch &widsisy, ~b4 withtiut~one pai~ticleof fear. ' ~1'ta5 following diaWgus now tool ~ ~~otweemctwo ~f the moot &dieuh sr inals in the Un'ited~ '3tatss~i Is:h ..~~tdly ~ to ahs~rve~ that .whilE J~k. knew the landlord's: ~'s~ae ~ e~*raeter, Ilrandt was as yet igoqranl of who the young tr~welJer w~aea4 though, ho h~l often ~ae~r4 # tb~i ~ ploits of Jack Harold and entertaia~I sh~I's admiration for t~ie gen:i~ of ~4py9uthful. pilgrun o~ ~ae ~IoAP~ r~ Rum:- you sMrt at ~he an~qn. ot' my name, yet do not ~re~n1u1e. n~pa~aing of, that word! Man, I ~wver t~r~ are'yery young, yO$ yOM. kno~* better than to play iziih~ own tieh. $sck.-I see no lion here. ~'1'b~$i~Idi ~ ~tzi~r lai~ mpbciia&i' of" he' 'blif~xlo th~bdfihWlspoiH~kWanch~ tTtr&rfi~ ~ arid siin~ th~ sttipid' bfr~seA a lin~ilY~r6ihliilib.' This h~ds1wi~~V~ If! y*~i kck.-4ta brute stt~ll~: :~"M shpeA6r Attach ~t~' a~ y~' ~iIfflrid'th~lt I aO'a 'as stt6hgw~ld IMtI~ the slender leopard; I ~ ~ ~root ~eoi*ard' hedtt l~i~hr~' teksb',4aid ~aaiIe. ' ' I Btdnat' .~.Wh~"ds ~dta eMlF'nl~"~' ~ Beca~e~rt~d~d "I 4 hbihile# m3'~d~k."4a66 t~i~' I~I~ ~~"' ~ become a shrinking cur! "" I At *aS thie ~'the ~ ~hi huge' hanti s~lracrdt2'ItW' itr~tti~ kie~iN a ~iwi~E, th~*~'hl~' ~hlut'6n4~Eed 'by '~ who art thou ?" ' ' ~'~" K') ~' n* '~Ji~~Ydu jdu#~f~ ~'w ~otpa~MYa 'are nething~' but'*aI~rIai~' true that we travel ' 'oft 1~t~ d"ihhi' ofvtitlldthis~ 1ia~n6hieK'~f ~th~:lb~st~t but Look her. I - ~~14i w~'Iiv',i~ (I' a' quanrasyoi ~om coins. K I page: 16-17[View Page 16-17] I. nm 1LQAD T~ 1~U1N4 weds ,e%~the r~be~yofbis cwnpan* i~'~', I her., ~p4t surveyed the rneyw4J~ grpe4yey~s~, for avarice was ona,~p~uql~esetti~ug e~ns. pq~p~fi~ath is al~post always mire $~ytbt~i fqr its possessor the re- ~t~4 o~ qt~rs~evea: when hatred ex. a,~e~u~the~ parties. jt was so in ~ ~ receiving that Jack, h~dt~argo pt~m of moneythe ~and~ lotd of the $kui~, id .Oross.bones in- utly4ow~4Jiis tone, and assumed ~n ai~almost cringing in its obsequl- eusness. At the same time he sqeretly dptermined ~o wave no mesns untried t~ g1~t k~t~ ~ ~~eYenge and hi~ avp.. rice, ~ assassinating both of the, yp~zttg trpvi~1lers, and appropriating 49frpmoney. ~ ,&li, Ikog ten thousand pardoi~s~" said he, with a smile that expressed a as !nuqfr amiability ~s the yawn of a gasping tiger-" you must-ezcu~se mpJor~ou know tl~ato~w iairerylia~le ,ob~ received by appearance. 'Let us f~get oi~r little, war of ~ords, iund b~ f!~n4s~,Will you honor ~e by sh~k ~g hands?" 4~r~dt t~ttered these words, he adv~mqgd ,~war4~ ~ur hero, an4 ex. tqpde4'hi.~ Mild, which was a very li~tle~ sm~ll~~ ips~ze than a sh~ul4er of ~ttto~, ButJack, who readiW divided the e~peof this sudden cordi~lity, an4 .~tir~te4 it accor4in~ly,, r~coilod from ~~n4Jprd'p~approa~h, an4 ~aid ina terse of cold contempt- "There ~ao ~ue~essity for the~ere- a~ny ~' l~l~ieg bands.,. My eq~n. pinion a~ind myself nee~ refreshment~;, why 414, you not :cqm'e whem~ I first ~alle4~ y~u?, 'When we entered 'the house,, I mad~ ~ioise en,~ugJ to awaken 'he seven sleepers." ' '4 To confqss the tnith, I w45 taking. s, n~p $n mnychambor4 as I 4id ~apt O1~,' ,~ecttlme~~r~valef4visiters. Ha ~ what' ihe devil's this V' ~l~is, ,~ma~ioui of Br~dt'~ was time, t~uviiig beentoo busily engaged h. conver~tion to notice it before. ~94~" ~aid Ji~ck, coolly-" finding nQl~0dyj~er(~to ~aztupon, usu I merely kiel~e~L over thp~ bar as th~ riost effee-, tua n~ar~s or bring~ sqn~e one to ro~er us the ~ieces~ary attentions,, ~o ~onsequ~nce; you can eas~ set it up again. ,The occupation ~~lla$~rd yowen~plpymeut, qf whiah you seem to stand sadly in need." A frown blacker than midnight gath. eyed upon the brow of Brandt, os hearing these c.tei~pt~wus words, and he seemed about to precipitate himself upon the audacious youth who~ thus dared to'spe~k in words of insult in relation to'a~ ~v'sntdfr destruction of a ~s~rt ~n4parcel ~f the~property belong. tag t~ the Skull and Cross.bbnes. Alt was perhaps fortunate forJaek thatthelandlord'refrained from attack'. ingu'hikn~ fordespite otir hero's intre. pidity aid agility, the primdigious power, of the gigantic'BrandV must best ~iove&victorious' iii art endonnte(tin which 'brute stre~igth was the chief re.~ quitite toakisu~&successv "'I~he~ls~ndlOrd swallowed his wrath h~'aui"Wffort, andwhile 'he' 'inwardly ~es~i~rO4to' have' a terrible revenge, he alijoted to be highly pieaeed with th id~a '4 his bar having '~en thrown t~ikI~ ROAD 4o RU~L 11 ts~wever, h&affecte'~ snot to notiCe it, r~nderedAv~rybbJ~t ~Iit~hd' bb. iw~d rem~irk~d-.. vi~ted the ~ "Judging from th~ appeai~ance of li~ht 6flaui~ or it~ings here, I amt16'd' to bell~v6 that "Yii~ ~ do Ii6~' j wJ~~i j~ss ~MW Iard6r is r6tvozy wel[4~zpplied the ~i~ht iii tNi~ 6~*e 1'~o~4 tb~b6y, with such articles 6f food as ~Cht sian or a civiliz is- in~ tor~e '~f an to $ inqtkfr~L~k that ed b~izig hxigi~t"rMi~h. dreadft~lrnai~, who vi~*srnk~wItt~yea '~jogiYeus for s~qtj~ :" of such malignant hatred, *1W ~triuv "Xouwzllbe agr~eably 4i~~point~ to ~n~tkder you d~*mn~g"tIl~ dightR* ed," said the landlord, with ~r~o*her of "'Let, him try it" skid 3i~k; re~ hue frightrulfy ~i~nbl~ grins.-~."if you Wte1~-2.,*~ he will find ~ p~~ied ~for ~iiik thai I cann& furnish ~o~i ~*iuh ~izn. Hei~ ~ desperate &~n& blolid' as gooii a repast, includiz1~ e ii. thirsty villain, but I f~r IitWk~ot4 for, ca~r of the season, a~ ~ti beobah~d despite his brute-like '~t~t~tl~, lt~!i~'~ ~t many~'of the ~ity hotel. ~'Mii mo~ despicable cotu~a~d. 1iTW~*M~, I somewhat of an epicure my~ffI n~is~ be upon my~gi r4fo*~ k*ilthe x~aake it a point to keep c~nis~ tl~o~i stz~ t&adopt~ some t~&chh~~l~Mib band everyluxury of the p~l~t&' th~t ~lf~' a~cothpli~hlng his' o1~j~tt "~ 'TW~ ca~give a zest to t~ joyrtle~n~s1 of ko*l~dge;~hat w~ hay c~ft~r Ih'~ur ~he t~ble. You shall ha~'e l~e~Wfieh, posseselon will hujiel him ~t6 '~itSa~%t which but an hour ago hp%~d' Their 6tir' ass&s~ihation. My ~dea~'M~d silvety tails in the mar rirtg~ st~ea~tt; ~at jiothink, so long as I am ~eggs,'over which the hei~ h'ssjust~l6n~ to protect you from all hai4~."~ e~ckling; bread hbt fr6m the ~6~'e~i ~ "I only feared fo~ !r6rs, 4eAr ~,k/ butter, of the bud of jold ;1~bacbn, r&oined the youngerr 'tra~eIler,~w~tA a sweet andeucculOnt ~ls'evek, c wi ~the hams of a pri dhin~ coftuess *fm's~inettb*t ~uTd ~e~ork~r; i~ilt1~fo'w1, h~V~ been ch~rmih Wb.'fe~~zeii fit~f* the consumptl~ of iii's Ol~n'i~4. '~' h~con~vereetion ~teee~'tl~d~ an 'gods; et~wbe~Ae~ and u~that was here interrupt'sd ~by~ t~4i~i~ mslt' upon the totigime like ic's d$~e a 'of a sttan~e~' who had4ls~i15tknt~d from e letif. Be tr~inquilge'stleeieii ;yb~a his hor~e, iich hO dsec~ted~t'o~ tt. ~halI 'sup like priuices~"' " '~'' ~us~ ~hetbo d 'the~lrii~aoi~s ~ While enun ratixig 'theae 4&inties, ' The new eouueu~ 4+i~~"-~ th&~iaet smack4hi~big lips ~& ui~iu'o. mar'~a~ed ~bout ~1X~ y~~1~hl~ ~ g*y '~tiger might "have ciouie,~ o4~r a blufI 'hale and' honest looking'~bfi4te~ choice morsel of flesh;' ahd th~ti~ s'sy. nance. At the first ~ tbat he would ~xid tnak~4~r~pa.' er'~ou1d h~v~ declii~e4 ~$iutP ratiOns for supper, be etr~,d~ t'~f'4th. O~ellentwotthjr abd room. Mlow.' 'There wae ~ ularly prep6eh~eMdg'irx ~tIi~ 4~I~Iit expressioja of~h~a ~k~ey e~'sa ~1i~'~iffd~ CHAPTER ~, owuponhis ~hd~ks, natured 'ihiile' shat1IingOi~ t~otit III~ ~ ag~w ARaZVALA~X ~ mouth. The thick layer of When the landlord had' l~keiVhia iuidi~a'ted'tbat be bad i~eE~ ~patture the young ~ the't~*d~'snd had fta~eli~ 1f~r~ vd together iuu wt~ie~ere~ fiarkhess As this eld geutlein~ ~iIta*'s4~ ~ had~ by this time s~t~iu~ 'but the~bAllLant i~oete~ beth'the~yodii~ fr~~lIs~*rh~e radiance of a full moen~' strOai1airu~ ht ~at~ogh'~he open door abd *I~id.~v~ ~ etIaia~ ~h1iisire~e e A' I '11 2 'i~ 1T page: 18-19[View Page 18-19] A~L. .t~wsg4~ mm, in, q9~po4t~eyse~p5~ 4~ijo~p~ ~o~~u~ing h~e the worth; ~ isofprP- ~ *t~e ~tr~qg~er ~, the poIi~e jet~tu~n of tavern, I am inciuwj to. the prp0,r~r pper, sir," repl;e4 4a~cl~, $spd gei~t~1~pan,; ~ ~ ~e %4dq~J ~~A( $p~i1l.4~ usth~ ~ormor to ~ni p~mj~r~ j9r,~Jtho~igl~ )~r~ ~r~e ur~ ~sp~i~4 ~~hieaeh 9~her, ~he ~jz~c~4O~ stahee of 9~~jhe~Pg ~ve~S ~ ~t~s~~1gq1 with ,.p~n 10, a~i4cac ~ ~pre~s0dIhi5th~5k e~$n4 o~ now e~r~t~rp~, ~ ~ an ~ ~qp~pez ~ut~,hp in rer~e~ in jijrp 0 4nlt~s, and ~emarhed that in h~i~ ~o~ld take care o~ horse. a ~t~l ~what ~p dir4~c in ~b.p ~iouse, tbat'e g9q4,"4~ ptrp~ger, rqbbing,..i~i ~~~q~kjng yi4~q~e ~ ~~~r~rne4 har,', . ~;ui4 041 4~iye," 4wF I~P Jf t~e~rort1~y M 4' ~ ~nppt, npighb9r, 4o~ ~ J~e4 l~s cq~ip~inl93. .o~4~4lAr4sRi4 ~ ~.~egj~jWr,1frOO1 b~ne#4i ~i i~ur4ere4 $he pr~sl4~i1 ~ijcu8 n~. ~i'~ had dared to insinuate ~jp~' y~ ~IUT~ q~ ~hie ba~ 'ii~ay~ab~e impres~ipn W~h~a%1dd~ItiY zpadeepoe the ~' oXk~ ca~nO~ .e~cpeCt ~ gQO4 ac- ~h9 ~ k~ig)yi~, out i~ $he o4~s ~n l~ ha~4 I~i thp ~i~5 ~D I town~ ~4and QU~ SQ1~ 4 your b~$ ~ y ~. t~eee twp ~ ~j1g~~aPs join e~ in ±a~ii~g ,p then. producqd.A~ {~h~cA~ 4~, ~ edNo~e the tri~Np1. ~TJ~r~ ~ili~4 f~tl~ to ~iee4' 4i4vhad.b~n9 ~te~ou~, [nUe t~ ,~arL~y ~ ever .t~pe p$ isa ~ ly4~1ow,~i4 I4oi't - ~I~jIcsat ~JJ~" rr~e4' 4l~oW b~ W~ol~ LIp4he bv4~-~- ~ ~ ray yo~rngfrieiyl~, let usdriraA~ ~ ~Wiil~i~lprPV0 o~r~ppptA~eS ~r ou~ ~, supper, although, 1~4 p~ .pa~t~ $ ~ira o r de~j~lJy ~b~rp set t~at, n~4 ~io ~t~i ~hat re,~p~ct~ Your ~go~d ,.~ rr~ay W9 all mfely ree4 qf our jou~neys.. j~w ~r he w~stp 4i~ jq~rnpy~a~B4 ~ * * * * *a~ ~ The three travellers had just finish. ed their whiskey, which was indeed of ~ very tolerable 4ityi~lwn the door ~ of an adjoining room opened, and a very pr1epAy y9wig g~rI. ~igh. I, teen years of age, made her a~pear. ~ r~A~~jn J~jt4~he~t. X .Th~ ggeats~ coxduigl$ pasemI~into that a~1sv~ineM ~ ~ ~ w~ ac* re pi4.*~l~n~iitr~4Of ~ed~4ng fro~ ~ TH3~AD ~ U 4y~.ppearaece ~if ~ ~r~ro~ they4~ dx~$t~ra1~y ~ee~ led t~ ~iti4. ~ A ~in~i1a~ 4egte~ ef up~Jig~ce ~~j~heAI was ft lerge ~ training~ an immense fire-place, ~ar4 a long ~Pol~ w~l~ ~ pjgpp~ was hung numerous flitches of e~ii~ erm- few hungry travellers would. have~pj~, the~p~pper were ~nos~, ~x~ll~n#~ ~4 rA~ wl4~h ~y~aI4 ~iaye rec~p&n~~4i~+ credit upon the table of the ~ne~$ f~Pl~' kmi~We ~el. Pron~M~ent ~wig~she $J~r i~jands,~wes ~4iphpfti~~4p jiex~ f.~q~pap, ~'~sqge~ for ~ri~jp~i ~5Ofl~ly !#PIW~ ~V~10LW4~ W1~0 ~Pfw~t~ 'p~hi~ C II tiflC~t~ ~l~QpP~,%l)4 his feelings wounded, i~r5~ ~4~nj~r ~4' 4~a ~ of Ij~e~~a~e4, h~r~ndcrnqt1~r., !~qiwi4 ar~g ~he4e~i~iee ~wa~ ~ dish of fresh strawberrie~.~pJ~,re4 ~& crp~a ~' ~r~h~h v~ptr~ ieZpres. ~i,~e~re~indebte4 to R@~~t ~ ~J ii surprised gI~e~ts we~e ag~~bly to see such . p~~ssrve4 Alp fl ~ t&wefri with *o~i~e- ~yj~a e~gp~ in ,a locatiar. ~4 4er ~she, ~spicof&Jo~nd1prd~ RP ~R~f4:in his ' en ~ ae n~e1 hoenAijig~ SJId l~~i~p4 expected to be regaled wi~hie~alt ~pq4 s bij~it, ~$ l~e~t~ but ~ ~ippoj~ntr~p$~ O~~O~D4U~Y .~p 4es~q~t fq~t ~ta ,re~dI4ai th~se trveflem i~pe~ whee~i hem*ted.mischief,~ghe ~n~wthetAJ1l~)ptuoJ3s bepsst, ~Uy iwi' hw~se~ waa l~e.t ~aMulatmI toLiwawvi slJe~ciQtaJrol1i4b0ralnda6f~bIs i~ten- ted )y4jeiat; ejidi thus rende~4hemnaa ~ 2proy. . . ~bii I ~ l~' lliw pwtt~ girl wlai had apmnimd, the travellers to zup~r~~iwr*hi4~ ~tpe~ $i~e t.b~#~ AAthbu~hzha wmt~hg daughter of the, ~ 4lerd~ she w*s a l1eatAnat~rattitw ~i~Jj and~ tq her indesmyI.od~kiI ~jgh4.J~~ej~ asdr'*l~cleamij~ ness of the kitchen and~*s~ouIIouu. pf4l~ ~kleg~9h~we u~idU~ Ira. ~ingiefi~eao~is $thudpdeni3tbu g4e~kis tas~slItAt ineheil~ingI~qm& in LI jJ $e&'iato discourse, i~ustbei wbi~hAhe elde~1y t~~n~ex~s 6Mm. a. 4rov~rp ~resIdidiu~~md0hi where he dealt ~.~teiisi ia~attl~* Jiosu~ t~ FIhiladeiphie wiUi s lasgo am~uut of t"etqck~? ~u4~haii~ kIisppsqd~ of sthea~ib a~&eaasta~ke wa~om his way txo~n dl'~itfk *~t ~lueIJanusaad dollar~ iw4ils -~haeadaof his~a~e&~ ~ *iWiheni the~ 4roveuiep~k~ioPhavfrI~ sucb'~l~rge~ eusa ~frs~ey'ltl~hlsi~. Jack bit his unwr lip, knitted his brows, and for a law moments seemed to be buried in deep thought. Jack'e c~pajj~qi~ i~p4~autifuI and effeminate lad of whom we have The young weuwt~who wait4uon the travellers, appeared slightly agita- tO~rft~4Rhe ~oIai]w.aipar* A h (~~!( 4t Why did she look towards that da.uI j1i~jh~, r~uhio cp~tom% wi~,jm t~i*Jr lers stopped ~ t the tavern, had statimp A 4v~ii~' $er w kit) ~ 4~~ky ~ 4 [4 page: 20-21[View Page 20-21] 4 .1 p i P ~~ADt~1~flN. '~PJ~wiL J1i.~~ Beoau~e-ih~ had reason t~ believe a~d gratitude ~td ib ~u !~t~ rii~ui t~xe froir~ bu$i~e~ and p~ss the r~st of ahor~ time t tbatJies~ fa~her*as aIr~ady an d~t'er~ cated~the ~eA'tion tc hs ~6nipanibn; my 4~yo i~Kl~appi ~ss, iii~*t an~ ~ &wd she feai~ed foiv~t~e d*o4v~~salif~~ ~AlI this passed ~ hotit attI'&ct~iiE p.~ st~ t~ndei~ ~ ~ *,i. "'(b,, ~ after'hi*~i&autious revelation~of;shi~ th&notke ~f the Ia dlbrdwlit nov ly. ~ ~ I~lQvea 1~mI. 1~t lerge eum of 'money in liis'~se~itni a~sei~nd with an a 6fKhosj~lt~1ity cies to ~' I have ~ t~E4ismer. heard enough.-4l~eihou~ ~ and reare4 a numeroq~ (arni~ot~ c~tiI tuae. ~ '~I j1 und Ilare~ my'; i7br an ;i~made;~? '" Grtiitleme~x, ~oa* oat 6b~dienL'~- dren,' whqjn' I ve'eiideavou~ed1 ~to ~y~o muttered the landlord, as ~ie s~neaked Iiiope that you h~v~ supped to your qua~ilityfor '~ph~r~ of i~sefdInes~ and fr.mhasspldce of ~on~ealn~nt,~ gnden. s&tisfaerioa?"' re4pec~aI~l4y~ Ta ret 1'a for t~~in, t~i~t teeedihia dingy har~roorn. '~ "IIhet~a~ellersanswered in theaffithk~' ~ .~nde4 pr~peri'ty ~Iia~ hs 'Here he uidoeked: a private'dta~~t, a~Ive. s~ie~ up~n me, never sl~all ~4ie w'W 'no~"~i~ and ~o6k~ont a paper cdntainit~ a *sGlad to hkar'it, la$ sorry that my J 4e.s~iti~t~, n,,wogin~ri' or"clnld 44hJ' "'n 4 white ~ow~e; a;few grains of. *hich bar i~ so ~,oerIy supplied. to r~e ~ aid ~n vain, ~r ~o unre~''~ cue. en a tunibler, with ~xtre~n~tz*oh~t abject to~ a gissa all 'tound.. ~ ooi~ ii a afrange ~'e~W r he laid the tore '~irig to b~d;' it will tnake from in" d'' Bt 4rowsine~ (~ppres8es 'uc aodiiwtfere4-.'. ' '~ deep scfltn~d!'~ ' ~ riot how to account for it ,~ unl~it1~1~~e as dr6v~r ' S~. the 'treach~rou~ i9lh~ ~use4 fa.~igues ' .~~Thih dose will jrnt thelold e~ib~ F~,, ~'1Y* seteound *asle~, that Lcaa easil ~oww~d ~hi~k~y into each of the three 8t~ow 4 ly. i~Q to niy~ ~p~rtn~r~ ,,rn~ ~yor l~y r4a~ dupoe~ot~him. But those two ott1~ ihuigged tumblea~s, and placed theta heat. 1~y ~ ~ 0 forgotten them bef his uests *ith a hideous~ sn~ile ueyer 4osiin our t m~ on bravellers.-I'd almost ~*~fok ~hey~ ore g ~-. be ~ ~ .~ ageI~y demai iw)vm.t~'aleo he d .$at~k~ vainly endea~ oured 1~'US hope t~ ~ne&t in 'there~ ~cii oo~mu*4ie4 and it'~w~ betafest~ to the'e~e tf thedrover1 in order toniake &oi4i~dIy shak~i hiiiids witt~ ~t~4in~ mak.thotn sleep souridly~ FI~oitheu- ~6wie Ci~r1 that might warn the *orth~ JacI~ ~iis frien~l, .t~e worthy ~ a~dtdillaraI I would risk the"gaI~ mati nbt to drit~k~ ' ' ' ~4ortun'at~'iild' ~htte~n~ii k low none half that sum!" 4 ' 'I P *T~taIl~utsuspi&us of' any trhe~' i&orn, uider tue gui i~'~C the v~I4 Irn~w ~4 WI The villian; . having put ~ small' t~, lire ~ entleinan rajeed the am~ han a~i~dt, : aa*lt~~of tl~ powder intotwo other~ bier to his 1lpe~ and drained th~lit~ior "'I' '" '~ sele~i &l~ieus~Mlmly lightedhrs~ipeaiidi ~o the dregs. ~ ' ~ ~ ' lla$.~ 1i~uor which the drov~r ~ ~ then ~M4tiwn to await 'the arrival of ~"" Thai reaUy is fine whieke~' Ii.~ inarI~e4 Q~ir ~00fl as e an sleeping drau~*tstb his three~g4rests- on the counter-" but it seems to hav~ ' rttinate fo~ us tl~t~h~y6ui~ ~r7lYa ~is it thus t l*~~wualthy14rover, the hand~dme a' difibrent flavor 'frortt that' ythi~h I r~rnin~ placedtrs on our ~u~rd r~ains4 ~h~wonian yo~iig,3nan, sad the beautiful boy~! rexnadi~d;;piherephrc;d . ~ :~'~;~ ~ mpan~on' ~ plan a u wrlia1&u~i CHAPTER vi.' driniL their liqtior; but~ u~stti&d bi doing 5% they contrived to spill it upon ~powli .oK ~ Iant~b~ & 4 p~t~s' aged to aceontpli~h 5.) adrbi~Jy, tht~ ~r n~~1''~ ~ a the floor, and this ~ ~'or~h neither the landlord' nor the d*t~v~ ~ei; 'I iv~ll i~t o~ 1y ~ro~et l~iii fro~n *yreFve a supped, the party aros~ perceivedit. , , ~ F~rI~ t~~y front %hetableaud passed !itito tba'bal~ "You ~ihl have the room, the worthy drover taking the *~ke: are ~iji at day.light 'tj.morro~ ~ laa~l ~ ieed~ P~41 ~L. ' ~~flfl)g, ~ thq rrr)a aiid~he oi~1'* vi vrhe I dIe 'a drwghter appoll dWfO*I~ui ~ Ii~ ~ ~ L;;4 ~;'V" 4 . ~ laSt ula~ion o( n~M§.~st~aM. "He a k~v~1'fie i~epiy. ' ppce ~gn~c te~l~t;A ~ "My &zhea1' w~li ask yott todrhik~ ~d ~ht~ii'o6tabi~; ar~ as I' au:j~~ ~ liq~i& ~t do not as~ io~'yo~ifr Ilfe'!' ~%6~s~edt~f a ~ii1l~cr~i~t cotirpqtea4et~ ~ ~?r~1ul ~ Jack ~ r~4g~flirtelli~ence tender me inde6~iident~ t mear~o ~ ~ tI~p~so.~ vfr~akes ~ 'I i8IQ~ page: 22-23[View Page 22-23] 4 *5 TIlE ROAD .a ~y.elf z~t an upper nlo~ ai~ixI wi~R ray' tj4a~ty rdie.~ "T1i~ 6ffi~re ~ a~4 wh n 1~h~M~*~; 4iS~ Ioce 9t t~io hb~se, I, warned ~them to ajp~4cJa no neare~'. ih~ were' all swsras; and although iliere were six of *hui, I kept th~~.~iinth4~ey certain c6znp~mise with mp wjiwh epsurjid m t~yftom. &rr~est. £ ~ m~ 8ccom lice 4i~t~ ii~i1t what,~ ts~ying? Iiewhiskey that Ia,~~p4rank ha~ 'llown into ~r rhead, ~ne talk atraridoan. ~ ray i~,ords2 Young mah, ar~Jcmy~id beaa~ise she was where s4e~d no busiAess to be £ aim her f~tb~er~ atid I have a Tight to cha~tzse :il~ed~:i~N~ for the lqv~ ot h~i~n ' prate t6 me of was soa~iethang in this man's contempt for the law, that ~vaa conge~ nj~ to Japk's Jawl~ss f~eIings andj~air-' Yef~ our hero could ii4toleratq tb i~dlord~s brutality to 1i~ ~tet~ hi~. ii~9~in~t~ry c~nf~ssio~x of h~ia~g betra~ed an' cccor~ijili9e nor th~ d~ee~ ~r~ap cry of a i~isrering s1e~png )1oyIr~ersf9r the purpose 9f j~o1bi~ and ~h9s murde~i9~,d1is, unsus~ctni~ P#S~t j ~A!~anwhiIe, .~ack's~ boyiNo~kIng companion had rais~4, the 1a~MI&d~ da~ghte~ fro~n tl~e floor j ..~iid ~ti~ y9~ngA~9man soon rec~v#d f~oht the 'f''~f die' crudi bl~~ii~h p~e'li~d although pretty fac~ wa~ ~ bruise. ~astipg ate Qp~9 Ide upon t~~&&n~d ~ ,QI Jack sheA~it I 'he~ndk~di no~' #f~d ~ ~t~bL 9~er;Waq aCCel*~d~ aA~i .J~ck 4~mded LU' dr. wafliog ie occ p~r ~ sq~grn~ and a~n~w~gIili~clde '~~yer~4 tb~ fac~ df ~ w~ ~b~l~s~' ~ QI~,' as tbr~ that, mat~e~,"' said ~r~adt, in a mise'iievous and ~ant~r. rwi~. ing ton&-"I ca~i furnish yau ~ith single beds and sej~a~at~ chaniber~. I tentW ~sua~yprefer to ~le~ep alone." ~"But we prefer' to steep together," *aid Jack somewhat ~nkriiy. "Jitst~ ~s ~rou pIe~se3"r~plied ~he landlord, with aiiother gtin nbd.cbnc. kie, ~s I~. surveyed the undulnt~ng f~rni 'oC the younger tr~Arelle~-" if you choose to cuddle in togeth& and enjoy' ~he 'comforts of lying spbon-fasA~ ion-a~ my old woman used' to say.- I' sure jhat 1 have no objection. Pl~seto follow me." Thelandlord conducted hie guests to'~ chamberia 'the upper p~rt of the house. In one of the passages, white gassing alotig', Ja~k espic~d ~, err~dl hatchet thnt had appareOtly been used in maikinw ~on~ie trifling 'repairs;ifoi it 'Was'a~heap of; nails~ a batn. '~iw, several other 'tools. Stooping'do~vd, our hero took up the hatchet and concealed it ben~th his coat, wjthotrt being seen b~ Br~ndt. I' The chamber which ~ur ttavsl1er~ were to o~dupy was simply but neatly furnished' the bed' was of 'a Duich aniplitud~ in sire and might have lodged a dozen-and the sheets and pillows were of dazzhng whiteness~ te~zlu~t~~e credit 'of' which was due to the l~ndl6rd~s' tidy daughter.-that mi~ch-abused and unfortunate v~ung iVdmA~i, who ~.vas forced ~o d~~ell is th~t' so1it~ry ~Iac~;' ~ttd corn '~1l6d in e~u~e~the aJi nostcon~tIint bikitality '4 a villAka a~ti~r, 'Wb~m ohe' te~irded ~itIH~aki~, b4t net ivlth h~rred "'A brod~d dark ~ta~t1 upon the white the ~)ed. ~ W~a~dO~Ou~4hatfOYr de.. handed Brandt, t~zrmiig pale a~ a vorpse.~ in port cn~lar," " 'nothing an~ swer'ed'our hero, with assUmed indif~ l'erence-' only I thought it rather U sWango that this chamho~' in other ye- or anotherr searching and suspicious epects so extremely neat, ~should be glance, and said,'angrily- '' disfIgured by n'uch an unseemly blotch4 - '~' How,~irt'the'deviIa name shoUld I This stahi must be blood, which they know ~vhtrtumountofanorley inyguests asy, will never wash out." :' may hii~e with them ? "ifthey can but "'BJooa'!" yelled the landlord, trern. pay for their entertainment, that is all I bling all over either with fury orfeax'~. look for." - "you lie! How 'can it be blood? 'Do "True-one does not e~o up to a you mean to insiratrate--..~.?P ' stranger arid~ say, "Slidw~ me yous "I insinuate nothing," interrupted purse; I desire to know its contents.' Jack, calmly-" there is. no' occasion Such impertinence~. ~ra confined to for all this outcry. ' If it is not blood; highwaymen. By the way, I was it must be eohiething else." ' ' ' ' speaking just nowof drovers;'aud that By a powerful effort, Brandt 'over~ reminds rne~'what~.a veky hice: old came his agitation, and r~'garding 'our gentleman that was~whosupped'witli hei'o with a keen and searching glance, me and say friend I knowthat you he said- ' ' i ' will take the very best' of:care~of. th~ "You have guessed rightly'; that. wortI~y maa~ Where "have you put spot i~v caused byhuman blood." him to~sleep ?" ~ "Indeed!". ' "' "More qirestions!'~criedthejrijia~ "'Yes; 'afew'rn9nt~ls ago n travel- ted landlord, with. 1rene*edt suspicion ler lodged in this chamber, and slept ..~4-'~you wilL next ask m~ whet/I had in that'bed.-Du'ring the night he cut fordiarler this dayten y~rarsiag6. .~ his tliroaVwish his raor, and thi~ is easy on theoldirnan't account ;~ heis ~emark of-hisiblood upon the fioor weIlt~keucasaofi" ': ~ I am 'naturally anxious to conceal the " Excuse rm~, sfr ~ my~question was 'fact of a suicide having been commit. not dictated bydn imp~*tinent cu~leei~ ted in ray thousand that j~ thtreason tybut the~d~p imterest'whichL why I.~t first denied that she stainwas 1~ol ia rtha~wortlrydrp~cr.~ Your a~' caused~ by~ blood. You understand suranile tbet lie is comfortable, is me?". ' ' ' ' epough. A ama Yankee, and posses, "Oh, yes; perfectly well,"" replied all~ai'JCeake.slov~bfa~ltingque~ions. 'Jack, who really understood It rsrny greatest fault.."; lord far better than that gentleman ~ Well,'? respordkd Brapdt~ 'with~ 'rma~hiedor desire4~ "' Bhtwhowa's sort df en "htrmor-...~ if you "have this trai~eller that cu~ his th'i~st'ira this fhuish~dJc'asecbi*ing n~~~I'I l.vill bid yew room'? lied he much money with g inighi;'.n~l 'leave ybtn toybuw 't~e~ him?" i ' ' '1 po*~!~i if~ 'Th iL ''~ These questions i~erg asked With an ~ Tile ~~od 'ni~ht"-Q~hp' 'Mv~es apparent simplicity that' removed) all w~da!' sirtiple~'btat whe'nvbiea~hed'by ausjpiciprr from the m'i~id of'B~~dt,~ slieilipo of'affbctib&'ftill of 'lo~e and who' replied~h.4 ' ' ' ' " ' tendern1ewe;end~ootbintga~ ~he gush~ "He was nothing buta: tpoqr tratnap~.. ing'trteledy of ~he' ~Iolenahet~! 'th~ w~, abdirad soarcol~r enough ~no~uey pr~cursbrs &woft~elbend)geklel~ with hizijito pay~for~ho pina~offinin dreams!).i~..she~di ~nikhtIwa~ sS/y4 ,vl4chhe was buried " I ' .*as!trbsu&~z~edn ~ ~nd "I suppose, however, that pee~as th lst~dlord4 in~cplkqdi the'lighs gccauio~ail wire have large u~or~ they table;'c~at'a'*ch,~ioo~ siupaof money iah eir, p~ssession'.~. ar6unil ~ frshijdawers~I foriws rice 1'? "' '~ vThe'~xrdlbrd"ga e'sl~ *wstion.4 as he~ descended ith~ift~w~thi~in. L \\ 1II~ ROAD 10 RUIN. page: 24-25[View Page 24-25] 3" li' N TUE ROAD qnisiiivoyoangs19rs~nd his friend will be under the influence of the sleepuig fri*der; an~L thbn they will be fortu- na$,~iftltey do not share thefate which ll~ave ~n se~ve for the wealthy dro. CHAPTER VII. I, AzAo~1'r iii 3flsG#Thm.-1~1It LOY~~~ Left a~ena to themselves, 'the itwo youthful adventurers gazed at each other fo~a few minutes iti~ silence, bu~ with looks expressive of 'a strong do' pee of mutual;afiection. Jack Harold was the first to speak: "Our situation is a verycriticiti one, my ~ehatming. friend," said he p-~."'but fool myse1t~fuIly equdito the ~ntergen~ oy~ Nut only must our onrn:safetrbe ovidfoivbitth~~oodold~drover must b~rescued from thb~mtrdereusde~ signs of that blood-thlrsty~ 'ri1lsirl~*lios~ punishmnent~I ebell tajm intam~ 6wn hrnids. I will ~not 'den,~ that tinder some circumstances I~hoiald~A~ *trkn~. lytempted toapp~~opri~to th.~ld~enL tienian 'snioney myself; fot~robberyi. my tr~do~ 'Biit'tbe 'ninnn~rs ~dcap~. pearance of ~Braiidt'.]nt~n~d 4iotlhi have produced a~toh sit offEs~% upon 1n~, *~i~t ]~ ~ ~ coi*14 i~ot wt~~ him either ~in purse or pre~%if i w~re ~ving.~~9i~ yve~I prav&ded with fund~,Vain, stiR ~ mischief. That cowardly, sneaW4tg~ treaWhe~QM~ xas~4J ~f ~ con~pl~shes ~j~ue with ~ho s~.JMty' so'~resy of a p~wIiog~h~roni, ~lI 119 ce~te&4tf his It~y'~ I1o~fnJly beli~ro~ *bet we ~lso~ha~v~pa *it~a ~ft1~e 4q~~p~wil4 q~eatl~ not he ~At wartls4'o# nt,~grea~ Lplea~~ ateiian4~ it~y~Atqa~ ~rea1xh11s ~ yw&r pa~ron~ stiwegta~" r~mark~4 ~t~to! ~~g~1htrav*lle$l~ing ~upo~ ~aokha: I 'TO RUIN. " S6me:inftniial powder must hats beenznixml with the.Aiquos which tl~. lsndlb~ offeredr us~ e~ the oung~Wik man told tie. W~ Ririunately ~li&nbt 1~ill into :he' snare; but' tbe poor old man~ whoilt J~ bud mo oppotttrnity 'of wautihg~ dra'nkthe:dose~ ai~d. i~I conan. qten~:wili be rendered insetisiblot for two or thx'eedaysprevidedthat Brandt doe~ootfibiCh hini' at once2~ ~ why,4earJack, when you saw the dWoverdbeutm to driukididy~u' not speak out at dnce~ and'bo1dly~accnse the, Iaor4of~ainistering~dvugA'for a erhnitiai purpose ?~-&ich a ~eourse hav~.'ensiire.d the safety of the old man, and confounded the villain Brhndt.~' "Tru~;. but that tvoitld have nipped everything in the bud, and.pat aui ab. i~upt end to thetplay in the first aCt.' I wi~h to~en the ideriousmerit; I desire ~to;cattl~tliie Biai~4t irs thevery ut of robbu~g tt~o' dtiaarer, indord4r that I rnijdV the lax~udr~iof *itnesaing~the cun~ aa;acwzadrel'rral&r.n aiz&4ieappoint. Theti I ahal~cir~um- oea~may ituggast; but stall ewnt~, iii. drevetlaudfhiarhohey must be 'ptotebt.. ~d~*yet,;eveedt' !ite1'~ "The landlord is sure to attemp thj~bbet~r,~' remnaiire4 ~ho y~inger tI*v*11o4, ad'tera brief pttnee iii thebes. ve~atiors..-'ffdr yoLk rerneiliber, dear Joek, tbattlilsdau~ r,~poor~girP nat suk~4'u th~t suck 'would 'Ar~hei ca~ J~tie eyidentthMt she i~ full~r aware-of her father's real character; she '~eerni 1* w~rthy of' a'~better: fst~ But it Nsilllbe dangerous fQr'~yo~a Ito intez1e~s ~ unarmed, and he will be betfr arnuird 1 4 '.Jask smiled ei~ificantiy~atidrpoi- d~ioU~roiai 4eagath hi~ ooat the haitch~ et whic a "icksd' upmhe~p~. ~~YouIsee,~ qaidtbe.~."'that ithas been lately grouxid, eind 'isa. ahaspas a razor. Arsned'withJthia weul~k4 Lest' a9~ ta eflOOUQtOk stl1&tz~ae ous *I*~.adt. 'Trust ~ nie'for everything and fear riot~iiuig;1 you know~that2Ieu deficient in neither Cour~ga~wr disore tion. But it is time ~thatvI sIto~ild hi up nnd doing;~every momihit that pan aes 'is prngaant with' anger 't4iith good ohLdrorer. ~ I wi~i ~that;Ikr~eii where his chamberr is aititated;~ tli~ unwillingness of th~ landlord toinforis sue on that ahead~ -provesrhis giuilr However,~that ehae~sttbe fohoil; remain here while Igoineeai~chiof it, and bet not eithersurpuisodor alarmed if I ani absent aeveral'hdur~. I shall probably have work to 4a,:and ~that of thehotteet kind. Fear not; I' shall return insafety.?' ' t "I drMd to be left here alone," said the youngar' ~traveller, ~.shuddering.~ "tbnt sta~aof;biood upon the floor- horrible !" "Come, you a~te tqo~brave:t6 l~t'the fear of ghutt~ anooy 'you," i rerrikrked Ja~k, in~attorie of~gentlererh~nstmnoe~ as he ter~derly caressed his more timid cou1paniitn~ Who retUrned his onil*aees "I beljere thetstaih ito ~ha!e 415et ea~st& by the bibod Jof~ murdered wian," 'continued onri herq.~." bitt4as ~'e aro~ not 'the murderere~we r'~iav~ nothin~sto fear from the gIrdse'of'~ ~ie vwt~~~~*nd even, if 'the ghc~t kordd pay usia3tiisit, it wo~ld mliietiely~beifor ,~ the purposnof'urging~ustoitakerent~ g~st~e~npou the murderer+sdhat iis'te, ~ upor~ the land1ord.PGotobed~n~ ~ve6 end to eleep,. if posnihle;tyiou will hee~l al y~uritrength fdv~4d-m'dmow~s ''; '44n4 the'murdered~man~ alept~int ~1i~;bed;~.4,Lid the youlievirarelleij gistteingtowards, ;the ~cou~h"'witl~a lder±~ but you t~niulejde~r Jitek~ at n'y fonljsh ptejndi~es;t welId~ifl QbQy.yeLk jshiaiything~els~j C4uiand qie to k&in~Aed .upinil d .~rni'r~,t in ~%he ~darkestu)tomb ~'uadei *groI4a4in~ coiupanyawith fest.iin~tcor~ ~aptinn ~ncl crawlibWori~,ind~w~ *haU be ebeyed ~F'orithy dear ~eake~ I. , tnd tp~pleasethae~ I would~ det~rull~th. ~ gh~ots~ h*bgoWias a~&rdeiibns~'th~a ~thco~e1\is~ th3e'brai~ ~i Thst?~ own~btuve gui !'~uied Jaek~whe *~a~ delighsed:withhis' Corn. .panioxt's~enthusiasm. ')~' L~G*~iMd he say? *:Yes; andtanv 4t~thatwight have existed~ in re~ ~te~c~ 'teritlre xe~l sea dfthe interesting *ravel1~r, woitld htive3 been tib~ ataat1yti~pel~d ~ the mind oF any e ~etatol, by the' view of that ~i~4~XuJRgoWcQ1It4vbryglobeswh~ch, f~44 o~n~restraint by the renitoval of *tbefr o~vner's cloae-Iltting jacket, olss~ teoal1y~ap~abginto their u~ual'~rm and L~~tit~usLhllaess~ and projected voIu~. M~tussl~: from b~tween"siiomdderg which 4~nr~a~plu~upand. almostas white~ as hoseh~Iooging toJanmi~bli 'Venue,' 'Np:wonder, then, that the~yomzn~ traveller possessed ajj enoharilitugly sweet and~~fiTmitiate voice4.fqMures of ~re~nddelka19beauty44uxurious beirm ait~'erqujsite con~plexion, and a f'~n~f ~inequaI1edelegance and grace! ia?~i0yolmgtgirls lov~r gaz~d upon her h4irkngly~while she disrobed her. sul(~sod'~s~eaehaud~essiuebeauty en. ~ei.uitarsd hia'buk'ninggiadces, the 'old drover, the landlord, and alt else; were forgotten. ' '.Ikt, although the eyes ofoui~ hero had 'beforh'fea.~e4uptrn1the cliissic ~ro- PP.vtans'n43numerounl graces of that ~e4lk~1forsn~f still 'upon the.pres~nt occasior4 the ivisien of loveliness *Qs,'dLI5TJ5R~:Aha$, for ithe~~very otI1&rth6UJ&ts~mokiiaiAopbljvion, 3 3 ~ Wiilaon,~4or ;thht was' the eameof *hi harnin~ 'young girl, as tbeSe'readerswhxim'havej~erused theQutlM~ ha~et douhtkss4iscd~ered eisMary.W~ilsom~ive say, 'had nstaa t ox~&ss~&~llituatad 'te~hor her Io~r~asi~ohe ~aps~ ~ncegw~hiIe. sheavsqind~rgoing:the delicate 1r sof~iIisr~iag. ':Cosee. qaently, whil,~ej~rikug~erselff(w "it page: 26-27[View Page 26-27] rn~ ROAD repose, her lovely~countetiariee was suf- fu~ed with. blushes, wit~n she m~rkedi the eager gaze of the 'youth.whom she~ loved mOre than any one'else' in the world. Tlwseibltlshes site' tried t~i ~%on- ceal behind th~ ~atui~al veil of be~ OWh rich and flowing tresses; but the con~ cealmeat was~ only partly e~cted, and peobh4ikebloom th~trntied:u~on her cheOks rendered ~er s~ irr~sistibly ~harmii1g, that When the bewildering process was coanpieted, anti t~ie.sweet creaturestoodhi the sli~h't~bjit ~pictur- esque~~oitUme.which'is TbestadaVted ~t6 repose, her ardent lovei~ could 'restrain hins~lf iiojonger,'butA~ishingfor*ard', he caught~iat warm and b~ai~t~~ua forot it~ a raptt~rous embrace, while, lit eloquent laiiguage, he gave expre~eioa to the passionate love 'and profound ad~ ~niration 'Avhieh had been inspired 'in tlie4~pths of his soul by the~transcer~- dent beauty of his mistress. " By~ heavens !,, he~xdlaikned, es he tasted 'agaia~and againi ihe honey of bet 'rose-like lips, that ju~itingly~ invit' edthe salute- "'you are~~ertaibly~ the superb, maddening hind 'voli*ptuous creatw~l I ' beheld I.~-. Theres is but one woman inih~wo~nan in the~workl~ whose cha~'msi eaw 'corn- And that is -" "My former.mistressGa.lha J~f ate." A shade of jealousy passed~oVer th~ teanteous countenance 'of the' young girl. rjack noticed her' displeasitre, and hastened to remove it " K~te was a 'very' hau4sonte aud Rttractive\girl,'? said he~'r~di~lhi~"his *caressea-".but her" cha~nis, compared with rhi~erny ~(himyy were~a5 the rays of .a cjandelier!Jcontraste.dI' wl~h the sparklingradidni~e of a ~*hols cehistel- latiot 0f brig~it' '~thiks. She was all ten aalityaadipu~ssiontwitliout a sia* g~ particle' of~that soft dlicac)' and wowan~y rellaemeiitSwhich are asnec. ~ssary to' the permanent ealsience of Lore, as tl~e'4ew'i~ essential ~4o 'ih~ soiirishmeat ~f' ttie~flower. ':These 1L. l~1 "w aunt. sweet attributes, my fair friend,. .j~u possess in an eminent' degree. If Kate were an' angel of beauty, I csild '~aow new her witlr~no other feelings than tho~e of abhorrence and~coxitenfpt." These words were satisfactory to the impassioned girl, between' "Whdm 'and her loverthere now ensued aseriesof amorous toying that We need cot~de- scribe. . After a short time thus'occu- pied, Mary placed herself in the bed~ "Alit this seems to be the couch of murder. !'? she znitrmured with 'a' der. "'I shailfeel. as if clasped in 'the arms of a corpse !" . ' "'Nonsense ~" said her' lover,' as he kissed her in order to. restore her cour. age-"do not yield to such absurd fan- cies. Such'a neat housewife as the landlord's'dangiitet 'would not 'suffer ~i bed to remain here alter it 'had been o&upiedibya.corpse."' '. 4' That istrue," rejoined Mary, much comforted by 'this rationaV View of~ the 4 ease. 4' By: the way," remarked Ja~k~. "when I intimated to the landlord that it was your wish ~and mine 'to oce4py the same chai~iber, I l~ead indlis lobhe that' he suspected ;youi~ true~sex.' "In the. present 'cas~, this amounts to' noth~ inn; but beroafter we 'must 11n4 some means of more' effectually disguising you, for~it' will not do to excite 'tbe sus- picions 'of every' keen observer-it ~ would endanger our 'safety~ "'~ Besides, in the course ~of' our travels~w~ may find it' necessary to put up at many re~' spectable hotels, whose fastidiotue pro- prietors will never consent to ~nur 'oc~ cupyin~.the'same sleeping ap&rtvnebt1 if they.'have~the faintest shado~'of~ ~ suspicion that' you are a disguised' fe~ ~nale. 'But,'confusior&! I had' eu~tlte. ly £~rgotten t$Ie poou~ 'drover,~who may be irn~rdered.before thistitnejor#tght I; know. . Ah,'1~LIaryt the pleasurca of lore .dr~ve everythingg el*e lronViny. recoUection." "Not aue$ier' unoueht' i* to be 'loot; '.arn~ed with this trusty hatchet, 'I shall seek out the cid ~eu- TIJ~ ROAD' UIN. II tleznan'i chamber, and woe b6 to, the en viii in uttered this ~uddcn ex:iasma' landlord if he ofI~rs him 'harm"' tio~1 b~ surVrise' 'and horror; for his So saying, Jack kissed his ituistresa, ey~s~ ~ rhiclt 'had 'wanderedto the 'cor- and hastily left' ner of~ the cellar' wherui the'~iiurdei~e'd pedlari had be~n 'buried, n6w'eheour.. tered fearful 8ight. ' CiA Ti;' ~direbt~y'over the bloodygrave PTE~L VIII. re~ erbd dimi' 'vi~jble~ 'by 'the feeble lift GnAvz.-.Tumn and Apent~ln . rhi~'s 'ot 'the' 1ateva-~- %PEcTax ~ TWZ ~ood' white and ~hos~4ik~ ;Firm, GILLAIi. shape s~, yet fehirful to behold. After having shown Jack 1~Iarold ed ~lass~r e~res wer&faeten. up ti"B~'auidt'with ~ fixed auidfre4 and the disguised young girl to the ~n~'s ~ ~nd soorv it'g~e att~erM~ee chamber who~e floor bore the sanguine. td~~ ow '&od melancholy. wail' 'that ary traces of uman blood; Brandt de~ ~~mii~ to be the very ~orkitt~tiOlIo( scende4 to th~ ce1h~r 'of his house witb' "ati "~i~ny, anti re~erled'~the a celerity tha~ hetokened the existence li~st'4 '~i~ii'iWg' cry' of the dr~Wiileg of somq fixed \purpose in his mind. ' tifa~}i'u~ ~'. ". ' ' ' K~" ~ h~s ~rtternii~k~n' ~he Wr~uh~l, ' We hh~o 'eIse*h~r~ ~aid .'that'tbe he seized a sp~sde, and began to dig.' IaHdff, d dwns 'a "~oward'~jt~ie 'stehdy' His pr~ligious strength, and'the ex~ gaze f an intrepid' and~ 'dete~t~hIned treme s ftnees of the soil, reride~red th~ iiaa"' ~'suffidezit 'tO app&F~hi~lmul ;. work ~ raparatively easy; itud ~n a ~i~d~e~iihnY the exlerii' ~f'1lIe:'t~k~r,.. short ti ~ he had comp~ered ~ exca~ 'heii'I~' tl~ie 'beh~l4 vhnt~~itie&'the' ~ation pfjve feet 'in depth ,a~ r~ariy '~h~t ~f' fl~jj *hom'~ 'h~d"t~ur. in widt arpd six f'eet ip 1~ti~th ' ~' 'de~t~rialil~ froni 'its ~or~r 'hhi~d' to Whe he shad finished, e '~raijg sc~i~ lii~rl'lnt~ madnes~ out of e hole, end '~4e~r~d' it ~vth "a~i ' Litgiaii '~etii6erI With' frigh~ he appea~ ~e of satisfaction, ~ 'hid ~iuit.. sa~ tW4f~ ~rou Cd? hihd' roll6dev~ in "ft w Ii do!, N9 sexton '~9uld have '~dE6 th~e~'trdililib~w1 v*cthns. dug a. .pr ttier g~avc. '~Pi~ ~ Then,' 'with ti terrific"' shniek~''the' enough ~ecornu~odate'tfiedrpv9~.'an4 ~hil~ F'6n4~ hir~sie'uj16ni' a pait quietly Qu bh ' ja. sleeps ihA g ere. 'Iij'YQ rcorqer~ t~ts ~apptlig wizlg~ooa e~tluigixibhed' the clia' pec~id1onri. ~espac e the Ii~M~u~d int~h 'darktiegi jil'e'thiI4 *ravell~r aid whose blol ~staips 'tl~e~ ~d hi 'tli~ dCll~i'~ " ' '' '' "~ ~' "~' ~ y the war, wl~o c~n thoSe ~Thih heal etdri~i& beid~seetid- ~'s be? T~aw at o~e 'that ~d' ~ a~r~'aWd~ plantedd 'Itself 'em waS a girl in 'dis~iui~;' ii~n the irddr~bfr~as& 'He~uld arid us, ~ her. nnpatiipi1 there is a feel t4e air isurbed by the sI*'W'~o~ po~etrai~g. ~re ~r~' t~s~ .nj44e' i~*~VWin~' ~hkh"aed metrern to, in: s$t~otm~r~L No 'his'f~~ 'lie' ~ IWEge matt6~ ~he higiut of those' s'sh~ll iaIbti~' eI~rin ':liI's Ii~Ii~hr~tI M& 'the this night b enoI~edfor~vei~ ! ~ 'd~iiL r'~ 1~fi~i~&nIsh '~.:'~he tb~. p~d~r e was n~yer'niiies~ed;t I ~6"1~2s~ Its~ld' 'hind'~ ~l~ket#n~ woad~' '~i ~ ~r~a h 'seera~d to 'be !~Iet~Mth~ -41erciI~al &l'!' what's that' !'~ ' {~ 1~at1lsVuh~ o&o~'bf' tl~d*m~: ~Mud~' 1'~o w~4e that the '&chsoous-drick-' u~h hol'rible' that aIl~'.he~"~M 'B I I page: 28-29[View Page 28-29] is ROAD irag-~-a ~ort of 4ro~irsg ~oin~-~a. ~a~re 1werp ~4eavonng to. aoet4~ Aim s~ntq slumbers ~. .~. ~ passe4 ift.this m~ner~ of time bri~f~ ~ i~e~l( ~ re~ length. t1~ creature utte~4 a~p~~cu)iar ~y4hi~t aroused th9 ~ of .Bo~.p4~ as to the ni~ture i~an4 diminished his, terrQr,.;' a 4~iat~tw)n~d often, heard ~n1tke \~oo~s~ ~~p~ioi~hig up the cou~ge ~fj ~iq~,r~e raised hi~ sinewy, ant ~pd ~.M~nqI~violently at the, cr~aturewi~ich .~remained perched upon h~s b~&ast *~nd~ with a shri~kof ,p~jn ~ ~ ~~position an4 flew away to~ ~eiuot~ 'c!~p~p( thecelIar~ ~qnyii~ced that tiipre .~prtia~ur~iYab6ut th~cr~~, i~~iq~~4ed ~ut of t~ie g~ave~ ~m~sAr~4~li& ~i~ewt~diee, r~n4~ swea ~ ~e- venged upon the ~apse of h~ ~'right. { ~qpipg about, h~ ~se64 fq~i~d~' his Jiu~tqvp~.which he ~j gan tq1~earc1t for hiq, ep~tT~y. l~E~fT, ~ not song ip~ Axsp~ri'~g~ie1 ~4e~whkh prove4to ~ anticipated, an immense w4~ rflp~gJ~stlyQspe~ ~,Tla~t'ft~1e4evil pr~a~ ~l~ich .ha4hyson~e I~5~lP tried to gain access to 1r~n4 eyes, and, se44~ r~df the ~455~ pf his intruqi~a~to t~ ~ oop~y Pla%9A~ L~ tI. ~L; ~d~a s~44~at~4Wri$ ru~a~th~ ~t~rt~~mng4 ser~~us qbje&tu~t6 h~ying ,~w r~pt~j ~ 44yoji49d the ~ ~w~iy tc rdiatan~ corner of the solar. tO RU1~. No~ ehQi~i~~ Wa tjme Lu put suing the owl, ~rtind~ ~te4I ~irri. self ~s~i~h utt~i~n~ and then, with a g~im'af~d horrible smile, he muttered- "This axe shall serve a difl'eren purpose fron~ that wh)4~4 intended; it shall cleave the~ braftis of the old drover, and the youngsters. Now will I go to work in earned!" With these words Vie ascended from the cellar, and entered the chamber of jhe wealthy dt6~e~. CHAPTER tX6 7Z~ALE ~ROIS~L-A i*ORUIDLm C~IM3. "'Is there ctime 1; Bone h#bs~o9j~oUieevefl thateUlblS the s~i,1p AasasshiatlonP' Th~ ~reacherous ~1ru~h~d dohe its work; a~id ~he old ~eritlethao was irf a profound a~i4 dffi4ili&s~Uhiber. So deep ~'h4 the ~ ~ Wbi&li h~ 1i~id beei th~wn, that he ~c~ely ~emed ~o1A~athe. ~sndt placed his ~nt~xiip~nthe table, de~osited the axe i~i 1pne ~46rner, ~v~th!e uncotsciou~AIeeperwhdse 'I1~d &s ~t~at of li~in~nt. ~isgi~t htiir fell thlhIyi~ethi&bk9ad aiid pIa~id brow, 4.vh~re be~nevol~rice ~et entb~tened. "t~6od hi~n-4lne old f~ll~vP~~qril- ~4hu6kl ~h~'s rite for he~jiren, aad it ~wilt be & mecy tb~ sendi im th~re at dnceoiit dfthis~6f&and walked wb*ld. t{~'I1 b~ an ~ia~ii~4tliiii' ~f~ii~ rniiiii~ee -ha ha, ha! i~it fh~stto~se~ure'the Iiioney." ~Having exaniitvd1~the ~ld 'gentle. man~s loihhi,~ai~d'f6i~ntllotbin~ of I under ~h& ~i1f~W~ ~n& t ~hi~ i~f~naI I'de!ight drew forth 1~fU~ ~oti~inin~' packsg'~ of bank flotes of ~d~l~aii~ti dhd 'tN(~ iini tar eJei~6 ihatiot~atriountitig' ~ri all e ~ of five tl*~.lsand dollArs ~'F6~i f&~V iiie~ij~ ~ 6atiig 6Ver thhi niod~y, and dth~ da~ight~ wjdh ~a 1~~I ftJ~ fbt~f~itig pI t~s foi~ er.j~ying it s~ so~i~ ~ta~re~ ~'if ~ wire &~M~nt~a of the cotWtrv fw* be hi fied'bfh&t~ql uchicity, ~ ~te~aed to bandoh f~I~ ~o~hf tt~rn, and bed ~be ~o~n~y v~SWrd~P th~Yf~ his d~ught ~ also a'thesartle 1tim&-~ With~ a~ dfdllis 1~W' th~ 'db~t ~hind hini op~#i&d~ ~nnd'~ T fWl'~ov~tl4~ '~Y~I~If, li~& s~iil to :lj~,~iiL, foot step was beaed; I{~ Iih*~n ~~ePihd ~4io4.t\ri~L. ~ Ik~i4ied, ah confronted I~fs daughter. . ~", Girl, 1iAvi~ 1y~iii Al~&~y~~fti~a I" he exclaimed! in ~.. tfi~l~6hiii~hli~lfI to~h'~ ~h~iij&tjj~ht tonishment ~nd alarqi as ii~ ~ ~vhen 1 ~trki~k ~du '~6hi~ib~s t~ iki'~ ~Vii4i'jthe ~lrover pocket b~oh Into his 1~oi~f~i)~' intik~diiig ~i~re .~bC Fie~d r~ ~ea~Zani~vemCnt that dId ~v, 1~ '~i~4~ tii~ h& ~' U6 ! ffih1~ls ~&Wtah ~v'~s~a~e ~he young girls ~io~i~i& '(fJ'~l~#e ~/6~i~ht of ~i~b.41~j~j j~j~ #* ~ ~ father, it is O~th~ir~,~ said ~ Fatbet, I~lH ~iot sdPI~eiic'e dhl~s ~j~qregardirig him w~th~~eaA~ast at~ ~ ~v{vith me, ~ 4entiou. this old man's money, and sol~A~nIy 7" In the name of all the d~vils:ir~, ~worn1ot harni hidi nJt?~ hell,~w.hat bangs you~here ?" ~ ~'He1lan~i fui~vP'i~o~ared sh~ infiWi' eIliave ~oine, fath~r;~ ated ~iinister, ~dvaneiY~gbw~rOgAbe pr~ventyIsi~ ~ Ltp6o"b'ek'~eif from committinga great crime,~'r~ipli~4 1e would hate tii~i1ihilat~'dVbet'iiiptrn file b~ave girl; as ~ '~ahnly ~hte~ ~ sp~-.~'.you 1persi~rjin r~rnaiuiog, ber~elf at the b~d-5id& ' ' ~t~ei, xv~U;4~..yqu l~nqw History furnishes i~aily'~hi'ilti~j~jhL 4~eco~e tier ces.9f th~ disqbe4iqnce?" Wt~hc~s of ferniije h i~nV]4.4Iliidli ~er ~ I ~ i~~ilTii~r~te tIit~ ~reno~li'~f r~op4e$.' hr s~~Qre J~r. wIt~atu- in ~ ~, ~abp~r~pt. ; . ~ j~ however~, tUt~ .ihd&~hl~ as thd ~ ~hfMh- 4is Wa~se~tHi~v~ert h~1o~e~y ~n9w des'qrl~.~rn~. Shdkr~w~..L~ThItb~ sp~ir this ,d~ m~iVs life; .l~~paypr disposPioii;uindW~s 4 l~ai 4yq~ h9lA~can ~9O Wi~t~d well er ~ Pl~~ ~ J~is ~4oo4.L. 4C'~ell ~ m~i interfere with ~ 'w'~" i,~;. 9J~t4~arr4i.4~ot opq~f1 thp~e~r~y lainy would be to plak~ berhWn lWe~'in ~ J~h~r,)~e ~ ,t~ypu u~j~s- ~ih~txi~tirnriiinent petit Y~ 'she ~q p~4ir~gly,; 14~nqt ~ ~tiii~Pro~tve the life klftlji~ dro~et r r1a~r f~j~qp~1i),1.;;,~, ~ pe~sl4 ir~ the elThrr, although ~ t6t~l srtang r ta l~r She '4'ather, hear, me ~ ,A1~st, had he1ird herfatht~r &e~e ndt~~h~ ~et you shall Keep the money; artd, in lat~'ftWd~ sh~ well knesv fot i~ih datk 6~'d~r ~d sli1~ld ~Nih. fthiii~ h~iil~ I will ~c~' M had gone thei~e, ~h? Wail il 'tti~'~ 'b i~'fl~fd i~er ~heh~Jhiin enter the droveh~ h&M~4,~ ~ ~ ' 1~~Ot and had i'ollowed him Thei~ ~j~~~gjj4: ~ i" k~u~oti~~. blenes, at purpose and an a ount o~ i~ ll'bbM~ ~it'' 1~.2i'' ~ I 'e~',i, ~auvuge that were wo thy the~ ~ ~ '1 I page: 30-31[View Page 30-31] a. "BahI the plaL is notabadonein Itself; but the hounds of justice would you to tell them how, you l~4disposedof4ie money; yotLcould opt Mswer~. and then they would sus- pec~ the tm~e sta:e. of the case." 'Zt won't do; the money ~ nuist haye, and ray. anfety 4crna~ds that the d~~yer should dlQf Listen to me, Catharine; you are tpo much like your psalm- singing mother: to suit a man 'of my lawless and desperate character; 'but I really do not wish to harm you.. Let roe have my own way this time, and upon this money we will, in some dis- tant place, live in splendor. You shall become a lady of fashion, and ride in your own carriage. No~ what say you I" The poor girl did not even seem: to hear this proposal, but continued to plead for the old man's life with aiim- pIe eloquence that might have melted .a heart of adamant * "Dear father, you spoke just now of my mother, who for many years has slept in a lowly grave in that sweet and quiet' spot in the distant 'West, where stood our cottage home in those nappy days of innocence which have fledibrever, Oh by her gentle 'piera. ory-by her humble 'but faithfui'devo. $ion to you, father, and to ev- 'ery sacred and holy remembrance of her purity and angel-like goodness-k-- by~very sad and touching recollection of her poor l*oken heart and meek res- ignation to a cruel destiny-by all your hopes of receivin~~heavenIy pardon for your many crimes, in order that you may join that dear ~saint in a better world than this-I conjure you, my fa- ther, to refrain from committing this' dreadful crime!" Copious were the. tears. shed, and many were the eohs uttered, by the ill. fated girl, while. making this appeal; bather tears apd sobs, anasupplica. ting wqrds produced nopffecti.mpoa.that stupendous villain, further than to ream der him still mere deterirunod to a~ complish his murderous ~ohiject. "Get up!" said he, savagelyas with his coarse hands he grasped with bra. tal violence her fair and beautiful shoulders, all uncovered by the disar. raugernent of. her night.dr~ss-~" get up! Don't think to preach to n~e, as your meek-faced, milk~and-water moth- er used to. do! Now go to your own room, and k~p a still ron~ue about this night's *ork, whatever It in y be, as you value your life. Go !" "Never! You shall not ad th~u old man to the long list of you vic tins; he shall not share the La e of that unfortunate pedlar, whom ' "Ha ! 'pratixig hussey, you kn w $00 much for m~r safety," cried B ndt, fiercely interrupting her, while hi eyes literally blazed with fury-" you shall no longer be' a stumbling-block in m7 way; therefore you shall join your mother-" "Mercy, father-spare me! in Gods name do not 1611 me! I am strange" hing-mother, I.-." She coul4 say no more; these were her last words-for that black-hearted and 4oubl'r~damned fiend had twined her long hair around her neck 'with such infernal force as to strangle her. Yea, poor Catharine was dead; her pars soul had passed away ~jke. ~be wind, which animates the harp one moment, and the next is gone I Am~d yet no avenging thundprbolt came to strike the villain dead, and hurry his black spirit into the hell that was yawning for it! Having accomplished this diabolical deed, the murderer threw the body from him, and laughed, as he looked ~t its projecting eyes and tongue, and its blacl4bloo4-distermded face. then, carelessly whistling the air of a ribald sor~g,.he advanced to the sIde of the corpse and spurned it with his foot. I' *' * * * 1k~ WAD TO RUIN, a I THE ROAD1() RUIN t I t CHAPTER X,:, ; I with terrific ~iolenet~fuIl upon~tl*e old )man'shead. 2 . Awofurna ~tiRD ~~5tu vI1*~At1Y ~ f~wmoiient'?i ii stiil'p but s.ud~ denlythat bird of evil omen jnJ the It was most unfortunate that Jack cellar gives utterance to a ~t'y~ th~t~rea Unrold, instead of goingatonceto the aouhdsthronghout the houee~andc&us. protection. of the poor drovgr, vei~iaed es the ~4ood of the niurdem~or to ~ahrdIe for some time in amott~us/dalliaac~ in hi~ veins ; for it eeenmwdiko ~the with his beautiful cbrnpaniQ&~ for ehriek~of the old mao's riepartiogghoat. while he was thus engaged, both'the The deed of blood. is firxishedahd landlord's daughter and the old' ~eotle~ the axe with whkh it was ncmplish. man met their deatI~s!at the hand~ tif Qd, isthrown aside; it is ered with the villain Brandt. I ., the drover's blood and rains. Having murdered his daughterCath~ Have you courage~ reader; tt~ glatte. anne in the barbarous manner :j~zst towards the bed! Hor~ibl~ ~igbt~! narrated, the atrooiou~ mOnstet~ pro- The old man's head is litetallysraash. ceeded to consummate his 'wo~k of ~d' to piecesand presetits: not tito faint' blood. Not a shadow of remorse for est resemblance to humanity. the unnatural crime which he bad ~ Having wiped the edid ~erapiratioi uon1tnitted~ entered his hardened h0art; f~oiii 'his' reeking 'brow, the murd~tei on the contrary, he rejoiced that the raised the drover's body in hi~ a~iV~ poor girl, whom he had regarded as an blutched t~e'lantern, and de~c~vd~d to ebatacle in his career of vill~inyi Wa~ the cellar'!vith tottering fd6tsteps' A4 m~ow silenced forever, and incapable '~'~ ~heing' to the bri6.k of tl~e' betraying her knowledge of his. m~iany *hich' he had digged, he tht&~* iii the crimes. ' ~ do~pse ; and then; not daring' to lo~oI~ Taking up the axe which he: ~ at~ound him thrmigh fear of brought'from the cellar, the niu~derer e6me horrid 'd~parition, he'h~tily~ iJt e~aminedits keen ekgewith' acbuakle tbe cellarand entered the ta~rn'l~l~. of sttisfaction. ' ''' "'Tis in good condition; the old Here We recruited a man will nevet' know wlat hurt him," , himself wa~h said he, coarsely.' ' cij~i~us draught of' brandy, an~ t~en Then he advanced to the bed-side. re~1tered 'the ch~iber' [~iere th~ The drover, plunged in the deep e6rpseof his daughter r9~ained~ and dreamless slumber produced lw Takitig'up the body, of ~he ~x:~llent the drug which he had~ taken, lay all but the ~irl he Made r~noth~r iQurr ii~y to ceii~L unconscious of the impeodiog d~ngeL 'burd~ into hnd. threw his ~ Arid now, with his, teeth ~ienr~hed 'Y tie grave, b3~N~ together, ~nd every muscle of mis face of ~iis other v~ctbo. ' K.'; 1K:' working spasmodically, l$randt raises "'.~ow te de~pa~tch. the 'ti~ro' y~uug the gleaming axe in' his~powerful but travehle~;, ~Jien. I. will fill in~ the gr~ye, shaking hands; yes, raises it ~~ti1 it and my work is done?" said 'tie., almost touches the .c~ihng~. ' . Stooping down, he was about ±~pick For amnoment, the, deadly weapon ~sp;the~ lanterw which he bad j~hitoed remains poised in airand no j~piortal upon the ground,: .wimsn~ h~ board be- .otd is fluttering mnpos~ the.~confitmes of lund. him the sOundif /foossumpa, a'id eternity. , ' I'l~en, exerting ~i~remenciomas i:" .e~clanmatiqn of. ho~or~~.QlEre'j~e all 4 ~nmld recoyerhiir~5~lf,1 w.n'i~ll&to treugth1 Brandt brings [the'eai~tk ;by'O 4rern~a4omw blf~era 1 4 I I' page: 32-33[View Page 32-33] ihe ~unt~t~';bf 'a;hav~h~t~ 'aTe the vojee of Jack liarold ejaculated-.'- l~te t0Mi~4he i~ld atanadife, b~~t' not to~ late ~o lake ,engdan~le 4on sAithough wet materially Thjtn~ed~b~ the bloW fti~ih~heh4r~eeived; Bmni~t w~a ldrf the' eii~ rendered ~m~leteIy inseli~iJ~lei; 's~l 'Jack h~sten~dto take adv~~of ihe' circumstance. ettifrg'all his stre~igtK, which was coti~. aiderdble~he sei~ted the rnurd~irer by the feet, a~~d h'iri~dra ed ~him i~p th~tepe~ading from the cellar, con- vedhirt~ in the s~ine unceren~onious r~gn.r'frthe, chaniberin which. tl~ ~w~tant4ers hRd just been perpe~rat~d. Here he threwthe huge ibtm of tee ~ill~i~.~pon ~ f1~or, and refiect~l a f~w,~i~meritq upon what was ne~t $o(J~ ,1 ~4Q~iQrig4i4 Jx~ i~emain i~ dotb$u~ cour~e, tobe pnr~~d,1 S~r in~ the necessity o~' secu4v~g~ ~r~4t e~e \~ ~~uld recover ~rpxn, l~s ~ h~r~ jugan~ to~ sea~hi ~ i9 ~L ~ ,fii~d1 o,~ ~Ion~ and e~r tremely stout cord, that was exaotty adapted.~o the purpose, der~r ~n'd fo'Z ~~flbet~Uy~ the ~ibi~ to mp~e a ~ pert f~1~frss,;ur helo Was deliberar tur~g 9p~r~.a t~rihle 'r~~t~iod ot~v~ngr Ai~ tbe' d~v~r'~' death i~henIi~ 'h~a~' tne noise of apprQ~cl~ngf~&ep~, and ,hriextQmrep~ he ~1asp~Win the 4rili~ bf~'Mai~y Wilson ilieT dis~u~J~ pnrtner6i' h'i~ forttifi~s. *it~y'htid ~re~~dhcrma'WaWire; and'1he~ 4t~vely ttanteriance "~hibi~d traces nfirin~ense itIki~WJ ~ she l~'~i~h~dthe nitiSt ~ ing'th~t~ you idait~ev1tig yetir~ 'I MlbiRGAD a ~NE~REYAX~ THi~RQA~ 'f'J~IUJIN U life in your eiierotfs desirh t protect that old man from harm, I c uld not re~ianiaboye,41na Btate, :of ~ spen~e., so I dressed myself and came a search of you, resolving to share y ur fate *htlte~rer ittnighVJse~' For s me time m~ search.for;yomwasvlitliout success; but I;bavefound you ~tlast,' nd now I'arnfWppy4~' o~" Ah, 'Ma~y~' said Jack~ in tonetot p~foiind dejection, es' he '~g utly' re- ~iilse4 her.-'~' ~freur embrades: ~re full of lore's own delightful 'necta , but to. night those embraces have pr red fatal t6~thit'p~rd~ovet,~ in whom e were bot~i so~muchinterested,"" "it! How~-~whatmean you?" ~wYour 4~vin~'and ae4ucth~e lovehi' iids~ d~italn~ditneiin oar chain erw~en I~dald have been'oa the al rt; aiid, x~hilo Wewere ~ngiiged' in' ~uaffiing 4~ep ~lMughts of intoiticatingj delight freax' w~es~s:rosy chalice,~ tbe~vil. l~ht l~~4lotd had an uninterrt~pted 'op~ portanity to murder the w rthy ~ok1 gonmaa-~art Opportunity ' f urhieb Brandt has availed himself. he dw~ h~~oed'the jiha if ydtdlg' ~irl shudder d; mid ~o~v4'or4h~4lmt time, she stalwart form of the bound' 'urderor, tying ilpOni(thehfloor. liem~erxs !"' she *e 'claimed, wringing her hands in unafl'ec edigrief -'~if shall 'uiMrer forgive mnys lfif'rny ~arfrsse~ipre~eMed y6u from~ otOcting ~ 'sDo trot afhict y6ui1self, y ~dear r'~~n~d1Jae'~affecfonate y.~e we rboejlially'to blame mi h~sw~iat. ter~ 'Wllntls'ditnecannot bo'und~ine. awdit i~ Oess to repine; Oar inten~ tii6n& 'w~re'igood ; let that~ refle~eien 'lioMftft its 'both~"' , "And the iahdlordwholies here~.". ~e~&'dedth~~ 'irsqtlired Mary, eag~rly. ~ he is ~only sturtned~ but 'fear het'.-.hois'noW a~ I~lpless~ a~' achild, for Goliah himself would be unable ~o bxk'1ho~h ~ttong xzoTds. I purposely 'avoided Lkihl~ngA1inl, iii arcier 'that'6r might he teserred foreverytorture tba~ anyin~enui~y can saggeeL. B~ assured tb4tI shall not spare 'the' snionste.r 'whd incapable: 'of assassinating ~n 'uhsu~ posting gueat." "Bt~t his daughter--the 'poor ~ixl ~bo cautioned usagainet drinking the ruggedd liquor; whereas ike 3?? "Douhtless~ asleep in !her chamber~ in happy unconsciGl~sness of ~l& those hun'ors for 'she felt too co~ifident, alas.! that I would prevent her fathe~ fnira injuring'the 'old mail. '~ThOicorps~ is in the cellar; let 'iii' go dq*inx and examine it. I have as yet :onFvobtaiss~ ed a slight glimpse of it~"' ~ '4 With these words, Jack lecbthe wa~ to the cellar, foLI~wed' byiJ.VhryWllsori. ~t will hoof' Course iuudorsedod~that as yet neither ourhero horhisiniatriss knew of' the murder of the lagdlor4'd daughter; it yet' reniained4fqrlhom ui make that heart-rending discovery~ They believed the poor .:drover to: be the only victim of Brandt's vihlainyl. Ours two young adyduturera beat over "the brink of the'grave~ and, by the: light of the lantern, thsy~ gnaml down into th~ gloomy 'cavity, w~ich had been prepared for theni as well as (Or: the dro~rer To their astonishment 'and horWok~,~ the~r beheld, Lying biteidethie lx?*~tobf the old manl the: dead body of;Uaiha- "me Brandtl ' " 4' :'i"'~ 4 "Can. ~ be po~qil~'~&jmed Jt#ck, after ~ long inte~;a~ e(.i~h#kl0r. tag silenQe~ di~ing. y44I~l'4he ifa~u4~ of speeqksee~ie4 to havd~eert~4katJ~ him and ~jj~ ~Qmpaa~Qi' p~ st~o,~l~taly oy~rpower~d ~ ~lwy byAj.~itnex. pected ~ra4 awAil eigIHs#na~ it)'kn possible?' AIII ~ ~0Q ~A4J~I~WbTh?~ and good girl ~ ther~' fron~ ~iiii~ig 'he drb~n~j14~ villain, qnm ~~ed at her1ii~terereqce, first despax4i~d her, 4$~ th~zi ~iVu~"old liable thou'arl"" ' ii "The manner of th. po~*'~irN d~ea~ ~YwI'y e#idebV' sai~M~Wils~W rfuliy..-" look a~'hhv~'~tuukiuai~' ~yO and distorted face; she has been atMn gied~w*rh'her ownboaittifr~ bait' r ':4' Cursit cried' 'Ja~k, who was worked'a~into a perfe~a~roxysnx offury bytirts we~rly~~' discovered outige-" curse hiit~orse ~iim'l 'Atly sentimxro$ ~if I wner4~Vthat may'hai~eonteied wAy'broast,'ln te~iMto 'h:i~n~ is now b~snished~ 'ib4rert;: and I swear~to: inflict" upon hira"such ~tor- r~ent5 a~e:helIalone cauveqeal:in int~n~ sity..~-t.ormerxts to which the:ho5rwa 'of the inquisition were4tstho:doliglhs 'of Paradise !~ Corn ~itl;' let' as leavo this pit' of horror ;"Ia~ri ea~et'te begia the 'murderer's punishn~entt!? .-'"~.'. "~Buti,'~'~ald 'M~r'y,' 'whd"w~sJ 'more than half'frightened mit her rlove*PaiIf& rueit~' ~of speech, no less than .by~:thft savage fury of"his 'looks-~." bathsd'you not betterfiret cOver up khese"two poor victims with earth ?"' "' 4 '' ~t No I'~ r~~lied Jack, "in a Voice of thunder.-'-" these dea'd bodies shall' ho the chief i~t±uxnents iathe'murd~ror's puinishmOn~~ Either' heavenl'0v h~ll'4~' 'Ikntw' hot which...Lhtus:. intpii~d 'rae with a plan 'of 4 'retrlbutiokm~"thrm' ' mention 'of which shell make th~ soul 'of' the 'villain shrin,~k"with 'ftel'rot. "'lie patient; this pldnof mino~ shall ia~a ~bOdevel~ped~ Oome!~' ': '''1"~' ' '~HAPT~k xt'~ n : ' i hU'i' " ' F': ' PtI'ifteuMs#e '1' ' 4 1 bU4ponrroturningto' theui~oora iwbicra ha4 'been t~ied~ne ~ crtm~s thae'bave:~le~4'&arnwd~ ~entur~vsA'ound"that I~r~ndtnhi~df:wot .yet'rco'v~red 'fromr~'thes;e~bet4 '~bf~ttM to'verb' bloW infiiote4~ii~jf~rf $rin4 al'~ thoughhib In~reased vlg~ 'of.' tMa :anxlourveitd whot einS~e from his'ir.sotaei~l~ ~tagev."4xxte u~tto~ditIon ofce~e~tuiut~am ~a~iarid ~i1* I I' I I /' 0 4"" 'I' THE LR&Ely!'901R&IN t page: 34-35[View Page 34-35] U 3* ~~~TIlE ROAD TO. RIJN'm fOI DV UN with which totaloblivioa were a~blisa indeed. '~' I ' Meanwhile, the lovers em~gaged in convorsatiofl upon the murders; and the events connected with them, as '~well as their Own pOsition in relation "W~ien I left you, roy girl," said. J~ck.Pin out chamber up stairs, ~ft~r otirimmjudicious and protracted in- delgeoce in amorous folly~ I began to szphore, at random, this, building, which aeems'to~be as extensive if notquite'as grand,'as One..of the~ %*erm~n' haronimil castles of the olden time. For sorn~ Ltime I wandered through galleries, and passages, nodnpnrtinnents, in sermr'~h of the old gerutletnan whom I had sworn to protect' from the landlord's bloody desigpE. ~Zy search was for, a ~Joog time~unatteimded with success,, and 'net s sound. could I hear to indicate tha~t this old house was tenanted by a hu, tuan being. 'After, a while however, I w~s startled arid almost :frightened'tit heanir~g several unearthly shtieks. which, appeared to proceed from the lower part or cellar of the Wildin'g~ These s~urmds Wete not such. a~ a hu~ man being might utter; they rather ra*einnbledLthe noise made by the' owl,~ wh~eh you know we have -frequently heard while travelling through the woods. Still continuing my explora- tions, and fully resolved 'to penetrate tIAe mysteries of this infernal den, I finally entered this' ebaroher, which was empty; hut i noticed that the bed was ss~9~ratea with blood, apparent- ly freshly shed. .~ While examining these signs, I heard a noise which seegti~d to come from the cellar; and having without any ditilculty found the stairs leading down~ into that' ,sibterta~ 'nean~ place, I'~descended~' and saw Brandt thrOW a.cQrpse into the grave. whiCh ho had prepared. Then I heard him, say-.-~' ~jow to dispatch the two ~,ung:travelleI~ ~ then toulill in ~the grave, antI nty~work is done I' While s~eviUajn wasin the actofraisitighis lantern from the gtonnd, 1 stole up ao*Ttiy behind hUmid' and gave 'him '~ blow 'with the blunt part of roy hatchel thatlaidimimpsereless. Having thus rendered him powerless, I dragged him up the cellar stairs and into this cham- ber, and then securely fastened him with 'cOlds in the manner th~t you see. Scarcelyhad 'I accomplished this, when you 'made your appearance, dear Mary; -and Lyon remember how"horrified.'we both were, on examining the grave in the cellar,' to discover there,~ not only the body. of the drover, whi~.h we had expeOted~, but also the corpseof the landlord's daughter. Curse the vil- lain !-~~aee, he begins to reviVe." ~' What is the nature of the punish- rnent Which yan intend to inflict upon biroY'~ inquired rbe:young girl, in a halUfrightened ~whisper; for she saw by the~expressidn of her lover's eyes that he bed formed. some terrible plan of retribution. ' Ere Jack Oould ieply to this question, Bratudt, who had by this time entirely recovered his~senses, made an effort to arise.; ~ut,'finding hiniself bound and completely helpless,' he uttered a trefliendousoath, 'and 'surveyed the twa spectators with looks 'that partook both of"bewilderment and savage fury, ~ ~ What means this ?" he demanded. was shawered only by :looks 'of deep abhorrence and cold ccintemnpt. i" 0' n'th~Aiaand de~rils !', he e~cltiim- ed,~f~aming ~ am I' to be tied here like a dog? 'Release me in~ et~nt1y~ ~n~ing" scoundrel-~.-or' you a*uA pebmi disguise-.instantl~rV br~-' ~i~;~" Il~ 1)er~.L4'4silOncO, wretch, or ur~p~nishlitea~ shalt b~in nozb!~i "2~' ~Yi bro1~e forth' into' a' volley Of heirid~aths.' ' ' ' I 3ac~k'took' frpn{ his pod a. 'sinai. pen.kmiife,:~iidl~ld the bladqin "the flame of the lantern until' i~' had he. coin~ r.e4rhot. ' The mt~rderer' surveyed this ~ppuinJ .ing prep~YatiQn with a tr~ub1ed and oration, that'the dew 'omg victim ~OI1~ an~-ious 'look. led ~With' a~oiiy, andniti~le& bie rie~ 'I c~rnmanded you to be silent, and with thb mt~at beriid'b~aep#~ln$~ you disregarded tue; I am about ti hi order to' incre~sd~th& ~Wretchr punish y6u for yoiii' disobediencee" torments, Jack protracted the' '~roce~s Uttering these words, Jack appr~ach- and ~vhen 'U' '~Aras cor leze~I~ Bran' ed the bound wretch', &~nd' bent over be~dd most pitent~sly for wat~t' han.. " '~i am now the landItn~d eF thra Naturally anti:ipnting the infliction h6ii~e,"'mid km 'hero la6~1ring-~." ar*f' of stinie h6rribld 'tOr~nent ~ar~dt 'con4 you, Mr~,' Brendt, are rn~ ~it~t I centrated ~ll ~hi~ giant powers, and could not think f~ffetit~ ~ water,' having called iCto' action every muscle and I regret that I have no Wrt~e" and sinew of his vast frame, he made "Ah !,~ tried the s'ufferiti~ ~.vr~tcb, one mighty and tremendous efi~rt to with extreme' eagerness~LL." tbere Ia hurst' asund~ the cords that confirmed the seller an abundance df ~h~ke win* him.. But all in vain; he was as p6tr. which I never gave to trav~llerV but erless as Sam p son, when that eminent abktiys reserved for my '~n~ti' ~ent~eman fel into the hands of thu use. It is bottled, arid is pia~d ~ Philistines, in consequence of havitig sheI~es in the right hand 't~ort~etIas you been 'shorn of his locks by his Delilah? eM~r the cellar. Gd, youngiii~n, fe~ 'vhicli is ~;ot the only instance insc~ip'. the' lovei of 'hurPanity,'~and get i13e~' tural and p.~fane history wliereiti a some, for I am pexishing with thiist~" man hag'been deprived ofhis strength "Thitok 'you 'tor the infm~tion; by 'an artful woman, in order that he th~e is'~ood .nevmrs," said Acit, with a might become the prey of his enemies.' sardonic '~rniis.L~." I thdught~it'~ stMti~' E'inding 'that his most stupendous thut' a~ geritictitan' of your titidomibted"' efl'orts were insufficient ,to effect his taste in'~W~iters ertainingtbthelarder release,, and. seeing that he had no i6tild"h~v'e'nothis~g in the~houee ,io mercy to e~cpect from the stern ahd dririk'~ut Ii1on~n~ahela' and Old' 'Rye. fiery youth who held him captive ~ Be as~ured that inpy comMnioft and Brand t gave himself up to despair, and inn~self' i~ill not fail to profit 'by you~' closing his eyes, uttered a deep groan rather selfish treatment 'o~ '~tr~vellers' f~ill of initiguish and terror. " %'riend Brandt.' Mary,'dmy dear, remawi~ "W'retch," continued Jack Harold, I~e with this gentiskn~n WidIe '1 do. in that cold and passionless tone which ~cend to 'the cellar dud g~t a bottlh"'or is a thousand times more terrible' th~ti' two fil~ our "imrnedia~to r~fr~liniettt;' the most' violent butbrehks 'o~f4 frantic and' b&'iot "in' ~hO slig1~t4st"' z4e-" you shall carry with ~rou,4o~h afraidof hid taking'libertie~*itIi' y6~i~ to the dark chambers of hell, ti brand for there'~ ~nne~hing more poten4than ufrnna ~ioui' brow-the initial l~Uet Of 'honor to ~reat.rain him.. I shaW.'re~;,z~n *iThder~-so that your fe)loW'dentons immediately." ma~ know and apprecint'~ youtexal'ted Hd'leftihe'~rootn',' an4'ri~r~ Wii~on ~mpllty, and treat you with becotnil~ ietn~i ~~a'~lone' with 'the 'Iti~derer, So sayir.g, the unrelenting dveng~r to dd~l ~h~'~ir ~fthe slaughtere4 girl and the drove~, j~rsti" el&qu~hce ~4~*hich'4ie *q~ with'the 'red hot blade' of the knife, ~~bWihthe'h~p~e 4~ ind~a1te~ to branded upon the forehead qC the met- fre~ Iii*m 'frim his b4nda. ~''~ ~J~rer the letter "'M."" The' marl~ was ~d~y,"~id 'he-.-lle~ ba4~1l~4'Itet deep, black rind hia~us' t~ behold. d 'strm~npet ~ ~o iutense'was th~"pairi 16fthi& op. ~ $euitti~ ~et I' A) ~*/ ~ IIR4 gg page: 36-37[View Page 36-37] p U T~ '"MW fqr~ wh~n.; di p~var~ y94~9~9~j Therefor~, she iepl*e4 t~ q a con~ gx~ce ar4 D~ I~ ~syR~? L9ok1 temptuous silence, to Iht~ coi4ipue4 at me; Z ~~~9r~iW I were witness ~ ~e *o*~e&~ ypi~ iy4r~ ~ ~ph~is~yab1e ~retch who, beqn~ia~jctq4~ ~pon nie. am V n4~d~ ai~ai4 ~ ~hari~e4 them to biFtef; f9E lif~ ~Wi~ia;mar1~ ofinfaniy~ave I cu~ses~ I not su~ido V expiai~d4n~&~hi&? ~IZt i~ return to Jack Harold Pe~ Yq~r fier~ip~ l~iting ~n4 ~ ,cendin~r into the cellar, he had no dif. bi~t 21 l~n finding t~ie store of wine, of fleilty and acces~i~ i& the a r~y., ~b~h took several bottles, mefr9m:;tl~e~e~9~ds.. ui,~ ~. then, urged by ~rr~istrbIe curios4y~he ameoEndhn~anri~!" u~p~9~hed the grave, in oi~krjo take ~MI w~r~ L9 eat. yotl ~ ho.w p2~othe'r, ~2dok at the tv9 v tins of ~qu~4 y~jrequie i~e servi iis~ed 'with .~gex4jng the yret~h wfth ~ advanced the lig~tin l9p~ or~p~qu~Iosrty. l~d, ~ str~ani ~of dark *objec~s~is~ued ~" c~first dash ~ut yourb~anjis. iN~d~. from the ~grave, ai~d ~with ~redi~Ie yq~r ~, ~r~4 ti~en ~nur4eF~ yot~r' ~ ~4p~dity ru~hecjl off~nddi~app~ai~ed in cu~p4~a~~.s he ~oi~s up the. k~ ren~ote corner. 4ur~ 1~'flw~ght ~ndt,;~-~it Our hero instantly com~rehended ~ie bodie& h~d already h~ii ~s. hj~verka1 ~piyw~isut~~ursw qUII~LL~ ferert,;,~ , ,, ,, h~ll~4: by &' legiim of ratk,~,~'&hii~h * 9h, j~4y; Iwo~4~ ~r~t I~JL9p~n Q1~d in ~he celh~r. A glan~i a~ ir~y i~qps 4b~s~ yoir; ~i~4 w~n~ ~he remains pf p9or Catharinea~ the cq~i~iic~t~ t~secfet ~ 9f drover, im~nediateIy c~rifirined this b~. I~gQ~p q~nonqy, s~$~ ~fl tri~p~, 1i~f~ ~or their i~e~h arid clo~hin~ i~1 placris~b~ ~n~p f4end ~p~4qnt ~n Wr~r.1t'~unwroMs these fq~ life; jiay~g~n t)u~ loa~h~o your ~ ~ o~acot~s ~nQ me anmma~ls. de4~yq~ fo~ kii~dnes~ biste~d of rh~frifesting dis&iis~ at ~ t~ r~iy~, d~p~ur~ for, some djs~a~ BI~4 ~6 r~pu1si~eZ ~nd inste~d'~fcov. pJ~, t~r~pa~ t~erri~t of .rpj~ ~rng ~, th&bodies with eart1~ ~d i,4~n~at, in4~rs~y, ~h~rel ~ they might be prote~ted frodi tI~ s~s#ne forwy ~ ravages df 'the hy~na~1~ke vermiA ~vhkh, men~ their Whis j~p~ ~e~4i ~yas 2~n~irered i~~hs4 c~rn ~ountenanc~ ~ ~ ~ir~4l4 h~ve *~4AI~ e~pres- cr~4~ r~p~p th~ ~rost ~an~mpflI9~ sro~ of: ~atisfactio~i a&h~ turned away, ~frhq4is~ p~r~en that ~ye~ ,pr~cl~. r~nd ~ h~ iis~ended the cellar~ siaArshn " 4~7~.: to ~ 8he~9r!.. 'niuter~d~ shall be my most '"6~~t ~rit~ ~dsh~w~(~tk osera~s in ~he ~ Qf~Uflh8h.~ Os!it'buiifitst~ 'lb CO*~JI~ ts~If withal ~' mont whi~2 ~ have formed 1" - wPI enjoy brave feast when thriy o~o~er, ~i~ig~ girl they ~ ~e1leni the 'burly carcass of jBrand~, al. ~ w~ n~ ~e ~., t ough that gentlee~ ,n~ust ~ ~ ~ the I~po~ fir~t bq~on~ ~om~what ~edu~'in~sh Returning to t e chaix~b~r where he had s e et ~v i~4"~ e~' th~ h,,4 left r n'and'4rii~oi~iid 0 '~'~B~ a dared to r, J~rc pla ~: ~iin~~ uj~on ~W ~ ~ n~?~pg~ ~rlQy~rs i~1lexi. the t~We, and' then 'with his mitt~res~ ~ 'willi sat down t%~ cri~~ ~rd~~sa ~ TIlE ROAD T(~IR~JP~ ~ray~iaa~id eiitredties ~f the~wr~tehe4 ~~onyou 4he efit1.~y~ie~ 1w' who' begged inithemost ~p2ite~.' in ate &tprett3r' '~ttbj4~tt11t4AIi~ ens tone& forb.'fewdr6ps.o~ill~re ~ fo1~ai~ io Iea#e ybu fi4hW%~Abt~ ing beverage to coolbis' parchnd and ment- you wh~'hand,~S~}&A9U#i& biistered~toi~gne~ ~nd 'whose tbrrnents '~ery'uiunnen~ ~tai~qd with'Th~ii Ib&1 of wereincvease&tten4old by the aig~t bf yoilt oWn dg1itoran4f$tU1i~t~ geaeroaa~flaid'in liberal drau4kte.' 'lebetits, f r itluits tny1pot~pos&thttl~ft Finding it irnpopsible to obtain' ~ ~main ini'tn~ hd~d8~ins$tEdHot~7Wlt& thing with which t&ninoistdn"hi~.bimni. ~lv~'~ed~sbfQ Itho ~irt~tv gtliAyi 1i1~ ingthroat,'aha suffering' murdeaei~Ait~~ iI~ntsP well ri&*l~fie~ '1h~V ~& '.raiL~ bewled4with':cembin'ed anguisl4 ~ rein ~wlperfe~tly'qaiet' ~ooq ~X~) After an uhour.orsd spen~ in tihis 'd~N~t~a~~all; ~nitli~t~ tot~~taWfft'. n~anner, Jack arose from thetableshni oh~catvdn~vgh ~ announced his'iatent~on 'af:r~tinin~f6k ~t~h~yo~that" I 'a not a the night.. His:falrifriead ~e~~tes~ed say a thing without meaning '~it.fiOi her willingness and strong de~ire ~ shall ~laep ~zi a roQn~pea~tq A~,A~O tbllow 'his ~xannplc; for' already ~had i1i~ 'T~"~ ~ ~ her brighteycs began to evince s~nnp' slightest noise you ma ma e. ~ou "Excuse me, Mr. Bran4t," .sai&our thai ~ IL~ro,~as has drew foitli "fronr'tim~ breast th~s~ othoi~b1ad~Is ~ 9f that' gentleirarn th~ poor drover's ~ V~r~ ~ pocketbook containiug~tha~ five 'thOUb this table. 'u~NoWmat1t me v~ l'~if~t ~ sand dollars' "1 ~xcu~e'me, sir~;fok the ihg~ithe r~igiw~o~u' rir~ 'ed ind~~t.~'~S liberty 'I em' taking but ~realIy 'I- i~rn~g' to' ttorl 'tlit dsli~hte~t '~p~i.'j~ inie~ that 'I caa~ take care of thistri~link breathe a ~ ~ amount of change better than'~yi~n'ca~'? F' e~rttiab'I1itl1i'Nhrie~ iht&ffiltko'on. Brand'Cnuittered a' deep, car~e~. and &nd"'with ~this' kivife ~*t~a~,f ~ '~ .Do yot~ mmiii to kee.p'm~here all '~Brhndtr 'shiiddotedl arid' kfrb~w 4 night, tiedupoin this 'fa~hionn?' "'is d~epty;abn~t p~es~d the e't~b t ~ Not, odyito-night,'b'tt"&ir 'sweval trembiediujieAiijts Ji~e~ ft~ nights t6 cbmtr, m~respect~bl&frimid,~3 thht the ~iava'g'e 'ybtttfrurtiigh~Iip wa~the~cocd reply~ . 'u' ~'a ~ dreadful threat 'bite intsta'tit1'ez~ "Then~Iwill' taii~e' my voico~-i4pos~ ' Wii~tdg"tlie'i+ret~hed ~Atli~"arn soss good 1an~s;~I will znrakether house ironical ~ teivoand with my cries~ which *illsurn~ to'higteftib?~ retle~tions, ni~t d~iViked mon sox~epassin~ tr~vellorto~my'~as~ insoat'~h of~uitable acc~b~tA s~stjnnicci?"aajd ~raridt." " an' '1 fer~he ni~b~t~" 'n' ' "Stupid brute! do youJnot'see~thvnt io' 'Wi'ii ~ ' ' ' '~ yd ~d~tin wbuld a'amdron to your' assistance, ' Cfl?~CEA~ Xfl~~ yti~nr~4u~ iv~aid,~ upon~ being shown. 'the ~orpsea ~4 Mis f'A~'r~x' of,' yout'nnlundnredvicxims,'ieaist~'u1t~n ' 'Ii 4 'o canes. n~i i LIiWOa your bdingi~inastnntly conveyed "~fpM nJaoW'Ha~oId'nnd'his 1bea~iEIt~l 4nM~. a zi1G~tstr~ttefftb~~ ros~ilt 'jof alLwl~ie1i tress .sel4cted ~ a wo~be;~o~ir'd~th' irpha the~~illns~ baa rnetit~6W~pkAetts~ -ifs indeed, theinelin Cipeop1~hotdd eitaord~nai~reeaui$he I~'r not take iFinto theiiIh~dst& confer pfryed' in alf'~ts A" r L page: 38-39[View Page 38-39] S9PM ~ ~chwiop.,~aud,&t ~ ~t~p-'#M~this ohamh~r ~ o~eoeclpie4 ~y the ~*" 4q$u~to ~atlw*in~Ur~nd~ 4 ki j&piet arid .iihple elegance prevail~ ~Awi~his room; no attemjit at~osten~ ~ 4ieplay w~s~ visible.~~~alb was ~I~34RJ!d boantiful repose.~~ A fOw~Wdd 4u*er~ were scattered about~4;sentsng ~hp ~ir ~ith a faint add pleasant odot; i~pep t1~e wall hI*~g the pertrsAt dl the poor' girl'a no1~Iwr ''fairand ~wm- tie be ,~~th'poft blaeeyes, a ~rofu. q~ q~Ip~4~IR hale, and Weountehance tq~,wI~i;hdwght have been appliedthe ~&~si$~ and expressive worda' of By. ~ p~ile, jua4 rad!apt fac~, lEe te WIi~ht.d alabastet vase.~~~ .~thqusand deeply af%~etiug assoei~ ~ ~~ied to linge~ in ~very nook this later voice of ~ioor Vatharioe s~9 fo~~rpon she. summer air~ care q~no plaintive nieledy which ~ taught her by her ss&nted happier~ tunea~ whl~perrid M~ary Wik threwJier softarute around the heck of her lover and pressed a p~4~4ese J~iss qpQnhi~%heeit.~'~ this ~ coisecrated ~nd ho~iy'; let ~~9~t~wmnornory of thatintirder. ~4jgj~I,1aa4commikw ~srn within the ,~J~~;l~aR9ld tumne4aeide his fp~e to ~W~.1!hi5 gushing ttae. *4 ~ Whet can imagine the tw~mehts~ ~ ~frnin4 and body that Were en* dured~ during the slow progress of that night, by Bmnd~ the. murderer? His physical tortures were far inferior in intensity ta the iaent~m[horrors that as- ~iW4l~ip, and ~eonrgc4. his guilty soul as if with scorpions; for he was ~ af tiw mp*t terrible and ra~rmnq.~~uch~andhi* ~j4ro~e5 ~ft~ugh~pftisornUn ~4~W~P ~ucptiooa1il.eRs~coul4 ,o~ibl~ihave beenAIeSired bythe ii&os~ riid aoc.teoErner~hrefokmthdtovet 4~sc&steupon~Ff~fieshYilustc,".aad the knanifoIdeva~stliekeof. 4. irThelaverariowlaepaiated fore time; Maryrepaired ti~ the kitchen for 'the purpose of preparing breakfrst.-.-a task for which her former experience in her father's inn amply qualified her-land eke rejoiced in this opportunity of af~ fording Jack a conclusive cvid~nce~ of her culinary skill, arid a ptaotica~de monstration. that she ~ouldbe really useful. as~ well as highly ornanien~ teL ' Soon a roaring fire was. crack~ lingend blazing upon the ample hearth~; ~oontl~e suspended kettle gaxei forth its notes of welcome music, arid its tri. bate of graceful, curling steam;. ai~d in~short, soori was everything inrapid progress towardathe achievement of an ercellont repasts Jack, meanwhile~ repaired to: the chamber whereii layi theheipless and wretchd ~randt~ "I have come,"' said' dur hero~ ab. r~Iptly-4-" to announce myselff as you: Judge .and executioner. Are you ready to: hear your sentence V' ~' A pretty judge, forsooth !" sneered the murderer, in a voice husky with thirst and tremulous with rage..b-" may I crave yoz~r'Hotzor's name " You shall know myname, if you desire it ~ I am called Jack Harold," On hearing this name, at' $hat oer~ od ~ne of the most celebrated upo~ the records' ~if crimes Bnln4t's countenance assumed an expression of unaffected astonishment; and he regarded oar hero with a look of 'mixed admiration, catiostty and dread. "It must be's&' he muttered.~-" this youth can be no other than that fr. irious Eastern crossrn4zn; his; intrepid. ity~the peculiar expression of his flash~ ingieyesi andthe terror with' which h~ inepireeime, in spite ofhiyself, all eon- vinc~'Tae that be is indeed Jack liar. old~ Lh~arthatthero isa largere- ,r~tzd offered £)r his arrest~ on a.$count of ~me p~z~edipgqf his ~R ~I1~ ~i~ig~-; b~~qq& oP~ ?~ilad~lpl4as~ b~$ L~ji~j~e not seen the blUe ~ uuwtvp, an4 Qdesqiptj~ of J~i4 pe~4on,! OR V*~j~*14 ~Wf~JCfl9Wfl1&~ft1 a~ PflQ." n~~w t~your:ao~! "'hear me~ greae brother~ itirtl~egeod, work/P crio~I lirutxdtj ea~erl~~~e are'bothifrofessdrs of the same ~ublivaej cie~co;~ wh~ then~ should yotv injure! m forhavings perftrzne4 i~ jab *hic&t ~~gitimatelybelorig~te Sv~*u~l~ftadetf LeV~s rather form a shij~ itr busitid~'; year b~illi~ntgeniui~ en £onnectiOr~ with *hiwtaienlsI ~os. ~ gaecetif addrea~, a1dex~tkein4heJ world of fashion, qualify '~y~ ifoe4 ~tbe ornamei~tdl tioniof the btu~iuMs; while I~m just~ ~uited'fer the ~rbu~&H ~ I mal~oompauion tca~ tsleohe efimmense use te u~; in someof eiIrJar~o aides weean ~sab1isfrth~e l~ga'se,*witt~ thadinyuteviea of wh' h y~tiure'df I cours~ thoroughly &'eqeuitxte4t .Thu~ iI0tea4t.Ofcificin~Jtt~e u ssi~,~tou fdrel friendJackreleas~:rae frmt thee. cdtde, l~t~ usisheke hai1d~ tsp~'it*iand ~ Swear' e~r~aI'~ ftieadsh~'Wharr~y I youV' " aiisther y~or4d tij~n thW~bjoiit ~4I~&J~'1 ~ will s~ubi~ift ' ttr'thji~k~ ~d~thi~t1 A~l~iii~. 14 ~ ~ 11 gihoicii~inaI, ~ 4 in t4Tile~' 'tis' iio h~s~itrik~,' ~ ~'! ~tI~ ~ 'p~1~d~se ispe 'edtIWs ~ Wi~&tz. ii tra.dvO~uai~enticas4 sni~uajrdu Wan~t ~ ~ SI ~aR~b1oo&4~-hetoi4y~ w rtiq ewrn safety demanded it. I do riQ&is*tem~ 'qQtn~oi, LskoJt~ tu ~ish,. $~blow~tcb~o~v.eWwyoar own daughteran&fert thelliaJ~ ~ro. oiiy~yop~m4si~ihlyiJ1Li~ton to p~r$ ;; ~ ''4 '~ ' ' ' CfiAPTI~2IL IWL '11 ,' ulilad some efforts idsa4at,~Wicuh~s Aidilab ~e~owI liate[befo,.. ~"'Bst sh row Harold was &s~'dishe~i*tening~ tle~. *Oflj fiery 41w '~Inp~ilttnent, hdo~it~blrib~e~ &l~sge~ous1ftbht ~is1a~(4eas'(hRbitsb. ~stid po.~esshi~ en nfibt~ndi#ill~tej~ay'kabthhj~ )f'tlte)~i1'e5ige bfhisnlirn~r luz*k rejltz~ ~ triburial' ex~ iitOd degreeee df'~fe, tdfwl~ish Bmndt~ uMot~da~ingd u~'spdak ftirthov, he raurdorer Ijsteire~ 'with a1 blanched :le~'esada 4b~ating heart~ 'teithe 'felt awi~g~'wos4.~'i#hieh{~ur:herii ,Iw~ bounced with. t~clloinea~J that left ~d~ubs'of~lsr'sdewrity~.. riO I bnderftd yoie, htwea Ure.ndt, ~t*i 4k~za4 f#Oro i4nat' ~ the murderof your~dwughr hbaWhu~ left 1iut4f;~e? dsal~eitirM i'~hch~ r~aa4her~iJusvs ffthe'Iandvov~4i~.'~b~ thereisaq~iMe kiug.o blocistsirei*thea ~me'of~wAsidhyo~~ te;rilv*atIv ii Ii II ;~. 4 TM~IAfl~IRUIft page: 40-41[View Page 40-41] a If I ~wn ~&nds~ia bAeif of the ~useKd *~TIi1o shall b~ the anatner i~f y~uikt~ ~Ieath -4ku'Mrill' be all~w~d nething~ whs(e~ereithet to o~$ 6r 4rsnk ; e~tid, yott#iltcbe kept epMined~ '~s a~ pv~ ont~~withietrong~coi~de ~"ThInk~viot, how~ver~ thet y~4iiAre dootned to 4i~ of sta~vatu~n~. ~ your system has become reduc~dpby1 hunger, almost to the verge of death; you will be conveyed to the cellar, andj placed in ~ ~ra%~iJetw*0n the corpses~ of yourdaughter and the drover. ~, ~ dd~e4 by qufljngi~n4rph,~cii.. uied by hunger, you will tear with your~ ~etb a~&~av~ejy dav~n~ then ~letIt oft ~ 4~aying l~~lie~ s: aid upon tlIAU ~*l~Q~P0 f90d ~hall yQ~ subsist1 ~in~.V Nature, revelt4, a~d 4i~s~ , Wh~ny~a quitodeadtti. ~ with ~ Th~' yoi~t~re~ meins#h~lkb~ left to~ ~ot .~a cotxlpii$ ~ "T~us, Msaw1t,~ is~your ~ntenee~ ~4 to~ the vory Ieer,~t[a~y~aiidever~ r~sk. Puring~he ~rogret~af.y~ur.phnt of~peenirig. trarnllor~ by keeping~it&i. ho~se: catufully ~o1osi~tl~ ~sothat~ ithey wiU cQutinu0 the~r~ jQlarn~Ys Mdthtiut stopping here, ~tuider ~tlie imp*easioxi that h~stab1ish~nen~ hasbe~n~abhn- ~ioned. 1f~iu~your ~threnzy, ~yo~t~are sfr~infQrtun~teas' tQ wake an ~xatcry~iI shall find: an effe~taa'lrx~oane of silenc4 g(yoQ. The miwderer shud~1ered at thi4~aw. ml sentet~e. with thez teftei~ that one Would exhibit wh91 u~xpeeMdIy foa~nd bims~1fAki the gmep of a rnont~r~fkDm whpsa powur the~was n~roti eat ~ though'~lled withthei4ost ~d~iciiis foret boding~of what rnig~t bu~ his ~l~f~hls ~ danger in the faoe,~a~d~vvjthiAhedxi~i oeitfula~umoation~witb~*hich cowaa!d~ sr0~aptto~?.opceaI their Ldez~teicoa, 4i;iomkon t~eane1ves, he: lisA r~6i~r ~ttiie4~ tteaclwrowi reli~tM KLS pbw' etiedt~aty~nerc~ than ptep~ ~d'hi~n~If f~i~jhbwor~ ~Heq ~st~ie4 about him 'with a ~a~th~t, f~rIth&ni~rn~ft~ ~ an i&ttl4reeeozt. 1 etilaugh~,as if he~#t~uld p~r~adbhie~elt4hdt*bat he li e~d smer*ly~some pkia~ntry, int~idedt~o',ti~ hip. aryan Rift no where dId~iafr~ghtfnllnesri'nexW4aeet wifkfaao~swerlrg e~ho. vA~l~artund ~ ~J~l1e, visage of I~isJud~e and. 1?ae~ut~o~erv w~is col4, ~4tdry4k~taFmiOcdI Thisxery steailinpss of mioti wat. a thousand tini~swreialnrming ~isdhopele~s tj~an O.fl3 ~iO10fl~ c.rnikl lnivp pxnved. ~Whe 1attor1xv~igbt pessiblyha~e toi~che4 lus s~iri~and aw~keaed reaistai~ce, btat~ thu foer4hrewbInt\~ntirelyi4n ~.his OWQ fe~bLe~resg~rc~g .~ , Att13le moin~nt, ~Nkry~ WIJSQrI en~ tdte~n~uIea ~tbat breekfitst~w.s ready ~ d~Jtiol4Twh&seeme& tq~h~y, eoin~ s~cxetdm4tive; fer ~his ~ond~ct, with mock~ p liteaess:i~wite4 &a~dLto honot the,~tepau~ ~Wit1)ihiw ~proaance. Thi ndused~the~wretohed inn to hop@ that1~e ~a at~pafte~ all, doomed to su~4a~saque~e, of1Iu~i~g~r and i~t.' zt4~oyva~ng men at ntrawK; I therefote&nt teib Wnndaru4~t that~ ma~ .in~. hi% ~wful sit tiin;sh de~ra4j~ ~#ith ~eagernuss at even the most trifling circumstance 1v~i,~h see~ned ~ p~omi~sean~anaeliora- ~'e~,qf thc4reaAful, p~ish~ent;~t~ he ~ia~ been ,$h~atene~..,. nei~y eeize4 the 4~or 1by the 4~gs~an4 Witho~4 cere~e. ~iyd~ggedi ~ ~nto the k'tc~e'~, 4 ga~r4l~ of 4~ejterrif~c ~ 1ye~e ~i4~cteL~zpon~ ;~e.p~or~Tetcha with rage andthiirst ~m~ned,1~r4~i wp~4d: havq~nrsad. h~s ta~ineatpr for thiabrutal treatmeht~badihe;not~beeu restrair~ed by. the hopeofbeing~Il6wed ~ 8 "iiaving. deposited th? helpless ~t&rm Ia V I .8 page: 42-47[View Page 42-47] U 11 It '1 ~flZ Jt4MD ~rQ ftU1w~ L atiiau*e~ that I shall eat my oww I Wo~zld.hav~ ~ora the iiiy ar~a Iong~ ~ak6,~ he.dlh.* p~i theta mn~w4 'JHa~ hag Ii ~;r i~&bdnd~nt'fee~stprepared for yo~ it~th~~eHa~ in 'a' day or two ~yo~ ~h~ti he ~tatv~tyed to h~ A'br~Vev s~id~ nti~to~rt' bbrWf~riy will greet you...~ the g w~rtus ai~d the rat~I ~n~' ,4s%~c~of~cr~Pping sde~~l~4 tJ~oattpjiuate41 ~re of ~Bhind~, ~s. I4ieard t~ie~e w~rds~; and h~e sai4-- ~ J%~P~ varr~ roe tA~e .~ ~CQ~4a not e~ure ~ ~' ai~ ~u~ripga? en~arrd~ ~ V*~s, ye~ j. jw~ I I~V v~i~h my last breath ~" i~SS 3~bii Among t~ie ~'o~r& ~Bra~t whi~h ~ t~oro4~4ly 4~. D ier ,hdis~Qv~re4 ~nu~c ~ ~ sati~ faction, pair quantity Ofr amn~unition. e s&~ureii aboikt hH ~jih'ttiw, i&&i 4t0i be dS&II~t~ ~ ttbt ~et~-a~ yet !~'~ eiiedl doi'~atd1b~dum~,ddulI icri,'~nd dr~ad~d tk kvr~* tI~~We wa~1rehdy1 &~ T~* h IhitlialL the htrr~w~ alI~i.~ d~ t~i~byIiI~ ~m~ht~i~ and yetih~ I f ~*&w~h~ ~ of~iui~t~4Oa~ndbhd giri~spoll c~f~alhWely ~ 61 i THE ROAgemnstnt that was left to him. W~at though that space e~?~ii0 ~ tra~ht with a host of horrors? Until it ~ad parsed .Tack replace t~he~to~l~in his bicast, 4YMi~frat to die~~ ~ th~g~A~ urA t~wuhhed to tf~~O~d. I 1~pAA~I ~j~t c's; fox~t&hit~woiaId h~v~ beeti :#w4q§4 ~., o~tae~cy~i~nd I Y~. nude. Your pertt~.u~ ~ tbelletter. TI rqj~r~, fear not; you shall live uiitil 4~4I~ ~rey4j( ~ N ~ Tk~G44Qmp1~tely~ prostrated irv myt~aiisp~rt~drage.~ ~~an4t~ oi~l~. ~mftttbr a faint yoic~,~4i~~ n)tbedIe~ df~his~c~re1 toNi ~ suI~rimgs~ktitd lW~ad4ed~- ~ ~d' ~' i~tti~ the ~art-M~d'I4iswIy ~li~s~that th~yo ~e-4heh~ *er ~ ~ in ~ ~, j~ve meq assure you. ~ II~I H8.V111 .utter.e4thesewordi,.zQ.'verv coi~bIih I #ata 4a*X left ~41 page: 48-49[View Page 48-49] CHAT'TER~XV4 (j m wzaamu~a ni~oiz~4&sn ~ux ,~oa~oa# * ~ 07 TEl ORAVI. * purpose of procuri~g i~ibrewiKo~ ~ h~ ~~&liIte~l with such'a~siek~ning ~i& ~f~ld ~dor, from the~~4ecayiug bi36ie~if the young~ ~girl aiiiiithe-dr~ et,~wIiieh lay in the ~unflhI~d' grave, ~ iftkr sei0ing three orfour bottles t*i, ~tbe shelves, ~ obliged to in~e~a~ ~precipitate ~etreat fromi~the ~o.ti~*row," he ni1itte~ed~-"eha1l Brandt be thrown into that gra've.vI ~ei~1i~het this affair wu~wei,,.fosIiim ~I~ttIieof ~roceediagonpiyr journey; b~t4'n~uet tetnain until ~thatvilit~iu fr~a'Ihe~ 'his last. The poor dtove~s ,~n~;~&~dded hat~whiohiIpbtainb4 by the robbery orold~ Wilson& renders ~t~J comparatively ~ iEort!uie~~fa. a~brs~~ne at present; but 1io~ lopg~ wfl~ ih~ zih~re~t of s~ces~, c~ntin~w 4~ iow4' iW~iea will ftllej~~4~wa s~aip me feri~s victim? ~Ba I ~ s~ of 5~uragean4 p$iio~iphv, t~at 'au~te melikni~ht2diare! a setu$~~th~*eft~*~ ~e~Wf~'t~i ~ ~Qt~ii~ siblo fellow, who s~t~- ~ ~ ~ v~. ~~&'1'n p ~ Drwk.-beanty and tke bo*l'~~t' Humming these words, whic~i he adaptedd to a popular air, Jack entered &e principal apartment of the house, which the "parlor," and was-furnished ~itb. ~bmp,:pre4ens~on to gentility -aml ~uste.i -Here he fpnud the beaitiful-i ary,~engog~4 ip.per~w. -it~~! that' -fascinating but licentipt~s woik, "The Adventures o~ the Clwv~ ciierDeFaublasY' This book,~th~ had discovei'ed'amongaqunntity o(~rtibbisb in the-"~arret;..'-.and &agerlyAidthe lovely but eebsual -yonng' -girl dev9ur the exciting'd~tcils of tbe amorous a4. ventures hf 'the'dashing Chevalier. Upon this occasion, Mar~s'costume w~s ~f ~l~e 'ii~ost neg~'dcscriptioa and singularly picttres~ueWTli~ da~ ~ shE had 4idwn aside hez ~le-~tt~W~s being u4comfortalle and ~onfiriii~g to the action o( her -pliant ~avo1uptuoii~Idri~i.M k hEr rehEarch'es ~hr9ugh'thehbtise, ~lie had' djs&6vere~l a '~unWfuW-~' jh~i~' ~6~ttin~es, wbich had'bedn'Wf~ With Brandi 'by ~ company o~r~vh~linij ~4or~ who bad stopped for seyerel 'dab ih fh~ hduse, ~nd who, being ~hort'of fu~'ds,~w~re obli &to'l~veYthEi'r ~4t~drobe With ~ ~ eventu- A -I'~tq - ~ -, - - F~romthis w liob~ gary J~ad ~e. leeted i~the ee5t~1~O9fa Iigzmrant~ .in the ~ T~-li~~-; d~aj~ry 4isplayed-' ~nth~r' tI asoxq~aleW lj~er warm and' nw~lligg limbs,~ apd 9Y~V~ ttndul~tion of $er~Qn~-iike 4~r~i, as hh'e reclined ~~poii ~ S~$~e, i7)~t atti. lade of careless ~te~ gr~c~fi~J. ment~~' her'~~rclasj-ynt~4 ders and divi~ely bp~ntif4,:~t,-we~e- k1hil~ite4 witlite -4istrm~c~jpg J~ber4j~y ~nd thE newl~Mllen -enpw.-~, ~lot9~a re6der~lip~ Whit~ii~s,4ban' were those~tJnrge~an4~isitelywqqi. ded~globesi 'Wbjoh -~oqe ~a~i~4 fell in~lie excitement pro4i~q4 ~y4hpert~l of th~ fascinating psge.q ~f,4'~'ai~s.j".4.- The adminWy~ tOW n4v~enjju~ps1of4he passionate girl lilrerhl~y~4ier lolycboeks w~ ~ a~d imparted s ,spnrkbng:~fi~p ~o, THE kOAt~ shi eyes," tht~t' greatly enhanced h~r *on~tbiis beauty. ' Mary was so deeply absorbed inthe perusal df this book, thai she di~ 'h9t iio~kre the entrance of h~r lover "Whe advanced softly, and !~ced 'at th'~ ~age 6~i her ivo~y, s~ioulder. Jack ro~ind thdt"she 'was i~ ~th~ very i'nid~t ofthat rechercize adventuree irr'*hich th~ Chevnlier i~ conce~k'd'boneat1~' the sora tat' ser~cs tis' rh& theatre o~'thE e~Anubial' ~x~Wi~s o'Pih~ 'Marchibriett, de $ and, her, simpleton of a hus~aii4, w~i~ are ~both 'i~inc6d~ious ot' the 'hal- intetru pied' b~ 'the unexpe~tet~ ttI4I~~ val and unwelcome solicitations &Jtbe- "'i Wdll, upoti my' '&ord 1"' '~udd~hl~ ei~dnied Jack, good-htidl)r.'I L~. '.r.- irtary, ta1(en'nysurprid~bp~u~ the book and x~nanifd~te R~k~1~r hastened to te-i~skir~ Ii~t',! or~lmending her iife~al~y'ta~fhnrt4~ ~ug~estii~g the 'p~optiet~'f'~iil~ih4 tern N1as4uI~' atilIii1'~ - in~1kn~ ~ '' ~ "'i 1 - - ~aiud~r. of~ ~tha~'daiy *d.~ ~bd'~ii/~nr h~i'~i'~bd' hie'hifstre~s iii ~ end ~ rdVo~y'. "' - ~Ve c ld~edf~d a~iiffe'rerit' in view ~ 'th~~'d~d ~ti& d~'iri~ thai occupied the --1~ouse ~' --&n we ~' must adhere to the truth. I know the acti-'n was extremely wrong; I swn it, ~-4ep1cra it, qr~4~apn it; - But I detest !lictibt4 'efi'lA'-~tong, - And so must reU the truth, however you - T~e next morning it was discovered, jtg~ 1ni~.'Y His a and ~narled like a dog in~ st~d~fih~L obi~OL'Kfl&:had - with hi~i~thI as his cords would p~n'utit hire, and hE had acttisfl.y 'ch~*e4~ ~Iis :lips1arid -1t~ R~rterriole' sig'1~Jaok shuddci~il' &~ he g~iz~d~" yet heezpe~. rienced' rio"~en~irnedt 0iIpity~' tots tl.e niiedral~Ie wretch. ' I * '~Out~llero now: ~aeparerk 'to- fWL 'the l~st at*t~-most' awfu1'i~part'of the sen'~ ~ence 'which he had' :possedj tipoo "fIai*in~ 'provided hiinsdf. with' a li~ht~d :ilante'rh,~'hh' seized' the form of the dyir~" itiurdei~e~ in 'his-' 'pow~tfiuI grasp, and dragged' hip' dowti'inlo~ the ~ellat'A ' ''K' - "~-Th~ -at osphero of' that-noisome '~laee eeemned to bei1i~ra1iy' i~de'n'#ih particles of- c~rru~tionv' -~l'here is n o4or in-the -~vorld- so - ~c~lht~rl~' h~irr~. bl~aodindestiribibly ' ker~ing-~ ar~ ~o~isone-~-as ;hat~ which emnawi froth the Jirottitig rema 1poorh~u~ mnatiity ~'I~;- ' i ~ A ThE ~ella~r~vas so full dE this odog~ that Jack' grew i'aint and ~l4h~y,~ an hould wtrh'difficulty-save himself fro~ ihll~i~ tv the -~routfd.- HoanMrev,, hn~ by ~E~T etOrminat~*iJto' $~?*' ~y out 'his-ovi~ln~lidesigtl ~tn-hd'-~ery butter~ -'h0' o~trertaree" thin sfe~frng,~itwrid dra~ed H~ndtavo the ~v~r~e' ~ 'the grave. ~' in ~ ~%'~I~ Hort$iblo'slght t' Tile 'gn~*vh*~nd the rat were banquettinth~resm~nk1 ~e~*ti4eoda skulls, tery na$~~sri~ped ~f' their; fleelig~winired ~in~rghuatty~;rr* ieatteiup~it~Jtlie iinrodeolw wof r mt Jack raised the now emaciatd~frare~ hf'~r'~taodt,' anilth~retv-bhhW ~iatci~the ArxuL 'in ntitA Lns~ '.~g~; '*ii frightf'il howl of pleasureu4~g~h~t'his ~ nih !)f~fl iw~{,~ ~ThThlend-erS~4~51Lle&~ with hr~wr~nd~ 1ienhaeteia~ *0ui~ that day he was s~i~awd gltteat~m page: 50-51[View Page 50-51] S0 TIZ ROAD ~Q tWIN he had canal d Btandt,. depr~seed ~of the ,rnidnight~rind as j~ wails z~rp4pd his~pi~ifs. ~ven the sn~ile~ind c~ a place of tombs, the dying; ~it~4e~q * resses':(M~ry Wilson~wiw knen~ ~ riothingdef~ai0 c0~bceraw *J~e z~ur~ " piH;:ialZ~e wi(h ~,'ou duni~ dereu's(ate-~-f~iIed to cbee~ ~iii~ 0~ rzi~g/it pr~vioz~ to !19ur %?ze(~1 Once, 4u~i~g the .day~ Jack went ~ ~ppn~he scqflj4d"" the head of the stairs that let~4owa ,l~ck s agg~ied backs eppa~1e&~ into thecellar,~a,~d listened4 Maeonld ~ words; 'iri4, torn few mq~e~W~ distinctly hear (th~ insape ttAtcriag* he ~rQ~bled with terroi~ oftbe poor wretch; in the ~tave, apd ~ hin~~Jt (~ k~iu oc"Asionally a burst of maniac la~*glt~ , w~aknes~, he resumed his pla~ QYCt nntermingl~d with th*i~1~a pf paln:;J ~he the grava, ~ndfeui~a t2~raridhWas Iatter4oubtleas proditc~d ~y, the atti~i14* d9~dI. , , etth, v ekie rats.Whie)i sw~r~iie4 hi flavi~g ascertained thi~ fa4,, that loathsome pit. ,.~ . *~ ~9Ok up the ~pade and filled . up the Towards evening, our hero li~teite4 gr~ye with ~tl~., When lie h~pm- again; and, hearing n~aound, he c~n-j p~q~ed this task1 he j~a~t~ $rp~v the 4lude1bat~4eath ,had at last ,termin~.j cellar, ted 4he wretch's sufferings. p,;' ~ I Thus perished the. ~lere~, 4I~~d. ~C~soive4 tea~certn1n, Jack~evereainef 4i~ugJ~ter ; ap4thu~ wa~ his his repugnitnee, avid paid another vi*it~body.feft t~ r~pe~ebetweeri tl~e re~ia~na ta the graves' Brandt still exhibited! 4Lb~unfort i~ave girl end the' e~her sostnesli~h& signs of life, althought ~ of his I~loQdy vil~ain~j. ~ was evident that he could aurvire The main incidents of this sin~iar hat a vety short time. The' rate had~ and fearful tragedy are strictly t~ue~ I: gaaw~d his face and body: itt v~riatts i~ 1yi~o ineape ~cessary in ~lt; places. These horrible;itrvimals~ ~ted .fo~ a'writoa to resort to 'the' retiltas o~ ~nd swollen with their feast of '4esth~ fie~iopip order to portray s~~wies O~ did riot fly at our hero's app oachnh~t the i~i~st e~traor4inary, tht~Ui~~id Iookedsip at him with fierce ayes~ as £~rriI~J9 description; for the do' wion8 ~they weuld have sprung up~n' him o~ fact fiir&~ishix~cidents an4, i~f4sir4a uaV:ordt nish him for intritdin~ oh' tions of hiuninJi p~tSIQfl~ quite ae their frightful festivities. v~liou#~s ca~be~rlg~n te&I~1~~n~ was about to. retire,: ~hett a of the most p~gmat~v arid 1i~t~~QU~ ~iaguls~ and unexpected ciicnm~tance noy*~list., .$~a~9ely a y dowiacdhim. ** ' ~* * ~esmotfurnis~ wpra~4 ~ ~~i~ehavige came. ove* the ghaitly tip~ off hp a~i4 pray ib, tilat couat.najiceof tha tniirdttr~t;~he ttt~ "TmtItisat~nge, stra rth~n 5eti~"', tored a low mnan, and' akwly~ opened * Those blood-shot' orbs eaboaa~etod * ' LI the face and form of Jack Harold. whe, Ctp~R Vt. wi* theisatora in his hand, leaned ~' overith~~rs vei ~ ~ TRE CORPLAGR ~zor~ No sooner had the ditrL and~ fading '' eyes of 3sandt~ distinguished the tar-. jt was n~i~ight, antI 4eep l~lqtesp uulntor~ than theyseerned tog w:lik~ ~r~ode4, hjl~ea1blacl~ a ir4,, qyp~ fl~ewaad shotforth'glevims:ofd~allgttent; y4ll~gh~nie~, and t efl~een~A~ *: tntttilatedbps ;szittve4~ and, ~~i4nigh$~~4hat my ~erio~)~o~ * ~ *~. fibti~~ holl.w as~ the spi~iid wbich~rhigs et th~uh~ ~i.z&jt~A~ I Ta~ ~S~eW of the oon.cience.striche-~heu~ iaisd:j~lsns efi~rirrie to th irraitlQf tha~ giPlty or~e-.tsoft opportpbmtieaof tender ilia'nee t~ th~e couch of the v~p~u~ q~.-and celestial rej~ese to tth0 haril be4 of the tired labereat * "The busy wor1d~ was ~ ieJsMemnn4lii 8t~il'd foith her silvery bea'i*y;' ~ntit~is~ars, Lik.IivingdamondsiaauSaof~gI~ssI, I~c'4 in th~ *heav R.t' ttpoir the s~ii~ur~it of th& loi~fest Alle~han~moti~h~ denly appeared a aint but gradually expanding, and soon ii. Jurninating the whole country for miles around, and casting a ruddy glow upon the sky. Tl~is li~i~ w~s c~u~ed by the flames that were consuming the leg~taverri known as the ' 8kutt anti Cross-bones ;" and these flames, it is almost needles to say, were kin4lpd b~r'J~bk Harol~l, 4fter he hdd'$ll~d 'up tl~e'graVe c&htainirxg the murderer Brandt, his daih~ef~h drdver~ if' 1 1 ~$$ Attracted by the brilhia$lihtN~hh31~ etririnated frottx the hu~ b1h~lilA~2 time inhabitants of th 1l~e~ii! nous~s that were scatt~i~7 th*~a~ tl4eir~dwelIirvo.s and ga~4 tijV~hk' '~en& with ~eIings of i~petsUti h~ awe; for they were rvtMifdf ~h~r* firmly ~ki~d*1l~ h~d~dehti~rg~ WIth sJh~ i@fti&hinh . i~Perhai&hot ~ ir~ the abstract, a~ might be in~a~1 'The irk havenn" ejae4ed s~ dyfa~~vl~o wa~ s~rroi~d~j 'by giurj of gbtorsw 9 and fib Ui' 'yml~ 4~d ri fin~ view of the *rt~mhig figmes, cloud~efam~o 3b9we~rs ~f diamqr~4.~ "thanJ~ I~eay9n that t~i~r~ i~ Q: o~r~ fear ef a~eetiug the ~tayiko~, whst~ isalpips&asba4~ ~ha~sgly iatp. ~f ~ t'~et~it~s 'a pity; ~tlMt4 sMolJda :~4ui~ 'house should be destroyed," said aaetb.~ e~p~d~ressing ~ $chnaap~chwilIer, ~ l~t'#~ 4ii~ the m1oqnt4i~ pn4 s~e4 if we ~t~'te ~ soipep5~i5t~nCQ~ W~a#'eay~ypuY' ,1~p1My~heer Ycrr* ~h~iller (heav~s ~ ~IQW i~ tor~1Arfls"~affA~n 4~ a trifle over three hundt~4:'~Jd ~I4ty pqqn~, thar~c~4~ lii~ arn~b~~ ~~pak- a~s in favpr of ~Ler~n~p heQ~~~ little ~ it wilLiwadi1yi~ i~agine4the$ Itewas ~ ~h$g~4~ the, ~pu~o~s," s~ ~r4~ Ipe seeji, (~prn his ~eply;- no mine (~tt!" for ~ lar~ ~S~V kii~itle ~it ncipod~r's pusrnes~. o~de ~ ~11mi~ht dake me ~ mipa(~ ~ Qd UA5~ib~ Wa'l~e~ ~iff home itt epinpany with his ~nsitietI~' and wh6 a ~ other persori it~ tll~ to 2Mkaawhile, Jack H&tol& ~4 Wilson wer~ journ~yi~ d~*r~'1 the' ike6tern slope of the rita taint $~ theisarpe course ivhYca 'Md jinderrupted by' their str~1I~ ail~twet~t ~the' 8kull and's Cro~berw#s: $ light df the coutia~mn1ea~ 'tlk1rWi#~it their path with ~aWthbbh4g hit'~s ~t an~at 4$' her diiilsa ~ I page: 52-53[View Page 52-53] 5t TH~~i~OAD' Th9 a med~&Ini~st isacri' Ieg# afe~ t I~b~&I d~1ay o~h~sti- perb person when arrayed in th~~lt~ht~ addu~tiv~ ~W~b ~Pthe'b&Ilet~ jigur-. ~ £ free il~~be in stfrhcohver§~fhM~ p~ttier w~re ehoWh t~ ~ .~ham~r w~Ich5di~e~ilyLoverlo~ked Thecarial. ~ the ~ by~$i~'agrnii~t i~ a' ~Lt~itit~r of 1m~nia ii~ h& th~n'~ned ~~rYwindoi~i, so that in case of ~ ~e~dhis~s~rqss 4i~i' re~ir~4~ tbed, an4 were soon embraced notozily in e~c~rother'sqarms, 'but td~ 'ii~ tbe' ~ms of a certain~ ~ .~eity, ~yho time mrne~nprial h~s ~red izr~., orp eus. I' 1' CHAL~T~, XVII. .( the N~ce~ I' ~1I:~~ you' t#6 g~n- 4he~tw6 ta4er~i I tu~er~, *h? ii~t~ been d~nomh~at~d g~.*atk~en; add who~ had ju~t etitered the: r~n. tb,'g~t ~ ra&niiii~ d~a~iiv did hb~"aeerit liicI*i6d to~rtter ~ipon siu~h a da~g~6~ en~-~ ~tvi~e, as thai propdsod by ~a~ridl~r4',~ aIttioi~gh both of thenA~o ii~A~ llk$& &~share irk the five hundred dula~&4~,j~ *oli. "'i 34 One 'of 'th4~e v~l~reu~a' '~dII~rti~ii proposed thai niin& host' ~hh~uiIdf'~MtI theproelamation; ~nd~'that i~i~idddl 4~ompliedas follows:~2~ I "'551 * I Will be phid for the 'apprehbnsioubf~s5o~tI~j alIp~ hq~ iA~LOLi~, who,~rbytets4hb6Ieal suratagem, escaped from *&~r~r,~&i the ni~tofth~ l~'i; ~eatoi~eed to ~ efeetirtg biesnacape, itia ~ ~1 barously murdered and robbed one Wilsozt~ti ts~ven eepeau~t the ~ A thuunb wos found in the 1tt~ji ~ ~MI5M1 ~r~ha; who'Proba1A~ rt it in estrug1 gin ~id therefore the ~*uIIeia'a~s~ain identified 'by' hia n~tilaXrkd heist. Har4AtIl (who had stolen a horse an~11obaiseLbelongiu~ o *. ~'oa, tjie warden pt ~l1e p~ison,), ~ker e~in~itti~ig the murder, bad h~ 4u~r~ ~idh~sity 4o petpetrate'a~llIgWway ~bb~ u'p~ tb4'~einon of His P4zcoUea~~e ~efr~4~ u~a ~C~zns~tonweaJth, wh~A~sa ~t*awnllI4~la has ce~raag~i at a pliort 4sa~an~ fr~'"l44~. jibiti'.' hi~mur~erer A~d ~u~jtygayr~4*q& ~l~1~hoiUtht~ wern~tL.lie'&hco~n4nIe4i~y another person'whe ~s ~ of old W~iaon~ 4isguiaed-ir~' ueiin LeIothli~ 1tiesvery~a~elli~I al~e~al~p sJ~~~uJd hAn. t~eajded~ aaB sus~t9 I ofh~pg~, 6f~ixr'he' o and his ~Z arrest ~ua~reaz~gs~ud w~qy them ~p il~l~'as,~rn? nr~n~y, F4i*4h~ Warden.5' "God heipsuos State oe~e~j~aiia!" ii ~i1~d i~ than Mr. Fox h~r~sel, o ~Whbei~dlo~fd at each ~uth~t ~ i~gl$~'~~ '~' one (U' i I, ~ifi t~at ed in expressive ~ p~ntonimeYFl*~%,)ie hsscrV~t~b6ve fii~ he~d' ~ wa~ destikiedtd'be 11dh~ 4h~V~ie, 6ti~if hi~ clet k~dAii4V~d d~i~kf4 method of insinuating'tI1~h~W~h1n11tl be glad to receive *from the landlord some slight refreshment preparatory to the labor~ V1~ralki~ ipp~h~ mutton~ of the two cririiirials who ~ere to be d his'i~e~y red~nosoan~ duAcacipo. fondly wis~. ~ S Sit A. UIhA The landlordwho perfectly u ~4er.. ~tlsenh~ff&~~hur found that tli~b~utd~ Ii~i1~ft#rn&. ~' page: 54-55[View Page 54-55] '4 ra& ~~4D RI flight w~ia soon ~nd h~a~hq4~q~pd of i~rop~ to. lit JV~5 ~oIi~ 4et4~4o4~ ~ share oF y4r~d 4QlJ~rp.~ "4~4h~va~pstt~ p~y f9r ~their 4 ~The' Jr~tomim~ lont~aii, i~p~e~t,~apd 1ooke4~ un41~EIra. the. (an4 a~ptw.t cqu~tr~,~crz~d the 1~ir4~ ~ ~ ~ie a&d ~ f~s~an4~4end ~o ±h~ t~aj~ afr~i~ ~ z~ "WAGING frisTij~&uhnk~ ~ 9UL~3b ~O~XEH~~ AL WUMnEI~ ~ LADINI AND GEIETLEMEZ. - ta~y~r~1 I99n~ar v~4I9 I ~As sq~as Ja~k hod heard 4he 40 it expedient to "'leave" a~ soorvas p ~ ~ykboul~ ~iug through tie~ idle ~9,~44~ty of hidd~~g the Jai~dlor4 ~ud l~is, e~pe~tabl~ gi~sts, farewell, He ~ ~, ]~ary Wtdsan, andae bri~4y aerpassible informed her of.* Ia i moment ~ up 'and ~ea4f~r Is. ri;'i, fprm,~. means .of demons mom t e window was a work of lint wp q~ tes,.~Mhohands;of a 4'ellbw ~ oi~,i hera.; 'a~id then ~e~ndLkfr ~ down upon the deck ~f~ih~ canal I~oat~ This boat chanced to be a very hand- koat-~tha pas~engera ap4"all,~aa~" bi4ng below at~bi~eek. this' f~ r~ ~instaricetQ cpnc~,a1 1~fp&Iiia conlpauQn in a' sort o% ~iol~t which ~va~ ne~rly filled'with hs~- aSE. idfreight'~ " ' ' ~ hi~"earnest d~sjr# ~ah~ ~stL*ni~g us soone~ pessihl~ He~t&6ught itlbesi, of 'course, nw~t a~l~nly ~&1 d~pa~ge, as. stzct~a ~tb~nfduId ~i l~n'tqa very great ~i~f koing arested.. ' He judged-~-~and~~ rely~" tdowo qn~p~~tefl8i!e for~t(wss ~it ha~i4, pro!isipnst1~at s~ve~a$~pbaE~i. ~il4~av~ s~erne4 so~bsui4~ that no~ pagne1 Up9~ the~ tI~qAPa4O7R ve~y (or one single moment of searchingtJ~, wIW~a~I ~QR~r~1~ ~y~%p ~1a8ipO~ 1*~ t~oat~ 'I .. ,~ ~wA~ ~O*~cApefl*J~0 ~seu~ggrs' beg- kAhecQnrse qf a, 9pi~1~ Qf nqur8, ~ s~ki~if~. $~ fogiid~ f4gj~knew~by ~e~oi~ up~n~ ~ ~ i~~i wall as ky the,~,ti~lo~ *th~ $Wfe ~ ,an ~ Q~'~P3M boat, that she ha&LAomiriaai~e4 j~e~ ~,ieitl~O~ely1 J~W~l ~ w~, e9piflg~ dv~r~he waters 9t'th~" ra~iyi ~ ~, n~r~d t~ie' ~ ~Zwl~icE i&~ ed their own rather shabby g~rp~rn~ ~aflyA ~i-4ad ~ ~tw M~9%~Qa )~tl the proceeded five m4es upon ~ vqy~g,~ j~~ppety~of a~ot3pl f~~A1gIh~h Yeacq.w~ over,~he biipy deep when~ a ~'r~Fe' sita~wJ~o wer~tr~i~lIipg ~IjAa4~i sto~i' aros~-t1fdh nd& ~6~&Abe ~e~j~j~jwjth w~eh~t&, ipaJ~~ ~ li~tt~ixi~fl~shed- ~d ~h aid ~AI~ qi ~ down ixi~turrnnt~ up n the d~ck~f~ 'ti~ of everything American, of equ~~, great damage of sev ml ~ nolignnrny otbor ~urios~i ~$Ma~ the ;~colored cook's ~tove~pipe. ~the whii~h thelirwiks Lof'(tii~fMnglluIlm6W W~v~s~of the o~nal' ~ c taieed~ WO1fr15~V~(Ui xpaw ~ firy ~a~sin tboi ye eel to' piteh~ j~ft~ :re.p4otabIelbokitm~IIiSk*IW~hWbiCb fuIl~ The hyaveic ew ~onsisfl~& of t~ g~tletiienioc~55iifl~ily~'RIPUfl10d one w~ather4~eaten Id sea~d~iabxt' for purposes et' disgnis~44ieUs~ y~iuthJnft~n4er yea s-~sood~by~a~rait. iittaiy-udv~i~ure Wh~e :4g~thO or4ers of th ir~valiantcor~man~ i~sikeeplA sitictly ~irivate.'~t hg~nttfre ~ls~r~ ~hp~ fear~lly p Ie,~pncedthe.decI~i l~ting.*e~is~1ires ~ipon suob .ik ~e~uii~ Sl~~iiy~ hecried ou~iin ,&v~icejtof SitiQa 'so ~isculia;Iy forwi~,vat4 at2th~i tt~,a~n4~x, to the' crew- '~,T~hbow~v~it ptvtkmular: tukke4 tijol £itu.~ y~r~tobaceo .quids~evorytnan~ofliyois4 adopted the hairy disguise. i' 'IIiei* t~di~hteri'~hip. and stand bytat4ka ~ tr~issfermationwawhowicoxnpIete;"l~ith re~(, ,in~ :that head horse, unless 1th ewwheroand .the~young~git1iIoekedlioi darrwd~ c~ittei~stops'i~nnnin~l air thu aW*l~e'world ili~e~~ cou~~ of thou. ww-poih F' Thasenrdo~s wei~ebey~i des igbucho, whose luxunsiat ~whi~ ~it&h n1acrity~ add tbo vessel igbted~ keis~~oth~ idil~of~theft he~rtp~aiW b~ut n~L until sei'eraiof4lie p~sseugere~ tieae nir~tion of ~ longer, , lindA "taken their hatu ~ad *Jidg~'d~u~'l~ th~ ~atprm abated; 4nd~tIie captain ck~e~u4 ~ W~tL~4I~, G~ev~aridhpaf3seng(3rs felt~igratefiiLt foE ri~bW li~iI&I' ~ &i~d~ ~4Iji*LIJ~k tbliir pmo'~identii1l d~i~er~1ce~ from ~ suddenly exclaimed-' '~"~ " ~' M~~whule,. Jack and hia' n4stres~ ,.' ~y hev~ps,, ~,w4I~nq~; ~ grewo ydtbai~unod~nfortable' in their ~ ~ ~ oftcnneealment~i t$eair bf. whioh Qf~~P~tl. sofund~stiflui1gJ '~h~y:dlso~gi~ anddistingUi5hmy~t~, ~ ~ 'K tzn~y~a~dIthlre&y';~ u~t~the~e'twi ~5..~ery wbhl ~ nag inbrig4~eba~* ~ " What ~oeattq4izwrqiJQ~u.Il' ~bh g~~and ~ ae~ only j Mnr~~ with ~ heW f~*Ru.TMR bg u page: 56-57[View Page 56-57] TIlE 'ko~b 'To kun~. h~t~ 1O'd~ 4t~wient ~Ii~t he had co~npany, each me~,ber of t~hieh i~ oti~e ~ 1r6~et~t ~ agin~d hit~elf~ or her~elf to t~ th&j~r~ '~ Jh~n~tte bUppeI b~IV rh~, and ti~iI~ object of the bold idt~ifd6t'r thd ~ig~s k~e ~1I a ~~bIddih~tIle' ~ cibii~ ~i~'~ha~l ~e" rej4i~f ~Ja4~k The entrance ~f our hero was~ s~ *ith'all~he .fiM~3~icour1ge6f hi&iiid~itr~ sudden, ~iis ~a~ppeaI~an~e wb~ so foi. ~ It~ his s~l~jdid! dabl~, a~~u~l~a fiery dete~ri~iii~ti~ui e~~'while th~ anlbrous ,youv.g ~fr1 blared in his~eyes, that a sudden' ~flK ardo~~if~gh~ eould Iha~d~4bur~d The ~ies all ~creaiiied~ ~h4 several h1nVitihee~~s~ef h4rpasai~b~te ~ of then~ i~frit~l; v~hil~ th~ iiietx,~df * w~i~h ili4e we1~e a dozen~ turnedjale, ~ ~th~t;r'kl*~~1 ~ ad'~zed~ af each other in speechlea~' 'a~tlt~r~thari by w~rds~' ~I'~ha~ ~ tieefTh~tsoCMorcq4~a i~iy ~design's by4etfo~s; ~ifr~i4i4~ht and teirdr pi~wI&addt~yplan~ "JkpdtieM;1v~ti ~ is its jrresiatiWe~ shallet~V' ~, ~ ~, er~e,~rer. mere physical ~ u~ was;heI~oh1ldericeia her lover's ~ )ack now, in tl~e sternest an~l 660* ulgenui~y ~nnd, personal pkowes~ p~mpt9Ty~mannier, eomnm~nded evary 1gi~nbput:~h: hour~ darkness. set ~zi~ g~tleI4nn presq~Jt b produce and hand thelaup~rvb~l[rangand the .passen~ Q~ver#d~ ~he n~boney in his pOssessithh gers:~lI'wentkclow. ,' ,, , un~erpa~n of instantdeath, ~ Jack QxeknIiued his; *pistolst-.~those 99 As~for' the ladies," gallantly oh.. whieI~hw.d belonged to Brandt-~rid served~ our~ herd-i' I never 'roeleK ~n4ing the&in gwi~d order, J~e reqins~ tlieni either'in person 6rpro~l~rt~r ~' and ed ~&ury tos~foJilow Ii ira, and the ~pait lowe ~hem~a sia~ere apology fok hdi~ing it&u~d £ronn~Ii~ hold, and. stood upox~ fnighte'~ed ~liem. Comeigeritle~iea" the deck. ~ ,i ~ ~ hecontinued,~ctsswning;'~a sava~e~and AtTThere'~ore b&attwo personsldvisibl0 ihredtenit~g' tone-.~iout withiy~ut e.,.the rr~rin~ 'aaid the manJw~kG m~be~r, and do not hesitate, for reaja. drove the bbpses aloi~, the *tow~ath& ~ftc~twi1Ibci useles~, ~nd ~i1l~oMy te* These 'na*n~. seeing the fi~gitivee. eult iii the death 'of some of yda.' Do ~roug1i~;hef dfrnr~ ;obscusity~ ~uspeeted niot'thinkthat I hdve!been'f6ol;enou~ nothing, ima ipgft~1eIn to~be' rarelyy ta c~orae here alone ;:' thirty of nly' ~u~l~~the ~eng~s w~o ~jqier lbwers~armed tathe teeth, aTh at~ this 4j~.p~f~9~ tQi~po~a~cQ, ,'~upp~,; or seq moment upon ihe" bank, within ~~~pger~l, .up~ de~k jnor4er tQ~n. the sound of ray voice;ind'; were' I i~ h ~ ~he night, sumnr~on them~ the consequences'wduld ~ u~ty, b&m~st seriotis. They could easily' e~ter the storm. ,~ . ,, *~ leap on board otU'the boat, 'froi~i "ithe Jack Harol4 followed by his ~mis* shore. I wish to avoid bloodsbe4~' but Boldi ~d~&~ndc~ ~t6 the cabin, have yourrnoney hndst and ahalU I d~jWeA~htbd BI dlo~'Wst6ni~l~d will now call upon e'ach' otie of'~yo~ j~ ~ with's pre- numerical timer,: beginning at'~the kU~4, lie cis~Icid of the table; and the first man tIi~ fuses to comply with: my rcquostW in a voice of thunder, as he raiscil the receive a ballet iaisi~ brain. 'ij~, Ja4ly 'i4eapbns~aridrpointed the~n 'so (Me, draw forth yourmoneyas~t ~s 'anil,~as ft'wre, ~the' entire it: before you upon~ the tab'e. ~T~ke U ihat~o~i ke~jv wa~u~back.' Ob~yLaheudy ~ei thelt 'essiea~ r~n~ewd rfr f'~ '~j ' I' ~' thern~~ra lthy~h~'~niw~ ~' Number On~ihtippes*d*]i~one cii' ~ cativn4~i4w~k the travelling I English ~a&kneya to~ Harold ahd nryiWilswi~ ine*I~j~ibb. ~h#a W~1 hav~ referred, arid **iose, -~brvst~g that$the.y~coIatlnhmt~6tZr *nit'~of'clothes ~ rs~!J~ok~ tiey"tQward~ Pittsburgbvra Sad then had oil Motterit~we~htil~j thren~lt the~ eroodsii~eing~4'~t4~l nborr: 'f ?orrid and' ihodlous ;~Htuwieri-; ipublw4y~~ flhi;,tW Y'~~ .v~O' U(I( ii #~lletupnn the tabi~.'; N'arral/eiYTwoI div I@rie~of s~rhcim"p1ayed~aaM bis;trairelling companion a'dt*pper lltMj ;coii~pisuouspart mm formeli port~q~ ~t1e~elldw~' ~hase urmen~hen'en~asedf lihis ~tstraa~u,'eireltfia1 histo#,".miiJ~ thei'loVeIy forin1of Mary' ~ViIsork:...~4oiL~ ~: I 'BIM q"'' 'it ' ~vtid' the example of'Num*~i" One ~''* ~" "~ ' "" hat"' thehaffeir~wild"tnake ir'htir~el.~ ~ ' '~HAP'PEI~ XIX' 1'iJi~l ~ leht ~hit4In for tte)b60kiWhichi'h~ t~ ~ ~,* ~ it) AOLD ~ When every male individualPh~d1 ii ' ' " " 't * place& his au~ney before~tiirnPJaoWde-I .~ PW uttiw~!'eity'~%f sriohe4ndt~~. aiwed'!Mary'44whomn he' addressed ne dust' 'ol iuaviz~ furnacmJ~'gl~sadd~ lJieody Re~te~, 'his firs liiu~nant~4o with lurid light~Zof ci~mi~ingn~W~, ireike ri'circinaaroundithelablei ~n4 eel.. neid eve~la~thig'din ! to th~e~~dt4on Isot' theibootyi:JThe spiritedigini 'corn the~vioge'bf'imagiCatiOn, dd iWeIii~~ uiilied'iviith ~ performed :the~ ~ouVu~y~tb~ re~dekY"' ' '1 i~ rAf~F*~ 'iaskdm~ safiit~y, the'~ouipany beiw~ kie~it{ ~ In'therv~ry~ heahvof the ~it~ ~ 'inaweby the pi~tolsofheriover,~ a~4 su'eet~ 'noWa' ~ Biaekbei~4~ ~ 'by thciufe~r~f~;th&3~thirtk''rObber8 ~' rvh'ich'~i eitible5Y itr its heus~iul~ ib*~ 'upon the hauik~Hhe~analL' l's 'I ljabit~ ii',i~fd&s morals ~ 'A11' this' being i uc~niphshcd "Jack ~f Bb~t oa&the Five Fb~i~ew washed the company"goddni~t "Ufld~ 1~ticik~Iki"' (A ib YAJk Oh t~ltowed~by his' mistress~, he Prn'ou~itedl .IidHmeidoei'the'nodn.iday sIiWIOIW ~Ili~ in ~the Alhck H~m lie~p&used' fer '& ~Mdhii~ ~lbvy, ibok ddo~@i~ QdiW iatentt~and~ sddrtessin~ his ztiiagiua~ '~t*aibs~ t &t'tnake' tbe sii~tlbsidkV~i~ ho &~xcla!,1~ed4-' '~ 'frrc~i'~' ai~*A~ ~ti~d~b1ih~ 'hoil~1 I'e~I '.4 &ioa~'on~i med -+4d0a'tIirep iC is It,, tlhh,'i' 4' f~sterin~ tt~ti~i~~ your Captain. There will be rio 'ne~' iheirdd ight ~noenfl~smih5rYih~tj8~V ~sityiltorb1oudbhed;' II have suec~ed.I silver, surveys prowling theft,.f~~hWt oL'~ 'v~o ~sa~iirwg, .hetarid the ':yoakng 'fturhtfo~ wrewhed *' oat ittititta~ Vind gin leaped on shorewhlch"was 'eaeily~ 1~schti~ ie'diseaee. ~ ' e4e~ed, iLvtli~besah~ppener~ to be' at' I S'i~h is" ~'Blailkterry All$y)13~ .~dstuhce xdytrmwo or three 'fe~t ~1s'efi is fOol jt iti(it4iilAIA' ~M4~*~ (mini Ui4'tow~path' ~Th~ey immedia*~1y 'its brok a andm 4dyeldeLW&~k~ ~ 'i~etnl'~4 ~nt&ithei depths' uf",tho' woe~s,' lent ~ ielSlyodor*,aqciM1ih~ ~i~d'h~r. f~angrthat th~ er~)r'tie3veiInak&li rath~hidebuOb1~ks nratW.bAI~4 ~Apturd)dhenii(') "'''~ ' ' i '~ I it is lie hour of noob 4~t~ lIIWt yhi*oper4ien' 'the bfugut3ves ac~ Iw~s14Ib r~tiug.~' R~r~'lt~attffI'~itdlbm ~4ei~dd aeoahlc~rable sum cif ~mrrney, cei[av;~ fr$m~ wbwh an I litiozi"to~'tlju larg&vlnount lead," od ikzi4k~ w e e~'J 19h~ 4 t page: 58-59[View Page 58-59] 0 .~. ROAD TQ RUIN. #~ing~ ~ ~ankpbited by ~tooing ~4. bject~iq~ ~~$he'fn~e o(~%.~o4!~ beuma swine-thrhlat.forth~atj~Maaigi tiful earth, that woman seems tQ ~3e *uttipt ~iqoiw, I g4he~ir~witI~the ~the~most bjet~t,~ap4 the most profonn4 ~h1a~of .devasthti~ig je~tilence~ ly n~is ~bls. I ~ before an o14.crazy..look. Bat ~~.-she~ i$~es from her cro~aeh~ mg bin. and gaM.with fearopon its ing positieti, and we can now observe aiming an~I totterin~~walls. O~mn*~- her countenance~..-her form. if you woulA survey human natbr~ in Amakement! she 'is a creature ~1 * lowoattand most 'revolting~i as~ct, magnificent beauty, with a form like ~ttAis enltertliis dark and aoia6mepas.. that of Venus, and & bust as ~vQht~tu. ~a~d :macend these crumbling ~us a~ ever woman boasted.. In', 'age, stairs~ '~I'akee6r~! one f~ijse step ~wlll' she is probably in the neighborhood of precipitate yo' into the deep cellar be. .twenty~one or two. Her Iountenar~ce neath, and the ~, Heaven help you! is a. superb one, and worthy ~f her Here we are at last, at the door of~ matchless form; but alas ! that coun- the garret. I~u~ ~opqn"th~, door-gent. tenance, ao perfectly :Gre~iaj., in or it wihfal from its rotten hinges.~ purity of;outlina, beats .unmieWkable Enter: who kr iws but, t~iat ~e5 may signsofl~abiteal inten~perence, and. the beb~1d~somethi~ g~welI'worth seeing'? fires of alcohol gleam in her splendid Well-this is indeed a miserable eyes. is pe~isible that,. .hwn~s~ be- But, in spite~ of alt her rags sad a~~r~qreat~d L~ the Duvin, Image-, wretchedness-in spite, too, of the ray ~4~r inh~it it? of ~ *ld ages of dissipntion-she is still a crea. :;~h9'furnit~e consists ture of r&re loveliness, and, under bet- 4~pk. ~itli~ut ~ coven; art infirau~stool, ten circun~stanccs, would 'be the very minus a leg; ~. barreI~ to represent a in~personatiomi of sensual enjoyme~n 5al~lp, ~p4 a juik bq~la, tp~represept a e~nd luxurious pleasure. Her rich, full ~ej5~k and a liad-.-tkQ, there we 1ips seem created only for passionate ~ wrong; a '~ltby nest of. rags and kisses, and her glorious form, with its w,~ one ~onnrn~. Thatis all, ripened and ample proportions, is o~ne $ o~aJl. e~4ctly ; for awouia~i is al... best calculated to minister to the deli. so there-a '.a'oman who, judgir~g frotti rious joy~ of Love. , , I~r ~ attitude aiid i~n~ov~bil.; how stratigely does her conirse and 4vp.tght iaaye' been 4ikerhftr statue zagged garb hentrast with the white ~vi~ap image of despair-the 'ru- and polished skin of her elegant shoal. 4 ~giz~r~4uead '.*f'a ship~-or any~ dens and peerless bosom, whose lovehi. ~$.l~er ~ss~ival object tlws migl~t be surg- ness a queen upon hen throne might ~ ~ty a proWic aat fanciful irnagi- ~avy! . cpuntec~i~ce But we shall now abandon the pres. .Tho of this woman is~ ent tense, and speak of these events as concealed by her bands, which 'she things of the past. ,~ssestq' her aclung: eyes. She is; This young,. beautiful and unfoztu. Mp*p4 in rags, .whie~i bm4 imperfectly nate woman~-for unfortunate she en. .~ijl~ aak~dnees; ani4 a shower of1 idently was-went 'to. the' old trunk ~~q4i4 hafrAk~wsia riclk.bat dishev- without'~ny coven, Ltd which we 'have je4Jd0meeses over her .uncqvered shoul. 'before alluded,. aud began to rwnmagt ders, which are very white, but disfig~ among aq~iantity tf rags and ~ ~pl b~~lmsises4 .' of all kinds, which it contained.' .~ ~, ~l&~js iwe~pitig f~r we e~n bearhe~ ' She' soondrew forth.-probably froma ae the soarrt~ trickling from a secret drawer~-a.ama1l locket ofgo~d. ~ her lingers Of ~ll the wretch' enriched with 'jewels ' . .1 Jo 4 cin;lb~~ty~; ~ have delighted ~ y~*h: ft~re ~er~o a y anirfteL~tidt~M ~tt~ey* ~p~c~11i~rly #i~kedax~d ~di~ b5~1 rea~n' DIi4 e~fra g~a~tt ~entu; * a~d~~" dbk~gI~dJ h&t "~ w~Iin They~~ng '*ortian gaked upon the ~perf~6t~ ~t~hT Avith th~~st t~f~ his jo~ti'i~it every sig~ bf the n1&is~ c~st~ft~. 1&s o~bl~ntf'~fi7' ~aM the ~t.fttII~n~ tear~ thiu~d d6Wn ~id~kt 'h~~ ~ #hM. h~r chee1~s. She ddub~le~si~olild havq present c~d~l4 ~a~O ef6t~Ad~di~r ~id~i~ir erhece tt the ~ne~i~#~ c6~. #6W, thet i&~a~ o~Ihlli~jor his 0 ~e~*~4 ~v~th the or1gfri~l ~f thet ~ ~eiA~ukhs~P u ~ tehi~ek.' ienbl#rL~ra~e o~cur~ 4 4 ~eu!~he\V.'a~ 4tib~s4 Aok~ed~Wd Agairx~an again did ~ eioi~a~te ~ 'theilifiee~e jy kiss the icture; 4nd at last she ~Sf(It4tI~W ~h~*a~ ~ cx~l a~d *zuhmnred- . ~ ~ ~ "' 4 "Dear,~de rJack! vh~dic~Jhev~ ~W~ii *~ t~&d ~tt~ted the bitter thee ~" ~ ~d*d~ th~t~4t9~ h~V~ r~c1edIU~i~, "iii J~ ybu why, ned ~ou~ddm~g the first time noticed th~ 'glitte~tfti~ .tz~umpet !"~ rou~Ii and. ~ruta~ ~iftI~tut~ iti~theh~nd~ of {th&~46~zng -reic~ behin her ~"becausd yot~ W~ixi~an~ ~1Wlthih~i~th he cItk~#&It eouidn'ti~sis mhscin~tidns~-4tA~Z j~)h~~ ~ 6~uI~x~mii1dd it with wk5(yee'left yotir d~r~ de~rJaclr ~~cl&iti1itx~-4 you call liuvi;"' ~ ~ t~t4WIi~si&th~i h~lIdId yo~i ~et this? The ~e~tk rYhd hed 4h~6~O~ iIi'e ".['is Wii'tli 1M~f iueii6~(.' ~ ~ garret so ~uil il~s~lV ~ ~ ~ ti~4$'yeuiad l~?" b~ tlie'ybIA~ *brii~f4 w~ a~n ndi~vi~!.j ~" ~ In ffi p~sses~ei~n tfdr police would; 'h~ h~h6ihe~ ~ she r~~~6't~ ~iet~il~ *i~h~%ukIods as a ~" vc~gab iid~ ~v~jit ~dtatiyl~ ,~ eyes. '~ ~ ~ H visible il~an '~f ~""~'~ n~Ight Jh~e ~ ~*4~ "What do you mean by keeping edge, when have needed ood and miglitli~ve~: ~ _ ~uch a valuable trinket from 7 knowl. the e4ti ~ ~ rum, whicW e~i~lJ~ Wi~thing would hiiiMn c ~ti~d have obtained 1" ~ ~ ~!~ Fr ~ ~is lik~eWe~s of zden 6ii~ ~ -of a former friend ot mine." in~;'oatt1o his cb~in ~ ~5 ~fl r.syon~"g*owled Wfh~T~&~ ~ ~ page: 60-61[View Page 60-61] hp~g~Q1Z4~ ~ ~ P~p~~91WAtj~ e~ P~ Q4~)PYA~Ni~Wflbd t~,~ee1 ~ F~red~rjqk Ar~t~g@. ~, ~pf~u~4~ by ~' ~ w~ q~4~5-.'~)you~ have ~h~r ~ssi~n~ ~vl~ie~i ~aFdcl~t~ ~zt ~rea~redj~p thelik ~ tha~~~qr proved transient Kate ~ook ~t4he pjmp~o~yqur~4,.-)re~p% jt~ij44enfrani 1~y u~onoy l~elpnging to her ~u~4)ack~A end *i~4~ whQx~v~r~K have be~i ~ eI~ped~ri~i ~rinit~ge,.~ Th9y~w~t~to ~ ~idcrie4oy~4 P~sk~irg~ ar~4 fp~ ~i tii~e lived iF~. 4~" j~4p~jt! ~l~st yot~,.I h~ve a~gie~t i~ipl~d~. Av1pi~gth the tpopey ~ y~flitQ 4i~bi", :~ .~ was e~ st~4~~l 4re~ ~gan)to~~e '0~ w~4d~t ~e the fl~p~ ~ii~e ~l~t ~n wat~t~ ~t s~qa1t~atAr~n~tage you have treated me with~bru~taI ~YI9~ 4e~eJ~p~d~bi aarctor~wju~ w~s le~c~, ap tjwsewurJ~s i~p~niny b~uId~ that of a mean and contemptiblefl 4. .qr~ will ~ i, lain, whose prepossessing exterior ~had ~itt9rlyr- y~pu~~ ~ ~ beer, ~hisenIy~p~sapbrt into good ~'h~* ~ ~ a~u Jus~ )When ~#Jqp~d ty. Too indolent, ~ too akVt~1ess,. as :W~tI1$~yQUPfld co 4e4fmy~f.t~J~y9~r the saying to ma e a man y e ort *~ot~q;wn, ~e1~ovi~g, .y~ to ~, a z~n ofianyki$4or~he support of hunseif o~ hor~r and~ g~nt1ema~,1I aJ~p4pnp~ ahd 1ki~ mistress, who had sabrliiQefI ~e a manly and a generous ~~vwj~ much for him, he insisted th.t~Kaio ~op~Wr~w9uId fray~ ab~e4 ~ Z shoilild j*os$itute herself dn ~rder to you a l~rg~ s~m ~pf~ mq~ey, raise money; This she indignahtly r~' Rnd ~ I ,4 ftised~to do; $'~r, alt~ou~~ reckless, 2 g~a~ you to 4wit~~rl~j ~ 'aensu~zal an~ uiiprin&ipled, she eater. ~rie4~q m~n,, x~ ~ itajnedaa in~incibla~tepukgn~nee to ia* ~ 4&e~iimiuateiprostiit~ion1i Tue conse- a civil tongue ~yo~r~4~ ~ ~u~ee~of~this f~SaA~W~ 4hatAnui- 1Wjth t pewo~4~ F 4e~ic~vAa~nw' tage began to treat her *ithiha~rshz~pss, treniendotis b in ~ a ~3iqhfi, lJy~~a~g~1 ~1tQ ~xu$~lity; ~lle4u~; akl. edju~g,11to ~~qt4qpr~ $h 41~cil&y~ ~ 4~9~J$Q ~ ~ f~~g9t~ ~,e. I *Q~ ~ppn~i~ 4r~4:z~;-~a a ,l~ ~ .~~ That blow shall be tAo lastY' ..~, Ae~, ~beeu~lienus. ~ , I ~~the ~ ~ 9~ jOlT ~ ~ !4~0P~L A~ L 7~ WITJ T6YIPESA~: ~ ~ ~I49q4~4C N~wTf ~ ~p~either z~iap, ~ A'4vieW~f the~past'wilL~xph~Iu the i~p~$, ~Wo~an~ tw~ ~it~eI pue the ~ 9* 1?lp~, I~rt' y~ ~unb~ tlw$1 .bile&~Js~Ii~ a~p4x.Kate1 ~ ~ ~v~pg froni The reader o~th~Cn~? I(PA~r~L ~U, ~19 te~eq ~ ~ I ~ ~4,J ~5A' I~ R $47 ~Q ~ ~ TKIt. kOAD ~t& kui~~ 61 page: 62-63[View Page 62-63] I T10 -RO4D ~ J~UJ~4 t1~e prE)round and death-~i~e ~le~p.1o~ jflie h tr~ ~1~g ~4 t~pe~yaJ~4y~ Stfl~ 4Jd the ~ on,' ~ri4 still did the remarn~ro4c~1ed up in t~i~o6s~it9 of tub c~ ~r. ~4ighticame a~ hist~.a~bhch~Ian'd star1e~anighsqhrbuditsg e~e*~ithi& hi a flrea1~gloorrisTbenrdidBIackber~ ryAlley bedornealive with itahorrict pepnlttce. Fromever-sqaa1idtdesaixd~ filth ~mero~ge~-ft6m Tevdr~ireekin*iajr and 1oathscie~eelJarpftoopedfopth~Iike' myriad~9fwt9~s-~~ an&nba~c~iau4btef, ~ac~i ns4be fip~i4~ of I nue w1ii~.i4 ~~~cnpg1 i~ac~at~4~ ~ ~ vlc9 ; ~yon~en4 ftorn og~afl ~bp~ ~t~y ef.wQInanIw44 ~a4 I~QPg~ s;~e ~pa~t- ~ '---'a-.'- a~s~ ~ had~ne4, ~ ~n~a1~ phyq~~ ~9rrUjfl~pn.~ ti~'~b4 ~{~d - of: ~h~fr~1&(~, ~4 ~ '~r~ ~ V~J~1J5,I~9QW hev4~ta' ,jJ ~ ~ ~ r~q~h~ * ~ ~ Wf~?P~SWP', ~rn~t, qu4~2a~ pn~ih ~s4o tlxe.:4uuky in~bi~nfIae.ea1ed:h.aho~i oman. tri~ ~ p1~iianthwophy need not - mets oupen~wl~itoowcies;ts b~pe~44e~pt ~Oue~eea. s - I - - a I - CHAPThR XXI. TINt wianua. uw. 2~au aAaa~'r. - 1 1- - -, - re~Iri~ tP the garretoc~npied by ~s~I(ete " andrAnruitage. - ;w~p~t ur~ti1 the midnight hour * h~4 be~ p~oc~aim~d-froiii the churqh. ~teqp10sf that Ko~ 'arose from her ab. - je~t pQsItnon. She bad not- slejit ; - her- l~p~aght~ were ~io~ .buey with th~;past, 4~4 too m4o ez~api~d witbthedkead. ~iJ-Jusjt~qs which- ~he lied on hand, to 4dmit~ elpmhur~ She~ arose, and with z~oieeje~tfqetstepe.g'oped her way to~ ~'ar4sJti1a~tp4r$ of. the garret- where ~dt~rr~J.thateerved as a table, ~er~~~Jightod the. fragment of can' 4I~rern~gi~ad in - tho 'junk bet*le. ~kec1~erir~gandfeeb1e v~ya,~s th~y 01~ql~:up~z1 h~r, rRvoaled a' c~nnte" z4az~qe. pale,, (tJl pk~tern de*erminatio~i, ~d -~f r~g~l; beauty.' Despitalthe 1~tche~nom ~ ber attire. Abe would h~1 reun~,4e41ote of Lady Macbeth. - .~OD9W appronohed the old trunl4 ~n4,-frpa~the, %e~reL drawer~- took: ~ daggei~ ,~yight1y lashedd the polished. blade-as~b~xemin d-h; but~ipon thaw a dark ted stain. - ~ s~s$af~;" she --muttered+--'~was - h~yth~bjqpd ef Armitage~ ~vhen - wmtp~n into hi~sidb.~ I shall ~ this~ ti 'e~...-thus - ~ heart. hatmata ~ Ii~shalLdie4 Insahe wt9~clRtha$~-wRa~ to ab&nd6 4h~gal~ ~4~A11Tack1 i~*oijb f4~* *IiI~Mk 'of'd~i~ ~ hat hon elena $o stri1~e RIW 'r-'wbn *~~r IKt ~iteat ~eea~e be j fraid.~., w a' ceres fo17Qptb~pg hut the grawifica noV liiq~A~ / TUE AD&I *~vhianim~4~P0titE& ~ F~iugh 3 he i~! ~a~i t)ie ~ withiiIi~guat~i Yi. h~rnust~ 4m iui4 tt~t~ii h~sh~ so1Ua~y~ Awokeri ~wiQ40#I ~Shead~~ed' toith~ wvdtcheduat~oI~ s~v~ra1 ~f~Armitag~4ot eo~t~ ogy~ior t ~bed' *I~e*e&$t Avmft~ge~1d~ stAti*ise4 ~t~isn~t p~eai'hig~I a~i viM sh~a~ei~p~ii tho .miser&~b1e maais edVied, ~ ~ H~etat~tedA~p,' rdbI~d his eyes~:a~idi~ev dead,. with a dagger stickinA~4ttt. gar4~d;therwoi~ianwitbpa7 b~wiIdere4 breast; and, seated at his side, surve~* state ~whlch~sherettura~d by wv~Iance ing the corpse wit~ra fixed and rigid ftdi~of~tet~a determination aad4~adI~n stev'~, was Gallus 1~ate. hatred. On ma~Id~thi kir~ibI~ discovery ~%Whatt~t~w P? growled Aimit~ge, the intrndere made a precipitate retreat ib~hN usutil dogged and bt~utaIdtone~~ from ~tbt gns'ree~ i4earii~g elaa& :~ tbsi~ K&te made ~no replyybnt he1d~ iiptd presence~i4gtwI~td"ro tht~ ~uspicio~ viEW~ they dradly weapon~ with whic~ that they were the murderers.. K Jtsbn1A~i~i~mIoredVtlit6fl~bbt3t puvpoe~ and~hisioi1mdahger~Armitaga day hs4 b~n inan~itted; bi~te~me~ attempted to ~pri ohisA~et~ia ov~ ~ dee, if~pos~ib1e, t~ver~his'imj~ndi~1g qme~st~o~uurvewde, tbe~ re~.vtr MM~to - creat~ztra.wdiaaty4gr~e ~ That a~ovememt was~hia4a~t o~ ~i~e~ewrt~: maT I .1 En~do~~~ed, fhr~the raement,~ with: sing ieadhed~ thsea~edet~e poIi~i'o~e~' perhoma~i strength, GaIIu ~ateabiz~ #tatlonedi is~*ti. ~k~inxty~ abdfi~t~i ri~4 the da~er~I~av up 'ts~itsiurory fmt~ior.*y~a~ i~d~by~ esveval~ hilt, in the br~aet~of the roan~whii hM etimiers~prooeedeM\I~ ~he Vgarret~: wl*hr bean thei c&~*ae ~f~her~ d~iwnIdlI from a h~d~ beed tb~ sddn~of tkus~orirs~. ephero ~f sjiI~ttder tori her~ present 'illwre'tkeyi fbuiid rUte Iaa~iii :b~rbot~. ni $i~e,~1pndi(ateiedatedr~ its 1aM~. ~Witil a~d qn'groan, the iriatiesifell Qa being int.i~ga*b*~inelaSiownt~ Th~etdeed was aecorrtp1isIw~s-~tIi~ ~" T~nivhe 1.~eh. killedhi!n~4~ ~4 ~ Work iw ~doi~e; ao4hniuiidqres. w 8hew~e~i~oaedieott~ iui~,~ -F heva~If~bydanne~adu1~4sioas Qna wna14~rit*tuaUy shppqsentha4i apdhwe~,i ~ nded~tl~at~ how Lhw~womtu.~ ~iafr~r--bevtpg ~dvnmntt~d ~ qauasih.r ~ad~ss. sw~aoin~rIddiaveenught ~safe4 ~ , ouIyisd1her~e1fkt~fhoraidaof the 86. w~4f onree ib edia~I~ mlv. oo~;wndifotvholn~ eoinempl.ted its *es~au& lod~iaiifter~R~r pIiflgth~OraflhI ~l o~o~res with ~ beenfaIi~j cohiuit~d~awahibe~i~# ~ tbe~#i1fax#drnmfE iede*I~*~ w~ con~w andidarrOa~koed nKa*e r.i he~~1fiu~*~tJ ~ * in rh~jg~frre~ ~ bhiiiwii~h ~ ~Mbr.ii~) ~s O~ ~ xda~~ trid~ ~ ~eT~# ~iu~pa~d 0 - page: 64-65[View Page 64-65] ~*~f~RQ4D 1N~;lWIN. ~ ~ 4i~ 'of evety ex~nsiv~ 1u~iy pr~0mMe 4i&bas~a~iW~er IP the l~Pt4 ~Thi~ ~'z4 r~g~ed~ inmate ~ priaen~c~1l ~ i~4iq~c~w~s prod&we~ by~h. ~pe- 3ack Harold arid ~a~y Witsm ~~ro J~e~mi1ofrevet again ~hQldi~g ,Ts~k sealed at ~b~eakfa~t, in euet of~ 4treir fleu~Id1 whor~i sh~ Iov~d wish ~n in~ea~ spIendid~r~ nishede~parttnents~. Jack, a~ty Qf'J~S5iOt1 ~ laa4~ neti l~n di, while i sipping his, cho4pIate~ yawns minishe&byJ~r ei~porpy~4 ~apri. fashionably,~ a~fhe gIan~eso~v~r ~he c~s~j hpartickty f~r 'thn w~et~4ied dullcehkmns ~ffthernernrng ~pape* 'while Mary~ s~ei~s!itoi s~ek,'rmiriote pleasurable employment ~than~tha% ~uf devottringthe.handsQrut~ f ekao4 per. fect figt*ro of herlQver, ~vitihe~ bril. CHAPT~R, ~XXII., Uant eyes. ix ~A cortAin'ixiteresting'paflor~which ii ~EU1 OBLIGING LANDLO1~, A~D ins observableiinJ the (~onntent~eeof ~nr Q~ ~A.R30~oC~iA~IC GVU~!P~ herp-.~id atzart~in soft; i~olapt~eus languorilo the appoaranceef the beau. '~Af~euihe accornp1ishrnent~of the dar. tiful young girl-announce that tht~y irigiand .uccessful robbery ofthe~cenal. ha~e been iuud~lging,~even to,~xeess, in boetrpasengers, Jack Harold ~n4 his all tliei4to~icating delight ~l the~sen. ~iuistrepwi reached Pittsburg withoutt ses, siu~e theiitirriv~,l, medtiiig~ with any ?ther a4v~entiwj~ *~'The~are~both very negligently at. wuthy of record in this narmtwe,4 ~ tired :-.Jack is arrayed in a gorgeens Iu~mediately after their arrival in dressing-g6wn~oiKfig~red aiLk~ conll*ied t~icity~ the lovers furnished ~tbezn- at the waist by a silver cord terminated seI~~witk wardrobes of the; costliest by~tasscls,~of golden thre~d.~r~-in the nadimut elegant description, intending ruffled ;bbsom ~ his shirt glitters a tui~r'*weU out" as ashionables~of the r~ia~nifident~dinmonu~i pin, while a fik~water~ Mary Wllsb~ nov~ssu~as beipof~iiperb~rings, sparldeA~pen bis ed the .g.rmx~ents suitable to~ her een~ fin~ers~ IHisfeet a*e~thrus~ into veb tad ~bnk Mt that he had maaoa~tdIbe vet slippers; and, upon t~o whole, ,be pe6id ~ bee radiant beauty, :eeiIou~ is as aristocratic looking ;a yeiang geru~. ~osnossled'by~irtale attire '~ V C ~ tIemanasvthoikeader~wuld wish ta tee. :fPkofsasing ~*o be ~ newly~uiarried As forM~ry, *be is~ ch~urming be~ pair on their bridal tour, beypia2~upat yond the capacity of words t~ describe. ihe best ~tetetl iii the cit~y taking an Her nnorniingcostume is the nnosttdeli' eaire~siiit of apartmentafor.tlwir own eate, the most ~reckerc/ne, end the most ws~4iailiag' eirerythipg abpikt thea~ tastefully becoming, that ~ ediindicatethe ossessioaBed ahundtup.e beAmagn~d~ ;Her~wnapperia ofAale *#oaIt~'tbey wera eeceivdd andVt~ehted blue satin, ~refusely adorned with ~by the fastidious ndlor~lof~the1United ~ixest Ishe; her a~u*isnegk, e~ouldexs, States Hotel with the lno& distin~tiish. anda iiberelj~ortiota ~f;her bes0n~ are .e4~c~rts~aadiu~reinatiehe re~lpi. left ucbu~ered,~ to beldseed- h~y~the ~ of several wantonbTaezowhich,;ladealwiththe hh1yieistoera~4 ~ntilina~ $bet~is& perfume of flowers~ ~tenla into the rmun jo~rn~iji~t thh mu*populak~i$rouse. through thei~open wiedews, fr~ioi an asWf~4ttg~ooutuast~dki.we now adjoining'~aiiderl. A rigid nj0r8iist bgMol4 bet*een *~eituatjaus~ ~f ?,ur would perbe~p~ have ro jesthhto the. hem ~wL Gadlue ufflik~ his iormermis~ lavishidisplayofher ivory sh.yxnal es ~s~l*ib4, rewlEng ~tlak .anjoyn~nt being calculated te~~snggest ..knore.u. I Tk6Akjjj~ ~ftIWftngs to. earnialnature';but a ~~i~Jof the "ha d truth "wutId ha, fbtihd' f~nl~ *ith a si~ht sb divlhel b~u'tifid, n~id sb iHuetraiiwreCif~h~ eh ~tjierfeetinri to Whib!Pskilful1Nat~~r fr the rnagnific~nt nia~erpiei~e Thvi~riy hixuriet~ with whichib ~bl&~l~ le~d~dfail to tetn1~t ~h~'~lo~ei appetites of the lovot~' 3a&k ddeuil~ ~i'idE~atud riagedie bell. ~ ~ervant instantly~ ~app~ers, a~n wl~h i~xtaiirnerabIe b6ws inquires th4 ~"~Te1I $ktw itlaster that I de~i~1t~ ' ~ iTh~flu~key va~ish~, andvlh p.~ ~ee1ybh~t~iinure and fifteeh~ ~nd~ the hknfr~y's rtiaster cemesb6*h~gitt~ s~in~ into the roent 'BIaji~1~4sThl~ anile, and soft his voice hie~i~~ ~ldii~ Iylit~i~ he. He rub~4be ~ ~ pV6d~ce§'tl6f 'eo~dd; be ~ than walks over the carpet; and~'h~i.4 bald cranium seems to glisten as if he had greased it on purpose to enable him to slide easily into the affections 'of people,1l u~ih~r tliWyi4llh or no. Ask him to ooze Qut of his clothes like a~ea'~~~qne fr9rnins s4ccI4ent~ bed, and we'll wager t~n to one that the man will do it2-he is so complaiQant, n*h~d1~,ted th~ roofl4~'obediW~t~Atw hble s{irnrnons. ~ ift~rM~ ~ FdetJu$~iafi h~ud tho'gentlem&w'cotlfer#~4g upon him the honor't*w cellh'itri~t fl~I thefr~eit~ralon~ ? ' The~1s1ioettb&dI~t rnih&rl[bf~htxur~r 6f~the table wh~li the1 g~vf~man desired ~' '1.~&i~ ~(nh4 ~iir'dih~eaehduId' lie' r~t~ai~ke1d~iti ~ihtartttte'hr~lea~iit~ P L~it~t' ~tbe~ktt*t~ti~ it td~fr'~~t' *he i~ gcp~leju~an might ae'~c%~x%'~r't. a Mr!~'O ;~ ~ oftI~ t~'~fflhra'~Ih~ hills 2' ~ snionr"beiiPMrs: BII~'bi1h ~ ~ Effinorn4±L*!tl&h~*' th~ ' ~ndi~1Mt MWs~r Ji~kI~dI4tMud I riledn~'th~hut&l ~ ~ I '~Mt'.i FIu~4'~n&~t. .Thlin I~~i~$r ~ffiul~ sam, widrgrent cbiides ni~ilis, t~t~'~d I' ~& d~t~inhC~Wva of 1t~ietoe~&t~~ ~anguo~... wife dre kr~~bw m, a ~d all that s~rt of tuiW~iU;Th~ Itop sh'i~fflIhw ith26~& f~dt: o~~P~Qj&t~Ldtn ~nnoys the ~th~tnk~yiyu:~ I~h~i~ ~nt pltjuL4Mf ~ ~ ~ihhg~rn~4Ldefi~ ~ ui hi ii In existence could not have ii*te Ud Mr. Glozey coughed, considered~ Idg' I I ~1 page: 66-67[View Page 66-67] "Qb cqse the larn.~g!"cried ~ *~~to djspl~,y~ a~r ~l~g~4~gol4 box. 'd beg your pardoxi," 1said. M~ Glos~y, with hxixni1ity~-~'I v~txire4 tp hoP ha1tSo~ ates~ which is the ngu~e~ rrxight~. amuse o~ fl~it perhaps," coxiti~ued the l~xi4Tor4, !n~i~ht~ning up as if struck ~ith a, n~jam~s idea-.-" perhaps you'd. ljl~e to. see the sadusttious iousenerne4.: (~ Iambus. ~s~1iich c~rrjes hi~ own p~vi- s~o~s on his hack, and ...uu 1 "b~qi the industrious louse l" ix~ torrupte4 oi~ hero, witfr,~ ).augh, ~in ~ich~1~ty Wilson joined-" I 4e ~al~ 1abor~rs, your )ouse amqng thay~t~ N~q~e something exciting.~-son~ptliing * thrilling." *1 * ,~' I have it!" exelainied MT. Glozey, what 5~Y Y~' h9Q~~.i~ e4ai~ a.~ n~admsmxi, to a $it~s~rate mur~ de~ #p,~al?, before th, Criminal Csrt~ wjll come oil' the ~ri~1 of sate Armit~ge, for the murder Qfher pars. me~ir~ hi fllackberry Alley. The cir. Og*iT~ri~'d Jackrn4chP~ cite4--.-." and 'J~a(e, t~o,! It must be! ~oagh~.we'll gota this .trj~l~ ~*ave, ui~4le~d; do you hear.~~rgo~" Mr. q~~ey bowed, and wexit., "~4ary,'~ paid our hero, turning to hi# fafr corapanioa~-~"I have probably the Rat. ~f whom I ~ ix~ search. To plac. the matter eyexi4a. d~~l4, let ~s go a~ eace to th. court Mar, ~sp.nted, . a~4 hautene4 intp hq~s~~ig~room inorder to p~ep~r0 f~~he vi~jt ~the nct4ary of ,iIlStieO J~oi~ cipo began hi~ toilet, during ~. progress of which h~ ~hup~oliloqx~i;~ "Th~feIlew wit kism~~(ste elepe4 wse named Armieari4al1e.prQI~Rbly ~m~s name. Pq #l~ss. ~jssIeusy. er ~rexix ~jt~e~ show to take he~ tr~ai1erp$~ieIcTisa..: ~OQP the 14oo4 rushes .hp4 tbrq4gh)mrsy~ v~jns, when i think ~ aw~eL~ure~ which .1 enjoyed ~i*i h~,a~dr 4~IQW~Li~b she 1h~ )~4~4~ me, e~y~ung an4 ixiexPeriQncie4k~~k4*~. the Devil's Den, in Wato~ otreot, *e I. in spite of ~~ewrqng~ie,, he' 4~xi~ me,. I ~cea't h~lp .pjtying~ ~e~2 Notwithstanding all our het~'s eatI o~vengeance against f.~allus Ka~e,~hs r~qW feithia heart warm towar4~ tl~. depraved bitt be~4iful companioav vi., his for~n~r pleasures, adventwmp and t~rimes. Yet he wisely refrained :f~oia~ ~ to tl~is newly~re~$ed ~'e4ipgof~yrnp~thy with regardtobet tlxwpgh fear of excitingg the jealom~sy ot ~ryW~i~spn thu, present fair partxier. ~ ] being in readiness,.. s$opt~ ~J~$I ~ i~~ck~ey c&ach. and wow dziv~xito ~he ~nassive stone buiI4is~g ~e ~hi~h. the Criminal Pourt was tho~ sitting.,, I ChAPTER XXIII. OALLVS KATI'S CO!fDEMitAflOW ~ DEATH. Our hopeful adventurers were Recoin? ~r~p4ated in the court room with~cs~el loot ~0atscemnm~nding e capital view oiL tha entirO; proceedings. 4 ~ slimaedienca waspresent, as e~scitenient existed in relatioxi tps~ lq~w~ a~nd common an a0'aj~r, as be;ty Alleymnurder. 1 Scar~eiy had.Jal~k and m.str~, taken their seats~ when the Pr P51101? w~brought irx,~nd a bugs of a4s~~ passe4~fron~4lip so lip-.4oX~ $~ lo~k~d divinely beautifuL . ~ein~ s~v~1eot ladies had £,irnisledriWith, nothingg, to enshLe ~sAA~ ItA0~4d5I~ent sppearaDQQ~0f0~0~ cexirt., 8k. wore ~ u~di~ssoJ1~lS* Ii ii ROAD ;RILIR~ 0 silk that ~ i~seI,~zp tei of ~ the b~se o4~ tier 8~at~1yn~pIc1 ~b~erq~ t ofi ~ n~t~IIo~r~ 4~O1I~r rQ~i.q%~d~jg 4p~iIr~ of ~ ~AJ1 ~.{ ~ a~pect:ofher garb. .$sp1~d~i4~)uhi~ Bat wh* did sbo a bsc9Ifleh i~~rw3ge4 hi rn ,bri~)~n4~ palo ~ ~ oo~p~a~; I~h~if~#~ auPpvwE~ up~a frqr t~pl~s, bat ~lownMio.~4 against Abe ii~eo~ra&1ing ~ 'the~prI~v Qf ri~Ih A*4~4M2~ijng1 e~~pb9~? curI~j Th~regular, ~n~p h~bite ~cause, coz~spioiwps~~ambngi th~ w~i~Qi~ ~e had been c~ e1l~1~~~ ~ij~$ ai~dieneo~she behold ;J~ck I~arold~. sui~ her confinemexit ~aJ~~JaAl~ ~ con$piq~xous f~r :the ~elqgan4~e ~f~jhiai~ en~ra, abst~xxience fror ar~e~ ~ perrn4aid':dreesit~ weib asbb accnwxsd h;djemoved every anfa~or~W~le~pvo*!. of~tl~, pxinence~fhisipQator4~hd~p s~~xp fro~n~ her eyes ~d our~ajw~ s~ng~esit may aoeruie e~*i~aatb& in4re~wrcd her to ~$l~qfI~er~ :oiigin~ls a;~pb&Was,.,'tisone~ ~fAbe t'4yeetisl~ g it beauty. of th~ ~mmn4xeart~that r~e ih~lM.plmth ' !It is she P' whisp~r~ a4k.j;a*id~, can comprehend-Kate actually tre~t~ pe~g4 je~1~usy and4e~r~bet $h494~h7 blo4bwkth jealeIiafxiIy~. ~heit~ shei~r tfra he~t ~pf 1V~ary Wilso~,4 ~ho s~i.r~ ~e~t~d atitho side cE: iei~1iri~Io~hfc ~eyed, with curifaity and an: ~d ~ Le*nmgLafibc&ionately u~xiI~b~~ tio~ 4ie could not st~ppxe~ q~ou~*.sb a~m~ ~y~ung~ girl of ravia1iing~ ~ creature, wlio~ bad fo~m~rly1 l~e~ ~ ~e~' attired in the moatexqui.ite*~I .~mtky cipi~nt of ~acI~'s t~n~a~j~ #~ ~st~q~ pf ~ *ie~~~u magu~ioonze .uiid object. of his love. ~ ~te~tq~ , tho r~splepden~, be~x4y of ~j~te oxjg~ ~ tbs&ofI~uti~her~xi so f~seinate, our here, O~ tq ~j~e hiiw ~ to forget his ~ ~hq h~r lpltathsgwild&y *hznin*~ self t~ pro~ure her lAl~ra1I~en jxiiqr4e~ gled lp~oliopo arv.1 sha,~ejr~tm~rn~cLixis to~grai~t her his psrd~mx, i hpa~oj~ ~gxi~&ao if tfaecmn~ted ;Aftid keagit~ sr~n iti ~h~cQnftxsioo, dyad her p~lh~eosha~L Kt~te&dv~rnee4 with q ily4igei&jr~ Aenance jw~tbo oiimso~thxie~,*xd~s~s4dui ansi; t?91* her place ixi hepr~~ea~s~ hq~ fr*orato haa*~tumnlti~0uol~tJ:;) box.~ The venerable. Ju4g~ ~tvey~4 A thrill of happiness and.jd~tio~lad~ thelevely culprit t with~ lQQk~Qt~ide through her frame, and lighted up bet nt~;gst; butthe jury,~ Abe cnt~*~~face with a radiant smile, when ~he p1~4 the voliaptuoua pr~pq;t~o~ ~ad observed ~ in~kage.i~x. s~eIl;ng ~utlmnes of'j~er, 'umn'wajlwl ~Jack's eyes, nor scorn upon his lips. fo~m~4athe perfect yet ~pxiet~l ho4m.. Jhdeed~ he surveyed 1hta fanaer~ muss' ty,9f~her4'ec~, felt tlwfr ~p~ea~e~shtjU tress with "a countenance snore in wi&l~ ilesire; at~d ever~y~ enes ef thos~ oonroatitlma hr angi.i9~ Kate'feIPtb~t tw~lye~e~4.who hn4 xilr~4ywx~4~p~ ohe could ~n~et her doowithhm~ their i~n~s~to corindegmii tho~pm.aio in 4udd even eheerfgln~ss~ if~a~suredK~ a 4frgrs~eeful death, WQPJd!haYQ~0~R~ of the forgivene~s~of ~ gt~d~ofan pppoisan~ty1to wpxtpxi ~s~i ~heh~d ib lw~vedind ~ronged~~ .7 her, irx~pr~aAe;.-'~toer~oyl th.Opa~4Mom ~XL~a, thorn lat.~himizi:whemuher~ of ~o;.encxrchng arn~, ~rs41 t~oteltlfe~ whole soul was bound ujs-4hipi iVh~m~ intoz~cating hector of ~h rxje.~n~sI ohed~a4 ever loved withY aniirbilatv4Ms T~ie~ ttial p~oceede4. Kao, Wit 4~i fatnation~ she had :dseevtad 1IrjusL4?o~ii ~n4I~fl~ro~t Q{ttre tp$itx~opy, wlt~ipb ~'w. armotheui a~s ac~iispeidbaht~,t~h~ all il~oi4~dly egair~0 4&es, k~st~ 0lsoo..~ soon as performed. ~ ~ ~ aqarow~ up~ the 59 te!~'mnRRy Jack~lndeodIp1~.d tkiAu1~(4r4en~~ IA L I page: 68-69[View Page 68-69] -~ llrnrfttMD ~ 1IU~1~ youngomsu~'awnbnget~hevsbed1 tit~ ;~th~ ~~le ty'al~id~for ik~4 any ~ wl~h fr~be re~al~d *~th the s~4 Had he foun4 'h~ es h~had~x1~ecte6;t of' &~haudse*~ f~u~ale ~tIi~ugling ~u4~ livingiui ~le~1dor with her ~mxtoiir, w~itlii~ it~1the aI~-~tissoy~*y s~ldo~t hq~ie~ sourcely~ a~i y dee~l which he th~t4te~a~&e,?~lttlnedF wjth sueh~ ~ w.aId~oN~k~e besa 'capable .of~ cca~. ot~4e~! 'A~id~ 1*ho' kV~6Ws but th~U mitting, in order to glut his ven~eunce~ thd~*~ ~ri&in~ flis~. Ift the~&gon$ of But fotsndKute~ poor, mI~nble, be s~ff~lW~ *ialt~ ~6rtie1~exciti~i~ and a.~*isone~-; idud' prof~u~nd pity dl ~ lt~ft1r~l~iI to s~i~ air ot*d~) usinp~d 'the place '~f auger in his viar~ ~flhir aeT th~ ~hati~ln~of k breaat~'~ His'. i~Avw prison experiencee 'Ete~3rbody,~ 'far' huh~edL mild' qi~alifled''him to sympathise~."'EleepI~ ar a*;re~M~ ito be. pi~s~it~~t the withLotiewhn was iii the. elutehus 'of executivet~' C&~fttry peoVl~ fleck iiWo' the.lai~br ai~igb crime~ and1ho't~tas tlieitst$yfrom~all)4~Iarters,'add'the'pubi' thwap1en~d0with the law's'eatrera~ pew~ ho houses are crowded. The 'landlords alty i~ y~' '" . " '~ub~ tbei~)h e;~~rd~witl~ ~ chuckle Wheir the jury brought in ave~dlcj' wiphith~t ~~hibi~i~n?' Would of Gi~~w~-'and when the' Judge son- ceia~ 'ft' e~e~' ~dk4-'~vo~dd be ~& ten~edit&i~prisotiert~'1ieihung'by the prefitalile' " " . neekiuntfikshe waa'dead-Kate'evitic~d I'~ O1&men~ whoee ~xi~tence isa petty' 'Her exeotxtiorr was appointed tte t&ike 1tliei* ~he itatlsn~, 'ftnd' hun1t t~p 'eheIt~' place precisely one month from that 'st~ut'i ikiu~stk1i~, in orde1~ 0to t6t~ef~ dayt~i Au'slie lef the~courtQoui'hi the to the' eiIe~c~h6~r;' u~or the ~nqi.f custbdyf~theersih~r~het ~larte~' ~o#~ 'Mt'ch~nhe '6btitin 'a' dti~r's 'ho1i~ waaitui~edr ir1~bti ~'J~&~Hafroldl1whoav 4ay'froM Al~"bb~ses," fbr they; too, shefregania~d with's! s~d,'sad~smiie. 'I *~ut ~e~he vs~anan choked.' We~~;' Oi~r'hero~ *htle on hio"wayback'to 1 they a~'a ~ight~.for are they r~t thohotolfit~ corhpany withhis'rniet~,gs,4 free and independent citizens, whoee sitddni luiclaimed, with na ~ath-~-. rig~te~*~s&IpriVllegee'-iiicluding g&~b "Gal lts"K~te shall not'die~f will 1w'~tm~dces~-~fl1tist be resj~ckt~I iniveheu ~ 1 ~' ~d?'1vIhudie~t ~ven---yes, Wotnen-'~' ~ r ' ~t~f~rd"to ldse the sight,' 'either'~ .~u, nL&w"anroa~ i'Wt k1EcVTzOii~ !death~f~'wom~u~ they a~ay~xIi~keiil I andfthey'sale~ct &ll'their finery; so thati,! APThI{ X'XIV. , ' When they' ~itis~' ~elves b~ goir~'~ tow~e5fthK'~ubli~ and 'dfrgraeeftir" I ' is" '' '': "'"lgd~di~parauicOi~aud 'perh'a~s"'e*citeX" A ~p~tj~ ii*ii ~flded,; away' like aJ the~esl~yrcf~ 5on~'anirnaiin' p~ttidoat~4~ ~ l@jMX1t~ ~ wild yet 'sweet e~p~ll har44hean~d 'rind' corit rptibW' li~utaeiesiare pebpleawxih.'the~bright asthetneeh~eeii~ IAnd;'last of all;' li~~" mb ltanthof faity land. ' '~' ~ for a sh~.*t iirI~e To the h~ppy,~ho*ishort it the'spaee jft j~ I'~*otn~" h~ess~ "by'~t~i&~ ~ whdt pre~is tJiat,~ itthey' are 'vet~'~g~od~" ai~t~snityIiit I~f ' ~' ~ulndI~k$epi their 'piuafores' ubd n&s4s On ~rtcinth.~ Itis the da~r iwhkh ~ ~nak~ fun' 'of' "'ya " c~os'~ehutiupnn~wbich ,d~ beautiful but ~ihen he comes home drunk, or tell'' aliabd.o~ftl *wnan'is toudenined to ex~ ti~he~etr~tage 'g~utlei~kiesid~ piue~ ~the ~4~oaklf~.F crime t4~' m~rde,.e4mar" '$n'~re~ ~ a~on the scaff~ild I .' ~ ' q 'u~'WW 1t~'e'h4 *w~ixidti~& *~J~J~ 4~QAJ1~ L~ tWIN. await wuh saipat~pce ~e, px4~al of to~morrovhi&lm~ ~.ome~~pe~o$e apt to fi~d th4 ~t ~o p ~ of' so.rnu~hgen~rat Apph~atiori J~j 4een ~~d~aptbp 'j~oper quarter, by bsnovol.n~p~m~ lA y a~ q~e~ard4i~~. ~r~ng for pxb1{~' ~ , we say, ha~ bQOi~~d~ f~* stationn of Kn~p'~ ~ ~ mn brief,. thai tlim~ tins been perem~toiiIy reje~ . ~m their wise hoa~ls and i4~rn",T,~ei ~0M'43~ n~usZ diet"' I ~ , ~ 1 ,~J~et us~ rea4e~, pay ~iyi~itt~ii thei Pittsburg 'jail, and enter the '~oell AnI WIiACb ' %lnlhis XaW"~i~ iurnL' .'Tbere is nothjn~uitosFoz~mritka~. 'ble' inthe appearamn~e4f"thirtwxetw4 Ito ap~angernents ar~ ath~t%'tomfertd.j ble than otherwise ' U cbritaiuedivemly~ tolerable bed, a table, a ch~Irg dUI~k4 ing-glass, and several other articles'ef~ fi~rnitur~e' not ~fteri foui~divl"ei1~h place~ Its banned dow~wfrMfnth aPriew of a ve~y'Ple~sa~%aril~iI, ~ndi beyond it 'a rivei~.whOa~natoeth"~grd glassy surface spaikl~s'~iiv~'the rays on ~ ~the SUfl.fl' liii 'II LII I"Z11111' '~1Thd "walls of 'thin ~aW a4'&p}~di(. ~ ~'otmki seem tobei &l~l~? $i~i )VI' UI ~rited by the t~;~r ~ Kate." A cler~n~.h~sj,~F Left ~ ~dvi'ce rind consolatioi'aa ate to his holy ~f dt~ ~j~4aa. ~ Sc!c~smon, 1 " Its 'di' is' ~e l~olds in he ~ ~aV0a5.Qf wl~c1~ ~hqM S,,iQ1iO~iijh~e~ ~s ~kaR4~R~M; ~ qoij~I~ 1 pag~a.. o~;h~app~n ~ ii boautidsdo.ri~toconpy.!hek~unia&~' Bet $h~is think ug UM* fo~ndr lovot Jatls$ni~old~~4illAebe~spt;at th. exenution,1,.Wrll~~ho add hii~from the 1sna~old I ~ tt~ her~iorherwAadislgnifyhirfor~ve. ~ WilL he 'sht4~~aiteari ~s aOtri- bute to tier memory ?Iq1i~~'I ~"'ih'9I~ Son~eh9w or ot~o~, ~ that if Jd~1t 't~h'ds~ h~r"e'~ee~uti~,-an'd she in emi~bledto ~e l~ii~i' ~ ('~#*id 'kno- ment, she candle alnr~oet iiap~ilyi. "" I Although ni ~~'%$~1~; ti$~gx~. nate young wosaw'lqoke~~?~dueiful as ever. 1!V~ t@fliuseip~i~~ioatiy.beea made with' e~trem~"ear*~i~1r&hmit ladies liar.' ant~raapphedwbet with clothingi~n4 ;~l~.Aiii~y of her sex! asserts its when she id' ~tnuidjr~g~npop~qe verge of eteraity~ "Hdr"diess'~',ot"~axt~ white, ~'fa on~&a~t@~i~Iuyu bar dora. A fe'w iflow~rs 810 n~li~ddtl~r twined amid h~'r"'dhrk' 'a~ii?~' shiuin~ treason. She looks ~harzning. Good heavens! cati it possible that, on the mor~r~ th ~ rope of the hangman wilt"~encircle that white rieQkwhi9h seems 1y'~&t~ Thrthe softest caresses? £ ~ f~i~;a~3i~ pi~i9~4~e. ~d ~r, y a' ~rd ~ 'l~p ~ j~eS1~i~. pm~led li~4~1 dnpgjp ~ the ~sts ot~ a ho'citing mob? Andy z~p~nt ~u~ous 1b~4y~ nQ~yrqjmjqtA? and ~ a~ ~l~al?1~ ~,rgap444~'~qejy~ I ~i4, ~ ~e imagined-rriustoa~4~y ~yp~' n~to '~whichd~i.d owod (sU.a~ let ifS I A I '1 ~1 p' page: 70-71[View Page 70-71] ~TIU~ ROAO to ItlJtN. :1 n~ zu6antukliIlb~gaa to play~a low' azid melancaoiy.~friacodnipanylngtIte mu4 shi with~tlih in~brdA~ which~sM .eumsgiw, s4vdh~iX~ecuIi&rly irikhiaudl ew~e&' iTheseIliri~a~fwhich are son~e4 ~ ~he~ompose~t .;Ian~they:we~r.ther th~ attempt at poetical comp6sition~~ EN~. ~ ~ * ~ OA~ ~ ~ ~ ~ts, &cKt1tb~M 1~fJ~7p,~Q5lpr~9mQrS I'~Iu*-' a * ~ rou.~s4dI. ~ I * ~.bp~I aWei~.IoIrfd~R? dl ~OiiI, 30 mO~ I~EX~ XXV. .1 SM~My had Kht~ini~h&dth1~ t~if * *hon'the ~ of h~ 6hll ~jleii~d,: 9VeA~& i~m de~'p lli6urtzii4' ~~iij ~, osjl~r v~ua~ja yu.q vva~ia u ~u, aazaLIa~a~ ~lekIi8$1~ 'dg~ir'~l tIle do~r, ~iidI iillAEt' ~tttlaol1t," said th~ wThkb~; ho * l~I~ the ~ ?obkCd it, an&a~- ~ hrmd ~hb jirW Tft~~tIi~i~* held ~ Ii!~t band ~ seer ii ageS~&r tha1t otaeklbVbe. laovolezmt feelales~whoavititlpbiSbd~ltOSL * pitdlal ahddthe~bodew' ef pbverty nad ya~ .forithq pose of4istrlheti1t~ 'p1. eu pscep~jbMd~hrgIhgI'th$ imb~dly TIIf~' ROAD ~). 1WJN. 'I ~' Whht' ~o ~yozx wish "*itW' tIW Wi&dam 1', aslte~I Kate, as ahe ~c~ie ~1W 'j~arI~zfltr~ dis~ikhd tb he nimide *in~h~' pd*s~tt~ h~dco~ij~ivedon va$d~1s ~ her celi ih~t~ii&a ~t~tI torte-" to presexit~u Ht#Ith ltlrhbel'of relighrns piibli6'atjbil~, and ~ th 'li~Iijg yoh 'toh eeW*e ~'~u~'a~rful sit~ti6n ~ r ~ a hope; inrse~ble jdI1h~ f~iia1e, 1th ~ yoi~ ~avb been '~n ~t~'4~thik holi~e of bonda~, ~ibu ~f~er rjg1ateodsnes~, a~ffd have eaten your rnushritid Molasse'~'r an~ humble ~nd ~ ~orttrite spirit' ~iLet ua~raylV Kaie~ieald h~dlyr~fram from lahgh. i~At tIP~W)~imsival ,speeA; yet, not ~p~r~ng~he:annoyed by the society Qf ~~a~t1rtgfanati0, ~S she supposed t~e~ttR~g0TitO be, shapretended~'~he highly $fended, and said~ in a' ~evOrc ~M~4em4 want neither your reli.. giouppi~blwat~ezre ~wr your prayer My Bible will sup~lythe place of~ the ~rst-~~-tbe ~IergyC~an who yisits ~ize will furnish n~with the second You wi~1 oblige me by immediately r~lt.znng if yc~rn' ,o~ejfl in coning ~ w~s ~the ~of ~e~irng r~4p a&~rapgdv~hezmI ascend the scafibid to~dzI*ro*~" ~' ~eO~ltIf~'t~ie'thou art g.~j' the~~~dtl~'e strat~er~, in a thrilled throuhher ul~'~ri~ ~dt~d ~~mgt1W ~iI#~iii F akid ~acehes thttt~ have gkded far, far "I must not giv~'w~y ic~ tiiy1'eet. d~v#n the ~tr~tsmof year.~! ings '~ thought Jack~-.~'~thid ~r~tut~ "That ~ice! who art thou?" cried ~mIthiugh ati AaI~ ih per m~imv*~~a Kate, as a delicious hope began tefltn' lelse he~irt~Sh~1hast1eeeii'ed 'mi~e, teriuherheart. and:at the first o~perUieit~r ~tnay~e sr~h~ strar~ger raised; the '~eiI and again. I hai~e received ~ &~fr.t~ di*losed the b~ild ~'k~t delkate features paywith~ hex' the part~ afaI~ve~ ~tn4 of J~k harold. Iwiilns~r~e~fro~n ~at-r~*i~fl' Uttering~ *xld exc1amatiea~ ef d& id&myr4e~e ~d its oa*~iM~ MMW light, 'Kate hodndedfcrwa~d~ azid ~vas ik~tp.~ien&are' now-tIi~ rt~dfM~. alaeped h~the ard~aoe th~ ~uth ~h*zri ~$ \Wil~bmi~ al~dirx~usvmiet ?rOyeafdl~ gheldved,'nlrnostto madness I th that fitic ynun~ girl~ for' whonb1i Jack's transports were far mor4 rzi~d~. ?et1yd~av~;ft ~#eq gr~a~atd*ndei're'. crate tharvtlwse ef hisforrnei~mi~tr~ss., ~aktI.' Yet~I c i~eher~ to" s~ii '~ ~e~iedtobe1aborirind~raemere~. a e, and I'll doitat:~1lrhk~P~:~ r~r~inItg in~1u~nee, that prever~ted h~rl~ "Kate;" sai~oni~ h~ro, al0sdi.LL"ihe f~xftiI retmirniag the pas~ionate~r~as~ moments a~ pro ot~~ahd *e tttait'hot ~hict~ th~ magnificent K~w ~ish4 ~ose4irtle iwidle~drd~ ~Wet~t'&. him. 4VIereIybeatcwizig ~ co1d~ Oan~ ~way te th~ jiiil~ ~upoh ~htl~ s~& kzs~ zxjion her ~heeIr, h~ gently ceI~a-~ &r'bfI~I'saw~tlie I~arits~i~z*wimsn~ ~d hirn~el~ from her amiibra~e~ and~sai~,j the galle*s iz~poh ~hieh~y4ei~vw i~~a tonO~ whi~hpartook.zi~or~ .f ki*mmI.~ bang~yoato~iurkevlr!'? a V a *~srthazi love.'- a Kate ~iIedlandr~mained~iIem.u A' Kaie, le~ ti~ not refer t~ the j*et~ ~ k~To;navey~u lrom this fa~te~ ~ow If yotxha~e ever wroegedme~L forgive titzudd Jack, kizi~ Ia aal~w rme you fr~im inysou1~4iet th&t atiAk~'~ threa~'h ii~ar of i~t~ee*-~4L'h~e ~' Oh!" tried thevdung tv~in~& itmi koni~ her., in thi~ diaghise. ~You~m~ta at~n~po~tof happin'~ss awl ji~~.L."4~ ~h iie'eIotheswithn~e. ~FortanateI~, them take me to the Aok1Thkl~4 t~h lv~rmai'e avery )zi~arIytWe as~zvte ~st~ veady~ I ~halI meet my death 4~ho~r~! qi0koft'WitWytsurgowtwjiveh* fully; how that you hhve forgiven ~ize' et andarrayyoiiz~s~lfi~ theseolOth -dear, dear Jick I The kis~ thet yoaI tinIne.'~ L ;~ ~ I have~ imprinted upon rr~y' cl~eek wifl "But'why niake title eztihacg*le ~uetahm me inthe h~z~rof tria1,~ and '1 ~ k~4'Kate, inwonder. ~ a -~ '~ *ilI;die~th your ~recieu~'n~me upe~ '"~Iaior4er th~m~y'ou'm~ pe~~l outof my lips, sweet youth! Ah;'what iid~ th jail, ~ * I p1 tc~'to be ~ur.~"r~pIibd' SakikiI~% ho Our hero examined Kate with atMOt~ h to di~estiri~na~Wwf tIle ~te~m~ aiewA~vvd'hrs hezv~t palpitated ~A~i1d1y as en~s lit ~liieh'he~ao attIved.~: k4t~ ~yee devoured her wnndroas beau~ t~z'.Matdty &ble td 'cdtittoi ~h~u~L ~L~ia I t~iu~'~xeited by her Thd4~4zit eve~iz~eaa~ ~ 4 ~ v I F ~ I~zi i~L~fftI CH~PT~!I ~KYL A if. he had ~Ii&~re& with hot hi nh s~mih ~ bjP',4~ew~e abeet to thretv~ aek1ii~ as- WARG W~ AW~ ~OAiWMVs~ lacy WiIde~ ito~ bst~r$ ~ ~i~Ahful eyti. ~' . ' ~ ~ ~k,"'M~h*o~AI, '9 .LI~ ~ ~ ~ It L page: 72-73[View Page 72-73] 'I 'I PH~IEO4D 'TO. ~tUIN. ~ ~v9r~ib~ ~he has '~#i1 f.Q4~$bk~ a~v~n~age ~( your ~iobIe b~auti~s ~ig1~t n9t weaken hi~ 4e;qj~ been here, 'sh~1i W it~o'~e ~niAhing but ikti if ~' pQ~ty.~djI4~at A~Ot A~t1~ I, will urination to refrain from evq~~ qeip sing and play upon that 'ere instra- ~jIli e~ifi~ TOIPI~1) ~~n4 rtieet my doonV~ .~formlDg towr4~ ber the pu% of a uii~ii~ ~ Blh~tF it~ I ~if#?V i~N~' ~eorn~ ~ri Wh~eau boRat of 1oy~r. ' s~ivelli'~ ~u~Iien1~t1ih~fc ti~i t~i~ h~ving~prwe;h~d ti oeortf be'uig tb& The fair but Wicked.young ~wp~n~ thins, so handsome and ~o kind-epok:h 9f J~wk Unrold I" ~w ~mmed the j~arments wjiich. ~J~ack as~s1~ h~b~e~'td itie, t~is~ ib~ti~o w ~ ~tfoi~~. . ~4' I line, K~e,~'~a~id onr hero,! bad taken QtJ7~ As:for~ur herc~, he wa~ b~ej~L/i I ~ i~iIA&iWpft~*~e eR~*A%4y~'!1e~pe~tfld resi~tnn~e ea~ soon arrayed in iCate's whit& 4~ss, '~1i~e~ v~ortli[~ ~feIIii~ ~l t~1~kW~ tWifM~A~ " ~ ~11epQc$fI*0 YQ1I~ p t~4~n4 ~tn~iberef~re not anr4: which fi~wd him to a ~barrn.; i~ouiiS~ ~ ~ iJ~SY~1i ~ ~ adopt uiiy p1ai~! This entire change of, raime~lt, nave hiwe~rd~*hhbis ~ &t'tl~ ~ a & ~l ftT~ 1~4fi bt*I. i4~pt~t YAi~U rnz~t±a~d~s1.all!; WI~y} ~ngbean effected between' the parties~ th4~'tli~6~e~ & oiiib&4hi6 \ ~ ii ~dfII~t~14 T~dI~4 1i9a~1~IJi be~it~ to esc~pe~ from ;death~ Jack th~isad4ressed hi~ forrnez~ mj~ toW~kith h~ Jtr~ner; M~4~tiiM~'V ~ y~r 1ife~ merely fOr ba~ing~s1aiaithat, Y Oa, quitting the jail, you will ;aee li& l~4~he way' inV~ t~e tI~b!~ ~' P ~oundrqtArz~itage ?" , a carnage: drawn up ~t the .entreWe. wa~bdut to ~J&~ til!t ~'i~rT" lVt ~CV&i~~~ 1f~~.' oil ~l ~r~wkt~w:tne,.a~dye'i ~accounLI driven to a place of safety ~ 4h~ 4rwer 'to d by a~r 1rrdWmd~iAlL~l~d ~ia~ iff~u~n~y ~ *~'eA~rin0tkieg ~ be Etmter this carriage and you witt ~. tlir~dh aa open do~rc~Vhet~A ~ra well awar~l baa my instructions. '.Beora4e~l$g~s loun~lug U~Ofl ~ WOOdbIi th~'~rii 'U~'~ $ ~'~'~i I ~tIio~iIjkel~rt~ eaught~na~ to.mrxorrowrnorning~ .1 shall probohlyb. a pi~~' Tbms frmati ~ ~ ~jiMit~~~ftY. *W~t)~yot~ NoW draw yout y~j~dea,~, of ~gd;'*as of *w~$~bofo~te: 'daylig~itm' to'~iup~roi Iy~~-'ao,. take Ihis buzdle~p~itraot$ j~p *' tU1C~; hi~i fa~, 1lloatedTWithdriiil4v~ *dz~a*l i~a~ 'iiW fhOhds t~ morning. Even if I sheal4no.t spe~ceed y~ix~ hAnd~-thOs; now kmoek~ for ~tb* ~ of iothi~i~'~')~ t'v~ ~ ~ a~4 doj turnkey to let you out, andtrt~to4or. br.~sidh$,2~nhl~y~ ye 1~k' ~ h~; II with flt~1l ~omnot the~persoii that tutw f~w all~ the rest.~' Adieti~'~' th~.~' oVa a~r~6nt 'Hi~b~r~ ~h~; '~Wtd~ a~I dct~"Kat!e ~tmk~i ,,iss derru~ed~t4death %Jrnne,'Kate ~IIavitigtetider1y embraced tb~ gen,. gy ~roimt" ~ ilAt~T 'a ~ tt~ ~i~n '*&~ d~ka~oedb '~ fl~awith yo~w~~go -j~otk areonot ~e~oj~a youth Wi ~!thu~ris~'ed d~ia~ own Wli~h a! 'iia~ltei~ ~' woald1aVeffi~e~i~ e~zd~ **meVto.J~,e$~ before ie~,l for~.1 aa~otyIm~ordertpJsave berfr~zmgtterri. im4"i~ :~kidi~ ~t~r ~ dl~rerm~.~ U ~ ~iJpAeal~, ~(ate l~noc~ed' lQiL41yjJ~poa b~' c~mYm~~~ ~ W~ij h ~ l~ii~fl; wy esutho ~ o1 Canova, have~I~ the i~on~4oor, while 'J~ekseating~iu~'. ~ii~* 'r~iii~nde*~irI~ __ w~?-~.~' ,w~th yeurg niLsayi;~ptiti self ~ftt th~ window, buried ~hia f~, ~n t~I~dced bY~' ~1Z~ ' ~ind~tl' ~ ~ W ~ ~ aIb~se',tespe~iteble mournihg~ garel hia handkerchief, and ptetemWed t9~39 tt~fl).IWC* " ' ' ~ or~l~ meats, bid farewell to the old jailidis'j p~ m~whehwed'with grief. v ~rhi~ pletisahi lorAdh~ "f~.ak~o t na- W~'~ " e I.1~ e~itha th~ear~d~who~ve iti g '' hould' here ol~serve d~at t~e~"' ~ade~~ akk~'d b'~~4 ~ ~ c~'i~ tor to.morrow's.shbwvand'acAi~mtmpaa~y) bow had brought with hi~ a~rg~4i~ ndd~li#i~fl ~jj ~ ffi ~ fi'~1b*"Ii~kie, the il ~ao~to ~N~oW Yorkb whielt city 'is~iyour l~ife, and that he had caref~4Jy)ae~t* '~~Ol1bqtXinI ~e'rk~ ' '~' stout rope, ~it one end of wh ""~~irr*te~th*atilo of aCtioW~ 44~th0 weapon in th bed. 'r~~tiidV0seeth~ P ~' "' ~IL1 01 ~ 4.~XLL"S 'The turnkey A .~ ~ i~F~ ~iia n,~j ~44. 81~4lLl. iodv~e4 ~ompan~r~ ~ypu'tq came and opeze~ ~ ~ who.~~ww~de1ighte~ bepoa4 saeAs. ~., "A WAst that 1~ave, ,with~tt~ diyjp~ 4~tTt~ fl'~O9ibw, ri~r~,iW.~ #Th~ ~'"~' t!j~&1~ ~,I~~aix$1 Isii~l ure at the prospect before her. m~iptanca, succeeded in~ aof;enir~g tbo 6hi~~dfid tidd wa ~'el!i~km bi~& lo'no~ flian~ i~ b6uht~ irl~ ~ "You ~hall indeed." a~;p~che4 prisoner's obduri~ hear.g~ tin ~IITh' 4~j~ ;' ?o~ ~ wddld~ o~2?eril~ liU p&~kom '*Oh, then I can hesitate no longer ~i4j~at~e, ipajh~w t~ne, ~ i(~te r~L~o~t'WIth jaot~6t ~ knui~d .~ustWmr d~ to embrac~y~p~ j qr~e~ii particularly tint o4th~ celL A' SIw ~ ~ ~ chi~4 rna~n ~ as you assure~ roe ttlat you r~in no risk prepared for the.awful 'qhar~gewl~e~ ~ ~7i.ah~ ~' 0r Jack aw~~baiLA~ever& repay ~you for ~, "Ah,;zna'am," aai4~hopp$~uw~ ' '' ~ ti~fi~th~n wia~ ~ "' H I ~ 4x)mny~1qce?~P~a~,, she rau~ ~zndergo~ tQ~n)orrow~'~ lid ~ $t~'( this incalculable service ?" ' 'kqy, o~s reaIlyafaih~iI~~gp~ "For a ~~qft~) M~ h~e~ ~I ~ ~ I ipg~h ~~nc~oofthpae~wordsi h df.eIlow.~-if ~ ~ .'.,o '~ofi~' ~eook.~qff1 I ~iwb~eI4 s~aedi tI~is.wjW bir4, yoave done 'a~mo~~a Wg~'t~PW tobuee~ ~uo '~ I'll much to the astoniMi ~i"~ f Jack now averted W vsa,~pq1 that the the parson oo~ul44p. She's ti~j~~4g pit you ~a~cr.d~ jil~e o~' thI~ '~MIh , ~6 hangman and tha turnkey, ~ glpwingt. out4ad-outer, and no 'I' A ci' * 11. 4' ~O1718'I C A' wf&P~ft~ Ii Va~ilf~ ~~?~'11* 'I mu 4 I' "I" LA17411 I ~ed~ t~o~ I$fs~ to ~ tI$~ ~ (U page: 74-75[View Page 74-75] I I 4 f I ii W4I~I:40Ar _ scernageth'ec~rivem~twl~ 5i~i J~ad ~r~h gp f~i~ppn~nrnent bu~a Qr~Ikalfl~ou~ cell1 the jumate 9facozl~ with the pyp~pe4~ef peber,9( ~r" a public disgr~ , ~ 4~at Grntitu4e~owa~ s ~ aiipd h~rhappn~ art pnlp~tn~e4 ~i Ilyds ~e ~d~that~he ten:de r~tsrn~mcy whch f~rmer!y exmat~l het~ee~c~Ij~r. ~~~#~erself, might n~w ~ ~accoznp~nyipg 1~ur~~ p uses ahdro~an~i~.a4yezjt4r~ ~ W~g~ng ou~t of the. cnrri~ge ~ ~ number of ~arpei~ th~, ~ur~u~uit of a )~4 'aur~nt~usi~e4 ~yy~ area ;at~m4 the ~nrgr~ engage4~[cQm~e~ctin~g ~ a large number of persons were~4~er~ 4.~~wing the PTeParntuo~ma ~lt 9'~ ~ipe9rance of euriQei~y a~d i;~1. ~te4 e4 away f~p~i t~e~tMio fors~e Jnq~r t Et1~is ~aq~al~vs upon which sJ~ ~ executed between ~the ~u~1ot,'J~ine and twelve ~ on ~afet3~ let mis~ow Kreturn to ar9ldw~o remni~med in th9~qn. 1iu.widch lie. had volun~a. ~4cozn~ Pri~6p~ron qr~r to ~e~' ~ wi~p bt 4 once ~kW "d. y ~ " " 4 r THE ,CGNDE)~NHp ~ A door was cIos~. ~1dckedupon our here, he felt as s~~ed t~at J~is phin wa~ successful; ~ ~ ~attit~ide 4 pp he g~v'c. vent to his ejno~ ,&~fjhaving tricked the'turn~ ?Ya~#cheate4 the law of itr~int~nded victun, by e~nvating his dress tn an im~ rnodprtc, no~ to sny irnrnpde~t height, few steps ~f ~ jspcy ~eth~w~j1d have consigned all. s~y~K~e1esi~ t9~n. insane h~p~tal. noi~i4tlistand ing j4p gra~ficn. ii~ii~t lini~in~ s~ved his former mis. ti~ess 4ozi~ the gi~l~ows, Ja~k felt, tbo, ~ present position ~was a very i~I9usio~e; for, it~bisd~sign of .get. the prison that nigh~hi~ul4 fJ,~he~yefl kuew~that in the morning, ~7di~c WO~YOf XC~te'~escape must in. tYit~b~th.k place Re woul4t~ien ~ woi~ld t~ a rigid exajuination, h~ nil probability reeuI~ $the ~detection nfhis t~izesex~ ~ f~n4 aurro~raded by these. very niu~p. dons ~4cumstances, inquiry would. l~ mad~ a~ t~ who he wa; when~e he c~e, a'n4 whatconn~ectien existed be. tween hiu~n& the escaped prisoner? ~ he could n~ake no satisfactory ~ply to an~r ~ these ~nqujries; trtze. ~&u~igh~ ~v~rIt'n plausible story, p~. ~ihIy~-btA' whs~t proof could he b~ng forward io austazp, n~? Y~Ie knew t~t Mr. ~b~'s hnnd-bnll~ were about th eity de~crijii)g his person~ exactly, and oft'eripga~.e.rd~f$~(j1J for his ap. ~ji~el~iepsi6n. lie wquld eertainl3r ~&6gr~z~4 ~s t1~e, person tI~n~ descrik. edandqien the complex~ ~uw toward. *hich he bad s~ long been travelJin~, Would be atta~ne4 ~t o~,. S4ni~ however, waa our hero's con' ~4eejni hi~ own.avidreas, nngen~iisy ~wd .~eunge~ that the daogers~ of biN I TUiE ROAD ADl RUINL I TilE ROAD TO IWIN 75 ' 4''.,,. situation diti not daunt him in the tomes here tonight ~s a stran~r, and ~e~st2 ~Oa tEi ~6iltr ~ ba~ardous *illrt~b~otie thb &~vndthp~1B ~ ~bi'Lt~d lihui a uge and' thril1in~ ~ti~ed, &&~K~t~'~ teg~d&r jifrittiei ~lndt i~ ei~itenr~n~ 'N end of hi& &withhe~tpet~6h~ 1~ shall he~ksbIi~~ ~ Sdt' ~thet~ dinething! ~& astekhi*ti th~R~fre~FMt. 'V~4~b i~i ~~''~W of~I~ littl~...LS1lLft1 ret ~to'be&~4iat ha~be~wi cli' calle& hutb'~tIoniA ~t'~brougM$ ~ ~ qua~xt~'d~ 'a d~rlh~hi1d r~b14e~L~H&Vi p~u4he BjW~hew ~d lid d~sl~ni~to''ektt~te i~hitb~d had be~b ~kit l~J~tt1iat lutud'~jllaced ~n' hls'bt~bvW tl~ d*lt.Icnlfe wd~'1ii~ pldW~lf operation~ ~W~hftll *itIi ~Knhi~h h~had r6~id~d kit~nsolf~ The day passed slowfr~Y. i~* ~ ~ i~haa 'bec~rhe k,~lie~ b~ke~on- s~ Ii ~of ~ hi~hit~dl~tii~ dud 'tb&~tbh~?~ ~ti the maseuliiie shortness of his hair. ~a~k'(~ok ot~*~ td *e&1~i~ '~i~ Upon the wholerhe presented quite a ttlli~t 'btMght~ tunW&~ti~Y~k~ handsome and effeminate appearance, ~nd""~ i~"tIi~ and the cl6b bs~V~k~Id~ scarcely *' ~ dtei~h"is'h&~th~% jh't~ have'suspected that he was not what in &rt ~~titode vf thede~s ~jp6~l~fr ha ~ att~d~o iitte~rsO~i1e ~W~s'of'd6$ looking woman,' B dea~~hie long ex~ ~l~tioxi, o~iid 'an ~t~Ic~d~thlir ~h ~ experience in this description of mas* tndni Wiild~oe~ai~ttW ~$ queradiug, enabW4is~n~tnStxsteAil'lhi3 dfpa~hug a jortioW1if'4h~' I t Id asshmed~art~ ddrwirably'iwelL' 'hi4 Mdle ~j~I'~ti ~ha~ ddte'~tion e'tbekihis~ati at nearest behui~tendhu*y&I? aWtn1on~ ula~an~, & i~ ~5 ,~*e&ibIe~i* ~i*h~r light~ ed ~he tlnrklkey, asli~'# a ~'bouft to rI~I~#i* mni~tiehc&bt~ ,wi~hout,-A w~huIr~ ~ it~d ihd' R~v~4zld Mt~ sib~l~'p~rt,~le uf~ ~*~ssin~a."' 1 V~rni~h, ~ ~let~tx~s that b~h ~ did Alot make i~it ~&l~eeo~lder. his appearance until ~bouttea ~.~4oek~ ed~ e~t ~ed~h~rvdI 6'mi fteIe~ I ~ra~theW nihored 'into' th9"e~U by pie 'thinkff~atlih 1i~ i i~"~t~IIt ih~ tkdftt*vke3r~hO ~ true re1igi~n ab~iut~h~ri "'I hlnev~, takln~ geoll' 'eareY ~of1 eouk~i to ~j. that's not f6~a~ ~ though *heiwu~al elabmiuta' ~xe~effiEJu)i t~S~ '~. ~iig~it'*ith ~W'ik~'pla~'4f of l king and bolting the p~deiQ~~ ~ ~ h~ frau door.' '" 'i~ ~ k' Thi~Re~'Mr. Varniuhcwas'ayEWOg '~Vith~i ~ ~ the tm~hk~r 4~ ~mtlehm~ii ~'g~i &boiat twent -fi~,ed.~i with tlid~ rihintlhi~ Whicl'* h* hed'r~L ~awpec~.' ,~I~a4~1WOi~ "Sve 't~iing .~orks w~Il,"~'stid1'he ~ to ~hllil~e~ -i~ X~W1 h~ ~IiOd~ md a~th@~h he *oes thsltitajuiehl~ the tilt ~ ~dg esut~tity~wiuolii ger~tlemen of the pul~it-p~ page: 76-77[View Page 76-77] U T~9AD 9JLU~. ~Si .i U THE ROAD TO RUIN. - 1~j~ i[ S. 'J) ~tt '~t~u JIU if ii ~ ~ tho ;g994 C ~ ~ ~p~p '! ~ i~4 *e f~j,~i4y~ ga~~l~J# ~ ~u~~a~ter dth -~ ~fwA~ ~z~a~4f ~hj~ pp~on~J~ ij ; p~e~4~t l1io~yo~ g church "~w~ .~ al~g~t~r 4e~p4p~ W t~'DP0~ t~j~j41 ~ i~t~j~o4w4r,4s~ o~$h~fe~a~ m ~emj~f pj~ybi~p~c~p ~pij~~ hf~A~q~Ic, ~ yof~hq~ij~~ yp'y ~9p~4a4oh~to1p1 feflov~r p~L~Wb9 hours-for all ih~t the parson knew-~- a&~dra$iop for ~ ~ mows ~4 the eloq~ent y~upg dfrjns~i it ~~e~iiy~ Qi~rgy '~1,,, p9Iyjyi9W ~u :j~r~~ ~ 0 OHAP I~ER tXXYIII t~a Al ,, ~P'~ ~ T0IMi~*fl~WI~lRNb OR II~R1~ fit i maintain, Prag~9s~ ing tile ceIl,~sto~Jd~ ~ l~,r~-~p~iVa ~~1v~tiop~1. ~ '~ ii~rd pf ~ over4r~ east dowi ~ ~ ahs~rbeduin gvIe~s ihd~hp4~ p r tiy s~ i~ u4jwkk~l ,~que ~y rubbed hi~ ~yes~ until they Weyre4~o ~x~x f~r4l~ qpm sioAr OLt~~!R~5t a. to n3ak~it ~p~e thaV~h~b44 ,ii~en UP~a~1I~l ~) 1~i~ ntpp~kl~ cfl3~q5 w~e~i~ag COpiOUSIyJVf ~i5~.~ii ~tl#CIr4,~e%~Ye ~te b'm~1i ~~"~Humpfr!~ the Womile is~W~eU~Aook4 L1PQ~1 I at tJ~er~ hba4~nni~e ~ ape$s~ ~ hirnseWat at 1itt1~ idistanco ~fthil ~ ~ priSohieTY~ It ' Hi'~ "My unfortunate sister," saiti th~ t1~ qeerod, ~I9tj9!~s qf~h .~@Ut3g cIe;gyh~n~t~t .I*e~gtht~aft0r a with fartbfuiness ahd p~ty~ ~qur ~ Si ~ gqw~y~i4~ )~j~tl~ ouOr~x#rew1e~ pv *.I4co~lge~~ the utmost severity, ~)~dId A ~ ~ e*.gg~I. Al~i!t 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ia~a~fiow0r twist si~ *QOtl ~o t~Ir~g ~ I ~ ~11~nt Jan. Upoa hearing tbis strange sneoch-. cast dow,~ Ida eyes.' Encouraged by ri94 I ~ ~s~yp~ a r)d~thK, we ~i~to~~" ~4ii~ ~~'sh~ce your ~aforpn~e ~ an4 WOuld $e~yqQ!~j~~ I~ ~ it~!-~ ~ tha~ret r~rn~jn tQyo~, p ~ y? meno ~' ~"~' the ~,, ~ ~ YoiP; wo~d~z~4 a soulAnto e triii~ i~h ~ ~ame~a~ ~ft4hjh~ c~e !~-!yonwlio ~vpwed intootiori, qf, px~ r~ng5~p i?~ ~ p~r~or~9' the oXlice;s qf~I~ ~ re1 ~ V '''i~4td~ ,; ano~b~e~ sy~b1e O~yQ4~ uI~4~'4 s~i14Ize £orfq't o? ~ripJ" yq~ t~s IC / anA1~k v~'4j~ dered st~T~.kH9 ~~Vi Co - prehend J~~c 's design, an perc~i~~ tb~t~~p~ t~r a ?r~ his knife in dangerous proximity tQ4~p paTS~f~9~~" w~p~q ~ur awear~ojj~i1i ~ qse~ nt' ~ Mr. ~ ~Q 1iance~wi~h t14 im a ~ $ LtWii~ -~ ~ If ~r!~ ~ 1~ I ft L.2~JL occ~a t. ~he ~ C ~Z Lh m nA~A~bfah11i. t ~ g~& o~ 17 ~urnr ~sp4~; ~ ~~he ~pqs ~p~,rtD~ d~ ~I~aving compel ed ~ j~Ik :34 ~'agge~iie vict: with a iO arrange~ as et p e~rt~tI~j. ~ ese ~ occupied, s~~5 p~sp pfop~~q~w.~ Izar. 9P~AA~#w ~ fQ~hOIWYl~ page: 78-79[View Page 78-79] 5, TIlE kOAD tO ~u~r~: ~ ~ro ahwild get s~tq~r, 4e~ia7~ d~Ax~ies,~o U~ be fri~ ~he~ai~. fully. ~letea~udne4 ~to dr~g~ 4~ie ~&ttango iu y~vi~ ~f h~r r~e~; A~rtunp)p gfu~~c~nduc~ ~&ith r~akd t~ ~ ~ r6w, ye b~eft e&M1~' ~u4u~ ~'4 ~ang her~ Nofi~di~g ~ ~iJ~ 9PAY c~e~iined ~ deak he s~z~oa* overco~ie, ~4 ~ai~4 ~i'~ ~et~r iai~cwi~ ~hr,~tIwy e~~p~.nd~d tI)eir4~iry ~fl~$h~ qu~twr.iI" de~ni~qd~4 ~r ~e - fort~le ~ ~ ~ ~iJ~i~g i~seIf~~nd upo~tho~pn~ie~$. t~* ~n~y-cQach%~P ~ ~A 4k, u~4 31113 eni '~qnil ~ La vd~icei~ to*~t~W it~ L TM, pQ9~tur~ke~ ~ag~ ~ engigedJnq~ii~e4f~f l~iq~, ~ ~JWb~ 141- ~ ~~g1i~i ei~ud~opoa~~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ for a share of the popu1a~ L~PhV38I~1PtI t~OtJQU bwib~4r~nA d~ dw ~i~~ih4t6d~ ~beto' i~ovk, kaiodced' mind,' 'o1~ held ~f' is ~rkh ann do. 4~9t;&he miaera We haDgIn~n ~ 'We1~ ~'Yo4 l~wv ~y dea~'~id~ M.AY oor of ~ ~&u1~oii~ jt~i~d'hiii~ a~'t1~sa e UWQ ~a~ritfg, .9igh~8J4~n oi~tsight, bei~g dr~gge4 ~o Wipe "~hpU~~g5 ~ his a~Y I ii~'aii eie~t~Whi~ji~r 4ht~~ecafibId a&~d hung~ up ur~ti~i ~r4r1y in this city, and cannot therefQ~p, ~4- aace~ th~t~m4h~i~& ~ Do ~i~t~u~b' Poet ~reature~ .~eIraag1e~I, ~ LLl)~OI~g ~ L 'I iL I ~I treatt of you. r rental a 4fliy ~~cjfti t he qth~r~, c~uphirnA9~4 L~LK~t4?~ fac~~ M~we 1JissI~d ,j~J1 the 'i~k~ m~ist~ of ceur~ be reat, rand t ~e ~ ~s~ist~4 him ~w :esc~pe. fre~m ~ I~4~u~ge~ ~ ~h~g~j ~ ha- ~ioaris ~iU~e1~e~e he a~ii~W~'~irit,. ~ ~K endw~t~t ~ ~he 'C6 ~ii~brojher, od attem$ i~6t' ~ h~t W&th9qt 5'~ 4~v.Th0. co eaIh~rxfr4w~ f~tz~ vbsv~ms~p, d %t%~erc~ive ~ to it~vade ~iii~Lsatictit of b'ei sorrq~." ~'2~v~ ~lr~) \Va~~j;h ~$aIi~ni~is ~ L*Ash~oPiIb"I)i~ , ,~ ,~'' j Th t~t~waa b~in~ practmse4 ttpoa h~im, fo~. 'Phisiu~~&~.s ~nt ~ smi~&em~I; ~~ttsburg. ir~& is u~i r~al~y ;2r0g~r4~ ~ "Ifltmay pre$~iip~ to ~4Ib~ q~;~- ii~ffe *~setnhT~d that of, t11~ the d~c~i~ed~turnke ~bft~r~ hikxi~elf ~s one of the "shjnix~ hg~'*" or the n heuI&~y ~MLL3i~ m4o~4o ~ ~as~s~ c~n~kp' t6Ll6eika '~y~ h' h~ ~nd k age. The ladies of his ~ *te~th~ te~tM~ei~i ~ ~j~4 L~j~j 4jc La di~~6~W~ ~ I-the doorway )~m fqr h~ pripatq yjyt~a~ ~ ~hi1e~ hi~ 0 pI4il~i~nd~fl;L I%~b1A9i~tWa ~ adaWt~llt to the ~o~t:- ti~ti~mi~' aeon tqlosed and locked; o r hero~bold ~i1- tma1e~heep Y~0~Y him ~ ~p fe~it prod. as "the ~le~4' 4W~ ~de~ee7 of 7~pf ~ ~ ~r~d~W 2oittc~, i~d Lth~i~ igy ~fAoquen~e, ~e~it~g, piety ai~d b ~J&rrem~eiy~eA I~y1iei,; uihW. hi~~i~ ~e~ct. wa1k~d oiiidfthel'ro ~ do@~-'. atid ~t :, The ~ ~jt~~t~e fo hW~dt~o~E. A4" '~ (WO ~ I instantly bastede'&"~O the An ovil1moul p~oduoin5 ho witnust '~Ai~QitaL itle~W ~ndiaelAih,~o '" Y~s b~t I shall rdux~n ~ tq. d~Wher~&he h~d mtppahit~4 to ~ a iII~J~i thWSW ft iGeoreiy 4~1mgi~t44 w~r4~, tl~~iw.~s- ~A~C t~ pret~rmded n~-4. I ~ Wilson d' mAe 1(~lte ; ~omp~ikd to pa~ a sh~ aii~i without' any .d~lay, t~Ii*~ wo~'thy goodIyap~iI~1 rott~p~t lie corq~' p~ ~ imA~mEih~r~F lily 2 Lr~o ins&n~1y~started for th~ '~ity L ,p1I~o~e~4~Iy with some ~ur ~th~ ~ r~iIros~ eoiv~y* ,.t#+; i ~'~~"'~' ~ '~i~id this poet vl'~rn~ ~ New Yrk, where they arrived hI as sh~~se~m resigned tot h~r d~~d4 s~b~t a ~pa~e~C tih~e as c9i4d ~ossi~Iy ~ ?at~ ?~ ~~tmnudi t~ ~ lbdkih c~or~phsh~d by th~ cotnbitmed ~gen' '~ t of this series of narratives. 7~tr~h~ a~c~~s jouiheyI~emAna~t~pded G~N"~3t3~ )21QJ~ ~ J~ j~ithe -' As~t1iss - 3 . . ~iiJt'~ L~f I Nowe;. ~ ~ "I ~kdst'1th~imA~ayet~ i~it1~?'~Aer by b~l~e~bal(h~ve netbe~li ~itIi any 4icitmptonc~s or ad~niu~es Wor~ L It waenn aibright ~9rnla~yimn9r ~Ie$;~p~A~ 4qqribe,, ~be ~ h~ser~ thy 6ti~i*~dmActioiVh~r~V v~'sha1l '~es thai ,Tack Hur4d~a pnei.d 'by~ ~ eX4~e i~o$iaIjty wit)~.v14q) 4hey ~dmA~1e~iretd z~4p~e h~r~dJr ~xntiI i~ amitire1y~&ter, and ~t'estiin~'6~ir ~I'I~.I r~ Wilson and; %Ilus K 4~ri~#4ii ~ ~ 'rdMm ~er~ issue~ ~ ~ tive Mthepo~nt1' J~ikn~i4 thiI the city~fN~tira ~ 'i'4~~'itt *eos~ ~ qjr ~ec~~ap~ ~ ~3L "'~'~ Qur4 hem and his IWIFy twet&~otk~i m~ eMer~4hs~g4h~IAh9~ d,~r~s- if te'bed~ Ydrk~ ~21 1 1 ~thei~JMPt PP5$i~l ~ ~ ~ "'HtilIo -~i(om~tlukmg irn4tt all hek'!" We*IlJ ber~ pauline a ea~zfiere-, ~hoW~ve~With ~the~m~agni~ I~$10 ~*awaiam~o1 s~m lIm 1~pt~ent#; ~s. ~xclai ed the officer, approaching ~ l$~ to ~l~ie, th~ wheil tlAe 1n~m*'elAee a cloud sat upon her' l~toW~.!a 4~ud NqM~'p j)~QUSq4 g1~n9gff~,~1~P4 '3(1 It 1~'rt1 1 ~ ~ ~ ' ~s~mibl~d to~it~ees the *hM~ha4 z1~ne4 her ~ ~ounte.~e ~rion~W fQi~1~4.1. ~it~ a~ l~ '~ht~ f&~h~ectIti~n of Gallud ~ ~d',it was canoe 4m~ring4he whole of theIv~jourtey1 ~iaiee4. ith~,se~r~ ~w,~j~at ~ alili~inced that ~1ib1 had~ zn~d~ her es freti~ittshorg. u ~Js~~a4 y~fW4)gP4 ta~j~ho cape, the epr~gedt tand '~ lIIe~ hited ~ efj i~t~ch ,iw)~ii~ph~ MP9R 1ui~l~ ii~e4'~ ~md~'~&~th& jail j~j~ st~ t~ '13' 14e~Rft I qPZtPiJ~?.QEWi*fltiWithni~~r I gotten. 1~11L~h)J ~Me~ ~ IIII~b1~ had tkjA~ted trin'at, ~ ~: ~9s~ssse It L Y1VI,4IP~Y~; amId ~~r9FmI~kPMy [ "'I'ha~ p~spy~lw~watter. 11 ~1 /(,~ ';~ page: 80-81[View Page 80-81] ~.U~"M~lI' fad Eh~ ds~WheI~ sh~ fi*gt s~id~ Mrs. N~bie &n~Vh~tAueeul~'bfr beheld Jatikdlatbl4! Wei~e ~it~t$t~for ~*tti swelled with the a~sbl~esnn' ~*~# ~i~tai~hat 1ibhobldh~ no 1lb~a ~th~( ardse within her, a~"she .~uiWi~teihVWinniii~ hIau'j~o ll~d td her rec~llectit~h' the ~huiws LV~V ~JnV~U hat ~io*~ ~she~ ~ ~,t'teiider d~lIiai~e' wiuIbh,~ itv~thnes ~li ~ 1a~t;eh~ Iiad.~njoy~d lii tha nea~ety of while ~ Jne~~r~1d~ ~ '~M~ abl~s~ b~ !~vByt lieav~ns! ~' Biwyou :h~ve n~4et~hea~dAhe '*h$'~1ll~lsh, tttid J4~e~ ~hall~n wor ~art ~f the ~a)ir;~'~ i~ntI~nied ~ o ~ ~ khI~, ~a~eioMt~l~' II this 'Whik The next day after their '~rrl~'nF~ln thdt h~ h~sbeen negkliiflg ~i~as ~1~wtY~tklJaok im~ M~vy sailI4d~rtl~ be~nniost ~znremitting1r1 hi~ attentions Il,*wd~vie*rtliO 'n~~ kis~Mar~;, ~a he~calIe tier p'rhey titite K&W~d~tI~i&ri~ travelled together as husba~ ~tnd *ifr, ")'tv~ane~ themseIv~s~t h~vtno'~s t~xd~hitost z~tddenod nro4~y~ ~ cr~ristant ~hW~ttbeyfcotdd. K t~tieI'refi~s~ ~ereh&il*A ~ of her stupendous friend, related with~ 'lx~ *ny v~rypi~esex~e. '~Vou ryour~lf ~(~&ii~ rb.~r~e nil thendvekttdre&that 6bAe~#dd thoeagerhes~ with whidi'the~ 0d'~beftLlleWher 6f ~hichth~Oiatitebs ekpi~ssed n~deeiret~ odeupy the ~atAe '~Ws t ~ ~lia~nber'~ ~ii~;tarid be~ rn~u~ ft i4pviton "[did ~ bwiI~ there is eertMnly eome OhGW ~rWdeatii~by o~W'he#d~) ~(b ~eiise Jnck~~L4bi 'this ~roilWg ~id, 4krd. ~ ~ ~hflost ~atit~d~ with ~ag~; ~n interest and attention to all ~ ;iv~l I~ri~s~tIwa praised. 4ul~~~L"~ottt ~ Iia~e~xt~sin~ " o~rase'4n~ e& uew~th them-you 'In ~ justify J~C~'n t~eattn~nt of tine," tihe ~II Ih~*i~b1e~ ~r&tOfj~1 exclaimed.L~iiid ~W&&r6~&fr~m' Her ~oWr~tt~t~l towards h ~~wVtiaeln~ seat as if with the intention of attack. &~W&~ftft~a;~and tiat,~too~aft#r yotvb*~ ing the Giantess; then, throwing her. nkug4viy 4tiUkrJby self bac~I.pQn tl~s9~ she burst into hint at1iW1aahIti~. tears, a ~sid, e4Mnce interrupt~. ~on I" ~ ~ ~ ed by frequent sobs- "~ ~' ~'kinowi~teti~)thti~I am- ~" A'hl 4~it~then true ~ghat1~atn no ~t~~y~Wudi! iti~lltted td'htite'~T~ i1fii~t. longer beautifu1~-haVe I indeed grown ~i~standid~ alhh~t~e~bh~ ~fhr unattractive and ugly? Can I no ~i~e1'~ai& Kate itl&tsh1id~~ytii~? it~ii'&wintom~ nk~i&thoaweer youth ~ ~a~d '~o ~haut;h~w'9wlL~ ~idthe tho lit! Heavens! 4 ~pill '~ItW~ we~th~e *Vonl I mi1?lt*.~ ~ thigi y~omttl ~til; j~ lIn~r1I1aStOdVft~tEj+~ir~S th ie-~nn~ tie died 'tI~erfii&ui~tAr. '~ or*)"~Idl* h Jhjt~*i~ ~hd01iovor1y~ Mi~g#agiiinta *Ieatli'a4h~Usaud ilitie. ~ Fnndinpe~fo* dlft~robt~e know not what you ~iy. 4njure but ~ ~ki d~e ei~id4'A*n) awtIo~ x~dHiair ~f4lIat~giiVs1hea~, and b~* t wThI #p~w~ niJ*iIl 'SO tIId quotto~s# hS~ yoking I" *'~' ~' 'fai~ft~h Wlnhit% Jneh'W yottrnEII,~rou dangere~i;'Dh~k ~qf4hi~n;~. ~yivep~vp1f~z~ure !Sfe-~ 4~laRA IIaPPiuess~' ~ ~ 1 tIttpi 4v~y~an4Jkp 4esp~nd hjthe ol~jpc.t '$1 )~j~eW ~p~ii her. vqp~r2~rs own bl~k iioqght~, ~@ 'of ~e~chp~s~ of ~i~h r~ so~n a a 4ep~x&tI~rng1it that wa~ preg~t~t~ ~ b~~t~f~1 be~~y~4 of tp! '*MarybWilSon.1 'S , ~ "Foul jealonay I thou t negt~Io~ve lliyhie .V ;Tojo~rle~ 4rea4~at4:,dxak~atr ~!~v'mg~ Wthhnt4ulthnnahkatnl.nmil.hanJ'tn * ~ Sfl~P~i ' ,. r S'S f ~ C~LAPTJ~R.X~.X. ~ ~ q1ii~r~ h~g~q~; A'~. our ~ andf Qbion~bl~ ~ ~ dashing looking ir~4ivi4~, ,~q~q~pd }~ja~se1~ ~ f4J~la~44~ance~ ~oi4~~4sIycalle4,t, r ~ 4k9 p~qrqi 44 tlp~p ~j~j ~u4e. SS9fAt:~~e ~W91~ I although, fo.~Ab~ ~ ~ ~io4 ~ ~g~q4~ ~ sA~i~ ~ ~ s~Jcjng. , e~V9~e~ 9p~~ 0xpeusive jewelry ~ hissbo~dstN Vats Qe tb~ vety ~ne5t~itho4fly whitest, and his hat o(he sbe*~mp* &1fl4 heir wtiuid~t~y ~e~thts44AJ4he ~ ~t~:x~ Al I ~w~ he R kcje4~aw ~Ahi~kv~e~&, weji~4~e 41xOUIJn1W~ ~Wb~P~ perqd, ~J~J~j ~ us pretend not to ~ wnth ~yc~k4 e4~qpfntJ~q ~.eigsW and ~ it iA~tle~ j~4 mn~*y. ~4 if it isia't ~'A~4 hi ~~JO~V5 ~Jti}f~', .~ ':~a~~ hi~p~ff~p~4 uighj ~#o~ ~ " A 's~4~er~ ~ was towards htm. I ~ qhtrYaIm ~ wtz~rw ~~hE~wtfhis-~ '*4gw K ~ TUE ROAD TO :RUIN. I 04 page: 82-83[View Page 82-83] 82 Th~ ROAL) TO RUiN. the opera~iem was pe~forme4 with ~ueh' upon my honor. Allow m~ to~pte~ ~xtra.r~ihary'~'ligl$n~ss an4 e~tttertie ~y~n to my friend, ~ descy~$'~ to~ich~ ~ The ~ *~*h0~r~sent oc~hsioa~ hQweve~, exchanged more wine was cdU~di~r, Jeolt waetoo th~3r~ughly~ wlde~awdke" uind the~wI~t:~y t~'io' soon eubsid&l Into to toome the vietivw of the. straoger's a vot~y pleas&bt and ~ociable~patty. skill, Suddenly g#aeping th&operatoij T~tt~ related that only a fe* da$vs~ftC. by~ the *rist, ~e t~dmpeIled hiin~ io re~ ~vi6tI~Iy, he~M~ been released frhtn~ a liaquieh~tli~ wallet, and then gazed ia~~ long imprisonit~ent~ he alsQ stated that to hl~ t~ottntenance, not1Witl~tanger, but~ 'eince4iis liberation h~ had sue~ce~ded with a~.ttatinizing look, indicative of 'in niaking an ext~nshre kazd, nnd'was~ strong 4~*~ioBity~ in coiiseqaen~e, atth~t'nioiiiewit4h~the '"Ikiviw -you now," said our hero, ~ossemiorx 'of abundant funds~'" atletigth±LtMthere{ are b~it .two~' pit~k ~ Jack next gave a 'brief sketch' ef~ his p~cketa'It~ the United States who ~caW OWtfl udventules ho concluded by r~a~ do a job so skilfully; and they'~ur~ ~i4itin~ 'th~ affair of Gallus KatO~ and Jack H&r lv~ind'F~ng1isk Te~in I" stated that she was then re~idine~*ith Engtleh16n4Oritiwiiided that Mrs4 ~pbJ~, ithe Giantess. eceehtric; O~ert and fa~hionable c/te0 Tota~ who had long been a passion. alie~"' d~iMd~zsrrW-~wds deb~htad be ate but, rejected admirer of the volup. yond ine&stkec ~wI~li this ito~xpe~ted ~t~A~s Zo4~, ~vas particula~iy~nt4~ted ericouiter"w*th his friend, whota he ~i~$h~a~ p~xt; of '~Ws ~o~y;~p49re. had~ not SC~i for s~ lone a time, ~nd marked, as he slyly glanced at Mary whose ip~ea~'atice had be~om4 ~o~&b Wilson- tered ~ f* tender~'hihk' diffit~lt tube "You are a lucky dog, to have two As for Ton~'hi elf~'th$ such splendid women in your train !" beiry'~~enqa~es that '~c~rOd his "Not. ~ said ';Ja~k, ~erionsly- faee~'had1 alone' vented"Jatk ftod~ "this fair damsel here is the sole re* knowiuI~ him at once. cipient *1 triy~ devoted love~' Every *' Excuse me, old fellow," ~said Ens- relation of an amorous nature has for. huh Torn, ~ftet he and our hero ha~ ever ~ease~ between' Knt~ and tn~a~lf~" ~hako~3 hands with great c~rdMhIt~-. ~ '" iiid~d P' exclaimed T~~ii, ~aucb ~' ~*ee 'uni ft~r having atte~ltOd to '4ehighted' with this intehi~en~e- ope?&W ~on you; b~iti wish te as~ "thea you would 'hav~ no~ obj~ctiou.. ~certain Wit wove really you~ for Iwau 'te hot' fo~rrdng an intimacy witfr ~ in gom~dbubt. Had you b~en a corn. other itidWidual, who might fat~ey~the mon ~.atI th6nld~havO' had no difil~ul. fascinadng~ Kate as ,a epani6~L."fa ty in getting aWa~y with ~joutdttmft~; 'sli6rtjasa mistress 1" "~ but y~ralnstant 4eteotioa of~iayit~ "On tbe &intrar~re~1i~d ~at"hbre, ~&e14ss than ,yos~r exclamation, stnihii~g 'ei4tdflcant ye-" 1" ehoiit&4 assured me at'~n~ that twa~ no~iitle.~ ~ *laa to h~avo hot form an ~lli~ace taken ;"th~t 'IOu 'were indeed Jaok 'wit 's~omeg~od felloW insettable4e. Harold!" '~' ' " '~ her ~el1, and ~i~,ply her Doi~t aPoloti~O ~ Vkjolaed ot he~ ~rn~nds for ~6dtihtial love e~i~'~ "'i rKlth~igh I 'hid not receg~l*~ '"~The~ l'ra her man; it'~a beigaiuil" you, 1~to~lk~ you 'for's pio~ip~ick~t*~ ib~ c'*~edthe' ea~aptikred To~a~ first *lah&; aM whien~ ~4u ~tn~ckud "I tnust *itrxl yoi~~~~id ~ me s&ekilfulfyI~ ~me* that yala We~ '~tha~t you niay encoanter f&hI~table my ld~tH~hd 2Bnthibh' ~ont~b~Iait~ 4lffi~utIty'ir[ inditcing 1~%~ffiuply w~ii~'a~naitit6d~ with ~O~*I~ th'~xr wiebes add eht~Y ihtd~~~O. ~~'#~k.'"' lana gladt~ iseynt., ~attnershi~ Wth you hui~ e?#O~Iy I'n U reason to belieVe tbat"she~t~ll 1~Ove~V~une j~Ioinia~lmoat to nlhdne~Wbf' mythfr friend here~ I ha~ sbtIe~s'~i~ f~&ie~ that she t~'I~ ~ ~bu~'km, 'Miss ~ieii~~ bttt~f' trte4 t0 dismisss th&i~e~s doi~do~ aborhinably 'ungrateful~ tt~ttf~~ ervat'ion~f'1ie~, life ~? ltl~o~h 'P~&~iu.~ ilnt tow teciprocate her Vas~lmi~ I~ cl~n't l~' 'angry with 'hei~ $'oY loviti~ ihb~liThf i~a1l~ pity her, from ~h~bt6tt~of~m9 "You were Ldways ~ ~aln felI~* acl4" said English' Won4 1hi*~.&~-~ "perhaps Kate don't ~ after alL What mttk~ ybu 'tliitik~tlfat she still loves you ?" ' ''~" Sl~e has told rii~s~, iWphiim teYlas ~1~ sfled to tempt rae hit6 'ittfid~Ilty(t~ -~ 1Wer3~, by the most1 ~citi~d#&k~I~ She has, under ~ tri~ed"~ecret interv~w.'with~m~,h~the ~bs~ittrity'~of~ the fo~~&ndIinqtheit~ ~hision' of chambers~ dAThia ~ai41 ha#e"invariably repuised~'ber withiki~uI* ness, yet' with firranes~. '~ Whatifwiher ~r~ofs of her love ior~no wouW y~a hs*e,' Tout'?' i Wheft ~*olnantsli~ yM hot' desiresin plainaSaghish, ca~m thor~ be any room for doubt auto thoItast~I~e '(1 bor sentim~nts r~r4~ yp~ ?'~~ ~'~T'oun .Jio~~k his ~ drank off a glass of wine ihoiag~t~1Jj~ wl1i~le gary WiJ~qn~ 1!i* ~~j$4fa~ ~la~qes of hex. ~ cried' don~~ be ~I~ra eI~ our heio, s~a~ the sjaoulder-." faint heart ii~v~; won ~*. lady? ~'pu knoW.I~11sj~sk'~ go~4 ~s~rd, for ~Oii,~and~1'~ha jI aukkntiate jo the vohii~ti'~*abt~ tl&I~and~qnleXat& 2~4 I~j~ ~16~5ErV~e of ~ttO~ua~d? anticipa~& l4pt WWpri and it~*~~Cged ~aa~ ~. f~~'W6i~de itt ih~&~ ol~13h~ 'Tom~ sparkled with pleasure~ 1$ AtnA'~ - But the aiThirs of love should nevet be permitted to interfere with matters of busine~si~ ~o * 1It~e&~ dashing pickpocket, when he observed a gentle- zii~ri.~ ~ihbr*ae.seaf~d .&t e~-~'o~afte tablet ~eturn4o hip aIar~~oll ~f1a~ik.r~oie~, after ls~yxhWfor ~nni~nt vtith ~3&ck~inrud ~aaaan4Id I ~,to~i ~ A ~ ~ Ph' '~45J' if I w~tA~d b~*~ilaTnly ~ed~ 1ofe~ be&td aiia ~i'4'dCiO~ 6f~[~kand ~b1~~#I$*b~$*d 6hheht~e~ ~ he saw them enter the IMnoas t~ce ~I~te~ look nate," ho muts~o&~ Wu~tf~&~1 page: 84-85[View Page 84-85] 0~ 1'HEROKD'. 2hP~II fq~Lp~ TIlE SrAriuun I" ~ ~ (4pt '~ 4?, r 4~.4 (~ I ~h~t e I~ppfl~g1~rJ~t1t ~pgli~h~p~ -~ ~pr~1~rne4 49 f.4i~~r ~4/A~ fP~i poo1'~iA was hust1p4tk~i~t ~Y 3~ ~eje~ ce~a~W ~ ~. e~I~I~ potes.-4-r L.fF~,P~ n~q41e~s ~i4s pf ~$fW~?d *0 ~ ~ U' AJw1 cy4qspfe ~{ ~ ~J~j2~ f~gi~ S 4~~ve)~g~g; ~ i~g~gree~y~ herself and ~ a~ appa~N ~o,.~y~9IppP4plL1 ~ 1e~ &A~Y91~ p~ ar~ 11! w~te ~p44 qtrang~r ~gI~ / ~ P ~~rOt~ J~A~ti~p ~ bad r~ pture her and convey he~~a~g ~e ~ tI~ 4o9m ~ w~i9j~~ad h~itQ},eadrnitt4ito~er presence. H; ~K ~sA~ WjI~OI~CP~8 th~ sarr~e ~ip~teI ~4~v ~dKst~inbt ~reeegaiaing her vIeier~ dtpuhe~fine-6ghreiwitI~ ~~*~t~Iy dignity, 4ndAhas±ene~d t~- ~idji~t her drs~d,~the~ r1idokde~pf~ Wbi~I~ reye~1~4 m~w~moi~bf her Lvory charge shari .h~ cb~oQto exhibit at all time~49r gbq p~r4eivedothat the maiVse~esw~r~ ~xdiu~or~ Jiei~wjth a glance ef ~ba~ri. ngadmii~tiirn6 Lo~zThd S~hni~idnbticed tIte~t~ve MiiWJ 1~VHTh -~ t~~1~v e3 td f~C~ -~ -r ~ ~' RIot 6i& Tii~r~ - ~pp~ ~)Q~o~~4pre, $l~e f~o~p ~np~t r~xjl~it~y r~ p the s$r~ of Mukoko i u page: 86-87[View Page 86-87] SI K page: 88-89[View Page 88-89] I mme~Iyb~esArt~tn~iec tihWeU~i~3"SS an~dj~~j~ ~ pub~inIii~genetaLto~ ~-~i~e the "greatest colleeti lqrnexhibited*.-adm aripitaflhepmtiii in the home ~oieo' ~fIthe who ~ae a v~ig~xer~ am hoid4ooking'cik.omer. 1 Upon the evening of the ~efnIk~wing e~tent~tookipI -tess. J1aiy'WiIaoi1~and4he Gi eatebg~thefr~ ir~ aeor~ awei~engaget~ ~m The 1Ossawt~,s all ehe#i animation ~but1~ery~be~n aadeQt~ofsjiirits. ~d I perceive the cauep o p~essie~l; my dea~t~'~ maid I~ after a lDnginter4l of ~diIe~ a~1e ~neasy .beeai~aeJacJti~$i ~it~frornb~nleieiti*pgg "I cannot deny that I fe~ erabie; in hi~ sence~9~ Tong~giritIsigti)iu3j-~" ~ret~ I the ~lo~tuuse of i15T~dejeeii4 not shake off the inipressien ~*ened tonight ~itllsokt~ appaiiiag~ct~ladiityv M~r he *r~ub1i h;hpit~ ofhmyseli iii*he a~r~ ~overe&'withacdl t10fl6i ~~WbnIiithatj.TacWha4 upon this enterprise "' a ~ pou~ta fea~f~arr1~mger~ci you ~ You are not ~ry~ve *nrbn littIe~ndr~cnas ; d~at ~ ~etumnsiali safe~t~ ~o~nes thwed~eU~geo~ ~ b~ ~&esson4 )fr~3Ie*dpftbw~tthdt i~he aeoeiir~Ws~ vWt~ ~ To i1wit~d alid ~rgm j0flMnteliji1ann~c 6 K -/ otnwedwvse~f ~&e* k~ ekA~1hbt ~ ~te r* i~ ~w4 i~aft~e~e4w *~t~~tM * Lesedi iii the ei)ted~Ah ~ ~-biIls~att~ the necesrytools ~3BUOWra~m4 ~ 4~4~dier ~ urn~14~ booty; you the ~f~#a ~ [I I Mary dealt the cards ih~W~ aht~sewem H~nt~Sr ; iiw~Pwaji$, aett~ ta ~ d~Ve~j ~ I ttt~~ ~gJat~zrd~ Th "~1~o k~*~I*r~vH~ fahaektao~ bin, that ~ ~ ever her eyes have en~oidtt~o~at~I ces of hers. I am td~t4 ll~gas ~4O~ ~f ill xit~dI~ud&~* ~ ~ ~' ~ jiiU~4g - repIie4~he *r~~t' ~hiM~aw~ ~h~Vi* ~st lermither to Jt~I~II baW fe~li~jV~* f$batrl 'm hotd m~glhWti~i~4*e&t~ a~)i1eh4m~ ~ d per~pi~s e&~e1e0a ~n@(~ yen 1iav'l~sfA1*~jfl~ nat~ gone &g~in.'?~r $~ ~d (k~1 JFE~W d ~ ~ *~ * *~d ~iante~&~ in ~Ai ~ ~ ~ wh~tb~v~ ~Kai~ T4d~ aperttti$t1t, *it4IWE4~ ~~threat~vt the rear part of the hou*e,' d~tf4ffi Wto4ri~h~ aidebse&~.4tree.~ It 1.~A~it~'tilne m~w~ *iIII ~tv~ - 4t~ ~4i V)~l 'in (W~~ '~wovli~ Kate is ~ ~vtv 40 ~tt~j~J ithe ~6ef toitkrinkp ~ ' p * page: 90-91[View Page 90-91] 4~Ae)4~ h9pr sg~sy~i$h*ii~it~ '2 ~ ~~4q~it~o4 the whi~4er4 ~ , ~ mit ~k# no ,*iw~e4 set; and, f~llo~od hy~*1ie stm~I~epcexdeda~p4 rx~tir~4 Lppez tJ~~ ~ael~r4., at~mo he carried an oblong .h~ped hon, oti one 4jdO ~itl~ a. s4l't~' of ~iu~~pia4e~effigie Wire. ~ ~ H ~ J~vebro~ight IT ?~ laid J~at, ~ ~ ~Pb~l eppre* he4 l~z~ thAt ~ ?~4der the~ p~d;tbxd~a~i her entir~f rAe~'ryet with an~ appear. Auq~f st~g curiosty-4~$eJi*ldup ~n4 pped ir~jo :thqL~b~g~ oi~g~j~1w wire pettieg.~1.1 ~ .1 t~ ~A'.ofrof ~qk ~j~4 ~hi~y, 5~~*Oljg~ ~1o~n~ As~cen in: ~tl~t ~im nigh i~1igh~+fer ~ burned out-a spaet~te~ would have felt that h# was gazing~p- ~opqtj~g horrible~yet, for theilife 7 ~{~ould, not, 1a~ye tol4 .~liat U ~ t~ia. tqz~We !" wa~ WaWa. wbip~ pp~4pclai~tipn ; e~4 .1w felt :ev~ry ~rve of her body thrill, while thesi4*.. -~ go~e, cou~g~A"~ie4 tb~ Sps~i ~~3~re ipt)e ag t4hn&~will ~ ~ ur J3aTck and i~tary WiIsQ~a,'~*nid. Kate ~nnd, taking up;the 1~ghtv u~ 1.4 tlze.way!iatoria aumptuousIj~ fu,~ *ished a~artmen~ that~adjoiiied 1* 1(1 '~; I '~ 1This.*asthe 4han1bek~' occupied 1h~ o'r h0'lo. and hir mistress.. Kate drew *uid~ th0euxtai~sof4ha n~agniAceaA be4 andIsawtha~ it was vacant. 'ii .~Nowbe~an the preparations for the consummation of a. most cruel ~ndh~ couscrime. ' * , %.*oirig tothe foot of ~the bed,'~the Spaniard turned 'up the counterpane and ~heet. Then, taking u~i the bou, hp drew a elide in one en4 of it, and emptied its ~ntents into thefhed. And ~i*~,~upori'the snowy she~t~ lay that d&rkAnd~gli~tex~ing henp ;tand Kale's ~e.h literally cra*Ied, wl~a; she a., that~the thing slowly mov~4 12 "It is in rather a torpid~condition at jwesnat," whispered Lope~~~and that ~sIoUunate, for it wilinot stir frointli. bed. Whenthe bodyof 1~Iary~Wilsra w~rmaAh~bedi it will ~~~over all its natutslinimation4and t ~n itwill ho P I ~ V Sayiiig thit~ the ~i1lain restored:tlw upper sheet and county ne to their proper position, and the rrible agent was hiddenfrom view. ~ ~ and Lopez no cautiously ~rnerged; from the chamber, the latter carrying the box that he ad brought with him. kwa~ now 'so ewhat light' er~ i~r its fearful contents ~ad beenleft behind. After e~hangin~ a fe4v w6rds, in hurried ~vhispera, the Spaniard depart' ~difron~ the house, arid Kale returned ta her owh chamber. I WPo sleep? Ah, no; but to await with feverish impatience the arrival of the ~ouhd~ which abeuld announce that Mary ~Wilson was abouW to retire f~r~tha night; then tp reproa~lt her' sAl~foxfher4shinabla teetithery ~ciweedi ~yi~ith who had rialcedihis ow~ e~i~ to daveherfrom the gaiisws, said tRIZudderM her e~ infernal cruelty tuward~a ysung' grI~ who~ had e~e~ MI~ ~D: 70 RUIft 5 ~Fit~ ks~,~4 ~ she wae, iipoi4~r, ~es ~ heze~d~esjr~ ~eve f~w.a on irwL U ~ p~ ~t~nc~ w#~sJ~a~e pp~nt~ ex.econ~ ~ v ~p4 I~at~ sti~ed t1~e~ tq~izng pill she e1per1e~tce1 of o2trq~ mercythat'was riei~ within h~r t~roa~j ~ 4~r ~w~4p~ ~ tfl~cl the ~iunq *fpo4~~epsf singing in a low, ~ his pccount,~e ~ ~~ J~i elf sweet &n4 plaizi~ire L SlQmklhwhe ~ttl~at*l~e ~s t, L ~. ~T4. h 4to~tie 1il~4ed b~ziitlio~~ ~ ~ ~ ywy~ffp elf ~ With whom ~. ~ ~ ality; Ibr now she dzstinqsly ~ 4A~ ~uti~itter j~d~qd is th. a ~wtI~t ~c., C~ ~ ~v4~Wnt 11 if yQhapggiri $~egA~ t4 u4dre.~r~nd~to ~ e~ pr~ip~re he~eJi~ for, th.~ fatal !~otioh ~J1~A94 ~ ~ 1~O,~~i1 ~5 a~ ~ wI h1wzAqbectrn, 'o funeral We~ 4 T~9~tL ~ ~ ~Qlt, e~rts 1 tlna 'a.4id6aLtl'~ her thou~ op~4o~r of iwr ch~nberj; iatpat~ lyteia~4 t~. e~y senndxIlxat b h ~ )~d~ ~h~wp at~q&~*49~,r4~h la~4hrow ~b~r' ~j~? J~e~yQI~Rg, gi~Ifad~ot, warn; l~er ~ ~ g~i~~en~ ~ her pardon, when again the deiix~a neat and eIeg~ ui#ji~ Jealousy reMi~inedher by its whistler. m~j~ *~ C~~t~@rt ~,, i~in~rn ,~ ,.~ Wi ~ ~ CKAPTBR XXXIIILI V ~ ~Ii~h sp1e~pi~,4obe j L. 4 1 LPW*~P,~ ~ ~ or'perh'aps even poor~ to' b~'"'tob'ih~ih~e II ~ ~1~d~t 4~~-~s p~~1~; ~ pe~~r L ~d * ~A 14~1~oti4~ lto~~~ 4,4~ 4 page: 92-93[View Page 92-93] 9~k~Lh~ j~r~4~ ~ t~1i~~ N~o ~do~ ~. ~he'~ totter. For. moving ot~ject, ~o1a urrtd i~t~y to the t~tk~h, eoti~~ h~coxt'~iti4e~ r~ji~~1j~ ~tt, i~* ~ 4~$q fft~V~ ft q ft ~a ~4 her f~t'~d tdftgue u~r~ h4ies1~ * it ~hicb~ to ~triI~b1is ~eadt erioii~.1~ ~ ti~tr tow ~l ~ wlh$h ~ jWMa~ke~r~fIh~t or~ ~ began ~$9~prgy [,4~9r ~ ~t: tJ~t tier last~he~r bed OOS.f f it V iigt4ar~-~hd hweat~ los~4~zth to 4~d ~the mys. tory ~hil~'~hi~ young girl re. ainediw'dou~t~e4o th~t~tithe 'intfr~xder~ ~ tia~twll i~I~ a~hy of i~ie1ei~t~, .hu~ ~zueei~ ae~ehebeti~aie~ ~ats~of Ntth Ame~ica~th&abtMh~ tJ ed to ath~ i~ti*bMt~ti~Ith .udqa~bl~ ighaa tha ~u ~Ib~e~il~ ltt 4.~ 'f 4 4 841 8 ~t ?tJhmttab~I~sh Fell demos o$ ~iw fears! The hun~~pI~i That can su~Rport despair, ~up porta~not thee.' This reptile's rattle, which is always the immediate precursor of its deadly blew, did~ki~t ii~ th*I'~t6~eIi~ instance prove a false ~tephet. Scarcely had th.~tunfot*unat gari ~t~p~y when the creature~bit deeply into her fi4~ ~ ,~ tt~p~ .~ ~~pf4~ 4?~u9~ page: 94-95[View Page 94-95] TH~AD T& 'RUII~f. ~a ety of aii~u~sh 50 ~p~$0OlWit~O ~pzessive~of ~je%~t1w~0, thahiGIautearedfro~Jierreai ii~ C~ktstC~natio'n; while ~ evex~ ;i4~t~ *Il~ad~xbecte44e 4y~ cM~l4 ~ot ~u4~iag. happ~ied,"~ ~ai4VMm~ Nob! ~'%igood 4eath,~and~ behe1d~4ackMarold~b.ri4irij *~ev the bed 'with aloek of ~o~erktra- In the 1~ed'q1ay thafo,~w of Mary~ WI1abii~.stone 4ead~. ~ h1d ~ Dy~p~ fsaIIy~1osed, and her countenawce~t.~ ;~d~ ~ if st~iqg, as~4 ~ hiantod tb~Wwtision~ whi1~ hexufc~ w#s~ tev~ibly~ ~#woIkvi~ ~attd eihibitedl N~ ~ ~J less beauty, ~w n~' ~Eb. ~iej fl~jfl :4hatA hadT ~beewiinfbsed into he4. ~4 nifl'ri i'd Jvd~ fn, I ~ r~. iqg~ ~ ~r& tz4~, if po~ibI~to~ 44iboot~ ~yeu~rJ~s ~ ~bowilid r~he~ ~ ~#~yi~t yr4ei4s, fptw~j~ the bed by Lopez the ii~w hidetM* b~ma'~ b~oItIew&~f ~ ~ At' ~IIAt!d ~bhwu b~et~ M~i g~i I length; and its body, in the J&t~ek~ ~ikrt;was a~thick ae a man's wtist It ~he Gr9U&h of its ~pOcies.1 diTl~Is 'f ideb)e~emtilern 6C'dm~na ~ *4 ~'i~w~d th Pect~tgt~ v4eIdk~ from the corpse,. ~tindfrig, n~ie~itiwItfle, its warning rattle. Seeing that the reptile was prepar- ing to do further mischief, Jack, who had begt(i~ Wrep~in ~i~i~s~ustorned presence of mind, drew the Bowie kniI~ with ~ne .otwk.~~aevered-~. the rattle- snake's head from its body. Instant 4athtidi~V,~{~i1s~e; the c.~ure il~Mdd'and wia*~din its i1gui~ad i~ikhtlyiioimpi~sse4 th~hod~c whi~h ft ~ ha~e~' ~soapad ~ tIe~aid~*om zhe~bedy otpo?~M.vy,; alt krc4h~Ih~[ns~rati WhWs~anh.d~into~the ~an~l~r ~ebtrlefMxdfoobe~,naIiot~ ~ *i ~Pwk~agv ~Qii'iiAWico ~ 4e~luyt&~nake 'wl~iehila~ '~) ~ f~ Jjj; 4jj4 "Ah, mon Dieu 2" ~he~ ~ ~' e~pl~ e~ke, 1vatcost mo~ga- ~ e~d~ey..~n&de 4ooVI~ 21 ~ ~ M.wy~c.~se, bu'e~a * page: 96-97[View Page 96-97] THI~ ~LOAD~ ~G RIJI$~' 1Imt3~t4iV%~$:litF5 sn~jce wtin~e ias~~ ~e seemed t~ .4onsidff ~ if'f~ gea4r ,fl,~tceFAb~Wtt1eFPQp~l k~L0ing~p11i1pati~~e4, J~ kiss, afteu~yithi4i Ilxn~ ~qt~s39 ~ it~I~ia d~pa'vtnw~F rr~n~ t4e 1~o~xse wM~ dead ~ ~l ~FF1 it F ~ 'F~ IF F F IF C111' F F a I CHAPTER XXXV '4 FI1IF I F '? F0AkLiitD'e iiWL~'**~ oW BALZV5 j~ft~3F1 Fl F~FFI F F I Y'F.FF~IF 4 F ~The~remains ofsMaryWIlma2wt0j ~Kats~ a~thoughkdmetifl~a MwiwgddestroyedFheV~?itVS~ i~ithnubaa~ F cti~1g any suspielOti r~ FO~F~I1~'! S#t~ ~wEy j~~1j~ ai~ir~ IF 4FFFF FF(jJ F1ttd~d, not aFeoDif snip ~ted1that4)~ iObft~Md1 boea ~nspo~ely A4~Ls!4d~R00~ ~i~wper~giTl'S beds OW~Y~4F0A Ft*Ib~W.,~hbv4adftthiMt~*04he 4am ~fr~swuw6s of 4h~Im~adg.ri.rpTo1Wiat9F FL*h~,4Ikdtvery4uext aftaictho a4v rencet'diw fe~l lv Ka~a,~adr'Wtfti50M~Pt but all in vain-our herpeo~otvwh4b~ F4PF 1~4(~ FF - '~ Ii Id S s, the ~FF'~~;~1j homam~iQ19 toIJin~~~1n what p~ w* 'a h~p ~n~de oF~fie reptil~oi 1dtr~st ~ I ~b~t&in~d tJ~eidn e. 4~I1t~A The fee l~a~t~ Th~4h~by~am pl~j~iIg ~&iond *~ine-~A~r#~frnu*R ~ tfuinpupa UtO~? ~Dp; ~~bn~ p rune chance Wbreaf~ into a jweIry~torqe~ New~r~Myfr~ t~i&~ 4W~6iffd m..I4V~sa~hEt New ~q wi hy~Ai~" tbree canAjvi4e $1'! 4~ov~ ypu~I*~n~e fr~h*rn~ qpe iuij~A, and afforded (~sThis J~z~a ~n'~ ~ya& ~ portup~ty of ~ ~ 'k~ow bed, ere she had roti~ed,~id4b~ ~utida~ *. wa~fouaddeadii~conseqUenc9.Oftbe ~Ie'i ~ euRo eotiug,~dmw at ~ d~ootibn~ Di ~ 4~y~ou t~i5eeuqe ~1~6re~.d n~ nw~eof it;qr~ ~pw4 Itior yovi~ y6uz~j an~ be~ ~ea~ $I~* ~nattZ!~f p jhdffet~iW~ tt~ ~ ~ '~rtfti1l~ ~*~r~ed by W1lg~S~atdard, A6~id ab *eII~I- culated to jufiame .Jiit~k's .ila~iKate;dtd~ne1 fail jn ~raduicing tWiI~teftdedf~ffEOtl ~heio's'~IO~d if~d yisfrfsty, abditliout~paeslbg ~okueqU of wlmit hewd~ b~rnt~ eu t~im v1ng~ her#e~f~ ~~nifi~ut- ~ had 4Mw i~Wi~d (E5~JgjUj~,~h 2 ~ P Startl~dbyi1ao~~a auddee~tMt,~ ~4t $lIp,8 SjO~59C& QL*AX~b*ZO, who, lQ~~4~$1fl 9~ ~8~9KC3~$O I ~t$~ ~j~J&Q*dpout~itw~g ~ :2 '1 gh~e~ed, b'At ~oty~i~oujprehend. rn~ttter, Kate raz~c~d at th~e Ie$~qr ~tn4 instantly, ~p era, ood it~ pur~ ~&f~e~.V&nst that vi1laino~is ~paUra)~d ~~be~r~syed irte !"~ she involuntary ex- ~4~3n~k; ~e~airi~ hiAP~wer ~1,~n& plucking ifp (T~uT1 it~ ~h~ath2-J~' Sarnnatile $lw~z ~rti1anfit to liv~-gpt ti 8t~might Fb4f~r \yhich thy 4epiqn ~aaZ~r~ ~p ~ i~tted thee 1" ~ 4' re the last Jae1~ had buried s~t~te ~t~e~jh~art Qf~*a'~i4s Kate, wb4j~4 ~ ~9r~b~s carpet a~id~ 17 Y~4 I) ~ that ~'~I'hi~ugh the ~dst and O~ g~ death, the eyes of Kate, with undying fondness, sought out the forn~ of ~Tack Harold~ whom ~she, . Fre~r4~& with a smile. ~he~r~zgg1~d tod~6~i ore she died- ei f die ha~j~i~' si~ AWhispered, as II4 I~ome~I i~P'jQkrdnbi~ An4 so 4e~a~se4 sew~~F, ~ ~~e~$rPohce, ~ive ~he ~ lr~4s~'s~* tion $t~his nd~de~r. ' sit less than te~ ~nxxjnt~ a~e!~ t4~ per.~ p~~1~I~IIf the crim~: ~ hbbh3if th Gi~nts~I~I~ej ~ 1~IVH~roid ~tanidi~ ova body of, ~ and hoWtngj~t 1~y~haad lance A carriage ~va~ ~rpc~r~, ~ a~ conveyn4 t9 th'~ ~ ~ ~ 2 N TUh~ ROA1~,TCRt'm~ CIIAX~Z~ " HOIVWO 10* FACX?~ 'V~a~*~ LA a ~z~u0~ ap4~sa ma W4U~O~ 1 F F F / ~1' L~ti~r~ ~ aec~iv~ ~entence of death. i~ F4~q~PF ~Riiako~3~Ap bofuUhI1e~1. Therefore, abandonz~pal1 hi; uc~g~~&e ~s~qss ~I~A4iI9~ ~ Oft, ~ A~wtheJp of course little dreamed of the reh$ieub. #~ist~(&tietw~nn the 4riner Jack's ~-*hg~$ssGi~u VriS9Thiu~WF'4h~i*A~~ 44~o~; ~u~#M~3~ehftqt jiF ~ h*ina~iR more wretch4~o~ ~AoMM~WI F; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~hi~4 -p. e4p~n:ah1$Dt~t*wiw an~4~~ye4a~tft; t~hperrnh1eu~ ~ "~Iytimehas~o e ' ~81r9~flot not the only ~ 4tw-~~y M~r~~4e *v~i*M~l wish to die also. My'~tt~MW *1IPbi4~~h wel~of~5i~*~ ~d'$*hicb IohsIr.,gb!svVore~tt1t td~ ix 4, Several ~ C page: 98-99[View Page 98-99] 1 19 for the ~% ~n~wh~(th b* was so goon to undergo; but 3ack finely yet xwppp~l~~d:clhne4:..the services of that lila Aitis were too many and too great to admit hee$1ypoM~vi~ an4 th~t~i~ must ~be'cettinho benshered intb4tErnity, ~enra~ed at~Lo~the $~ats"i~'td'rittgeticy in placing hi~ frle~d ~p~sition, s~e~olv$d ~(e On. ~rening, sho~tly~ afie~k 4~ek'~ t~entence 1~1 de~tl~, Touh eii~ountered Lopea ~ ~B~o~dwny~. ~ '~Th~ ~~~nia~d sneered scornfully, and was pasuing~iI, ~when Tom artack~dhirn~With& h~vy ~c~rte' which eoari~ied, 'irflictiniginan.y ae~re~blews upon his h~d~ttcI31iQul- d~rs. 'Lopez iust~nrly dre~t ~oW4r~ f~m~his~ breast, and ~ 4e~tl.' u~ " M~' ~was immediately' appr~bended and lodged in the Tombs, iii ~~elI~d~ joiu~ing'sbat d.f Ja~t Haroki. "LWI ont bi~oughtitotria1, Lo~etdet up the pl~of self'defence in justificatioti of having killed English Treti." lied k~boena person ~f re'spectsble chai~- s~ter, this pleu~ would d~oubtles~Mve had ge~t'w~s ~it& tl~e ji~; and ~ugM ~'re uislnught~ in sbe ttsirdo;Ifotrth degree. But the Spaniard's villain~uie looks sod de~p~rate ~h&~e2cter pr~juidieod the jtay .Firi~t him, ood they fotind 'him gsilty'atmairder inthe first de~ree.: He' *~nter~ced'to be l~ung u~xiri thaiit~jt1f~~ '~Pri~t~l for th~' exe~u- tion rr ft~ old. ~h~iy~ aft9z ~is c9nvic~son, ~opez OF4E who w~s charged T~iy~w ~was, one of~a voty ,singqljt% x~$~re. . taken the lIbeity~to send for you in or* ~des~ta~faussr.P' w$th my duty," replied th~ ~ ~ho ~as a ldhd-hearted simn~ that y~tz w~ll hang ~ack~i~t~ and su~'er ~ne to executioW!" '"Youwill both be taketi~ 4t'iiir~ the jai~ard together " raid th~ ~ft sa~pnsed at this re~u~stT ~nd will ~ ropriety '~i 1ettin~ it be as yot~ desire. his~rnerewbirr~; ~ct ~ ~Aii ~ tlint'lt ~6i~ld ho grat~ifie4 ~ was sure that you would not retu*so th~ 're~uegt 6f a~dying n~ah.' ~ ~~h6tited the Sp~i~r4, ~ t~iVih~ ~berifl~ha4 t~ken his d~tu4 iti~1 a~~4~k HLrold hung. acoordingto'my j~rophec~, ~brough~huti to the gallowW ~ and I aball 4i~ ~c6n. jcnj~iLw N., H. e~rrn~ ~xxVu. AND LAST 'N'' -7--N - A mode beautiful morning ~ "ov- er seenNth~n tl~at' upon ~l~ich' ja~In Harold'an4 'Lopez 'the"~~i~ar~ ~ conde~nated to ~xpiat~ their cr~m~su~oa tI~e acaV~ld~ At nine' o'cloclc, both the prWo~ers were hro~aght out into the 1i~J ~'~h~e prisoti foi~ th~ purpose ~f ducted to the scene of exec4 iona. ~. .~ack ~nd Lopez now enco~nt~re~l e~ch~otl~erf~r The ~lrst time ~in~et~~r t~lnfinpmeuut. ' "'eli, ~Tac1s,' said ~he ~paiar~U- 'fulfilled my prjnra ase, 'you seE. I have bought you to due gaIloi~s,~nd aball n~w 'have the pleasure, you hu~ng ~" "~"H~w'~&~" ~emanded Jack.' "'The sheriff has promised n~4iat you'shall be turned %ft~ flrst,'~~aid"L~- pez, ~vithajriui." "I protest gains~ 'thai," 'rejoinieni Tack, angrily.-" fair play is a jeuse~ sJ1'tl~ie Id b~r. ~eil~~~9f th~ privilege of t1i~ rdi&nce. ~~Aa he ~ I~ .5 SftFk'5fl~th~ dollar biglP*~ tii~ and dowh if I~ll, ~with ~ rang, upon the stbn~ ~&#~'&""~' The head wa uppe~o~t-the Span iard had won. Has ~oy sud triuiap may be in~ganed. Iaok uttered a oath at his Ill luck. The Sherifi; the clergyman, an nanny others, were rdtnosses of th extraordinary scene, and eotdd not he~ feeling shocked at such an exhihitie of levity on the pait of two dying fe low creatures. The prisoners were now conducted to the jail yard, where the gaflows had been erected. Neither of them evinc- ed any emotion at the sight of this1 fearful apparatus; and Jack requested that a glass of brandy might l~e pro- cured for him, ~sayiag- "Intempera~ace was never one of my vices; but now I fear that 1 am about to take a drop *oo misc/i !" "Miserable youth !" groaned forth the fat parson-" hardened yo~mg sin- Come, come," said our hero, im- patiently interrupting the reverend gon. tieman-" don't caR me bad names, old fellow; you should endeavor to ac- quire the easy but elegant accomplish- nAnt of politebhss." The numerous spectators assembled in the jail yard were much affected on account of Jack's youth, and extreme- ly propossessing appearance. He had' dressed himself with great taste and care, in a splendid suit of broadcloth, and wore a white vest He had culti- vated a neat pair of whiskers, which added greatly to the efl~ct of his band- some couaenarce and tall, gra"eful 'A noree~66kf~llb~ ~'t~1e glae~3f1 bhnd~? ~h1cl~hMdfll8' gentlemen present, whet b~thhWlte* for thejr~ttontdaneo~ 1atlhe same time ibeggh~g" theknto bz3hm~'ferbshg be- a firm step. The rope was fastened around his neck, and he stood upon the drop, Near him, with "spectacleson nose," and hands outstretched in the most ap- proved oratorical fashion, stood the fat parson, delivering a very learned and prosy address, to which nobody listen- ed. Upon his right, were the Sheriff and two of his. officers, the former gentle- man holding in his hand a watch to mark the exact moment when the pris- oner was to be "launched into eterni- ty,"-an original phrase for which we are indebted to the newspapers. At the foot of the scaffold stood Lo' pox the Spaniard. This man surveyed alt the preparations with the deepest attention, and his villainous face wore an expression of satisfaction and tri- umph. "Good bye, Jack," said he, just aS the Sheriff was about to touch the fa. the devil !"cried our hero. The next moment the trap had fal- len from beneath his feet, tad he was suspended in the air. Hiadeath was comparatively an easy one. After a few struggles, all was over; and Jack Harold had paid the penalty of his crimes. After having hung for nearly half an hour, the body was taken down, and delivered to Mrs. Noble~ at her osmoal rea~anest She caused it to be e~lendid' TUl~ ROAD' TO RUII~. b N N' '1 I. .~ page: 100-101 (Advertisement) [View Page 100-101 (Advertisement) ] ly i~toned,~dI~ad.monument erec. W~u~eri4~kI~iar abundantly gifted with every splendid 4s? a~t~ir~I 4epkaviy~r~nder~4 tho~, taJj~pn~s Wc~rse ~ther.than wbepelit to S~i~ cop~nu~nty. 'ThIiaheI..biight V flrio~.n4jjve i~fawy ro~iowu." :t~p~'z the same gallowt' on which inca U~9li~ h~4 perished. 40$hiPg r~ip~e to add, lii ~a~ix~g J~i~ )enye of t~ie 'putdic, the au* thor J?~Qn1y $p say, that jf his hurri~Ie ~fi'orts ~ cont~ibp~~d tq the reader', entertainment-if any .ris~r~t ~s been cpn!eyedal94~ted~o b~get, a horror of viee,.and ,a fouidness for the pathss~ b~ii~esty~ad vh~tuea.a-.then dQe~ he ~ 4ert~zat ~ pages have, not b~a entirely written in vain, THE £N~ 4: ~IISU3D3T ~ederio A.. 'Bra4y, Publisher, ANN STB~ET,; ~ew York. Mail. ft4~ *w P.sse.g. .~ reui.lp~of lee I- ,* ,,~, -. jP DUXAaPWZW 3OOZS~ amid Repu~0teene* or, The Oo~- paia~ous of Jehu,~ ~ . * 50 tail fauldiu 1 ~ this g~eaI Aovolist has produced sub a w~mnderful semen. Itis all immep*~booL UYyhaI~m is ins~not wathilfe. lv incident iq fu~ of There is ~wt * Zte the Oaillotlaeg . Dumias takee up one of ~ gases thvll3iV~ii~. lealsin the world's httory-the~RrOfWY@M~ -and iaterwavel with at aetoty of the most In. t.usc1~ interesting kind. It surpaee ha ~beorb- lug fumnataoa any paiss 9VP wptten. I The Pata.. of lee.............. ttai~ is the iM..t, end, lit tha opinion otIhe' ?svluian evince, th~v everyat p Isrtsniante has not appea~d If iatnyyeti* Tb. Orange E'lunos* or, The Dride pf ge Bastale............. 50 iii admirable tale. Told ~lth eli the brflhlgney Dumiss rteogalleefl & ust book~ by t~is 4~thor of "'he Inaautee of a P4r ~ougtg ,*an~" the Marelaloness; or, A Marriage by iFIll. In this Book, its gifteil author has fat s~tp5ied.' kia world rolnewned ~'l~Oot Yo~irag Men." It 1* I ernest bi'illiant picture of the tetrlgoAb IIAI eriRli sttba#faitnastijoetofzhe Adnatat, witert flaw tinS shrIne tbeJIaasGV.aeMk@YII 4~d Cupid. ride she gsa St the Sass..' EOTKLS IT 14&DY CLAIA CAVENDISE. the Woman ~f the ~W~istId...........SC Altathtulcaset*OfaIMllY Gay Spanktr style I *1 woman, who allows nothilig to stop her In her anew of fashiozaa~ folly and d~.gip~tion In ordag is gain tt~e n~... means tp attelit ~ one of the principal ohnrg~tcre, )l~oltl, uses or esther abuses this wonderful feoult toies~n ie~s~ut~genuespiraec girl Into tL powpdf The UNworn. A TIle of Tashionahie W..... SO Tlii.. tub is foiind$ upon one qf th~ da*tot transactions that has ever 41SItW~Ot4 the blg~eet urcinsuf English fa.bionablllife. P~aiAtoanVtMlnivew~.... - 00 yafaulttuthis proluchion of lady Clhr~'s. I!ha laltess Star.~.................50 ThIs ~tory appeals eWiuply to p~"heart D asacid,' and we cannot raise ii too bigh~y. Itt tall of paesegeeuaf tbrilll1~ag deecuiptiinksll hskrl ae"ug pathos. Lady Osrondlsh's ~re also tsevA Is tboth thadiag at 11 conin a volume. .4 Oat ot the D.pt1i~. ~awW7 dl WqpM'Q .a..*~1 *.~. u'e~. WstttEatWitbi of ~ohi~ treats lose m, ~vatbufo~~ PriIPM~Tk0n everY ,oelsv ATalJ~ToUtIZ'STUbbU~Y ~erJ~. B~a JObS. U ~ Naver have we read& rkavrnuq ma, ulotb. .t:7Sctnts.VoluW~. k~awry~6ttowd g o~, The Qqulibiet~6f th~ Wise shaWP~ 3ylaokBraoe. *T~ PAs'at,. Da~ag~t4~., - ~3U~ 910it114 deofa ~8b(h~OO5~. pi~ttared, of tht fflewitere~, varied by p~t55~se of lb t~4s# 'I-, YhhOoanVe glee., oz~ The Vetesen of Na'~ 15140.. This tsePOO9 ~1I59 V..~pbeUj or, ~e Plt~Lr~tt . tariny Osmpbeli~ th.huoinejlsst#*of tqe IL~fe.~aa b~~iIi wh avers*~b, laW the Vesy .bset ~ o~r~evolu tith Wa~eI OU~ie*g osVrh$ftsatR~Qwe...~SS .Awittosltale~ fun of wild lad *. vrT.I foiiqws ~ we to ows.auiother. ~.- 4tpy4~tn~61iW by lbs ~~ns4SUl~f~ ~f * mbel~p g buy seqaetj roslasee. ~oft~ ~ or,, The * 'This stbvy, fra I ~irith ObhteMe~an5 se~mlww imposslbllitie&,h55 iknhno ~bsww4 WbI91 #iioe. 4~w)~o)a~Ve reed ti~e~14. es~eorp~?r0~a5Etd. * I, 3~ws~AiieotWS*l e,.Repsbe't W~psqgs ~ m~ U.w*e ~eof4t,,#.- ~. p w~'* C 't45 e~etw......--m- page: 102 (Advertisement) -103 (Advertisement) [View Page 102 (Advertisement) -103 (Advertisement) ] pp flEDERIC A. BRADY'S CATALO(3UK ~'S ~CEL~BRATED "MERO171tY~~' 5~N'ltJEB. Raul .~abberd~'; br ~he T4iot Spy. A Rihera. "lie waQed lbr~be return of ass tale of the men and deeds of '76. By Ned Bumit- sin. He had not long to wait. In a very line, illustrated with several full-page engravings inleates that individual came in and eanptledm by Derley. The attention of tlme reader is lcd to the gold upon time table wimich Pedro. the tilt the days ~mf the American Rvoluaion, when deeds inpra, had carried away, as well as otl or veluahi inS great 4V510i and heroism were enacted. ~naml fqund upon the murdered scamp, who had dm~s pretends to he aeldiot, end by tha~ ewans gains idly met death just when he has cons~mmmaaedl access to' the enemy's camps and repom!ts their do- villainy atid received his reward." There ing to American commanders. Saul renders much hundreds of very beautiful scenes and Imistemim service in those trying times, and was selected to Incidents in this book that only smich a wrimrr carry Intelligence so Qen.' Washington; mounting Buntlmmie could so ejegantly portray. Pmice ~O the horse of time lamented Eahan Allen, he gal- Sea Waif; or the Terror of the ()oaai loped to White Plains so thecamp where Wash- lmmgaom~ was giving ordttrs' to his' Aids. ' Saul rush- ~ Ned Buntline. J~apbellished with see full ps~ ,md into tIme presence, and seeing the Commander- Illustrations by Darley. This interesting itt le'chlef, ebouted, 'you are a man like other opens at the commencement of our Americi folks 1" The chief hastily opened the dispatch Revolution with Sea Waif being engaged, o sad. gJstl amnile illumined his couniceance. 8aul 'Phineas Cringle, as the Captain of the Tyranm Iatbp em~sioyed en pea'ilous services which he dde, a privateer. In hit fimet' adventure he sit! executes to the perfect setisfaction ~, a D'riti~h Sloop of.War, which Is escorting son faithfully rewarsishim, Sartl finally apar. helt~a dozen transports, and emaptures them e~l em Wastmlngtonwho riAs Luly the untutored child of Emathla, the brings them into port, by whiclm Cm'ingle gets sin dresri 'Ohiet of the Seminoles, but now the fully aitutadred thousand dollars ptize money. & developed and educated wmman of civilized life Waif 'makes the Tyrannicide the terror qf at Washington Is present at the wedding eat think; Brisishers end after many adventures ~s teket Saul in the Came of a Free Ooummary. Price' $026 "prmeoner. Sea Waif ~mns been picked up wIt. quite a child, by. ~o~ie fiehemmen ofi'Nantamtha The Wbite Wizard ; Or the J~rophet Shoals and is adopaed'by a hermit who nameshim of the Senmilmloles. A of' strange M~~' ~ Sd*erd Sen Waift because line is a waif of alt the South and North. 'fly 'Ned Buntline." Six sea. At the time he is fauna he finared ash, full page engravings from designs by Parbey The ' on ~n oldaea chest, wherein were number of a readers attention Is called hack a period of near. tides 'wmth' crestS upon them, which finehiny lemi ly forty years ago when Spatni 'inmates en4 to bis Identiflalesion ma Lord 'Fratmeis Egeroinn. A! Ametican lavers infested our Southern coasts; tom 'being released and exchanged he assumes hi 'when New York Merclmants, some of whoto' ~ posismop sea peer of the realm, comes back teal wallow in their gilded mansions in our faslmionablo la~d of freedom where he morales Katn, at stroett, 'were engaged In fitting out vessels to 'daughter of old Qm;ingbe and returns to Englam! ~ 11 as '~~ ,, with~b~r. All the characters in this beautiful~ catch "ulmacjt-l'mrds, 'U5 We Ii4UU ones. my have happy lives sad it finally winds ep The White Wlaard is a Caucasian, w o is le v~ng being pleased and satinstied. W htee civilizeml society with his yoummg wife and' darling everybody child of two years. They are overtaken by apt' reads this story will moat assuredly have them ft late vessel, which pour shot and ennaster at the money's worth. 'I small yacht upon which is tli~ White Wizard. A I4an-of~Wars-Man's Grudge. By Ne~ shell falls upon lIme wife' an.rl' she is' killed. Batutline. 4 romance of the Revolution. 'ft Through the aid umfeome kind fishermen he man- chase-the ligba-"4Ime baffled suitor-an almletnt1 ages to escape ~ttI~th his little yacht u~s tate of the of the olden timne-the tory-love and duty-a~ smainall tisers' on the coast of Florida, *here he falls tress and servant.-.-boquet-aete-a-aete--..eneeys lnm'wIth~ baWd of Seminoles. After consultation5 sight-Corn Bcdford~.6.crimime &nd misery-fated he is 'macopted by them as their" medicine man and Is named Ainpiaka the in~ White Medtci~e." wam'-simrprise.-..eruise-, love's strmtaegem-..-spy~ night scene In Philmtdel1,hia-fiemmd 10 They dig grave forhis murdered wi~e beneath a shape-welcome vi~itorin-4duction--strnmage 'e tall mejeella. He tiarved upon the tree, as he terview - woman's itindeesa - disclosure -mm~ sighed "'Z.o.c, l(m5t1 forevalal" one word-" Joints." tare-parole of honor-a visit~-awo villains-.e In tint. macraising, Imis hair, wlmicim wal a glossy cia! dinner-storm at sea-fight-foiled endh!~ brown, the night before, hac~'been clisagsd so a ed-five beautiful engravings by Derby. tomowy white ' Price. s..,~. .. $011 ""TIme murderers of my wIfe1 seek iniayt4eed, 'sb&y would robmeof my objid l~ paid .4.rpialpa. Stella Deiprme; or the Oaronnchr~ ",The~ lad better put their heand in the nasa ci' Dream. By Ned Buntline. A wild 'and f~meci2 the hooded Oohra then' seek my' whit~ brother story of savage life. Illmttuted 'by six full jag' among the Seminoles 1" cried Ohikika. "We engravimmys mm Derley's beSt' style. The autinmmr S will go half way to meet them I" The child Ona this Thdien tale has been exceedingay prolific 1 is stolen by one of the fishermen who turmins trait' his description of savage life as it is in oamr IV. or, and taken so Havana to Senor Ribera, wlmo is ' tern Wilds. 'This is one of the very interesinir authorisel to pay ten thousamad dollars for it. Ri- stories that Buntline sowell kninmw~ bow to wee' bern employs an assassin to kill the fisherman af- that when once time reader begins to seem ins tsr he der,~arts front Itibera's house, and take half ges he cannot leave it until he famishes its nsa *megold for his trouble aminsirmuirn the balance to -fot every page is a new scene.' Price. $~ W Oulmies of the above bookt sent tk~aa~ address in she lilnited States, free of' nos'e.g& ~' Bead Gash orders so Frederic A. 3rssly, s'mmlslishee 'to. 22 Ann Street. New-YorkT. 4 4 ' "4 & ~~M~RIC A DRAI)Y'8 CBLIBRATE1~ xUxwai--~wa~5. ~uoaia Pri~soott; or the Ourse FulfiUed. Mor~an;or ~iiitbIoVt~xo ~tale of abe Ameripen Revolution. By N~tl A ettaag6 5tOt$~of ~n;liae, We will give a shoit synopsis of its ~ Illusatod.hj l~y~* ~~ujg*li~ ~oate~4s, vi~ :~-.-curse of the dying and the ~ glarings. Th& a~iahor ~ps~ th~R~yO4S~ ah4. 04K the living-a history of wrong and dJt&olation. days of the "Moray Moet~lt~tO~r14~O,*tfad cry, for vefigeanco. Military drill an I fiiith(ully pictepes some o~ pe6*e~iioe~ *~4. We will-pulpit vera~ae pills~ A pioturo-myste. Hebrews at that9 'line. ~urg~aa~ahe hest~ef th* ,y. Rwn antI recruiting. Eihpe Allen ~ ~ plot Isa 7oung Weisi ~ (ir.~en Mountain Boy. Assault on Quebpc~-Mona. wl~aK Miriam, a young ansi ha&ntltiil 4wesi~tia. ~4EDnIery killed. B~tttle. on the lake. At home. d~ufh*er. of 8olom~n5 s~artaaua.d *4~8.louaoa Ill. Arnold in a~~tion. Hot and. eol4 blood.i~ Beinus Jew." The attentlo~ of the reader ls'eaiI~J s~ Veightp. Arnold in ~'hi1~de~phia. Arnold's Otet the ~lowlng exaraettosho* 'the sayl~ of tire are fal~t step and leads-where t Washington and thOr ha the exciting iale~aese. the, re"pm'imand. Favor asked and' grimn~ed ka' "Thoua~tt of ahosewbo believe absinthe gIoui~ cold's treason. Atin~lre's, cap~ure.'J~~e traitor's of the Holy Olty wilibe yearesived t'~ escape. ~Tlae warning of Luons. ;~ashIngton "It Is a part of em' ere~4s. Wete It t4.b~ discoversthe4treasop. 4rnold awakens to. piisery. that hope the doom of th.Hehs~e#wer~ dk,~Ia. Lance a; hoape. Terrible conclusion. Seveintil- deed! Persecuted by .11 atmema-..r ~4 Isminaratlons by Derby. Price..........$0 25 ted-they know little of joy on ~xttsl" 4 ~' All. memi~doiao; hate thy vp~ I &s~se pit, Our' Mess; ny the Pirate Hunters of the morn than ahe~h~te,"~' Gulf~ A tale of Naval heroism and wild mtdvea- ~rh1tY!'~ turn In the Tropics, by Ned Buntline. Jlbzsfta;ed ~ ~iotbI~~ck eyes of the {ew Cashed tike ross be echoed ihis word, hy five engravings by Damley. This is. one of Buntlines's Sea Romances, for which he is so, emi- bet Pity f~) she cried, 'Oire us hate and' seems, uentlyproverbial~ sadinto which line casts se apuch Cot so base a thing as'pit~ I Pity the hotand exciting Ictere$ 4Thl5 storvlsumasuapessed which howls when you .cobaWq bim.-jmity she perIloua~ad4~*e~ad NalitftaalNsausb In slave Which kisset the hemad ek~tem~iaes him but otbar auh*.K * ~ prsmsal~ald .11 suffer. exofunglaad Imeeresalmag soaa~s ia~i1sn Tom; or the 8g~er~s Seoret. in~s~'t~Z wIli a stzsada of abs A aa1~of 8hlp and Shnre.D~$edBuntline. 1l reade *s lee ?m7 hat ... .4015 lusamittad with six engpevinga' by Darbey. The ~ leader Is taken to ~ New &glttiid vllIage'eV~d Death My'stery: a Oihi~.ou 'N1o( IV. titads Mr6 Drummond on the lookout for the' ~cud~ itt 1~Ie~ York. ~ a vessel commanded by Franir, Hewlet~a most Un- mitigated rascal. Hewlett base wIfe InNAw Ytr*k grevi~gb byi)ar1ey~ FhtaIp~1*fla~ls otto tl~ circumvents the rtAai of BetRey Hunt, the dough. titoitimiterestiting w~al~s evi~ m~dby Dup:Thms.A tsr of the tavormakeeper of the village, md else woman is the be~dbr e ~& &td' urdererq hid endeavors to marry Rosajie Da~m*rornond. Poor cuti~urses ~ ~ '4l$~ta ,mmt*tt dI~~uise, so tliat'het~ owe 'l~snit I~I1 to'hah4mhw hem~ ~ Betaoy ts indticed to come to New York, where visits the gambling hell* of ~4h* I~oeki bm4ealaea the ceidmony of a mock marriage Is performed. ~ She Ia then left to her own resnurcej end after be. r Of the Fate h~al~'Ifrn4~es her bbt~uL~h.r in~ locked up ira abroahel in Mercer sareetmakes end' causes' his ruin. She .illIblt~' **'ittoMg~e. her escapeand through collusion with Miss Drurti. Ientbe~t:heae, atid ~ 'e~i~Ma ttl~ct1~Wbfrma~ mind sh~' battles, and exposes Hewlet ~ ~ I~, the ~mmpst'~,s ~readed dl' td~s. Sb. shanle. Old Drtimmond bee been art' flnglish ' 4*Niy'ofhdr sex front d~strtkeuue; anduIaal. 7amu~gbev, and the facts being k~Wn to flswlet lywja'ds'Cp by causm Ito~ *tto bed ~erectfted tries to take advantage ~f the facts to th3 ~ hem' formerly. to meet m~th~a' lloat~e, wlalbh' Is'in elaborate ~steU$shmemla in dmd&of '6urbe& 1~a~eli- parmagethent 'of Drainaprainond, an4 is fitmally in iled ~ ad~oisenIii~ theme *lth *mV~e r6I~rsiehu~*lnts, In all his attempts. '~Howlkt'~'~dnduct ex~mbsed ba, mcsa Is convicted of and s~m~4'es the stat.' in at a bal icV~Tmi'g1vee fot~ shalt mMttst~mies.. the Capacity of B~hrny Previous to t'httlfdeatlis ' Iafom~ttiW tImen~ *M'h1~. a cortvict~ Rosali Dm'ummonj is is, 'how they spurned bet with thbir'Versedttlduins, 'p~oven't&he'ahe legicitmiate hiress to an em~thl4m 7 in Bmsgband end only 'the ndopmhd m~aaughter'of and she now comtdettmWi thAbs ~ eoadlp t~lsls. Ih'ummoad. '~Fhe secret t~f Etrammmond ~O ' meent~ Price. .. ~ ...9Q'25 ~:er; Is that lie is ammpp6sed to Iminave muartlered the tiUlir J1endeks~1i' te. 'SarI l~5eborme, (the father o~ Rosalhi) when ha a 0 p had itt fact o~ily wom~id~dhi~n.. Delorete ciltrans veaI~m3. By Ned B4a4i~.. ,A 9V~'pr)t 'Itdtll4ns to Anet*a and the ~eaj s&m if Drummond mat'- a number of illustrati by Dailey, sad is tl~a rle~ tI~st~lie ammd becomes alb.rehy the heir to the antecedmmn~nf the ' st~& qra earl't ttstmattm ehd title. I'hd ~uh~islmer ceam scercely1 " ~ ~ ~ givh en otintline of ~hesn immt~irin,'~mag tales In this' fortlr~ll the mncr~;patmonp 4~r 96 cp~R~rs ape' little ntrr.lmmg~ie, hpt fitels n~smtred"that the readers ken pf4iti the ~ath'~~ys4v~, ~ma 'hsiva ~ rosa. of ttt~4s~ bricks ~ili'he .amrmp~y repaid for both line! pteta~stimatioe of th~ D~4~4yq1.v~ wlr~' al~ats ant e~en'se lint their m~madiog. Prlcm~ ,... $0 25 etmtialn~Iatc1debte the rea*~iati~ have 'a copy e~ ~an4 'the book ~il';a"t~e .. ~ Hillier. Hende~son. £sw'i~-~5~*pss. 4 e'o~ .Li.' 4 Win' Copies ot' the aiove book5 sent to any part of dine ,Um~tp4 States, 4~'ee 8ea~ Cash'orAers'~. l~re4erir~A llma4, I'aabli.h.r, Ne. 22 ~ ~~-~' ~' 7' 4 4 4" 4 4 page: 104 (Advertisement) [View Page 104 (Advertisement) ] i~ ~1'~ rREDEI3IPA. ~3ThADY'S GAThLOGUJ~. BRADY7S CELEBRATED "MEIiCURY" STQETES. 4rogsbeak ~ansiou: . A Myutery of forests of our almost boa New York, by Ned Bsuatline. , Illiastratted with elegantly delineated in this eight flail page engre.viuags by Darley. 'Ihe au- a faint outline of these tales thor and the desigas'r if the ills atokeas have work of supererogation, y~ here produced a most integrating tiud a't~Jt(tdt)IC frOm telling ~uat a little to g book of nihlety closely pianteil ~ages~ This Qross- or an idea that he is paying beak ha a retired captain and ship owner, residing twenty-five cents for sometlt: lit lIleeckea'street~ some twenty years ago-~-Gross' ten times the amount in ph bpak is one of the old4aebiohedj~hly sortof Sea- to'others.when ha Is sated dogs1 who is now enjoying life in a pleasant, ~. by a trajiper 4i*cevering that Sicaimi said chaa'isahle manner. Old Levi Martin pil~~ring from'l~'stock of ft * Is a akis4liag'merehoat and Ship-owner isa' South are safely stowed in a cid-de streeL Young Maartin, his son is introduced in He sets to-watch inthe nigi * thOse coed chapter. lois delitteated as poe of cover the thief. While he * Cree aniopeaiiieaated sailors1 who is full of pilferers, he discovers five at affection fpr his ptofessionr as well ~s the weaker with a burden from *hleh bet fair g~g' Old Msrtiai ~es tnssrried for the arise the form of a lovely yo secowal tth~;shi.irsg 4aeabsence of his Son on a tie her up in the covering, a voyage 'to the Eas~rIndios~ This Mrs Muatin, ~ ed to the bujadle cast it into- tite sequel proves Is aperf ~rske-svuca1, who with spritigs into the stream. and her mother, hats inveigled old Martin, in the ~ mar succeeds' in bringing uj of either killing llim4;hamselves or duiving him he applies friction and saima to suicide, that theytnay 'enjoy his property after' to life tagaila. She staetehes wards. Young Martha upon his return from' laib ing mercy, which the trapp long voyage during which, at Calcutta, he was lowing strait: made the Maete~by ~the American Consul, asks " Yoew safe, little woma his father wlaea'e his idateir ~s; to which 'the luther wretclaewhattve gone, and you cannot; reply, inatsmwh as the machinations of the tO' die 'liar you'! No more wife and the motlaer-in-ha~w, have tlriven her from uaQyr goh; no more clasj her pareattal aate~ '~ The~dawghter, however, has h~aids:in lespair, no more tu married 'the eb~4gn~f her choicee,. hat husband tohes~eit I,' dies tetd lea, rAhe mother of twtos, which "The girl' was assured- siart causes to be ~ast to Ma'. Groasbeak, without thatehe was iaadeed safe,, ~elhing hia~ who~thd~ are, except that the twine drowned hand, kissed stand are lapin iii h~m~est ~4~pa~k. Otosobeak receives it. There are lsesta, and *ii~l44s daughter, atyary dasteresting ~ many touci ~sa4 bpa4tiful yoaasig 1~dy i~ar~ them~ Grossbpak work1 of trapper habits and ~has two ships left, i~r~ ~f which he places under sceases atatd beautiful turns, a the comrnapd of yoa~pg ~d~gata' ~jatttiaa, who ma'aes forest every reader. Prico a great das~i ~af~ at~y11with her,~atnd he fiuially The Ratt1~snake ' or snaaTic~ ~iZ~i~ s~k 'Five sister ~af ~tIgar ' / becqsne~a ~~a5~g'5 tj 'a~ la4y who purposes ~ tear. A tale of the present king i~totar '~uuipe. "~Oa the European line. Handsomely illustrat irav!els' they 'mat~twitIa mau~'khaihhing adventures engravings by designs by D ate taken captiy~~s by '~tatlinra Banditti. The lead. story opens by the introduce or of ~ho b~igands l~epaine aa~raapsipte tiwith the of Our Navy, having intim Iwly at a ler~o soiree ipParis, and h~ ~alls despe- highly respectable Ibmily iii ratelyin love with hiea-~ lie tEen ta her well as a chester. Ashtcnt is the ace casptivnshe jp at~ta~s4e4 b the C l~ief's sisters, and band of Fluta Wiaehester, rec2iv'avs the atlalwn~ 4ne ~t ht'4~. The baigruad so the American Union, wh %s afierwardw suv~o~qdcd by' troops an4 ~a1 is slain Ashtbn resigns h~scmnmisi~h pad she ther9~y ~aa~esfpara hin~ Fia~ah1y the succeeds'isa obtaining tlaeE whole family n~eetlp, Ne~v York. and' everybody brig from ichabod Snaggs, a Ip made hnpy by ~he ~1eu9umanens. This is one This Sasagge managed t~ g of Bttntlir~ea happest takes arid ~vihl well repay a Letti~r of 4Varqpe, and with pe~ussl tWo ju~l~sher tali es much pleasure in sail* the brig from J3oston recopioseradhasjtiais series of books to the geiaeral abduct Fiuta Wjachaester on ss~der, under aa fuhi~c~in~'ictien that they will give Statte; Ihlarahal pursues the I 'general tl~f~t~n ~ '---' ~O 25 her. ~he proceeds to sea a' tures. The character of Di ~athaway; or ~,ive ~fotantaip Outlaw. A surgeon, is most graphically uda of the Nsar#hera~T'i~rapping Grorands; lay Dr. J. versatile maimer.. The read H Reldiasen. 'fliuasd~iftaliy iii ustrated witla eight full of pxciting advnp2ures~s folrpee engsaviat~. ~1~IIai rtader is iaVthis high- interest to hold him "ape1 Dy interesting ss~oi~gi4Ase tars excellent ,idtaa of end" is reached. This story 'par Amrwicaati ~insuaps*s. &ma of theta are white ing and higlaly entertaiaiing, and pthevs of that J.p~lian stamp. The thrill- sa~ioav oat the mitad, hallucin se~l excising advensuree of our heroes of the Get a copy, the Price is onl~ W 6opie~"iif '~la~ abo-velhookS seatS tofany address is the United States. free ~sad Cash orders to 1~'rederic A. Braly Publisher, No.22 Lan Straift, Now- * ~ ',"*'" V :%p;.' . . ' 'V odless oountrv I~ tory, that to give ev~,j would appear' to be'~' we catanot refrair' ive tl'.e general retad- the trifling amount of big intrinsically worth ~asure to himself aaaS The first scciie opent sonic rascal has beer irs, which he stapposee -see in the wildernaAs it but is unable to di.. s on the watch for the ion approaath a Arreart. afterward~ is Seen to ung girl. These men 0(1 with rocks fasten- a river. Tile trapper being a laardy;swim. the body, to which hunts and restores hot out her ara~s, imphot er answers In the fo4- n-~you're'eafe. The are with a n~an rend: need of nakirag fur ~in g of ithem whit,. ruin' of thats pale ~ ''5'' -she felt, she knew,' tnd seizimag the suit- dropped teat's upos aing incidents in this adventure. Graphic I of which must it,- ..~O 25 the' ~h~l 'Priv:V day; by Ned Bunt- 'ii with six full page inlay. This:be~uhifual ion of' a *jieutatnant to relatio4s with' js Boston, named W pted laitended laus ho is entirely loyal lo Ashton is a rebgl n in the Navy and nimand of a clipper sdher seseeli ~cneap from. JeW Davis - ~o± authority, A~hton on~leavoriag firt so board. Th~ United rig bait fails IA) cittstb d mneese~na'iy adroit. 'etor Unsh.ilhicus. the described lat Nee~s I ~ wilt flaid tids h4,ok' d enough scones sat ~/~Puud" uait~ii ' the is plemasang, interest- leaviiig a direct seas ting in its charRemer. . I postage ork.' a ~'5 ~' k

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